When Theresa May pitches her bid for the leadership of the Conservative Party to its members, she will do so with unprecedented support from MPs. More than half voted for her in the first round – the highest total since 1965 in a contested election without an incumbent – and more than 60% backed her in the final MPs’ round:
Sun not convinced by IDS 'black ops' claim:
IT’S increasingly clear that Andrea Leadsom lacks the experience and temperament to be our next Prime Minister.
Mrs Leadsom should have spent the weekend reflecting on the purpose of her campaign after a bruising few days.
Instead, former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith was dispatched across the UK media to accuse the Conservative Party “establishment” of waging a “black ops” operation against Leadsom’s candidacy.
This is demonstrably absurd.
It’s not a smear to check if a candidate for the biggest job in the country has embellished her CV.
Nor is it underhand for a newspaper to print words spoken by their interviewee, even if they were meant without malice.
The result of the 23 June referendum is only "advisory" and the Government should launch an independent investigation into the benefits, risks and costs of Brexit before making plans.
More than 1,000 of the barristers signed a letter to Mr Cameron saying that primary legislation will be needed before Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty - which covers how EU members can leave - can be put into use."
But only an idiot with an electoral death wish would seek to overturn the result.
It has to be May.
It has to be May.,
I wandered around
and finally found
someone like May..............
Edit: note that I am not suggesting Leadsom is the better candidate.
I think Fleet Street:
1) Genuinely think May is the better candidate
2) Think she will win and
3) Want to be on the winning side
At the moment Leadsom and her little helpers are making their job very much easier......
What is odd is not that the papers have gone after Leadsom but that none have taken a second look at the Home Secretary (apart from one critical article pulled by the Telegraph, if pb reports from Guido are to be believed). Coincidence? Surely not.
Firstly, as I think someone said on the previous thread, the public comment is a non-apology: according to the BBC, she says she deeply regrets that anyone thinks otherwise. (about not wanting motherhood to play part in the campaign).
She then farcically attacks the Times article again: " (it) said completely the opposite of what I said and believe". No, you stupid fool: it reported what you said.
There are other points, but anyone supporting her just because she supported leave (after some damascene moment in the last couple of years) is putting their own narrow views ahead of the good of the country.
Leadsom really is a Tory Corbyn.
May's just tried to make a major pitch for the centre ground on the economy but all the coverage is about Leadsom.
If she were that bad she would have been fired. In six years there are bound to be items on both sides of the ledger. There are far more positives than negatives.
Oh if you are relying on Guido to support your point it's a pretty poor show. The article in question was journalistically trash, it was a complete hatchet job and borderline libellous. Any sane editor would have taken it down.
Brave call to do so with such certainty.
Stage (Extreme) Right .... Leadsom apologises begs the Tory party to stay with her as it departs in the distance and then says :
"I'll go back to Conhome, and I'll think of some way to get the Tories back! After all, tomorrow is another day!"
And since Cameron is famously reluctant to reshuffle, longevity in itself becomes devalued. No-one is calling for IDS to be leader, even though he stayed at DWP for six years (same as May, till he resigned at the start of the referendum).
If Theresa May's record as Home Secretary has more positives than negatives, then presumably they'd have been fairly laid out in any press examination of her record -- but there has been none and that is the point.
Did you know 'Scarlett' was originally going to be called 'Pansy'......and the actress who played that drink of water, Melanie....is still very much with us:
Cheers Mr Herdson, - a leadership contest devoid of the fun and games Labour experienced with their £3 entryist will make this a very much one horse race imho.
Workers on company boards (as in Germany?) and surely this is a return to one-nation Toryism:
"If you're black, you're treated more harshly by the criminal justice system than if you're white. If you're a white, working-class boy, you're less likely than anybody else to go to university. If you're at a state school, you're less likely to reach the top professions than if you're educated privately.
"If you're a woman, you still earn less than a man. If you suffer from mental health problems, there's too often not enough help to hand. If you're young, you'll find it harder than ever before to own your own home."
She will say that "fighting these injustices is not enough", and add: "If you're from a working-class family, life is just much harder than many people in politics realise."
Mrs May will say: "These are the reasons why, under my leadership, the Conservative Party will put itself - completely, absolutely, unequivocally - at the service of working people."
If the referendum result comes to be seen by the country as a big mistake based on two huge lies by Leave should the government say 'Sorry, you have made your bed and must now lie on it.' ?
If we go down the road of 'the other side told lies - do it again' we'll never have a government.....now while that may appear superficially attractive, there is much business to be done.
The decision has been taken - time to move on.
if this is her pitch were all in trouble. She talks as if she is sharing the proceeds of growth, someone needs to tell her we need some growth in the first place.
people want affordable housing and food on the table not airy fairy notions from Oxford.
Leaked document says 2000 men allegedly assaulted 1200 German women on New Years Eve.
Re-running the referendum as it stood is not possible. Cameron's deal has lapsed. It is possible that whatever comes out of the exit deal may well be put to the country. If Article 50 has been triggered, as seems a prerequisite for formal negotiations, there may be no possibility of continued membership. It could be EEA vs Completely Out.
I'll put that to the blokes on the factory shop floor this morning and see their views.
I suspect it will entail , three f.s , two words and one meaning.
The decision on Scottish Independence has been taken, so no chance of it ever being re-run. A decision on the voting system has been taken so we're stuck with FPTP forever?
We decided to stay in the European Community (1975), so that decision should have been binding?
My mentioning the two big lies (£350m/week to NHS and much reduced immigration) was not a reason for the referendum to be re-run soon, but a possible reason why the electorate may change their mind sooner than expected. If the electorate make it clear that they want a different outcome the politicians will have to respond.
However, you seem to be being rather derogatory of the "blokes on the factory shop floor", many of whom can probably understand the arguments well. Whether they believe May is a different matter.
Guff it is.
The people she needs to appeal to in the first instance are politically engaged. At least more than most.
We've seen stateside what happens when a 'politician' eschews thoughtful policy in favour of emotional appeals to the lower socio-economic groups.
And what fantastic coverage it is:
"When Andrea Leadsom came on the phone yesterday afternoon I could tell from her voice that she’d been crying. After what had happened, the last thing she wanted was to talk to another journalist, but she agreed, with great trepidation, to speak to me as we’d planned."
(D Telegraph)
Seriously? This is the next Prime Minister of Great Britain in its greatest peacetime crisis since the War?.
Truly we have entered Looking Glass land and collectively lost our marbles.
That's how it works. But by the end of this Parliamentary Term we should be out of the EU.....if someone wants to stand in 2020 saying 'take us back in' the electorate can decide....
AIUI from comments here triggering A50 is a one way street.
oh, and thanks for the thread
They are pissed of with flower worded snake oil salesmen debating abstract points and doing nothing. Since I spend probably more time with factory workers than most people on the site I'm quite happy to tell it as it is.
The proper approach:
1) Identify the problem.
2) Characterise the problem.
3) Define several solutions.
4) Identify side-effects of the solutions.
5) Choose one (or importantly, choose not to do anything, if the side-effects of a solution are worse than the initial problem)
Corbyn's solution (and that of some on the right as well)::
1) Identify the problem.
2) Apply an ideological solution, regardless of the consequences.
3) Sit back, knowing you'll never get a chance to implement it.
We see this in (amongst others) Labour's fondness for railway renationalisation.
That's an important first step even if she's not set out the answers in this interview - but that's because it's about priority/agenda setting not solutions
I think that are all issues that need addressing not exhaustive of course - affordable housing definitely need to be up there)
Are the factory workers your own employees?
Edit: you're quite happy to tell it as you perceive it: how it is might be substantially different.
The only repetition that should be allowed on PB is that Gordon Brown was bonkers and should never have held any high office. !
I suspect the lawyers think their public image is far too complimentary, so they're trying to make it more realistic
Which do you think is a better way to go - build enough housing so that it becomes affordable for all and people stop moaning about housing , or pass loads of scoial legislation to fix "problems" declared by upper middle class do gooders on a guilt trip ?
These may be problems but there not the chief ones we face.
And when they tell me to f off I'm pretty sure they mean it. There';s not much of a perception gap.
May's well known for not taking a position on anything outside her own brief, even in Cabinet. What's her hinterland?
Not going to happen mate, get over it.
You obviously employ some very sensible fellows
Let's look at this another way. I don't have a job, I'm retired. When I did have one, it was only because the organisation chose to carve up the work in way which fitted my CV. It didn't have to (a POV whose advantages it usually quickly came to see
On a scale of 1-10 do you think these are the biggest problems facing the UK atm ?
Which do you think is a better way to go - build enough housing so that it becomes affordable for all and people stop moaning about housing , or pass loads of scoial legislation to fix "problems" declared by upper middle class do gooders on a guilt trip ?
These may be problems but there not the chief ones we face.
I'd say her list includes several top 10 problems:
1. Housing
2. WWC male educational attainment (I disagree with the emphasis on university but she's identified a real problem)
3. Equal treatment in the criminal justice system - critical to create an integrated society
4. Mental health - may be this isn't as important an issue to most people, but our treatment of the mentally ill is shameful
If she addresses those 4 issues and does nothing else she will have been a fantastic PM in my view. Which do you regard as unimportant?