In this week’s edition Keiran is joined by Rob Vance and Leo Barasi, where they discuss the latest EU polls – is Leave catching up? Keiran argues Leave should focus on immigration whilst Rob and Leo disagree The also discuss the next Tory leader, is Michael Gove King or Kingmaker?
"Mr Cameron was all in favour of the UK - and said that he believed it would "thrive outside the EU". Mr Cameron speaks with forked tongue."
I am at a loss of Cameron's pronouncements. He has sad so many mutually contradictory things (and on occasions behaved in a way that give the lie to what he has said) that he has, for me, no credibility left at all. I now believe the man to be a shameless liar who will say anything for short term advantage and who cares for nothing but his own advantage.
He is a blot on the body politic and the sooner he is consigned to the dustbin of history (preferably taking that incompetent clown Osborne with him) the better.
Voting papers sent to EU nationals in error.
A focus on the proportion of graduates in telephone versus online surveys.
Also the importance of age and wealth on turnout as well as terminal education age.
"They refused to confirm the number of people affected but said in two separate councils a total of seven people were given ballot papers when they shouldn't have been."
"Let's party like it's 1958!"
And why not? A particularly good vintage
And the nesting's messed up!
While agreeing that the UK is not a major power (but it is still a regional one with an international voice), I don't see the logic of Israel ranking as a major power when the UK does not.
@MrHarryCole: Vote Leave source told Sun 'there is water pouring through the ceiling' and it could be days before they get back in
With three weeks to go to the day until we vote lets hope for those of us that support Leave that Winston Churchills famous quote referencing the sneering comment made by "French Marshal Philippe Pétain, future leader of the collaborationist Vichy French government who was convinced that Germany would successfully invade Britain as it had done France" was a quote that we can again repeat, in which history will repeat itself, and England will be free at last from the clutches of the EU, with leaders like Hollande and the Spanish President, saying there will be consequences, Obama saying get to the back of the queue and Merkel sneering from the sidelines, lets hope the British people resolve to prove them wrong, and dare them to ring our neck - "some chicken, some neck!"
Great work, council. Less healthiness, less exercise, no money gained for the council.
FeersumEnjineeya said
"The "ever closer union" "bollox" is exactly what we signed up for. It's there, right at the start of the Treaty of Rome setting the basis for the EEC that we subsequently joined. We (or, at least, anyone who could read) were promised ever closer union, and that's exactly what we've been getting. You can hardly blame the EU if we've got cold feet since then."
No. We have continually been told by British politicians that Ever Closer Union was exactly what we were not signing up to. Now people like me have beensaying for the last 2 decades that that is what we are going to get but we have been continuously told by successive Prime Ministers that it is not.
So if you are saying the British public should have realised that we were being continuously lied to about the direction of the EU and should have listened to those who were being called lunatics and extremists for pointing out what the treaty of Rome and every other Treaty since has made explicit then I would agree with you.
Unfortunately the liars are still at it - on these very pages indeed - swearing blind that Ever Closer Union is not the aim and that we are just scaremongering. There has been no 'getting cold feet' just decades of propaganda designed to deny the basic facts about the EU. Thankfully it seems people might be waking up to that now.
Consider: all but one of this year's 26 Eurovision songs were sung either partly or wholly in English.
Israel has no ability to project power beyond its neighbours, and it has no leverage over US policy other than when the US already agrees with it. Witness the Iranian nuclear deal, being told to (and obeying) sit out both Gulf Wars, etc...
While Britain's power to influence the US is rapidly diminishing, and the 'special relationship' is now a misnomer, Its influence on US policy is still far greater than Israel's on a far broader slate of issues of more critical importance to the US globally.^tfw
- notable that The Times readers lean towards Remain and Telegraph readers are only modestly Leavers, and for most of the other papers except the Guardian it's not as clear-cut as you might expect. Conversely there's only a relatively modest Remain lead in the AB category.
Considering the damage that was being done and the fact that the Council would have had to increase charges to the local residents because of huge numbers of people taking part I am inclined to say well done to the Council.
If I am reading the chart correctly, this would imply that around 4% of UKIP are for remain, or 8% are don't know/abstain.
Rather headscratching to think of why they vote Kipper though!
Wonder what Hercules Poirot thinks....
Presumably there is considerable overlap in those various demographics.
What about an AB Con voter in the South who reads the Daily Mail aged 65+,
How do we sum these parts?
Meanwhile after being threatened by Frau Merkel I am beggining to think that the person behind the Halt ze German Advance poster on the M40 had a point.
We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall vote leave on the beaches, we shall vote leave on the landing grounds, we shall vote leave in the fields and in the streets, we shall vote leave in the hills; we shall never surrender.
I remember a vox pop on Radio 5 about 15 years ago where a Lib Dem voter somewhere crossly announced she was voting Lib Dem because "they're the only ones who stand up to Europe". Sometimes you have to just concede that some voters aren't terribly well informed.
Cheer up, DavidL - you've got me as well as Casino R.
I'm in direct opposition to the party I've supported as a member and activist for 35 years and perhaps my "yellow brick road" has come to a parting of the ways...
By the way, even more worrying for me is CR's ideal vision of the future as posted earlier is exactly the same as mine so there you go !!
The times, they are a changin, as Mr Zimmerman once informed us.
Perhaps that's why they lost so badly in 2015.
Voters found out what the lib dems stood for!
On an only-slightly-related note, this split also correlates to the greatest Lab>Con and vice versa movements over the last 25 years or so.
I don't accuse the Conservatives on here of wanting to privatise their grandparents, sell babies and condemn the poor to a lifetime of indentured servitude.
That just wouldn't be right...
Seriously, thanks for the kind compliment :-)