Where evil baby eating leavers go round to remainers houses and hunt their poodles because they are French.
As a side note onsidering the leave campaign is led by the tory right and UKIP is this Remain campaign helping Cameron to finish detoxification of the Tories? Hmmmmmm. Probably not given how badly the Tories did in Sothern English cities at the local elections including cities that are quite middle class like Cambridge, Oxford and Norwich.
How will the U be split up for the referendum. At what level are counts being reported? Is it parliamentary constituencies, European parliament constituencies or something different?
It would be interesting to know where people think turnout will be highest. My sense is that the further north you go in England the fewer people will vote and that London will have the biggest turnout of all, with the SE and East Anglia battling it out for second, and Scotland coming in fourth. Lowest turnout will be in the North East and the North West.
How will the U be split up for the referendum. At what level are counts being reported? Is it parliamentary constituencies, European parliament constituencies or something different?
It would be interesting to know where people think turnout will be highest. My sense is that the further north you go in England the fewer people will vote and that London will have the biggest turnout of all, with the SE and East Anglia battling it out for second, and Scotland coming in fourth. Lowest turnout will be in the North East and the North West.
How will the U be split up for the referendum. At what level are counts being reported? Is it parliamentary constituencies, European parliament constituencies or something different?
It would be interesting to know where people think turnout will be highest. My sense is that the further north you go in England the fewer people will vote and that London will have the biggest turnout of all, with the SE and East Anglia battling it out for second, and Scotland coming in fourth. Lowest turnout will be in the North East and the North West.
How will the U be split up for the referendum. At what level are counts being reported? Is it parliamentary constituencies, European parliament constituencies or something different?
It would be interesting to know where people think turnout will be highest. My sense is that the further north you go in England the fewer people will vote and that London will have the biggest turnout of all, with the SE and East Anglia battling it out for second, and Scotland coming in fourth. Lowest turnout will be in the North East and the North West.
How will the U be split up for the referendum. At what level are counts being reported? Is it parliamentary constituencies, European parliament constituencies or something different?
It would be interesting to know where people think turnout will be highest. My sense is that the further north you go in England the fewer people will vote and that London will have the biggest turnout of all, with the SE and East Anglia battling it out for second, and Scotland coming in fourth. Lowest turnout will be in the North East and the North West.
How will the U be split up for the referendum. At what level are counts being reported? Is it parliamentary constituencies, European parliament constituencies or something different?
It would be interesting to know where people think turnout will be highest. My sense is that the further north you go in England the fewer people will vote and that London will have the biggest turnout of all, with the SE and East Anglia battling it out for second, and Scotland coming in fourth. Lowest turnout will be in the North East and the North West.
Will it count on the evening, or will we have to wait until the next day?
Counting as soon as the ballots close
Counting of the votes at the EU referendum will take place overnight, the Chief Counting Officer, who is also the Chair of the Electoral Commission, has today (12 November) confirmed.
How will the U be split up for the referendum. At what level are counts being reported? Is it parliamentary constituencies, European parliament constituencies or something different?
It would be interesting to know where people think turnout will be highest. My sense is that the further north you go in England the fewer people will vote and that London will have the biggest turnout of all, with the SE and East Anglia battling it out for second, and Scotland coming in fourth. Lowest turnout will be in the North East and the North West.
Will it count on the evening, or will we have to wait until the next day?
Counting as soon as the ballots close
Counting of the votes at the EU referendum will take place overnight, the Chief Counting Officer, who is also the Chair of the Electoral Commission, has today (12 November) confirmed.
I know someone whose car broke down near a dogging spot.
Was he looking for badgers?
It was rural North Yorkshire, so very poor mobile signal, he was trying to get home.
He didn't know it was a dogging hot spot, as it was late evening, he left his lights on, which apparently is a signal in the dogging community that you wish to participate, and not view.
How will the U be split up for the referendum. At what level are counts being reported? Is it parliamentary constituencies, European parliament constituencies or something different?
It would be interesting to know where people think turnout will be highest. My sense is that the further north you go in England the fewer people will vote and that London will have the biggest turnout of all, with the SE and East Anglia battling it out for second, and Scotland coming in fourth. Lowest turnout will be in the North East and the North West.
Will it count on the evening, or will we have to wait until the next day?
Counting as soon as the ballots close
Counting of the votes at the EU referendum will take place overnight, the Chief Counting Officer, who is also the Chair of the Electoral Commission, has today (12 November) confirmed.
How will the U be split up for the referendum. At what level are counts being reported? Is it parliamentary constituencies, European parliament constituencies or something different?
It would be interesting to know where people think turnout will be highest. My sense is that the further north you go in England the fewer people will vote and that London will have the biggest turnout of all, with the SE and East Anglia battling it out for second, and Scotland coming in fourth. Lowest turnout will be in the North East and the North West.
Will it count on the evening, or will we have to wait until the next day?
Counting as soon as the ballots close
Counting of the votes at the EU referendum will take place overnight, the Chief Counting Officer, who is also the Chair of the Electoral Commission, has today (12 November) confirmed.
How will the U be split up for the referendum. At what level are counts being reported? Is it parliamentary constituencies, European parliament constituencies or something different?
It would be interesting to know where people think turnout will be highest. My sense is that the further north you go in England the fewer people will vote and that London will have the biggest turnout of all, with the SE and East Anglia battling it out for second, and Scotland coming in fourth. Lowest turnout will be in the North East and the North West.
Will it count on the evening, or will we have to wait until the next day?
A great question. I've been appalled by the recent trends to morning counts, so let's hope for on the night.
Morning quotes are rubbish and should be banned for all elections. The London mayoral vote is by far the worst – even though everyone knows the result hours earlier, they officially declare when everyone is either fast asleep or drunk on the Friday night. Shambolic.
How will the U be split up for the referendum. At what level are counts being reported? Is it parliamentary constituencies, European parliament constituencies or something different?
It would be interesting to know where people think turnout will be highest. My sense is that the further north you go in England the fewer people will vote and that London will have the biggest turnout of all, with the SE and East Anglia battling it out for second, and Scotland coming in fourth. Lowest turnout will be in the North East and the North West.
Will it count on the evening, or will we have to wait until the next day?
A great question. I've been appalled by the recent trends to morning counts, so let's hope for on the night.
Morning quotes are rubbish and should be banned for all elections. The London mayoral vote is by far the worst – even though everyone knows the result hours earlier, they officially declare when everyone is either fast asleep or drunk on the Friday night. Shambolic.
How will the U be split up for the referendum. At what level are counts being reported? Is it parliamentary constituencies, European parliament constituencies or something different?
It would be interesting to know where people think turnout will be highest. My sense is that the further north you go in England the fewer people will vote and that London will have the biggest turnout of all, with the SE and East Anglia battling it out for second, and Scotland coming in fourth. Lowest turnout will be in the North East and the North West.
Will it count on the evening, or will we have to wait until the next day?
A great question. I've been appalled by the recent trends to morning counts, so let's hope for on the night.
Morning quotes are rubbish and should be banned for all elections. The London mayoral vote is by far the worst – even though everyone knows the result hours earlier, they officially declare when everyone is either fast asleep or drunk on the Friday night. Shambolic.
Jobabob !
Welcome back !
Despite being around for a while, I have a terrible memory of old timers
How will the U be split up for the referendum. At what level are counts being reported? Is it parliamentary constituencies, European parliament constituencies or something different?
It would be interesting to know where people think turnout will be highest. My sense is that the further north you go in England the fewer people will vote and that London will have the biggest turnout of all, with the SE and East Anglia battling it out for second, and Scotland coming in fourth. Lowest turnout will be in the North East and the North West.
Will it count on the evening, or will we have to wait until the next day?
A great question. I've been appalled by the recent trends to morning counts, so let's hope for on the night.
Morning quotes are rubbish and should be banned for all elections. The London mayoral vote is by far the worst – even though everyone knows the result hours earlier, they officially declare when everyone is either fast asleep or drunk on the Friday night. Shambolic.
Jobabob !
Welcome back !
Thanks. I had to reverse my name as vanilla won't let me sign in as Bobajob for some reason. But it is I, LeClerc.
How will the U be split up for the referendum. At what level are counts being reported? Is it parliamentary constituencies, European parliament constituencies or something different?
It would be interesting to know where people think turnout will be highest. My sense is that the further north you go in England the fewer people will vote and that London will have the biggest turnout of all, with the SE and East Anglia battling it out for second, and Scotland coming in fourth. Lowest turnout will be in the North East and the North West.
Will it count on the evening, or will we have to wait until the next day?
A great question. I've been appalled by the recent trends to morning counts, so let's hope for on the night.
Morning quotes are rubbish and should be banned for all elections. The London mayoral vote is by far the worst – even though everyone knows the result hours earlier, they officially declare when everyone is either fast asleep or drunk on the Friday night. Shambolic.
Jobabob !
Welcome back !
Thanks. I had to reverse my name as vanilla won't let me sign in as Bobajob for some reason. But it is I, LeClerc.
I was wondering "who the bloody hell is jobabob" LOL!
How will the U be split up for the referendum. At what level are counts being reported? Is it parliamentary constituencies, European parliament constituencies or something different?
It would be interesting to know where people think turnout will be highest. My sense is that the further north you go in England the fewer people will vote and that London will have the biggest turnout of all, with the SE and East Anglia battling it out for second, and Scotland coming in fourth. Lowest turnout will be in the North East and the North West.
Will it count on the evening, or will we have to wait until the next day?
Counting as soon as the ballots close
Counting of the votes at the EU referendum will take place overnight, the Chief Counting Officer, who is also the Chair of the Electoral Commission, has today (12 November) confirmed.
Should make things exciting on the Thursday night, hopefully!
We won't be having an exit poll, but we will probably have an indication of what the final result will be by 2-3am.
All major elections should be
a) counted overnight b) exit polled
No wonder people are bored with politics. When we do have a decent race, nothing happens for several hours and we declare in the middle of the night. The London mayor poll was a new low.
Mr. Jobabob, ah, my mistake. Still, that puts you one up on Mr. Eagles, who also knows nothing about classical history but is under the misapprehension that he does
I agree entirely on overnight counts. Waiting is ridiculous.
5/20-5/22 2016 North Carolina President Trump 43% Clinton 41% PPP
Moving back to the GOP column (it'll actually go to TCTC in my sheet)
If Trump wins just 4 more states than Romney, he's in. FL, PA, NV, CO...
That's a very big 'just'. Those states are going to be very hard for him to win. Hillary will win the college handily precisely because of the demographics in the states you cite.
No surprise he is ahead in NC – it's hardly core blue territory.
How will the U be split up for the referendum. At what level are counts being reported? Is it parliamentary constituencies, European parliament constituencies or something different?
It would be interesting to know where people think turnout will be highest. My sense is that the further north you go in England the fewer people will vote and that London will have the biggest turnout of all, with the SE and East Anglia battling it out for second, and Scotland coming in fourth. Lowest turnout will be in the North East and the North West.
Will it count on the evening, or will we have to wait until the next day?
Counting as soon as the ballots close
Counting of the votes at the EU referendum will take place overnight, the Chief Counting Officer, who is also the Chair of the Electoral Commission, has today (12 November) confirmed.
He should bloody well tell all councils that they should count overnight for all elections.
Bristol, had 3 counts, firstly for PCC - Friday morning declaration about lunchtime. Secondly, Mayoral Election Count - Saturday, with afternoon declaration. Finally, City Council Election Count - Sunday, with late afternoon declaration.
How will the U be split up for the referendum. At what level are counts being reported? Is it parliamentary constituencies, European parliament constituencies or something different?
It would be interesting to know where people think turnout will be highest. My sense is that the further north you go in England the fewer people will vote and that London will have the biggest turnout of all, with the SE and East Anglia battling it out for second, and Scotland coming in fourth. Lowest turnout will be in the North East and the North West.
Will it count on the evening, or will we have to wait until the next day?
Counting as soon as the ballots close
Counting of the votes at the EU referendum will take place overnight, the Chief Counting Officer, who is also the Chair of the Electoral Commission, has today (12 November) confirmed.
Should make things exciting on the Thursday night, hopefully!
We won't be having an exit poll, but we will probably have an indication of what the final result will be by 2-3am.
No exit poll? What a load of pony, we'll be sat here twiddling our thumbs for ages until the first results start coming in. Is there a list of hoped for declaration times yet?
5/20-5/22 2016 North Carolina President Trump 43% Clinton 41% PPP
Moving back to the GOP column (it'll actually go to TCTC in my sheet)
If Trump wins just 4 more states than Romney, he's in. FL, PA, NV, CO...
That's a very big 'just'. Those states are going to be very hard for him to win. Hillary will win the college handily precisely because of the demographics in the states you cite.
No surprise he is ahead in NC – it's hardly core blue territory.
Florida and Pennsylvania are must wins.
Ohio and one of New Hampshire or Iowa gets him over the line.
5/20-5/22 2016 North Carolina President Trump 43% Clinton 41% PPP
Moving back to the GOP column (it'll actually go to TCTC in my sheet)
If Trump wins just 4 more states than Romney, he's in. FL, PA, NV, CO...
That's a very big 'just'. Those states are going to be very hard for him to win. Hillary will win the college handily precisely because of the demographics in the states you cite.
No surprise he is ahead in NC – it's hardly core blue territory.
The first two are already within striking distance (1% median DEM leads, currently), and PA definitely seems to be trending GOP. No polls in the latter two. Surely Trump must have some better prospect in Nevada? It was his first blowout victory in the primaries...
"If Remain wins, it's clear the UK just can't get enough of the EU."
Mr Eagles. I agree. If Remain win, then Remainers should support further integration because it's what they are voting for.
That's where it varies from the Scottish Referendum. Winning meant a little more devolution.
Remain winning means less independence, a rump Parliament, a common currency, a European army, and a European defence policy. There's no pretence, but they just don't say it out loud.
Well done for your honesty.
Come off it. Surely you realise this is just scaremongering cobblers, and just as bad as Osborne's dodgy reports?
What would you have said in 1975 if someone had suggested to you then that the EU and Britain's participation would be at the stage they are now in 2016 without a further public vote? 'Scaremongering cobblers' is quite near the mark in my estimation.
There's a big difference between distant clairvoyancy and a prediction of what is reasonably foreseeable in the short to medium term.
If I vote to Remain, it will in no circumstances be a "In - for ever, without further consultation and as far as the EU federalists want to take us", and I still fully expect a radical reshaping of the EU at some point in the not too distant future, which gives us our opportunity then to forge something new and exciting and very much in our own interests.
"If Remain wins, it's clear the UK just can't get enough of the EU."
Mr Eagles. I agree. If Remain win, then Remainers should support further integration because it's what they are voting for.
That's where it varies from the Scottish Referendum. Winning meant a little more devolution.
Remain winning means less independence, a rump Parliament, a common currency, a European army, and a European defence policy. There's no pretence, but they just don't say it out loud.
Well done for your honesty.
Come off it. Surely you realise this is just scaremongering cobblers, and just as bad as Osborne's dodgy reports?
What would you have said in 1975 if someone had suggested to you then that the EU and Britain's participation would be at the stage they are now in 2016 without a further public vote? 'Scaremongering cobblers' is quite near the mark in my estimation.
There's a big difference between distant clairvoyancy and a prediction of what is reasonably foreseeable in the short to medium term.
If I vote to Remain, it will in no circumstances be a "In - for ever, without further consultation and as far as the EU federalists want to take us", and I still fully expect a radical reshaping of the EU at some point in the not too distant future, which gives us our opportunity then to forge something new and exciting and very much in our own interests.
Pardon me if that seems like a triumph of hope over experience.
5/20-5/22 2016 North Carolina President Trump 43% Clinton 41% PPP
Moving back to the GOP column (it'll actually go to TCTC in my sheet)
If Trump wins just 4 more states than Romney, he's in. FL, PA, NV, CO...
That's a very big 'just'. Those states are going to be very hard for him to win. Hillary will win the college handily precisely because of the demographics in the states you cite.
No surprise he is ahead in NC – it's hardly core blue territory.
Florida and Pennsylvania are must wins.
Ohio and one of New Hampshire or Iowa gets him over the line.
Yes and that route will be too much for him.
Even if there were an election tomorrow, Hillary would win handily in the electoral college, and she is at just about her lowest ebb right now, as a consequence of having to continue to fight a zombie candidate in Sanders, who cannot win but will persist until the bitter end on June 7.
Post-that Hillary will get a bounce as many of the Sandernistas come to realise that she is by far the lesser of two evils (to their way of thinking).
The best thing Hillary can do for herself after her inevitable victory on June 7 is have a couple of weeks' rest. Not that she will!
How will the U be split up for the referendum. At what level are counts being reported? Is it parliamentary constituencies, European parliament constituencies or something different?
It would be interesting to know where people think turnout will be highest. My sense is that the further north you go in England the fewer people will vote and that London will have the biggest turnout of all, with the SE and East Anglia battling it out for second, and Scotland coming in fourth. Lowest turnout will be in the North East and the North West.
Will it count on the evening, or will we have to wait until the next day?
Counting as soon as the ballots close
Counting of the votes at the EU referendum will take place overnight, the Chief Counting Officer, who is also the Chair of the Electoral Commission, has today (12 November) confirmed.
Should make things exciting on the Thursday night, hopefully!
We won't be having an exit poll, but we will probably have an indication of what the final result will be by 2-3am.
No exit poll? What a load of pony, we'll be sat here twiddling our thumbs for ages until the first results start coming in. Is there a list of hoped for declaration times yet?
Well, last week I was convinced remain were romping home to victory, and this week I'm left feeling leave are still firmly in the race. One thing I'm not too sure on is the supposed move of the elderly to remain- I was always under the impression this demographic in particular despised all things EU.
P.s. just seen Osbornes leadership qualities polling vs Boris (yougov). They are appalling.
Well, last week I was convinced remain were romping home to victory, and this week I'm left feeling leave are still firmly in the race. One thing I'm not too sure on is the supposed move of the elderly to remain- I was always under the impression this demographic in particular despised all things EU.
P.s. just seen Osbornes leadership qualities polling vs Boris (yougov). They are appalling.
I'm not surprised there has been little comment about how Boris is the most trusted on the EU and Cameron the least and the implications for acccuracy of the opinion polls.
Well, last week I was convinced remain were romping home to victory, and this week I'm left feeling leave are still firmly in the race. One thing I'm not too sure on is the supposed move of the elderly to remain- I was always under the impression this demographic in particular despised all things EU.
P.s. just seen Osbornes leadership qualities polling vs Boris (yougov). They are appalling.
I'm not surprised there has been little comment about how Boris is the most trusted on the EU and Cameron the least and the implications for acccuracy of the opinion polls.
"If Remain wins, it's clear the UK just can't get enough of the EU."
Mr Eagles. I agree. If Remain win, then Remainers should support further integration because it's what they are voting for.
That's where it varies from the Scottish Referendum. Winning meant a little more devolution.
Remain winning means less independence, a rump Parliament, a common currency, a European army, and a European defence policy. There's no pretence, but they just don't say it out loud.
Well done for your honesty.
Come off it. Surely you realise this is just scaremongering cobblers, and just as bad as Osborne's dodgy reports?
What would you have said in 1975 if someone had suggested to you then that the EU and Britain's participation would be at the stage they are now in 2016 without a further public vote? 'Scaremongering cobblers' is quite near the mark in my estimation.
There's a big difference between distant clairvoyancy and a prediction of what is reasonably foreseeable in the short to medium term.
If I vote to Remain, it will in no circumstances be a "In - for ever, without further consultation and as far as the EU federalists want to take us", and I still fully expect a radical reshaping of the EU at some point in the not too distant future, which gives us our opportunity then to forge something new and exciting and very much in our own interests.
Mr. Sykes, there are those of us who have heard all that reform business before. Right from Heath's, "there will be no loss of sovereignty" in 1972, through Major's subsidiarity "decisions will be made at the the lowest appropriate level" and all the crap that Blair came up with. Yes the EU, as it now is, has reformed and reshaped itself over the decades but only in one direction - ever closer union. And why should it not - it is written into the founding treaty.
The idea that there will at some point in the not to distant future be a radical reshaping of the EU that will forge something new and exciting and in the UK's interest I find laughable.
Vote to remain in if you wish to continue on the current trajectory, and there are honest arguments to be had in favour of that, or out if you want the Uk to become again a self governing Nation, but please do not fool yourself that that the EU is likely to in anyway change direction.
"If Remain wins, it's clear the UK just can't get enough of the EU."
Mr Eagles. I agree. If Remain win, then Remainers should support further integration because it's what they are voting for.
That's where it varies from the Scottish Referendum. Winning meant a little more devolution.
Remain winning means less independence, a rump Parliament, a common currency, a European army, and a European defence policy. There's no pretence, but they just don't say it out loud.
Well done for your honesty.
Come off it. Surely you realise this is just scaremongering cobblers, and just as bad as Osborne's dodgy reports?
What would you have said in 1975 if someone had suggested to you then that the EU and Britain's participation would be at the stage they are now in 2016 without a further public vote? 'Scaremongering cobblers' is quite near the mark in my estimation.
There's a big difference between distant clairvoyancy and a prediction of what is reasonably foreseeable in the short to medium term.
If I vote to Remain, it will in no circumstances be a "In - for ever, without further consultation and as far as the EU federalists want to take us", and I still fully expect a radical reshaping of the EU at some point in the not too distant future, which gives us our opportunity then to forge something new and exciting and very much in our own interests.
Mr. Sykes, there are those of us who have heard all that reform business before. Right from Heath's, "there will be no loss of sovereignty" in 1972, through Major's subsidiarity "decisions will be made at the the lowest appropriate level" and all the crap that Blair came up with. Yes the EU, as it now is, has reformed and reshaped itself over the decades but only in one direction - ever closer union. And why should it not - it is written into the founding treaty.
The idea that there will at some point in the not to distant future be a radical reshaping of the EU that will forge something new and exciting and in the UK's interest I find laughable.
Vote to remain in if you wish to continue on the current trajectory, and there are honest arguments to be had in favour of that, or out if you want the Uk to become again a self governing Nation, but please do not fool yourself that that the EU is likely to in anyway change direction.
So the trend is a few don't knows have decided remain (opposite to above)
Orb phone polls which Lynton Crosby Waxes Lyrical about in the last month
55 42 03 55 40 05 51 43 06
So the trend is a few don't knows have decided to remain.
Yougov online in the last month
41 41 13 44 40 12 38 40 16 42 40 13 41 42 13
The trend here is that 1% of leavers have been vaporised (in reality roundup issues and the result today is exactly the same as a month ago.
After all the fear, monstering of Boris, getting POTUS the IMF and heaven knows what else to threaten us with everything from immediate bankruptcy, armageddon and a plague of frogs (alright I made the French Immigrants bit up) the polls have basically moved not an inch.
Looks like people have made their mind up about the EU, are getting on with their lives and could not give a fig what call me Dave or anyone else think.
As the polls are so divergent between phone and online what we don't actually know is what the actual split is.
However with remainers likely to be less passionate about it, the fact that the remain campaign is making no ground whatsoever is not a good sign that they are inspiring people to turn up at the polling station let alone vote for remain.
BBC lead headline: "Brexit could extend austerity - IFS"
Extend it?
Did it ever actually start?
I must have a different understanding of the word "austere" than the IFS and BBC.....
It's true that there hasn't been any. Austerity/Debt reduction is one of the Great Political Myths of our times. Ozzy is a genius for getting away with it!
..... However with remainers likely to be less passionate about it, the fact that the remain campaign is making no ground whatsoever is not a good sign that they are inspiring people to turn up at the polling station let alone vote for remain.
Opinium has it 51% Remain 34% Leave in London, 60 40 excluding don't knows but only 44% Remain 40% Leave UK wide
How can polls still be showing REMAIN with only a 4% lead given the onslaught the Establishment has unleashed on LEAVE?
Betfair out to 6 now on Leave, and 55-60% Remain band now down to 3. Clearly people believe the phone polls in preference to online.
People believe what they want to believe
Also the more wealthy you are the more pro EU you are likely to be and the more wealthy you are the more spare cash you have to invest in turf accountants.
Opinium has it 51% Remain 34% Leave in London, 60 40 excluding don't knows but only 44% Remain 40% Leave UK wide
How can polls still be showing REMAIN with only a 4% lead given the onslaught the Establishment has unleashed on LEAVE?
Betfair out to 6 now on Leave, and 55-60% Remain band now down to 3. Clearly people believe the phone polls in preference to online.
Leave have made no progress. It's a lock for Remain – most DKs will break for the status quo or just won't turn out. As most influencers (educational elite etc) are Remainers, that will crush Leave beyond the point of no return.
Well, last week I was convinced remain were romping home to victory, and this week I'm left feeling leave are still firmly in the race. One thing I'm not too sure on is the supposed move of the elderly to remain- I was always under the impression this demographic in particular despised all things EU.
P.s. just seen Osbornes leadership qualities polling vs Boris (yougov). They are appalling.
I'm not surprised there has been little comment about how Boris is the most trusted on the EU and Cameron the least and the implications for acccuracy of the opinion polls.
One of those uncomfortable truths which the main broadcast media have rarely mentioned. If it continues it will eventually be recognised and Cameron will find that all the media has turned against him. Call it the tipping point. Extraordinary (as Plato has said) how far Cameron's reputation has fallen. Almost Ratner levels.
@faisalislam: WTO boss: "pretty much all" UK global trade has to be negotiated post Brexit. Brits "will have to pay" £9bn tariffs: https://t.co/bdhF0cxE6u
Who would worry what some clown who could not organise a piss up in a brewery said. WTO is crap, more jobs for the boys quango, the loser will be bricking it that his easy money will be affected..
Well, last week I was convinced remain were romping home to victory, and this week I'm left feeling leave are still firmly in the race. One thing I'm not too sure on is the supposed move of the elderly to remain- I was always under the impression this demographic in particular despised all things EU.
P.s. just seen Osbornes leadership qualities polling vs Boris (yougov). They are appalling.
I'm not surprised there has been little comment about how Boris is the most trusted on the EU and Cameron the least and the implications for acccuracy of the opinion polls.
One of those uncomfortable truths which the main broadcast media have rarely mentioned. If it continues it will eventually be recognised and Cameron will find that all the media has turned against him. Call it the tipping point. Extraordinary (as Plato has said) how far Cameron's reputation has fallen. Almost Ratner levels.
You can agree with someone without trusting them. How many Tories would say they trust Corbyn on the EU?
As a side note onsidering the leave campaign is led by the tory right and UKIP is this Remain campaign helping Cameron to finish detoxification of the Tories? Hmmmmmm. Probably not given how badly the Tories did in Sothern English cities at the local elections including cities that are quite middle class like Cambridge, Oxford and Norwich.
It would be interesting to know where people think turnout will be highest. My sense is that the further north you go in England the fewer people will vote and that London will have the biggest turnout of all, with the SE and East Anglia battling it out for second, and Scotland coming in fourth. Lowest turnout will be in the North East and the North West.
Pollsters have been known to contact their solicitors with posts like yours.
Counting of the votes at the EU referendum will take place overnight, the Chief Counting Officer, who is also the Chair of the Electoral Commission, has today (12 November) confirmed.
He didn't know it was a dogging hot spot, as it was late evening, he left his lights on, which apparently is a signal in the dogging community that you wish to participate, and not view.
UK European Union Referendum
Remain in the EU 41% Leave the EU 41%
YouGov/The Times
Can we have some "Leave" leads in the polling ta
Welcome back !
Seconded the welcome!
I also have a broken memory. I'm reasonably sure a 'bob' of some variety was the chap who knew a lot about classical history. Was that you, perchance?
a) counted overnight
b) exit polled
No wonder people are bored with politics. When we do have a decent race, nothing happens for several hours and we declare in the middle of the night. The London mayor poll was a new low.
2016 North Carolina President
Trump 43% Clinton 41%
Moving back to the GOP column (it'll actually go to TCTC in my sheet)
If Trump wins just 4 more states than Romney, he's in. FL, PA, NV, CO...
I agree entirely on overnight counts. Waiting is ridiculous.
No surprise he is ahead in NC – it's hardly core blue territory.
What a load of pony, we'll be sat here twiddling our thumbs for ages until the first results start coming in.
Is there a list of hoped for declaration times yet?
Ohio and one of New Hampshire or Iowa gets him over the line.
If I vote to Remain, it will in no circumstances be a "In - for ever, without further consultation and as far as the EU federalists want to take us", and I still fully expect a radical reshaping of the EU at some point in the not too distant future, which gives us our opportunity then to forge something new and exciting and very much in our own interests.
At the very least, Trump seems to be lining the swing states up very efficiently...
Even if there were an election tomorrow, Hillary would win handily in the electoral college, and she is at just about her lowest ebb right now, as a consequence of having to continue to fight a zombie candidate in Sanders, who cannot win but will persist until the bitter end on June 7.
Post-that Hillary will get a bounce as many of the Sandernistas come to realise that she is by far the lesser of two evils (to their way of thinking).
The best thing Hillary can do for herself after her inevitable victory on June 7 is have a couple of weeks' rest. Not that she will!
What happened to Tim? He was around in my day. Was often cutting, sometimes funny and regularly incisive.
P.s. just seen Osbornes leadership qualities polling vs Boris (yougov). They are appalling.
Does Trump play dominoes, I wonder... Or ninepins?
YouGov @YouGov 1m1 minute ago
YouGov CEO @StephanShaxper calls for all public pollsters to release breakdown by education level from now on
I suspect there was some sort of blow up...
You can keep an eye on his various musings here
Extend it?
Did it ever actually start?
I must have a different understanding of the word "austere" than the IFS and BBC.....
GreenLeaderElection @GrnLeadElection
There are now @Amelia4Greens and @jon4leader campaigning groups for #GreenLeadership
EDIT oops, GIN beat me to it!
The idea that there will at some point in the not to distant future be a radical reshaping of the EU that will forge something new and exciting and in the UK's interest I find laughable.
Vote to remain in if you wish to continue on the current trajectory, and there are honest arguments to be had in favour of that, or out if you want the Uk to become again a self governing Nation, but please do not fool yourself that that the EU is likely to in anyway change direction.
This one is In 44, Out 38, Dont Know 18
So the trend is Out Holding firm, a few remainers now not so sure.
Meanwhile the figures for the ICM online polls in the last month are (newest first)
45 45 10
43 47 10
44 46 11
44 45 11
43 46 11
43 45 13
So the trend is a few don't knows have decided remain (opposite to above)
Orb phone polls which Lynton Crosby Waxes Lyrical about in the last month
55 42 03
55 40 05
51 43 06
So the trend is a few don't knows have decided to remain.
Yougov online in the last month
41 41 13
44 40 12
38 40 16
42 40 13
41 42 13
The trend here is that 1% of leavers have been vaporised (in reality roundup issues and the result today is exactly the same as a month ago.
After all the fear, monstering of Boris, getting POTUS the IMF and heaven knows what else to threaten us with everything from immediate bankruptcy, armageddon and a plague of frogs (alright I made the French Immigrants bit up) the polls have basically moved not an inch.
Looks like people have made their mind up about the EU, are getting on with their lives and could not give a fig what call me Dave or anyone else think.
As the polls are so divergent between phone and online what we don't actually know is what the actual split is.
However with remainers likely to be less passionate about it, the fact that the remain campaign is making no ground whatsoever is not a good sign that they are inspiring people to turn up at the polling station let alone vote for remain.
We will find out we are getting Johnathan Moyo instead of TSE as guest editor next.
Also the more wealthy you are the more pro EU you are likely to be and the more wealthy you are the more spare cash you have to invest in turf accountants.
Tim is really Luciana Berger? Impressive disguise!
Seems like ages ago now
A total dick is who.
Helped by a Person.