politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » YouGov: Tory voters most ready to change EURef vote when asked what they’d do if BREXIT would cost them £100 a year
There’s a new YouGov poll out which has REMAIN back with in lead from the level pegging. Actual figures are 40% to 39% so all within margin of errot.
Read the full story here
Even multi-millionaire Roger Daltrey understands that this isn't a hypothetical, and that many have already seen their wages take a tumble because of the EU.
The mind boggles. It's 'authoritarian' to want to roll back the state.
Many savers have suffered miserable interest rates which support the lower mortgage rates, but I suppose some of us own property that has soared in value.
However you cannot pay at the supermarket without cash, the value of your property does not pay the bills.
But it's not going to be 100% conclusively proven in the eyes of swing voters, since there's going to be a war of words about it right up until polling day. Especially now "Leave" are getting their act together by focussing on how the EU Budget contribution would be better spent in Britain -- so this poll question is a red herring.
Truth be told, in an increasingly globalised world, we'll get what our skills command on the world stage. The Polish electrician may be hastening the process of equalisation, but it's going to happen to all of us, nonetheless.
Here are some of the company creation companies on Finchley Road: Creation-UK Ltd, A1 Companies Ltd, City & Dominion Registrars Ltd.
Casino_Royale said:
"Leave must be hitting home."
I heard George Galloway and Gisela Stuart speak for Leave today. I thought Galloway was good and Gisela was hopeless. But the main point is that they were saying completely different things and they're both on the left. To the uninitiated Leave are looking shambolic
Equally, claims from the "Remain" campaign that people will be £100 better off are also not going to happen in a vacuum - they're going to be rebutted in atleast a semi-convincing way by the other side.
USGS forecasts Fatalities to be somewhere 100-1000, and damages of 1-100$ billion:
It struck right at the center of a city of a million people.
I've bought a few companies from such firms, and have yet to notice anything mysterious about them. Maybe they're all situated on Ley lines.
I had to help my children, but of course some "Mum and Dads", are struggling with having inadequate pension arrangements.
Not easy.
He therefore decided that this address on Finchley Road is the centre of an international conspiracy, rather than coming to the conclusion best warranted by the facts: that he's discovered a company that creates companies.
I'm more concerned with couples I know who can't buy. As long as they can't buy they won't start a family. It worries me that we're heading to a situation whereby a chunk of the population doesn't have kids because they can't afford to buy and aren't on benefits.
So, you could decide to allocate (say) 10k of your money towards the equivalent of a property (say 50k gross). It would enable people to be out of the property market - because they're going abroad, or because they need to rent in an area before they buy etc - without losing exposure.
Sadly, I'm rather busy right now.
Edit to add: oh yes, and admin-ing Politicalbetting, and posting occasionally.
Next, you'll be revealing that some of them changed their names, and briefly had the same Directors and Secretaries as each other.
A real sign of desperation. Osborne says it in the USA rather than here in the UK. I guess he is upset and depressed watching his political career go down the toilet?
I was bemoaning the fact that there was a generation of people in the City who didn't understand the concept of the cost of money because interest rates had been so low for so long.
Until she pointed out that she started her career in 2008...
Stick that quote through everyone's letterboxes.
A more useful breakdown for US politics is with the two axes as +ve/-ve views on social risk, vs +ve/-ve views on deviancy. See Kahan, Why cultural dispositions matter and how to measure them. The Cultural Cognition Project 2013 at http://www.culturalcognition.net/blog/2013/12/2/why-cultural-predispositions-matter-how-to-measure-them-a-fr.html
For that chart, the red alphas are Bernie, the green betas are Hillary, the brown gammas are Trump, and the purple deltas are Cruz.
I just wish they didn't charge quite such high interest rates
Not very solid support at all for what I would have thought would be the hardcore. The economics are going to swing it methinks.
I have to say, the idea of a UK Annual Independence Dividend (UK AID) payable to every UK passport holder from now until the 2020 election really appeals - then let the parties put up their competing priorities and offers.
It may be the start of a concerted effort to get younger voters out.
Remain have no money to buy votes.
Leave have £18bn in gross contributions to the EU to play with.
I wonder how economists' models would look if that £18bn was pushed into UK residents' pockets. What would be the prospects for domestic growth and jobs?
Click on the Company name highlighted in blue on the CH website that you linked to, and it will give you the Registered Office, and all the other details. Looks as if someone hasn't updated the data at Companies House, or the Returns haven't been made since they were created. Nothing sinister.
And there is still a contribution if in the EEA, which every LEAVEr here wants
If I were Hunchman I would spy the city traders planning a Sterling crisis and stockmarket crash a week or two before June 24th.
On the other hand our net budget contribution to the EU last year was €117, so just under £100. This is 10th out of 13 net contributors to the EU.
Read my edited post again, and try clicking on some of those links at the Companies House website. You'll find the names and addresses of the Current Directors and the many different Registered Offices.
A hundred pounds may also sound too small to be a bribe worth taking.
All of it is after the rebate has been applied.
Imagine the rebate was to vanish, perhaps under a Blair like Premiership, and then five additional countries join.
"We know you want rid of the Polish, but our finance pals would quite like everything to remain as is TYVM."
Corbyn majority 2020 nailed on.
This survey was not YouGov's finest hour.
The 1970s EU debate pre-dates me.
During the past few days, you may have heard media reports about another idea AMC Theatres was considering, testing whether some movie goers might want texting allowed in a small selection of our theatres. Unlike the many AMC advancements that you have applauded, we have heard loud and clear that this is a concept our audience does not want. In this age of social media, we get feedback from you almost instantaneously and as such, we are constantly listening. Accordingly, just as instantaneously, this is an idea that we have relegated to the cutting room floor.
With your advice in hand, there will be NO TEXTING ALLOWED in any of the auditoriums at AMC Theatres. Not today, not tomorrow and not in the foreseeable future.
Don't kid yourself, as folks have been texting in cinemas for years.
'Some figures - these are net contributions and post-rebate.
<img src="https://fullfact.org/media/uploads/UK payments to EU budget since 1973.png"'
Does that include the £1.7 billion penalty payment for having a successful economy,that the UK was forced to pay the EU ?
So (to use 2014 as an example) if we get £5bn back from the EU out of our contribution of just over £19 billion, that £5 billion will have to be spent as the EU decides and a large part of it will require matched funding from the UK even if it is for projects we do not believe should be priority funded.
If we don't provide match funding then the EU does not give us the money back and people scream about how the Government is failing to let them benefit from EU money. Forgetting it is UK money in the first place and that taking it costs the Tax payer even more.
There have undoubtedly been companies created at that address that have been used for fraudulent purposes, and your friend deserves credit for discovering them.
But there have also been tens of thousands of other companies used for everything under sun, who's sole common factor is that they were created in a company creation factory on Finchley Road.
Do more people trust the government than the EU Commission to spend money? Unclear.
"We'd like you all to draft and pass legislation so we can join EFTA while we decide what we want to do" then they'll say "Fuck off".
If we go and say:
"We'd like you to all draft and pass legislation so we can be fully paid up and enthusiastic members of EFTA" then they'd say "Hell, yes".
You can't turn up at someone's door and say, please make room for us, and go to a bunch of hassle, but we're not really that keen on your club, and might just be passing through.
(Is the rebate included in the 'returned' money?)
Net contributions per capita here: