politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » Ahead of EURef the Electoral Commission turns to Facebook to get younger people to get on the electoral roll
Facebook and the Electoral Commission have teamed up to pesuade voters across the UK to register to vote in the May 5th elections as well as EURef on June 23rd.
Read the full story here
<<<blackburn63 said:
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Brilliant question from Douglas as usual.
You see Dave lovers, he's going nowhere, vote Leave with your conscience clear.
Douglas is far cleverer than Cameron and Dave knows it. He called Reckless "fat arse", he never dared abuse Douglas.>>>
Given that the vast majority of those voting Leave are either confirmed fruitcakes or politically apathetic/ignorant*, I doubt the potential "cleverness" of Carswell's question will have little impact in helping Leave. If Cameron had said "No" or waffled, then that would surely be seized on by Leave campaigners as a "Vote Leave, Get Rid of Cameron" signal, because that is a much clearer and easier to sell message and would surely shift more votes their way, eg in stubbornly pro-EU areas like Scotland or the Welsh Valleys etc.
One suspects "Leave" might need to do a bit of "Get Rid of Cameron" dog whistling by June time anyway...
(*I recognise many Leave supporters are vocal on here and are not (all) fruitcakes, and I myself have had to make a finely balanced decision myself as to which side i come down on, but this is a website for the politically aware and engaged - not your "average voter". My comment is not directed to you!)
You needn't have bothered
On thread - talk to Gran is really desperate stuff
Time consuming, difficult to explain and just looks a bit silly to sensible adults....
I think BSIE's restrained approach may have helped steer me to Remain, albeit a Reluctant Remainer!
The "Vote Leave to get rid of Cameron" message will still be potent elsewhere, amongst the left flank of Labour and even some Greens/residual LDs.
This is why the same question made more sense coming from Carswell than Burgon.
And you're forgetting that in the scenario the head of the Remain campaign (Dave) is still the most important person in the Cabinet, he is still the PM.
Not a good idea, granny hates the EU
Nowadays people can hardly ever be bothered to call to say "thanks for the present" and Grannies are expected to respond favourably to a politically-motivated circular from their descendants? Maybe they will, maybe they won't.
If any of my nephews and nieces want to talk with my parents about politics, could they let me know in advance so that I can sell ringside seats?
She held garden parties where Anne Widdecombe was the guest of honour.
The following article is also of interest to those wondering whether Sadiq Khan really will challenge Islamic extremists.
Does this help or hurt remain over all?
"On 19 April possibly the strangest democratic election to any legislature in the world will take place, with seven candidates competing for the votes of three people for one place in the British parliament."
Thanks for calling me a bullshitter, I have accused you in the past of being unpleasant, I haven't changed my mind. I have a couple of questions for you:
A man known to me has a first class university degree, he manages a non league football team. Is he cleverer than Alex Ferguson?
I have O levels, I have a certificate from Mensa, am I clever?
Incidentally, I have never told a lie on this site, have you?
Why is it that so many Leavers are truly swivel-eyed? Another Reluctant Remainer.
"Please don't vote leave" + sad face, coming from one of her beloved grandkids is likely to be the thing she remembers when walking into the voting booth, rather than any of the official campaign arguments.
Since the current cabinet is so Remain heavy ( 24 Remainers to 6 Leavers) I think it's inevitable that any reshuffle following a Brexit vote wouldn't favour Leave, particularly if Cameron remained as PM.
But even my proposal would do little more than add 4-5 more Leavers to it, and still leave Remain supporting cabinet ministers in the majority.
Surely a non-league football team would not be managed full-time. So perhaps he does something useful in the meantime.
What lie do you think I've told, if that's the meaning of your last question. I don't think I've told one, and have been fairly honest about both my past, my present, and my views.
(*) That was a classsic non-apology, by the way.
But I think my sister's mind is more or less made up.
She might well point out to her grandkids that greater global trade links, controlling migration to reduce housing pressures and increased wages might all benefit them greatly.
'Since the current cabinet is so Remain heavy ( 24 Remainers to 6 Leavers) I think it's inevitable that any reshuffle following a Brexit vote wouldn't favour Leave, particularly if Cameron remained as PM.
But even my proposal would do little more than add 4-5 more Leavers to it, and still leave Remain supporting cabinet ministers in the majority.'
How many of those 24 will rapidly change their minds if LEAVE wins, though? Most I would say.
I was asking because of the arguments over 'rigging' of the system because of IVR. ISTR that in the end it had little effect.
I wonder whether the levels are now approaching or above pre-IVR ?
You may feel a need to justify that decision to yourself on here repeatedly; just don't expect anyone else to help do it for you.
Wow. That's an incredible difference from what Robertson claimed. Surely it's so egregious that Robertson should either provide evidence or apologise for misleading parliament?
(runs from the SNP supporters).
Incidentally, I have relatively few political biases, I hold the vast majority of them in complete contempt, having spent time with Douglas Carswell and read a book of his I consider him to be cleverer than Cameron. As you say, that's subjective, but qualifications are a part of that subjectivity, not the be all and end all as you suggest.
Look at those who call Corbyn thick on here, a bloke that leads the second largest political party in the country. That says far more about his accusers than him.
Noone really cares about accuracy though I guess
The idea that Brexit will help the NHS is starting to do real damage to In, campaigners believe.
- Pressure on services
- Health tourism
Something in there for everyone
I have no idea - as some may note, I'm not exactly fond of football. I'd be surprised if they did though: it must be quite a cost. In fact, until just now I thought that non-league clubs almost totally relied on part-time players. But I daresay I'm wrong on that as well ...
As for the main discussion: I said your claim was b/s. Which it clearly was, especially in the context in which you wrote it.
It was: "Douglas is far cleverer than Cameron and Dave knows it." The first clause is utterly subjective and not backed by the little evidence we have, and the second is either wrong or outside either of our's knowledge (unless Cameron's made a statement about such?) (*)
Anyway, can we call a peace treaty on this? It's getting rather off-topic (a bit rich from me, i know).
(*) For the record, I've no doubt both are more intelligent and cleverer than me. But I bet I can walk further.
You don't need to win a know that you'll win a court case in order to distress a public organisation, you can just keep on litigating till you feel you might get a settlement...
(See Coventry Council vs SISU)
Fair enough, I know a bit about non league football.
You must take into account why I made my point originally, a senior contributor stated that Cameron had "slammed" Carswell, I was responding with a view that was confirmed by a BBC correspondent.
Internet tiffs are futile but I'm sure you understand why anybody would react to being called a bullshitter. I am, all men are, but on the whole I know when I'm bullshitting.
Best wishes.
Leave will also make headway if they start pushing lines about the cost of housing - both in terms of rental prices in the private market and the cost of home ownership for mortgagors. There's potential to make real ground inside the M25.
It's a one way ticket to leave if the correct messages are relayed.
Leave already have outright owners and social tenants in the bag.
Mr. Eagles, one would be willing to lend you usage of the space cannon.
I'm not a grandparent, but if any other member of my family attempted to patronise me into changing my mind it would have quite the opposite effect.
(runs for cover