Whether this has been driven by Brussels or not is unclrear but there’s been a huge, in political betting terms, of betting on the EU Referendum. With nearly £0.25m of bets matched on Betfair alone in 24 hours the this has almost certainly been the biggest day yet for referendum gambling.
Here are my assumptions on voting
Leave Remain
Con voters 55% 45%
Lab voters 35% 65%
UKIP voters 95% 5%
SNP voters 10% 90%
LD voters 30% 70%
NI voters 36% 64%
Others 40% 60%
Turnout assumptions are the other factor
If it's high turnout, remain should be fine, if not leave could easily do it.
I thought Mike's piece earlier was spot on - if there's a political angle to today though, it's that the biggest challenges we face - immigration, terrorism, climate change, tax avoidance, air pollution - don't respect national borders. The days when we could just sort ourselves out and leave other countries to do likewise without impacting us are long gone. Glad to see those being too partisan get called out for it today.
You may well be right that it doesn't help the pro EU arguments, but it should have little weight to the referendum.
Under Brown real terms spending more than doubled.
Under Osborne real terms spending has been falling.
While Brown's annual answer to everything was "more spending" I challenge you to name a single Chancellor in our history who has cut spending more than Osborne has.
Import of meat from animals killed to religious specification should also be banned.
You can not have welfare for some and not others. All animals are equal.
So they are both wrong, and the truth is somewhere inbetween.
I need to see online leads for Leave of 6%-7% before I believe Leave/Remain are at true parity, and higher than that for a narrow lead.
On religious buildings, stop all overseas funding of Mosques and close all the existing ones and slowly reopen them once they have have been sufficiently checked for links to extremists.
Your assumption is that dividing people into voters for the different parties is of much significance when we are predicting what will happen in the referendum. In my opinion, it isn't. Why? Because these identities won't feature big in how most people see themselves when they go and vote. In the electoral reform referendum, they did. In the EU one, they won't.
I also think your figures for both Con and Others are way out. I'd suggest more like 70% Leave for both groups. Many will feel a sense of "release" when they go and vote Leave.
Are there any leading figures in the SNP, by the way, who take the wholly logical position that an independent Scotland should be independent of both Britain and the EU and therefore that Scotland shouldn't be part of either union? Or is that party hell-bent on helping the Tories like they did in 1979?
Leave will win. The whole set-up is much "stickier" in the Remain direction. There won't be a sudden big rush to Remain. Surprises and shocks will almost all benefit Leave. The Remain campaign have got an extremely hard job on their hands to persuade a) intending Leave voters, b) intending non-voters, and c) people who might either stay at home or vote Remain, to make sure they get off their butts and vote Remain.
As yet no one has managed to write an article on this website that is purely positive about REMAIN (as Plato pointed out). Maybe that is becuase it is very very hard to do?
@yokel once claimed that he ran a pizza delivery business. I'm not sure I believe him...
A single event or two is enough to push Remain off the cliff.
Most remainers are soft, it won't take much to convince them to vote Leave.
First review of Batman v Superman.
Was there any mention of any forthcoming leaflet from them, with their arguments on it?
No siree. No. Nothing at all. Nada.
Qn: How do you see the EU Mr Clegg in 10 years time?
Ans: Much the same.
Audience reaction = wtf and LDs driven down to 1 MEP.
As I mentioned yesterday, it's nuts to sacrifice victory in the GE in order to win the EU referendum.
I am incredibly put off by Farage/UKIP/Leave.EU/GrassrootsOut/immigration talk etc and was expecting to vote Remain in response to that.
I have been won over by Michael Gove, Dan Hannan and Vote Leave.
However other people will think otherwise and be put off by the likes of Gove and Hannan but like what Leave.EU are selling. The reality is that there are two different potential futures for us Leaving and they are mutually incompatible. Leave.EU represents the "leave and control our migration" wing of Leave, Vote Leave represents the "leave but we're open to the EEA and thus keeping free movement" wing of Leave.
If we leave, democracy will sort out which route we end up taking, but it will be up to us to decide.
My biggest reason I'm not 100% committed to Leave yet is my fear that Leave.EU becomes the official campaign, Vote Leave withers away and this becomes (like I'd feared for years) a proxy referendum on immigration. So far that hasn't happened, which to me is a good thing. Those bothered by immigration can vote accordingly but its not restricted to just them.
A depression between now and 23rd June? I wouldn't bet the house on that either.
I'm sick and tired of atheists not taking religion seriously because they don't find it personally convincing. It's almost as bad as the lazy and totally
false assumption that most religions are more exotic varieties of the CofE.
He thought it was ok without brilliant.
Said Wonder Woman/Gal Godot is the best thing in it.
Is going to be as divisive as Man of Steel.
But I still think the bombing shit out of Syria and Iraq helps with the death cult's recruitment.
I agree there is a problem. How about cantonisation?
Innocent face thing.
By until the decision on which is the official campaign is made there's not much money and no free post. So it's prohibitive. I wonder who designed the rules in such a way that it favoured remain so much?
Gay marriage? Yep, for anyone who wants it.
Arranged marriage? Not for anybody who doesn't want it.
FGM? Any prosecutions lately?
Honour killings? Its called murder.
Let's stop appeasing people with silly views about sex, marriage and homosexuality and live our lives. Have a look at the news if you fancy the alternative.
These are not easy problems otherwise we would already see some solutions.
He hasn't replied.
Perhaps he didn't like it.
I've also volunteered to my "local area" organiser, but also haven't heard a pip.
I currently planning to order a big box of leaflets and unilaterally carpet bomb my (rather large) village on my own.
My wife thinks I need help.