Love the pun, but that said, Rod Crosby gave me the most human of responses the other night when I had a bit of a pbCOM meltdown responding to some of the really vile, horrible creatures that inhabit these parts.
Not mentioning any names of course, but Watford, or Mortimer- I wouldn't like to be either of them- I have a long memory......... It's not wise to hide behind the anonymity here thinking you can troll people in grief.
Useless Osborne U-turns again. I'd set light to the betslip right now if it wasn't a digital one.
I just bet on a spread of Tory longshots:
Dominic Raab 33/1 Penny Mordaunt 50/1 Andrea Leadsom 33/1 Johnny Mercer 100/1
Great guys, all of them.
I think Osborne and Boris are awful value right now.
Johnny Mercer is one of the Tory MPs leading the charge against the "Wheelchair Tax".
I don't agree with all of his views, but he isn't afraid to put himself out on a limb, and go against the grain, and he definitely has the X-factor.
He is leadership material.
Even 59% of Tory voters opposed the disability benefit cuts in the post Budget yougov and just 13% of voters as a whole, there will be a rebellion by Tory backbenchers and as with tax credits Osborne will have to u-turn
I bit early though to write the obituary for the english version of a useless liberal leader who messed up.
RIP he led the FDP to a record high in 2009 before their later collapse and was an able Foreign Minister and the first openly gay leader of a German party. He died of Cancer
Useless Osborne U-turns again. I'd set light to the betslip right now if it wasn't a digital one.
I just bet on a spread of Tory longshots:
Dominic Raab 33/1 Penny Mordaunt 50/1 Andrea Leadsom 33/1 Johnny Mercer 100/1
Great guys, all of them.
I think Osborne and Boris are awful value right now.
Johnny Mercer is one of the Tory MPs leading the charge against the "Wheelchair Tax".
I don't agree with all of his views, but he isn't afraid to put himself out on a limb, and go against the grain, and he definitely has the X-factor.
He is leadership material.
Even 59% of Tory voters opposed the disability benefit cuts in the post Budget yougov and just 13% of voters as a whole, there will be a rebellion by Tory backbenchers and as with tax credits Osborne will have to u-turn
Not this one. Nor did I oppose the tax credit cuts.
We spend too much money on social support and benefits in this country and, as DavidL said the other day, it distorts the economy.
"This week, in the Utah nominating caucus, I will vote for Senator Ted Cruz.
Today, there is a contest between Trumpism and Republicanism. Through the calculated statements of its leader, Trumpism has become associated with racism, misogyny, bigotry, xenophobia, vulgarity and, most recently, threats and violence. I am repulsed by each and every one of these.
The only path that remains to nominate a Republican rather than Mr. Trump is to have an open convention. At this stage, the only way we can reach an open convention is for Senator Cruz to be successful in as many of the remaining nominating elections as possible.
I like Governor John Kasich. I have campaigned with him. He has a solid record as governor. I would have voted for him in Ohio. But a vote for Governor Kasich in future contests makes it extremely likely that Trumpism would prevail.
I will vote for Senator Cruz and I encourage others to do so as well, so that we can have an open convention and nominate a Republican."
Looks like Mitt is leaving the door open for a draft at the convention.
Love the pun, but that said, Rod Crosby gave me the most human of responses the other night when I had a bit of a pbCOM meltdown responding to some of the really vile, horrible creatures that inhabit these parts.
Not mentioning any names of course, but Watford, or Mortimer- I wouldn't like to be either of them- I have a long memory......... It's not wise to hide behind the anonymity here thinking you can troll people in grief.
Sky News: "explosions have been heard in Molenbeek".
Dynamite the whole friggin' place.
You seem to have a short fuse ....
Never underestimate the ability of the wallydom to offend gratuitously. Fortunately it's normally a rare commodity on PB and even those we disagree with are able to empathize at moments of personal loss. It's part of what makes PB so special in such forums.
Chin up old chap and cherish the great memories you have.
Love the pun, but that said, Rod Crosby gave me the most human of responses the other night when I had a bit of a pbCOM meltdown responding to some of the really vile, horrible creatures that inhabit these parts.
Not mentioning any names of course, but Watford, or Mortimer- I wouldn't like to be either of them- I have a long memory......... It's not wise to hide behind the anonymity here thinking you can troll people in grief.
Watford- I still cannot for the life of me comprehend how you thought it was OK to try and score points with me when I disclosed something as personal as I did in a moment of weakness. Either you are sick, vile, unpleasant, disgusting, perverted, inadequate, pathetic, stupid, psychotic,..or probably more than likely a combination of these. And the same with your sidekick Mortimer.
Love the pun, but that said, Rod Crosby gave me the most human of responses the other night when I had a bit of a pbCOM meltdown responding to some of the really vile, horrible creatures that inhabit these parts.
Not mentioning any names of course, but Watford, or Mortimer- I wouldn't like to be either of them- I have a long memory......... It's not wise to hide behind the anonymity here thinking you can troll people in grief.
Well, the London Mayoral contest seems to have flickered into life this week. Here in East Ham, Mrs Stodge and I have been in receipt of two mailshots from Goldsmith and a mailshot and a newspaper from Khan. Fairly predictable stuff to be honest from both sides with each saying the other would be a disaster for London.
All I saw of the Budget was ten minutes of Corbyn's response in my lunch hour on Tuesday and to be honest it wasn't too bad. Yes, no one was listening very much on the Labour benches but it's the toughest part of the LOTO role in the Commons and Corbyn did fairly well and made a couple of decent quips among the rhetoric.
A superb piece in last night's Standard by Anthony Hilton:
Once again, for all the euphoria over unemployment or more accurately employment, the facts on productivity paint a much more troubling picture. It's easier for organisations to hire people who can be quickly hired and fired than to invest in capital spending or to improve business processes.
In past "booms", the lack of capacity, especially in London and the South, fuelled wage inflation as companies competed for workers. In the new environment, there is a seemingly inexhaustible supply of workers willing to earn not very much and do the menial tasks. The problem with that is it disincentivises investment in technology and other areas which encourage people to work smarter rather than harder.
We are, to quote Hilton, "running faster and faster to stand still".
Love the pun, but that said, Rod Crosby gave me the most human of responses the other night when I had a bit of a pbCOM meltdown responding to some of the really vile, horrible creatures that inhabit these parts.
Not mentioning any names of course, but Watford, or Mortimer- I wouldn't like to be either of them- I have a long memory......... It's not wise to hide behind the anonymity here thinking you can troll people in grief.
Some pillock on PB has just stated we have more traffic road deaths than religious nutter assassinations of innocent people in the UK..So that's alright then..WTF..
Not going somewhere because you worry about being killed by terrorists is fundamentally dumb. Which is the point he was making.
LOL having lived in UIlster through the 70s I rejected the hermit life and just went to the pub.
I will always remember the incredible mental disjunct of walking out of a Belfast nightclub in the mid 80s (a club which was very entertaining, full of hot girls, slightly punchy men, overpriced shite lager, stupid disco music) into a street full of laconic and Geordie British army soldiers, heavily armed with submachine guns, deploying to avert a perceived terror threat.
It was like stepping in a second from a British Britain into a surreal, civil war Lebanon.
I hope and pray it never returns. It was interesting but also deeply sad and pointless.
before we got married Mrs B visited my family's house for the first time in the early 1980s. We lived about 500 yards from Army GCHQ in Lisburn. She awoke on her first morning to the sound of a helicopter going over the house and rifle fire ( practice range ) and wondered what the hell shed just walked in to, We didn't notice anything.
Love the pun, but that said, Rod Crosby gave me the most human of responses the other night when I had a bit of a pbCOM meltdown responding to some of the really vile, horrible creatures that inhabit these parts.
Not mentioning any names of course, but Watford, or Mortimer- I wouldn't like to be either of them- I have a long memory......... It's not wise to hide behind the anonymity here thinking you can troll people in grief.
Love the pun, but that said, Rod Crosby gave me the most human of responses the other night when I had a bit of a pbCOM meltdown responding to some of the really vile, horrible creatures that inhabit these parts.
Not mentioning any names of course, but Watford, or Mortimer- I wouldn't like to be either of them- I have a long memory......... It's not wise to hide behind the anonymity here thinking you can troll people in grief.
Some pillock on PB has just stated we have more traffic road deaths than religious nutter assassinations of innocent people in the UK..So that's alright then..WTF..
Not going somewhere because you worry about being killed by terrorists is fundamentally dumb. Which is the point he was making.
LOL having lived in UIlster through the 70s I rejected the hermit life and just went to the pub.
I will always remember the incredible mental disjunct of walking out of a Belfast nightclub in the mid 80s (a club which was very entertaining, full of hot girls, slightly punchy men, overpriced shite lager, stupid disco music) into a street full of laconic and Geordie British army soldiers, heavily armed with submachine guns, deploying to avert a perceived terror threat.
It was like stepping in a second from a British Britain into a surreal, civil war Lebanon.
I hope and pray it never returns. It was interesting but also deeply sad and pointless.
Was it the gayish one in the Europa? I managed to get crashingly drunk there at around about the same time.
I can understand how we get caught on different political divides. Belief and ideology can lead us into different domains. But, I cannot figure out what makes people genuinely unpleasant.
Love the pun, but that said, Rod Crosby gave me the most human of responses the other night when I had a bit of a pbCOM meltdown responding to some of the really vile, horrible creatures that inhabit these parts.
Not mentioning any names of course, but Watford, or Mortimer- I wouldn't like to be either of them- I have a long memory......... It's not wise to hide behind the anonymity here thinking you can troll people in grief.
Love the pun, but that said, Rod Crosby gave me the most human of responses the other night when I had a bit of a pbCOM meltdown responding to some of the really vile, horrible creatures that inhabit these parts.
Not mentioning any names of course, but Watford, or Mortimer- I wouldn't like to be either of them- I have a long memory......... It's not wise to hide behind the anonymity here thinking you can troll people in grief.
Sky News: "explosions have been heard in Molenbeek".
Dynamite the whole friggin' place.
You seem to have a short fuse ....
I didn't see this when you posted it, tyson.
My deepest sympathies.
I am truly sorry for your loss.
Best wishes, Casino.
I too am deeply sympathetic to your loss.
The last year I have lost a lot of friends, family and co-workers. One of my dearest school friends, a couple of medical school friends, two of our nurses, the suicide of a colleague and two uncles. It has been a pretty crap year for premature deaths. Nothing compares to the loss of a parent though. Enjoy them while you can, they are not around forever, even when they have been part of your life forever. I have another funeral next week.
I wonder if anyone sees the Tories as a single party anymore?
We've waited years for them to commit hara-kiri and amazingly it isn't an anti-climax
Yes I do. So long as the referendum result is respected then an open and honest debate now won't be the end of the world.
The best way to have the result respected is for the result to be irreversible and incontrovertible. So vote Leave to amputate this cancerous sore from our body politic.
Does that also mean the Leavers will accept Remaining forever if that is the result ?
No it doesn't, I'm saying precisely the opposite. Leavers won't accept Remain as an answer ultimately, just like the SNP won't accept No as an answer. However once we've left Remain isn't an option anymore. So Leave is the only permanent answer.
Useless Osborne U-turns again. I'd set light to the betslip right now if it wasn't a digital one.
I just bet on a spread of Tory longshots:
Dominic Raab 33/1 Penny Mordaunt 50/1 Andrea Leadsom 33/1 Johnny Mercer 100/1
Great guys, all of them.
I think Osborne and Boris are awful value right now.
Johnny Mercer is one of the Tory MPs leading the charge against the "Wheelchair Tax".
I don't agree with all of his views, but he isn't afraid to put himself out on a limb, and go against the grain, and he definitely has the X-factor.
He is leadership material.
Even 59% of Tory voters opposed the disability benefit cuts in the post Budget yougov and just 13% of voters as a whole, there will be a rebellion by Tory backbenchers and as with tax credits Osborne will have to u-turn
Not this one. Nor did I oppose the tax credit cuts.
We spend too much money on social support and benefits in this country and, as DavidL said the other day, it distorts the economy.
Well that is your personal view but these benefits are focused on helping the disabled complete everyday tasks independently and it would be political suicide to end them with the vast majority of voters backing the benefits
I wonder if anyone sees the Tories as a single party anymore?
We've waited years for them to commit hara-kiri and amazingly it isn't an anti-climax
Yes I do. So long as the referendum result is respected then an open and honest debate now won't be the end of the world.
The best way to have the result respected is for the result to be irreversible and incontrovertible. So vote Leave to amputate this cancerous sore from our body politic.
Does that also mean the Leavers will accept Remaining forever if that is the result ?
No it doesn't, I'm saying precisely the opposite. Leavers won't accept Remain as an answer ultimately, just like the SNP won't accept No as an answer. However once we've left Remain isn't an option anymore. So Leave is the only permanent answer.
Re-joining is not only possible, it is probable - though may be decades away. In the meantime if we Leave then I will agitate for as close a relationship as possible.
Useless Osborne U-turns again. I'd set light to the betslip right now if it wasn't a digital one.
I just bet on a spread of Tory longshots:
Dominic Raab 33/1 Penny Mordaunt 50/1 Andrea Leadsom 33/1 Johnny Mercer 100/1
Great guys, all of them.
I think Osborne and Boris are awful value right now.
Johnny Mercer is one of the Tory MPs leading the charge against the "Wheelchair Tax".
I don't agree with all of his views, but he isn't afraid to put himself out on a limb, and go against the grain, and he definitely has the X-factor.
He is leadership material.
Even 59% of Tory voters opposed the disability benefit cuts in the post Budget yougov and just 13% of voters as a whole, there will be a rebellion by Tory backbenchers and as with tax credits Osborne will have to u-turn
Not this one. Nor did I oppose the tax credit cuts.
We spend too much money on social support and benefits in this country and, as DavidL said the other day, it distorts the economy.
Well that is your personal view but these benefits are focused on helping the disabled complete everyday tasks independently and it would be political suicide to end them with the vast majority of voters backing the benefits
I support a basic safety net, but otherwise the solution is to help disabled people into work and support them with a strong family and local community net, the Big Society, not the state.
Some pillock on PB has just stated we have more traffic road deaths than religious nutter assassinations of innocent people in the UK..So that's alright then..WTF..
This particular argument is quite often used ..... by the politically correct lefties.
Well the Romney endorsement will certainly push Cruz over 50 in Utah, and will give the customary 7% of the establishment vote to Cruz in other states.
But it also means that now Trump will win every state in the N.East with ease, since Romney's warning not to vote for Kasich will play to Trump's hands in those states. Trump will reach safe ground after April 19th.
Arizona and Wisconsin are the only 2 states that are essentially competitive from now till then.
I can understand how we get caught on different political divides. Belief and ideology can lead us into different domains. But, I cannot figure out what makes people genuinely unpleasant.
Love the pun, but that said, Rod Crosby gave me the most human of responses the other night when I had a bit of a pbCOM meltdown responding to some of the really vile, horrible creatures that inhabit these parts.
Not mentioning any names of course, but Watford, or Mortimer- I wouldn't like to be either of them- I have a long memory......... It's not wise to hide behind the anonymity here thinking you can troll people in grief.
Sky News: "explosions have been heard in Molenbeek".
Dynamite the whole friggin' place.
You seem to have a short fuse ....
Threats, eh? People have been banned on here for less.
Tyson, I feel your pain. It can happen on here. A few years ago I posted on here about the cancer treatment that a friend of mine had received. One very well known poster (thankfully no longer on here), and one of his acolytes were very quick to pick on the fact that my friend had not been able to make one appointment, and therefore that it was all the patients fault. Sorry for your loss mate.
I can understand how we get caught on different political divides. Belief and ideology can lead us into different domains. But, I cannot figure out what makes people genuinely unpleasant.
Love the pun, but that said, Rod Crosby gave me the most human of responses the other night when I had a bit of a pbCOM meltdown responding to some of the really vile, horrible creatures that inhabit these parts.
Not mentioning any names of course, but Watford, or Mortimer- I wouldn't like to be either of them- I have a long memory......... It's not wise to hide behind the anonymity here thinking you can troll people in grief.
Sky News: "explosions have been heard in Molenbeek".
Dynamite the whole friggin' place.
You seem to have a short fuse ....
Threats, eh? People have been banned on here for less.
Whilst everyone is surely sympathetic to you and your family for your loss I am sure that even some of those directly affected by her death would have been horrified and offended by the way you used it to make a cheap political point. Anyway, enough.
I wonder if anyone sees the Tories as a single party anymore?
We've waited years for them to commit hara-kiri and amazingly it isn't an anti-climax
Yes I do. So long as the referendum result is respected then an open and honest debate now won't be the end of the world.
The best way to have the result respected is for the result to be irreversible and incontrovertible. So vote Leave to amputate this cancerous sore from our body politic.
Does that also mean the Leavers will accept Remaining forever if that is the result ?
No it doesn't, I'm saying precisely the opposite. Leavers won't accept Remain as an answer ultimately, just like the SNP won't accept No as an answer. However once we've left Remain isn't an option anymore. So Leave is the only permanent answer.
Re-joining is not only possible, it is probable - though may be decades away. In the meantime if we Leave then I will agitate for as close a relationship as possible.
No way is it probable. We wouldn't want it, they wouldn't want a hokey cokey either. Why would we rejoin? It'd be like Canada joining the USA now.
Useless Osborne U-turns again. I'd set light to the betslip right now if it wasn't a digital one.
I just bet on a spread of Tory longshots:
Dominic Raab 33/1 Penny Mordaunt 50/1 Andrea Leadsom 33/1 Johnny Mercer 100/1
Great guys, all of them.
I think Osborne and Boris are awful value right now.
Johnny Mercer is one of the Tory MPs leading the charge against the "Wheelchair Tax".
I don't agree with all of his views, but he isn't afraid to put himself out on a limb, and go against the grain, and he definitely has the X-factor.
He is leadership material.
Even 59% of Tory voters opposed the disability benefit cuts in the post Budget yougov and just 13% of voters as a whole, there will be a rebellion by Tory backbenchers and as with tax credits Osborne will have to u-turn
Not this one. Nor did I oppose the tax credit cuts.
We spend too much money on social support and benefits in this country and, as DavidL said the other day, it distorts the economy.
Well that is your personal view but these benefits are focused on helping the disabled complete everyday tasks independently and it would be political suicide to end them with the vast majority of voters backing the benefits
I support a basic safety net, but otherwise the solution is to help disabled people into work and support them with a strong family and local community net, the Big Society, not the state.
T can remember back in the 1980s when the Thatcher government were pushing Neglect sorry Care in The Community for mentally ill people . I used to catch a bus to work and at the same time a number of mentally ill were picked up daily at the same stop to take them to Roffey hospital . Roffey was closed but several months later these people still turned up every day to wait for a coach that never came .
Jeepers Fox- if I'd known all around you were falling by the wayside, I'd have thought twice about you being around last year for that Broxtowe get together.
Love the pun, but that said, Rod Crosby gave me the most human of responses the other night when I had a bit of a pbCOM meltdown responding to some of the really vile, horrible creatures that inhabit these parts.
Not mentioning any names of course, but Watford, or Mortimer- I wouldn't like to be either of them- I have a long memory......... It's not wise to hide behind the anonymity here thinking you can troll people in grief.
Sky News: "explosions have been heard in Molenbeek".
Dynamite the whole friggin' place.
You seem to have a short fuse ....
I didn't see this when you posted it, tyson.
My deepest sympathies.
I am truly sorry for your loss.
Best wishes, Casino.
I too am deeply sympathetic to your loss.
The last year I have lost a lot of friends, family and co-workers. One of my dearest school friends, a couple of medical school friends, two of our nurses, the suicide of a colleague and two uncles. It has been a pretty crap year for premature deaths. Nothing compares to the loss of a parent though. Enjoy them while you can, they are not around forever, even when they have been part of your life forever. I have another funeral next week.
I wonder if anyone sees the Tories as a single party anymore?
We've waited years for them to commit hara-kiri and amazingly it isn't an anti-climax
Yes I do. So long as the referendum result is respected then an open and honest debate now won't be the end of the world.
The best way to have the result respected is for the result to be irreversible and incontrovertible. So vote Leave to amputate this cancerous sore from our body politic.
Does that also mean the Leavers will accept Remaining forever if that is the result ?
No it doesn't, I'm saying precisely the opposite. Leavers won't accept Remain as an answer ultimately, just like the SNP won't accept No as an answer. However once we've left Remain isn't an option anymore. So Leave is the only permanent answer.
Re-joining is not only possible, it is probable - though may be decades away. In the meantime if we Leave then I will agitate for as close a relationship as possible.
LEAVE will hopefully be the first step in the complete collapse of the EU.
Useless Osborne U-turns again. I'd set light to the betslip right now if it wasn't a digital one.
I just bet on a spread of Tory longshots:
Dominic Raab 33/1 Penny Mordaunt 50/1 Andrea Leadsom 33/1 Johnny Mercer 100/1
Great guys, all of them.
I think Osborne and Boris are awful value right now.
Johnny Mercer is one of the Tory MPs leading the charge against the "Wheelchair Tax".
I don't agree with all of his views, but he isn't afraid to put himself out on a limb, and go against the grain, and he definitely has the X-factor.
He is leadership material.
Even 59% of Tory voters opposed the disability benefit cuts in the post Budget yougov and just 13% of voters as a whole, there will be a rebellion by Tory backbenchers and as with tax credits Osborne will have to u-turn
Not this one. Nor did I oppose the tax credit cuts.
We spend too much money on social support and benefits in this country and, as DavidL said the other day, it distorts the economy.
Well that is your personal view but these benefits are focused on helping the disabled complete everyday tasks independently and it would be political suicide to end them with the vast majority of voters backing the benefits
I support a basic safety net, but otherwise the solution is to help disabled people into work and support them with a strong family and local community net, the Big Society, not the state.
T can remember back in the 1980s when the Thatcher government were pushing Neglect sorry Care in The Community for mentally ill people . I used to catch a bus to work and at the same time a number of mentally ill were picked up daily at the same stop to take them to Roffey hospital . Roffey was closed but several months later these people still turned up every day to wait for a coach that never came .
Useless Osborne U-turns again. I'd set light to the betslip right now if it wasn't a digital one.
I just bet on a spread of Tory longshots:
Dominic Raab 33/1 Penny Mordaunt 50/1 Andrea Leadsom 33/1 Johnny Mercer 100/1
Great guys, all of them.
I think Osborne and Boris are awful value right now.
Johnny Mercer is one of the Tory MPs leading the charge against the "Wheelchair Tax".
I don't agree with all of his views, but he isn't afraid to put himself out on a limb, and go against the grain, and he definitely has the X-factor.
He is leadership material.
Even 59% of Tory voters opposed the disability benefit cuts in the post Budget yougov and just 13% of voters as a whole, there will be a rebellion by Tory backbenchers and as with tax credits Osborne will have to u-turn
Not this one. Nor did I oppose the tax credit cuts.
We spend too much money on social support and benefits in this country and, as DavidL said the other day, it distorts the economy.
Well that is your personal view but these benefits are focused on helping the disabled complete everyday tasks independently and it would be political suicide to end them with the vast majority of voters backing the benefits
I support a basic safety net, but otherwise the solution is to help disabled people into work and support them with a strong family and local community net, the Big Society, not the state.
T can remember back in the 1980s when the Thatcher government were pushing Neglect sorry Care in The Community for mentally ill people . I used to catch a bus to work and at the same time a number of mentally ill were picked up daily at the same stop to take them to Roffey hospital . Roffey was closed but several months later these people still turned up every day to wait for a coach that never came .
Useless Osborne U-turns again. I'd set light to the betslip right now if it wasn't a digital one.
I just bet on a spread of Tory longshots:
Dominic Raab 33/1 Penny Mordaunt 50/1 Andrea Leadsom 33/1 Johnny Mercer 100/1
Great guys, all of them.
I think Osborne and Boris are awful value right now.
Johnny Mercer is one of the Tory MPs leading the charge against the "Wheelchair Tax".
"Wheelchair Tax" - another emotive lefty phrase which totally misleads. Cheap politics, cheap journalism.
If you say so - effective politics though, at least in making something seem worse than it is, as the Bedroom tax proved.
Other than unlike the bedroom tax, calling it "wheelchair" tax is deeply offensive to many with disabilities. It is like claiming that all those of with "traveller" heritage live in caravans.
Useless Osborne U-turns again. I'd set light to the betslip right now if it wasn't a digital one.
I just bet on a spread of Tory longshots:
Dominic Raab 33/1 Penny Mordaunt 50/1 Andrea Leadsom 33/1 Johnny Mercer 100/1
Great guys, all of them.
I think Osborne and Boris are awful value right now.
Johnny Mercer is one of the Tory MPs leading the charge against the "Wheelchair Tax".
I don't agree with all of his views, but he isn't afraid to put himself out on a limb, and go against the grain, and he definitely has the X-factor.
He is leadership material.
Even 59% of Tory voters opposed the disability benefit cuts in the post Budget yougov and just 13% of voters as a whole, there will be a rebellion by Tory backbenchers and as with tax credits Osborne will have to u-turn
Not this one. Nor did I oppose the tax credit cuts.
We spend too much money on social support and benefits in this country and, as DavidL said the other day, it distorts the economy.
Well that is your personal view but these benefits are focused on helping the disabled complete everyday tasks independently and it would be political suicide to end them with the vast majority of voters backing the benefits
I support a basic safety net, but otherwise the solution is to help disabled people into work and support them with a strong family and local community net, the Big Society, not the state.
T can remember back in the 1980s when the Thatcher government were pushing Neglect sorry Care in The Community for mentally ill people . I used to catch a bus to work and at the same time a number of mentally ill were picked up daily at the same stop to take them to Roffey hospital . Roffey was closed but several months later these people still turned up every day to wait for a coach that never came .
As a medical student, I seriously considered several careers including psychiatry. One thing that put me off was what I saw of "care in the community", and I do recognise what you saw.
It was not wrong to end the wharehousing of the chronically mental ill in the old institutions. What was wrong was the shunting of institutionalised people out into a world where neither the personel nor the physical accommodation to look after them was in place. In the eighties the streets of London had plenty of wanderers from the old institutions, for a few years. They disappeared fairly quickly over the years.
Useless Osborne U-turns again. I'd set light to the betslip right now if it wasn't a digital one.
I just bet on a spread of Tory longshots:
Dominic Raab 33/1 Penny Mordaunt 50/1 Andrea Leadsom 33/1 Johnny Mercer 100/1
Great guys, all of them.
I think Osborne and Boris are awful value right now.
Johnny Mercer is one of the Tory MPs leading the charge against the "Wheelchair Tax".
I don't agree with all of his views, but he isn't afraid to put himself out on a limb, and go against the grain, and he definitely has the X-factor.
He is leadership material.
Even 59% of Tory voters opposed the disability benefit cuts in the post Budget yougov and just 13% of voters as a whole, there will be a rebellion by Tory backbenchers and as with tax credits Osborne will have to u-turn
Not this one. Nor did I oppose the tax credit cuts.
We spend too much money on social support and benefits in this country and, as DavidL said the other day, it distorts the economy.
Well that is your personal view but these benefits are focused on helping the disabled complete everyday tasks independently and it would be political suicide to end them with the vast majority of voters backing the benefits
I support a basic safety net, but otherwise the solution is to help disabled people into work and support them with a strong family and local community net, the Big Society, not the state.
T can remember back in the 1980s when the Thatcher government were pushing Neglect sorry Care in The Community for mentally ill people . I used to catch a bus to work and at the same time a number of mentally ill were picked up daily at the same stop to take them to Roffey hospital . Roffey was closed but several months later these people still turned up every day to wait for a coach that never came .
Useless Osborne U-turns again. I'd set light to the betslip right now if it wasn't a digital one.
I just bet on a spread of Tory longshots:
Dominic Raab 33/1 Penny Mordaunt 50/1 Andrea Leadsom 33/1 Johnny Mercer 100/1
Great guys, all of them.
I think Osborne and Boris are awful value right now.
Johnny Mercer is one of the Tory MPs leading the charge against the "Wheelchair Tax".
I don't agree with all of his views, but he isn't afraid to put himself out on a limb, and go against the grain, and he definitely has the X-factor.
He is leadership material.
Even 59% of Tory voters opposed the disability benefit cuts in the post Budget yougov and just 13% of voters as a whole, there will be a rebellion by Tory backbenchers and as with tax credits Osborne will have to u-turn
Not this one. Nor did I oppose the tax credit cuts.
We spend too much money on social support and benefits in this country and, as DavidL said the other day, it distorts the economy.
Well that is your personal view but these benefits are focused on helping the disabled complete everyday tasks independently and it would be political suicide to end them with the vast majority of voters backing the benefits
I support a basic safety net, but otherwise the solution is to help disabled people into work and support them with a strong family and local community net, the Big Society, not the state.
T can remember back in the 1980s when the Thatcher government were pushing Neglect sorry Care in The Community for mentally ill people . I used to catch a bus to work and at the same time a number of mentally ill were picked up daily at the same stop to take them to Roffey hospital . Roffey was closed but several months later these people still turned up every day to wait for a coach that never came .
Are you sure you weren't one of them?
That's uncalled for.
Not really. Mark Senior has sworn at me on PB a good few times. I'll continue to poke him back randomly.
IDS: I am unable to watch passively whilst certain politics are enacted in order to meet the fiscal self imposed restraints that I believe are more and more perceived as distinctly political rather than in the national economic interest.
Well, if Tory cabinet ministers don't care about cutting to erase the deficit (despite saying the PM should be proud of the work on deficit reduction), I think that's a pretty clear sign it won't be erased by 2020. Ending on the 'all in this together' line straight out of the opposition playbook feels like a twist of the knife too, but that's probably unavoidable in a resignation letter.
In the eighties the streets of London had plenty of wanderers from the old institutions, for a few years. They disappeared fairly quickly over the years.
"I hope as the government goes forward you can look again, however, at the balance of the cuts you have insisted upon and wonder if enough has been done to ensure 'we are all in this together'."
Heard him talk about social justice at the Union about 10 years ago. He was passionate; clearly cared more about it than leadership or Winning at any cost.
Osborne is done for. Cameron's position is looking iffy too.
IDS falls on his sword. Blue on Blue goes up a notch.
I cannot say that I am sorry.
By the way AQ was excellent tonight, with an unusually intelligent panel not talking over each other. I always thought Chuka an empty suit, but he is now growing on me. Catch it tommorow.
IDS: I am unable to watch passively whilst certain politics are enacted in order to meet the fiscal self imposed restraints that I believe are more and more perceived as distinctly political rather than in the national economic interest.
Well, if Tory cabinet ministers don't care about cutting to erase the deficit (despite saying the PM should be proud of the work on deficit reduction), I think that's a pretty clear sign it won't be erased by 2020. Ending on the 'all in this together' line straight out of the opposition playbook feels like a twist of the knife too, but that's probably unavoidable in a resignation letter.
I think the point IDS makes is that it is hard to justify these cuts when he's reducing taxes for the better off. That, I would have thought, is quite an obvious criticism to make.
I thought the disability stuff was going to be reversed anyway? In which case he could have remained, so to speak, I presume, but with the flare up over the EU probably not a bad time to clear off or be cleared out in any case even if things were to be reversed.
Heard him talk about social justice at the Union about 10 years ago. He was passionate; clearly cared more about it than leadership or Winning at any cost.
Osborne is done for. Cameron's position is looking iffy too.
IDS: I am unable to watch passively whilst certain politics are enacted in order to meet the fiscal self imposed restraints that I believe are more and more perceived as distinctly political rather than in the national economic interest.
Well, if Tory cabinet ministers don't care about cutting to erase the deficit (despite saying the PM should be proud of the work on deficit reduction), I think that's a pretty clear sign it won't be erased by 2020. Ending on the 'all in this together' line straight out of the opposition playbook feels like a twist of the knife too, but that's probably unavoidable in a resignation letter.
I think the point IDS makes is that it is hard to justify these cuts when he's reducing taxes for the better off. That, I would have thought, is quite an obvious criticism to make.
Well sure, but it's an obvious criticism because it has already been made for years, it's just that suddenly IDS agrees. We all have lines we won't cross I guess.
Heard him talk about social justice at the Union about 10 years ago. He was passionate; clearly cared more about it than leadership or Winning at any cost.
Osborne is done for. Cameron's position is looking iffy too.
by Union do you mean Oxford Union?
I do.
Otherwise I would have said 'the other place Union', or 'Hull Union'
IDS: I am unable to watch passively whilst certain politics are enacted in order to meet the fiscal self imposed restraints that I believe are more and more perceived as distinctly political rather than in the national economic interest.
Well, if Tory cabinet ministers don't care about cutting to erase the deficit (despite saying the PM should be proud of the work on deficit reduction), I think that's a pretty clear sign it won't be erased by 2020. Ending on the 'all in this together' line straight out of the opposition playbook feels like a twist of the knife too, but that's probably unavoidable in a resignation letter.
I think the point IDS makes is that it is hard to justify these cuts when he's reducing taxes for the better off. That, I would have thought, is quite an obvious criticism to make.
Well sure, but it's an obvious criticism because it has already been made for years, it's just that suddenly IDS agrees. We all have lines we won't cross I guess.
IDS: I am unable to watch passively whilst certain politics are enacted in order to meet the fiscal self imposed restraints that I believe are more and more perceived as distinctly political rather than in the national economic interest.
Well, if Tory cabinet ministers don't care about cutting to erase the deficit (despite saying the PM should be proud of the work on deficit reduction), I think that's a pretty clear sign it won't be erased by 2020. Ending on the 'all in this together' line straight out of the opposition playbook feels like a twist of the knife too, but that's probably unavoidable in a resignation letter.
I think the point IDS makes is that it is hard to justify these cuts when he's reducing taxes for the better off. That, I would have thought, is quite an obvious criticism to make.
Well sure, but it's an obvious criticism because it has already been made for years, it's just that suddenly IDS agrees. We all have lines we won't cross I guess.
This is about the referendum
Most things are. I've no reason to doubt his sincerity on not liking these specific cuts at this specific time, but it is surely the case that without the fact he is in essence already in open opposition to the PM on an extremely major issue presumably had an impact on determining whether it was an issue worth grumbling about or resigning over.
Heard him talk about social justice at the Union about 10 years ago. He was passionate; clearly cared more about it than leadership or Winning at any cost.
Osborne is done for. Cameron's position is looking iffy too.
by Union do you mean Oxford Union?
I do.
Otherwise I would have said 'the other place Union', or 'Hull Union'
I was there too, and I agree he was very passionate about it.
I look forward to what Steve Bell &/or Matt will make of IDS's resignation.
Do you find Steve Bell actually funny? Always just found him insulting and devoid of humour myself...
Matt is a cut above.
I don't think I ever grew up. As a lefty cynic, I sometimes find Bell's stuff over the top grotesquely amusing. Matt is almost mathematically efficient when he hits the funny bone's sweet spot. I do love that.
Last time i looked BF didn't even have him on the board.
Ted Cruz Retweeted Mitt Romney
Thank you, Governor!
Ted Cruz added,
Mitt Romney @MittRomney
This week, in the Utah nominating caucus, I will vote for Senator Ted Cruz.
Game over. Trump has won.
He also has the handicap of being solid for Remain.
Even 59% of Tory voters opposed the disability benefit cuts in the post Budget yougov and just 13% of voters as a whole, there will be a rebellion by Tory backbenchers and as with tax credits Osborne will have to u-turn
Romney must secretly back Trump.
We spend too much money on social support and benefits in this country and, as DavidL said the other day, it distorts the economy.
"This week, in the Utah nominating caucus, I will vote for Senator Ted Cruz.
Today, there is a contest between Trumpism and Republicanism. Through the calculated statements of its leader, Trumpism has become associated with racism, misogyny, bigotry, xenophobia, vulgarity and, most recently, threats and violence. I am repulsed by each and every one of these.
The only path that remains to nominate a Republican rather than Mr. Trump is to have an open convention. At this stage, the only way we can reach an open convention is for Senator Cruz to be successful in as many of the remaining nominating elections as possible.
I like Governor John Kasich. I have campaigned with him. He has a solid record as governor. I would have voted for him in Ohio. But a vote for Governor Kasich in future contests makes it extremely likely that Trumpism would prevail.
I will vote for Senator Cruz and I encourage others to do so as well, so that we can have an open convention and nominate a Republican."
Looks like Mitt is leaving the door open for a draft at the convention.
Seriously, I wouldn't back him short of 50/1. Possibly not below 100/1.
Chin up old chap and cherish the great memories you have.
Currently at 28.0
My deepest sympathies.
I am truly sorry for your loss.
Best wishes, Casino.
Say bye bye to Kasich's hopes in getting the establishment vote.
So the good news is that Trump won't face a 2 front war, the bad news is that he still has to face Ted Cruz in some western states.
Well, the London Mayoral contest seems to have flickered into life this week. Here in East Ham, Mrs Stodge and I have been in receipt of two mailshots from Goldsmith and a mailshot and a newspaper from Khan. Fairly predictable stuff to be honest from both sides with each saying the other would be a disaster for London.
All I saw of the Budget was ten minutes of Corbyn's response in my lunch hour on Tuesday and to be honest it wasn't too bad. Yes, no one was listening very much on the Labour benches but it's the toughest part of the LOTO role in the Commons and Corbyn did fairly well and made a couple of decent quips among the rhetoric.
A superb piece in last night's Standard by Anthony Hilton:
Once again, for all the euphoria over unemployment or more accurately employment, the facts on productivity paint a much more troubling picture. It's easier for organisations to hire people who can be quickly hired and fired than to invest in capital spending or to improve business processes.
In past "booms", the lack of capacity, especially in London and the South, fuelled wage inflation as companies competed for workers. In the new environment, there is a seemingly inexhaustible supply of workers willing to earn not very much and do the menial tasks. The problem with that is it disincentivises investment in technology and other areas which encourage people to work smarter rather than harder.
We are, to quote Hilton, "running faster and faster to stand still".
Clinton 49 .. Sanders 40
Trump 43 .. Cruz 27 .. Kasich 14
It was Trump, who told them to their faces...
“You're not gonna support me because I don't want your money. You want to control your politicians.”
The last year I have lost a lot of friends, family and co-workers. One of my dearest school friends, a couple of medical school friends, two of our nurses, the suicide of a colleague and two uncles. It has been a pretty crap year for premature deaths. Nothing compares to the loss of a parent though. Enjoy them while you can, they are not around forever, even when they have been part of your life forever. I have another funeral next week.
Best wishes tyson, and remember the good times.
But it also means that now Trump will win every state in the N.East with ease, since Romney's warning not to vote for Kasich will play to Trump's hands in those states.
Trump will reach safe ground after April 19th.
Arizona and Wisconsin are the only 2 states that are essentially competitive from now till then.
A few years ago I posted on here about the cancer treatment that a friend of mine had received.
One very well known poster (thankfully no longer on here), and one of his acolytes were very quick to pick on the fact that my friend had not been able to make one appointment, and therefore that it was all the patients fault.
Sorry for your loss mate.
Anyway, enough.
Seriously though Fox, thanks for your sympathies.
I wonder what this will mean for Universal Credit? Despite the disastrous IT and Osborne mucking about, the core idea is correct.
@chrisshipitv: BREAKING: IDS says the disability cuts are not defensible in a Budget which rewards higher earners
IDS departure.
It was not wrong to end the wharehousing of the chronically mental ill in the old institutions. What was wrong was the shunting of institutionalised people out into a world where neither the personel nor the physical accommodation to look after them was in place. In the eighties the streets of London had plenty of wanderers from the old institutions, for a few years. They disappeared fairly quickly over the years.
The Tories are in absolute free fall. But who benefits? Brexit maybe? Not Corbyn or Farron obviously. I dunno.
Osborne is a coward and true to form ran away with his tail between his legs. It used to be Fanny boy and Chloe Smith who had to endure the media.
Now it is all IDS' fault despite the fact that the cuts were in the red book.
Coward !
I'll continue to poke him back randomly.
Well, if Tory cabinet ministers don't care about cutting to erase the deficit (despite saying the PM should be proud of the work on deficit reduction), I think that's a pretty clear sign it won't be erased by 2020. Ending on the 'all in this together' line straight out of the opposition playbook feels like a twist of the knife too, but that's probably unavoidable in a resignation letter.
"I hope as the government goes forward you can look again, however, at the balance of the cuts you have insisted upon and wonder if enough has been done to ensure 'we are all in this together'."
What's the real story?
Perhaps IDS has concluded the SS Cameron is sinking and doesn't want to go down with it.
Heard him talk about social justice at the Union about 10 years ago. He was passionate; clearly cared more about it than leadership or Winning at any cost.
Osborne is done for. Cameron's position is looking iffy too.
I cannot say that I am sorry.
By the way AQ was excellent tonight, with an unusually intelligent panel not talking over each other. I always thought Chuka an empty suit, but he is now growing on me. Catch it tommorow.
Matt is a cut above.
Otherwise I would have said 'the other place Union', or 'Hull Union'