politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » First polling reaction to Corbyn speech – an Ipsos MORI focus group of LAB voters in Croydon
We've run focus group of ex-Lab voters in Croydon on speech – mixed reaction… results at 6pm Holiday Inn #Lab15 pic.twitter.com/RnhmYj6Hdc
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(R)evolutionary spirit. Jezza, in all of his forms; Jezza for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And Jezza, you mark my words, will not only save the Labour Party, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the UK. Thank you very much.
if you know what I mean.
"A significant chunk of Corbyn’s speech was, in its essentials, written in 2011. Not by Corbyn, of course, but by the writer Richard Heller."
Interesting judgment in the Carmichael case. https://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/search-judgments/judgment?id=eb9eeea6-8980-69d2-b500-ff0000d74aa7
I think he will be seriously disappointed.
For those not familiar with it the case was resolved on the Scottish test of relevancy. This means that if you assume that everything the petitioners has said is true, can they win the case?
They have decided that the conduct complained of could fall within s106 of the 1983 Act. They now have to hear evidence as to whether it did in fact amount to a misrepresentation as a candidate or whether it was a misrepresentation by the Secretary of State. Not many good options there for Carmichael although one wins and one loses.
They then have to decide if the false statement was made for "the purpose of affecting the return of any candidate at the election”?
Again, not great but probably ought to have been Carmichael's biggest hope. As the attack was really directed at Sturgeon was it a statement that was designed to affect the outcome of the election in Carmichael's seat?
The Court have addressed this in the first instance by concluding that a statement that "I didn't leak it" is a statement that goes to the standing of the candidate in the election he is standing in. That will be the most worrying part of the decision for Carmichael since it does not seem to be in dispute that he told a lie. It is also a very broad proposition which might make a number of elected politicians twitch. If every, eh, misstatement, can be brought back to your own election in this way the distinction that was previously thought to exist between public and election statements, at least during the election period, may not exist.
It is very difficult to see a positive way forward from here for Carmichael. He might be able to appeal this decision but I seem to recall that appeals under the 1983 Act are quite problematic. It seems that a proof is more likely and he really didn't want that.
Edit. I apologise for repeating it but if I was a betting man I would say that we have a bye election on the way.
George Eaton @georgeeaton 9 mins9 minutes ago
Usual deluge of shadow cabinet praise for leader's speech absent this year. #lab15
This feels like a very profound judgement that is going to have serious consequences for further elections.
Its not looking good for him, though I think the Lib Dems can hold the seat at a by-election personally.
"In the post World War II period, only one US warship has been destroyed by enemy fire. Which country was doing the attacking?"
No-one ever gets it right :-)
It's almost as good as "In the Catholic doctrine of the immaculate conception, who's conception is it that's immaculate?"
You had Iraq "accidentally brutally" hit the USS Stark in 1987. And USS Cole was hit by Al Qaeda terrorists off Yemen in 2000.
Roger said:
"About bloody time. But the Saudis, IS, Hezbollah, Hamas, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al-Shabab, Muslim Brotherhood etc etc - they all drink from the same poisoned well"
Absolute rubbish born of a primeval prejudice. Do you consider a majority of Egyptians to be so stupid or malevolent to vote overwhelmingly for the Muslim Brotherhood if they are as you describe? Your prejudices are as profound as anything I've read on these boards. I can only assume you have an unhealthy hatred of Muslims."
My response:-
I do not consider Egyptians either stupid or malevolent. But I suggest that you do a bit of research on the intellectual origins of the Muslim Brotherhood and its founder. Paul Berman has writen expensively on the subject. The Brotherhood has absorbed far more from Fascism and Communism than some of its admirers care to admit. It has had a social side - as indeed has Hezbollah - which is attractive to poor people often disregarded by their arrogant and corrupt rulers and I don't blame those people for being grateful for such help. But its world view is not a nice one, however much you may scream.
And in regard to its intellectual antecedents, it is probably true to say that these Islamist groupuscules do not properly represent Islam properly understood. That they are seen - wrongly - as the face of Islam is a great sadness for true Muslims as it is for the rest of us, me included.
I have said before on this site that I have never been to a Muslim country (Turkey and Kashmir) where I have not been made to feel welcome and I have never been in a mosque which has not had an air of often sublime peace about it.
Genuine Muslims must be in despair at how their religion has been abused and perverted.
I wish I could quote an article written by a famous Egyptian jouralist in the leading Egyptian newspaper shortly after the Beslan siege where he despairs at what some of the followers of the peaceful religion he and his family so loved had turned into. It is very sad and moving. I have kept a hard copy. If only there were more like him or more of them spoke up, there would be more hope in that part of the world.
One day when I find it I will quote it to you. You might learn something.
I seem to remember Labour held their seat after a decision like this quite easily but the Scottish Lib Dems are in a bad place.
Is plagiarism part of the new politics?
I'm not sure I'd call Farron 'cool', however.
So just to recap, Team Corbyn confirm they used Ed Miliband reject speech as template
@SamCoatesTimes So they go from "no similarity" to "Heller was cool"?
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Sam Coates Times @SamCoatesTimes 5 mins5 minutes ago Brighton, England
@alexmassie The initial utter denial was done by the spokesman, before he had checked the facts
(At least according to @putin'sluckyguy
We sank the USS Phoenix or The General Belgrano as it became known as when they sold it to Argentina
Edit: Not plagiarism, see my next post
I have a few Muslim friends in England though plenty in Egypt Lebanon Turkey and throughout the Middle East where I have worked probably over a hundred times. For the most part I find them more intelligent and considered than the people here. Certainly more politically aware which is why it's no surprise that Corbyn's speech was run live in Iran and elsewhere in the region. Who here would even know the name of the Egyptian leader let alone the leader of the opposition?
If we continue to see them all as ragheads then we're making a very big mistake. In my experience they have the sort of intelligence that comes with very old civilizations and it's very rare to find the sweeping political generalizations that you get in this country and on here all the time.
Hezbollah are popular in Lebanon because they care for the schooling and social work in the areas they control. Likewise Hamas in Gaza. They are not considered corrupt or evil nor do their populations live in fear of them. I'm so tired of the prejudice here knowing it to be the complete opposite of the reality. Even the Lebaneses Christians accept the reason's for Hezbollah's popularity and their lack of corruption.
My colleague Hugh Muir has spoken to Richard Heller. Heller told him this:
"I sent it to Team Corbyn as I have sent it to each and every Labour leader before him. I am very proud of that passage. I had no idea they were going to use it until today, but I am delighted that they have. It is a very fine passage. I sent it by post two weeks ago, to the leader of the opposition’s office."
Nice to have it confirmed
The wording 'enemy fire' means it cannot be the USS Evans after its collision with the Melbourne. And 'destroyed' probably means total loss?
I;m wondering if any captured US vessels were sunk later as target practice?
Cue laughter and sympathy from Labour herd....
except he did..
I give you Labour v.2015.
and/or 'asteroid' coming up in Ozzie or Cammo's speech next week.
I guess it depends on how the election were to be framed. If the SNP were to make it all about LD wrongdoing then they should clean up. If on the other hand the LDs could pick the right candidate and make it "Only the LDs can stop the SNP" then the other Unionist parties had 20% of the vote that could be tapped.
It's a great time to be a Tory.
Not now. The LDs would now be fighting on the back of a dishonourable act, which will be shunned by the local voters.
Team Corbyn deny Richard Heller had anything to do with this speech. It was written by ppl who are "a lot cleverer"
Does 'responsibility' come in anywhere as a counterpoint to that ridiculous diatribe?
As I understand it these words were not actually used by Miliband in 2011, but were 'offered' as an open letter in a series of blogposts.
It alters not that they were casually plagiarized without acknowledgement of course, passed off as Corbyn's own originality of thought. I'm sure Heller is delighted - he did add on his blog 'open to others on application'.
The other point remains that this dates back to 2011 and was out of date then (he talks of job losses on his blog - we have record numbers in work now).
Which Presidential candidate got laughed out of town for plagiarizing a British (Blair??) politician's speech???
Damian McBride @DPMcBride
All you ever want is the speech reported straight. The nightmare is an unforeseen external fuckarama, and plagiarism is as bad as it gets.
"We'll hear a lot more about this:
Sometimes it's impossible to even imagine the trivia with which some people occupy their minds
They liked the Corbyn bit about the Saudi chap.
Overall they see Corbyn as Ed Miliband's Dad.
Mr. Roger, I agree. People should focus on learning and remembering classical history. To do otherwise is to take a view of Rome akin to Honorius.
Edited extra bit: see him*. Ahem.
And that was a lot more serious than denying you leaked something (which you did in fact leak).
"Speaking to my Manchester focus group of 30 something professionals"
Is that professionals or pros?
In my book its still plagiarism when the speaker does not acknowledge the true and published author.
If you believe in the point being made you can still quote it as a reference. But the words were meant to be passed off as stogy old Corbyn's own.
Why I wonder did every other leader ignore Hellers incessant hammerings on the door?
One of the unattributed passages of Heller's is headed “You Don’t Have To Take What You’re Given“.
In fact of course taking what you are given is the whole point of Socialism. The State provides and you put up with it.
Michael Crick ✔ @MichaelLCrick
Richard Heller says he published speech on website in 2011 as none of previous five Labour leaders would use it, dating back to Neil Kinnock
Jim Waterson ✔ @jimwaterson
...and your newspaper headline for tomorrow is "Jeremy Corbyn's speech was rejected by Labour in the 1980s". https://twitter.com/MichaelLCrick/status/648911689644122112 …
@AlanRoden: Breaking: SNP MP Michelle Thomson has "withdrawn from the party whip" while police investigation into property deals is conducted
Oh, that's my coat!!
So: a man calls Richard Heller posts this speech to every new Labour leader for 25 years. Corbyn's team open post, like it and use it.
Time for work...
Richard Heller, who gave Corbyn long passages of his speech, was Denis Healey's special adviser 1981-3 when DH fighting Bennites like Corbyn
Has anyone commented on the fact that the BBC's guest for the McDonnell speech was John McTernan and their guest for the Corbyn speech was Lance Price - both of whom were 100% critical of McDonnell / Corbyn, said they were only talking to the converted, said they were offering nothing to the wider public and in summary said Labour had no hope at all with this approach.
I don't personally accuse the BBC of bias but those who do accuse it of being anti Conservative should note the above.
Does this mean that Corbyn is 'out of his tiny chinese mind'?
I am just wondering whether the SNP are wise to keep pushing it this hard (which they are, whoever their ostensible front man is). If they lost a by-election in what should be an eminently winnable seat, it would shake their confidence and momentum for no discernable reason.
Giving airtime to his rivals within the Labour party is clearly designed to help remove him, a disgraceful act of pro-Labour bias designed to rob the Tories of their richly deserved 300 seat majority in 2020.
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