Oh Lordy, it's looking like the perfect line-up for a Labour disaster. Two out of three so far.
(And before Labourites get all uppety, remember Watson's had to resign from Labour's front bench twice before. and his dirty fingers were heavily involved in the Falkirk mess, which helped Labour to a wipeout in Scotland. And you've made him deputy !!!)
Khan has the charisma of a door stop.
Doesn't bode well.
The rest went 1 Kendall 2 Corbyn
"you're unelectable ....... da, da , da da da de da da da
Yvette staring creepily at Burnham for a few seconds there, that was weird.
He might have a meltdown later...
Creasey 19.1%
Eagle 16.2%
Flint 15.8%
Bradshaw 9.6%
Labour deputy leadership result (first round):
Watson - 39.3%
Creasy - 19.1%
Eagle - 16.2%
Flint - 15.8%
Bradshaw - 9.6%
Jezza Corbyn, Tom Watson and Sadiq Khan?????
Words fail...
"Former close aid of Gordon Brown".
Flint 22.8%
Creasy 26.4%
Watson 50.7%
Hur hur hur......
Way to sell yourself!
I think he shades it over Angela Eagle.
Mr. Watson — Come here — I want you.
(And before Labourites get all uppety, remember Watson's had to resign from Labour's front bench twice before. and his dirty fingers were heavily involved in the Falkirk mess, which helped Labour to a wipeout in Scotland. And you've made him deputy !!!)
I don't really know Watson well. He's coming across alright, if trying for folksy.
It's all about the future
Can Labour get any more self indulgent?