I think Ed will be perceived to be the winner from tonight’s events, because the old maxim of success equals performance minus expectation, and the expecation for Ed is probably lower than it is for David Cameron, especially after David Cameron’s successful performance at PMQs yesterday.
Have they started yet?
Already falling back on the 'that's not the question' tactic, bad sign? Though Paxo began the 'I met/spoke to a man/woman' gimmick, funny.
More interesting to see Paxman doing this than the other party leaders I'd have thought.
Think about his conference speeches, not the "when I met Gareth", but the one before it. If Cameron had given a similar speech, it would have been reported as Cameron did his usual polished performance, but instead it was reported as Ed was like MLK reborn, just because the yardstick was so low.
Miliband will be prepped to the earballs for this, where as as we saw Cameron spent the weekend chillaxing.
I don't think Paxman is that much to worry about these days, and the public you just agree to disagree, as they won't be allowed to engage you extended and detailed in back and forth.
But Ed finishing with Paxo. That has the potential to be a car crash if anyone is still watching.
U turn.
Up to then was doing well enough.
What is that rate?
Paxman is a good griller, he attacks relentlessly and forces Cameron to defend himself desperately.
Cameron didn't just go back on the British people - he went back on Paxman!
Bad for Cammo and Ed is in for a roasting too.
Clegg and Farage will be quite pleased not to be in the hot seat on this reckoning.
They let Paxman go.
Cameron seeming to have firmed up a little.
The Birmingham Office Girls really dont give a fig.
The big weakness of Cameron is always he doesn't do the detail. So when somebody gets past the spun figure and says ok, I have looked and you still need x extra, Cameron gets lost.
Or were there bands 0-5 6-10 etc?
Cameron says it has been very difficult.
I seemed to remember there was huge doubt that was actually true.
I want serious discussion and grilling. I want all politicians to face hard interviews as a matter of course. Not silly gotcha type stuff like on R4 breakfast or PM etc
As for the so-called debates. Phooey. Silly circuses all round.
This is much better.
One thing is for sure; he will have prepared his arse off.
I give him a 4/10.
Pointless question of the minute - better to go Paxo first then audience, or vice-versa? The latter could allow you to get into the swing of things before Paxman goes to town I suppose. You know the sorts of things he will be asking, and it's straightforward aggressive questioning, but people still just cannot seem to ready themselves for it from the off
I would also ask after being so critical of Cameron's appointment of Coulson, despite warnings about his past, why he choose to employ Baldwin (insert plenty of good quotes from Ashcroft book) and also a long time Mirror man.
Seemed on the back foot and a little taken aback by the aggession.
As for the rest.....oh dear David. It won't change votes initially, but'll as I said earlier Cameron is hardly starting the pistol with a spring in his step.... and he will increasingly be fair game to the journos
Huh, first question from a guy with the name of the UKIP candidate in my constituency.
Cameron, don't mention the bad things other people say about you - that's for them to do, don't remind us.
So what are you going to say if Ed fails to clear the bar and doesn't put in a demonstrably better performance than Dave?