It amazes me how people in the Unionist camp simply don't get it and particularly the Tories. The appeal of Scottish independence is an EMOTIONAL appeal, it's not based on micro analysis of oil price $100 independence more likely, oil price $50 independence less likely as they believe.
Not at all.
I know the appeal is emotional. I know the numbers don't add up, they never did, but...
...when the numbers were more favourable, the Nats were all over this forum chanting GERS, GERS, GERS.
Now that the GERS numbers have moved, not necessarily to their advantage, they are conspicuous by their absence. That's all
You're right that Scotland would have to get its financial house in order post independence. I've never denied that, but that's a big reason for me to support independence. As a right of centre voter, it would force Scotland in a rightwards direction. This crackpot idea that everything would remain the same in Scotland with the dominance of the left is utter nonsense. Everything moves over time, and a more rightward leaning Scotland on an even financial keel would be an exciting place to be once they've got themselves sorted out after the inevitable immediate shakeup of independence.
A rational libertarian viewpoint would be that the prospect of a proper libertarian tradition being established in the Corporatist United Kingdom is very unlikely, as such Independence offers a better possibility of this outcome.
No guarantees, no certainties but as a Game, for a libertarian, Independence offers the best outcome.
There were more than a few hints of what Balls thought in that New Statesman interview. The comment about just going for a walk not meeting people, for example.
He is struggling to contain himself I feel.
Yes, it was a very interesting article. Of course, Balls has scarcely bothered to hide his contempt for Ed M for the last couple of years, but that looked very much as though he's on manoeuvres. It might be as much trying to protect his position as Chancellor if Labour do get to form the next government, or it might be more than that.
Ed had the chance to put Balls as Shadow Chancellor when he became leader. Instead he chose Westminster's answer to Ken Dodd. If thats not contempt I do not know what is.
If EdM had any connection with reality he would go big on 'fairness'.
The ideas that wealth is increasingly concentrated among the 1% whilst the same fatcats are immune from the law are very aggravating to the C1C2 group (plus many others).
Instead we get increasingly idiotic ideas of micro-managing meddling madness.
Which nobody believes anyway.
I think this is very true. I think it more than ever it resonants outside of your old school SWP / trot lot these days, even your Thatcher voting "strivers" are pretty pissed off with the feeling of unfairness and increasing corruption / un-accountability.
The Tory Surge (TM) Would give them 6 seats under SMAPS
Dumfries & Galloway Berwickshire Roxburgh & Selkirk Dumfriesshire Clydesdale & Tweeddale Perth & North Perthshire Angus and Banff & Buchan
When you think that 20% only got the SNP 6 seats last time and 19% got the LDs 11 then anything could happen.
I can't help thinking that a lot of Scottish voters and quite a few English ones might find their heads exploding as they approach the polling station.
If the Tories win any one of Perth, Angus or Banff and Buchan then I'll eat a straw hat. All 3 are as safe as houses for the SNP. Berwickshire is an interesting one and probably the most likely in my opinion. SNP to come through from 3rd in both Aberdeenshire W and Kincardine, and Dumfries and Galloway in my opinion right now. Best case scenario for the Tories is 2 seats with Mundell hanging on, but you've got to doubt that after the Ashcroft poll in DCT.
It amazes me how people in the Unionist camp simply don't get it and particularly the Tories. The appeal of Scottish independence is an EMOTIONAL appeal, it's not based on micro analysis of oil price $100 independence more likely, oil price $50 independence less likely as they believe.
Not at all.
I know the appeal is emotional. I know the numbers don't add up, they never did, but...
...when the numbers were more favourable, the Nats were all over this forum chanting GERS, GERS, GERS.
Now that the GERS numbers have moved, not necessarily to their advantage, they are conspicuous by their absence. That's all
You're right that Scotland would have to get its financial house in order post independence. I've never denied that, but that's a big reason for me to support independence. As a right of centre voter, it would force Scotland in a rightwards direction. This crackpot idea that everything would remain the same in Scotland with the dominance of the left is utter nonsense. Everything moves over time, and a more rightward leaning Scotland on an even financial keel would be an exciting place to be once they've got themselves sorted out after the inevitable immediate shakeup of independence.
A rational libertarian viewpoint would be that the prospect of a proper libertarian tradition being established in the Corporatist United Kingdom is very unlikely, as such Independence offers a better possibility of this outcome.
No guarantees, no certainties but as a Game, for a libertarian, Independence offers the best outcome.
Libertarian Scotland ? You can't even sing a song about sky fairies at the football without getting locked up and I read that the Scottish police were today spending their time investigating a whether a tweet that suggested Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars might have been homosexual was offensive or not. Now that's libertarian.
The current price of oil will scupper another vote any time soon.
The SNPers have been awfy quiet on the GERS numbers...
And there is a recognised cycle of 309 years alternating back and forth between Union and Independence in Scotland. Now do some maths - what does 1707 and 309 give you? On the cycle model its time for independence.
I've never heard of that cycle before, can you give some details.
It amazes me how people in the Unionist camp simply don't get it and particularly the Tories. The appeal of Scottish independence is an EMOTIONAL appeal, it's not based on micro analysis of oil price $100 independence more likely, oil price $50 independence less likely as they believe.
Not at all.
I know the appeal is emotional. I know the numbers don't add up, they never did, but...
...when the numbers were more favourable, the Nats were all over this forum chanting GERS, GERS, GERS.
Now that the GERS numbers have moved, not necessarily to their advantage, they are conspicuous by their absence. That's all
You're right that Scotland would have to get its financial house in order post independence. I've never denied that, but that's a big reason for me to support independence. As a right of centre voter, it would force Scotland in a rightwards direction. This crackpot idea that everything would remain the same in Scotland with the dominance of the left is utter nonsense. Everything moves over time, and a more rightward leaning Scotland on an even financial keel would be an exciting place to be once they've got themselves sorted out after the inevitable immediate shakeup of independence.
A rational libertarian viewpoint would be that the prospect of a proper libertarian tradition being established in the Corporatist United Kingdom is very unlikely, as such Independence offers a better possibility of this outcome.
No guarantees, no certainties but as a Game, for a libertarian, Independence offers the best outcome.
Absolutely. You've made my point perfectly Dair, and much more succintly than me!
@Richard_Nabavi And freed from poverty as well? You couldn't give a damn Richard, as long as your nest gets more feathering, because you and your friends believe in the simple principle that you are not paid enough, and those "below" you are paid far to much.
@Richard_Nabavi At least we know what Dave is offering. More "cast iron guarantees" and to give those at the bottom another good kicking.
Those at the bottom will, I am afraid, get a hell of a lot bigger kicking under Ed Miliband than under a Conservative-led government. You probably haven't noticed that we have generated more jobs than every single other country in the EU combined. Or maybe you don't care?
The answer to your question is - he doesn't care. When confronted by the truth invent a lie is the easiest answer.
@Richard_Nabavi And freed from poverty as well? You couldn't give a damn Richard, as long as your nest gets more feathering, because you and your friends believe in the simple principle that you are not paid enough, and those "below" you are paid far to much.
You illustrate why Labour will lose. You think that centre right voters are all evil baby eaters - Blair didn't that's why he won.
The current price of oil will scupper another vote any time soon.
The SNPers have been awfy quiet on the GERS numbers...
And there is a recognised cycle of 309 years alternating back and forth between Union and Independence in Scotland. Now do some maths - what does 1707 and 309 give you? On the cycle model its time for independence.
I've never heard of that cycle before, can you give some details.
Martin Armstong had an article on it at the time of Scottish independence vote on - although an American, his family traces back to Scotland and he was in the pro-independence camp last September. I think partly because the cycle is very much running with the grain of independence right now.
The current price of oil will scupper another vote any time soon.
The SNPers have been awfy quiet on the GERS numbers...
It amazes me how people in the Unionist camp simply don't get it and particularly the Tories. The appeal of Scottish independence is an EMOTIONAL appeal, it's not based on micro analysis of oil price $100 independence more likely, oil price $50 independence less likely as they believe. And there is a recognised cycle of 309 years alternating back and forth between Union and Independence in Scotland. Now do some maths - what does 1707 and 309 give you? On the cycle model its time for independence. And turn down the global economy after the end of September this year, and you have the perfect recipe for Scotland finally being granted its wish of independence. Its coming and its only a matter of time whatever the diehard unionists on here think. Bring it on - Scotland can do very well on its own thank you very much!
For some people, it is an emotional issue, but for others practical issues are also important. Concerns about the currency were one of the factors that led to 'No' coming out on top. In the last referendum, the SNP was able to talk about maintaining current budgets and bringing in a sovereign wealth fund. If a referendum was on the cards now, then the low oil price would mean that an independent Scotland would have to make cuts off the bat.
@Richard_Nabavi And freed from poverty as well? You couldn't give a damn Richard, as long as your nest gets more feathering, because you and your friends believe in the simple principle that you are not paid enough, and those "below" you are paid far to much.
Ah, a true lefty. Having lost the argument, you have to resort to attacking my personal integrity.
It's so reassuring to have confirmation of how utterly rooted in vile prejudice the anti-Conservative vote is.
As a matter of interest, how much do you think I am paid, compared with (say) Mr or Mrs Miliband? And who do you think pays me?
It amazes me how people in the Unionist camp simply don't get it and particularly the Tories. The appeal of Scottish independence is an EMOTIONAL appeal, it's not based on micro analysis of oil price $100 independence more likely, oil price $50 independence less likely as they believe.
Not at all.
I know the appeal is emotional. I know the numbers don't add up, they never did, but...
...when the numbers were more favourable, the Nats were all over this forum chanting GERS, GERS, GERS.
Now that the GERS numbers have moved, not necessarily to their advantage, they are conspicuous by their absence. That's all
You're right that Scotland would have to get its financial house in order post independence. I've never denied that, but that's a big reason for me to support independence. As a right of centre voter, it would force Scotland in a rightwards direction. This crackpot idea that everything would remain the same in Scotland with the dominance of the left is utter nonsense. Everything moves over time, and a more rightward leaning Scotland on an even financial keel would be an exciting place to be once they've got themselves sorted out after the inevitable immediate shakeup of independence.
A rational libertarian viewpoint would be that the prospect of a proper libertarian tradition being established in the Corporatist United Kingdom is very unlikely, as such Independence offers a better possibility of this outcome.
No guarantees, no certainties but as a Game, for a libertarian, Independence offers the best outcome.
Libertarian Scotland ? You can't even sing a song about sky fairies at the football without getting locked up and I read that the Scottish police were today spending their time investigating a whether a tweet that suggested Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars might have been homosexual was offensive or not. Now that's libertarian.
I'm not sure if you are deliberately missing my point.
I'll try again. In the United Kingdom where there is an entrenched Corporatist culture in politics and society, which is unerodable and virtually impossible to remove, the chance of a libertarian future is nil.
Therefore, if you are in Scotland and seek a libertarian future, there is a far higher probability of achieving that outcome through Independence.
It amazes me how people in the Unionist camp simply don't get it and particularly the Tories. The appeal of Scottish independence is an EMOTIONAL appeal, it's not based on micro analysis of oil price $100 independence more likely, oil price $50 independence less likely as they believe.
Not at all.
I know the appeal is emotional. I know the numbers don't add up, they never did, but...
...when the numbers were more favourable, the Nats were all over this forum chanting GERS, GERS, GERS.
Now that the GERS numbers have moved, not necessarily to their advantage, they are conspicuous by their absence. That's all
You're right that Scotland would have to get its financial house in order post independence. I've never denied that, but that's a big reason for me to support independence. As a right of centre voter, it would force Scotland in a rightwards direction. This crackpot idea that everything would remain the same in Scotland with the dominance of the left is utter nonsense. Everything moves over time, and a more rightward leaning Scotland on an even financial keel would be an exciting place to be once they've got themselves sorted out after the inevitable immediate shakeup of independence.
A rational libertarian viewpoint would be that the prospect of a proper libertarian tradition being established in the Corporatist United Kingdom is very unlikely, as such Independence offers a better possibility of this outcome.
No guarantees, no certainties but as a Game, for a libertarian, Independence offers the best outcome.
Libertarian Scotland ? You can't even sing a song about sky fairies at the football without getting locked up and I read that the Scottish police were today spending their time investigating a whether a tweet that suggested Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars might have been homosexual was offensive or not. Now that's libertarian.
I'm not sure if you are deliberately missing my point.
I'll try again. In the United Kingdom where there is an entrenched Corporatist culture in politics and society, which is unerodable and virtually impossible to remove, the chance of a libertarian future is nil.
Therefore, if you are in Scotland and seek a libertarian future, there is a far higher probability of achieving that outcome through Independence.
Some chance is better than no chance.
This "Scotland is intrinsically better just because right " argument is baffling..
@TGOHF I am not referring to "centre right" voters, I am referring to those like you, who would only eat babies if it was served in a flash restaurant at an outrageous price so you could boast about it at your next dinner party.
Good night all - by my reckoning 1,343 hours until the results will start to come in. I can't wait, lets just get what will be a wretched campaign and those hours out of the way before we can have much merryment and fun at the completely deserved demise of SLAB!!!!!!
I'm not sure if you are deliberately missing my point.
I'll try again. In the United Kingdom where there is an entrenched Corporatist culture in politics and society, which is unerodable and virtually impossible to remove, the chance of a libertarian future is nil.
Therefore, if you are in Scotland and seek a libertarian future, there is a far higher probability of achieving that outcome through Independence.
Some chance is better than no chance.
This "Scotland is intrinsically better just because right " argument is baffling..
That's not my point.
Scotland may well end up with the same Corporatist culture that currently exists in the United Kingdom. But it is by no means CERTAIN to do. The UK will certainly have a Corporatist culture in 50 years.
There is no guarantee for an Independent Scotland.
There is no divine right of being better.
There is, however, an opportunity which the United Kingdom does not offer.
Interesting Channel 5 1 hour program on Savile at 8pm tonight. They kept their cards pretty close to their chest on most stuff, but they did have one of many photos of Prince Charles with Savile which I thought was very interesting. They stopped short of examining the links between Savile and the Royal Family, but the insinuation was clearly there - probably edited about as close to the wire as they dared to get - gradually the great contours of this crisis are slowly lapping more and more closely to the people at the very very top.
And the US Government blew up the World Trade Centre too. Personally I'm convinced you're a hologram.
@TGOHF I am not referring to "centre right" voters, I am referring to those like you, who would only eat babies if it was served in a flash restaurant at an outrageous price so you could boast about it at your next dinner party.
As long as it wasn't a working class baby - it would be stringy and riddled with AIDS and heroin.
This "Scotland is intrinsically better just because right " argument is baffling..
It's just Nationalism. Tribalism on a grand scale. We're better than them, whoever they are. Our club is better than your club.
Slightly tragic how many people fall for it
I'm not making that argument.
There is no reason to believe that people in Scotland or England are better in any way than each other. None at all.
There is, however, in the United Kingdom and entrenched Corporatist system which is never likely to change. Independence offers the chance to leave it behind.
This "Scotland is intrinsically better just because right " argument is baffling..
It's just Nationalism. Tribalism on a grand scale. We're better than them, whoever they are. Our club is better than your club.
Slightly tragic how many people fall for it
I'm not making that argument.
There is no reason to believe that people in Scotland or England are better in any way than each other. None at all.
There is, however, in the United Kingdom and entrenched Corporatist system which is never likely to change. Independence offers the chance to leave it behind.
Shetland would have a better chance of that if not saddled with the entrenched public sector system of the central belt by your logic.
What a wimp. A Real Man would promise a law to cut energy bills by at least 20%, and rents by 50%, and iPhones by 60%, and trainers by 80%, and child-care by 90%.
Every time I get depressed about the Tories not making sufficient progress in the polls he comes up with something even more bizarre and just plain stupid. I am seriously beginning to wonder if he really wants to win.
Ed Balls gives every sign that he realises that the global economy turns down after the end of September, like he foresaw 2008 after pushing for the election that never was in the autumn of 2007. Its our version of the 1928 US presidential election.
Don't tell me - "it's a good election to lose"
Like 2010 - but that didn't do Labour any good - if anything they have gone backwards.
I'm glad I'm free of any party label, but quite what I'm going to do in 8 weeks time I've got no idea. I simply can't vote Conservative - the disgraceful goings on with the child abuse inquiry, and appointing someone who was a close friend of Leon Brittan was simply the final straw for me. And after Farage's comments today on removing much of the anti-discrimination laws I simply can't vote UKIP. UKIP started out as a pretty libertarian party but have become more and more authoritarian as time has gone on like the establishment parties. Who the heck does a Libertarian vote for if its only the main 5 parties in England standing in a seat at this election? It would be highly regrettable if I have to spoil my ballot paper if no Libertarian leaning candidate stands in Romsey, but I may be forced to do it - I hope not!
See PR has its advantages. Your vote is not wasted !
0.001% comes within "up to". Here's your farthing; the rest is an aspiration....
I'm beginning to think that, really, Ed is actually that dumb. Those close to him say he is a bright, personable guy. If so, his minders have done a fabulous job of shielding us all from it.
EdM promises to cut Roman Abramovich's energy bills by 10%.
BTW Is EdM still promising to reinstate child benefit for Roman Abramovich ?
EdM thinks the answer to everything that doesn't go his way is to make a law. debates - change the law, energy freeze fail - change the law, next he will make it illegal to vote tory
EdM promises to cut Roman Abramovich's energy bills by 10%.
BTW Is EdM still promising to reinstate child benefit for Roman Abramovich ?
EdM thinks the answer to everything that doesn't go his way is to make a law. debates - change the law, energy freeze fail - change the law, next he will make it illegal to vote tory
EdM promises to cut Roman Abramovich's energy bills by 10%.
BTW Is EdM still promising to reinstate child benefit for Roman Abramovich ?
EdM thinks the answer to everything that doesn't go his way is to make a law. debates - change the law, energy freeze fail - change the law, next he will make it illegal to vote tory
I think that is what scares me about Miliband....10 years of Ed and the amount of laws he will have passed will make Brown's messing up the tax system seem like small fry. He really does seem to believe not in the "nudge effect", but the only way to fix anything is via a new law.
The few times I have been really impressed by the Coalition is when they have done the opposite e.g. when there were those shooting, they said right lets wait and see, lets find out what went on and why, and would any change in the law make any difference. The answer was actually no, actually it would just throw the baby out with the bath water to totally over haul the laws and still not likely stop one nutter, while most likely impacting the tiny number of gun owners. So the best thing to do is actually nothing.
The poll shows that 37 per cent of Scots believe that if the Nationalists win a large number of Labour seats, it makes a Conservative government more likely. Just 13 per cent think it makes a Labour government more likely. In addition, 37 per cent of Scots now think Labour would be more effective at stopping the Tories, with 36 per cent thinking the SNP would be better. This is a significant shift from the last poll, which put the numbers at 33 and 43 per cent respectively.
The poll shows that 37 per cent of Scots believe that if the Nationalists win a large number of Labour seats, it makes a Conservative government more likely. Just 13 per cent think it makes a Labour government more likely. In addition, 37 per cent of Scots now think Labour would be more effective at stopping the Tories, with 36 per cent thinking the SNP would be better. This is a significant shift from the last poll, which put the numbers at 33 and 43 per cent respectively.
What a wimp. A Real Man would promise a law to cut energy bills by at least 20%, and rents by 50%, and iPhones by 60%, and trainers by 80%, and child-care by 90%.
Every time I get depressed about the Tories not making sufficient progress in the polls he comes up with something even more bizarre and just plain stupid. I am seriously beginning to wonder if he really wants to win.
Ed Balls gives every sign that he realises that the global economy turns down after the end of September, like he foresaw 2008 after pushing for the election that never was in the autumn of 2007. Its our version of the 1928 US presidential election.
Don't tell me - "it's a good election to lose"
Like 2010 - but that didn't do Labour any good - if anything they have gone backwards.
I'm glad I'm free of any party label, but quite what I'm going to do in 8 weeks time I've got no idea. I simply can't vote Conservative - the disgraceful goings on with the child abuse inquiry, and appointing someone who was a close friend of Leon Brittan was simply the final straw for me. And after Farage's comments today on removing much of the anti-discrimination laws I simply can't vote UKIP. UKIP started out as a pretty libertarian party but have become more and more authoritarian as time has gone on like the establishment parties. Who the heck does a Libertarian vote for if its only the main 5 parties in England standing in a seat at this election? It would be highly regrettable if I have to spoil my ballot paper if no Libertarian leaning candidate stands in Romsey, but I may be forced to do it - I hope not!
Forgive me, but I can't understand the logic here. Isn't cutting e.g. employment legislation exactly what you'd expect a libertarian party to do? I do feel that the libertarian fringe within UKIP has been muscled out, but though it was not that big in the first place. The example you are giving, though, seems a non sequitur.
As for "close friend of Leon Brittan" - is that really a fair criticism? "Someone who knew Leon Brittan", definitely fair enough. "Close friend"? Dunno, have to admit I wasn't following this whole unseemly business that closely, but that isn't my own hazy recollection.
EDIT: sympathise with the not-knowing-who-to-vote-for decision, albeit from a different angle.
The poll shows that 37 per cent of Scots believe that if the Nationalists win a large number of Labour seats, it makes a Conservative government more likely. Just 13 per cent think it makes a Labour government more likely. In addition, 37 per cent of Scots now think Labour would be more effective at stopping the Tories, with 36 per cent thinking the SNP would be better. This is a significant shift from the last poll, which put the numbers at 33 and 43 per cent respectively.
What does that mean? Are Scots voting SNP because it makes Tory government more likely? If so is it because they want financial rectitude? Or is it because "the worse, the better"?
Just watching QT (i only watch it around election times, or boring and packed with party supporters outside of elections). Yes Kennedy doesnt look too well, certainly a bit sauced up. Lucy Lips, oh my. Terrible. For someone managing an election campaign, why would she want to draw attention to the tory poster campaigns, when they are hitting home??
The poll shows that 37 per cent of Scots believe that if the Nationalists win a large number of Labour seats, it makes a Conservative government more likely. Just 13 per cent think it makes a Labour government more likely. In addition, 37 per cent of Scots now think Labour would be more effective at stopping the Tories, with 36 per cent thinking the SNP would be better. This is a significant shift from the last poll, which put the numbers at 33 and 43 per cent respectively.
What does that mean? Are Scots voting SNP because it makes Tory government more likely? If so is it because they want financial rectitude? Or is it because "the worse, the better"?
I think it means Labour's message of vote Lab to stop the Tories has some potential.
Richard Rogers @oowmygawd 3m3 minutes ago In 2014 I put a £20 bet @ 100/1 with local bookie on UKIP winning 50-100 seats in May, tonight in the pub he offered to put it back for £500
Ed "2 kitchens" Miliband reminds me of the John Prescott story repeated recently (which may of course be apocryphal)
The story goes he was interviewed by local press, and mentioned his favourite chippy, where he went for lunch very day.
A rival chippy was very put out by this story, because JP visited them every day for lunch, and could not understand why the story featured the wrong chip shop.
The denouement came when it was (allegedly) revealed he visited both establishments every day to save the embarrassment of ordering the same thing twice in one place
EdM promises to cut Roman Abramovich's energy bills by 10%.
BTW Is EdM still promising to reinstate child benefit for Roman Abramovich ?
EdM thinks the answer to everything that doesn't go his way is to make a law. debates - change the law, energy freeze fail - change the law, next he will make it illegal to vote tory
Just watching QT (i only watch it around election times, or boring and packed with party supporters outside of elections). Yes Kennedy doesnt look too well, certainly a bit sauced up. Lucy Lips, oh my. Terrible. For someone managing an election campaign, why would she want to draw attention to the tory poster campaigns, when they are hitting home??
Saubry, yes the indignation looks a bit faux.
I hope with all my heart that Nearly Headless Nick gets his head back in place, and Soubry loses hers.
Just watching QT (i only watch it around election times, or boring and packed with party supporters outside of elections). Yes Kennedy doesnt look too well, certainly a bit sauced up. Lucy Lips, oh my. Terrible. For someone managing an election campaign, why would she want to draw attention to the tory poster campaigns, when they are hitting home??
Saubry, yes the indignation looks a bit faux.
I hope with all my heart that Nearly Headless Nick gets his head back in place, and Soubry loses hers.
No, after his sickening comments following the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, he should never be allowed anywhere near public office again.
Ed "2 kitchens" Miliband reminds me of the John Prescott story repeated recently (which may of course be apocryphal)
The story goes he was interviewed by local press, and mentioned his favourite chippy, where he went for lunch very day.
A rival chippy was very put out by this story, because JP visited them every day for lunch, and could not understand why the story featured the wrong chip shop.
The denouement came when it was (allegedly) revealed he visited both establishments every day to save the embarrassment of ordering the same thing twice in one place
As folks used to say here when a criminal was about to be electrocuted - Fry Him!
Just watching QT (i only watch it around election times, or boring and packed with party supporters outside of elections). Yes Kennedy doesnt look too well, certainly a bit sauced up. Lucy Lips, oh my. Terrible. For someone managing an election campaign, why would she want to draw attention to the tory poster campaigns, when they are hitting home??
Saubry, yes the indignation looks a bit faux.
I hope with all my heart that Nearly Headless Nick gets his head back in place, and Soubry loses hers.
No, after his sickening comments following the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, he should never be allowed anywhere near public office again.
EdM promises to cut Roman Abramovich's energy bills by 10%.
BTW Is EdM still promising to reinstate child benefit for Roman Abramovich ?
EdM thinks the answer to everything that doesn't go his way is to make a law. debates - change the law, energy freeze fail - change the law, next he will make it illegal to vote tory
As long as I get my owl, I will be happy.
But what about my second kitchen?
Milliband will enable a law forcing Smallbone to build you one, for tea and snacks. Is there space next to your sitting room?
EdM promises to cut Roman Abramovich's energy bills by 10%.
BTW Is EdM still promising to reinstate child benefit for Roman Abramovich ?
EdM thinks the answer to everything that doesn't go his way is to make a law. debates - change the law, energy freeze fail - change the law, next he will make it illegal to vote tory
As long as I get my owl, I will be happy.
But what about my second kitchen?
Milliband will enable a law forcing Smallbone to build you one, for tea and snacks. Is there space next to your sitting room?
Only in next door's garden. I demand a judge-led inquiry.
Ed "2 kitchens" Miliband reminds me of the John Prescott story repeated recently (which may of course be apocryphal)
The story goes he was interviewed by local press, and mentioned his favourite chippy, where he went for lunch very day.
A rival chippy was very put out by this story, because JP visited them every day for lunch, and could not understand why the story featured the wrong chip shop.
The denouement came when it was (allegedly) revealed he visited both establishments every day to save the embarrassment of ordering the same thing twice in one place
As folks used to say here when a criminal was about to be electrocuted - Fry Him!
Im surprised that a picture hasnt already surfaced of his real kitchen.
EdM promises to cut Roman Abramovich's energy bills by 10%.
BTW Is EdM still promising to reinstate child benefit for Roman Abramovich ?
EdM thinks the answer to everything that doesn't go his way is to make a law. debates - change the law, energy freeze fail - change the law, next he will make it illegal to vote tory
As long as I get my owl, I will be happy.
But what about my second kitchen?
Milliband will enable a law forcing Smallbone to build you one, for tea and snacks. Is there space next to your sitting room?
If the house has two bathrooms and is near the station, when he and Justine sell it they can advertise it as -
EdM promises to cut Roman Abramovich's energy bills by 10%.
BTW Is EdM still promising to reinstate child benefit for Roman Abramovich ?
EdM thinks the answer to everything that doesn't go his way is to make a law. debates - change the law, energy freeze fail - change the law, next he will make it illegal to vote tory
As long as I get my owl, I will be happy.
But what about my second kitchen?
Milliband will enable a law forcing Smallbone to build you one, for tea and snacks. Is there space next to your sitting room?
You joke, but remember he has promised all these jobs / apprentices for all...they will have to find something to do, 2nd kitchens seem a good start.
Oh s##t I might actually be filling in his blank page, with the "60 minute makeover" policy...every household is entitled to a free 60 minute makeover of their home.
The eighth Star Wars move will premiere on May 26, 2017, according to Disney CEO Bob Iger.
A spin-off called "rogue One" is set for release in December 2016
"We're going in full throttle. That ought to keep those Tories off our back!" "Ed, at that speed, will we be able to pull out in time? "It'll be just like Romanian Beggar's Canyon back home!"
He is not as left wing lunatic as he was and he has the extremely unusual attribute for SLAB of a functioning brain. He really stands out.
I would rather vote for Alison McGovern.
I saw her give a brilliant speech in the HoC. The content was absolute garbage, but she was articulate, passionate and engaging. Which makes her stand out amongst the Labour benches.
Is she not English, the Wirral or something? Now speaks on education? Definitely not SLAB.
Articulate, as in can put two wirdz tugedder. (^_-)
Her grandad wrote this corker.
David Cameron insists EU referendum could prove pivotal for Britain
Prime minister claims the country is currently ‘sleepwalking towards the exit’ but plays down suggestions that the referendum could come as early as 2016
David Cameron insists EU referendum could prove pivotal for Britain
Prime minister claims the country is currently ‘sleepwalking towards the exit’ but plays down suggestions that the referendum could come as early as 2016
David Cameron insists EU referendum could prove pivotal for Britain
Prime minister claims the country is currently ‘sleepwalking towards the exit’ but plays down suggestions that the referendum could come as early as 2016
The eighth Star Wars move will premiere on May 26, 2017, according to Disney CEO Bob Iger.
A spin-off called "rogue One" is set for release in December 2016
"We're going in full throttle. That ought to keep those Tories off our back!" "Ed, at that speed, will we be able to pull out in time? "It'll be just like Romanian Beggar's Canyon back home!"
I didn't realize they had trains in Star Wars, particularly in Romanian Beggar's Canyon
Richard Rogers @oowmygawd 3m3 minutes ago In 2014 I put a £20 bet @ 100/1 with local bookie on UKIP winning 50-100 seats in May, tonight in the pub he offered to put it back for £500
50-100 seats is about a 50/1 shot right now. That would make his £20 bet worth, umm, £40?
David Cameron insists EU referendum could prove pivotal for Britain
Prime minister claims the country is currently ‘sleepwalking towards the exit’ but plays down suggestions that the referendum could come as early as 2016
David Cameron insists EU referendum could prove pivotal for Britain
Prime minister claims the country is currently ‘sleepwalking towards the exit’ but plays down suggestions that the referendum could come as early as 2016
Meanwhile, ELBOW crossover now seems pretty much nailed on. Labour would probably need to have 3/4-point leads in all remaining polls or something to avoid it.
Con lead 1.2% in this week's polls up to and including Ipsos MORI. Need latest YG tables, but assuming 1300 sample giving a VI, should remain 1.1% Tory lead - until Populus of course!
David Cameron insists EU referendum could prove pivotal for Britain
Prime minister claims the country is currently ‘sleepwalking towards the exit’ but plays down suggestions that the referendum could come as early as 2016
David Cameron insists EU referendum could prove pivotal for Britain
Prime minister claims the country is currently ‘sleepwalking towards the exit’ but plays down suggestions that the referendum could come as early as 2016
David Cameron insists EU referendum could prove pivotal for Britain
Prime minister claims the country is currently ‘sleepwalking towards the exit’ but plays down suggestions that the referendum could come as early as 2016
Ed "2 kitchens" Miliband reminds me of the John Prescott story repeated recently (which may of course be apocryphal)
The story goes he was interviewed by local press, and mentioned his favourite chippy, where he went for lunch very day.
A rival chippy was very put out by this story, because JP visited them every day for lunch, and could not understand why the story featured the wrong chip shop.
The denouement came when it was (allegedly) revealed he visited both establishments every day to save the embarrassment of ordering the same thing twice in one place
Old labour vs New labour encapsulated. I know which one I prefer!
No guarantees, no certainties but as a Game, for a libertarian, Independence offers the best outcome.
"The truth may be out there, but the lies are inside your head."
And freed from poverty as well?
You couldn't give a damn Richard, as long as your nest gets more feathering, because you and your friends believe in the simple principle that you are not paid enough, and those "below" you are paid far to much.
She has just painted a big target on herself for GCHQ.
He's super-privileged and super wealthy. Nationally and globally.
He's a phoney.
It's so reassuring to have confirmation of how utterly rooted in vile prejudice the anti-Conservative vote is.
As a matter of interest, how much do you think I am paid, compared with (say) Mr or Mrs Miliband? And who do you think pays me?
I'll try again. In the United Kingdom where there is an entrenched Corporatist culture in politics and society, which is unerodable and virtually impossible to remove, the chance of a libertarian future is nil.
Therefore, if you are in Scotland and seek a libertarian future, there is a far higher probability of achieving that outcome through Independence.
Some chance is better than no chance.
I am not referring to "centre right" voters, I am referring to those like you, who would only eat babies if it was served in a flash restaurant at an outrageous price so you could boast about it at your next dinner party.
Sweet Jesus.
Slightly tragic how many people fall for it
Scotland may well end up with the same Corporatist culture that currently exists in the United Kingdom. But it is by no means CERTAIN to do. The UK will certainly have a Corporatist culture in 50 years.
There is no guarantee for an Independent Scotland.
There is no divine right of being better.
There is, however, an opportunity which the United Kingdom does not offer.
@KirstieMAllsopp: Yes, next week for the 5th time in 9 years I am sticking my head in the mouth of the lion that is @bbcquestiontime #StillTerrifying
There is no reason to believe that people in Scotland or England are better in any way than each other. None at all.
There is, however, in the United Kingdom and entrenched Corporatist system which is never likely to change. Independence offers the chance to leave it behind.
But whereas some of the 1% do have genuine empathy with those less privileged EdM doesn't.
That's why EdM so often rings a 'false note'.
Does EdM or someone else have two kitchens ?
A spin-off called "rogue One" is set for release in December 2016
The rarer the species, the tastier it is?
How much would you pay for a roast royal I wonder?
I'm beginning to think that, really, Ed is actually that dumb. Those close to him say he is a bright, personable guy. If so, his minders have done a fabulous job of shielding us all from it.
Turns out it is just one of the kitchens in Chateaux Miliband- Thornton.
I thought they had stopped the interbreeding and relied on privilege to carry on their stupidity?
The few times I have been really impressed by the Coalition is when they have done the opposite e.g. when there were those shooting, they said right lets wait and see, lets find out what went on and why, and would any change in the law make any difference. The answer was actually no, actually it would just throw the baby out with the bath water to totally over haul the laws and still not likely stop one nutter, while most likely impacting the tiny number of gun owners. So the best thing to do is actually nothing.
The poll shows that 37 per cent of Scots believe that if the Nationalists win a large number of Labour seats, it makes a Conservative government more likely. Just 13 per cent think it makes a Labour government more likely. In addition, 37 per cent of Scots now think Labour would be more effective at stopping the Tories, with 36 per cent thinking the SNP would be better. This is a significant shift from the last poll, which put the numbers at 33 and 43 per cent respectively.
The poll shows that 37 per cent of Scots believe that if the Nationalists win a large number of Labour seats, it makes a Conservative government more likely. Just 13 per cent think it makes a Labour government more likely. In addition, 37 per cent of Scots now think Labour would be more effective at stopping the Tories, with 36 per cent thinking the SNP would be better. This is a significant shift from the last poll, which put the numbers at 33 and 43 per cent respectively.
As for "close friend of Leon Brittan" - is that really a fair criticism? "Someone who knew Leon Brittan", definitely fair enough. "Close friend"? Dunno, have to admit I wasn't following this whole unseemly business that closely, but that isn't my own hazy recollection.
EDIT: sympathise with the not-knowing-who-to-vote-for decision, albeit from a different angle.
Saubry, yes the indignation looks a bit faux.
Oh, to live in the rarified world of the uber rich London politician.
In 2014 I put a £20 bet @ 100/1 with local bookie on UKIP winning 50-100 seats in May, tonight in the pub he offered to put it back for £500
The story goes he was interviewed by local press, and mentioned his favourite chippy, where he went for lunch very day.
A rival chippy was very put out by this story, because JP visited them every day for lunch, and could not understand why the story featured the wrong chip shop.
The denouement came when it was (allegedly) revealed he visited both establishments every day to save the embarrassment of ordering the same thing twice in one place
two loos low trek
Oh s##t I might actually be filling in his blank page, with the "60 minute makeover" policy...every household is entitled to a free 60 minute makeover of their home.
"Ed, at that speed, will we be able to pull out in time?
"It'll be just like Romanian Beggar's Canyon back home!"
Her grandad wrote this corker.
David Cameron insists EU referendum could prove pivotal for Britain
Prime minister claims the country is currently ‘sleepwalking towards the exit’ but plays down suggestions that the referendum could come as early as 2016
Will we be able to distinguish between the two of them by the end of the election?
Someone's telling porkies.
Come and join the Tremayne Party!"
Old labour vs New labour encapsulated. I know which one I prefer!
There's also a VI in there - a tie.