The next PB get-together will take place on Tuesday March 17th from 7pm at the Shooting Star in Middlesex Street. As the map below shows this is just round the corner from our normal venue, Dirty Dicks. We are hoping that this will be less crowded and noisy than the pre-Christmas bash. Thanks to Fat Steve for finding the new venue.
Oh, and good 'toon.
FPT Spot on. See this comment in the National.
And we are trying to take part in the infernal Union and its Parliament!!
And the latter denial is already happening. SNP being refused pre-election conversations with the Civil Service. And they now have more votes than the LDs ...
John Harris @johnharris1969 45 mins45 minutes ago
And still Cameron goes on and on abt the SNP, like a broken Dalek. Good for their poll ratings; the union looking ever-more fragile #PMQs
Ben Riley-Smith @benrileysmith 37 mins37 minutes ago
SNP must be loving all these Tory warnings on Westminster influence -- exactly the message they're trying to tell Scottish voters.
I whacked your argument out of the ground, you look ridiculous, give up
Labour are being pincered in no-man's land.
In general I take the view that if there are lots of divorces then it's probably a good thing if the number of marriages also declines. Better not to enter into the marriage in the first place.
That or adopt the practice found in some science fiction tales whereby a marriage contract has a set duration at the outset, and has to be explicitly renewed.
Is it now safe to say that Miliband has now lost it? On Sunday, you have his crazy, laughable idea of legislating for TV debates. Today he uses all 6 questions on the debates, something that interests 4% of the population. Labour used to be pretty astute users of polling information. It now looks like Ed has said I don't care what the polls say, I'm doing it my way, and if I lose, I lose on my terms.
Its very likely to get much worse for labour from now on.
I suspect a fudge will be found after a period on the naughty step, both for political (Clarkson is the stock answer to accusations of BBC corporate leftist bias) and commercial reasons.
Time to name names. Or stop talking such cr@p.
On what basis.
Since I clearly said people "getting married today", and therefore on average getting divorced in 8 years time.
The overall divorce rate is currently 42%, but the average figure includes people in their 60's and 70's which have a very low divorce rate, conversely people who are "getting married today" must have a substantially higher divorce rate to balance the average.
Entirely wrong on both counts:
"I think we will finally see crossover in an official week-ending ELBOW this Sunday!" - Lord Sunil.
Con 33.6
Lab 31.6
UKIP 14.6
LD 7.9
Grn 6.1
Would love it if there were a Top Gear-style programme for trains
Its beginning to sound like IR35, where the social services will attempt to look through the contractual arrangement (or lack there of) and deem the underlying relationship according to the circumstances, no danger of any problems there
'And thus spake Sunil unto his PB disciples: "Know ye that the Lord God was NOT married to the mother of His only begotten Son!"' - Psunils, 11:3:15.
Join the Liberal Democrat Party!
Or not Lets see what happens in a year or two as the economy recovers.... unless Ed gets elected of course in which case the divorce figures will no doubt continue to improve
Got to hand it to Ed.
Rolling Star in the 2.40 50/1.
There used to be a Labour Cabinet Minister who every time she appeared on TV or spoke in parliament the most tedious Tory posters would refer to her shocking dress sense or some other sexist stuff for which PB Tories -of a certain type --used to specialise .
Fortunately since the rise of UKIP this has largely stopped. The UKIPers don't do it and most of those Tories are embarrassed to look more old fashioned than the UKIPers. But one or two of the posts today particularly referring to lisps remind me sadly that not all have disappeared
Amazing though not unexpected figures. This looks like a slow burner. Wait till it gets closer to the time.
Has John Inverdale been suspended for inappropriate language yet btw?
"A seriously uncool comment"
A seriously accurate comment
Probably with tens of millions agreeing
Worst. Argument. Evar.
"I think you'll find it's not remotely sexist it's just a certain type of Tory gent likes to discuss dresses"
I'm sure you're right. The size 16's they'll be squeezing into for their nights out at Madame JoJo's
About 10/1 i think.
The search for an LD with a sense of humour continues.
Many women are snakes. That doesn't mean we're cold about it. We are still great friends and have an unspoken Cruel To Be Kind understanding. I did it because I love him, want him to be happy - and he didn't need me anymore, just somebody else.
£1,000/year - capped at £10,000 perhaps. The LibDems are declared to be dead when they either: fall to below 5% in two successive general elections, or lose all their MPs, or merge into another party.
SeanT is declared to be dead when... well, it's obvious really.
No-one is allowed to nobble the bet by persuading SeanT to get back into his old habits.
Who'd take which side?
wonder where the debates issue comes in the "important issues of the day" or salience or whatever it is called. somewhere below bangin on about europe is my guess
"All that shows is that are quite a few macho car fanatics who quite like right wing racist thugs."
I signed the petition and I voted LD in 2001, 2005 and 2010. As I said earlier, Clarkson can be a knob head but he represents a strand of non-PC thinking. Why do left wing, posh people and young people think they know it all and are therefore required to force the plebs to do as they're told?
Young people I can understand as I knew a lot more when I was younger. As Wilde said ... "Young people are always willing to give you the benefit of their inexperience."
And I suppose posh, middle class people are naturally superior, especially if they read the Guardian.
But this coffin dodger knows many who aren't.
Lets hear it for the Weasels and Stoats (Kenneth Grahame).
ThomasNashe Posts: 543
Indigo said:
» show previous quotes
On what basis.
Since I clearly said people "getting married today", and therefore on average getting divorced in 8 years time.
The overall divorce rate is currently 42%, but the average figure includes people in their 60's and 70's which have a very low divorce rate, conversely people who are "getting married today" must have a substantially higher divorce rate to balance the average.
Entirely wrong on both counts:
1/ You would be mad to take no notice of a risk that had a 20 or 30 or 50% chance of occurring
2/ that article fails to relate number of divorces to number of marriages. If there are 10 married couples and 6 get divorced over some period then clearly fewer will get divorced over any subsequent period.
I'm younger than that now.
as yer man says
*In its original "circle" form of course. Um, and after finish of late night passenger services so as to avoid hitting civilians!
Dylan was older than his years - it certainly looks like it now.
Mark Senior is quite sure that many would support him if the producer were a handicapped child and Clarkson had raped him.
Mark Senior is quite clearly talking out of his behind.
I suspect a fudge will be found after a period on the naughty step, both for political (Clarkson is the stock answer to accusations of BBC corporate leftist bias) and commercial reasons.
Not if he smacked an assistant producer-basically a PA- for being late with his meal. If that's the case they''ll ditch him like a rat with Ebola
It fell as low as $1.0560, before recovering a little. But many traders expect it may soon be worth the same as a dollar.
The ECB began its latest round of quantitative easing (QE) on Monday.
It will buy bonds worth €1.14tn over the next 18 months, flooding the market with euros......
"We now see euro-dollar moving down to $1.00 by year-end, $0.90 by 2016 and down to a trough of $0.85 by 2017," said Deutsche Bank in a report published on Tuesday.
While further devaluation of the euro should give businesses in the eurozone a boost, the pace of change may pose challenges for companies that need to plan ahead.
Gets harder from here.
I am small stakes today, saving money for tomorrows Stan James treat for Mrs BJ and me.
Anyone got any tips for tomorrows card.
"I think I might back our resident right wing hyberbolist."
I have a residual sympathy for some LD policies so I hope they'll change and move on in the future. Nothing against Sean T, of course.
It's the "My Europe, right or wrong" that grates. Even if the EU army invaded Kent, Cleggy would be leading the vanguard.
Spain +13%
Germany +10.5%
UK +10%
France +9.5%
Italy +9%
Greece, btw, is down 20% IIRC.