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  • For those who don't have paywall access

    Peter Kellner's piece from the Sunday Times is now on the YouGov website

    As things stand, Cameron could be the first Tory leader for more than half a century to have good reason to say on election night: “Thank you, Scotland”.
  • surbitonsurbiton Posts: 13,549

    I see that Ed was at JLR, talking about how amazing they are, a model for the country, and in the say breath still banging the tax avoidance / tax evasion drum. I hope he checked that the Tata group has clean hands when it comes to their tax affairs....

    "The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) on Friday pulled up the income tax department (ITD) for allowing irregular tax exemption to two Tata Group trusts, involving tax implication of a little over Rs 1,000 crore."

    surbiton said:

    Good lead for the Tories. Let's see the next few. Wasn't there an ICM a month or so back which gave the Tories 3/4% lead ?

    No there . The last Tory lead with ICM was back in July, of 1%
    The Lord's. Second week of Jan.
  • peter_from_putneypeter_from_putney Posts: 6,956
    edited February 2015
    ***** Betting Post *****
    On the basis of this ICM poll and signs of UKIP's diminishing support elsewhere, my early bet of the week is to back the Purple Party to win FEWER than 6 GE seats at odds of 1.89 (1.85 net of commission) with Betfair. When I looked just now there was approx £50 available at this price.
    As ever, DYOR.
  • MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 51,714

    I feel a PJ & Duncan themed nighthawks coming up

    Ant and Dec criticise Labour and Ed Miliband

    'Staunchly Labour' TV presenters say the party has lost its way and claim they cannot see Mr Miliband leading the country

    Ant is so staunchly Labour he voted Tory at the last election.

    Lord be praised! Finally, FINALLY, a way to tell them apart....

    But which one is he?

    The one eating the baby....
  • TheWatcherTheWatcher Posts: 5,262
    edited February 2015
    GIN1138 said:

    GIN1138 said:

    MikeK said:

    All the pollsters are in flux, and the ICM poll is definitely and outlier or perhaps a spoof as the ICM bosses fear of UKIP is now showing up in the polls as well as in words.

    In July 2014 ICM also had UKIP on 9% with a fall of 7 points. They are pathetic.

    Do you actually think ICM is persecuting UKIP? Are you on drugs?

    It must be an outlier because it doesn't agree with MikeK. The election will probably be an outlier too.
    No, no, it's not an outlier. It's part of an EU funded conspiracy to to do UKIP down...

    The same as tonights 'UKIP: The first 100 days' .

    Gentlemen's outfitters are doing a roaring trade in tinfoil lined tweed caps and Faraday cage corduroy jackets this week.
  • chestnut said:

    The Tories are between 34-36 with ICM, Ipsos and Ashcroft - phone polls.

    I mentioned the return of the shy tories this morning. Easier to be shy by phone. Last time we saw them was last time they were in govt and lots of the same reasons are back.
  • JamesMJamesM Posts: 221

    Forget the ICM poll, PJ and Duncan. I think Ant was PJ and Dec was Duncan. PJ went blind in a paint balling incident on Byker Grove. My era of children's television!
  • MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 51,714

    GIN1138 said:

    I've no doubt that'd be the preferred LD option rather than a dirty Lab-LD-SNP three-way when Labour had lost decisively on both seats and votes.

    I'm having disturbing images of Ed, Alex and Nick having a threesome... :open_mouth:

    Think I'd better have a lie down!

    Bye. :D
    I'm sure Nicola Sturgeon would be involved too.
    No, not Wee Jimmy Krankie too! There isn't enough mind-bleach in the world....

  • isam said:

    isam said:

    If this poll was the result then I would lose quite a lot of money!

    Then again, if 99% of the polls this year were right I would win quite a lot...

    Were you not anticipating the polls moving?
    They move every day don't they?
    Right, but in a specific direction. Most models expected swingback and most commentators anticipated UKIP getting squeezed. Not saying that either or both will happen, but there's no sense in just betting on the polls as they are today.
  • felixfelix Posts: 15,138
    edited February 2015

    I feel a PJ & Duncan themed nighthawks coming up

    Ant and Dec criticise Labour and Ed Miliband

    'Staunchly Labour' TV presenters say the party has lost its way and claim they cannot see Mr Miliband leading the country

    They'll get murdered on twitter as soon as the Labour trolls see their betrayal.

    Anyone seen Big John Owls?

    He's should have Baxtered the numbers by now. Always does when other polls are published.

    He's gone to A&E in shock - we won't see him till after May 10th - you know how bad the waiting times are under the baby -eaters.
  • MarkHopkinsMarkHopkins Posts: 5,584
    MikeK said:

    I really don't know why the Israelis bother.

    I hope stories like that will one day help bring peace to the Middle East.

    If enough people can go from fear to praise like that, maybe the hatred can end.

  • surbitonsurbiton Posts: 13,549

    I feel a PJ & Duncan themed nighthawks coming up

    Ant and Dec criticise Labour and Ed Miliband

    'Staunchly Labour' TV presenters say the party has lost its way and claim they cannot see Mr Miliband leading the country

    Ant is so staunchly Labour he voted Tory at the last election.

    Lord be praised! Finally, FINALLY, a way to tell them apart....

    But which one is he?

    The one who apperas to have an ever receding hairline - for 15 years !
  • MikeKMikeK Posts: 9,053

    MikeK said:

    I really don't know why the Israelis bother.

    Maybe because their doctors are civilised.
    And we know their enemies are not.
  • felixfelix Posts: 15,138

    GIN1138 said:

    I've no doubt that'd be the preferred LD option rather than a dirty Lab-LD-SNP three-way when Labour had lost decisively on both seats and votes.

    I'm having disturbing images of Ed, Alex and Nick having a threesome... :open_mouth:

    Think I'd better have a lie down!

    Bye. :D
    I'm sure Nicola Sturgeon would be involved too.
    Nah - that would be too fishy.

    I'm on all week:)
  • isamisam Posts: 41,118
    edited February 2015

    isam said:

    isam said:

    If this poll was the result then I would lose quite a lot of money!

    Then again, if 99% of the polls this year were right I would win quite a lot...

    Were you not anticipating the polls moving?
    They move every day don't they?
    Right, but in a specific direction. Most models expected swingback and most commentators anticipated UKIP getting squeezed. Not saying that either or both will happen, but there's no sense in just betting on the polls as they are today.
    I dont really know what you are on about if I am honest

    All my bets have moved my way since I put them on, so I am not that frantic over this poll
  • MaxPB said:

    Ah, Miliband's face has been splashed all over the media.

    No wonder Labour are desperate to keep photos of Ed's nowhere near their campaign literature.

    Lucy Powell's strategy of more Ed, more of the time seems to be working as intended.
    The Tories' characterisation of Labour's leader has always been 100% accurate. As a party, they are exceptionally shrewd judges of political character.
    Could be some truth in that. They're better at ditching no hopers. If Miliband had led the tories he'd prbly have been dumped by now.
  • isam said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    If this poll was the result then I would lose quite a lot of money!

    Then again, if 99% of the polls this year were right I would win quite a lot...

    Were you not anticipating the polls moving?
    They move every day don't they?
    Right, but in a specific direction. Most models expected swingback and most commentators anticipated UKIP getting squeezed. Not saying that either or both will happen, but there's no sense in just betting on the polls as they are today.
    I dont really know what you are on about if I am honest

    All my bets have moved my way since I put them on, so I am not that frantic over this poll
    once the campaign propre starts UKIP will be getting major media exposure (as a major party- that's still true isn't it?)

    I'd guess their trend is still upward.
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,507
    MikeK said:

    MikeK said:

    I really don't know why the Israelis bother.

    Maybe because their doctors are civilised.
    And we know their enemies are not.
    Why do you have Mark Rylance as your avatar Mike?
  • GrandioseGrandiose Posts: 2,323

    isam said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    If this poll was the result then I would lose quite a lot of money!

    Then again, if 99% of the polls this year were right I would win quite a lot...

    Were you not anticipating the polls moving?
    They move every day don't they?
    Right, but in a specific direction. Most models expected swingback and most commentators anticipated UKIP getting squeezed. Not saying that either or both will happen, but there's no sense in just betting on the polls as they are today.
    I dont really know what you are on about if I am honest

    All my bets have moved my way since I put them on, so I am not that frantic over this poll
    once the campaign propre starts UKIP will be getting major media exposure (as a major party- that's still true isn't it?)

    I'd guess their trend is still upward.
    Unclear how much UKIP would benefit from that, but it's clear what the (other) major parties have done in previous elections with their broadcasts, billboards, etc.
  • Anyone seen Big John Owls?

    He's should have Baxtered the numbers by now. Always does when other polls are published.

    He's updating his CV. May have to go back to work to fund his political betting losses...
    Surely he doesn't need to update his CV ..... he simply signs on again for more money. IIRC he's previously told us that this option with the NHS is open to him.
  • Hengists_GiftHengists_Gift Posts: 628
    edited February 2015

    isam said:

    isam said:

    If this poll was the result then I would lose quite a lot of money!

    Then again, if 99% of the polls this year were right I would win quite a lot...

    Were you not anticipating the polls moving?
    They move every day don't they?
    Right, but in a specific direction. Most models expected swingback and most commentators anticipated UKIP getting squeezed. Not saying that either or both will happen, but there's no sense in just betting on the polls as they are today.
    Most 'models' didn't anticipate UKIP being in this position at this point in the first place!
  • MikeK said:

    All the pollsters are in flux, and the ICM poll is definitely and outlier or perhaps a spoof as the ICM bosses fear of UKIP is now showing up in the polls as well as in words.
    In July 2014 ICM also had UKIP on 9% with a fall of 7 points. They are pathetic.
    Mind you the C4 attack on UKIP tonight - which is sponsored by the EU - may see that channel in trouble.

    It would be good for C4 if they did get into trouble over it. The pre-broadcast leaks are worrying for folk who believe in equal treatment of parties. Your stuff on ICM lets you down.
  • Good afternoon, everyone.

    Whilst amusing, this does look like a rogue, a rapscallion, a scallywag of the first water of a poll.

    Mr. Urquhart, Harman's a clown.
  • It would seem that Miliband is doing a better job of frightening anti Labour voters into the Tories arms than attracting new supporters into the Labour fold.
  • MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 51,714

    Anyone seen Big John Owls?

    He's should have Baxtered the numbers by now. Always does when other polls are published.

    He's updating his CV. May have to go back to work to fund his political betting losses...
    Surely he doesn't need to update his CV ..... he simply signs on again for more money. IIRC he's previously told us that this option with the NHS is open to him.
    But private pays better!
  • welshowlwelshowl Posts: 4,464
    edited February 2015

    I feel a PJ & Duncan themed nighthawks coming up

    Ant and Dec criticise Labour and Ed Miliband

    'Staunchly Labour' TV presenters say the party has lost its way and claim they cannot see Mr Miliband leading the country

    Ant is so staunchly Labour he voted Tory at the last election.

    Lord be praised! Finally, FINALLY, a way to tell them apart....

    But which one is he?

    The one on the right.....

    I'll get me coat.
  • I go away for a couple of hours and miss all the excitement.

    Whether either the Conservatives being ahead of Labour or the Lib Dems being ahead of UKIP is actually correct is open to doubt. Though this is not a good poll for the Lib Dems at all. 10% is a really low rating for them with ICM.
  • MaxPB said:

    Ah, Miliband's face has been splashed all over the media.

    No wonder Labour are desperate to keep photos of Ed's nowhere near their campaign literature.

    Lucy Powell's strategy of more Ed, more of the time seems to be working as intended.
    The Tories' characterisation of Labour's leader has always been 100% accurate. As a party, they are exceptionally shrewd judges of political character.
    Could be some truth in that. They're better at ditching no hopers. If Miliband had led the tories he'd prbly have been dumped by now.
    Very true.
  • Perhaps it's time to start seeking out the best betting value in those 40th - 60th "most vulnerable" seats, which perhaps the Tories aren't about to lose after all.
    Where's antifrank when you need him?
  • TGOHFTGOHF Posts: 21,633
    antifrank said:

    I go away for a couple of hours and miss all the excitement.

    Whether either the Conservatives being ahead of Labour or the Lib Dems being ahead of UKIP is actually correct is open to doubt. Though this is not a good poll for the Lib Dems at all. 10% is a really low rating for them with ICM.

    Coalition on 46 (+5)

    LDs rejoice - 5 more years ...
  • By jove, Mike's right

    @MSmithsonPB: This seems designed to secure for Nick Clegg Tory tactical voters in Sheffield Hallam
  • By jove, Mike's right

    @MSmithsonPB: This seems designed to secure for Nick Clegg Tory tactical voters in Sheffield Hallam

    Not much of an anagram.
  • anotherDaveanotherDave Posts: 6,746
    antifrank said:

    Though this is not a good poll for the Lib Dems at all. 10% is a really low rating for them with ICM.

    No, it's pretty much the norm.

    Last 6 LD ICMs: 12, 10, 11, 11, 14, 11.
  • Anyone seen Big John Owls?

    He's should have Baxtered the numbers by now. Always does when other polls are published.

    He's updating his CV. May have to go back to work to fund his political betting losses...
    Electoral Calculus

    Con 311
    Lab 294
    Lib 17
    Oth 19


  • As ever, Douglas Murray is spot on over appeasing nutcases through politically correct bullshit and indulging the backward over-sensitivity of maniacs (he uses nicer words):
  • felixfelix Posts: 15,138
    edited February 2015

    By jove, Mike's right

    @MSmithsonPB: This seems designed to secure for Nick Clegg Tory tactical voters in Sheffield Hallam

    Always funny to see right-on lefty women using terminology like 'slags'.
  • MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 51,714

    By jove, Mike's right

    @MSmithsonPB: This seems designed to secure for Nick Clegg Tory tactical voters in Sheffield Hallam

    Clearly printed before this afternoon's poll - no longer do the TORYS LAG

  • MikeK said:

    All the pollsters are in flux, and the ICM poll is definitely and outlier or perhaps a spoof as the ICM bosses fear of UKIP is now showing up in the polls as well as in words.
    In July 2014 ICM also had UKIP on 9% with a fall of 7 points. They are pathetic.
    Mind you the C4 attack on UKIP tonight - which is sponsored by the EU - may see that channel in trouble.

    It would be good for C4 if they did get into trouble over it. The pre-broadcast leaks are worrying for folk who believe in equal treatment of parties. Your stuff on ICM lets you down.
    Don't other parties get unfriendly fictional treatment. 'The Thick of It', 'A very British Coup', 'The Deal', 'The Alan Clark Diaries'. I'm sure there are more.
    or even non-fiction like 'Yesterday's Men'
  • Perhaps it's time to start seeking out the best betting value in those 40th - 60th "most vulnerable" seats, which perhaps the Tories aren't about to lose after all.
    Where's antifrank when you need him?

    By price, you're looking at seats like:

    Croydon Central
    Chester, City of
    Castle Point
    Rochester and Strood
    Dudley South
    Wirral West
    Blackpool North and Cleveleys
  • AnorakAnorak Posts: 6,621

    Anorak said:

    Tory surge now on:

    Out of the last 28 polls Tory lead in 4

    You should chuck those grapes, they seem to be a bit sour.
    But there does seem to be something of a pattern, Anorak, whereby Labour register a string of small leads which are interrupted occasionally by a thumping great Tory lead.

    It's usually Lord Ashcroft, but this time ICM. Not sure what to make of it.
    You're right of course, but I reserve the right to gloat on the most flimsy and specious of grounds. 'Tis practically mandatory behaviour from all sides on PB, after all - although you usually remain above the fray, cashing in...
  • RogerRoger Posts: 19,796
    I wonder how many on here really care who wins the next election (gamblers excluded)? Probably more Tories than Labourites but apart from a few zealots like Nabavi and Flightpath I think the rest of us realize it won't make a scrap of difference to anything or anyone.
  • antifrank said:

    I go away for a couple of hours and miss all the excitement.

    Whether either the Conservatives being ahead of Labour or the Lib Dems being ahead of UKIP is actually correct is open to doubt. Though this is not a good poll for the Lib Dems at all. 10% is a really low rating for them with ICM.

    10% for the LDs with ICM is very bad. Joint lowest they have been for many years. Also since ICMs system bumps up LDs rating due to the much higher vote it got in 2010, a 10% with ICM is equivalent to a 7% or less with others.
  • GrandioseGrandiose Posts: 2,323
    After my success tipping Ireland, NZ v Scotland is a different matter. Almost impossible to see Scotland winning. 1/50 is not worth it for NZ but 1/5 for more sixes (described as "most sixes") than Scotland might just be worth it.

    Can anyone explain the "match handicap" option on bet365 (probably others, but since I'm not actually betting no point me spending time) - Scotland +8.5 wickets / +100.5 runs and NZ the opposite?
  • FloaterFloater Posts: 14,207
    ant and Dec have spoken

    Ed not up to the task.

    Is JackW Ant or Dec - I think we should be told :-)
  • MikeK said:

    MikeK said:

    I really don't know why the Israelis bother.

    Maybe because their doctors are civilised.
    And we know their enemies are not.
    And do you know whether "a young farmer from Deraa" was their enemy? Or are you saying he's a Syrian, so should not be helped medically?
  • As ever, Douglas Murray is spot on over appeasing nutcases through politically correct bullshit and indulging the backward over-sensitivity of maniacs (he uses nicer words):

    its bollocks though really isn't it? he doesn't have anything to say beyond a sterotypical "enoch was right" kind of thing
  • Grandiose said:

    After my success tipping Ireland, NZ v Scotland is a different matter. Almost impossible to see Scotland winning. 1/50 is not worth it for NZ but 1/5 for more sixes (described as "most sixes") than Scotland might just be worth it.

    Can anyone explain the "match handicap" option on bet365 (probably others, but since I'm not actually betting no point me spending time) - Scotland +8.5 wickets / +100.5 runs and NZ the opposite?

    Which handicap applies depends on who bats first. So if NZ bat first, Scotland would have to get within 100 to win the hcap, and if Scotland bat first then they'd need to take 2 wickets to win the hcap.
  • Roger said:

    I wonder how many on here really care who wins the next election (gamblers excluded)? Probably more Tories than Labourites but apart from a few zealots like Nabavi and Flightpath I think the rest of us realize it won't make a scrap of difference to anything or anyone.

    I'm not a regular poster and being an OAP not a keen gambler either... but I have lived through the Wilson/Callaghan era as an adult so I can confidently say a Labour Government would be rather like Ed's leadership - a shambles.
  • Mr. Roger, I care. Whilst not enamoured with Cameron, Miliband could be a disaster in an impressive number of ways.
    1) Trident surrendering to the SNP
    2) Constitutional crisis
    3) Shafting the English by either having no devolution or, worse, carving the country up into shitty party political fiefdoms
    4) Economic woe
    5) Being even worse than the Coalition on regulating the press when we need stronger freedom of speech/the press than ever

    And, on a less serious but indefensible and repugnant nevertheless:
    6) Having a candidate for mayor (Sadiq Khan) who wants anti-white quotas
  • Mr. Fish, nice to see you on :)
  • Mr. Roger, I care. Whilst not enamoured with Cameron, Miliband could be a disaster in an impressive number of ways.
    1) Trident surrendering to the SNP
    2) Constitutional crisis
    3) Shafting the English by either having no devolution or, worse, carving the country up into shitty party political fiefdoms
    4) Economic woe
    5) Being even worse than the Coalition on regulating the press when we need stronger freedom of speech/the press than ever

    And, on a less serious but indefensible and repugnant nevertheless:
    6) Having a candidate for mayor (Sadiq Khan) who wants anti-white quotas

    Miliband kicks kittens too.
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,507
    Roger said:

    I wonder how many on here really care who wins the next election (gamblers excluded)? Probably more Tories than Labourites but apart from a few zealots like Nabavi and Flightpath I think the rest of us realize it won't make a scrap of difference to anything or anyone.

    Labour will destroy a lot of value. That is a shame for those who are less well-placed to withstand it.

    Call it compassionate Conservativism.
  • Mr. Roger, I care. Whilst not enamoured with Cameron, Miliband could be a disaster in an impressive number of ways.
    1) Trident surrendering to the SNP
    2) Constitutional crisis
    3) Shafting the English by either having no devolution or, worse, carving the country up into shitty party political fiefdoms
    4) Economic woe
    5) Being even worse than the Coalition on regulating the press when we need stronger freedom of speech/the press than ever

    And, on a less serious but indefensible and repugnant nevertheless:
    6) Having a candidate for mayor (Sadiq Khan) who wants anti-white quotas

    Miliband kicks kittens too.
    No, that was Ed's Dad, the man who hated Britain, etc
  • GrandioseGrandiose Posts: 2,323

    Grandiose said:

    After my success tipping Ireland, NZ v Scotland is a different matter. Almost impossible to see Scotland winning. 1/50 is not worth it for NZ but 1/5 for more sixes (described as "most sixes") than Scotland might just be worth it.

    Can anyone explain the "match handicap" option on bet365 (probably others, but since I'm not actually betting no point me spending time) - Scotland +8.5 wickets / +100.5 runs and NZ the opposite?

    Which handicap applies depends on who bats first. So if NZ bat first, Scotland would have to get within 100 to win the hcap, and if Scotland bat first then they'd need to take 2 wickets to win the hcap.
    OK, thanks.

    Seems a bit uneven to me. If Scotland bat first (conditions being equal, I don't know) then they ought to post at least 150, probably ~200. That would be a challenge for NZ to reach without losing two wickets, I mean, that's at least 25 overs of cricket. But if NZ are in first, they've got to be targetting 300+ and that means a good Scotland score.

    I must admit I do not know the form book on Scotland as well as I did Ireland.
  • Grandiose said:

    After my success tipping Ireland, NZ v Scotland is a different matter. Almost impossible to see Scotland winning. 1/50 is not worth it for NZ but 1/5 for more sixes (described as "most sixes") than Scotland might just be worth it.

    Can anyone explain the "match handicap" option on bet365 (probably others, but since I'm not actually betting no point me spending time) - Scotland +8.5 wickets / +100.5 runs and NZ the opposite?

    Which handicap applies depends on who bats first. So if NZ bat first, Scotland would have to get within 100 to win the hcap, and if Scotland bat first then they'd need to take 2 wickets to win the hcap.
    I really hope Scotland don't bat first, I bought Kane Williamson series runs at 374, I could close out now at 376 but definitely not going to!
  • antifrank said:

    Though this is not a good poll for the Lib Dems at all. 10% is a really low rating for them with ICM.

    No, it's pretty much the norm.

    Last 6 LD ICMs: 12, 10, 11, 11, 14, 11.
    Or put another way Libdems hit rock bottom. The Libdems have not polled lower than 10% in any ICM poll since 2010 (according to UKPR)
  • Roger said:

    I wonder how many on here really care who wins the next election (gamblers excluded)? Probably more Tories than Labourites but apart from a few zealots like Nabavi and Flightpath I think the rest of us realize it won't make a scrap of difference to anything or anyone.

    It won't, except in the negative. I wouldn't expect a renewed Cameron government to change anything at all. All their political capital will be spent on making further spending cuts and trying to cobble together some sort of very basic package on the EU renegotiation they can spin as a success.

    I would expect an Ed Miliband led government to take decisions that, in aggregate, sum up to damage the country's economy, and act against Britain's interests in matters of foreign affairs and defence to an even greater extent than the Conservatives.

    They would also probably do a 'go-slow' on any further roll-out of free schools, but will lack the money to do anything substantive - other than cosmetic change - about welfare and health reforms.

    Both governments will be identical on socio-cultural issues, values issues and immigration.
  • GrandioseGrandiose Posts: 2,323
    edited February 2015

    Grandiose said:

    After my success tipping Ireland, NZ v Scotland is a different matter. Almost impossible to see Scotland winning. 1/50 is not worth it for NZ but 1/5 for more sixes (described as "most sixes") than Scotland might just be worth it.

    Can anyone explain the "match handicap" option on bet365 (probably others, but since I'm not actually betting no point me spending time) - Scotland +8.5 wickets / +100.5 runs and NZ the opposite?

    Which handicap applies depends on who bats first. So if NZ bat first, Scotland would have to get within 100 to win the hcap, and if Scotland bat first then they'd need to take 2 wickets to win the hcap.
    I really hope Scotland don't bat first, I bought Kane Williamson series runs at 374, I could close out now at 376 but definitely not going to!
    You can bet on the toss!


    Only use would be as some sort of hedge, but I've never mastered that sort of arbitrage that others here do so well.
  • Sean_FSean_F Posts: 36,759
    Roger said:

    I wonder how many on here really care who wins the next election (gamblers excluded)? Probably more Tories than Labourites but apart from a few zealots like Nabavi and Flightpath I think the rest of us realize it won't make a scrap of difference to anything or anyone.

    I think the similarities between the Conservative and Labour front-benches, socially and attitudinally, are far greater than the differences.
  • Mr. Me, I find that hard to believe. If he can't handle a dead pig then a live cat will be far beyond his powers.
  • Roger said:

    I wonder how many on here really care who wins the next election (gamblers excluded)? Probably more Tories than Labourites but apart from a few zealots like Nabavi and Flightpath I think the rest of us realize it won't make a scrap of difference to anything or anyone.

    Blimey you chucked the towel in early.
  • philiphphiliph Posts: 4,704
    As swingback is now a well known and proven theory, with peer reviewed papers printed in appropriate journals ( ), we extrapolate the exponential nature of swing back to show that by May 2015 the vote shares will be: Con 48 (+ 12) Lab 28 (-4) LD 9 (-1) All others 15 (-8).

  • Grandiose said:

    Grandiose said:

    After my success tipping Ireland, NZ v Scotland is a different matter. Almost impossible to see Scotland winning. 1/50 is not worth it for NZ but 1/5 for more sixes (described as "most sixes") than Scotland might just be worth it.

    Can anyone explain the "match handicap" option on bet365 (probably others, but since I'm not actually betting no point me spending time) - Scotland +8.5 wickets / +100.5 runs and NZ the opposite?

    Which handicap applies depends on who bats first. So if NZ bat first, Scotland would have to get within 100 to win the hcap, and if Scotland bat first then they'd need to take 2 wickets to win the hcap.
    I really hope Scotland don't bat first, I bought Kane Williamson series runs at 374, I could close out now at 376 but definitely not going to!
    You can bet on the toss!

    I've always found betting on the first ball great
  • Grandiose said:

    Grandiose said:

    After my success tipping Ireland, NZ v Scotland is a different matter. Almost impossible to see Scotland winning. 1/50 is not worth it for NZ but 1/5 for more sixes (described as "most sixes") than Scotland might just be worth it.

    Can anyone explain the "match handicap" option on bet365 (probably others, but since I'm not actually betting no point me spending time) - Scotland +8.5 wickets / +100.5 runs and NZ the opposite?

    Which handicap applies depends on who bats first. So if NZ bat first, Scotland would have to get within 100 to win the hcap, and if Scotland bat first then they'd need to take 2 wickets to win the hcap.
    OK, thanks.

    Seems a bit uneven to me. If Scotland bat first (conditions being equal, I don't know) then they ought to post at least 150, probably ~200. That would be a challenge for NZ to reach without losing two wickets, I mean, that's at least 25 overs of cricket. But if NZ are in first, they've got to be targetting 300+ and that means a good Scotland score.

    I must admit I do not know the form book on Scotland as well as I did Ireland.
    It is probably a bit uneven, so part of the bet does relate to a favourable toss! The difference between 7.5 & 8.5 is very significant in these games - faced with an easy chase 1 or 2 wickets down is normal.

    I wouldn't be so sure about Scotland getting 200 against the NZ attack in NZ conditions, though.
  • GrandioseGrandiose Posts: 2,323

    Grandiose said:

    Grandiose said:

    After my success tipping Ireland, NZ v Scotland is a different matter. Almost impossible to see Scotland winning. 1/50 is not worth it for NZ but 1/5 for more sixes (described as "most sixes") than Scotland might just be worth it.

    Can anyone explain the "match handicap" option on bet365 (probably others, but since I'm not actually betting no point me spending time) - Scotland +8.5 wickets / +100.5 runs and NZ the opposite?

    Which handicap applies depends on who bats first. So if NZ bat first, Scotland would have to get within 100 to win the hcap, and if Scotland bat first then they'd need to take 2 wickets to win the hcap.
    I really hope Scotland don't bat first, I bought Kane Williamson series runs at 374, I could close out now at 376 but definitely not going to!
    You can bet on the toss!

    I've always found betting on the first ball great
    Bookies are presumably sitting on all the data required for the spot betting options. Does Brendan McCullum hit more sixes on ball 1 or ball 5? Etc. etc.
  • Grandiose said:

    Grandiose said:

    After my success tipping Ireland, NZ v Scotland is a different matter. Almost impossible to see Scotland winning. 1/50 is not worth it for NZ but 1/5 for more sixes (described as "most sixes") than Scotland might just be worth it.

    Can anyone explain the "match handicap" option on bet365 (probably others, but since I'm not actually betting no point me spending time) - Scotland +8.5 wickets / +100.5 runs and NZ the opposite?

    Which handicap applies depends on who bats first. So if NZ bat first, Scotland would have to get within 100 to win the hcap, and if Scotland bat first then they'd need to take 2 wickets to win the hcap.
    I really hope Scotland don't bat first, I bought Kane Williamson series runs at 374, I could close out now at 376 but definitely not going to!
    You can bet on the toss!

    I've always found betting on the first ball great
    The usual ploy if the minnows bat first and start to collapse is to try to get on the opposition openers for top bat! Most bookies are wise to it, though, so don't take any old price...
  • felix said:

    By jove, Mike's right

    @MSmithsonPB: This seems designed to secure for Nick Clegg Tory tactical voters in Sheffield Hallam

    Always funny to see right-on lefty women using terminology like 'slags'.
    Could have been worse, they could have said "sluts" :)
  • Richard_NabaviRichard_Nabavi Posts: 30,821
    edited February 2015

    Both governments will be identical on socio-cultural issues, values issues and immigration.

    They wouldn't be identical, that's just plain silly. It's true however that they wouldn't be enormously far apart in those sorts of values issues, for the very good reasons that either the vast bulk of the population wouldn't vote for them if they were (socio-cultural issues), or because it isn't actually feasible to change course a lot (immigration).
  • Grandiose said:

    Grandiose said:

    After my success tipping Ireland, NZ v Scotland is a different matter. Almost impossible to see Scotland winning. 1/50 is not worth it for NZ but 1/5 for more sixes (described as "most sixes") than Scotland might just be worth it.

    Can anyone explain the "match handicap" option on bet365 (probably others, but since I'm not actually betting no point me spending time) - Scotland +8.5 wickets / +100.5 runs and NZ the opposite?

    Which handicap applies depends on who bats first. So if NZ bat first, Scotland would have to get within 100 to win the hcap, and if Scotland bat first then they'd need to take 2 wickets to win the hcap.
    I really hope Scotland don't bat first, I bought Kane Williamson series runs at 374, I could close out now at 376 but definitely not going to!
    You can bet on the toss!

    I've always found betting on the first ball great
    The usual ploy if the minnows bat first and start to collapse is to try to get on the opposition openers for top bat! Most bookies are wise to it, though, so don't take any old price...
    One of the reasons I'm not betting that much on the matches in this world cup is because of the time differences.

    Past experience has seen me fall asleep around 2am and I fail to trade out.
  • ICM poll - blimey, now that is what I'd call a 'corker' - fun, but probably an outlier.
  • Grandiose said:

    Grandiose said:

    Grandiose said:

    After my success tipping Ireland, NZ v Scotland is a different matter. Almost impossible to see Scotland winning. 1/50 is not worth it for NZ but 1/5 for more sixes (described as "most sixes") than Scotland might just be worth it.

    Can anyone explain the "match handicap" option on bet365 (probably others, but since I'm not actually betting no point me spending time) - Scotland +8.5 wickets / +100.5 runs and NZ the opposite?

    Which handicap applies depends on who bats first. So if NZ bat first, Scotland would have to get within 100 to win the hcap, and if Scotland bat first then they'd need to take 2 wickets to win the hcap.
    I really hope Scotland don't bat first, I bought Kane Williamson series runs at 374, I could close out now at 376 but definitely not going to!
    You can bet on the toss!

    I've always found betting on the first ball great
    Bookies are presumably sitting on all the data required for the spot betting options. Does Brendan McCullum hit more sixes on ball 1 or ball 5? Etc. etc.
    Sky Sports once did a half an hour documentary on that, it was astonishing that

    1) How much info the bookies had on that sort of thing
    2) How closely/live time info legit bookies shared with each other, to help spot anything dodgy
    3) How this was all fed to the Anti-Corruption Unit at the ICC
  • PongPong Posts: 4,693
    Outlier or not, this ICM is awful for labour.

    LabMaj is probably a lay @ 18/1
  • Sean_FSean_F Posts: 36,759

    Both governments will be identical on socio-cultural issues, values issues and immigration.

    They wouldn't be identical, that's just plain silly. It's true however that they wouldn't be enormously far apart in those sorts of values issues, for the very good reasons that either the vast bulk of the population wouldn't vote for them if they were (socio-cultural issues), or because it isn't actually feasible to change course a lot (immigration).
    The only reason to vote Conservative then, would be because they'll be a bit more sensible on the economy than Labour are.
  • Just for a bit of fun, tried calculating ELBOW for last week's YouGov polls only and non-YouGov polls only.

    The official ELBOW gives Lab a 1.5% lead over the Tories, gives a UKIP score of 14.2%, and gives LDs a 1.3% lead over the Greens

    YouGov-only also gives a Lab lead of 1.5%, a UKIP score of 14.3%, but a Green lead of 0.3% over the LDs
    Non-YouGov-only also gives a Lab lead 1.5%, and UKIP a score of 14.2%, but a LD lead of 2.9% over the Greens
  • Pong said:

    Outlier or not, this ICM is awful for labour.

    LabMaj is probably a lay @ 18/1

    Not sure about that. It's effectively a bet that, from here, only once or twice in a century could you expect Labour to make up enough ground to get a majority. It's a bit bold to lay that, IMO - who knows what unknown unknowns might hit in the next couple of months?
  • AnorakAnorak Posts: 6,621
    Sean_F said:

    Both governments will be identical on socio-cultural issues, values issues and immigration.

    They wouldn't be identical, that's just plain silly. It's true however that they wouldn't be enormously far apart in those sorts of values issues, for the very good reasons that either the vast bulk of the population wouldn't vote for them if they were (socio-cultural issues), or because it isn't actually feasible to change course a lot (immigration).
    The only reason to vote Conservative then, would be because they'll be a bit more sensible on the economy than Labour are.
    It's not a bad reason, though, is it!
  • We're in an odd period of politics. One consequence of Labour and the Conservatives both having relatively low vote shares is that both are fishing in separate pools, but messages from each party aimed at their own target pool may have the consequence of persuading voters in the other party's target pool to return to the mothership. So apparently strong attacks risk being counterproductive.

    The economically bone-dry kippers become markedly more sympathetic to the Conservative party when Labour launch attacks based on leftwing economics, even when the Conservatives seem to be struggling to respond. We have fewer leftwing posters on pb, but I expect that Conservative austerity-based attacks have a similar effect on those flirting with the Greens.
  • Roger said:

    I wonder how many on here really care who wins the next election (gamblers excluded)? Probably more Tories than Labourites but apart from a few zealots like Nabavi and Flightpath I think the rest of us realize it won't make a scrap of difference to anything or anyone.

    On a personal level it will make very little difference to me, though I guess I'll do slightly better financially under the Tories as I'll pay less tax. However, I managed to get to where I am because from birth there was a state that ensured I got opportunities that my grandparents and all those who went before them could not have dreamed of. I don't think the Tories are intrinsically wicked, I just think that when it comes down to fundamentals they are wrong, and that over the longer term the kind of society they seem to want - low tax, less state support, fewer employment rights etc - is going to lead to more inequality, less cohesion, more social breakdown and fewer opportunities for most people.
  • PongPong Posts: 4,693
    philiph said:

    As swingback is now a well known and proven theory, with peer reviewed papers printed in appropriate journals ( ), we extrapolate the exponential nature of swing back to show that by May 2015 the vote shares will be: Con 48 (+ 12) Lab 28 (-4) LD 9 (-1) All others 15 (-8).


    I'll happily bet against that "proven" theory...

    Anyone offer me evens that the tories won't get 48%?
  • bigjohnowlsbigjohnowls Posts: 22,584

    Grandiose said:

    After my success tipping Ireland, NZ v Scotland is a different matter. Almost impossible to see Scotland winning. 1/50 is not worth it for NZ but 1/5 for more sixes (described as "most sixes") than Scotland might just be worth it.

    Can anyone explain the "match handicap" option on bet365 (probably others, but since I'm not actually betting no point me spending time) - Scotland +8.5 wickets / +100.5 runs and NZ the opposite?

    Which handicap applies depends on who bats first. So if NZ bat first, Scotland would have to get within 100 to win the hcap, and if Scotland bat first then they'd need to take 2 wickets to win the hcap.
    I really hope Scotland don't bat first, I bought Kane Williamson series runs at 374, I could close out now at 376 but definitely not going to!
    Good tip on Ireland last night. Thanks.

    Even though i only put a tenner on every little helps
  • MikeK said:

    All the pollsters are in flux, and the ICM poll is definitely and outlier or perhaps a spoof as the ICM bosses fear of UKIP is now showing up in the polls as well as in words.
    In July 2014 ICM also had UKIP on 9% with a fall of 7 points. They are pathetic.
    Mind you the C4 attack on UKIP tonight - which is sponsored by the EU - may see that channel in trouble.

    It would be good for C4 if they did get into trouble over it. The pre-broadcast leaks are worrying for folk who believe in equal treatment of parties. Your stuff on ICM lets you down.
    Don't other parties get unfriendly fictional treatment. 'The Thick of It', 'A very British Coup', 'The Deal', 'The Alan Clark Diaries'. I'm sure there are more.
    or even non-fiction like 'Yesterday's Men'
    And how many of those had their first showing three months before an election and predicted race riots if a specific party became the government?

    Now that we have fixed term elections the rules applying to pre election coverage should apply for the whole of the six months prior to the election to the extent that no such pieces of clearly prejudiced output as this should be allowed although clearly Parliamentary business has to be broadcast as normal.

    Of course it could well rebound on them because it could well remind people of the risks of allowing uncontrolled immigration and with whats been going on in Paris and Copenhagen the idea of such rioting is probably not necessarily the dog whistle it was originally intended to be.
  • peter_from_putneypeter_from_putney Posts: 6,956
    edited February 2015

    Roger said:

    I wonder how many on here really care who wins the next election (gamblers excluded)? Probably more Tories than Labourites but apart from a few zealots like Nabavi and Flightpath I think the rest of us realize it won't make a scrap of difference to anything or anyone.

    I'm not a regular poster and being an OAP not a keen gambler either... but I have lived through the Wilson/Callaghan era as an adult so I can confidently say a Labour Government would be rather like Ed's leadership - a shambles.
    Welcome back mad ....... iirc you were once an ever-present on
  • NB when the politicians stop talking about immigration and Europe, the public decide that immigration and Europe are less vital subjects of debate. There's a lesson there.
  • Sean_F said:

    Both governments will be identical on socio-cultural issues, values issues and immigration.

    They wouldn't be identical, that's just plain silly. It's true however that they wouldn't be enormously far apart in those sorts of values issues, for the very good reasons that either the vast bulk of the population wouldn't vote for them if they were (socio-cultural issues), or because it isn't actually feasible to change course a lot (immigration).
    The only reason to vote Conservative then, would be because they'll be a bit more sensible on the economy than Labour are.
    A hell of a lot more sensible on the economy, which will make a huge difference to most people's lives, a lot more sensible on education, a lot more sensible on welfare, a lot more sensible on government procurement and a lot better at generally running things.

    What more do you want? You can either continue with things getting better, or go back into reverse, probably quite a sharp reverse given Labour's current state.
  • We have a big clue that Lord Ashcroft's poll is not going to show the same picture as ICM:

    Lord Ashcroft ‏@LordAshcroft · 37s38 seconds ago
    Guardian/ICM poll CON 36% LAB 32% UKIP 9% LDEM 10% GRNS 7% appears to be an outlier.
  • Perhaps it's time to start seeking out the best betting value in those 40th - 60th "most vulnerable" seats, which perhaps the Tories aren't about to lose after all.
    Where's antifrank when you need him?

    By price, you're looking at seats like:

    Croydon Central
    Chester, City of
    Castle Point
    Rochester and Strood
    Dudley South
    Wirral West
    Blackpool North and Cleveleys
    Thanks TP.
  • Hengists_GiftHengists_Gift Posts: 628
    edited February 2015
    antifrank said:

    NB when the politicians stop talking about immigration and Europe, the public decide that immigration and Europe are less vital subjects of debate. There's a lesson there.

    A very old one. When the death penalty was in the news day in and day out in the 1950's the number of murders fell to its lowest rate of the 20th Century.

    If somethings in the news it attracts attention and people respond accordingly. When it isn't they forget about it. Go figure

    The thing is net immigration and EU integration are not going to go away anytime soon so however much politicians try and sweep it under the carpet it will always come back to bite them. Unless of course you are suggesting that politicians should wilfully and systematically deceive the public about such issues?

    Isn't that how we got to this juncture in the first place?
  • antifrank said:

    We have a big clue that Lord Ashcroft's poll is not going to show the same picture as ICM:

    Lord Ashcroft ‏@LordAshcroft · 37s38 seconds ago
    Guardian/ICM poll CON 36% LAB 32% UKIP 9% LDEM 10% GRNS 7% appears to be an outlier.

    Maybe the noble Lord has an 8-point lead? More likely, he has Labour ahead, in line with most of the other firms...
  • TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 118,503
    edited February 2015
    antifrank said:

    We have a big clue that Lord Ashcroft's poll is not going to show the same picture as ICM:

    Lord Ashcroft ‏@LordAshcroft · 37s38 seconds ago
    Guardian/ICM poll CON 36% LAB 32% UKIP 9% LDEM 10% GRNS 7% appears to be an outlier.

    I predict a Lab lead with the no longer gold standard, Good Lord.
  • antifrank said:

    We have a big clue that Lord Ashcroft's poll is not going to show the same picture as ICM:

    Lord Ashcroft ‏@LordAshcroft · 37s38 seconds ago
    Guardian/ICM poll CON 36% LAB 32% UKIP 9% LDEM 10% GRNS 7% appears to be an outlier.

    I predict a Lab lead with the no longer gold standard, Good Lord.
    That would be the first Labour lead with Ashcroft in 2015.
  • AnorakAnorak Posts: 6,621
    edited February 2015
    antifrank said:

    NB when the politicians stop talking about immigration and Europe, the public decide that immigration and Europe are less vital subjects of debate. There's a lesson there.

    You're sooo wrong, as even a cursory look at any comment thread on the Daily Telegraph would tell you.

    Why just the other day there were more comments on immigration, Europe and (for some reason) the untrustworthiness of Cameron than anything else - and that was an article about pancake day! Get with the zeitgeist!!
  • antifrank said:

    We have a big clue that Lord Ashcroft's poll is not going to show the same picture as ICM:

    Lord Ashcroft ‏@LordAshcroft · 37s38 seconds ago
    Guardian/ICM poll CON 36% LAB 32% UKIP 9% LDEM 10% GRNS 7% appears to be an outlier.

    I predict a Lab lead with the no longer gold standard, Good Lord.
    That would be the first Labour lead with Ashcroft in 2015.
    That would be the real outlier then
  • compouter2compouter2 Posts: 2,371
    antifrank said:

    We have a big clue that Lord Ashcroft's poll is not going to show the same picture as ICM:

    Lord Ashcroft ‏@LordAshcroft · 37s38 seconds ago
    Guardian/ICM poll CON 36% LAB 32% UKIP 9% LDEM 10% GRNS 7% appears to be an outlier.

    A frowning Basil was enjoying his hour or so of non-carrying.
  • bigjohnowlsbigjohnowls Posts: 22,584
    Pong said:

    Outlier or not, this ICM is awful for labour.

    LabMaj is probably a lay @ 18/1

    If its an outlier Lab Maj at 18/1 is a much better bet than Tory maj at much skimpier price IMO.

    If its not an outlier then you are correct Lay at 18/1
  • What time will Lord Ashcroft reveal his poll for general viewing?
  • What time will Lord Ashcroft reveal his poll for general viewing?

  • antifrank said:

    We have a big clue that Lord Ashcroft's poll is not going to show the same picture as ICM:

    Lord Ashcroft ‏@LordAshcroft · 37s38 seconds ago
    Guardian/ICM poll CON 36% LAB 32% UKIP 9% LDEM 10% GRNS 7% appears to be an outlier.

    Of course the noble lord is a bit of a tease, and he didn't actually say which of those figures looked a bit outlier-ish.
  • Cheers, Mr. Eagles.
  • antifrank said:

    NB when the politicians stop talking about immigration and Europe, the public decide that immigration and Europe are less vital subjects of debate. There's a lesson there.

    A very old one. When the death penalty was in the news day in and day out in the 1950's the number of murders fell to its lowest rate of the 20th Century.

    If somethings in the news it attracts attention and people respond accordingly. When it isn't they forget about it. Go figure

    The thing is net immigration and EU integration are not going to go away anytime soon so however much politicians try and sweep it under the carpet it will always come back to bite them. Unless of course you are suggesting that politicians should wilfully and systematically deceive the public about such issues?

    Isn't that how we got to this juncture in the first place?
    They may not be going away, but they may not be particularly important either. They seem to be becoming less important to the public:
This discussion has been closed.