YouGov's final MRP of the 2025 German election shows a clear lead for the Christian Democrats, with gains for the AfD and The LeftCSU/CSU: 220 seats (+23 from 2021)AfD: 145 (+62)SPD: 115 (-91)Greens: 94 (-24)The Left: 55 (+16)BSW: 0 (New)FDP: 0 (-91)
Polls close 5pm GMT
ZDF might be geoblocked but hopefully some of the TV links will work!
Please post any good links especially live result maps.
First seat results should be in within 2 hours or so of poll close, final results could be midnight or later.
Expecting AfD to win all states in the east except Berlin, CSU obviously wins Bavaria, SPD may hold Bremen, Berlin and Hamburg could be tight, while CDU should win all the other Lander.
Will be looking to see whether FDP and BSW clear the 5% threshold, recent polls suggest Linke should be comfortably over. Will the 8-9 or so point polling gap between the Union and AfD hold in the exit poll or will the AfD have underpolled and the CDU/CSU overpolled?
The more parties in the new Bundestag, the more complex coalition building becomes. Given that tonight will be the SPD's worst postwar result, Scholz should resign as leader tonight if he has any sense/dignity but will stay as caretaker Chancellor while Merz forms a new government.
Depends on the numbers but new government should be either GroKo (Union + SPD, as per 3/4 of the Merkel govts), Kiwi (Union + Green) or quite possibly a Kenya (all three).
However, given that what leaders say before election day and what they say once the results are in can often be different things, so if all of the above options collapse (Austria is now on its 3rd attempt to form a new government), I think there's an outside chance of a CDU/CSU government with AfD confidence and supply, would be a last resort, but if all other options have been tried and failed, I don't think it can be completely ruled out.
Many thanks,
Radicals turning out because they finally have something exciting to vote for?
Normies who may be hacked off with the government but like Trump and Musk even less?
If CDU + CSU are the largest bloc but not a majority and every majority coalition is ruled out then ordinarily a minority CDU/CSU government would be logical, but the left-wing parties can effectively veto it unless the CDU/CSU break the 'firewall' and rely on AfD votes. The only way the CDU/CSU could avoid this would be to vote against their own candidate and clear the path for a left-wing coalition to take over.
Skies are getting a bit crowded round here.
Now I can be a little old fashioned but is being able to play football the big deal clincher to get thousands to join the army? I have heard that women are actually able to play football anytime now so possibly no need to join up to do it?
We have a recruitment problem you say? Not sure this ad is the answer.
Always better to look at the distribution maps, than raw, nationwide percentages.
The politicians want ads showing war, the forces wants ads showing recreation and camaraderie, no bombs or bullets anywhere.
Which if you look at the "made in the Royal Navy" ads, seems to be exactly where we ended up.
Rather like a lot of jobs emphasising employee perks - especially when the pay isn't spectacular - as a way of convincing someone to choose that job over another one.
People thinking of joining up are probably aware of the 'soldiering' bit about being in the army, but probably aren't of say, the benefits that are there to attract and retain staff like access to its sports clubs or the opportunities it can offer away from your duties.
What this means is that -if the CDU/CSU is on 30%- then they need a further 12% or so. It's entirely possible they could get there with any one of SPD, AfD or Greens.
NEW: President Zelenskyy is asked if he'd “give up” being Ukrainian president in exchange for peace.
“Yes, I am happy, if it is for the peace of Ukraine. If you need me to leave this chair, I am ready to do that, and I also can exchange it for Nato membership for Ukraine."
If 7 parties make it past 5% then they may be forced to combine with both SPD and Greens (assuming AfD are off the cards).
I mean de facto as chancellor/chancellor-candidate he is sort of "leader" of the SPD, but he will remain as Chancellor until a new coalition is ready, so what is he going to resign as leader of? - official results
The FDP if over 5% can't be in government with the Greens.
So we are left with:
CDU/CSU plus SPD. Hopefully this has a majority.
CDU/CSU (with not much enthusiam fromthe latter) plus Greens. Not a very likely end result, but fantastic if it looks adds up to over half the MPs because it will put Merz in a better negotiating position as there is more than one option.
Lastly the possibility if FDP or BSW or both get MPs and so CDU/CSU plus SPD can't get a majority. This would be very tricky.
I do hope AfD will not do well, because I fear that Elon Musk will question the legitimacy of the new coalition without them, and get told to do one, undermining Europe/US relations.
We will soon see.
Unfortunately it looks unlikely (even if they get a majority).
CDU/CSU won't go into government with the AfD.
However, CSU leader and minister-president of Bavaria Söder is a protestant.
Typo for France in there.
Hegseth says firing of top military lawyers was about making sure "they don't exist to be roadblocks to anything that happens."
On latest figures 24% of Germany are Roman Catholics and only 21.9% Lutheran Protestants with 1.9% Orthodox, 41.9% irreligious and 3.6% Muslim
Zelensky on Trump's mineral deal: "Ten generations of Ukrainians would have to pay. I'm not signing that"
I wonder if life might imitate art here given Trump's contempt for the law.
Zelensky: Trump is not forever, but the Russian threat is permanent
We don’t care that Putin won’t attack while Trump is in the office. We need peace and guarantees that will outlast Trump and Putin
(The last phrase is not verbatim)
Where is their Sunderland in the race for first results?
On Friday it said this
Yesterday it was this
Now it is this
That Soviet occupation did a lot of damage.
Well yes. But in Germany (or the UK), you are filling in a single ballot paper. In the US, you might well be voting on 50+ things. - official results
AfD 19.5%
SPD 16%
Greens 13.5%
The Left 8.5%
FDP 4.9%
BSW 4.7%
Bad ish news the FDP are close enough they might still make it
AfD 19.5%
SPD 16%
Greens 13.5%
Left Party 8.5%
FDP 4.9%
BSW 4.7%
So looks like Merz will be next German chancellor as expected and a clear shift to the right in Germany, though most likely will be a Union and SPD grand coalition
If the FDP or BSW does make it, then a Green coalition on its own becomes impossible.
EDIT: ignore, I forgot the denominator drops when a party drops below.
ZDF had both FDP and BSW bang on 5%, ARD had them at 4.9 & 4.7.
Looks like if FDP clear 5%, 3 party coalition needed if no AfD participation.
84% turnout!! DW reporting
Germany is nicely fulfilling its orderly and predictable stereotype even in a time of disorderly and unpredictable flux. Bravo
SPD 16% (-9.7)
CDU/CSU 29% (+4.9)
Green 13.5% (-1.2)
FDP 4.9% (-6.5)
AFD 19.5% (+9.1)
Left 8.5% (+3.6)
BSW 4.7 (+4.7)
Others 3.9% (-4.8)
Manually typed, so apologies for any errors
Whether or not SPD and CDU/CSU are over 50% will be touch and go if FDP squeak past 5%.
What fucking morons voted FDP?