The Edinboro debate (well, it's hardly a debate - I'm just standing in a corner muttering to myself).
I could swear that I've seen an old stagecoach board with Edinboro' written on it - possibly in a painting. I'd assumed it was a phonetic spelling for the barely literate travellers at the time.
However, the link below shows it was a spelling for 'Edinburgh', in use in at least 1837.
I wonder if the pub was originally, or is on the site of, an old stagecoach inn? Although surely Camden would be a bit close to the centre of London for a 'proper' stage, unless it was just a horse-changing point.
Is this not simply a consequence of the English not being able to spell the word "burgh"? I think people are over thinking this.
I'm very possibly overthinking. But what I said above: "barely literate travellers" matches well with "the English not being able to spell the word "burgh""
Edinburgh was made a Royal Burgh in the reign of David 1 (no relation) 1124-1153, although the exact date is unclear. All Scottish burghs were called such with that spelling. I don't think there is a "borough" in Scotland although I may be wrong about that. We do have a lake or two.
If, as per the review, the name of the pub was changed in recent times the motivation ascribed is probably right.
In most of the middle ages Edinburgh was described on the coins minted there as a VILLA ie town , From circa 1526 it was described as an OPPIDUM
@BobbaFett - The similarity with the pasty gaff is striking. Cameron said he last had a pasty, I think ,at train ststaion shop when the shop wasn't even there. Osborne tweeted last night that he plays bingo, however, today refuses to answer when or where he has played bingo.....the Tories do like to give gaffes plenty of legs.
DavidL the other day was saying that the Tory MEPs are bound to vote for the EPP candidate. The position actually seems to be that they won't have a joint recommendation, as they think it would be too Europhile to do such a thing:
You'd think they'd be more comfortable abstaining, wouldn't you? When the Mail do their thing about Juncker banning crumpets or whatever they don't want to be in the position of having voted for him.
Against that, it looks like it could be a squeaker. If they end up with the casting vote would they really want to throw the thing to the Socialists?
Nick knows far more about the European Parliament and its machinations than I do but as I read that article all it is saying is that the grouping of which the tories form the major part will not have their own candidate. This means that they can vote for someone else's candidate and in the case of the tories I think that will be the EPP candidate because (a) he is not a socialist and (b) it keeps in with Mrs Merkel.
The tories formed their own grouping because they found the EPP too federalist and because Cameron had promised to step out from this in his election campaign but they still have far more in common with the EPP than the socialist bloc and my understanding is that they would cooperate on most matters.
Yeah, it's an actual thing. Crucially, the power relates to actual debts (i.e. an assessment that's not been appealled, or the result of a court judgement).
Picked up by all the papers now – entirely avoidable media circus. Which Tory poster on here is it who always refers to Ed Miliband as a lucky general?
Bad news for tories,The political impartial bbc keep running the grant shapps tweet every time they come to the budget news.
Any sign of any Beeb reporters actually being arsed to go to a Bingo hall to ask those playing whether they think it patronising? Or might that risk said players going off-message - and saying they think the tax cut is "bloody lovely...."?
Yeah, it's an actual thing. Crucially, the power relates to actual debts (i.e. an assessment that's not been appealled, or the result of a court judgement).
That's a really good story by Foxton - all credit to him for putting in a shift going through the document.
Bad news for tories,The political impartial bbc keep running the grant shapps tweet every time they come to the budget news.
Any sign of any Beeb reporters actually being arsed to go to a Bingo hall to ask those playing whether they think it patronising? Or might that risk said players going off-message - and saying they think the tax cut is "bloody lovely...."?
Post the smoking ban , most Bingo Halls have closed down as players have switched to playing online at home .
Labour's obsession with a light-hearted tweet is absolutely extraordinary.
We have the biggest shake up in pensions for a generation, and they are having orgasms about deconstructing the exact significance of the word 'they' in a tweet.
What a sad spectacle, especially given the risk that these jokers might actually be in government again in just over a year.
Sigh of relief for Team Bojo. In response to a question on the "brilliant PR exersize to highlight a fantastic Tory policy aimed at thickoes"* he replied " I didn't write the blooming thing".
Is this not simply a consequence of the English not being able to spell the word "burgh"? I think people are over thinking this.
I'm very possibly overthinking. But what I said above: "barely literate travellers" matches well with "the English not being able to spell the word "burgh""
In most of the middle ages Edinburgh was described on the coins minted there as a VILLA ie town , From circa 1526 it was described as an OPPIDUM
From the Council records in 1436: "In the Tolbuith of Edinburgh xviij day of December the yeir of God jmiiijc xxxvj, It is ordainit for commoun proffitt of the burgh that, after the cummingin of ony schip enteret in the tolbuith with quheit mele rye malt beiror any vitailes or viuouris, the alderman baillies and the counsale by thisvitaile of rationable pryce as thai may, and syne distribute be twa distributarissufficient to ansuer for thair deid to the commouns of the town, and gif onytakkis on hand to bye this vitaile of derrere pryce na is bidden for it in the tolbuith,without consent of the alderman bailyeis and counsale, the commounssall haif it for the price competent as thai bye that tyme vther als guid, and aswes biddin thairfor in the tolbuith, and thai byares sall pay the merchant as thaihaif bocht at, and tyne thair fredome for a yeir. (Amang the lowse leiffes.—Tr.)
This is getting ever so slightly off topic but I think you are being misled by the practice of having many medieval documents in Latin, hence villa and oppidum. Curiously, I once had to get my old Roman Law tutor to translate a Barony grant which was in latin for a case and it was relatively modern, from the 17th century. It was all to do with fishing rights in Fife as I recall.
Picked up by all the papers now – entirely avoidable media circus. Which Tory poster on here is it who always refers to Ed Miliband as a lucky general?
"entirely avoidable media circus"
Yep. Shapps is a liability. Tory High Command must be incandescent.
Bad news for tories,The political impartial bbc keep running the grant shapps tweet every time they come to the budget news.
Any sign of any Beeb reporters actually being arsed to go to a Bingo hall to ask those playing whether they think it patronising? Or might that risk said players going off-message - and saying they think the tax cut is "bloody lovely...."?
Post the smoking ban , most Bingo Halls have closed down as players have switched to playing online at home .
So here we have it,the Question people want to know,osborne a secret online bingo player ;-)
Labour's obsession with a light-hearted tweet is absolutely extraordinary.
We have the biggest shake up in pensions for a generation, and they are having orgasms about deconstructing the exact significance of the word 'they' in a tweet.
What a sad spectacle, especially given the risk that these jokers might actually be in government again in just over a year.
One is reminded of the "Fire up the Quattro" farrago - Labour thought they had won the election on the back of it - shortly before polling 27.9% in England.
Yeah, it's an actual thing. Crucially, the power relates to actual debts (i.e. an assessment that's not been appealled, or the result of a court judgement).
That's a really good story by Foxton - all credit to him for putting in a shift going through the document.
Not really, everyone in our office knew about it yesterday..
Bingo websites and halls must be rubbing their hands with glee at this kind of publicity. The whole pastygate stuff hurt the Tories because it was a tax that would hit ordinary people, this is a tax cut, I don't see how publicising two tax cuts helps Labour or damages the Tories.
Bad news for tories,The political impartial bbc keep running the grant shapps tweet every time they come to the budget news.
Any sign of any Beeb reporters actually being arsed to go to a Bingo hall to ask those playing whether they think it patronising? Or might that risk said players going off-message - and saying they think the tax cut is "bloody lovely...."?
Post the smoking ban , most Bingo Halls have closed down as players have switched to playing online at home .
So here we have it,the Question people want to know,osborne a secret online bingo player ;-)
Of course he is. I hope you don't think he was telling pasties when he tweeted he was.
Labour's obsession with a light-hearted tweet is absolutely extraordinary.
We have the biggest shake up in pensions for a generation, and they are having orgasms about deconstructing the exact significance of the word 'they' in a tweet.
What a sad spectacle, especially given the risk that these jokers might actually be in government again in just over a year.
One is reminded of the "Fire up the Quattro" farrago - Labour thought they had won the election on the back of it - shortly before polling 27.9% in England.
I don't think anyone sensible did think that, actually.
Labour's obsession with a light-hearted tweet is absolutely extraordinary.
We have the biggest shake up in pensions for a generation, and they are having orgasms about deconstructing the exact significance of the word 'they' in a tweet.
What a sad spectacle, especially given the risk that these jokers might actually be in government again in just over a year.
Agree,It's not just labour,the bbc have been playing on the tweet in they reports all morning,they even went after boris Johnson,who replied with 'I didn't write it' after hard Questioning from the bbc reporter. ;-)
Yeah, it's an actual thing. Crucially, the power relates to actual debts (i.e. an assessment that's not been appealled, or the result of a court judgement).
That's a really good story by Foxton - all credit to him for putting in a shift going through the document.
Not really, everyone in our office knew about it yesterday..
Does the Treasury not still hand out detailed briefings on the measures in the budget which are then plagarised fairly ruthlessly in all these 18 page handouts the posh papers are offering today? My former senior partner used to collect them in London and then dictate his budget note for clients on the train on the way back up using them extensively.
Bingo websites and halls must be rubbing their hands with glee at this kind of publicity. The whole pastygate stuff hurt the Tories because it was a tax that would hit ordinary people, this is a tax cut, I don't see how publicising two tax cuts helps Labour or damages the Tories.
This lack of understanding also reminds me of why people have for so long posted on here that there would be a polling crossover and then cannot understand why it hasn't happened.
Labour's obsession with a light-hearted tweet is absolutely extraordinary.
We have the biggest shake up in pensions for a generation, and they are having orgasms about deconstructing the exact significance of the word 'they' in a tweet.
What a sad spectacle, especially given the risk that these jokers might actually be in government again in just over a year.
One is reminded of the "Fire up the Quattro" farrago - Labour thought they had won the election on the back of it - shortly before polling 27.9% in England.
I don't think anyone sensible did think that, actually.
@DavidRoe92: Top Tip: Labour MPs who keep laughing at Tory tax cuts on Twitter are doing CCHQ's job.
@DavidRoe92: The Bingo poster is more likely to win an election than lose one. Tax cuts do that. Socialists laughing at people who do bingo are barmy.
Have an opinion of your own. What do you think? Let us know. Do you think it was a good move by Shapps?
Its a good move based on the labour over reaction to it. If they had been tax rises and the tories had put out a poster saying they were discouraging these activities due to the detrimental effect on the poor that would be a mistake but tax cuts?. No way is it a mistake Shows the labour party like to argue about the message and the tories the substance . A legacy still of Blair ?
Labour's obsession with a light-hearted tweet is absolutely extraordinary.
We have the biggest shake up in pensions for a generation, and they are having orgasms about deconstructing the exact significance of the word 'they' in a tweet.
What a sad spectacle, especially given the risk that these jokers might actually be in government again in just over a year.
Agree,It's not just labour,the bbc have been playing on the tweet in they reports all morning,they even went after boris Johnson,who replied with 'I didn't write it' after hard Questioning from the bbc reporter. ;-)
You would agree that shapps as to go though ?
I don't know if they are showing it today, however, from about 20:00 last night onwards Sky News were attaching it to their Budget peice also, so not just the ultra left wing BBC.
Mr. Nabavi, you can get annuities linked to inflation. It may be a bad idea, though, because people spend more money earlier in retirement, and to make more overall you need to live longer than expected,
It's interesting that nobody appeared to know anything about these pension reforms. When was the last time such secrecy was maintained in politics on a matter as serious as this [discounting national security concerns]? The Coalition negotiations? Those were hilarious, as hand-fed journalists suddenly found themselves going hungry.
It also gives Osborne a template for next years crucial pre-election budget. Plan something, big, monumental, something both Coalition parties can sell on the doorstep during the campaign, then don't leak it..none of it, no advanced warnings and then get it out there and leave Labour twisting in the wind.
The conclusion some people will draw is 'labour laugh at tax cuts on things most people do (drink alcohol and gamble) - Who is actually being patronising ?
Very few, Mr. Jessop, very few. There are lots of wonderful buildings and some splendid churches, but all round glorious parts? Nah. St. James's perhaps, Regents Park on on a summer's afternoon, bits of the City if you have your historical hat on, central Greenwich maybe but too touristy, Mayfair used to be (the place is nice but now too many of the people are ghastly, ditto Kensington and Chelsea). London is a dump, for all Mr. T's protestations about it being vibrant.
Hampstead Heath, Epping Forest, Kew, London's Arcadia downstream. Chiswick Riverside. The secret streets of the City on a sunny afternoon. Horsenden Hill woods on a snowy day. Abney Park cemetery in the mist.
Labour's obsession with a light-hearted tweet is absolutely extraordinary.
We have the biggest shake up in pensions for a generation, and they are having orgasms about deconstructing the exact significance of the word 'they' in a tweet.
What a sad spectacle, especially given the risk that these jokers might actually be in government again in just over a year.
It's the most impressive example of fauxtrage this year, playing out in a right-on echo chamber of twitterers who have never been in the same postcode as a bingo hall. But I'm sure it helps them pass the time of day.
@DavidRoe92: Top Tip: Labour MPs who keep laughing at Tory tax cuts on Twitter are doing CCHQ's job.
@DavidRoe92: The Bingo poster is more likely to win an election than lose one. Tax cuts do that. Socialists laughing at people who do bingo are barmy.
Have an opinion of your own. What do you think? Let us know. Do you think it was a good move by Shapps?
Its a good move based on the labour over reaction to it. If they had been tax rises and the tories had put out a poster saying they were discouraging these activities due to the detrimental effect on the poor that would be a mistake but tax cuts?. No way is it a mistake Shows the labour party like to argue about the message and the tories the substance . A legacy still of Blair ?
@DavidRoe92: Top Tip: Labour MPs who keep laughing at Tory tax cuts on Twitter are doing CCHQ's job.
@DavidRoe92: The Bingo poster is more likely to win an election than lose one. Tax cuts do that. Socialists laughing at people who do bingo are barmy.
Have an opinion of your own. What do you think? Let us know. Do you think it was a good move by Shapps?
Its a good move based on the labour over reaction to it. If they had been tax rises and the tories had put out a poster saying they were discouraging these activities due to the detrimental effect on the poor that would be a mistake but tax cuts?. No way is it a mistake Shows the labour party like to argue about the message and the tories the substance . A legacy still of Blair ?
I don't think Shapps was consciously taking one for the team but Labour's reaction to it just highlights the complete lack of a coherent economic position from them. The talk yesterday was about how Osborne had targetted the UKIP switchers who'd left the conservatives. Turns out he'd left plenty of booby traps for Labour as well, which the likes of Tom Watson are now stepping on. #skillz
Unlike Bingo n Beer, that IS a problem for the Tories, IF IT IS TRUE.
I know Willard Foxton and he is smart and honest, so I am sure he has done his research, however I can't quite believe this is as black and white as he says...
Looks like a good story Sean. Foxton will "win the Budget" if this one becomes the story.
The fact Shapps did it was bad enough, then Osborne to try and defuse the situation says he goes to bingo in a tweet and when asked where/when refuses to answer....and then this. PRTASTIC!
On topic. That political expert of the left, Steve Richards , just said on Daily Politics bbc show that he doubted that the budget would shift the polls in the tories direction. be interesting to see if OGH or a paid hack is right.
Labour's obsession with a light-hearted tweet is absolutely extraordinary.
We have the biggest shake up in pensions for a generation, and they are having orgasms about deconstructing the exact significance of the word 'they' in a tweet.
What a sad spectacle, especially given the risk that these jokers might actually be in government again in just over a year.
One is reminded of the "Fire up the Quattro" farrago - Labour thought they had won the election on the back of it - shortly before polling 27.9% in England.
I don't think anyone sensible did think that, actually.
We had a poster called tim who did.
So one bloke who no longer posts thought it was. Hardly a representative sample of all Labour supporters!
Labour's obsession with a light-hearted tweet is absolutely extraordinary.
We have the biggest shake up in pensions for a generation, and they are having orgasms about deconstructing the exact significance of the word 'they' in a tweet.
What a sad spectacle, especially given the risk that these jokers might actually be in government again in just over a year.
One is reminded of the "Fire up the Quattro" farrago - Labour thought they had won the election on the back of it - shortly before polling 27.9% in England.
I don't think anyone sensible did think that, actually.
We had a poster called tim who did.
So one bloke who no longer posts thought it was. Hardly a representative sample of all Labour supporters!
I guess the argument would be: You want us to chase tax dodgers (and all polls say voters DO want that), then we need the powers. But there is still something very suspect about HMRC logging in to my fecking bank account and just TAKING the money. Ugh. It's the sort of thing New Labour would do, with their bloody ID cards.
This is a political error.
Yeah it is. It's just chasing easy targets. I can't see them trying this with mobile phone companies or coffee sellers.
It's always a few days after that the wheels usually fall off a budget. Still, at least Labour can whine on about bingo.
Unlike Bingo n Beer, that IS a problem for the Tories, IF IT IS TRUE.
I know Willard Foxton and he is smart and honest, so I am sure he has done his research, however I can't quite believe this is as black and white as he says...
Looks like a good story Sean. Foxton will "win the Budget" if this one becomes the story.
I dunno. Not that straightforward for Labour to exploit. They've spent 4 years telling everyone that it's only the rich who avoid paying tax.
Labour's obsession with a light-hearted tweet is absolutely extraordinary.
We have the biggest shake up in pensions for a generation, and they are having orgasms about deconstructing the exact significance of the word 'they' in a tweet.
What a sad spectacle, especially given the risk that these jokers might actually be in government again in just over a year.
One is reminded of the "Fire up the Quattro" farrago - Labour thought they had won the election on the back of it - shortly before polling 27.9% in England.
I don't think anyone sensible did think that, actually.
We had a poster called tim who did.
So one bloke who no longer posts thought it was. Hardly a representative sample of all Labour supporters!
The PB Hodges are still suffering from Tim withdrawl symptoms so use any excuse to shoehorn his name into posts ;-)
The fact Shapps did it was bad enough, then Osborne to try and defuse the situation says he goes to bingo in a tweet and when asked where/when refuses to answer....and then this. PRTASTIC!
I have no idea why Ozzy did that – especially after the shambolic spectacle of Dave reminiscing over eating a large pasty at a shop that doesn't exist.
Very few, Mr. Jessop, very few. There are lots of wonderful buildings and some splendid churches, but all round glorious parts? Nah. St. James's perhaps, Regents Park on on a summer's afternoon, bits of the City if you have your historical hat on, central Greenwich maybe but too touristy, Mayfair used to be (the place is nice but now too many of the people are ghastly, ditto Kensington and Chelsea). London is a dump, for all Mr. T's protestations about it being vibrant.
Can't comment too much about Edinburgh as I haven't been there for 20 years and most of my visits consisted of runs ashore, mostly along Rose Street - there was a pub there that sold pickled eggs and I remember ... well this is a family website.
I disagree. Perhaps it's just me, but I love walking through London. In January we walked from Mile End to a theatre in the Strand, and it seemed like every few yards had something of interest to see.
When I was ill and could not walk much, I used to walk along the Regents Canal from Mile End to Paddington. It was a wonderful walk - a green corridor through the heart of the city - and it still is. Likewise the Thames Path on either bank of the river.
Perhaps I have low standards, or just take an inordinate interest in minutiae and trivia. ;-)
I'd always caution people to avoid the touristy areas such as Camden though - they tend to be populated by poncy cream-tea boys made good.
“The Government will modernise and strengthen HMRC’s debt collection powers to recover financial assets from the bank accounts of debtors who owe over £1,000 of tax.”
I am sure the civil libertarian Tories are all in favour of this.
I guess the argument would be: You want us to chase tax dodgers (and all polls say voters DO want that), then we need the powers. But there is still something very suspect about HMRC logging in to my fecking bank account and just TAKING the money. Ugh. It's the sort of thing New Labour would do, with their bloody ID cards.
This is a political error.
Yeah it is. It's just chasing easy targets. I can't see them trying this with mobile phone companies or coffee sellers.
It's always a few days after that the wheels usually fall off a budget. Still, at least Labour can whine on about bingo.
"There are restrictions. The power can only be used once you've received a couple of letters and a phone call from enforcement. It only applies to people who owe over £1,000. HMRC must leave at least £5,000 in your account. Once they get the money they put it on hold for 14 days and you've got a chance to get in touch and set up a payment plan. If you don't, or you still refuse to pay up, they go ahead and keep it."
The fact Shapps did it was bad enough, then Osborne to try and defuse the situation says he goes to bingo in a tweet and when asked where/when refuses to answer....and then this. PRTASTIC!
I have no idea why Ozzy did that – especially after the shambolic spectacle of Dave reminiscing over eating a large pasty at a shop that doesn't exist.
The two gaffes are eerily very similar PR wise. Someone else makes a gaffe and you make something up that means the negative PR goes further than it would have.
The fact Shapps did it was bad enough, then Osborne to try and defuse the situation says he goes to bingo in a tweet and when asked where/when refuses to answer....and then this. PRTASTIC!
Did he say he goes to bingo or just he as played bingo ?
“The Government will modernise and strengthen HMRC’s debt collection powers to recover financial assets from the bank accounts of debtors who owe over £1,000 of tax.”
I am sure the civil libertarian Tories are all in favour of this.
“The Government will modernise and strengthen HMRC’s debt collection powers to recover financial assets from the bank accounts of debtors who owe over £1,000 of tax.”
I am sure the civil libertarian Tories are all in favour of this.
I know many people who can pay their tax but do not and build up such a sum, then do a creditors agreement with the Revenue and end up paying a fraction . If this helps to get more tax paid from such people then its ok with me
Being a local Sean, have you ever worked out why they misspell Edinburgh? Great pub though, especially in the summer.
Just the usual sarcasm, they look down on Edinburgh as being provincial , but in reality it is their old inferiority complex as they know their dump cannot compete with Edinburgh.
I love these posts from you @Malcolmmg - unfailingly brusque!
Malc's unfailing hatred of London and Lndoners gets a bit boring after a while.
His attitude is sad: so many people here on PB express a love of Edinburgh - it was the only thing that united myself and Roger, for instance. And I often wax lyrical about Scotland. I love the place.
It's a shame that Malc is so little-minded that he cannot see that London has some glorious parts in it, just as Edinburgh has Gorgie.
Josias, you really are a fanny of the first order, a night in the pub with you must be the most boring thing in the world. Do you have no clue about the world or any sense of humour. You are really really lacking a sense of humour or are extremely stupid. Get your head out from up your arse. Look at how Sean posts and how he returns ripostes , he does not hate Scotland , I know that even though I accuse him of it, difference is he has a sense of being as well as a sense of humour and realises this is just a bit of fun with some interesting facts thrown in.
I guess the argument would be: You want us to chase tax dodgers (and all polls say voters DO want that), then we need the powers. But there is still something very suspect about HMRC logging in to my fecking bank account and just TAKING the money. Ugh. It's the sort of thing New Labour would do, with their bloody ID cards.
This is a political error.
Yeah it is. It's just chasing easy targets. I can't see them trying this with mobile phone companies or coffee sellers.
It's always a few days after that the wheels usually fall off a budget. Still, at least Labour can whine on about bingo.
"There are restrictions. The power can only be used once you've received a couple of letters and a phone call from enforcement. It only applies to people who owe over £1,000. HMRC must leave at least £5,000 in your account. Once they get the money they put it on hold for 14 days and you've got a chance to get in touch and set up a payment plan. If you don't, or you still refuse to pay up, they go ahead and keep it."
How will HMRC know the exact amount in your bank account so that they can leave £ 5,000 in it ?
Labour's obsession with a light-hearted tweet is absolutely extraordinary.
We have the biggest shake up in pensions for a generation, and they are having orgasms about deconstructing the exact significance of the word 'they' in a tweet.
What a sad spectacle, especially given the risk that these jokers might actually be in government again in just over a year.
One is reminded of the "Fire up the Quattro" farrago - Labour thought they had won the election on the back of it - shortly before polling 27.9% in England.
I don't think anyone sensible did think that, actually.
We had a poster called tim who did.
So one bloke who no longer posts thought it was. Hardly a representative sample of all Labour supporters!
The PB Hodges are still suffering from Tim withdrawl symptoms so use any excuse to shoehorn his name into posts ;-)
Hmm. Maybe. There are some new posters here who have exactly the same repetitive, eerie, relentless, obsessive-compulsive writing style, so he is perhaps less missed than he was.
The PB tories are always wrong. The PB tories never learn.
Jeez, Mick, how many more times are you going to post that Alexander quote? It was amusing the first couple of times. Now, it's no funnier than ARSE or squirrels.
That bingo poster was crap, and Shapps is a moron, so what?
The fact that Labour have only got bingo to run on just shows how little they've got in the tank. It's pathetic. I need a decent opposition to the Coalition government.
I have first hand experience of plenty of tax payers which can afford to pay tax, but don't. People which run companies, but drain all the money out of the bank, and then moan they can't pay tax even when they could easily afford it, and many other types of examples.
The proposal seems designed to give plenty of chances for people to pay what they owe before it gets to the point where HMRC use these new powers
Labour's obsession with a light-hearted tweet is absolutely extraordinary.
We have the biggest shake up in pensions for a generation, and they are having orgasms about deconstructing the exact significance of the word 'they' in a tweet.
What a sad spectacle, especially given the risk that these jokers might actually be in government again in just over a year.
One is reminded of the "Fire up the Quattro" farrago - Labour thought they had won the election on the back of it - shortly before polling 27.9% in England.
I don't think anyone sensible did think that, actually.
We had a poster called tim who did.
So one bloke who no longer posts thought it was. Hardly a representative sample of all Labour supporters!
The PB Hodges are still suffering from Tim withdrawl symptoms so use any excuse to shoehorn his name into posts ;-)
Hmm. Maybe. There are some new posters here who have exactly the same repetitive, eerie, relentless, obsessive-compulsive writing style, so he is perhaps less missed than he was.
If the Tories do move ahead in the polls and Osborne turns out to be a master strategist there will be a few on here who'll bitterly regret they drove Tim away.
Labour's obsession with a light-hearted tweet is absolutely extraordinary.
We have the biggest shake up in pensions for a generation, and they are having orgasms about deconstructing the exact significance of the word 'they' in a tweet.
What a sad spectacle, especially given the risk that these jokers might actually be in government again in just over a year.
One is reminded of the "Fire up the Quattro" farrago - Labour thought they had won the election on the back of it - shortly before polling 27.9% in England.
I don't think anyone sensible did think that, actually.
We had a poster called tim who did.
So one bloke who no longer posts thought it was. Hardly a representative sample of all Labour supporters!
The PB Hodges are still suffering from Tim withdrawl symptoms so use any excuse to shoehorn his name into posts ;-)
Hmm. Maybe. There are some new posters here who have exactly the same repetitive, eerie, relentless, obsessive-compulsive writing style, so he is perhaps less missed than he was.
No doubt they are pompous and stupid enough to think rules don't apply to them. We'll soon see if they are right, won't we? Either way it will be hilarious to see the outcome.
''I know many people who can pay their tax but do not and build up such a sum, then do a creditors agreement with the Revenue and end up paying a fraction.''
Me too. I know of a person who had a seven figure sum in an offshore channel Is. account.
The revenue wanted to close the scheme down and offered the person a 4% tax rate to bring it onshore, rather than go to court.
That is a tenth of what the person should have paid.
The fact Shapps did it was bad enough, then Osborne to try and defuse the situation says he goes to bingo in a tweet and when asked where/when refuses to answer....and then this. PRTASTIC!
Did he say he goes to bingo or just he as played bingo ?
In defence of Shapps he said he played bingo and he has a pint.
Meanwhile leftie paper lining up to push #LetThemEatBingo
"Polling Observatory is written by political scientists who ignore the "random noise" of politics and identify the underlying trends. Details of their methodology can be found here. The blog's authors are Robert Ford, Will Jennings and Mark Pickup. It is cross-posted on Nottingham University's Ballots and Bullets Blog, Manchester University Policy Blogs and Southampton Politics Upside Down Blog."
I actually agree with Sean that Foxton's story could be the biggie. It's all about whether he can couch it in simple visceral terms – Taxman gets licence to drain your bank account – or some such.
On the Foxton story / bankaccountgate, something odd seems to be going on. I read through all the budget notes yesterday as usual, working through this page. I have a clear memory of reading an outline and impact assessment of a new power to withdraw money from taxpayers' bank accounts. Going through it again now, I can't find the document.
Being a local Sean, have you ever worked out why they misspell Edinburgh? Great pub though, especially in the summer.
Just the usual sarcasm, they look down on Edinburgh as being provincial , but in reality it is their old inferiority complex as they know their dump cannot compete with Edinburgh.
I love these posts from you @Malcolmmg - unfailingly brusque!
Malc's unfailing hatred of London and Lndoners gets a bit boring after a while.
His attitude is sad: so many people here on PB express a love of Edinburgh - it was the only thing that united myself and Roger, for instance. And I often wax lyrical about Scotland. I love the place.
It's a shame that Malc is so little-minded that he cannot see that London has some glorious parts in it, just as Edinburgh has Gorgie.
Josias, you really are a fanny of the first order, a night in the pub with you must be the most boring thing in the world. Do you have no clue about the world or any sense of humour. You are really really lacking a sense of humour or are extremely stupid. Get your head out from up your arse. Look at how Sean posts and how he returns ripostes , he does not hate Scotland , I know that even though I accuse him of it, difference is he has a sense of being as well as a sense of humour and realises this is just a bit of fun with some interesting facts thrown in.
Sean does something you do not: he varies. It'd be hard to find a position he espouses that he probably has not contradicted at one time or another. Which is perfect behaviour for a newspaper columnist/blogger.
You, on the other hand, just produce the same dreary and predictable rubbish whenever a topic comes up. If you really want to be humorous change the record.
Perhaps even say something nice for once. If you have it in you, Malc-ontent.
The PB tories are always wrong. The PB tories never learn.
Jeez, Mick, how many more times are you going to post that Alexander quote? It was amusing the first couple of times. Now, it's no funnier than ARSE or squirrels.
That bingo poster was crap, and Shapps is a moron, so what?
The fact that Labour have only got bingo to run on just shows how little they've got in the tank. It's pathetic. I need a decent opposition to the Coalition government.
I actually agree with Sean that Foxton's story could be the biggie. It's all about whether he can couch it in simple visceral terms – Taxman gets licence to drain your bank account – or some such.
Good to see that Osborne is continuing with his clamp-down on tax avoidance. Yet another legacy problem from the last government which at last is being dealt with seriously. The proposal to force people using tax-avoidance schemes which are disputed, and where the revenue has won a similar case elsewhere, to pay up-front is particularly good.
If I wanted to open a shares ISA, choose the shares myself, leave the money there, and reinvest the dividends - can anyone point me to a comparison site that will tell me who offers the cheapest way to do this?
Re: HMRC accessing bank accounts. There must be a reasonable chance of the libertarians in the Conservative party uniting with the Liberals and Labour to oppose it. It does look like a big mistake by Osborne.
The fact Shapps did it was bad enough, then Osborne to try and defuse the situation says he goes to bingo in a tweet and when asked where/when refuses to answer....and then this. PRTASTIC!
He didn't, did he? Oh dear. I always thought Osborne was not that bothered about furnishing man of the people credentials. Must be the leadership ambitions. Next: George drinks Guinness and stops off at Asda to buy some fish ...
I actually agree with Sean that Foxton's story could be the biggie. It's all about whether he can couch it in simple visceral terms – Taxman gets licence to drain your bank account – or some such.
Sunil Prasannan @Sunil_P2 ·11 hrs Godfrey Bloom isn't too happy with #budget2014! "How we can possibly be giving £1bn a month to Bingo Bingo Land is completely beyond me."
That was an awful poster. But it was also a very long time ago.
Is 9 years really that long ago in politics? Perhaps Labour could confirm that nobody involved with the production and approval of that poster is still involved with them.....
Jeez, Mick, how many more times are you going to post that Alexander quote? It was amusing the first couple of times. Now, it's no funnier than ARSE or squirrels.
I remember exactly that kind of pitiful whining bullshit right around the time of the pasty hilarity. Well done on proving my point.
You must have missed Gove being bawled out by the fop for daring to question the chumocracy's Eton stranglehold mere days ago. Or the fact that being out of touch is a perfectly valid criticism which their own cabinet colleagues and MPs have made and one which Cammie and Osbrowne only have themselves to blame for.
"We're all in this together."
If you don't enjoy CCHQs comical PR disasters then take your complaints to them because I certainly don't give a crap if it upsets you to be reminded of them.
If I wanted to open a shares ISA, choose the shares myself, leave the money there, and reinvest the dividends - can anyone point me to a comparison site that will tell me who offers the cheapest way to do this?
A J Bell are usually competitive - they charge no running charge and ,I think £9.95 per trade
The fact Shapps did it was bad enough, then Osborne to try and defuse the situation says he goes to bingo in a tweet and when asked where/when refuses to answer....and then this. PRTASTIC!
Did he say he goes to bingo or just he as played bingo ?
Dave and Gideon have the compulsive urge to tell the voters how "ordinary" they are.
Very few, Mr. Jessop, very few. There are lots of wonderful buildings and some splendid churches, but all round glorious parts? Nah. St. James's perhaps, Regents Park on on a summer's afternoon, bits of the City if you have your historical hat on, central Greenwich maybe but too touristy, Mayfair used to be (the place is nice but now too many of the people are ghastly, ditto Kensington and Chelsea). London is a dump, for all Mr. T's protestations about it being vibrant.
Can't comment too much about Edinburgh as I haven't been there for 20 years and most of my visits consisted of runs ashore, mostly along Rose Street - there was a pub there that sold pickled eggs and I remember ... well this is a family website.
I disagree. Perhaps it's just me, but I love walking through London. In January we walked from Mile End to a theatre in the Strand, and it seemed like every few yards had something of interest to see.
When I was ill and could not walk much, I used to walk along the Regents Canal from Mile End to Paddington. It was a wonderful walk - a green corridor through the heart of the city - and it still is. Likewise the Thames Path on either bank of the river.
Perhaps I have low standards, or just take an inordinate interest in minutiae and trivia. ;-)
I'd always caution people to avoid the touristy areas such as Camden though - they tend to be populated by poncy cream-tea boys made good.
Mr Jessop, I fully agree with you that London is packed full of interesting places and almost every corner or street has some history attached to it, especially in the City (I have written a couple of walks and calculated that there was a point of interest on average every 20 yards). However, to me that don't make those places, "glorious" merely interesting. London is a fascinating place and I dearly love the City and its environs, but only when I have my historical hat on. Considered at face value as it is now, London is a dump, with a couple of nice bits.
The fact Shapps did it was bad enough, then Osborne to try and defuse the situation says he goes to bingo in a tweet and when asked where/when refuses to answer....and then this. PRTASTIC!
He didn't, did he? Oh dear. I always thought Osborne was not that bothered about furnishing man of the people credentials. Must be the leadership ambitions. Next: George drinks Guinness and stops off at Asda to buy some fish ...
No he didn't say that,he said he as played bingo in which compouter agree's with now.
I actually agree with Sean that Foxton's story could be the biggie. It's all about whether he can couch it in simple visceral terms – Taxman gets licence to drain your bank account – or some such.
Labour on the side of the tax avoiders?
Not tax avoiders but even worse,tax evaders
And this from a poster who's name is State Go Away! Shurly shume mistake?
The tories formed their own grouping because they found the EPP too federalist and because Cameron had promised to step out from this in his election campaign but they still have far more in common with the EPP than the socialist bloc and my understanding is that they would cooperate on most matters.
@DavidRoe92: The Bingo poster is more likely to win an election than lose one. Tax cuts do that. Socialists laughing at people who do bingo are barmy.
I remember labour playing this card as long ago as the Crewe & Nantwich by-election. That worked well.
We have the biggest shake up in pensions for a generation, and they are having orgasms about deconstructing the exact significance of the word 'they' in a tweet.
What a sad spectacle, especially given the risk that these jokers might actually be in government again in just over a year.
Go Bojo!
* Copyright Sean T
"In the Tolbuith of Edinburgh xviij day of December the yeir of God jmiiijc xxxvj, It is ordainit for commoun proffitt of the burgh that, after the cummingin of ony schip enteret in the tolbuith with quheit mele rye malt beiror any vitailes or viuouris, the alderman baillies and the counsale by thisvitaile of rationable pryce as thai may, and syne distribute be twa distributarissufficient to ansuer for thair deid to the commouns of the town, and gif onytakkis on hand to bye this vitaile of derrere pryce na is bidden for it in the tolbuith,without consent of the alderman bailyeis and counsale, the commounssall haif it for the price competent as thai bye that tyme vther als guid, and aswes biddin thairfor in the tolbuith, and thai byares sall pay the merchant as thaihaif bocht at, and tyne thair fredome for a yeir. (Amang the lowse leiffes.—Tr.)
From: 'Extracts from the Records: 1403-45', Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528 (1869), pp. 1-8. URL: Date accessed: 20 March 2014."
This is getting ever so slightly off topic but I think you are being misled by the practice of having many medieval documents in Latin, hence villa and oppidum. Curiously, I once had to get my old Roman Law tutor to translate a Barony grant which was in latin for a case and it was relatively modern, from the 17th century. It was all to do with fishing rights in Fife as I recall.
Yep. Shapps is a liability. Tory High Command must be incandescent.,-2.2235922,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!2m4!3m3!1sbingo+halls!2sManchester!3s0x487a4d4c5226f5db:0xd9be143804fe6baa
Will we see Dave & George going for a highly publicised pint and an eyes down in the North?
Certainly LibDem bar-charts are aimed at people with no concept of relativity.....
You would agree that shapps as to go though ?
Shows the labour party like to argue about the message and the tories the substance . A legacy still of Blair ?
Hampstead Heath, Epping Forest, Kew, London's Arcadia downstream. Chiswick Riverside. The secret streets of the City on a sunny afternoon. Horsenden Hill woods on a snowy day. Abney Park cemetery in the mist.
It's the capital of the world. Get over it.
Co-writer of The Thick of It, said it would have been rejected as "too far-fetched" …
libdemvoice @libdemvoice 1h
"I thought it was a spoof" Danny Alexander on Shapps' "patronising" Bingo tweet
Something else the out of touch twerps thought was a PR 'triumph'.
Always remember the PB Golden Rule.
The PB tories are always wrong. The PB tories never learn.
a most troubled individual indeed.
It's always a few days after that the wheels usually fall off a budget. Still, at least Labour can whine on about bingo.
When I was ill and could not walk much, I used to walk along the Regents Canal from Mile End to Paddington. It was a wonderful walk - a green corridor through the heart of the city - and it still is. Likewise the Thames Path on either bank of the river.
Perhaps I have low standards, or just take an inordinate interest in minutiae and trivia. ;-)
I'd always caution people to avoid the touristy areas such as Camden though - they tend to be populated by poncy cream-tea boys made good.
I am sure the civil libertarian Tories are all in favour of this.
All in favour of that...
"The grabbing hands grab all they can
Everything Counts in large amounts"
You are really really lacking a sense of humour or are extremely stupid. Get your head out from up your arse. Look at how Sean posts and how he returns ripostes , he does not hate Scotland , I know that even though I accuse him of it, difference is he has a sense of being as well as a sense of humour and realises this is just a bit of fun with some interesting facts thrown in.
That bingo poster was crap, and Shapps is a moron, so what?
The fact that Labour have only got bingo to run on just shows how little they've got in the tank.
It's pathetic. I need a decent opposition to the Coalition government.
The proposal seems designed to give plenty of chances for people to pay what they owe before it gets to the point where HMRC use these new powers
No doubt they are pompous and stupid enough to think rules don't apply to them.
We'll soon see if they are right, won't we? Either way it will be hilarious to see the outcome.
Bingo indeed.
Me too. I know of a person who had a seven figure sum in an offshore channel Is. account.
The revenue wanted to close the scheme down and offered the person a 4% tax rate to bring it onshore, rather than go to court.
That is a tenth of what the person should have paid.
Meanwhile leftie paper lining up to push #LetThemEatBingo
"Polling Observatory is written by political scientists who ignore the "random noise" of politics and identify the underlying trends. Details of their methodology can be found here. The blog's authors are Robert Ford, Will Jennings and Mark Pickup. It is cross-posted on Nottingham University's Ballots and Bullets Blog, Manchester University Policy Blogs and Southampton Politics Upside Down Blog."
It's still in the massive outline Budget document but the detailed Budget note seems to have been taken down. That's weird.
You, on the other hand, just produce the same dreary and predictable rubbish whenever a topic comes up. If you really want to be humorous change the record.
Perhaps even say something nice for once. If you have it in you, Malc-ontent.
Godfrey Bloom isn't too happy with #budget2014! "How we can possibly be giving £1bn a month to Bingo Bingo Land is completely beyond me."
You must have missed Gove being bawled out by the fop for daring to question the chumocracy's Eton stranglehold mere days ago. Or the fact that being out of touch is a perfectly valid criticism which their own cabinet colleagues and MPs have made and one which Cammie and Osbrowne only have themselves to blame for.
"We're all in this together."
If you don't enjoy CCHQs comical PR disasters then take your complaints to them because I certainly don't give a crap if it upsets you to be reminded of them.
To be fair, Boris does not have that hang-up.
Balls now up on the budget. Any better than Ed yesterday, we'll see.
'The fact Shapps did it was bad enough, then Osborne to try and defuse the situation says he goes to bingo in a tweet'
24 hours after the budget this is the only thing Labour has got to say,truly awesome.