Its great stuff from England, but looking at the weather forecast, tomorrow looks iffy, Sat a wash out and Sun iffy. I don't see how you get to a result.
If England carry on at this clip surely we declare at ~ 467 ?
Anti trans activism doesn't have the same kind of backing in the US because the bigotry at its heart is much clearer - firstly because the people advocating against trans people are the same anti LGBT and anti women people who have always campaigned against progress and secondly because those people clearly don't give a damn about women's welfare.
I also find it interesting that the GC movement, that claims to care so greatly about the rights of lesbians, are split over the moves in Italy to remove lesbian mothers who don't give birth to a child from a birth certificate of that child - potentially putting into question the rights of the non biological mother should anything happen to her partner. That prominent anti trans activists like Posie Parker (who has been defended by JKR and others despite openly saying she isn't a feminist, is against feminism and believes that abortion rights have gone too far) are cheering this change on whilst their lesbian supposed fellow travellers look at the movement they've shackled themselves to and ask "how can this have happened to me" should be a damascene moment for some of these people.
The anti trans campaign comes from the same place that always attacks women and their bodily autonomy - the lawyers in the UK who represent against trans rights are the same lawyers who push for rolling back abortion rights and argued against same sex marriage. The same people who fund CPAC and the Heritage Foundation are funding trips for prominent GCs to talk at their and other conferences. The same narrative - that the perverted transes are going to prey on your children and groom them and aren't safe in public toilets - are the same narratives used against gay people in the 50s and 60s. Protection of patriarchy in the face of progress.
Policies like those proposed by the government of banning social transition in schools does nothing but ensure rigid policing of gender norms; if transgirls can't grow out their hair or wear dresses what will stop teachers policing the feminine cisboys GCs claim they are protecting from being "too girly"? If transboys aren't allowed to wear trousers or shorts instead of skirts what will stop head teachers enforcing gendered clothing on cisgirls that demands they look feminine, again punishing those tomboys GCs claim would otherwise be forcibly transed? If a student is gay, and effeminate, would a teacher necessarily know the difference between that and transness, and therefore know if they should out their students to parents anyway? All these moves protect an understanding of strict gender roles and patriarchy - parents owning their children and their roles as boys and girls, men and women strictly enforced. Anti trans activists are not critical of gender - no matter how much they say "wear any clothes you like, just don't claim you're a woman / man" they still hate on drag or gender non conforming people.
You didn’t listen to a word if it, did you?
And as ever, you miss the fundamental point that it’s not “anti-trans” but “pro-women” and based on the view that “you cannot change your sex”.
Why do you think some men want access to women’s spaces and women’s sports?
Transwomen want to be able to live their lives as women - access to women's spaces is about the fact that many transwomen are indistinguishable from ciswomen and therefore would look out of place in men's spaces and therefore in danger. It's also about not having to out themselves in their daily life - if a transwoman can't use the woman's toilet in their place of work they will have to out themselves to all their colleagues, something they should not be forced to do if they don't want to.
As for women's sports - transpeople want to compete in the sport according to their gender because we have decided to segregate sports based on that criteria. There are transmen who would rather compete against cismen who are forced to compete against ciswomen - are you arguing that transmen want to compete against cismen for unfair advantages?
What is pro-women about demanding that children have to dress in gendered ways? What is pro-women about implementing laws that allow for genital checks if people think you are trans, as has happened in the US? What is pro-women about a movement that led to the killing of a ciswoman because someone thought she was trans?
You can claim disingenuously that it's about "protecting women", but when the movement welcomes Posie Parker and policies that want to erase lesbian families, when the outcomes of the rhetoric is increased attacks against all LGBTQ+ people and the policing of women's femininity, when the clear motivation of many people comes from the same place that attacks women's rights to abortion and bodily autonomy all I see is a reactionary movement that protects patriarchy trying to hide behind "protecting women", as anti gay movements before was about "protecting children" and racist movements before that was about "protecting white women".
And yet at the moment my daughter as a lesbian feels she has far more to fear from the extremist Trans movement than from their mainstream opponents.
So she is likely amongst the 12% of cis lesbians who don’t consider themselves accepting fully of trans people.
Not at all. She has been very strong in her defence and advocacy for trans people. Which is why it hits her so hard to be told that lesbianism should no longer be considered 'a thing' as has been the position of extremist (note that word) trans activists.
You just don't want to accept that in this case the extremists are also on your side of the debate.
Do you have a citation from so called extreme trans activists claiming that lesbianism isn't a thing? I am unaware of this claim from literally any activist or group.
Do you agree that lesbians who would never sleep with an MtF transwoman are transphobic?
I think that depends (and have also answered this question before on these forums). Most lesbians attest to finding transwomen attractive, but not everyone will sleep with everyone they find attractive. The reasons for having sex with someone differ greatly from person to person; it could be you have a good vibe, you share common interests, you like their personality etc. There are people I find attractive who I would never sleep with because I don't like them as people. If a lesbian says that they "can just tell" when a woman is trans, or even is willing to approach a transwoman and flirt and ask them out, only to change their mind when finding out they are trans - that could be about transphobia or it could be a sincere preference (like how I prefer to only date vegetarian / vegans). Telling those apart can be difficult. I think that if you find someone attractive and like them on a personal level and learning they are trans then disgusts you, that is probably rooted in bigotry, yes.
I'm really uncomfortable with your attempt to tell people what their sexuality is and that it's bigoted if it isn't expressed in a way that you approve of.
I don't see what is bigoted about only wanting to have sex with someone who has the genitalia you like to have sex with. But that's the upshot of your argument.
That is not what I said. I literally say "that could be about transphobia or it could be a sincere preference" - I am not saying anyone should feel they have to have sex with anyone they don't want to. What I am saying if is that if you are willing to sleep with someone and only upon learning they are trans you specifically feel disgust to the degree that you don't want to, that is probably transphobia - yes. The feeling of disgust being the main thing there that (to me) identifies the transphobia.
Again - many cis lesbians are happy to have relationships with transwomen (many of whom also identify as lesbians). People claiming that lesbians can't find transwomen attractive are the ones telling people what their sexuality is.
You seem very well versed on all this dodgy stuff
I think it's become compulsory on PB, malc. You won't be able to post until you can tell the difference between a male turnip and a female one.
Turnips are both (possibly sequentially within each flower, I forget the details).
"the entertainment lawyer Enty, who runs the Crazy Days and Nights blind-item site,"
If that is the source for this, it is more unreliable than a Land Rover Discovery....
Was going to say the point is the Spectator is running with it, but I note it spells "rumors" thus and is "US EDITION OF THE WORLD’S OLDEST MAGAZINE." Believe it when they are prepared to say it to the home market.
Anti trans activism doesn't have the same kind of backing in the US because the bigotry at its heart is much clearer - firstly because the people advocating against trans people are the same anti LGBT and anti women people who have always campaigned against progress and secondly because those people clearly don't give a damn about women's welfare.
I also find it interesting that the GC movement, that claims to care so greatly about the rights of lesbians, are split over the moves in Italy to remove lesbian mothers who don't give birth to a child from a birth certificate of that child - potentially putting into question the rights of the non biological mother should anything happen to her partner. That prominent anti trans activists like Posie Parker (who has been defended by JKR and others despite openly saying she isn't a feminist, is against feminism and believes that abortion rights have gone too far) are cheering this change on whilst their lesbian supposed fellow travellers look at the movement they've shackled themselves to and ask "how can this have happened to me" should be a damascene moment for some of these people.
The anti trans campaign comes from the same place that always attacks women and their bodily autonomy - the lawyers in the UK who represent against trans rights are the same lawyers who push for rolling back abortion rights and argued against same sex marriage. The same people who fund CPAC and the Heritage Foundation are funding trips for prominent GCs to talk at their and other conferences. The same narrative - that the perverted transes are going to prey on your children and groom them and aren't safe in public toilets - are the same narratives used against gay people in the 50s and 60s. Protection of patriarchy in the face of progress.
Policies like those proposed by the government of banning social transition in schools does nothing but ensure rigid policing of gender norms; if transgirls can't grow out their hair or wear dresses what will stop teachers policing the feminine cisboys GCs claim they are protecting from being "too girly"? If transboys aren't allowed to wear trousers or shorts instead of skirts what will stop head teachers enforcing gendered clothing on cisgirls that demands they look feminine, again punishing those tomboys GCs claim would otherwise be forcibly transed? If a student is gay, and effeminate, would a teacher necessarily know the difference between that and transness, and therefore know if they should out their students to parents anyway? All these moves protect an understanding of strict gender roles and patriarchy - parents owning their children and their roles as boys and girls, men and women strictly enforced. Anti trans activists are not critical of gender - no matter how much they say "wear any clothes you like, just don't claim you're a woman / man" they still hate on drag or gender non conforming people.
You didn’t listen to a word if it, did you?
And as ever, you miss the fundamental point that it’s not “anti-trans” but “pro-women” and based on the view that “you cannot change your sex”.
Why do you think some men want access to women’s spaces and women’s sports?
Transwomen want to be able to live their lives as women - access to women's spaces is about the fact that many transwomen are indistinguishable from ciswomen and therefore would look out of place in men's spaces and therefore in danger. It's also about not having to out themselves in their daily life - if a transwoman can't use the woman's toilet in their place of work they will have to out themselves to all their colleagues, something they should not be forced to do if they don't want to.
As for women's sports - transpeople want to compete in the sport according to their gender because we have decided to segregate sports based on that criteria. There are transmen who would rather compete against cismen who are forced to compete against ciswomen - are you arguing that transmen want to compete against cismen for unfair advantages?
What is pro-women about demanding that children have to dress in gendered ways? What is pro-women about implementing laws that allow for genital checks if people think you are trans, as has happened in the US? What is pro-women about a movement that led to the killing of a ciswoman because someone thought she was trans?
You can claim disingenuously that it's about "protecting women", but when the movement welcomes Posie Parker and policies that want to erase lesbian families, when the outcomes of the rhetoric is increased attacks against all LGBTQ+ people and the policing of women's femininity, when the clear motivation of many people comes from the same place that attacks women's rights to abortion and bodily autonomy all I see is a reactionary movement that protects patriarchy trying to hide behind "protecting women", as anti gay movements before was about "protecting children" and racist movements before that was about "protecting white women".
And yet at the moment my daughter as a lesbian feels she has far more to fear from the extremist Trans movement than from their mainstream opponents.
So she is likely amongst the 12% of cis lesbians who don’t consider themselves accepting fully of trans people.
Not at all. She has been very strong in her defence and advocacy for trans people. Which is why it hits her so hard to be told that lesbianism should no longer be considered 'a thing' as has been the position of extremist (note that word) trans activists.
You just don't want to accept that in this case the extremists are also on your side of the debate.
Do you have a citation from so called extreme trans activists claiming that lesbianism isn't a thing? I am unaware of this claim from literally any activist or group.
Do you agree that lesbians who would never sleep with an MtF transwoman are transphobic?
I think that depends (and have also answered this question before on these forums). Most lesbians attest to finding transwomen attractive, but not everyone will sleep with everyone they find attractive. The reasons for having sex with someone differ greatly from person to person; it could be you have a good vibe, you share common interests, you like their personality etc. There are people I find attractive who I would never sleep with because I don't like them as people. If a lesbian says that they "can just tell" when a woman is trans, or even is willing to approach a transwoman and flirt and ask them out, only to change their mind when finding out they are trans - that could be about transphobia or it could be a sincere preference (like how I prefer to only date vegetarian / vegans). Telling those apart can be difficult. I think that if you find someone attractive and like them on a personal level and learning they are trans then disgusts you, that is probably rooted in bigotry, yes.
I'm really uncomfortable with your attempt to tell people what their sexuality is and that it's bigoted if it isn't expressed in a way that you approve of.
I don't see what is bigoted about only wanting to have sex with someone who has the genitalia you like to have sex with. But that's the upshot of your argument.
That is not what I said. I literally say "that could be about transphobia or it could be a sincere preference" - I am not saying anyone should feel they have to have sex with anyone they don't want to. What I am saying if is that if you are willing to sleep with someone and only upon learning they are trans you specifically feel disgust to the degree that you don't want to, that is probably transphobia - yes. The feeling of disgust being the main thing there that (to me) identifies the transphobia.
Again - many cis lesbians are happy to have relationships with transwomen (many of whom also identify as lesbians). People claiming that lesbians can't find transwomen attractive are the ones telling people what their sexuality is.
You seem very well versed on all this dodgy stuff
I think it's become compulsory on PB, malc. You won't be able to post until you can tell the difference between a male turnip and a female one.
Turnips are both (possibly sequentially within each flower, I forget the details).
You mean Malc used to be a female turnip?
Further, doesn’t this make the Turnip Taliban… woke?
Any news from the by-elections, from people in those areas?
Neighbour mowed lawn this morning. Evri butchered a parcel, but did at least deliver it.
In Selby & Ainsty, it seemed just like a normal day. Little did the residents know that... [If you bet Conservatives to win, turn to page 1992] [If you bet Labour to win, turn to page 1997] [If you bet anyone else to win, see a doctor - or at least financial advisor]
Good point about snooker: why aren't men and women playing against each other when strength isn't important 99.9% of the time? What about chess as well.
One problem with snooker for at least some women is their chests are liable to foul the balls as they lean over the table. Another problem is limited access (increasingly for men too, as many snooker clubs have shut). And although strength is not an issue in snooker, height and reach are.
But as I've posted before, enterprising girls schools should have dartboards and snooker tables in every common room. If you never throw a dart, you won't know if you'll be any good at it. Likewise pianos and horses.
Indeed. There’s been a lot of discussion about this in motorsport, where everyone wants to see a lady F1 driver.
The biggest problem is that it’s a numbers game, and more than 90% of the eight-year-olds entering go-kart competitions are boys. So the most obvious way to get a lady F1 driver 15 years from now, is to get more girls driving karts at primary school, instead of riding horses!
I do recall lady F1 drivers in the past – not many admittedly. But I think there have been some?
The last lady to drive an F1 car at a meeting was Susie Wolff - Mrs Toto - c.2016. The last lady to attempt to qualify for an F1 race was Giovanna Amati c.1992 The last lady to start an F1 race was Lella Lombardi in the mid-‘70s.
The most successful lady drivers of my lifetime have been Michelle Mouton in rallying, and Danica Patrick in Indycar and NASCAR over in the States.
Brittany Force was 2017 Top Fuel Champion and Ana Carrasco won the 2018 SSP300 title. (On two wheels but a full FIM sanctioned WC series.)
Yes good point, loads of women in drag racing - total nutters the lot of them!
BF has done the fastest ever 1,000ft at 338mph and has a 0.07 reaction time!
Drinks have come at a bad time for us. They so often bring a wicket.
I can remember when drinks only used to happen if it was a particularly hot day. I wonder when exactly it changed.
Global warming propoganda.
Or propAganda even. A muggy 35 degrees here - SE Spain- totally typical for July/August but unusually the forecast for next week suggesting less humidity and temps back to the low 30's. Heaven!
Its great stuff from England, but looking at the weather forecast, tomorrow looks iffy, Sat a wash out and Sun iffy. I don't see how you get to a result.
If England carry on at this clip surely we declare at ~ 467 ?
Good point about snooker: why aren't men and women playing against each other when strength isn't important 99.9% of the time? What about chess as well.
One problem with snooker for at least some women is their chests are liable to foul the balls as they lean over the table. Another problem is limited access (increasingly for men too, as many snooker clubs have shut). And although strength is not an issue in snooker, height and reach are.
But as I've posted before, enterprising girls schools should have dartboards and snooker tables in every common room. If you never throw a dart, you won't know if you'll be any good at it. Likewise pianos and horses.
Indeed. There’s been a lot of discussion about this in motorsport, where everyone wants to see a lady F1 driver.
The biggest problem is that it’s a numbers game, and more than 90% of the eight-year-olds entering go-kart competitions are boys. So the most obvious way to get a lady F1 driver 15 years from now, is to get more girls driving karts at primary school, instead of riding horses!
I've said this anecdote before, from a friend who worked in F1. A young girl was in karting, and doing well. Before a race, the father of another competitor peed in her fuel tank - in sight of her. She could not race, as (obvs.) the fuel was polluted. The other lad got DQ'ed because of her dad's actions, but the girl's dad decided he didn't want her in that toxic environment.
There are similar stories as well. Basically, motorsport is not that welcoming to young female drivers. That needs correcting if they're ever to make it regularly to the top in F1, Nascar, rallying etc.
TBF, F1 has made some big strides in women within the teams - it's much more open that it was, although the cost cap has allegedly made it worse, as fewer people are being taken on and the larger number of races means more time away from home. The problem is that there's a *massive* disconnect between that stratospheric level of the sport and the lowest rungs of the karting ladder.
What the fucking fuck...
DQ for that ? Should have been a life ban for the Dad and a call to the rozzers.
Agreed - but I bet the circuit owners and organisers did not want the hassle. Sadly.
Incidentally, some fathers in karting are rather (ahem) keen for their sons to get on in the sport, to the same sort of extent some fathers are with their footballing sons (who are all, of course, going to be the next Ronaldo). This puts terrible pressure on the kids to perform well - which leads to the following sort of madness:
Good point about snooker: why aren't men and women playing against each other when strength isn't important 99.9% of the time? What about chess as well.
I don't think there are any chess competitions that exclude women.
Good point about snooker: why aren't men and women playing against each other when strength isn't important 99.9% of the time? What about chess as well.
One problem with snooker for at least some women is their chests are liable to foul the balls as they lean over the table. Another problem is limited access (increasingly for men too, as many snooker clubs have shut). And although strength is not an issue in snooker, height and reach are.
But as I've posted before, enterprising girls schools should have dartboards and snooker tables in every common room. If you never throw a dart, you won't know if you'll be any good at it. Likewise pianos and horses.
Indeed. There’s been a lot of discussion about this in motorsport, where everyone wants to see a lady F1 driver.
The biggest problem is that it’s a numbers game, and more than 90% of the eight-year-olds entering go-kart competitions are boys. So the most obvious way to get a lady F1 driver 15 years from now, is to get more girls driving karts at primary school, instead of riding horses!
I've said this anecdote before, from a friend who worked in F1. A young girl was in karting, and doing well. Before a race, the father of another competitor peed in her fuel tank - in sight of her. She could not race, as (obvs.) the fuel was polluted. The other lad got DQ'ed because of her dad's actions, but the girl's dad decided he didn't want her in that toxic environment.
There are similar stories as well. Basically, motorsport is not that welcoming to young female drivers. That needs correcting if they're ever to make it regularly to the top in F1, Nascar, rallying etc.
TBF, F1 has made some big strides in women within the teams - it's much more open that it was, although the cost cap has allegedly made it worse, as fewer people are being taken on and the larger number of races means more time away from home. The problem is that there's a *massive* disconnect between that stratospheric level of the sport and the lowest rungs of the karting ladder.
What the fucking fuck...
DQ for that ? Should have been a life ban for the Dad and a call to the rozzers.
Incidentally, there's an anecdote I probably cannot share that explains why a woman went up onto the podium at a Middle Eastern F1 race over a decade ago to receive the winning constructor's trophy from the Shiekh/King/whatever who was handing them out after the race.
It was a weekend where the F1 teams nearly refused to race, and only this face-saving (or in the sheikh's case, face-losing) agreement for a *woman* to accept the trophy saved the race. As I recall, you could not see he was very happy about doing it...
England will want the deficit below 100 by tea, then a confab about how to approach the rest of the match.
Do we have a pro weather forecaster in the backroom staff?
Why doesn’t test cricket allow an extra day at the end if more than one day’s play is washed out?
Monday or Tuesday aren’t so bad in Manc
A terrible shame if this superb series is effectively decided by Lancashire drizzle over a weekend
Indeed. The WTC does do this and there's a strong argument that major series like the Ashes should too (at least in any Test that could decide the series).
Stokes should suggest it publicly to Cummins. Would be hard for Big Pat to decline without looking like a rain-dancing wuss.
Watching Wimbledon must have been galling for them. All the Hollywood celebs they went to hang out with - from Brad Pitt to Daniel Craig to Ariana Grande - were in Wimbledon, as William and Kate soaked up the glory and the excellent tennis in the Royal Box
They coulda been there. Now they are lonely, jobless and derided in California
I can easily see a divorce as they both become dissatisfied
England will want the deficit below 100 by tea, then a confab about how to approach the rest of the match.
Do we have a pro weather forecaster in the backroom staff?
Why doesn’t test cricket allow an extra day at the end if more than one day’s play is washed out?
Monday or Tuesday aren’t so bad in Manc
A terrible shame if this superb series is effectively decided by Lancashire drizzle over a weekend
Indeed. The WTC does do this and there's a strong argument that major series like the Ashes should too (at least in any Test that could decide the series).
Stokes should suggest it publicly to Cummins. Would be hard for Big Pat to decline without looking like a rain-dancing wuss.
I can’t see any practical reason why they can’t do it. One more day. How hard is that?
England will want the deficit below 100 by tea, then a confab about how to approach the rest of the match.
Do we have a pro weather forecaster in the backroom staff?
Why doesn’t test cricket allow an extra day at the end if more than one day’s play is washed out?
Monday or Tuesday aren’t so bad in Manc
A terrible shame if this superb series is effectively decided by Lancashire drizzle over a weekend
They had one available for the Test Championship Final at The Oval a few weeks ago. I guess they don't usually do it for logistical reasons, eg. getting all the food stalls to potentially be there for an extra day.
England will want the deficit below 100 by tea, then a confab about how to approach the rest of the match.
Do we have a pro weather forecaster in the backroom staff?
Why doesn’t test cricket allow an extra day at the end if more than one day’s play is washed out?
Monday or Tuesday aren’t so bad in Manc
A terrible shame if this superb series is effectively decided by Lancashire drizzle over a weekend
Indeed. The WTC does do this and there's a strong argument that major series like the Ashes should too (at least in any Test that could decide the series).
Stokes should suggest it publicly to Cummins. Would be hard for Big Pat to decline without looking like a rain-dancing wuss.
I can’t see any practical reason why they can’t do it. One more day. How hard is that?
Lancashire play there on Tuesday but the ground is vacant Monday.
England will want the deficit below 100 by tea, then a confab about how to approach the rest of the match.
Do we have a pro weather forecaster in the backroom staff?
Why doesn’t test cricket allow an extra day at the end if more than one day’s play is washed out?
Monday or Tuesday aren’t so bad in Manc
A terrible shame if this superb series is effectively decided by Lancashire drizzle over a weekend
They had one available for the Test Championship Final at The Oval a few weeks ago. I guess they don't usually do it for logistical reasons, eg. getting all the food stalls to potentially be there for an extra day.
England will want the deficit below 100 by tea, then a confab about how to approach the rest of the match.
Do we have a pro weather forecaster in the backroom staff?
Why doesn’t test cricket allow an extra day at the end if more than one day’s play is washed out?
Monday or Tuesday aren’t so bad in Manc
A terrible shame if this superb series is effectively decided by Lancashire drizzle over a weekend
They had one available for the Test Championship Final at The Oval a few weeks ago. I guess they don't usually do it for logistical reasons, eg. getting all the food stalls to potentially be there for an extra day.
So just warn spectators “there won’t be any food”. Bring your own. It’s not like organising the Ardennes Offensive
Its great stuff from England, but looking at the weather forecast, tomorrow looks iffy, Sat a wash out and Sun iffy. I don't see how you get to a result.
They'd need to bowl Australia out this evening and in whatever play is possible tomorrow, and then chase down the runs required in between showers on Sunday. It's a stretch, but if they can declare with a lead today, and take a couple of wickets before the close, they'd still be in with a chance.
England will want the deficit below 100 by tea, then a confab about how to approach the rest of the match.
Do we have a pro weather forecaster in the backroom staff?
Why doesn’t test cricket allow an extra day at the end if more than one day’s play is washed out?
Monday or Tuesday aren’t so bad in Manc
A terrible shame if this superb series is effectively decided by Lancashire drizzle over a weekend
They had one available for the Test Championship Final at The Oval a few weeks ago. I guess they don't usually do it for logistical reasons, eg. getting all the food stalls to potentially be there for an extra day.
There was talk of 4 day tests for a while. What about a "timeless" 360 over match?
Wouldn't be surprised if the swings in Selby and Somerton are roughly 25% against the Tories, but around half that in Uxbridge. Tories still lose all 3 seats though.
England will want the deficit below 100 by tea, then a confab about how to approach the rest of the match.
Do we have a pro weather forecaster in the backroom staff?
Why doesn’t test cricket allow an extra day at the end if more than one day’s play is washed out?
Monday or Tuesday aren’t so bad in Manc
A terrible shame if this superb series is effectively decided by Lancashire drizzle over a weekend
I agree, that would be ideal.
Main reasons will be costs - even if the day isn't played you still have to have everything in place in case it is - and scheduling - the final Test is scheduled to start on Thursday, and three days has been seen as the minimum gap between Test matches.
England will want the deficit below 100 by tea, then a confab about how to approach the rest of the match.
Do we have a pro weather forecaster in the backroom staff?
Why doesn’t test cricket allow an extra day at the end if more than one day’s play is washed out?
Monday or Tuesday aren’t so bad in Manc
A terrible shame if this superb series is effectively decided by Lancashire drizzle over a weekend
They had one available for the Test Championship Final at The Oval a few weeks ago. I guess they don't usually do it for logistical reasons, eg. getting all the food stalls to potentially be there for an extra day.
England will want the deficit below 100 by tea, then a confab about how to approach the rest of the match.
Do we have a pro weather forecaster in the backroom staff?
Why doesn’t test cricket allow an extra day at the end if more than one day’s play is washed out?
Monday or Tuesday aren’t so bad in Manc
A terrible shame if this superb series is effectively decided by Lancashire drizzle over a weekend
They had one available for the Test Championship Final at The Oval a few weeks ago. I guess they don't usually do it for logistical reasons, eg. getting all the food stalls to potentially be there for an extra day.
England will want the deficit below 100 by tea, then a confab about how to approach the rest of the match.
Do we have a pro weather forecaster in the backroom staff?
Why doesn’t test cricket allow an extra day at the end if more than one day’s play is washed out?
Monday or Tuesday aren’t so bad in Manc
A terrible shame if this superb series is effectively decided by Lancashire drizzle over a weekend
They had one available for the Test Championship Final at The Oval a few weeks ago. I guess they don't usually do it for logistical reasons, eg. getting all the food stalls to potentially be there for an extra day.
So just warn spectators “there won’t be any food”. Bring your own. It’s not like organising the Ardennes Offensive
England will want the deficit below 100 by tea, then a confab about how to approach the rest of the match.
Do we have a pro weather forecaster in the backroom staff?
Why doesn’t test cricket allow an extra day at the end if more than one day’s play is washed out?
Monday or Tuesday aren’t so bad in Manc
A terrible shame if this superb series is effectively decided by Lancashire drizzle over a weekend
Indeed. The WTC does do this and there's a strong argument that major series like the Ashes should too (at least in any Test that could decide the series).
Stokes should suggest it publicly to Cummins. Would be hard for Big Pat to decline without looking like a rain-dancing wuss.
I can’t see any practical reason why they can’t do it. One more day. How hard is that?
I bet everyone's forgotten about the fact that test matches used to often have a rest day, which was usually on a Sunday or Monday after the third day. Ended in the early 90s in most places.
Watching Wimbledon must have been galling for them. All the Hollywood celebs they went to hang out with - from Brad Pitt to Daniel Craig to Ariana Grande - were in Wimbledon, as William and Kate soaked up the glory and the excellent tennis in the Royal Box
They coulda been there. Now they are lonely, jobless and derided in California
I can easily see a divorce as they both become dissatisfied
I am not a fan of the way they have behaved but I have to say I wouldn't wish divorce on anyone - particularly with kids involved. Not saying you are doing that but thought it worth stating. It would be nice if they could reconcile themselves to their new positions and stop trying to blame everyone else for their problems.
The weather has meant Cummins has set his team for a draw, picking both Green and Marsh, and excluding Murphy. This is looking like it's benefitting England at the moment.
Its great stuff from England, but looking at the weather forecast, tomorrow looks iffy, Sat a wash out and Sun iffy. I don't see how you get to a result.
It's not going to happen, of course, but in theory England could make enough runs only to have to bat once. Were they to do so at an improbably high scoring rate, there might still be time to bowl out Australia again.
There's £45 at between 8 and 10 on betfair exchange to back Aus to take series 2-1. Anyone who thinks Sat and Sun look like a washout, this is effectively those odds on a draw at the Oval. Which is good odds and you can probably lay at less than 3 next week.
Watching Wimbledon must have been galling for them. All the Hollywood celebs they went to hang out with - from Brad Pitt to Daniel Craig to Ariana Grande - were in Wimbledon, as William and Kate soaked up the glory and the excellent tennis in the Royal Box
They coulda been there. Now they are lonely, jobless and derided in California
I can easily see a divorce as they both become dissatisfied
I am not a fan of the way they have behaved but I have to say I wouldn't wish divorce on anyone - particularly with kids involved. Not saying you are doing that but thought it worth stating. It would be nice if they could reconcile themselves to their new positions and stop trying to blame everyone else for their problems.
You’re assuming there are kids involved. If you read that gossip site, it’s quite an assumption that there are any kids at all.
There's £45 at between 8 and 10 on betfair exchange to back Aus to take series 2-1. Anyone who thinks Sat and Sun look like a washout, this is effectively those odds on a draw at the Oval. Which is good odds and you can probably lay at less than 3 next week.
Why not just back the draw here at 2.74 ? That's mathematically provably a better move than your betting suggestion.
Its great stuff from England, but looking at the weather forecast, tomorrow looks iffy, Sat a wash out and Sun iffy. I don't see how you get to a result.
It's not going to happen, of course, but in theory England could make enough runs only to have to bat once. Were they to do so at an improbably high scoring rate, there might still be time to bowl out Australia again.
Its going to be a balancing act.
Get as many runs as you can whilst you are scoring freely, or declare level and maximise the time to get Australia out.
I suspect getting more runs while the weather is good is better. On and off all day never benefits the batting side.
Its great stuff from England, but looking at the weather forecast, tomorrow looks iffy, Sat a wash out and Sun iffy. I don't see how you get to a result.
It's not going to happen, of course, but in theory England could make enough runs only to have to bat once. Were they to do so at an improbably high scoring rate, there might still be time to bowl out Australia again.
Its going to be a balancing act.
Get as many runs as you can whilst you are scoring freely, or declare level and maximise the time to get Australia out.
I suspect getting more runs while the weather is good is better. On and off all day never benefits the batting side.
Agree. Reckon the strategy will be get past the Aussie score than try to smash our way to 450+.
Watching Wimbledon must have been galling for them. All the Hollywood celebs they went to hang out with - from Brad Pitt to Daniel Craig to Ariana Grande - were in Wimbledon, as William and Kate soaked up the glory and the excellent tennis in the Royal Box
They coulda been there. Now they are lonely, jobless and derided in California
I can easily see a divorce as they both become dissatisfied
I am not a fan of the way they have behaved but I have to say I wouldn't wish divorce on anyone - particularly with kids involved. Not saying you are doing that but thought it worth stating. It would be nice if they could reconcile themselves to their new positions and stop trying to blame everyone else for their problems.
Good morning everyone, great to wake up and see England trail Aus by 82 runs with 8 wickets remaining as the headline. Wow.
A question for PB brains trust. I'm currently overseas (Alberta, Canada) and need to receive a text message for security purposes for an app. My phone's on Airplane mode with Wifi enabled as I don't have roaming setup, I was hoping the text would come through via Wifi but it hasn't.
Is there any way to receive an SMS via Wifi, or does that only work when you're in the UK and your connection is spotty?
Is the only solution to pay for Roaming to receive this text and any others I may have missed since I flew abroad, or is there another way to get an SMS?
For security reasons it has to be a text with this app, I don't have any alternatives it seems.
Wouldn't be surprised if the swings in Selby and Somerton are roughly 25% against the Tories, but around half that in Uxbridge. Tories still lose all 3 seats though.
If you read the Mike Brearley books about his time as captain, he talks about the experiment of removing the rest day for one of the tests in Australia.
Watching Wimbledon must have been galling for them. All the Hollywood celebs they went to hang out with - from Brad Pitt to Daniel Craig to Ariana Grande - were in Wimbledon, as William and Kate soaked up the glory and the excellent tennis in the Royal Box
They coulda been there. Now they are lonely, jobless and derided in California
I can easily see a divorce as they both become dissatisfied
I am not a fan of the way they have behaved but I have to say I wouldn't wish divorce on anyone - particularly with kids involved. Not saying you are doing that but thought it worth stating. It would be nice if they could reconcile themselves to their new positions and stop trying to blame everyone else for their problems.
I expect they have "advisers" whose continued employ relies on convincing the pair not to reconcile themselves to a quiet life.
There's £45 at between 8 and 10 on betfair exchange to back Aus to take series 2-1. Anyone who thinks Sat and Sun look like a washout, this is effectively those odds on a draw at the Oval. Which is good odds and you can probably lay at less than 3 next week.
Why not just back the draw here at 2.74 ? That's mathematically provably a better move than your betting suggestion.
Is that mathematically on the likelihood of a draw in a 5 day test, or the very flaky weather forecast for the Oval currently showing on models?
On Labour in Uxbridge, even though last time their candidate was pretty left and had some "baggage" according to Wikipedia, the swing to Boris was quite low and not a bad result for Labour compared to many places.
It's possible Boris had a negative personal vote in Uxbridge.
John Randall I found canvassing in Uxbridge was remembered more fondly as a hard working local MP than Boris. Steve Tuckwell like Randall an Uxbridge and Ruislip local not parachuted in like Boris was
One of the reasons why the swing against the Tories in Uxbridge may not be as high as elsewhere.
Its great stuff from England, but looking at the weather forecast, tomorrow looks iffy, Sat a wash out and Sun iffy. I don't see how you get to a result.
It's not going to happen, of course, but in theory England could make enough runs only to have to bat once. Were they to do so at an improbably high scoring rate, there might still be time to bowl out Australia again.
Its going to be a balancing act.
Get as many runs as you can whilst you are scoring freely, or declare level and maximise the time to get Australia out.
I suspect getting more runs while the weather is good is better. On and off all day never benefits the batting side.
Agree. Reckon the strategy will be get past the Aussie score than try to smash our way to 450+.
Hit 450. Declare. Skittle them for 200 in half a day…
Watching Wimbledon must have been galling for them. All the Hollywood celebs they went to hang out with - from Brad Pitt to Daniel Craig to Ariana Grande - were in Wimbledon, as William and Kate soaked up the glory and the excellent tennis in the Royal Box
They coulda been there. Now they are lonely, jobless and derided in California
I can easily see a divorce as they both become dissatisfied
I am not a fan of the way they have behaved but I have to say I wouldn't wish divorce on anyone - particularly with kids involved. Not saying you are doing that but thought it worth stating. It would be nice if they could reconcile themselves to their new positions and stop trying to blame everyone else for their problems.
You’re assuming there are kids involved. If you read that gossip site, it’s quite an assumption that there are any kids at all.
Hang on, there's a gossip site asserting that H&M* don't have kids? The photographed children being... what? Crisis actors? AI generated?
*anyone else slightly/very guiltily wish that the rumours are true and Harry subsequently falls for someone called Matilda so we can use the portmanteau HazMat?
Good morning everyone, great to wake up and see England trail Aus by 82 runs with 8 wickets remaining as the headline. Wow.
A question for PB brains trust. I'm currently overseas (Alberta, Canada) and need to receive a text message for security purposes for an app. My phone's on Airplane mode with Wifi enabled as I don't have roaming setup, I was hoping the text would come through via Wifi but it hasn't.
Is there any way to receive an SMS via Wifi, or does that only work when you're in the UK and your connection is spotty?
Is the only solution to pay for Roaming to receive this text and any others I may have missed since I flew abroad, or is there another way to get an SMS?
For security reasons it has to be a text with this app, I don't have any alternatives it seems.
Have you checked your settings to make sure Voice over WiFi is enabled?
Wouldn't be surprised if the swings in Selby and Somerton are roughly 25% against the Tories, but around half that in Uxbridge. Tories still lose all 3 seats though.
If you read the Mike Brearley books about his time as captain, he talks about the experiment of removing the rest day for one of the tests in Australia.
Good morning everyone, great to wake up and see England trail Aus by 82 runs with 8 wickets remaining as the headline. Wow.
A question for PB brains trust. I'm currently overseas (Alberta, Canada) and need to receive a text message for security purposes for an app. My phone's on Airplane mode with Wifi enabled as I don't have roaming setup, I was hoping the text would come through via Wifi but it hasn't.
Is there any way to receive an SMS via Wifi, or does that only work when you're in the UK and your connection is spotty?
Is the only solution to pay for Roaming to receive this text and any others I may have missed since I flew abroad, or is there another way to get an SMS?
For security reasons it has to be a text with this app, I don't have any alternatives it seems.
Receiving an SMS should happen automatically if you’re on a local network, even if you don’t have a roaming package to make calls. Make sure you switch of data roaming first though, that has a habit of running up large bills if used inadvertently.
There's £45 at between 8 and 10 on betfair exchange to back Aus to take series 2-1. Anyone who thinks Sat and Sun look like a washout, this is effectively those odds on a draw at the Oval. Which is good odds and you can probably lay at less than 3 next week.
Why not just back the draw here at 2.74 ? That's mathematically provably a better move than your betting suggestion.
I didn't say you had to lay, you can just have (probably) an unhedged 8 or 10 on the draw at the Oval. Weather not great, Aus cool with the draw...
The reason I didn't scrutinise the math too closely, is I am on Aus 2-1 at 22, following a tip from @kinabalu.
Watching Wimbledon must have been galling for them. All the Hollywood celebs they went to hang out with - from Brad Pitt to Daniel Craig to Ariana Grande - were in Wimbledon, as William and Kate soaked up the glory and the excellent tennis in the Royal Box
They coulda been there. Now they are lonely, jobless and derided in California
I can easily see a divorce as they both become dissatisfied
I am not a fan of the way they have behaved but I have to say I wouldn't wish divorce on anyone - particularly with kids involved. Not saying you are doing that but thought it worth stating. It would be nice if they could reconcile themselves to their new positions and stop trying to blame everyone else for their problems.
It's bizarre and kind of gross to see grown men getting excited about the prospect of a couple getting divorced.
Watching Wimbledon must have been galling for them. All the Hollywood celebs they went to hang out with - from Brad Pitt to Daniel Craig to Ariana Grande - were in Wimbledon, as William and Kate soaked up the glory and the excellent tennis in the Royal Box
They coulda been there. Now they are lonely, jobless and derided in California
I can easily see a divorce as they both become dissatisfied
I am not a fan of the way they have behaved but I have to say I wouldn't wish divorce on anyone - particularly with kids involved. Not saying you are doing that but thought it worth stating. It would be nice if they could reconcile themselves to their new positions and stop trying to blame everyone else for their problems.
I expect they have "advisers" whose continued employ relies on convincing the pair not to reconcile themselves to a quiet life.
Good morning everyone, great to wake up and see England trail Aus by 82 runs with 8 wickets remaining as the headline. Wow.
A question for PB brains trust. I'm currently overseas (Alberta, Canada) and need to receive a text message for security purposes for an app. My phone's on Airplane mode with Wifi enabled as I don't have roaming setup, I was hoping the text would come through via Wifi but it hasn't.
Is there any way to receive an SMS via Wifi, or does that only work when you're in the UK and your connection is spotty?
Is the only solution to pay for Roaming to receive this text and any others I may have missed since I flew abroad, or is there another way to get an SMS?
For security reasons it has to be a text with this app, I don't have any alternatives it seems.
You could just roam for one day. In Canada it would probably cost you about $5
Good morning everyone, great to wake up and see England trail Aus by 82 runs with 8 wickets remaining as the headline. Wow.
A question for PB brains trust. I'm currently overseas (Alberta, Canada) and need to receive a text message for security purposes for an app. My phone's on Airplane mode with Wifi enabled as I don't have roaming setup, I was hoping the text would come through via Wifi but it hasn't.
Is there any way to receive an SMS via Wifi, or does that only work when you're in the UK and your connection is spotty?
Is the only solution to pay for Roaming to receive this text and any others I may have missed since I flew abroad, or is there another way to get an SMS?
For security reasons it has to be a text with this app, I don't have any alternatives it seems.
Have you checked your settings to make sure Voice over WiFi is enabled?
Good morning everyone, great to wake up and see England trail Aus by 82 runs with 8 wickets remaining as the headline. Wow.
A question for PB brains trust. I'm currently overseas (Alberta, Canada) and need to receive a text message for security purposes for an app. My phone's on Airplane mode with Wifi enabled as I don't have roaming setup, I was hoping the text would come through via Wifi but it hasn't.
Is there any way to receive an SMS via Wifi, or does that only work when you're in the UK and your connection is spotty?
Is the only solution to pay for Roaming to receive this text and any others I may have missed since I flew abroad, or is there another way to get an SMS?
For security reasons it has to be a text with this app, I don't have any alternatives it seems.
Have you checked your settings to make sure Voice over WiFi is enabled?
WiFi calling is enabled on phone settings, yes. Not sure if that's somehow set by Sky to only work when connected to a British WiFi or when not on Airplane mode though.
Its great stuff from England, but looking at the weather forecast, tomorrow looks iffy, Sat a wash out and Sun iffy. I don't see how you get to a result.
It's not going to happen, of course, but in theory England could make enough runs only to have to bat once. Were they to do so at an improbably high scoring rate, there might still be time to bowl out Australia again.
Its going to be a balancing act.
Get as many runs as you can whilst you are scoring freely, or declare level and maximise the time to get Australia out.
I suspect getting more runs while the weather is good is better. On and off all day never benefits the batting side.
Agree. Reckon the strategy will be get past the Aussie score than try to smash our way to 450+.
Don't think that is Stokes' way. Main risk is running out of time because of the weather. Therefore he will want to declare early to give his bowlers as much time as possible, and trust that they can score the final innings runs whatever the conditions.
I'm convinced that England will declare before the close today. Probably a lot earlier than you expect because there's a threat of a shower this evening anyway.
Watching Wimbledon must have been galling for them. All the Hollywood celebs they went to hang out with - from Brad Pitt to Daniel Craig to Ariana Grande - were in Wimbledon, as William and Kate soaked up the glory and the excellent tennis in the Royal Box
They coulda been there. Now they are lonely, jobless and derided in California
I can easily see a divorce as they both become dissatisfied
I am not a fan of the way they have behaved but I have to say I wouldn't wish divorce on anyone - particularly with kids involved. Not saying you are doing that but thought it worth stating. It would be nice if they could reconcile themselves to their new positions and stop trying to blame everyone else for their problems.
You’re assuming there are kids involved. If you read that gossip site, it’s quite an assumption that there are any kids at all.
Hang on, there's a gossip site asserting that H&M* don't have kids? The photographed children being... what? Crisis actors? AI generated?
*anyone else slightly/very guiltily wish that the rumours are true and Harry subsequently falls for someone called Matilda so we can use the portmanteau HazMat?
Watching Wimbledon must have been galling for them. All the Hollywood celebs they went to hang out with - from Brad Pitt to Daniel Craig to Ariana Grande - were in Wimbledon, as William and Kate soaked up the glory and the excellent tennis in the Royal Box
They coulda been there. Now they are lonely, jobless and derided in California
I can easily see a divorce as they both become dissatisfied
I am not a fan of the way they have behaved but I have to say I wouldn't wish divorce on anyone - particularly with kids involved. Not saying you are doing that but thought it worth stating. It would be nice if they could reconcile themselves to their new positions and stop trying to blame everyone else for their problems.
It's bizarre and kind of gross to see grown men getting excited about the prospect of a couple getting divorced.
Who’s getting excited? It would be sad. The whole thing is sad. Harry got c*nt-struck by a beautiful Jezebel. He’s not the first man to end up in this pickle
On Labour in Uxbridge, even though last time their candidate was pretty left and had some "baggage" according to Wikipedia, the swing to Boris was quite low and not a bad result for Labour compared to many places.
It's possible Boris had a negative personal vote in Uxbridge.
John Randall I found canvassing in Uxbridge was remembered more fondly as a hard working local MP than Boris. Steve Tuckwell like Randall an Uxbridge and Ruislip local not parachuted in like Boris was
One of the reasons why the swing against the Tories in Uxbridge may not be as high as elsewhere.
Hillingdon switched to the Conservatives in 2002, and unlike most of London, it never switched back to Labour. The Conservative vote just seems stickier there, than in a lot of the country.
Its great stuff from England, but looking at the weather forecast, tomorrow looks iffy, Sat a wash out and Sun iffy. I don't see how you get to a result.
It's not going to happen, of course, but in theory England could make enough runs only to have to bat once. Were they to do so at an improbably high scoring rate, there might still be time to bowl out Australia again.
Its going to be a balancing act.
Get as many runs as you can whilst you are scoring freely, or declare level and maximise the time to get Australia out.
I suspect getting more runs while the weather is good is better. On and off all day never benefits the batting side.
Agree. Reckon the strategy will be get past the Aussie score than try to smash our way to 450+.
Don't think that is Stokes' way. Main risk is running out of time because of the weather. Therefore he will want to declare early to give his bowlers as much time as possible, and trust that they can score the final innings runs whatever the conditions.
I'm convinced that England will declare before the close today. Probably a lot earlier than you expect because there's a threat of a shower this evening anyway.
They could get to Australia score then go total T20 mode and try and get 200 in <30 overs, which would totally put Australia behind the 8-ball. If it doesn't work out and they all get out with a small lead, they can still try and bowl them out, but obviously more likely the draw.
Good morning everyone, great to wake up and see England trail Aus by 82 runs with 8 wickets remaining as the headline. Wow.
A question for PB brains trust. I'm currently overseas (Alberta, Canada) and need to receive a text message for security purposes for an app. My phone's on Airplane mode with Wifi enabled as I don't have roaming setup, I was hoping the text would come through via Wifi but it hasn't.
Is there any way to receive an SMS via Wifi, or does that only work when you're in the UK and your connection is spotty?
Is the only solution to pay for Roaming to receive this text and any others I may have missed since I flew abroad, or is there another way to get an SMS?
For security reasons it has to be a text with this app, I don't have any alternatives it seems.
What network? On EE it will cost you £10 or £12 or something to be able to use your UK allowances in canada for the month.
On Labour in Uxbridge, even though last time their candidate was pretty left and had some "baggage" according to Wikipedia, the swing to Boris was quite low and not a bad result for Labour compared to many places.
It's possible Boris had a negative personal vote in Uxbridge.
John Randall I found canvassing in Uxbridge was remembered more fondly as a hard working local MP than Boris. Steve Tuckwell like Randall an Uxbridge and Ruislip local not parachuted in like Boris was
I've met John Randall (now Lord Randall). Nice bloke. Very keen birdwatcher and is/was a trustee of the RSPB.
He used to run the family-owned department store in Uxbridge before he became the MP. Apparently Cameron's nickname for him was "Young Mr Grace".
On Labour in Uxbridge, even though last time their candidate was pretty left and had some "baggage" according to Wikipedia, the swing to Boris was quite low and not a bad result for Labour compared to many places.
It's possible Boris had a negative personal vote in Uxbridge.
John Randall I found canvassing in Uxbridge was remembered more fondly as a hard working local MP than Boris. Steve Tuckwell like Randall an Uxbridge and Ruislip local not parachuted in like Boris was
One of the reasons why the swing against the Tories in Uxbridge may not be as high as elsewhere.
Hillingdon switched to the Conservatives in 2002, and unlike most of London, it never switched back to Labour. The Conservative vote just seems stickier there, than in a lot of the country.
WiFi calling is enabled on phone settings, yes. Not sure if that's somehow set by Sky to only work when connected to a British WiFi or when not on Airplane mode though.
Doesn't AirPlane mode disable WiFi? It usually does. So I'd have thought you want Roaming off, Airplane Mode off, WiFi calling On, and check you are connected to the WiFi.
Wouldn't be surprised if the swings in Selby and Somerton are roughly 25% against the Tories, but around half that in Uxbridge. Tories still lose all 3 seats though.
If you read the Mike Brearley books about his time as captain, he talks about the experiment of removing the rest day for one of the tests in Australia.
I've been intending to read some of Mike Brearley's books.
Watching Wimbledon must have been galling for them. All the Hollywood celebs they went to hang out with - from Brad Pitt to Daniel Craig to Ariana Grande - were in Wimbledon, as William and Kate soaked up the glory and the excellent tennis in the Royal Box
They coulda been there. Now they are lonely, jobless and derided in California
I can easily see a divorce as they both become dissatisfied
I am not a fan of the way they have behaved but I have to say I wouldn't wish divorce on anyone - particularly with kids involved. Not saying you are doing that but thought it worth stating. It would be nice if they could reconcile themselves to their new positions and stop trying to blame everyone else for their problems.
It's bizarre and kind of gross to see grown men getting excited about the prospect of a couple getting divorced.
Who’s getting excited? It would be sad. The whole thing is sad. Harry got c*nt-struck by a beautiful Jezebel. He’s not the first man to end up in this pickle
At least he wrote an entertaining book. I like the bit where he was doing air control work in Scotland and his father came to visit him and when he went away again he imagines telling the pilot to fire on his father's car. Also the bit where he puts Elizabeth Arden cream on his knob and describes his complexity of feeling given that his mother used to put it on her lips. Such emotional honesty from a guy in his mid 30s. Easy to see why his wife fell for him.
But then the poor bloke did go to Eton. He seems to have detested Eton, so give him a break. It's the ones who say they went to boarding school and it didn't do them any harm that you've got to watch.
Watching Wimbledon must have been galling for them. All the Hollywood celebs they went to hang out with - from Brad Pitt to Daniel Craig to Ariana Grande - were in Wimbledon, as William and Kate soaked up the glory and the excellent tennis in the Royal Box
They coulda been there. Now they are lonely, jobless and derided in California
I can easily see a divorce as they both become dissatisfied
I am not a fan of the way they have behaved but I have to say I wouldn't wish divorce on anyone - particularly with kids involved. Not saying you are doing that but thought it worth stating. It would be nice if they could reconcile themselves to their new positions and stop trying to blame everyone else for their problems.
You’re assuming there are kids involved. If you read that gossip site, it’s quite an assumption that there are any kids at all.
Hang on, there's a gossip site asserting that H&M* don't have kids? The photographed children being... what? Crisis actors? AI generated?
*anyone else slightly/very guiltily wish that the rumours are true and Harry subsequently falls for someone called Matilda so we can use the portmanteau HazMat?
Its great stuff from England, but looking at the weather forecast, tomorrow looks iffy, Sat a wash out and Sun iffy. I don't see how you get to a result.
It's not going to happen, of course, but in theory England could make enough runs only to have to bat once. Were they to do so at an improbably high scoring rate, there might still be time to bowl out Australia again.
Its going to be a balancing act.
Get as many runs as you can whilst you are scoring freely, or declare level and maximise the time to get Australia out.
I suspect getting more runs while the weather is good is better. On and off all day never benefits the batting side.
Agree. Reckon the strategy will be get past the Aussie score than try to smash our way to 450+.
Don't think that is Stokes' way. Main risk is running out of time because of the weather. Therefore he will want to declare early to give his bowlers as much time as possible, and trust that they can score the final innings runs whatever the conditions.
I'm convinced that England will declare before the close today. Probably a lot earlier than you expect because there's a threat of a shower this evening anyway.
They could get to Australia score then go total T20 mode and try and get 200 in less than 30 overs, which would totally put Australia behind the 8-ball. If it doesn't work out and they all get out with a small lead, they can still try and bowl them out, but obviously more likely the draw.
178 off the afternoon session of 25 overs. Not much acceleration required!
Anti trans activism doesn't have the same kind of backing in the US because the bigotry at its heart is much clearer - firstly because the people advocating against trans people are the same anti LGBT and anti women people who have always campaigned against progress and secondly because those people clearly don't give a damn about women's welfare.
I also find it interesting that the GC movement, that claims to care so greatly about the rights of lesbians, are split over the moves in Italy to remove lesbian mothers who don't give birth to a child from a birth certificate of that child - potentially putting into question the rights of the non biological mother should anything happen to her partner. That prominent anti trans activists like Posie Parker (who has been defended by JKR and others despite openly saying she isn't a feminist, is against feminism and believes that abortion rights have gone too far) are cheering this change on whilst their lesbian supposed fellow travellers look at the movement they've shackled themselves to and ask "how can this have happened to me" should be a damascene moment for some of these people.
The anti trans campaign comes from the same place that always attacks women and their bodily autonomy - the lawyers in the UK who represent against trans rights are the same lawyers who push for rolling back abortion rights and argued against same sex marriage. The same people who fund CPAC and the Heritage Foundation are funding trips for prominent GCs to talk at their and other conferences. The same narrative - that the perverted transes are going to prey on your children and groom them and aren't safe in public toilets - are the same narratives used against gay people in the 50s and 60s. Protection of patriarchy in the face of progress.
Policies like those proposed by the government of banning social transition in schools does nothing but ensure rigid policing of gender norms; if transgirls can't grow out their hair or wear dresses what will stop teachers policing the feminine cisboys GCs claim they are protecting from being "too girly"? If transboys aren't allowed to wear trousers or shorts instead of skirts what will stop head teachers enforcing gendered clothing on cisgirls that demands they look feminine, again punishing those tomboys GCs claim would otherwise be forcibly transed? If a student is gay, and effeminate, would a teacher necessarily know the difference between that and transness, and therefore know if they should out their students to parents anyway? All these moves protect an understanding of strict gender roles and patriarchy - parents owning their children and their roles as boys and girls, men and women strictly enforced. Anti trans activists are not critical of gender - no matter how much they say "wear any clothes you like, just don't claim you're a woman / man" they still hate on drag or gender non conforming people.
You didn’t listen to a word if it, did you?
And as ever, you miss the fundamental point that it’s not “anti-trans” but “pro-women” and based on the view that “you cannot change your sex”.
Why do you think some men want access to women’s spaces and women’s sports?
Transwomen want to be able to live their lives as women - access to women's spaces is about the fact that many transwomen are indistinguishable from ciswomen and therefore would look out of place in men's spaces and therefore in danger. It's also about not having to out themselves in their daily life - if a transwoman can't use the woman's toilet in their place of work they will have to out themselves to all their colleagues, something they should not be forced to do if they don't want to.
As for women's sports - transpeople want to compete in the sport according to their gender because we have decided to segregate sports based on that criteria. There are transmen who would rather compete against cismen who are forced to compete against ciswomen - are you arguing that transmen want to compete against cismen for unfair advantages?
What is pro-women about demanding that children have to dress in gendered ways? What is pro-women about implementing laws that allow for genital checks if people think you are trans, as has happened in the US? What is pro-women about a movement that led to the killing of a ciswoman because someone thought she was trans?
You can claim disingenuously that it's about "protecting women", but when the movement welcomes Posie Parker and policies that want to erase lesbian families, when the outcomes of the rhetoric is increased attacks against all LGBTQ+ people and the policing of women's femininity, when the clear motivation of many people comes from the same place that attacks women's rights to abortion and bodily autonomy all I see is a reactionary movement that protects patriarchy trying to hide behind "protecting women", as anti gay movements before was about "protecting children" and racist movements before that was about "protecting white women".
And yet at the moment my daughter as a lesbian feels she has far more to fear from the extremist Trans movement than from their mainstream opponents.
So she is likely amongst the 12% of cis lesbians who don’t consider themselves accepting fully of trans people.
Not at all. She has been very strong in her defence and advocacy for trans people. Which is why it hits her so hard to be told that lesbianism should no longer be considered 'a thing' as has been the position of extremist (note that word) trans activists.
You just don't want to accept that in this case the extremists are also on your side of the debate.
Do you have a citation from so called extreme trans activists claiming that lesbianism isn't a thing? I am unaware of this claim from literally any activist or group.
Do you agree that lesbians who would never sleep with an MtF transwoman are transphobic?
I think that depends (and have also answered this question before on these forums). Most lesbians attest to finding transwomen attractive, but not everyone will sleep with everyone they find attractive. The reasons for having sex with someone differ greatly from person to person; it could be you have a good vibe, you share common interests, you like their personality etc. There are people I find attractive who I would never sleep with because I don't like them as people. If a lesbian says that they "can just tell" when a woman is trans, or even is willing to approach a transwoman and flirt and ask them out, only to change their mind when finding out they are trans - that could be about transphobia or it could be a sincere preference (like how I prefer to only date vegetarian / vegans). Telling those apart can be difficult. I think that if you find someone attractive and like them on a personal level and learning they are trans then disgusts you, that is probably rooted in bigotry, yes.
I'm really uncomfortable with your attempt to tell people what their sexuality is and that it's bigoted if it isn't expressed in a way that you approve of.
I don't see what is bigoted about only wanting to have sex with someone who has the genitalia you like to have sex with. But that's the upshot of your argument.
That is not what I said. I literally say "that could be about transphobia or it could be a sincere preference" - I am not saying anyone should feel they have to have sex with anyone they don't want to. What I am saying if is that if you are willing to sleep with someone and only upon learning they are trans you specifically feel disgust to the degree that you don't want to, that is probably transphobia - yes. The feeling of disgust being the main thing there that (to me) identifies the transphobia.
Again - many cis lesbians are happy to have relationships with transwomen (many of whom also identify as lesbians). People claiming that lesbians can't find transwomen attractive are the ones telling people what their sexuality is.
You seem very well versed on all this dodgy stuff
I think it's become compulsory on PB, malc. You won't be able to post until you can tell the difference between a male turnip and a female one.
Turnips are both (possibly sequentially within each flower, I forget the details).
You mean Malc used to be a female turnip?
No such thing AFAIK. Only the flower might be, for part of the time, and I'm not even sure of that.
Good morning everyone, great to wake up and see England trail Aus by 82 runs with 8 wickets remaining as the headline. Wow.
A question for PB brains trust. I'm currently overseas (Alberta, Canada) and need to receive a text message for security purposes for an app. My phone's on Airplane mode with Wifi enabled as I don't have roaming setup, I was hoping the text would come through via Wifi but it hasn't.
Is there any way to receive an SMS via Wifi, or does that only work when you're in the UK and your connection is spotty?
Is the only solution to pay for Roaming to receive this text and any others I may have missed since I flew abroad, or is there another way to get an SMS?
For security reasons it has to be a text with this app, I don't have any alternatives it seems.
Receiving an SMS should happen automatically if you’re on a local network, even if you don’t have a roaming package to make calls. Make sure you switch of data roaming first though, that has a habit of running up large bills if used inadvertently.
Thanks, I have roaming switched off by default it seems. Disabled airplane mode and a bunch of texts came through automatically.
I assumed you'd get charged abroad for receiving texts, not just sending them?
Watching Wimbledon must have been galling for them. All the Hollywood celebs they went to hang out with - from Brad Pitt to Daniel Craig to Ariana Grande - were in Wimbledon, as William and Kate soaked up the glory and the excellent tennis in the Royal Box
They coulda been there. Now they are lonely, jobless and derided in California
I can easily see a divorce as they both become dissatisfied
I am not a fan of the way they have behaved but I have to say I wouldn't wish divorce on anyone - particularly with kids involved. Not saying you are doing that but thought it worth stating. It would be nice if they could reconcile themselves to their new positions and stop trying to blame everyone else for their problems.
It's bizarre and kind of gross to see grown men getting excited about the prospect of a couple getting divorced.
Who’s getting excited? It would be sad. The whole thing is sad. Harry got c*nt-struck by a beautiful Jezebel. He’s not the first man to end up in this pickle
At least he wrote an entertaining book. I like the bit where he was doing air control work in Scotland and his father came to visit him and when he went away again he imagines telling the pilot to fire on his father's car. Also the bit where he puts Elizabeth Arden cream on his knob and describes his complexity of feeling given that his mother used to put it on her lips. Such emotional honesty from a guy in his mid 30s. Easy to see why his wife fell for him.
But then the poor bloke did go to Eton. He seems to have detested Eton, so give him a break. It's the ones who say they went to boarding school and it didn't do them any harm that you've got to watch.
Elizabeth Arden Todger Cream was unintentionally hilarious.
WiFi calling is enabled on phone settings, yes. Not sure if that's somehow set by Sky to only work when connected to a British WiFi or when not on Airplane mode though.
Doesn't AirPlane mode disable WiFi? It usually does. So I'd have thought you want Roaming off, Airplane Mode off, WiFi calling On, and check you are connected to the WiFi.
It does by default, but you can (and I have) then manually switch WiFi back on, which allows you to use the phone abroad with WiFi without any roaming.
I find the whole Harry / Meghan discourse weird. They are rich people doing rich people things who have removed themselves from the circle of absolutely mad rich people. Good on them?
That no one in the UK talks about William and Kate in that manner (despite many well sourced stories outside of the UK that often discuss William's affairs, which are seemingly well known about like his father's before him) is really weird to me. I don't care about the royals as royals, as a republican, but it does seem to be the case that Harry as the spare in the modern era where spares aren't needed is used as the news media shield for his brother to keep a squeaky clean image ahead of inheriting the throne.
On Labour in Uxbridge, even though last time their candidate was pretty left and had some "baggage" according to Wikipedia, the swing to Boris was quite low and not a bad result for Labour compared to many places.
It's possible Boris had a negative personal vote in Uxbridge.
John Randall I found canvassing in Uxbridge was remembered more fondly as a hard working local MP than Boris. Steve Tuckwell like Randall an Uxbridge and Ruislip local not parachuted in like Boris was
One of the reasons why the swing against the Tories in Uxbridge may not be as high as elsewhere.
Hillingdon switched to the Conservatives in 2002, and unlike most of London, it never switched back to Labour. The Conservative vote just seems stickier there, than in a lot of the country.
Maybe it's a Middlesex vs London thing.
We cannot have world peace and the restoration of the golden age until King Arthur returns from his long sleep and Middlesex is restored to its county greatness.
I find the whole Harry / Meghan discourse weird. They are rich people doing rich people things who have removed themselves from the circle of absolutely mad rich people. Good on them?
That no one in the UK talks about William and Kate in that manner (despite many well sourced stories outside of the UK that often discuss William's affairs, which are seemingly well known about like his father's before him) is really weird to me. I don't care about the royals as royals, as a republican, but it does seem to be the case that Harry as the spare in the modern era where spares aren't needed is used as the news media shield for his brother to keep a squeaky clean image ahead of inheriting the throne.
They'd be accused of treason. Believe me, it happens even on here.
I find the whole Harry / Meghan discourse weird. They are rich people doing rich people things who have removed themselves from the circle of absolutely mad rich people. Good on them?
That no one in the UK talks about William and Kate in that manner (despite many well sourced stories outside of the UK that often discuss William's affairs, which are seemingly well known about like his father's before him) is really weird to me. I don't care about the royals as royals, as a republican, but it does seem to be the case that Harry as the spare in the modern era where spares aren't needed is used as the news media shield for his brother to keep a squeaky clean image ahead of inheriting the throne.
Yes of course - same technique used by his dad and stepmother for decades.
I find the whole Harry / Meghan discourse weird. They are rich people doing rich people things who have removed themselves from the circle of absolutely mad rich people. Good on them?
That no one in the UK talks about William and Kate in that manner (despite many well sourced stories outside of the UK that often discuss William's affairs, which are seemingly well known about like his father's before him) is really weird to me. I don't care about the royals as royals, as a republican, but it does seem to be the case that Harry as the spare in the modern era where spares aren't needed is used as the news media shield for his brother to keep a squeaky clean image ahead of inheriting the throne.
No, they are rich people who want to stay rich by playing on their former connections. They lost those connections because they weren't willing to do the job required by their position but still expected to reap the benefits.
At a time when everyone has been talking about the hangers on in the Royal Family they were the perfect example of just that issue and can have absolutely no cause for complaint when any damage done to them is entirely self inflicted
I find the whole Harry / Meghan discourse weird. They are rich people doing rich people things who have removed themselves from the circle of absolutely mad rich people. Good on them?
That no one in the UK talks about William and Kate in that manner (despite many well sourced stories outside of the UK that often discuss William's affairs, which are seemingly well known about like his father's before him) is really weird to me. I don't care about the royals as royals, as a republican, but it does seem to be the case that Harry as the spare in the modern era where spares aren't needed is used as the news media shield for his brother to keep a squeaky clean image ahead of inheriting the throne.
They'd be accused of treason. Believe me, it happens even on here.
I just don't get it. A friend of mine in the civil service used to date someone who worked in the palace and it was considered relatively common knowledge there that William dallied, but the British tabloids won't touch it. So if you're Harry seeing stories attacking Meghan for doing things Kate has also done, also dealing with the fact the royal family are mad and seem more willing to defend an alleged sex offender more than Diana before and Meghan now - I can see why there might be resentment, or at least a sense of unfairness. And no longer doing official duties seems like a reasonable reaction to that.
I find the whole Harry / Meghan discourse weird. They are rich people doing rich people things who have removed themselves from the circle of absolutely mad rich people. Good on them?
That no one in the UK talks about William and Kate in that manner (despite many well sourced stories outside of the UK that often discuss William's affairs, which are seemingly well known about like his father's before him) is really weird to me. I don't care about the royals as royals, as a republican, but it does seem to be the case that Harry as the spare in the modern era where spares aren't needed is used as the news media shield for his brother to keep a squeaky clean image ahead of inheriting the throne.
Watching Wimbledon must have been galling for them. All the Hollywood celebs they went to hang out with - from Brad Pitt to Daniel Craig to Ariana Grande - were in Wimbledon, as William and Kate soaked up the glory and the excellent tennis in the Royal Box
They coulda been there. Now they are lonely, jobless and derided in California
I can easily see a divorce as they both become dissatisfied
I am not a fan of the way they have behaved but I have to say I wouldn't wish divorce on anyone - particularly with kids involved. Not saying you are doing that but thought it worth stating. It would be nice if they could reconcile themselves to their new positions and stop trying to blame everyone else for their problems.
You’re assuming there are kids involved. If you read that gossip site, it’s quite an assumption that there are any kids at all.
Hang on, there's a gossip site asserting that H&M* don't have kids? The photographed children being... what? Crisis actors? AI generated?
*anyone else slightly/very guiltily wish that the rumours are true and Harry subsequently falls for someone called Matilda so we can use the portmanteau HazMat?
Even if you think Harry's hatred of the media is precious nonsense and royals should just suck it up...
Stories like that have to make you think he has a point.
I find the whole Harry / Meghan discourse weird. They are rich people doing rich people things who have removed themselves from the circle of absolutely mad rich people. Good on them?
That no one in the UK talks about William and Kate in that manner (despite many well sourced stories outside of the UK that often discuss William's affairs, which are seemingly well known about like his father's before him) is really weird to me. I don't care about the royals as royals, as a republican, but it does seem to be the case that Harry as the spare in the modern era where spares aren't needed is used as the news media shield for his brother to keep a squeaky clean image ahead of inheriting the throne.
No, they are rich people who want to stay rich by playing on their former connections. They lost those connections because they weren't willing to do the job required by their position but still expected to reap the benefits.
At a time when everyone has been talking about the hangers on in the Royal Family they were the perfect example of just that issue and can have absolutely no cause for complaint when any damage done to them is entirely self inflicted
I mean, what does Andrew do to justify his wealth? And Edward? Every rich person is an influence peddler of some kind - we need only look at ex PM Truss for that.
If the job for Harry and Meghan was to look nice and smile for the camera - they did do that. I doubt they agreed to be the magnet for all negativity the royals would receive in the British press because Andrew was Lizzie's favourite and Will will one day most likely be King.
I find the whole Harry / Meghan discourse weird. They are rich people doing rich people things who have removed themselves from the circle of absolutely mad rich people. Good on them?
That no one in the UK talks about William and Kate in that manner (despite many well sourced stories outside of the UK that often discuss William's affairs, which are seemingly well known about like his father's before him) is really weird to me. I don't care about the royals as royals, as a republican, but it does seem to be the case that Harry as the spare in the modern era where spares aren't needed is used as the news media shield for his brother to keep a squeaky clean image ahead of inheriting the throne.
We all know about the pegging thing.
We've heard the stories that William is the Prince of Pegging, but we have no idea whether they are true or not.
I find the whole Harry / Meghan discourse weird. They are rich people doing rich people things who have removed themselves from the circle of absolutely mad rich people. Good on them?
That no one in the UK talks about William and Kate in that manner (despite many well sourced stories outside of the UK that often discuss William's affairs, which are seemingly well known about like his father's before him) is really weird to me. I don't care about the royals as royals, as a republican, but it does seem to be the case that Harry as the spare in the modern era where spares aren't needed is used as the news media shield for his brother to keep a squeaky clean image ahead of inheriting the throne.
We all know about the pegging thing.
We've heard the stories that William is the Prince of Pegging, but we have no idea whether they are true or not.
I mean it's also a pretty common rumour that he is bisexual, but again the royal's have no desire to deny or confirm that either. Whereas the marriage of Harry and Meghan is scrutinised to the nth degree all the time.
I find the whole Harry / Meghan discourse weird. They are rich people doing rich people things who have removed themselves from the circle of absolutely mad rich people. Good on them?
That no one in the UK talks about William and Kate in that manner (despite many well sourced stories outside of the UK that often discuss William's affairs, which are seemingly well known about like his father's before him) is really weird to me. I don't care about the royals as royals, as a republican, but it does seem to be the case that Harry as the spare in the modern era where spares aren't needed is used as the news media shield for his brother to keep a squeaky clean image ahead of inheriting the throne.
They'd be accused of treason. Believe me, it happens even on here.
I just don't get it. A friend of mine in the civil service used to date someone who worked in the palace and it was considered relatively common knowledge there that William dallied, but the British tabloids won't touch it. So if you're Harry seeing stories attacking Meghan for doing things Kate has also done, also dealing with the fact the royal family are mad and seem more willing to defend an alleged sex offender more than Diana before and Meghan now - I can see why there might be resentment, or at least a sense of unfairness. And no longer doing official duties seems like a reasonable reaction to that.
I think the moderators should take down this obvious libel.
Looking at the weather forecast for Old Trafford, it seems like Day 3 we ought to get a full day's play *touch wood* but day 4 is almost certainly a washout and day 5 probably will be too.
So I guess best plan of action is to keep bazballing it about, aim to declare before Lunch tomorrow with ~150 run lead and treat tomorrow as day 5 and try to bowl them out in one day.
Fingers crossed. Would be a shame to see this Test washed out.
Looking at the weather forecast for Old Trafford, it seems like Day 3 we ought to get a full day's play *touch wood* but day 4 is almost certainly a washout and day 5 probably will be too.
So I guess best plan of action is to keep bazballing it about, aim to declare before Lunch tomorrow with ~150 run lead and treat tomorrow as day 5 and try to bowl them out in one day.
Fingers crossed. Would be a shame to see this Test washed out.
They are going at 5.5 an over, they could get to 150 ahead well before lunch tomorrow, especially if Stokes / Bairstow come in for some T20 action and get going.
Looking at the weather forecast for Old Trafford, it seems like Day 3 we ought to get a full day's play *touch wood* but day 4 is almost certainly a washout and day 5 probably will be too.
So I guess best plan of action is to keep bazballing it about, aim to declare before Lunch tomorrow with ~150 run lead and treat tomorrow as day 5 and try to bowl them out in one day.
Fingers crossed. Would be a shame to see this Test washed out.
I expect at least some play on Sunday unless the ground is waterlogged.
I find the whole Harry / Meghan discourse weird. They are rich people doing rich people things who have removed themselves from the circle of absolutely mad rich people. Good on them?
That no one in the UK talks about William and Kate in that manner (despite many well sourced stories outside of the UK that often discuss William's affairs, which are seemingly well known about like his father's before him) is really weird to me. I don't care about the royals as royals, as a republican, but it does seem to be the case that Harry as the spare in the modern era where spares aren't needed is used as the news media shield for his brother to keep a squeaky clean image ahead of inheriting the throne.
They'd be accused of treason. Believe me, it happens even on here.
I just don't get it. A friend of mine in the civil service used to date someone who worked in the palace and it was considered relatively common knowledge there that William dallied, but the British tabloids won't touch it. So if you're Harry seeing stories attacking Meghan for doing things Kate has also done, also dealing with the fact the royal family are mad and seem more willing to defend an alleged sex offender more than Diana before and Meghan now - I can see why there might be resentment, or at least a sense of unfairness. And no longer doing official duties seems like a reasonable reaction to that.
I think the moderators should take down this obvious libel.
Is ManofGwent code for Prince of Wales? Princes are men, and Gwent is a Welsh county. I have put 2 and 2 together and have a salmon sandwich.
100* (93).
At last,
In Selby & Ainsty, it seemed just like a normal day. Little did the residents know that...
[If you bet Conservatives to win, turn to page 1992]
[If you bet Labour to win, turn to page 1997]
[If you bet anyone else to win, see a doctor - or at least financial advisor]
Do we have a pro weather forecaster in the backroom staff?
Incidentally, some fathers in karting are rather (ahem) keen for their sons to get on in the sport, to the same sort of extent some fathers are with their footballing sons (who are all, of course, going to be the next Ronaldo). This puts terrible pressure on the kids to perform well - which leads to the following sort of madness:
In this case, the driver's dad owned the circuit...
I ran out of places and friendly faces
Because I had to be free
I've been to paradise
But I've never been to me
Monday or Tuesday aren’t so bad in Manc
A terrible shame if this superb series is effectively decided by Lancashire drizzle over a weekend
It was a weekend where the F1 teams nearly refused to race, and only this face-saving (or in the sheikh's case, face-losing) agreement for a *woman* to accept the trophy saved the race. As I recall, you could not see he was very happy about doing it...
Stokes should suggest it publicly to Cummins. Would be hard for Big Pat to decline without looking like a rain-dancing wuss.
Watching Wimbledon must have been galling for them. All the Hollywood celebs they went to hang out with - from Brad Pitt to Daniel Craig to Ariana Grande - were in Wimbledon, as William and Kate soaked up the glory and the excellent tennis in the Royal Box
They coulda been there. Now they are lonely, jobless and derided in California
I can easily see a divorce as they both become dissatisfied
Do it.
25yo Lab candidate Keir Mather will have done well if he overturns a 35.7% maj, bigger than the 31.8% maj lost by Michael Portillo in 1997.
Tories are also coming in in Uxbridge and S Ruislip, but going out in Somerton and Frome.
Do I make a good electoral politics nerd, Mum? I ought to get drunk or smth.
Main reasons will be costs - even if the day isn't played you still have to have everything in place in case it is - and scheduling - the final Test is scheduled to start on Thursday, and three days has been seen as the minimum gap between Test matches.
Get as many runs as you can whilst you are scoring freely, or declare level and maximise the time to get Australia out.
I suspect getting more runs while the weather is good is better. On and off all day never benefits the batting side.
Not even Donald Trump?
A question for PB brains trust. I'm currently overseas (Alberta, Canada) and need to receive a text message for security purposes for an app. My phone's on Airplane mode with Wifi enabled as I don't have roaming setup, I was hoping the text would come through via Wifi but it hasn't.
Is there any way to receive an SMS via Wifi, or does that only work when you're in the UK and your connection is spotty?
Is the only solution to pay for Roaming to receive this text and any others I may have missed since I flew abroad, or is there another way to get an SMS?
For security reasons it has to be a text with this app, I don't have any alternatives it seems.
*anyone else slightly/very guiltily wish that the rumours are true and Harry subsequently falls for someone called Matilda so we can use the portmanteau HazMat?
The reason I didn't scrutinise the math too closely, is I am on Aus 2-1 at 22, following a tip from @kinabalu.
I'm convinced that England will declare before the close today. Probably a lot earlier than you expect because there's a threat of a shower this evening anyway.
He used to run the family-owned department store in Uxbridge before he became the MP. Apparently Cameron's nickname for him was "Young Mr Grace".
But then the poor bloke did go to Eton. He seems to have detested Eton, so give him a break. It's the ones who say they went to boarding school and it didn't do them any harm that you've got to watch.
I assumed you'd get charged abroad for receiving texts, not just sending them?
That no one in the UK talks about William and Kate in that manner (despite many well sourced stories outside of the UK that often discuss William's affairs, which are seemingly well known about like his father's before him) is really weird to me. I don't care about the royals as royals, as a republican, but it does seem to be the case that Harry as the spare in the modern era where spares aren't needed is used as the news media shield for his brother to keep a squeaky clean image ahead of inheriting the throne.
At a time when everyone has been talking about the hangers on in the Royal Family they were the perfect example of just that issue and can have absolutely no cause for complaint when any damage done to them is entirely self inflicted
Stories like that have to make you think he has a point.
If the job for Harry and Meghan was to look nice and smile for the camera - they did do that. I doubt they agreed to be the magnet for all negativity the royals would receive in the British press because Andrew was Lizzie's favourite and Will will one day most likely be King.
So I guess best plan of action is to keep bazballing it about, aim to declare before Lunch tomorrow with ~150 run lead and treat tomorrow as day 5 and try to bowl them out in one day.
Fingers crossed. Would be a shame to see this Test washed out.