Given today's news, it's clear that we should turn to @RishiSunak to become our next Prime Minister. Rishi is immensely talented, will command a strong majority in the parliamentary Conservative Party, and will have my full support & loyalty.
What happens if MPs vote 250 Sunak, 105 Mordaunt, and Mordaunt wins the membership vote?
Penny becomes PM and carnage ensues. wont happen though, for all her ambition she isnt BJ, and I am sure for the good of both country and her party she will step aside in return for a juicy bone (FO or HO most likely)
Andrew Lilico @andrew_lilico · 24m Sunak is a smart & honourable man, & will do his best for us all over the next few v difficult months. We should all wish him well.
Does this mean everyone is supporting Penny on here now? 😈
I've been backing Sunak for a couple of years mate. Buuuuut there is no way that the foamer wing of the Tory party will just accept defeat. Sunak almost certain to be PM this time tomorrow, but as he pulls apart all of their dreams they are going to do all they can to wreck him.
And this hate-filled prediction will be more accurate than your hate-filled predictions that Boris would win, because...?
I said that if Boris made the ballot he would win. He hasn't made the ballot.
"Tell me I am wrong on the two key points: 1. Boris gets 100+ nominations 2. Members will vote for Boris"
Boris didn't get the nominations. I was wrong that I thought he'd find 100 lunatics and morons still backing him. But had he made the ballot, the members would have put him back in.
"And though I have reached out to both Rishi and Penny – because I hoped that we could come together in the national interest – we have sadly not been able to work out a way of doing this."
I am looking forward to hearing what the lying fuckwit was offering Sunak and Mordaunt.
'You can have your old jobs back'?
is this really language you think appropriate to a website like this - honestly getting tired of this type of language which is getting very common and its pretty juvenile and unpleasant to read- i think i have had enough so going to leave the site
Rain in Edinburgh easing now. Left the family in the hotel to pop to Sainsburys for a tube of toothpaste. Next to which happened to be a rather splendid pub (the Abbotsford Bar) which in most cities would be one of the stars of the show but in Edinburgh is just one of dozens and dozens. And then this is the view on the way back.
I am enjoying being reminded how much I love this place.
The thing is, as mentioned by others below, she doesn't come across as someone who wants to destroy the party. Unlike Boris Johnson who would destroy anything so long as it got him power and revenge.
So like most others I reckon she will withdraw with a job offer.
Sure, but she might come in a fair bit and I can trade off. I’ve just had a very little nibble
I have been away from the media and just turned on Sky and the joy and relief that coursed through me that Johnson has seen sense and has withdrawn from the race was extraordinary
I expect Sunak to be PM maybe even tomorrow if a deal can be done with Mordaunt
Amazing when you are otherwise distracted a good news story comes along when you least expect it
Hold on, Boris allies were briefing that they passed the 100 point yesterday afternoon, and now here we are Sunday night and Boris claims he finished with 102.
They spent all weekend manufacturing bull-shit while claiming that Boris has changed. What a pack of shit-stains.
Chris Heaton-Harris is on my shit list. Because of his bullshit I modified my position a bit and that cost me £80 extra profit.
As former chairman of the ERG and a key Boris stooge he was never OFF my shitlist.
Well done on calling this so well, and on your wins. Deserved.
gabyhinsliff @gabyhinsliff · 29m Fair play to Boris for giving us a list of Tory MPs who genuinely thought he hadn’t done enough damage last time, though. Possibly his one act of public service
Kevin Schofield @KevinASchofield · 2m Nadhim Zahawi at 9pm: "Get ready for Boris 2.0, the man who will make the Tories and Britain great again.
Nadhim Zahawi at 9.29pm ...
I think that shows his team genuinely thought they were going to go for it. Zahawi ain’t a complete fool.
I recon it really was on a knife edge - and the main reason he pulled out was - as per his statement - that Boris concluded, when decision time came, that he wouldn’t have a workable majority.
It does look like most of the MPs are going to put Rishi as far ahead as they can. Penny’s poor showing is disappointing, but she’ll throw her support behind Rishi on Monday morning and get a top job out of it.
It doesn't matter how far ahead Sunak is unless Johnson fails to get 100.
I’m not convinced this is a shoe in for Johnson if he makes the final two .
I think the fact he’s still under investigation could be a big factor .
It’s Sunak, trust me. Brady and co knew that when they announced the vote; the Cabinet knew that when they met at the Carlton Club. Johnson may not make the hundred, and if he does there will be the most intense pressure for him to withdraw and play ball.
It’s obvious Sunak will top the MPs poll by miles. The Tories - as has everyone else - understand that Truss’s problem was not being the MPs’ choice. They won’t make that mistake again. All Brady’s comments about the member stage were carefully worded, hedged to indicate it may or may not happen, and they are relaxed about the logistics and practical problems because it’s not going to happen.
Sunak will be PM Monday evening.
Exactly - you can feel the way things are going, there are clues everywhere.
Yes, if Johnson gets 100, he could probably win. But he’ll have such opposition within the party hierarchy, he’ll be presented with a list of people who won’t work with him and a list of those who will leave the party. He may be presented with details of other stuff, so far only rumoured deep on the internet, that he wouldn’t want made public. There are dozens of levers the party will be able to bring to bear, and he’ll understand them all too well. He won’t run.
You seem to have called this spot on. You may well be right that Old Lady knew all along that Boris wouldn’t get the nominations
I can only assume she wants to trade for a good job with Rishi.
If it goes to the members then it would potentially be tight. I'd guess that Sunak will wait to assess whether there is any real prospect of her getting 100 MPs before doing a deal.
I have been away from the media and just turned on Sky and the joy and relief that coursed through me that Johnson has seen sense and has withdrawn from the race was extraordinary
I expect Sunak to be PM maybe even tomorrow if a deal can be done with Mordaunt
Amazing when you are otherwise distracted a good news story comes along when you least expect it
What an evening.
Maybe I have BDS but the relief is enormous.
This country deserves better and it is time for a fresh start. Sunak may be wrong on policy but he is a decent, hard working and honourable man who will do his best.
"And though I have reached out to both Rishi and Penny – because I hoped that we could come together in the national interest – we have sadly not been able to work out a way of doing this."
I am looking forward to hearing what the lying fuckwit was offering Sunak and Mordaunt.
'You can have your old jobs back'?
is this really language you think appropriate to a website like this - honestly getting tired of this type of language which is getting very common and its pretty juvenile and unpleasant to read- i think i have had enough so going to leave the site
"reached out" from a supposedly Etonian and Oxford eddicated proper? I quite agree with you. It is scandalous.
Reminder. Boris Johnson seriously wants everyone to believe the moment he took the decision to withdraw was also the moment he “completed the paperwork” on the nominations that would hand him the Premiership.
Does this mean everyone is supporting Penny on here now? 😈
I've been backing Sunak for a couple of years mate. Buuuuut there is no way that the foamer wing of the Tory party will just accept defeat. Sunak almost certain to be PM this time tomorrow, but as he pulls apart all of their dreams they are going to do all they can to wreck him.
And this hate-filled prediction will be more accurate than your hate-filled predictions that Boris would win, because...?
I said that if Boris made the ballot he would win. He hasn't made the ballot.
"Tell me I am wrong on the two key points: 1. Boris gets 100+ nominations 2. Members will vote for Boris"
Boris didn't get the nominations. I was wrong that I thought he'd find 100 lunatics and morons still backing him. But had he made the ballot, the members would have put him back in.
Um, no. The comment I linked to was a specific prediction from you that Boris would be nominated and win. So your justification that "if he made the ballot he would win" omits that wasn't your whole prediction.
And the reason you got it wrong is summarised in your use of the phrase "lunatics and morons" - you are consumed by hatred and it blinded you to reality.
It's ugly. And I hope people didn't listen to you.
Surely this'll end the ministerial career of the miserable streak of piss Jacob Rees- Mogg and Mad Nad Dorries
I hope so too, but Rishi does have to keep the swivel eyed loons onside. Perhaps put them where they can do little harm. In charge of tea and biscuits Perhaps.
Does he? Or does Rishi see himself as the Saviour of the Tories - in which he engages in a de-ERGification programme in the belief it can't get any worse, but sets the foundations for a centre right party to re-emerge after an electoral drubbing?
No, he probably doesn't. But it's an entertaining thought.
What now for Boris? Will he creep away from politics, or does he fancy leading a crushed and demoralized Tory party in opposition when Sir Keir prevails?
I can only assume she wants to trade for a good job with Rishi.
If it goes to the members then it would potentially be tight. I'd guess that Sunak will wait to assess whether there is any real prospect of her getting 100 MPs before doing a deal.
She gets more kudos if she makes the 100 and then pulls out
What now for Boris? Will he creep away from politics, or does he fancy leading a crushed and demoralized Tory party in opposition when Sir Keir prevails?
Rain in Edinburgh easing now. Left the family in the hotel to pop to Sainsburys for a tube of toothpaste. Next to which happened to be a rather splendid pub (the Abbotsford Bar) which in most cities would be one of the stars of the show but in Edinburgh is just one of dozens and dozens. And then this is the view on the way back.
I am enjoying being reminded how much I love this place.
Am celebrating recent news with a dram of Highland Park. Edinburgh is a great town, and hard for an American not to like the New Town. OR the Old Town!
And not personally a big barfly, but DO make a wee exception in Edinburgh. And Dublin!
For all our sakes, let’s hope Sunak proves to be a better PM than he was Chancellor, or we’re in for a pretty torrid time.
Just wait for the constant drip, drip, drip of revelations for dodgy business dealings and tax arrangements for the Sunaks over the next few weeks and months...
So, we’re all presuming he’s lying about having 100 noms, yes?
I was wrong. I thought he’d get 100 and go for it. I presume Sunak wins now, I think the Tories still lose the next election, I presume Sunak then goes, and I have no idea who becomes the next leader, but probably someone unsuitable.
Rain in Edinburgh easing now. Left the family in the hotel to pop to Sainsburys for a tube of toothpaste. Next to which happened to be a rather splendid pub (the Abbotsford Bar) which in most cities would be one of the stars of the show but in Edinburgh is just one of dozens and dozens. And then this is the view on the way back.
I am enjoying being reminded how much I love this place.
As a small child, I was always very impressed that the Victorians went and built Thunderbird 3 in stone.
Surely this'll end the ministerial career of the miserable streak of piss Jacob Rees- Mogg and Mad Nad Dorries
I hope so too, but Rishi does have to keep the swivel eyed loons onside. Perhaps put them where they can do little harm. In charge of tea and biscuits Perhaps.
I'd be wary of putting a former public school boy like Rees Mogg in charge of the biscuits.
It'll be Bath Olivers and Rich Teas only - none of those new-fangled Chocolate Digestives or Hob-Nobs for JRM.
What we need now is a speeded up video montage of Boris flying in from holiday, 24 hours of spin, lies and images of his cultists like JRM and Nadine, then the sight of his plane taking off to fly him back to the beach,,,,,,all set to the Benny Hill theme
Rain in Edinburgh easing now. Left the family in the hotel to pop to Sainsburys for a tube of toothpaste. Next to which happened to be a rather splendid pub (the Abbotsford Bar) which in most cities would be one of the stars of the show but in Edinburgh is just one of dozens and dozens. And then this is the view on the way back.
I am enjoying being reminded how much I love this place.
Am celebrating recent news with a dram of Highland Park. Edinburgh is a great town, and hard for an American not to like the New Town. OR the Old Town!
And not personally a big barfly, but DO make a wee exception in Edinburgh. And Dublin!
My wife and I became engaged in 1962 just below in Princess Street Gardens
Surely this'll end the ministerial career of the miserable streak of piss Jacob Rees- Mogg and Mad Nad Dorries
I hope so too, but Rishi does have to keep the swivel eyed loons onside. Perhaps put them where they can do little harm. In charge of tea and biscuits Perhaps.
Does he? Or does Rishi see himself as the Saviour of the Tories - in which he engages in a de-ERGification programme in the belief it can't get any worse, but sets the foundations for a centre right party to re-emerge after an electoral drubbing?
No, he probably doesn't. But it's an entertaining thought.
I think Sunak is more right-wing than people often assume because he’s less right-wing than some of the loons in his party, just as Starmer is more left-wing than people often assume because he’s less left-wing than some of the loons in his party.
What now for Boris? Will he creep away from politics, or does he fancy leading a crushed and demoralized Tory party in opposition when Sir Keir prevails?
He would have to find a way to keep a seat. But I always thought it was more plausible that his return would start in opposition.
Labour winning the next GE is highly likely so it will be interesting to see what he does now.
Is this the end of the line for Boris Johnson's political career? He's 58 now - if Labour are in for two terms, he'll be 70 by the time the Conservatives next get back to office and he'll surely be yesterday's man.
A somewhat ignominious end if I'm being honest - perhaps as with us all, the fault lies not in the stars but in ourselves and he was incapable of being the Prime Minister we wanted or needed.
To paraphrase Dickens, he might have been a good Prime Minister in the best of times but he wasn't suited to the worst of times.
The question now is whether he retreats quietly into the night or whether he remains the king over the water and a thorn in the side of Sunak if not directly then through his "friends" such as Dorries and Rees-Mogg whose political careers have probably also ended tonight.
To the victor, the spoils - it seems unlikely Mordaunt will get the nominations necessary and it's already clear those leaving the Johnson ship are heading more to Sunak. Having looked as though he had thrown away his chance of becoming Prime Minister with indecision in January, Rishi Sunak now finds himself alone on the battlefield in October.
It may yet be the most pyrrhic of victories - I find it hard to see after everything that has happened how the Conservatives can regain any modicum of unity or competence in the eyes of the electorate. Some on here seem to think it'll be easy - I'm far from convinced.
Was there ever a man with such extraordinary luck as Sunak? Raised to the top of the Cabinet on the fly because he wasn't anathema to an obnoxious certifiable lunatic with shocking judgement and a raging egomania. Elevated to demigod status by his free money during the pandemic. Able to dodge all sorts of questions about his wealth, his breaches of COVID law and tax status because they were totally overshadowed by the crimes of Johnson and many civil servants who couldn't shop him without destroying themselves. Brings down a PM and as a result looks set to lose the prize, only for the person who beat him to cock up on a truly epic scale a bare month into her premiership and having to resign. And then finally, when even then he might have lost the prize, a totally discredited figure with no support anywhere except among a few of the dimmer Tory members whips up a massive head of steam before imploding again, blocking any serious challenge and handing him the leadership nem con.
That's just amazing.
I do hope his luck hasn't deserted him, because we all need it to last just a bit longer...
OK, lets play this scenario out: Penny comfortably gets past 100 as the foamers are desperate and will back anyone to try and stop Rishi.
If you are a Tory member do you vote for the remainer backstabber or the woke trans lover? Do the rules allow for a Boris write-in?
More hatred. Grow up.
Hatred? No. Dripping sarcastic pity of the monster wing of the Tory party? Yes. Some great callers into LBC this morning, Tory members and voters who practically see Boris as The Messiah. You can't help people who live in an alternate reality - but you can try to stop them wrecking so many people's lives.
I’ve backed her back to a small profit, just so I don’t come away with a loss having called everything right so far. But I don’t see it. The party doesn’t want someone without majority support from the MPs, the markets may not like it, and she could have the Mail and Co against her with smear 2.0. She’s much better placed with a top job and ready for LOTO when Sunak loses the majority.
So, we’re all presuming he’s lying about having 100 noms, yes?
I was wrong. I thought he’d get 100 and go for it. I presume Sunak wins now, I think the Tories still lose the next election, I presume Sunak then goes, and I have no idea who becomes the next leader, but probably someone unsuitable.
I expect the markets will prove very positive tomorrow morning and while it looks like labour in 24 Sunak will narrow the deficit
"And though I have reached out to both Rishi and Penny – because I hoped that we could come together in the national interest – we have sadly not been able to work out a way of doing this."
I am looking forward to hearing what the lying fuckwit was offering Sunak and Mordaunt.
'You can have your old jobs back'?
is this really language you think appropriate to a website like this - honestly getting tired of this type of language which is getting very common and its pretty juvenile and unpleasant to read- i think i have had enough so going to leave the site
Rain in Edinburgh easing now. Left the family in the hotel to pop to Sainsburys for a tube of toothpaste. Next to which happened to be a rather splendid pub (the Abbotsford Bar) which in most cities would be one of the stars of the show but in Edinburgh is just one of dozens and dozens. And then this is the view on the way back.
I am enjoying being reminded how much I love this place.
Am celebrating recent news with a dram of Highland Park. Edinburgh is a great town, and hard for an American not to like the New Town. OR the Old Town!
And not personally a big barfly, but DO make a wee exception in Edinburgh. And Dublin!
Hard not to be SSI. Most cities have their decent pubs, but in Edinburgh (and Dublin, and York) you are almost falling over them; they are almost irresistible.
Kevin Schofield @KevinASchofield · 2m Nadhim Zahawi at 9pm: "Get ready for Boris 2.0, the man who will make the Tories and Britain great again.
Nadhim Zahawi at 9.29pm ...
I think that shows his team genuinely thought they were going to go for it. Zahawi ain’t a complete fool.
I recon it really was on a knife edge - and the main reason he pulled out was - as per his statement - that Boris concluded, when decision time came, that he wouldn’t have a workable majority.
He did have the numbers.
There are other reasons Boris might have withdrawn. The Privileges Committee, which might have made his second term shorter than Liz Truss's, not to mention any new questions around who paid for his three summer holidays and whether his $150,000 speech payday was properly cleared.
Was there ever a man with such extraordinary luck as Sunak? Raised to the top of the Cabinet on the fly because he wasn't anathema to an obnoxious certifiable lunatic with shocking judgement and a raging egomania. Elevated to demigod status by his free money during the pandemic. Able to dodge all sorts of questions about his wealth, his breaches of COVID law and tax status because they were totally overshadowed by the crimes of Johnson and many civil servants who couldn't shop him without destroying themselves. Brings down a PM and as a result looks set to lose the prize, only for the person who beat him to cock up on a truly epic scale a bare month into her premiership and having to resign. And then finally, when even then he might have lost the prize, a totally discredited figure with no support anywhere except among a few of the dimmer Tory members whips up a massive head of steam before imploding again, blocking any serious challenge and handing him the leadership nem con.
That's just amazing.
I do hope his luck hasn't deserted him, because we all need it to last just a bit longer...
So, we’re all presuming he’s lying about having 100 noms, yes?
I was wrong. I thought he’d get 100 and go for it. I presume Sunak wins now, I think the Tories still lose the next election, I presume Sunak then goes, and I have no idea who becomes the next leader, but probably someone unsuitable.
I expect the markets will prove very positive tomorrow morning and while it looks like labour in 24 Sunak will narrow the deficit
Which deficit?
Narrowing the Tory polling deficit and narrowing the fiscal deficit, aren’t compatible.
Andrew Lilico
Sunak is a smart & honourable man, & will do his best for us all over the next few v difficult months. We should all wish him well.
She will of course still put pressure to be promoted to the Foreign Office, which is presumably what she would consider her due.
I'm assuming the only out Johnson backer to be in the new cabinet will be Wallace.
"Tell me I am wrong on the two key points:
1. Boris gets 100+ nominations
2. Members will vote for Boris"
Boris didn't get the nominations. I was wrong that I thought he'd find 100 lunatics and morons still backing him. But had he made the ballot, the members would have put him back in.
Serving Boris
“He’s got to go”
Chancellor, yes please
Letter: Actually you should resign
I’m backing Boris
We must support Rishi
I am enjoying being reminded how much I love this place.
I expect Sunak to be PM maybe even tomorrow if a deal can be done with Mordaunt
Amazing when you are otherwise distracted a good news story comes along when you least expect it
Fair play to Boris for giving us a list of Tory MPs who genuinely thought he hadn’t done enough damage last time, though. Possibly his one act of public service
If you are a Tory member do you vote for the remainer backstabber or the woke trans lover? Do the rules allow for a Boris write-in?
I recon it really was on a knife edge - and the main reason he pulled out was - as per his statement - that Boris concluded, when decision time came, that he wouldn’t have a workable majority.
He did have the numbers.
Fearless punters on the 'net
Women and men who live to bet
They'd hock their socks to make ante
The fearless ones here on PB
What an evening.
Maybe I have BDS but the relief is enormous.
This country deserves better and it is time for a fresh start. Sunak may be wrong on policy but he is a decent, hard working and honourable man who will do his best.
It is amazing how often we trust hope over experience.
Stand up and take a bow, Zahawidamus.
And the reason you got it wrong is summarised in your use of the phrase "lunatics and morons" - you are consumed by hatred and it blinded you to reality.
It's ugly. And I hope people didn't listen to you.
No, he probably doesn't. But it's an entertaining thought.
If not, I am speechless.
He never was Prime Ministerial.
He was a huckster, a con artist.
Sunak is as dodgy as BJ, he's just a lot slicker
And not personally a big barfly, but DO make a wee exception in Edinburgh. And Dublin!
(no sniggering at the back)
I was wrong. I thought he’d get 100 and go for it. I presume Sunak wins now, I think the Tories still lose the next election, I presume Sunak then goes, and I have no idea who becomes the next leader, but probably someone unsuitable.
They did not. So there is hope...
Now all we need is for Uxbridge to do its part in 2 years' time and we can avoid ever having to pay Boris any attention again.
Labour winning the next GE is highly likely so it will be interesting to see what he does now.
Is this the end of the line for Boris Johnson's political career? He's 58 now - if Labour are in for two terms, he'll be 70 by the time the Conservatives next get back to office and he'll surely be yesterday's man.
A somewhat ignominious end if I'm being honest - perhaps as with us all, the fault lies not in the stars but in ourselves and he was incapable of being the Prime Minister we wanted or needed.
To paraphrase Dickens, he might have been a good Prime Minister in the best of times but he wasn't suited to the worst of times.
The question now is whether he retreats quietly into the night or whether he remains the king over the water and a thorn in the side of Sunak if not directly then through his "friends" such as Dorries and Rees-Mogg whose political careers have probably also ended tonight.
To the victor, the spoils - it seems unlikely Mordaunt will get the nominations necessary and it's already clear those leaving the Johnson ship are heading more to Sunak. Having looked as though he had thrown away his chance of becoming Prime Minister with indecision in January, Rishi Sunak now finds himself alone on the battlefield in October.
It may yet be the most pyrrhic of victories - I find it hard to see after everything that has happened how the Conservatives can regain any modicum of unity or competence in the eyes of the electorate. Some on here seem to think it'll be easy - I'm far from convinced.
That's just amazing.
I do hope his luck hasn't deserted him, because we all need it to last just a bit longer...
Iain Martin
Wonderful news for Britain.
Most cities have their decent pubs, but in Edinburgh (and Dublin, and York) you are almost falling over them; they are almost irresistible.
Narrowing the Tory polling deficit and narrowing the fiscal deficit, aren’t compatible.
That is Sunak’s fundamental problem.
Boris: I'm a quitter not a fighter