One of my issues with republicanism is that on average the best countries are constitutional monarchies.
Path dependency perhaps, rather than causation, but, still.
If we have to go republic than of course it should one of those post-Anglo constitutions like Ireland or Germany with a respected non-entity as president.
No, we would have to go full powerful elected President, no longer ceremonial head of state like France or the US a befits our status as a G7 member and P5 permanent member of the UN Security Council
Do you seriously think that the UK will keep its status, the way things are going?
Yes, England alone would still be in the top 7 economies with nukes
I don't say this lightly but that is Churchillian.
It is one of the war's great ironies that Johnson was drawn so much to someone who can actually do Churchillian rhetoric in actual war situations whereas Johnson can just play act.
The very first thing he has to do is cut out any public displays of petulance such as with his pen yesterday
The effect of further instances will snowball.
His side really do not want the retention of the monarchy to become an issue. Support for it is probably already lower than it was at the time of the platinum jubilee three months ago.
The time may soon come when monarchists won't be able to "God save the king" their way out of trouble, drowning out their opponents as Trumpers did by shouting "USA! USA!"
They are not England. They are not Scotland. They are not Britain. They are a bunch of saddo Tory bigots playing dressup.
Personally I don’t recognise your picture. However as is often pointed out, I now live in another country.
The wall to wall coverage is starting to pall here; the novelist Joyce Carole Oates was comparing about it on Twitter.
Excuse my intrusion, but is it not a little in poor taste to be debating republic versus monarchy at the moment? The lady has not even had her funeral yet. Show a little judgement and delicacy. There is *plenty* of time for vigorous (and good-natured) debate in the years ahead.
See where you're coming from.
On other hand, is it showing disrespect, to wonder if an institution can or even should continue, without the woman who has been its essence and personification for seven decades?
We’re getting to the stage where Russia is creating generational hatred, like Germany did in the war and like Britain and France did in our empires, which will only be mitigated when a new Russian leadership is able to take accountability for its actions and say sorry.
One of the reasons Korea and China have never become true friends of Japan is the latter’s refusal plainly to say sorry for WW2. Germany has done. Britain and France have said sorry for the bad things done in our imperial pasts, at least partially. Russia will have a choice after this war is over.
There are only approx 7000 votes separating the blocs.
200,000 foreign votes will not be added to count until Wednesday, so Swedes in eg London might decide the outcome!! 😉
OR the Swedes of Ballard, Seattle. Home of the Northwest Nordic Heritage Museum, and a must-see-and-be-seen stop for Scandinavian royals.
BTW, Ballard is only place in the world (I think) where you may encounter anti-Swedish sentiment.
Among old Norskis! Who aren't exactly crazy about Finns and Danes either. Not sure of views re: Danes, Icelanders, etc, but reckon skeptical covers it.
Anti-Swedish sentiment is rife in Russia. They go ballistic if anyone points out that the Rus (vikings) established both the Ukrainian and Russian states (Rus-ia). Not to mention Poltava etc. And that we like gays and women. They despise us.
Anti-Swedish sentiment also a minor feature in Finnish society. Resentment that all Finnish children must study Swedish.
The very first thing he has to do is cut out any public displays of petulance such as with his pen yesterday
The effect of further instances will snowball.
His side really do not want the retention of the monarchy to become an issue. Support for it is probably already lower than it was at the time of the platinum jubilee three months ago.
The time may soon come when monarchists won't be able to "God save the king" their way out of trouble, drowning out their opponents as Trumpers did by shouting "USA! USA!"
They are not England. They are not Scotland. They are not Britain. They are a bunch of saddo Tory bigots playing dressup.
Personally I don’t recognise your picture. However as is often pointed out, I now live in another country.
The wall to wall coverage is starting to pall here; the novelist Joyce Carole Oates was comparing about it on Twitter.
The very first thing he has to do is cut out any public displays of petulance such as with his pen yesterday
The effect of further instances will snowball.
His side really do not want the retention of the monarchy to become an issue. Support for it is probably already lower than it was at the time of the platinum jubilee three months ago.
The time may soon come when monarchists won't be able to "God save the king" their way out of trouble, drowning out their opponents as Trumpers did by shouting "USA! USA!"
They are not England. They are not Scotland. They are not Britain. They are a bunch of saddo Tory bigots playing dressup.
Personally I don’t recognise your picture. However as is often pointed out, I now live in another country.
The wall to wall coverage is starting to pall here; the novelist Joyce Carole Oates was comparing about it on Twitter.
I don't say this lightly but that is Churchillian.
It is one of the war's great ironies that Johnson was drawn so much to someone who can actually do Churchillian rhetoric in actual war situations whereas Johnson can just play act.
Ukraine chose someone who claimed to be a comedian and got a statesman.
The UK chose someone who claimed to be a statesman and got a comedian.
Excuse my intrusion, but is it not a little in poor taste to be debating republic versus monarchy at the moment? The lady has not even had her funeral yet. Show a little judgement and delicacy. There is *plenty* of time for vigorous (and good-natured) debate in the years ahead.
I’d agree with your comment if they had waited until after her funeral to proclaim Charles King. But they chose to do it pretty much straight away. That makes the discussion perfectly legitimate.
One of my issues with republicanism is that on average the best countries are constitutional monarchies.
Path dependency perhaps, rather than causation, but, still.
If we have to go republic than of course it should one of those post-Anglo constitutions like Ireland or Germany with a respected non-entity as president.
No, we would have to go full powerful elected President, no longer ceremonial head of state like France or the US a befits our status as a G7 member and P5 permanent member of the UN Security Council
(Not that I am particularly keen to change the status quo, but I'd like to understand the rationale for your certainly.)
Alan Partridge wasn’t based in Norwich for nothing.
Very dignified.
Just been reading John Harris in the Graun, btw, doing his on the road travels thing again (he was rather good on indyref and Brexit): very open ended conclusion:
"In all the coverage of the Queen’s passing, one simple historical point has been noticeably missing, perhaps because it is deemed too awkward to talk about. At the time of her coronation, the idea of a tightly bound national community with the monarch at its apex made an appealing kind of sense. [...]
And now? The social attitudes that defined that period, and lingered into the 1990s – a strange mixture of solidarity and deference, and a widely shared optimism about the future – seem very quaint. If you are in your late teens, just about all of your memories will be of the endless turbulence that followed the financial crash of 2008. Your most visceral experience of politics will have been the opposite of consensus and harmony: the seething polarisation triggered by Brexit. For many of those aged under 40, homeownership is a distant dream, and hopes of job security seem slim. Meanwhile, perhaps because society and the economy have been in such a state of flux, space has at last been opened to talk about things that 20th-century Britain stubbornly kept under wraps: empire, systemic racism, the plain fact that so many of the institutions we are still encouraged to revere are rooted in some of the most appalling aspects of this country’s history.
The result of that change is a kingdom with two distinct sets of voices: one that reflects Britain’s tendency to conservatism and tradition, and another that sounds altogether more irreverent and questioning. In all the coverage of the Queen’s passing, the first has been dominant: how could it be otherwise? But as the period of mourning recedes, and a new monarch tries to adapt fantastically challenging realities, that may not hold for long. The post-Elizabethan age, in other words, is going to be very interesting indeed."
That's just typical Guardian masturbation material.
Or you could open your eyes and be willing to think about things, for a change?
There's nothing even vaguely fresh in that; it simply ticks every left-wing cliché known to exist.
It's essentially saying, "I hope, this time, my prejudices turn out to be right."
He doesn't - he says there is a situation that has developed and we need to keep an eye on it. He doesn't say what result he hopes for.
The only situation that has developed is the death of our reigning monarch. I think it's pretty obvious what he and his fellow-travellers hope for, and it's what they've hoped for since the 1990s: radical systemic change, socialism, and republicanism.
It won't happen. And you can detect he secretly knows that, and just hopes otherwise.
The country will continue to slowly evolve, just as it's always done - and did hugely over the reign of QEII, but the monarchy will continue.
He's talking about the wider situation over the last few years. What has happened in the last few years, it is a misconstruing to call a slow evolution, rather than a collapse. That is known as a "fact".
Yes, Britain is a very different place to 1952, and social attitudes have evolved significantly.
Where some see historical pageantry, others just see absurd obscurantism and pantomime.
I am not a republican, I simply have no affection for the antiquarian institution. It just stands there as an edifice a bit like a church that I don't go to.
Very interesting thread which links in British efforts in WW2 to knock out German electricity infrastructure that I was not aware of previously. The Russians are plainly now just targeting civilian infrastructure.
Russia is not going to like Ukraine playing by Russia's rules on civilian power grids.
Russia's power grid is wide open to Ukrainian Alibaba drone/DYI cruise missile strikes.
Excuse my intrusion, but is it not a little in poor taste to be debating republic versus monarchy at the moment? The lady has not even had her funeral yet. Show a little judgement and delicacy. There is *plenty* of time for vigorous (and good-natured) debate in the years ahead.
The death of the Queen brings the issue of accession to the fore immediately. Monarchy doesn't wait for a good moment to make a change: it doesn't make any consideration for making Charles King at a later date when it would be more...tasteful. So I'm not really sure why the debate has to wait. If anything it's at its most pertinent when one sovereign replaces another.
I think you can have that discussion whilst respecting the Queen's life and service.
The very first thing he has to do is cut out any public displays of petulance such as with his pen yesterday
The effect of further instances will snowball.
His side really do not want the retention of the monarchy to become an issue. Support for it is probably already lower than it was at the time of the platinum jubilee three months ago.
The time may soon come when monarchists won't be able to "God save the king" their way out of trouble, drowning out their opponents as Trumpers did by shouting "USA! USA!"
They are not England. They are not Scotland. They are not Britain. They are a bunch of saddo Tory bigots playing dressup.
Personally I don’t recognise your picture. However as is often pointed out, I now live in another country.
The wall to wall coverage is starting to pall here; the novelist Joyce Carole Oates was comparing about it on Twitter.
In the USA?! WtWC?
An exaggeration, but it’s still the main story.
I was surprised that they had so little about it on Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me. The intro gag about it was good, but I don't recall it being mentioned again.
The very first thing he has to do is cut out any public displays of petulance such as with his pen yesterday
The effect of further instances will snowball.
His side really do not want the retention of the monarchy to become an issue. Support for it is probably already lower than it was at the time of the platinum jubilee three months ago.
The time may soon come when monarchists won't be able to "God save the king" their way out of trouble, drowning out their opponents as Trumpers did by shouting "USA! USA!"
They are not England. They are not Scotland. They are not Britain. They are a bunch of saddo Tory bigots playing dressup.
Personally I don’t recognise your picture. However as is often pointed out, I now live in another country.
The wall to wall coverage is starting to pall here; the novelist Joyce Carole Oates was comparing about it on Twitter.
In the USA?! WtWC?
An exaggeration, but it’s still the main story.
And the lying in state is going to be wall to wall coverage, as is next weekends build up to the funeral, and of course the funeral itself
Also the Church services in Edinburgh, Belfast and Cardiff all attended by Charles
In all this I do hope the media understand that the events in Ukraine and Moscow are of great importance and they provide adequate coverage while remaining respectful to the Queen's memory
The very first thing he has to do is cut out any public displays of petulance such as with his pen yesterday
The effect of further instances will snowball.
His side really do not want the retention of the monarchy to become an issue. Support for it is probably already lower than it was at the time of the platinum jubilee three months ago.
The time may soon come when monarchists won't be able to "God save the king" their way out of trouble, drowning out their opponents as Trumpers did by shouting "USA! USA!"
They are not England. They are not Scotland. They are not Britain. They are a bunch of saddo Tory bigots playing dressup.
Personally I don’t recognise your picture. However as is often pointed out, I now live in another country.
The wall to wall coverage is starting to pall here; the novelist Joyce Carole Oates was comparing about it on Twitter.
My wife dragged me down to Buckingham Palace today.
More than half the crowd was British - I reckon 70% or so, from hearing conversations - which for central London is very unusual. A lady was being interview by a French radio journalist near us. Apparently, she'd come up from Kent with the family for the day, queued 2 hours to get to the gates at Buckingham Palace. But that was fine, since she expected that, apparently.
If it's like that when there is nothing going on, the 19th is going to be very slightly crowded.
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
One of my issues with republicanism is that on average the best countries are constitutional monarchies.
Path dependency perhaps, rather than causation, but, still.
If we have to go republic than of course it should one of those post-Anglo constitutions like Ireland or Germany with a respected non-entity as president.
The presidencies of which are as boring as fuck, and no-one cares about.
There's no advantage to flipping to a republic for the UK except that it might help a small 'intellectual' minority feel philosophically consistent.
Just in case you were not sure of my status on this I am pro Charles and the monarchy and see no merit in the UK becoming a republic
However, I do expect some commonwealth countries to seek Republican status
I liked and respected Her Majesty, and I hope Charles, and then William, will continue her good work.
A strong monarchy requires a good and strong monarch. The danger will come if (or perhaps I should say when) a Prince Andrew type character ascends.
The very first thing he has to do is cut out any public displays of petulance such as with his pen yesterday
The effect of further instances will snowball.
His side really do not want the retention of the monarchy to become an issue. Support for it is probably already lower than it was at the time of the platinum jubilee three months ago.
The time may soon come when monarchists won't be able to "God save the king" their way out of trouble, drowning out their opponents as Trumpers did by shouting "USA! USA!"
They are not England. They are not Scotland. They are not Britain. They are a bunch of saddo Tory bigots playing dressup.
Personally I don’t recognise your picture. However as is often pointed out, I now live in another country.
The wall to wall coverage is starting to pall here; the novelist Joyce Carole Oates was comparing about it on Twitter.
In the USA?! WtWC?
An exaggeration, but it’s still the main story.
For example, the top 6 stories on relate to the Queen’s death.
The seventh is Biden commemorating September 11.
The NYT is focusing (rightly) on Ukraine, but the Queen follows.
Fox News has her number 3, after a confabulated story about how terrible “the Dems” are, and September 11.
I don't say this lightly but that is Churchillian.
It is one of the war's great ironies that Johnson was drawn so much to someone who can actually do Churchillian rhetoric in actual war situations whereas Johnson can just play act.
Ukraine chose someone who claimed to be a comedian and got a statesman.
The UK chose someone who claimed to be a statesman and got a comedian.
Many years ago I was in Ukraine, at the time that Timoshenko was playing silly buggers. I vividly recall being followed by the secret police everywhere we went because we were planning on calling default on a state owned company which was choosing to pay dividends rather than service its bonds.
Chatting to a local colleague, he sighed and said if only Ukraine could have a figure in charge like Obama, that would inspire the people and make them believe they deserved a better future. It took a while but they got him in the end.
I'm 100% filtering out all news and discussion of Elizabeth and the succession. Aware it's a significant event and there are probably some interesting takes somewhere in the torrent of drivel. But I can't face seeking them out.
There are only approx 7000 votes separating the blocs.
200,000 foreign votes will not be added to count until Wednesday, so Swedes in eg London might decide the outcome!! 😉
OR the Swedes of Ballard, Seattle. Home of the Northwest Nordic Heritage Museum, and a must-see-and-be-seen stop for Scandinavian royals.
BTW, Ballard is only place in the world (I think) where you may encounter anti-Swedish sentiment.
Among old Norskis! Who aren't exactly crazy about Finns and Danes either. Not sure of views re: Danes, Icelanders, etc, but reckon skeptical covers it.
Anti-Swedish sentiment is rife in Russia. They go ballistic if anyone points out that the Rus (vikings) established both the Ukrainian and Russian states (Rus-ia). Not to mention Poltava etc. And that we like gays and women. They despise us.
Anti-Swedish sentiment also a minor feature in Finnish society. Resentment that all Finnish children must study Swedish.
Surely liking women is kind of essential, to not being gay, for men? Perhaps someone should tell the Russians where they are getting it wrong.
"No, don't admire men stripped to the waist on horseback. Your wife, she is over there..."
The very first thing he has to do is cut out any public displays of petulance such as with his pen yesterday
The effect of further instances will snowball.
His side really do not want the retention of the monarchy to become an issue. Support for it is probably already lower than it was at the time of the platinum jubilee three months ago.
The time may soon come when monarchists won't be able to "God save the king" their way out of trouble, drowning out their opponents as Trumpers did by shouting "USA! USA!"
They are not England. They are not Scotland. They are not Britain. They are a bunch of saddo Tory bigots playing dressup.
Go away you far left, Putin loving fanatic.
In this country we very much like our constitutional monarchy indeed both Starmer and Davey and the Tories have backed King Charles IIIrd as our King, indeed so even have the SNP.
Support for our constitutional monarchy crosses across party lines, republicans tend to be Putin loving Corbynites like you! Plus Trump of course lost
There are a number of right wing republicans on here. More than left wing ones possibly.
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
In an Indian restaurant in a drizzly, rundown Faro on the coast. After the beauty of the Alentejo, and a week of “hmm, that pleasant Portuguese food is awfully like the last pleasant Portuguese food I had yesterday, right down to the nice-ish, OK-ish bean soup”, the prospect of a decent curry is FRAZZLING my Pleasure Circuits
This is the same experience I had in Italy two weeks ago. The food is often pleasant and generally what you expect. ALWAYS
Faro is a dump.
It REALLY is. Noticed it last year and it’s got worse. Drugs, poverty, graffiti. A lot of gangs. Illegal migrant issues
It look little better than a similar town in say Tunis or CaSA Blanca. Needs sorting
The weird thing is a lot of Portugal is looking somewhat better. Money coming in from rich northern Europeans seeking cheapish sun
Inner Faro might be a good place to buy property now. You could get it cheap. My bet is that it will gentrify
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
The very first thing he has to do is cut out any public displays of petulance such as with his pen yesterday
The effect of further instances will snowball.
His side really do not want the retention of the monarchy to become an issue. Support for it is probably already lower than it was at the time of the platinum jubilee three months ago.
The time may soon come when monarchists won't be able to "God save the king" their way out of trouble, drowning out their opponents as Trumpers did by shouting "USA! USA!"
They are not England. They are not Scotland. They are not Britain. They are a bunch of saddo Tory bigots playing dressup.
Go away you far left, Putin loving fanatic.
In this country we very much like our constitutional monarchy indeed both Starmer and Davey and the Tories have backed King Charles IIIrd as our King, indeed so even have the SNP.
Support for our constitutional monarchy crosses across party lines, republicans tend to be Putin loving Corbynites like you! Plus Trump of course lost
There are a number of right wing republicans on here. More than left wing ones possibly.
A minority and none of them are proper Tories eg Bart is a libertarian not a Tory
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
Excuse my intrusion, but is it not a little in poor taste to be debating republic versus monarchy at the moment? The lady has not even had her funeral yet. Show a little judgement and delicacy. There is *plenty* of time for vigorous (and good-natured) debate in the years ahead.
No, it's as good a time as any to debate it. HMQ is Sleeping the Big Sleep and doesn't give a toss one way or the other, and her son is a self regarding adulterous creep who deserves no quarter, after marrying with the full intention of carrying on with the Tampon Holder Consort during the actual engagement to poor old Di. What a monumental fucking arsewipe, and the THC doesn't look great either.
Did you see that Cuba…CUBA…declared a day of official mourning?
I know it probably means little in practice (other than lowering a flag probably), but it is amusing to see diplomatic nicities from some quarters. In fairness I don't the UK at least now really talks about Cuba much.
Cuba is one of those states I referred to earlier. Technically a Republic, but actually a monarchy.
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
Sweden Democrats now very down in the mouth: they are probably not going to have any influence on the formation of the next government. They have just nicked other Right voters: not enough crosses over from Left to Right.
The very first thing he has to do is cut out any public displays of petulance such as with his pen yesterday
The effect of further instances will snowball.
His side really do not want the retention of the monarchy to become an issue. Support for it is probably already lower than it was at the time of the platinum jubilee three months ago.
The time may soon come when monarchists won't be able to "God save the king" their way out of trouble, drowning out their opponents as Trumpers did by shouting "USA! USA!"
They are not England. They are not Scotland. They are not Britain. They are a bunch of saddo Tory bigots playing dressup.
Go away you far left, Putin loving fanatic.
In this country we very much like our constitutional monarchy indeed both Starmer and Davey and the Tories have backed King Charles IIIrd as our King, indeed so even have the SNP.
Support for our constitutional monarchy crosses across party lines, republicans tend to be Putin loving Corbynites like you! Plus Trump of course lost
There are a number of right wing republicans on here. More than left wing ones possibly.
This is interestingly true. I seem to be one of a group of left-leaning non-republicans, whereas libertarians seem to be often drawn to republicanism on here.
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
There are only approx 7000 votes separating the blocs.
200,000 foreign votes will not be added to count until Wednesday, so Swedes in eg London might decide the outcome!! 😉
OR the Swedes of Ballard, Seattle. Home of the Northwest Nordic Heritage Museum, and a must-see-and-be-seen stop for Scandinavian royals.
BTW, Ballard is only place in the world (I think) where you may encounter anti-Swedish sentiment.
Among old Norskis! Who aren't exactly crazy about Finns and Danes either. Not sure of views re: Danes, Icelanders, etc, but reckon skeptical covers it.
Anti-Swedish sentiment is rife in Russia. They go ballistic if anyone points out that the Rus (vikings) established both the Ukrainian and Russian states (Rus-ia). Not to mention Poltava etc. And that we like gays and women. They despise us.
Anti-Swedish sentiment also a minor feature in Finnish society. Resentment that all Finnish children must study Swedish.
Still paying in Russia for the sins of Charles XII?
In Ballard the issue is just proximity, plus linger resentments re: WWII.
Or rather was, considering that Old Ballard of legend, famed for it's old-school "Uff da!" Scandinavianism, has been replaced or rather obliterated, by New Ballard which is a random collection of high-rise condos, up-scale cupcake shops and the like.
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
Did you see that Cuba…CUBA…declared a day of official mourning?
I know it probably means little in practice (other than lowering a flag probably), but it is amusing to see diplomatic nicities from some quarters. In fairness I don't the UK at least now really talks about Cuba much.
Cuba is one of those states I referred to earlier. Technically a Republic, but actually a monarchy.
Just watched Uwe Boll's underwhelming Auschwitz. He says in the intro that he went to Cuba in 1991 and Oxford/Harvard graduate Cubans were all over him because he had the good fortune to share nationality with Adolf Hitler.
Gordon Brown is trying to give the monarchist clique some advice, or so it seems from this piece published by "former KGB officer" Alexander Lebedev and his Saudi pal Sultan Muhammad Abuljadayel, but they won't listen:
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
We’re getting to the stage where Russia is creating generational hatred, like Germany did in the war and like Britain and France did in our empires, which will only be mitigated when a new Russian leadership is able to take accountability for its actions and say sorry.
One of the reasons Korea and China have never become true friends of Japan is the latter’s refusal plainly to say sorry for WW2. Germany has done. Britain and France have said sorry for the bad things done in our imperial pasts, at least partially. Russia will have a choice after this war is over.
Whatever happens, Putin has changed Ukraine.
For the next generation or 2, Ukraine will be spending massively on it's military. 10% of GDP on a continuous basis is quite possible, I think. If economic development takes off, which I think it will, it will be one of the most heavily armed nations in Europe, in a few years.
“The Moderates have played straight into the hands of the Sweden Democrats.”
On current figures the right of centre coalition including the Sweden Democrats but excluding the Centre Party will have more votes and seats combined than the centre right coalition in Sweden at the last election including the Centre Party but excluding the Sweden Democrats
There are only approx 7000 votes separating the blocs.
200,000 foreign votes will not be added to count until Wednesday, so Swedes in eg London might decide the outcome!! 😉
OR the Swedes of Ballard, Seattle. Home of the Northwest Nordic Heritage Museum, and a must-see-and-be-seen stop for Scandinavian royals.
BTW, Ballard is only place in the world (I think) where you may encounter anti-Swedish sentiment.
Among old Norskis! Who aren't exactly crazy about Finns and Danes either. Not sure of views re: Danes, Icelanders, etc, but reckon skeptical covers it.
Anti-Swedish sentiment is rife in Russia. They go ballistic if anyone points out that the Rus (vikings) established both the Ukrainian and Russian states (Rus-ia). Not to mention Poltava etc. And that we like gays and women. They despise us.
Anti-Swedish sentiment also a minor feature in Finnish society. Resentment that all Finnish children must study Swedish.
I'm sure I recall a piece on modern Finland having a bit of denial about its long history with and influence from Sweden. Fair comment?
I think that a lot of disillusionment with democracy amongst young people could be explained by Brexit. This is celebrated by the current government as the greatest ever democratic achievement in the history of the country, and one that is praised and supported by the main opposition. However, it caused at least 4 years of complete chaos and gridlock in parliament leading to pointless elections and changes of prime minister. It also took young peoples rights away from them (free movement), which many valued, and which they are told to 'shut up' about. The 'Brexit dividends' have not happened, nothing has really changed, it is the same party in power and they just aren't doing much different now we have exited the EU. The opinion polls show that a significant majority now think it was wrong for Britain to leave the EU. Basically Brexit could be percieved by the young as being told by the old to suffer chaos and hardship in the name of 'democracy'. So you can understand why they may think 'no thanks'.
It is other stuff as well, but I do think a lot of long term damage to our political culture was done by Brexit, which may lead to really perverse outcomes over time, of which this could be one such manifestation.
The bit I fear could be really messy is if the UK's pathway goes "It is the will of the people" via "It's not really the will of the people any more but we don't talk about it because Uncle Nigel will go off on one" to "This isn't what we want (and it's a bit rubbish) but it's too late to do anything about now."
Not the only possible pathway, sure, but not implausible, and if it happens, it won't be pretty. Especially for the remains of Uncle Nigel.
Brexit revealed, rather than caused, divisions, IMHO.
I think it's very clear that for a lot of people, on either side, the vote was about something other than whether we should be a part of the EU. Had the vote been 52/48 Remain, I don't think we would be any more harmonious as a society, today.
It does seem stupid, however, to conclude that democracy has failed, simply because a political decision goes against you.
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
We’re getting to the stage where Russia is creating generational hatred, like Germany did in the war and like Britain and France did in our empires, which will only be mitigated when a new Russian leadership is able to take accountability for its actions and say sorry.
One of the reasons Korea and China have never become true friends of Japan is the latter’s refusal plainly to say sorry for WW2. Germany has done. Britain and France have said sorry for the bad things done in our imperial pasts, at least partially. Russia will have a choice after this war is over.
Whatever happens, Putin has changed Ukraine.
For the next generation or 2, Ukraine will be spending massively on it's military. 10% of GDP on a continuous basis is quite possible, I think. If economic development takes off, which I think it will, it will be one of the most heavily armed nations in Europe, in a few years.
10% of nothing is nothing of course.
Ukraine should join the single market and customs union and will need generous support from donors.
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
Sweden Democrats now very down in the mouth: they are probably not going to have any influence on the formation of the next government. They have just nicked other Right voters: not enough crosses over from Left to Right.
I really do not know anything about Swedish politics so could you give me an idea of exactly how extreme the left and right are and the implications for Sweden
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
Gordon Brown is trying to give the monarchist clique some advice, or so it seems from this piece published by "former KGB officer" Alexander Lebedev and his Saudi pal Sultan Muhammad Abuljadayel, but they won't listen:
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
We’re getting to the stage where Russia is creating generational hatred, like Germany did in the war and like Britain and France did in our empires, which will only be mitigated when a new Russian leadership is able to take accountability for its actions and say sorry.
One of the reasons Korea and China have never become true friends of Japan is the latter’s refusal plainly to say sorry for WW2. Germany has done. Britain and France have said sorry for the bad things done in our imperial pasts, at least partially. Russia will have a choice after this war is over.
Whatever happens, Putin has changed Ukraine.
For the next generation or 2, Ukraine will be spending massively on it's military. 10% of GDP on a continuous basis is quite possible, I think. If economic development takes off, which I think it will, it will be one of the most heavily armed nations in Europe, in a few years.
Ukraine will be a great ally. Something Boris will be able to claim a lot of responsibility for. Those NLAWs were great value.
There are only approx 7000 votes separating the blocs.
200,000 foreign votes will not be added to count until Wednesday, so Swedes in eg London might decide the outcome!! 😉
OR the Swedes of Ballard, Seattle. Home of the Northwest Nordic Heritage Museum, and a must-see-and-be-seen stop for Scandinavian royals.
BTW, Ballard is only place in the world (I think) where you may encounter anti-Swedish sentiment.
Among old Norskis! Who aren't exactly crazy about Finns and Danes either. Not sure of views re: Danes, Icelanders, etc, but reckon skeptical covers it.
Anti-Swedish sentiment is rife in Russia. They go ballistic if anyone points out that the Rus (vikings) established both the Ukrainian and Russian states (Rus-ia). Not to mention Poltava etc. And that we like gays and women. They despise us.
Anti-Swedish sentiment also a minor feature in Finnish society. Resentment that all Finnish children must study Swedish.
I'm sure I recall a piece on modern Finland having a bit of denial about its long history with and influence from Sweden. Fair comment?
An interesting counter-factual is to consider what Russia would have been like without the Mongol Conquest. Probably much like modern Scandinavia.
“The Moderates have played straight into the hands of the Sweden Democrats.”
On current figures the right of centre coalition including the Sweden Democrats but excluding the Centre Party will have more votes and seats combined than the centre right coalition in Sweden at the last election including the Centre Party but excluding the Sweden Democrats
There is no “right of centre coalition”.
Scandi PB experts are just as ill-informed as Jock PB experts.
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
They should count themselves lucky, 200 years ago they would have been hanged or beheaded for disrupting the accession process of our new monarch
People should not count themselves lucky they do not live in a repressive state, that is what we have all been taught to expect of our governments. Maintaining the rights of citizens should be the default.
You do realise it is a sign of progress that people are not executed for mild civil disobediance, right? It hasn't been treason to be a republican for a long time either.
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
Gordon Brown is trying to give the monarchist clique some advice, or so it seems from this piece published by "former KGB officer" Alexander Lebedev and his Saudi pal Sultan Muhammad Abuljadayel, but they won't listen:
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
One of my issues with republicanism is that on average the best countries are constitutional monarchies.
Path dependency perhaps, rather than causation, but, still.
If we have to go republic than of course it should one of those post-Anglo constitutions like Ireland or Germany with a respected non-entity as president.
The presidencies of which are as boring as fuck, and no-one cares about.
There's no advantage to flipping to a republic for the UK except that it might help a small 'intellectual' minority feel philosophically consistent.
Just in case you were not sure of my status on this I am pro Charles and the monarchy and see no merit in the UK becoming a republic
However, I do expect some commonwealth countries to seek Republican status
I liked and respected Her Majesty, and I hope Charles, and then William, will continue her good work.
A strong monarchy requires a good and strong monarch. The danger will come if (or perhaps I should say when) a Prince Andrew type character ascends.
Yes, and one thing Her Majesty clearly knew was that things can go from strong to weak very quickly, hence the need for constant effort, discipline and diplomacy.
“The Moderates have played straight into the hands of the Sweden Democrats.”
On current figures the right of centre coalition including the Sweden Democrats but excluding the Centre Party will have more votes and seats combined than the centre right coalition in Sweden at the last election including the Centre Party but excluding the Sweden Democrats
There is no “right of centre coalition”.
Scandi PB experts are just as ill-informed as Jock PB experts.
There effectively is, Moderates plus Liberals plus Christian Democrats plus Sweden Democrats
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
The police say they arrested her "in connection with a breach of the peace".
If this gets as far as court I hope she crowdfunds her defence.
Her mistake was to write the rude word and to refer to imperialism. Keep it to "abolish the monarchy". Very simple. Millions agree with that call. We're not getting our "fair" representation either in the media or the House of Commons. The principle of letting a person have a state position because of who their parents were has zero going for it. The monarchists don't want a debate.
Our numbers are likely to grow and who knows - let's be optimistic for once - they may even grow fast, because the d***head with the palace and the castles seems likely to use his mouth as a magnet for his foot.
If the police can't protect a peaceful protestor against the monarchy from monarchist thugs without arresting her, they ought to start thinking about how to stop monarchist thugs from being so threatening.
In an Indian restaurant in a drizzly, rundown Faro on the coast. After the beauty of the Alentejo, and a week of “hmm, that pleasant Portuguese food is awfully like the last pleasant Portuguese food I had yesterday, right down to the nice-ish, OK-ish bean soup”, the prospect of a decent curry is FRAZZLING my Pleasure Circuits
This is the same experience I had in Italy two weeks ago. The food is often pleasant and generally what you expect. ALWAYS
Faro is a dump.
Correct. Portimão is less of a dump (but still a bit of one). Lagos is pleasant.
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
There are only approx 7000 votes separating the blocs.
200,000 foreign votes will not be added to count until Wednesday, so Swedes in eg London might decide the outcome!! 😉
OR the Swedes of Ballard, Seattle. Home of the Northwest Nordic Heritage Museum, and a must-see-and-be-seen stop for Scandinavian royals.
BTW, Ballard is only place in the world (I think) where you may encounter anti-Swedish sentiment.
Among old Norskis! Who aren't exactly crazy about Finns and Danes either. Not sure of views re: Danes, Icelanders, etc, but reckon skeptical covers it.
Anti-Swedish sentiment is rife in Russia. They go ballistic if anyone points out that the Rus (vikings) established both the Ukrainian and Russian states (Rus-ia). Not to mention Poltava etc. And that we like gays and women. They despise us.
Anti-Swedish sentiment also a minor feature in Finnish society. Resentment that all Finnish children must study Swedish.
I'm sure I recall a piece on modern Finland having a bit of denial about its long history with and influence from Sweden. Fair comment?
Not sure I understand your question. Finland didn’t have a “long history with and influence from Sweden”, it was just part of Sweden. It was simply eastern Sweden. For 8 centuries.
I was surprised to learn that Gabon and Togo joined *this year*.
That is interesting, indeed. Somewhat contradicts the narrative that people are leaving.
As realms they are. The Commonwealth doesn't have any real 'mission' or purpose, as David Herdson memorably set out in a header once, and in a way that can be a strength as there are few if any expecations from a Commonwealth summit, but that does mean it is pretty darn loose. Whether William follows Charles as its head I think is unlikely, but how to maintain it as a thing would also be open.
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
I was surprised to learn that Gabon and Togo joined *this year*.
Rwanda, Mozambique and Cameroon are also recently joined members as well, in spite of none of them having been in the British Empire (Belgian, Portuguese and French.)
There are only approx 7000 votes separating the blocs.
200,000 foreign votes will not be added to count until Wednesday, so Swedes in eg London might decide the outcome!! 😉
OR the Swedes of Ballard, Seattle. Home of the Northwest Nordic Heritage Museum, and a must-see-and-be-seen stop for Scandinavian royals.
BTW, Ballard is only place in the world (I think) where you may encounter anti-Swedish sentiment.
Among old Norskis! Who aren't exactly crazy about Finns and Danes either. Not sure of views re: Danes, Icelanders, etc, but reckon skeptical covers it.
Anti-Swedish sentiment is rife in Russia. They go ballistic if anyone points out that the Rus (vikings) established both the Ukrainian and Russian states (Rus-ia). Not to mention Poltava etc. And that we like gays and women. They despise us.
Anti-Swedish sentiment also a minor feature in Finnish society. Resentment that all Finnish children must study Swedish.
I'm sure I recall a piece on modern Finland having a bit of denial about its long history with and influence from Sweden. Fair comment?
Not sure I understand your question. Finland didn’t have a “long history with and influence from Sweden”, it was just part of Sweden. It was simply eastern Sweden. For 8 centuries.
Yes, that was the point of the article (I cannot find it though), saying that modern Finland downplayed that status, as if it was an embarrassing thing they did not want to mention.
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
The police are prone to over-literal defenses of the status quo, or whatever is beng organised that day. They should be told in no uncertain terms that anti-monarchist demonstrations are allowed in a constitutionally monarchist democracy.
In an Indian restaurant in a drizzly, rundown Faro on the coast. After the beauty of the Alentejo, and a week of “hmm, that pleasant Portuguese food is awfully like the last pleasant Portuguese food I had yesterday, right down to the nice-ish, OK-ish bean soup”, the prospect of a decent curry is FRAZZLING my Pleasure Circuits
This is the same experience I had in Italy two weeks ago. The food is often pleasant and generally what you expect. ALWAYS
Faro is a dump.
Correct. Portimão is less of a dump (but still a bit of one). Lagos is pleasant.
It is some years since I was in mainland Portugal, but I thought Lagos the only passable town in the Algarve. There were loads of interesting towns further north. It is a patchy country still, and real poverty in places.
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
Chilling, I expect the free speech warriors to be defending this woman and having a go at the rozzers.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
Is not conspiring (on PB or elsewhere) to replace Scots law with English law, itself ipso facto treason in Scotland?
It's certainly a breach of the Treaty of Union, as was pointed out in 1820. Left a very bad taste in the mouth and something Unionists didn't like to talk about - even in recent years the Labour Party, or elements thereof, didn't want to know about a belated memorial to the martyrs.
I was surprised to learn that Gabon and Togo joined *this year*.
Why surprised? What is the downside of joining?
I think they might be looked down upon by other European nations. Bit snobby, but even though it is not now only for former British colonies, joining without that connection within Europe wouldn't make them seem like one of the big boys (or girls).
However as is often pointed out, I now live in another country.
The wall to wall coverage is starting to pall here; the novelist Joyce Carole Oates was comparing about it on Twitter.
On other hand, is it showing disrespect, to wonder if an institution can or even should continue, without the woman who has been its essence and personification for seven decades?
Personally think it's the opposite.
We’re getting to the stage where Russia is creating generational hatred, like Germany did in the war and like Britain and France did in our empires, which will only be mitigated when a new Russian leadership is able to take accountability for its actions and say sorry.
One of the reasons Korea and China have never become true friends of Japan is the latter’s refusal plainly to say sorry for WW2. Germany has done. Britain and France have said sorry for the bad things done in our imperial pasts, at least partially. Russia will have a choice after this war is over.
Anti-Swedish sentiment also a minor feature in Finnish society. Resentment that all Finnish children must study Swedish.
Russian military convoys are seen to be heading towards Mariupol.
The UK chose someone who claimed to be a statesman and got a comedian.
Andersson’s team: 177 MPs
Kristersson’s team: 172 MPs
I’d agree with your comment if they had waited until after her funeral to proclaim Charles King. But they chose to do it pretty much straight away. That makes the discussion perfectly legitimate.
(Not that I am particularly keen to change the status quo, but I'd like to understand the rationale for your certainly.)
Where some see historical pageantry, others just see absurd obscurantism and pantomime.
I am not a republican, I simply have no affection for the antiquarian institution. It just stands there as an edifice a bit like a church that I don't go to.
Russia is not going to like Ukraine playing by Russia's rules on civilian power grids.
Russia's power grid is wide open to Ukrainian Alibaba drone/DYI cruise missile strikes.
Now Ukraine has every incentive to go there.🧵
I think you can have that discussion whilst respecting the Queen's life and service.
Also the Church services in Edinburgh, Belfast and Cardiff all attended by Charles
In all this I do hope the media understand that the events in Ukraine and Moscow are of great importance and they provide adequate coverage while remaining respectful to the Queen's memory
So this says if they can accurately target the power and water infrastructure, then the hits on the civilian apartment blocks in Kharkiv and elsewhere were intentional.
More than half the crowd was British - I reckon 70% or so, from hearing conversations - which for central London is very unusual. A lady was being interview by a French radio journalist near us. Apparently, she'd come up from Kent with the family for the day, queued 2 hours to get to the gates at Buckingham Palace. But that was fine, since she expected that, apparently.
If it's like that when there is nothing going on, the 19th is going to be very slightly crowded.
A woman was arrested holding an anti-monarchy sign in Edinburgh today, before the Queen’s cortege arrived in the city.
She was detained outside St Giles’ Cathedral, where the monarch’s coffin is due to be held from tomorrow after spending the night at the Palace of
Moments before the proclamation of Charles III as new king this afternoon, a demonstrator appeared in the crowd opposite the Mercat Cross.
She held a sign saying ‘f*** imperialism, abolish monarchy’.
A strong monarchy requires a good and strong monarch. The danger will come if (or perhaps I should say when) a Prince Andrew type character ascends.
“Why vote for a copy when you can vote for the original?”
The seventh is Biden commemorating September 11.
The NYT is focusing (rightly) on Ukraine, but the Queen follows.
Fox News has her number 3, after a confabulated story about how terrible “the Dems” are, and September 11.
Chatting to a local colleague, he sighed and said if only Ukraine could have a figure in charge like Obama, that would inspire the people and make them believe they deserved a better future. It took a while but they got him in the end.
"No, don't admire men stripped to the waist on horseback. Your wife, she is over there..."
Visegrád 24
Ukrainians soldiers in an Australian-donated Bushmaster thanking the Australian people for their help.
It look little better than a similar town in say Tunis or CaSA Blanca. Needs sorting
The weird thing is a lot of Portugal is looking somewhat better. Money coming in from rich northern Europeans seeking cheapish sun
Inner Faro might be a good place to buy property now. You could get it cheap. My bet is that it will gentrify
I’m very much free speech but this is borderline, obscenity laws do exist.
In Ballard the issue is just proximity, plus linger resentments re: WWII.
Or rather was, considering that Old Ballard of legend, famed for it's old-school "Uff da!" Scandinavianism, has been replaced or rather obliterated, by New Ballard which is a random collection of high-rise condos, up-scale cupcake shops and the like.
"Charles III to reign ‘more like a Scandinavian monarchy’: Royal family to be slimmed down and more ‘approachable’, former prime minister predicts".
The Russian Army leaving behind fuel trucks...AGAIN!
These are the flipping most important vehicles in their tactical truck park.
If the vehicle cannot carry a stolen washing machine. Russian troops leave it behind.🤯🤯
For the next generation or 2, Ukraine will be spending massively on it's military. 10% of GDP on a continuous basis is quite possible, I think. If economic development takes off, which I think it will, it will be one of the most heavily armed nations in Europe, in a few years.
I think it's very clear that for a lot of people, on either side, the vote was about something other than whether we should be a part of the EU. Had the vote been 52/48 Remain, I don't think we would be any more harmonious as a society, today.
It does seem stupid, however, to conclude that democracy has failed, simply because a political decision goes against you.
Ukraine should join the single market and customs union and will need generous support from donors.
Reconstruction will take them a generation.
Sorry I am not more knowledgeable on this
Scandi PB experts are just as ill-informed as Jock PB experts.
You do realise it is a sign of progress that people are not executed for mild civil disobediance, right? It hasn't been treason to be a republican for a long time either.
I was surprised to learn that Gabon and Togo joined *this year*.
What will change from our stamps to our passports...?
If this gets as far as court I hope she crowdfunds her defence.
Her mistake was to write the rude word and to refer to imperialism. Keep it to "abolish the monarchy". Very simple. Millions agree with that call. We're not getting our "fair" representation either in the media or the House of Commons. The principle of letting a person have a state position because of who their parents were has zero going for it. The monarchists don't want a debate.
Our numbers are likely to grow and who knows - let's be optimistic for once - they may even grow fast, because the d***head with the palace and the castles seems likely to use his mouth as a magnet for his foot.
If the police can't protect a peaceful protestor against the monarchy from monarchist thugs without arresting her, they ought to start thinking about how to stop monarchist thugs from being so threatening.
I couldn’t honestly say.
Nothing has really happened in a CHOGM since apartheid days.
Is this fresh reinforcements form Russia? or troops pulling back from the front.
And if its from Russia, could it be those Russians who came for Karkive?