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Trump back as favourite to win WH2014 –



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    kle4kle4 Posts: 94,488
    rcs1000 said:

    kle4 said:

    CD13 said:

    How do you go about laying Trump already. I'm not into this betting lark but at anything longer than even it must be easy money. As on old git myself, I wouldn't fancy Trump's chances of living until 2024. Anyone any idea about his genetics?

    Edited to reflect the right century.

    IDK, he seems to have boundless energy. His dad made it to 93, and he's teetotal even if he subsists on fast food.

    Wikipedia says his dad's full name was Frederick Christ Trump. Why Trump doesn't advertise himself as the Son of Christ I don't know.
    He is looking distinctly older, though. There's a tired, haggard look that he's acquired since leaving the White House.
    Sure, but at this rate he could well be up against Biden or the way politics goes there someone like *googles* Leahy, who is even older.
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    HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 119,527
    MattW said:
    Shocked the UK isn't even in the top 3 most hated nations now or indeed most hated nation anywhere, the left and SNP here would make you think we were no 1
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    OmniumOmnium Posts: 10,202
    MattW said:

    IshmaelZ said:

    kle4 said:

    BTW, ydoethur was right, it was not easy to make it through The Satanic Verses.

    You did that?

    The wannabe assassin managed just 2 pages
    Yep - quite a difficult book. I graduated from University in Bradford a couple of years earlier.

    I find Rushdie easier to listen to eg on Radio. My favourite of his is Haroun and the Sea of Stories, which he wrote for children :blush: .
    I thought it was ok as I recall. I think I may have even deliverately read it on tube journeys simply to annoy. I also found myself, this time inadvertantly, reading the Folio Society's edition of Shirers 'Rise and Fall of the Third Reich' which has a big swastika on the cover.

    If you get upset by a book you are a fool. If you fail to think that a book might have the power to upset you then equally so. However there is a head on one's shoulders.
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    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120
    MattW said:
    I'm surprised to see just how many nations hate the Dutch.
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    kle4kle4 Posts: 94,488
    HYUFD said:

    CatMan said:

    It seems the BBC’s new University Challenge host does not have the approval of the alphabet people:

    Rajan isn’t who I’d been told. This is worse. A man who has applauded the “bravery” of TERFs is taking over a show with one of the biggest queer/trans representations on TV. It sends a clear signal and undoes so much work done to make all students feel welcome and safe.

    That'll make the Tories love him, until they read his Wikipedia page:

    ""The Guardian wrote, "Amol Rajan, (...) is a declared republican who once branded the royal family as 'absurd' and the media as a 'propaganda outlet' for the monarchy."[33] In 2021, he publicly apologised for comments made in a 2012 article he wrote for The Independent, in which he described Prince Philip as a "racist buffoon" and Prince Charles as "scientifically illiterate", and for an open letter he sent to Prince William and his wife Catherine while the two were expecting their first child, in which he described their public role as a "total fraud", the Queen's Diamond Jubilee as a "celebration of mediocrity", and the royal family as a clan "unusually full of fools"."
    That's the standard Tory line now Liz Truss is running the shop, or will be in a fortnight.
    Liz now loves the royals so much she wants another royal yacht, or so she says. As on most of the other opinions she used to hold and dumped to become Tory leader
    A rather cutting remark from you, especially the 'or so she says'.
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    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120
    edited August 2022

    ydoethur said:

    With respect to Liz Cheney's landslide defeat in Wyoming primary - by larger margin than polling had suggested - some thoughts:

    > Essentially two kinds of Republican/conservative voters in WY pissed off by Cheney's dissing (to put it mildly) of Trump:
    1. True Trumpist believers and similar dyed-in-the-wool Putinist allies and/or chumps
    2. GOP & conservative independents less wedded to Trump personally & ideologically BUT who recognize & respect clout of him AND his defenders, suckups, fellow-travelers, etc., etc. within the Republican Party, esp IF GOP can regain control of even half of Congress

    Obvious how Cheney ran afoul of first group. What messed her up with the second, was fact that her break with Trump got her tossed out of US House GOP leadership and otherwise destroyed her influence with Republican politicos, activists, funders and (most) reliably Republican voters.

    PLUS fact that Cheney lacked a true grass-roots base within Wyoming, having risen fast & somewhat furiously (in view of some GOP rivals) politically by drafting onto her big-shot (local AND DC) Big Daddy Cheney to boost her into the Republican governmental establishment.

    Once the basis of her Beltway GOP establishment credentials were shredded by her own post-January 2021 patriotism, only thing she had to fall back on was nostalgia, old family retainers & the like, and Democrats.

    Liz Cheney was an obvious goner months before the 2022 Wyoming primary. What drove her rejection by the voters to epic proportions, was her disconnect from what most folks in the Equality State consider their vital, critical and greatly endangered (in particular by Democrats) economic interests, namely coal, gas and oil.

    In short, like the Tories during the Great Reform Act 'riding the tiger' of the middle classes
    Did they not do that? Don't tell me the one thing I managed to retain from A level history is wrong.
    No. They were opposed to the Great Reform Act. The middle classes wanted it!

    Edit - You may be thinking instead of the 1867 reform which did see the Tories expanding the franchise in order to keep control of boundary reform.
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    williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 49,797
    MattW said:
    If accurate it's amazing how many countries choose Israel.
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    NickPalmerNickPalmer Posts: 21,438
    MattW said:

    Interesting map.

    (Update - beginning to wonder if it is fake)

    Who hates who?

    A thoroughly scary map.
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    DynamoDynamo Posts: 651

    carnforth said:

    Leon said:

    It seems the BBC’s new University Challenge host does not have the approval of the alphabet people:

    Rajan isn’t who I’d been told. This is worse. A man who has applauded the “bravery” of TERFs is taking over a show with one of the biggest queer/trans representations on TV. It sends a clear signal and undoes so much work done to make all students feel welcome and safe.

    Twitter photo in their profile

    “There are more female, non-binary, and queer students on the programme than ever before. I am so proud to have been involved in casting this cohort,”

    I wonder what “casting” means in this context. I know the choice of which teams make it to TV is not wholly merit-based, but are they picking and choosing people for each team too?
    Further down the thread there's a bloke on the UCL team who looks about seventy.
    That's nothing. Jeremy Bentham attended a meeting of UCL's Council at the age of 265.
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    TheuniondivvieTheuniondivvie Posts: 41,045
    edited August 2022
    HYUFD said:

    MattW said:
    Shocked the UK isn't even in the top 3 most hated nations now or indeed most hated nation anywhere, the left and SNP here would make you think we were no 1
    Irrelevant and without influence was the line this morning (not from me). That map may demonstrate this, too pathetic to get wound up about.
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    FrankBoothFrankBooth Posts: 9,369

    MattW said:
    If accurate it's amazing how many countries choose Israel.
    It is and I'm pretty shocked by Venezuela and Argentina. That's a bit odd.
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    Luckyguy1983Luckyguy1983 Posts: 26,742
    ydoethur said:

    ydoethur said:

    With respect to Liz Cheney's landslide defeat in Wyoming primary - by larger margin than polling had suggested - some thoughts:

    > Essentially two kinds of Republican/conservative voters in WY pissed off by Cheney's dissing (to put it mildly) of Trump:
    1. True Trumpist believers and similar dyed-in-the-wool Putinist allies and/or chumps
    2. GOP & conservative independents less wedded to Trump personally & ideologically BUT who recognize & respect clout of him AND his defenders, suckups, fellow-travelers, etc., etc. within the Republican Party, esp IF GOP can regain control of even half of Congress

    Obvious how Cheney ran afoul of first group. What messed her up with the second, was fact that her break with Trump got her tossed out of US House GOP leadership and otherwise destroyed her influence with Republican politicos, activists, funders and (most) reliably Republican voters.

    PLUS fact that Cheney lacked a true grass-roots base within Wyoming, having risen fast & somewhat furiously (in view of some GOP rivals) politically by drafting onto her big-shot (local AND DC) Big Daddy Cheney to boost her into the Republican governmental establishment.

    Once the basis of her Beltway GOP establishment credentials were shredded by her own post-January 2021 patriotism, only thing she had to fall back on was nostalgia, old family retainers & the like, and Democrats.

    Liz Cheney was an obvious goner months before the 2022 Wyoming primary. What drove her rejection by the voters to epic proportions, was her disconnect from what most folks in the Equality State consider their vital, critical and greatly endangered (in particular by Democrats) economic interests, namely coal, gas and oil.

    In short, like the Tories during the Great Reform Act 'riding the tiger' of the middle classes
    Did they not do that? Don't tell me the one thing I managed to retain from A level history is wrong.
    No. They were opposed to the Great Reform Act. The middle classes wanted it!

    Edit - You may be thinking instead of the 1867 reform which did see the Tories expanding the franchise in order to keep control of boundary reform.
    YES that's it. Oh dear.
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    CatManCatMan Posts: 2,963

    MattW said:
    If accurate it's amazing how many countries choose Israel.
    It's a bit weird. I get why the Middle East hate them, but Argentina? Surely they should hate us, or America. The Non-Muslim African countries hating Israel is a bit odd too.
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    MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 26,771
    edited August 2022
    CatMan said:

    As the reality filters out about Trump's relationship with Russia vis a vis national secrets just resting in his safe, and the Weisselberg news he has no chance... surely?

    A video coming out showing Trump pissing on the Declaration of Independence wouldn't affect most Trump supporters vote
    I live in hope that nose holding moderate Republicans might think twice, nonetheless.
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    kle4kle4 Posts: 94,488
    edited August 2022
    MattW said:
    Israel most hated in Venezuela? Mexico and Russia also looks interesting (also Ethiopia/Kenya/Tanzania)- most of the answers seem to to be Russia with Europe (for obvious reasons right now), the USA (from actual rival and wannabe rival), Israel (for also obvious if sad reasons), and a few ones to do with close neighbours (Pakistan with India, Namibia and South Africa), so the non Europeans picking Russia, or places like Canada picking China, is interesting.

    If it is fake, most of it is believable.
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    rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 55,358

    MattW said:
    If accurate it's amazing how many countries choose Israel.
    It is.

    It's also a real shame it's just a map rather than a table with real numbers. I want to see who the Israelis hate. And I'd like to see the depths of the dislike.
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    pm215pm215 Posts: 1,027
    EPG said:

    rcs1000 said:

    Biden is probably a little cheap. If he decides to run again (and he really shouldn't), then he's going to win the nomination, and then be a 50/50 shot (or better) for the Presidency

    Hm, if I were at least a 50/50 shot for the presidency, I'd struggle to accept I shouldn't do it. At least tens of millions of people would be for me against the alternative.
    Also, if you're in Biden's position, do you look at the rest of the D field and think of any of them "that person clearly has a better shot at it than me"? Or perhaps "with my cooperation that person could be built up into my chosen successor and then have a better shot than me?"
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    rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 55,358
    EPG said:

    MattW said:
    How did they poll North Korea?
    It is entirely possible that the map is just an invention.
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    Luckyguy1983Luckyguy1983 Posts: 26,742

    HYUFD said:

    MattW said:
    Shocked the UK isn't even in the top 3 most hated nations now or indeed most hated nation anywhere, the left and SNP here would make you think we were no 1
    Irrelevant and without influence was the line this morning (not from me). That map may demonstrate this, too pathetic to get wound up about.
    Irrelevant in terms of CO2 emissions I think it was - naughty editing of history by you.

    You also said that none of us Britnats would accept the UK being irrelevant - On the contrary I'd happily accept being prosperous, stable, free, and irrelevant. Switzerland on Sea suits me.
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    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 30,287
    If Liz Truss becomes PM is it likely Grant Shapps will be out of government, or at least no longer transport secretary?
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    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120
    kle4 said:

    MattW said:
    Israel most hated in Venezuela? Mexico and Russia also looks interesting (also Ethiopia/Kenya/Tanzania)- most of the answers seem to to be Russia with Europe (for obvious reasons right now), the USA (from actual rival and wannabe rival), Israel (for also obvious if sad reasons), and a few ones to do with close neighbours (Pakistan with India, Namibia and South Africa), so the non Europeans picking Russia, or places like Canada picking China, is interesting.
    Ah, it's the Russian flag. I was thinking, I know we've had our differences with the Dutch but that seems excessive.

    Why do so many nations have to go for tricolours? At least Ireland uses different colours.
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    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120
    dixiedean said:

    My youngest got A* A and A in A-levels today. Off to do Philosophy at UCL.

    Yeay (again).
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    WH2014, eh?

    My time machine works! In your face to all the h8ers and naysayers.
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    kle4kle4 Posts: 94,488
    Dynamo said:

    carnforth said:

    Leon said:

    It seems the BBC’s new University Challenge host does not have the approval of the alphabet people:

    Rajan isn’t who I’d been told. This is worse. A man who has applauded the “bravery” of TERFs is taking over a show with one of the biggest queer/trans representations on TV. It sends a clear signal and undoes so much work done to make all students feel welcome and safe.

    Twitter photo in their profile

    “There are more female, non-binary, and queer students on the programme than ever before. I am so proud to have been involved in casting this cohort,”

    I wonder what “casting” means in this context. I know the choice of which teams make it to TV is not wholly merit-based, but are they picking and choosing people for each team too?
    Further down the thread there's a bloke on the UCL team who looks about seventy.
    That's nothing. Jeremy Bentham attended a meeting of UCL's Council at the age of 265.
    That's fantastic, we should all leave such provisions in our wills.
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    MattWMattW Posts: 20,542
    edited August 2022
    Taz said:

    kle4 said:

    It seems the BBC’s new University Challenge host does not have the approval of the alphabet people:

    Rajan isn’t who I’d been told. This is worse. A man who has applauded the “bravery” of TERFs is taking over a show with one of the biggest queer/trans representations on TV. It sends a clear signal and undoes so much work done to make all students feel welcome and safe.

    It's just crazy to think that students could be welcome and safe on a tv quiz show regardless of the views of the host.
    Begs the question if they are on the show with Rajan, who seems a warm, amiable and genial chap, why would they not feel welcome and safe ?
    I've asked them that, which may get me dogpiled.

    How does one ask questions in an abusive, uniquely TERF-like manner, the world wonders?

    (Update: I seem to be blocked.)
  • Options
    MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 26,771
    kle4 said:

    MattW said:
    Israel most hated in Venezuela? Mexico and Russia also looks interesting (also Ethiopia/Kenya/Tanzania)- most of the answers seem to to be Russia with Europe (for obvious reasons right now), the USA (from actual rival and wannabe rival), Israel (for also obvious if sad reasons), and a few ones to do with close neighbours (Pakistan with India, Namibia and South Africa), so the non Europeans picking Russia, or places like Canada picking China, is interesting.

    If it is fake, most of it is believable.
    Shouldn't the Russian flag be rotated 90 degrees for England?
  • Options
    rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 55,358
    I think the map is a work of fiction.

    According to the source, the data is from "Alliance of Dem", which Google tells me is "Alliance of Democracies".

    And while there is a lot of interesting stuff on the Alliance of Democracies website (, I'm not seeing anything like the data used in the map.
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    geoffwgeoffw Posts: 8,407
    Who hates whom.
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    rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 55,358
    dixiedean said:

    My youngest got A* A and A in A-levels today. Off to do Philosophy at UCL.

    You do know that Sean Thomas studied Philosophy at UCL, right?
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    MattWMattW Posts: 20,542
    HYUFD said:

    MattW said:
    Shocked the UK isn't even in the top 3 most hated nations now or indeed most hated nation anywhere, the left and SNP here would make you think we were no 1
    The thread is full of Argentinians demanding that they hate the UK more than Israel !
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    CatManCatMan Posts: 2,963
    edited August 2022
    ydoethur said:

    kle4 said:

    MattW said:
    Israel most hated in Venezuela? Mexico and Russia also looks interesting (also Ethiopia/Kenya/Tanzania)- most of the answers seem to to be Russia with Europe (for obvious reasons right now), the USA (from actual rival and wannabe rival), Israel (for also obvious if sad reasons), and a few ones to do with close neighbours (Pakistan with India, Namibia and South Africa), so the non Europeans picking Russia, or places like Canada picking China, is interesting.
    Ah, it's the Russian flag. I was thinking, I know we've had our differences with the Dutch but that seems excessive.

    Why do so many nations have to go for tricolours? At least Ireland uses different colours.
    Gets confused with the Ivory Coast flag though, which can cause problems in parts of Northern Ireland

    "Belfast shop insists it's displaying Ivory Coast flag, NOT Ireland flag"

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    algarkirkalgarkirk Posts: 11,588
    kle4 said:

    BTW, ydoethur was right, it was not easy to make it through The Satanic Verses.


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    dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 28,967
    ydoethur said:

    dixiedean said:

    My youngest got A* A and A in A-levels today. Off to do Philosophy at UCL.

    Yeay (again).
    Have I mentioned that before?
    Sorry if so. Not feeling 100% today.
  • Options
    kle4kle4 Posts: 94,488
    ydoethur said:

    kle4 said:

    MattW said:
    Israel most hated in Venezuela? Mexico and Russia also looks interesting (also Ethiopia/Kenya/Tanzania)- most of the answers seem to to be Russia with Europe (for obvious reasons right now), the USA (from actual rival and wannabe rival), Israel (for also obvious if sad reasons), and a few ones to do with close neighbours (Pakistan with India, Namibia and South Africa), so the non Europeans picking Russia, or places like Canada picking China, is interesting.
    Ah, it's the Russian flag. I was thinking, I know we've had our differences with the Dutch but that seems excessive.

    Why do so many nations have to go for tricolours? At least Ireland uses different colours.
    Straightforward, easy to replicate, and to assign simple meaning to each column.

    Two bar is also problematic

    I'm a fan of ones with Nordic crosses - just as simple as many other cross flags, but immediately identifiable with a specific region.
  • Options
    TazTaz Posts: 12,594
    MattW said:

    Taz said:

    kle4 said:

    It seems the BBC’s new University Challenge host does not have the approval of the alphabet people:

    Rajan isn’t who I’d been told. This is worse. A man who has applauded the “bravery” of TERFs is taking over a show with one of the biggest queer/trans representations on TV. It sends a clear signal and undoes so much work done to make all students feel welcome and safe.

    It's just crazy to think that students could be welcome and safe on a tv quiz show regardless of the views of the host.
    Begs the question if they are on the show with Rajan, who seems a warm, amiable and genial chap, why would they not feel welcome and safe ?
    I've asked them that, which may get me dogpiled.

    How does one ask questions in an abusive, uniquely TERF-like manner, the world wonders?

    (Update: I seem to be blocked.)
    Well that’s a surprise !!

    That whole thread is a rather depressing read.
  • Options
    rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 55,358
    CatMan said:

    MattW said:
    If accurate it's amazing how many countries choose Israel.
    It's a bit weird. I get why the Middle East hate them, but Argentina? Surely they should hate us, or America. The Non-Muslim African countries hating Israel is a bit odd too.
    The Argentina figures are a pretty clear indication that the map is a work of fiction.
  • Options
    ydoethur said:

    kle4 said:

    MattW said:
    Israel most hated in Venezuela? Mexico and Russia also looks interesting (also Ethiopia/Kenya/Tanzania)- most of the answers seem to to be Russia with Europe (for obvious reasons right now), the USA (from actual rival and wannabe rival), Israel (for also obvious if sad reasons), and a few ones to do with close neighbours (Pakistan with India, Namibia and South Africa), so the non Europeans picking Russia, or places like Canada picking China, is interesting.
    Ah, it's the Russian flag. I was thinking, I know we've had our differences with the Dutch but that seems excessive.

    Why do so many nations have to go for tricolours? At least Ireland uses different colours.
    Ivory Coast called. They want their flag back, and say stop flying the bloody thing upside down.
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    Stark_DawningStark_Dawning Posts: 9,480
    rcs1000 said:

    I think the map is a work of fiction.

    According to the source, the data is from "Alliance of Dem", which Google tells me is "Alliance of Democracies".

    And while there is a lot of interesting stuff on the Alliance of Democracies website (, I'm not seeing anything like the data used in the map.

    Would Israel really be the most hated country in Argentina?
  • Options
    kle4kle4 Posts: 94,488
    CatMan said:

    ydoethur said:

    kle4 said:

    MattW said:
    Israel most hated in Venezuela? Mexico and Russia also looks interesting (also Ethiopia/Kenya/Tanzania)- most of the answers seem to to be Russia with Europe (for obvious reasons right now), the USA (from actual rival and wannabe rival), Israel (for also obvious if sad reasons), and a few ones to do with close neighbours (Pakistan with India, Namibia and South Africa), so the non Europeans picking Russia, or places like Canada picking China, is interesting.
    Ah, it's the Russian flag. I was thinking, I know we've had our differences with the Dutch but that seems excessive.

    Why do so many nations have to go for tricolours? At least Ireland uses different colours.
    Gets confused with the Irish flag though, which can cause problems in parts of Northern Ireland

    Tut tut - Cote d'Ivoire please random shop window.
  • Options
    MattWMattW Posts: 20,542
    Taz said:

    MattW said:

    Taz said:

    kle4 said:

    It seems the BBC’s new University Challenge host does not have the approval of the alphabet people:

    Rajan isn’t who I’d been told. This is worse. A man who has applauded the “bravery” of TERFs is taking over a show with one of the biggest queer/trans representations on TV. It sends a clear signal and undoes so much work done to make all students feel welcome and safe.

    It's just crazy to think that students could be welcome and safe on a tv quiz show regardless of the views of the host.
    Begs the question if they are on the show with Rajan, who seems a warm, amiable and genial chap, why would they not feel welcome and safe ?
    I've asked them that, which may get me dogpiled.

    How does one ask questions in an abusive, uniquely TERF-like manner, the world wonders?

    (Update: I seem to be blocked.)
    Well that’s a surprise !!

    That whole thread is a rather depressing read.
    Is it? I wouldn't know now.
  • Options
    dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 28,967
    rcs1000 said:

    I think the map is a work of fiction.

    According to the source, the data is from "Alliance of Dem", which Google tells me is "Alliance of Democracies".

    And while there is a lot of interesting stuff on the Alliance of Democracies website (, I'm not seeing anything like the data used in the map.

    Might be this. But this only surveys 53 countries.
  • Options
    kle4kle4 Posts: 94,488
    rcs1000 said:

    CatMan said:

    MattW said:
    If accurate it's amazing how many countries choose Israel.
    It's a bit weird. I get why the Middle East hate them, but Argentina? Surely they should hate us, or America. The Non-Muslim African countries hating Israel is a bit odd too.
    The Argentina figures are a pretty clear indication that the map is a work of fiction.
    Anything is possible, but that one and a few others do make it hard to accept even if most of it is plausible.
  • Options
    dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 28,967
    rcs1000 said:

    dixiedean said:

    My youngest got A* A and A in A-levels today. Off to do Philosophy at UCL.

    You do know that Sean Thomas studied Philosophy at UCL, right?
    I did try to warn him.
    But kids, eh?
  • Options
    rcs1000 said:

    CatMan said:

    MattW said:
    If accurate it's amazing how many countries choose Israel.
    It's a bit weird. I get why the Middle East hate them, but Argentina? Surely they should hate us, or America. The Non-Muslim African countries hating Israel is a bit odd too.
    The Argentina figures are a pretty clear indication that the map is a work of fiction.
    Nah, everyone hates Argentina because they cheated against England in the 1986 world cup and then won the damn thing.

    Also their war of aggression against the Malvinas sees them hated.
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120
    dixiedean said:

    ydoethur said:

    dixiedean said:

    My youngest got A* A and A in A-levels today. Off to do Philosophy at UCL.

    Yeay (again).
    Have I mentioned that before?
    Sorry if so. Not feeling 100% today.
    Sorry, that wasn't a dig at you. I've just been able to say it a few times today due to good results among the PB extended family.

    Don't get me wrong, it's nice to be able to!
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    dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 28,967
    I find it difficult to credit PRC is the most hated country in Canada.
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    rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 55,358
    edited August 2022
    dixiedean said:

    rcs1000 said:

    I think the map is a work of fiction.

    According to the source, the data is from "Alliance of Dem", which Google tells me is "Alliance of Democracies".

    And while there is a lot of interesting stuff on the Alliance of Democracies website (, I'm not seeing anything like the data used in the map.

    Might be this. But this only surveys 53 countries.
    The data table is here:

    And the question is not "which country do you hate most?" but "What is your overall perception of country [x]?" And there are only a very limited number of countries listed, and the UK is not one of them. And nor, for that matter, is Israel.

    Edit to add: so, it's not quite a total invention. But it's damned close.
  • Options
    MattWMattW Posts: 20,542

    rcs1000 said:

    I think the map is a work of fiction.

    According to the source, the data is from "Alliance of Dem", which Google tells me is "Alliance of Democracies".

    And while there is a lot of interesting stuff on the Alliance of Democracies website (, I'm not seeing anything like the data used in the map.

    Would Israel really be the most hated country in Argentina?
    Yes - I noted that afterwards.

    Argentina and Israel do have potential tensions historically.

    5000 Nazis settled there. Israel did direct missions to kidnap / kill a couple of those. Then one of the biggest terrorist attacks in Argentine history was the destruction of the Israeli Embassy in 1992 - approx 30 killed, 240 wounded.
  • Options
    dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 28,967
    ydoethur said:

    dixiedean said:

    ydoethur said:

    dixiedean said:

    My youngest got A* A and A in A-levels today. Off to do Philosophy at UCL.

    Yeay (again).
    Have I mentioned that before?
    Sorry if so. Not feeling 100% today.
    Sorry, that wasn't a dig at you. I've just been able to say it a few times today due to good results among the PB extended family.

    Don't get me wrong, it's nice to be able to!
    Ah OK. Haven't been around much, as I've not been feeling tip top, as mentioned. Fuzzy head all day.
  • Options
    rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 55,358
    kle4 said:

    rcs1000 said:

    CatMan said:

    MattW said:
    If accurate it's amazing how many countries choose Israel.
    It's a bit weird. I get why the Middle East hate them, but Argentina? Surely they should hate us, or America. The Non-Muslim African countries hating Israel is a bit odd too.
    The Argentina figures are a pretty clear indication that the map is a work of fiction.
    Anything is possible, but that one and a few others do make it hard to accept even if most of it is plausible.
    Yeah, but anyone on here could make a map like that and get 75% of countries right.
  • Options
    IshmaelZIshmaelZ Posts: 21,830

    rcs1000 said:

    I think the map is a work of fiction.

    According to the source, the data is from "Alliance of Dem", which Google tells me is "Alliance of Democracies".

    And while there is a lot of interesting stuff on the Alliance of Democracies website (, I'm not seeing anything like the data used in the map.

    Would Israel really be the most hated country in Argentina?
    Seems to be a futbol thing. Maradona was actively anti zionist. Friendlies between arg and Israel were cancelled in 2018 and this year.
  • Options
    rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 55,358
    IshmaelZ said:

    rcs1000 said:

    I think the map is a work of fiction.

    According to the source, the data is from "Alliance of Dem", which Google tells me is "Alliance of Democracies".

    And while there is a lot of interesting stuff on the Alliance of Democracies website (, I'm not seeing anything like the data used in the map.

    Would Israel really be the most hated country in Argentina?
    Seems to be a futbol thing. Maradona was actively anti zionist. Friendlies between arg and Israel were cancelled in 2018 and this year.
    It's a made-up map. There's no need to look for explanations.
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120
    rcs1000 said:

    kle4 said:

    rcs1000 said:

    CatMan said:

    MattW said:
    If accurate it's amazing how many countries choose Israel.
    It's a bit weird. I get why the Middle East hate them, but Argentina? Surely they should hate us, or America. The Non-Muslim African countries hating Israel is a bit odd too.
    The Argentina figures are a pretty clear indication that the map is a work of fiction.
    Anything is possible, but that one and a few others do make it hard to accept even if most of it is plausible.
    Yeah, but anyone on here could make a map like that and get 75% of countries right.
    If it was @TSE there would be a surprising over representation of France.
  • Options
    CiceroCicero Posts: 2,882
    On thread. It's what Putin waits for. He just called up troops in Smalensk oblast... He thinks the West is distracted... Wait.
  • Options
    kle4kle4 Posts: 94,488
    rcs1000 said:

    kle4 said:

    rcs1000 said:

    CatMan said:

    MattW said:
    If accurate it's amazing how many countries choose Israel.
    It's a bit weird. I get why the Middle East hate them, but Argentina? Surely they should hate us, or America. The Non-Muslim African countries hating Israel is a bit odd too.
    The Argentina figures are a pretty clear indication that the map is a work of fiction.
    Anything is possible, but that one and a few others do make it hard to accept even if most of it is plausible.
    Yeah, but anyone on here could make a map like that and get 75% of countries right.
    Which is depressing in its own way, since very few of us will know anything about a lot less than 75% of countries. It shouldn't be so obvious.
  • Options
    ydoethur said:

    rcs1000 said:

    kle4 said:

    rcs1000 said:

    CatMan said:

    MattW said:
    If accurate it's amazing how many countries choose Israel.
    It's a bit weird. I get why the Middle East hate them, but Argentina? Surely they should hate us, or America. The Non-Muslim African countries hating Israel is a bit odd too.
    The Argentina figures are a pretty clear indication that the map is a work of fiction.
    Anything is possible, but that one and a few others do make it hard to accept even if most of it is plausible.
    Yeah, but anyone on here could make a map like that and get 75% of countries right.
    If it was @TSE there would be a surprising over representation of France.
    Would it really be surprising ?
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120

    ydoethur said:

    rcs1000 said:

    kle4 said:

    rcs1000 said:

    CatMan said:

    MattW said:
    If accurate it's amazing how many countries choose Israel.
    It's a bit weird. I get why the Middle East hate them, but Argentina? Surely they should hate us, or America. The Non-Muslim African countries hating Israel is a bit odd too.
    The Argentina figures are a pretty clear indication that the map is a work of fiction.
    Anything is possible, but that one and a few others do make it hard to accept even if most of it is plausible.
    Yeah, but anyone on here could make a map like that and get 75% of countries right.
    If it was @TSE there would be a surprising over representation of France.
    Would it really be surprising ?
    Well, depends on whether France itself hated the French more than any other nation.
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120

    ydoethur said:

    dixiedean said:

    My youngest got A* A and A in A-levels today. Off to do Philosophy at UCL.

    Yeay (again).
    And just for completeness: Three A*s for my lad and off to Oxford to do Economics and Management. It'll be weird to see him go.
    Yeay (again again) :smile:
  • Options
    MattWMattW Posts: 20,542
    edited August 2022
    Having miserably failed with one infographic, here's another one about gas boilers and saving money. Actually, really good (if off-topic) advice.

    TLDR: If your gas boiler is a condensing boiler (almost all installed in UK since 2005), then your flow temperature should be around 55-60C max, otherwise it runs less efficiently and uses 10% more gas. Because above 55C it does not condense, and runs like an old one. The lower the temp, the better.

  • Options
    SandyRentoolSandyRentool Posts: 21,652
    rcs1000 said:

    dixiedean said:

    My youngest got A* A and A in A-levels today. Off to do Philosophy at UCL.

    You do know that Sean Thomas studied Philosophy at UCL, right?
    Several other PBers were in the same cohort too.
  • Options
    DynamoDynamo Posts: 651
    ydoethur said:

    kle4 said:

    MattW said:
    Israel most hated in Venezuela? Mexico and Russia also looks interesting (also Ethiopia/Kenya/Tanzania)- most of the answers seem to to be Russia with Europe (for obvious reasons right now), the USA (from actual rival and wannabe rival), Israel (for also obvious if sad reasons), and a few ones to do with close neighbours (Pakistan with India, Namibia and South Africa), so the non Europeans picking Russia, or places like Canada picking China, is interesting.
    Ah, it's the Russian flag. I was thinking, I know we've had our differences with the Dutch but that seems excessive.
    Over England and Wales it's the Russian flag. The white over Scotland is from another country's. St George is a shared link, though.

    Whoever believes the nation that Scots most hate is Russia hasn't been to Scotland.

  • Options
    LostPasswordLostPassword Posts: 16,883
    ydoethur said:

    kle4 said:

    MattW said:
    Israel most hated in Venezuela? Mexico and Russia also looks interesting (also Ethiopia/Kenya/Tanzania)- most of the answers seem to to be Russia with Europe (for obvious reasons right now), the USA (from actual rival and wannabe rival), Israel (for also obvious if sad reasons), and a few ones to do with close neighbours (Pakistan with India, Namibia and South Africa), so the non Europeans picking Russia, or places like Canada picking China, is interesting.
    Ah, it's the Russian flag. I was thinking, I know we've had our differences with the Dutch but that seems excessive.

    Why do so many nations have to go for tricolours? At least Ireland uses different colours.
    My first act as UN Secretary General would be to ask all nations with a tricolour as a flag - except the French - to submit a more interesting design within 90 days.
  • Options
    rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 55,358

    rcs1000 said:

    dixiedean said:

    My youngest got A* A and A in A-levels today. Off to do Philosophy at UCL.

    You do know that Sean Thomas studied Philosophy at UCL, right?
    Several other PBers were in the same cohort too.
    Yes, I understand @eadric was there at the same time :lol:

    (I too studied philosophy. And UCL was my second choice of university.)
  • Options
    williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 49,797
    Dynamo said:

    ydoethur said:

    kle4 said:

    MattW said:
    Israel most hated in Venezuela? Mexico and Russia also looks interesting (also Ethiopia/Kenya/Tanzania)- most of the answers seem to to be Russia with Europe (for obvious reasons right now), the USA (from actual rival and wannabe rival), Israel (for also obvious if sad reasons), and a few ones to do with close neighbours (Pakistan with India, Namibia and South Africa), so the non Europeans picking Russia, or places like Canada picking China, is interesting.
    Ah, it's the Russian flag. I was thinking, I know we've had our differences with the Dutch but that seems excessive.
    Over England and Wales it's the Russian flag. The white over Scotland is from another country's. St George is a shared link, though.

    Whoever believes the nation that Scots most hate is Russia hasn't been to Scotland.
    The Tories don't have a flag though.
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120

    Dynamo said:

    ydoethur said:

    kle4 said:

    MattW said:
    Israel most hated in Venezuela? Mexico and Russia also looks interesting (also Ethiopia/Kenya/Tanzania)- most of the answers seem to to be Russia with Europe (for obvious reasons right now), the USA (from actual rival and wannabe rival), Israel (for also obvious if sad reasons), and a few ones to do with close neighbours (Pakistan with India, Namibia and South Africa), so the non Europeans picking Russia, or places like Canada picking China, is interesting.
    Ah, it's the Russian flag. I was thinking, I know we've had our differences with the Dutch but that seems excessive.
    Over England and Wales it's the Russian flag. The white over Scotland is from another country's. St George is a shared link, though.

    Whoever believes the nation that Scots most hate is Russia hasn't been to Scotland.
    The Tories don't have a flag though.
    Nor are they a nation.
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120
    rcs1000 said:
    Is he going full Trump and giving them guns too?
  • Options
    SandyRentoolSandyRentool Posts: 21,652
    ydoethur said:

    Dynamo said:

    ydoethur said:

    kle4 said:

    MattW said:
    Israel most hated in Venezuela? Mexico and Russia also looks interesting (also Ethiopia/Kenya/Tanzania)- most of the answers seem to to be Russia with Europe (for obvious reasons right now), the USA (from actual rival and wannabe rival), Israel (for also obvious if sad reasons), and a few ones to do with close neighbours (Pakistan with India, Namibia and South Africa), so the non Europeans picking Russia, or places like Canada picking China, is interesting.
    Ah, it's the Russian flag. I was thinking, I know we've had our differences with the Dutch but that seems excessive.
    Over England and Wales it's the Russian flag. The white over Scotland is from another country's. St George is a shared link, though.

    Whoever believes the nation that Scots most hate is Russia hasn't been to Scotland.
    The Tories don't have a flag though.
    Nor are they a nation.
    And certainly not One Nation.
  • Options
    ydoethur said:

    rcs1000 said:
    Is he going full Trump and giving them guns too?
    Only if they keep the ones from their previous careers. Cuts government spending that way.
  • Options

    ydoethur said:

    dixiedean said:

    My youngest got A* A and A in A-levels today. Off to do Philosophy at UCL.

    Yeay (again).
    And just for completeness: Three A*s for my lad and off to Oxford to do Economics and Management. It'll be weird to see him go.
    Brilliant. Many congratulations.
  • Options
    TheuniondivvieTheuniondivvie Posts: 41,045

    Dynamo said:

    ydoethur said:

    kle4 said:

    MattW said:
    Israel most hated in Venezuela? Mexico and Russia also looks interesting (also Ethiopia/Kenya/Tanzania)- most of the answers seem to to be Russia with Europe (for obvious reasons right now), the USA (from actual rival and wannabe rival), Israel (for also obvious if sad reasons), and a few ones to do with close neighbours (Pakistan with India, Namibia and South Africa), so the non Europeans picking Russia, or places like Canada picking China, is interesting.
    Ah, it's the Russian flag. I was thinking, I know we've had our differences with the Dutch but that seems excessive.
    Over England and Wales it's the Russian flag. The white over Scotland is from another country's. St George is a shared link, though.

    Whoever believes the nation that Scots most hate is Russia hasn't been to Scotland.
    The Tories don't have a flag though.
    You say that..

    'Show your support for the Conservatives by flying or displaying this flag'

  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 51,225
    Time to panic again?

    No idea if this account is legit/well informed/whatever

    He does have 115,000 followers

    "Russian military vehicles *inside* the #Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant. Sources of investigative reporters at the Insider previously stated the vehicles were filled with explosives as they were taken inside the buildings."
  • Options
    OmniumOmnium Posts: 10,202
    rcs1000 said:

    rcs1000 said:

    dixiedean said:

    My youngest got A* A and A in A-levels today. Off to do Philosophy at UCL.

    You do know that Sean Thomas studied Philosophy at UCL, right?
    Several other PBers were in the same cohort too.
    Yes, I understand @eadric was there at the same time :lol:

    (I too studied philosophy. And UCL was my second choice of university.)
    I can imagine a view whereby philosophy has to be the great subject to study. It's not though it seems in the real world. Would you reconsider now?

    (My view of Philosophy being that they've long said 'this is odd', and I'm very happy for them to continue puzzling)

  • Options
    TimSTimS Posts: 11,429
    False map or no, “Which country do you hate” is a bit of a boring question.

    “Which country are the biggest twats” would be much more interesting. We’d see more British and French flags from that one.
  • Options
    AlistairAlistair Posts: 23,670
    rcs1000 said:
    There is an absolute humdinger of a fake twitter thread based on this policy floating around. I was initially taken in by it before I applied the necessary level of scepticism.

    Shows even the most incredibly savvy and sophisticated internet user such as my self is vulnerable to propaganda crafted to hit preconceived biases.
  • Options
    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 30,287
    What's happened to Sunak's price today?

    Now 21/22.
  • Options
    TazTaz Posts: 12,594
    Leon said:

    Time to panic again?

    No idea if this account is legit/well informed/whatever

    He does have 115,000 followers

    "Russian military vehicles *inside* the #Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant. Sources of investigative reporters at the Insider previously stated the vehicles were filled with explosives as they were taken inside the buildings."
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 51,225
    This is absolutely fucking mesmerising

    Dalle-2 has imagined and animated the entire history of the universe
  • Options
    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 30,287
    Alistair said:

    rcs1000 said:
    There is an absolute humdinger of a fake twitter thread based on this policy floating around. I was initially taken in by it before I applied the necessary level of scepticism.

    Shows even the most incredibly savvy and sophisticated internet user such as my self is vulnerable to propaganda crafted to hit preconceived biases.
    What did the fake tweet say? [I did a quick search but couldn't find anything about it].
  • Options
    IshmaelZIshmaelZ Posts: 21,830
    Leon said:

    This is absolutely fucking mesmerising

    Dalle-2 has imagined and animated the entire history of the universe


    I don't see how getting the whole timeline pretty much right can be put down to pattern matching

    Some obvious bloopers, it thinks pyramids were built ready-vandalised
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,739
    CatMan said:
    Hmm. Mr Johnson leading that one too. "If Mr Johnson was still in the contest alongside Mr Sunak and Ms Truss, 46% would vote for Mr Johnson, 24% for Ms Truss and 23% for Mr Sunak".
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,942
    Andy_JS said:

    What's happened to Sunak's price today?

    Now 21/22.

    Someone's been counting... and then betting?
  • Options
    rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 55,358
    Andy_JS said:

    Alistair said:

    rcs1000 said:
    There is an absolute humdinger of a fake twitter thread based on this policy floating around. I was initially taken in by it before I applied the necessary level of scepticism.

    Shows even the most incredibly savvy and sophisticated internet user such as my self is vulnerable to propaganda crafted to hit preconceived biases.
    What did the fake tweet say? [I did a quick search but couldn't find anything about it].
    Can I echo @AndyJS in asking for this please.
  • Options
    rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 55,358
    edited August 2022
    IshmaelZ said:

    Leon said:

    This is absolutely fucking mesmerising

    Dalle-2 has imagined and animated the entire history of the universe


    I don't see how getting the whole timeline pretty much right can be put down to pattern matching

    Some obvious bloopers, it thinks pyramids were built ready-vandalised
    What we don't know is the level of prompting and curation required to get the animation.

    Edit to add:
    This is an excellent article about the use of AI writing tools by authors to allow them to churn out books more quickly:
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 51,225
    IshmaelZ said:

    Leon said:

    This is absolutely fucking mesmerising

    Dalle-2 has imagined and animated the entire history of the universe


    I don't see how getting the whole timeline pretty much right can be put down to pattern matching

    Some obvious bloopers, it thinks pyramids were built ready-vandalised
    It's obviously HIGHLY curated. Someone has asked Dalle-2 for image after image, and spent days choosing the right ones, and knitted them all together. Nonetheless, hypnotising. I love the sudden emergence of Life from a sea which was a lava field, and the way robots and AI morph from the futurist city

    And weird humanoids briefly appear next to the excellent dinosaurs! Weird. Check it out
  • Options
    FlatlanderFlatlander Posts: 4,234
    edited August 2022
    Leon said:

    This is absolutely fucking mesmerising

    Dalle-2 has imagined and animated the entire history of the universe

    That is pretty good. You don't get long enough to see all the flaws, except for the quality bit of trolling when it puts a human in with the dinosaurs...

    Of course, the timescale is wrong. The human bit should only be the last frame - if any.
  • Options
    SandyRentoolSandyRentool Posts: 21,652
    Carnyx said:

    CatMan said:
    Hmm. Mr Johnson leading that one too. "If Mr Johnson was still in the contest alongside Mr Sunak and Ms Truss, 46% would vote for Mr Johnson, 24% for Ms Truss and 23% for Mr Sunak".
    46% Bozo. 47% replace Bozo.
  • Options
    MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 26,771
    edited August 2022
    Leon said:

    Time to panic again?

    No idea if this account is legit/well informed/whatever

    He does have 115,000 followers

    "Russian military vehicles *inside* the #Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant. Sources of investigative reporters at the Insider previously stated the vehicles were filled with explosives as they were taken inside the buildings."

    Isn't some Russian nuclear naughtiness likely to **** up Belarus and vast swathes of Russia too?
  • Options
    TimSTimS Posts: 11,429
    edited August 2022
    I have been playing around with Dall:E this month. It’s variable - some remarkably good results, some a bit meh.

    Here’s three good examples:

    The last one (unlabelled) was “Liz Truss as princess Celestia from My Little Pony”.
  • Options
    Luckyguy1983Luckyguy1983 Posts: 26,742


    Leon said:

    Time to panic again?

    No idea if this account is legit/well informed/whatever

    He does have 115,000 followers

    "Russian military vehicles *inside* the #Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant. Sources of investigative reporters at the Insider previously stated the vehicles were filled with explosives as they were taken inside the buildings."

    Isn't some Russian nuclear naughtiness likely to **** up Belarus and vast swathes of Russia too?
    What Nick Palmer indicates is the likely truth I think. Russia is cynically using the plant to sheild its artillery. Ukraine is probably going to attack it anyway. The explanation covers all the bases.
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,739

    Carnyx said:

    CatMan said:
    Hmm. Mr Johnson leading that one too. "If Mr Johnson was still in the contest alongside Mr Sunak and Ms Truss, 46% would vote for Mr Johnson, 24% for Ms Truss and 23% for Mr Sunak".
    46% Bozo. 47% replace Bozo.
    Yep, but split ...
  • Options
    ydoethur said:

    Dynamo said:

    ydoethur said:

    kle4 said:

    MattW said:
    Israel most hated in Venezuela? Mexico and Russia also looks interesting (also Ethiopia/Kenya/Tanzania)- most of the answers seem to to be Russia with Europe (for obvious reasons right now), the USA (from actual rival and wannabe rival), Israel (for also obvious if sad reasons), and a few ones to do with close neighbours (Pakistan with India, Namibia and South Africa), so the non Europeans picking Russia, or places like Canada picking China, is interesting.
    Ah, it's the Russian flag. I was thinking, I know we've had our differences with the Dutch but that seems excessive.
    Over England and Wales it's the Russian flag. The white over Scotland is from another country's. St George is a shared link, though.

    Whoever believes the nation that Scots most hate is Russia hasn't been to Scotland.
    The Tories don't have a flag though.
    Nor are they a nation.
    You never heard of One Nation Tories?
  • Options
    rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 55,358
    Sort of on-topic... A- Rated pollster Public Opinion Strategies has a new Pennsylvania Senate poll out, and it gives Fetterman a staggering 17 point lead:
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,739
    edited August 2022

    ydoethur said:

    Dynamo said:

    ydoethur said:

    kle4 said:

    MattW said:
    Israel most hated in Venezuela? Mexico and Russia also looks interesting (also Ethiopia/Kenya/Tanzania)- most of the answers seem to to be Russia with Europe (for obvious reasons right now), the USA (from actual rival and wannabe rival), Israel (for also obvious if sad reasons), and a few ones to do with close neighbours (Pakistan with India, Namibia and South Africa), so the non Europeans picking Russia, or places like Canada picking China, is interesting.
    Ah, it's the Russian flag. I was thinking, I know we've had our differences with the Dutch but that seems excessive.
    Over England and Wales it's the Russian flag. The white over Scotland is from another country's. St George is a shared link, though.

    Whoever believes the nation that Scots most hate is Russia hasn't been to Scotland.
    The Tories don't have a flag though.
    Nor are they a nation.
    You never heard of One Nation Tories?
    Erm, so passe. Not the current lot of cosplay conservatives.
  • Options
    FrankBoothFrankBooth Posts: 9,369
    Would it be possible to convey a message to Putin that a nuclear disaster at Enerhodar means he would be a dead man walking?
  • Options
    Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 30,287
    dixiedean said:

    My youngest got A* A and A in A-levels today. Off to do Philosophy at UCL.

    Congratulations. Fantastic achievement.
This discussion has been closed.