Public universities in Florida will be required to survey both faculty and students on their political beliefs and viewpoints, with the institutions at risk of losing their funding if the responses are not satisfactory to the state's Republican-led legislature.
The unprecedented project, which was tucked into a law signed Tuesday by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, is part of a long-running, nationwide right-wing push to promote "intellectual diversity" on campuses — though worries over a lack of details on the survey's privacy protections, and questions over what the results may ultimately be used for, hover over the venture.
Based on the bill's language, survey responses will not necessarily be anonymous — sparking worries among many professors and other university staff that they may be targeted, held back in their careers or even fired for their beliefs.
According to the bill's sponsor, state Sen. Ray Rodrigues, faculty will not be promoted or fired based on their responses, but, as The Tampa Bay Times reported Tuesday, the bill itself does not back up those claims.
No. Completely justified. The horrendous onethink on American campuses has to be challenged. They are 99% Democrat and 98% Woke, yet the rest of America really is not, and this gulf is bad for any country
I've got little confidence the situation will improve because of 'government surveys'. Too blunt. A softer approach, linking state funding with commitments to viewpoint diversity and freedom of speech would probably be more effective.
But it is, at least, a start
Extirpating Extreme Wokeness from Academe is an urgent need. That’s where CRT came from: the universities
If only you knew as much about US universities and CRT as you do about AI.
I think you're so embedded into ground zero of liberal California you fail to recognise CRT for the cancer it is.
CRT is a bogeyman invented by the Right to dogwhistle racism. The people pushing CRT fears are the people who claim Trump won the election and that COVID vaccines are dangerous.
CRT is a real thing invented by the Left to practice actual racism.
CRT contains much that is wrong, a fair amount which is unobjectionable, and a few things which are probably right but which are very uncomfortable.
The parts that look at the fact that we are all - at times - racist without realising it come into the last category.
Unconscious bias is something that all of us claim not to have. But I'm afraid there's a lot research that suggests it is very real. One study that took me aback involved sending fake job applications from students graduating law schools, with all information identical except the colour of the skin of the applicant in the photo. The white candidates were offered interviews at a rate much higher than the African American ones.
There is also plenty of evidence that white professors are more likely to call upon other white students over black ones to answer questions in lectures. And are more likely to accept excuses about "circumstances" to account for bad grades.
For what it's worth, I am sure that the same thing works the other way around too. That black professors see kindred spirits in black students and call on them more often.
But then we do also need to take a step back.
Unconscious bias is not just about race. In the UK, there have been studies where people are asked to judge the intelligence of a speaker. Race was not the most important factor - accent was. Even if the actual words were the same, the person with the Liverpudlian accent was considered less intelligent than the one with the soft Edinburgh burr.
And the level of unconscious bias we now see is far, far less than the explicit and conscious bias we've had in the past. In most of the developed world the equality of opportunity for a person of colour has never been greater. Socioeconomic inequality is - realistically - a bigger issue that unconscious bias or racism.
I believe unconscious biases are a thing. I do think it gets overblown and the level of focus some put on it, and extreme solutions devised, to be histrionic and counter productive though.
Some of those mental pathways are just useful sifting mechanisms. Not the black applicant CVs, but perhaps some of the other things. For example, in the Edinburgh vs. Liverpool accent study - was the diction and annunciation of the Edinburgh speaker better than the Liverpool speaker? Were their pauses better timed and did they convey the meaning of the words they used more clearly than the other speaker? If so, they would have seemed more intelligent. It would be very difficult to remove all those types of factors.
White Professors calling on white students - perhaps they called more upon those whose body language suggested they wanted to answer, or even more basically those who had their hands up. If they'd called on black students who weren't necessarily keen to engage, would that have been a form of bullying?
Is the Daily Star front page really that well judged?
It surely references the movie “bedtime for Bonzo”. A movie - starring one Ron Reagan - which was released in… 1951
Only people over 80 will understand it. Yes that includes most PBers but still. Obscure or what
People don't need to get a reference to get the point.
But it’s only clever if you get the reference. Otherwise it’s just “curtains for bozo” which has no wit at all on its own, as a headline
The Sun does the same. Makes ancient cultural references which must be lost on anyone under 60. Their sub editors must be in their 90s. It’s another sign of the decline of newspapers
Tim Shipman @ShippersUnbound · 20m A lot of my contacts telling me Zahawi has messed up by grabbing the Treasury crown at a difficult time. I disagree. Massive hike in name recognition and the chance to win backbench favour with a tax cut. Being chancellor for 5 mins didn't do John Major any harm
That's what I was saying. He's moved from the fourth row to pole position just before the green light. And shown he's crafty and ruthless.
Public universities in Florida will be required to survey both faculty and students on their political beliefs and viewpoints, with the institutions at risk of losing their funding if the responses are not satisfactory to the state's Republican-led legislature.
The unprecedented project, which was tucked into a law signed Tuesday by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, is part of a long-running, nationwide right-wing push to promote "intellectual diversity" on campuses — though worries over a lack of details on the survey's privacy protections, and questions over what the results may ultimately be used for, hover over the venture.
Based on the bill's language, survey responses will not necessarily be anonymous — sparking worries among many professors and other university staff that they may be targeted, held back in their careers or even fired for their beliefs.
According to the bill's sponsor, state Sen. Ray Rodrigues, faculty will not be promoted or fired based on their responses, but, as The Tampa Bay Times reported Tuesday, the bill itself does not back up those claims.
No. Completely justified. The horrendous onethink on American campuses has to be challenged. They are 99% Democrat and 98% Woke, yet the rest of America really is not, and this gulf is bad for any country
I've got little confidence the situation will improve because of 'government surveys'. Too blunt. A softer approach, linking state funding with commitments to viewpoint diversity and freedom of speech would probably be more effective.
But it is, at least, a start
Extirpating Extreme Wokeness from Academe is an urgent need. That’s where CRT came from: the universities
If only you knew as much about US universities and CRT as you do about AI.
I think you're so embedded into ground zero of liberal California you fail to recognise CRT for the cancer it is.
CRT is a bogeyman invented by the Right to dogwhistle racism. The people pushing CRT fears are the people who claim Trump won the election and that COVID vaccines are dangerous.
CRT is a real thing invented by the Left to practice actual racism.
CRT contains much that is wrong, a fair amount which is unobjectionable, and a few things which are probably right but which are very uncomfortable.
CRT is about control and manipulation. It can also be dangerous and should be handled with care.
But nowadays we tend to use LCD anyway instead of Cathode Ray Tubes.
The number of Britons who want Boris Johnson to resign has reached a new high, at 69%.
The majority of 2019 Conservative voters (54%) also want to see the PM go, the first time this has been higher than the number who want him to stay (33%)
The number of Britons who want Boris Johnson to resign has reached a new high, at 69%.
The majority of 2019 Conservative voters (54%) also want to see the PM go, the first time this has been higher than the number who want him to stay (33%)
69% ? who cares what the public think - the only people that matter are the small rump of the Tory party left. The rest of the public can bugger off.
(Is that how it goes?)
Until the next general election the only people who will decide the PM are Tory MPs and Tory members
You keep repeating this and on one level it's right. But MPs do listen to their constituents.
Even if MPs do decide to remove Johnson and most Tory MPs voted to keep Johnson just a month ago, it would be Tory members who have the final say on who succeeded him as PM, not Tory MPs
They'll pick from the two options the MPs give them, they do not get an open choice
And the Tory right and Johnson loyalists have enough votes to get a candidate in the final 2.
A rare positive take. People may disagree what merit is being looked for here - for both Sunak and Zahawi it was to be a loyal patsy after the previous guy quit - but it is probably true that Boris doesn't give a crap about the ethnicity of those he appoints, which is a good thing.
Not the day’s biggest news, but having the Conservatives appoint a third ethnic minority chancellor in a row - all not just on merit but as the obvious candidate - says very good things about this country.
Public universities in Florida will be required to survey both faculty and students on their political beliefs and viewpoints, with the institutions at risk of losing their funding if the responses are not satisfactory to the state's Republican-led legislature.
The unprecedented project, which was tucked into a law signed Tuesday by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, is part of a long-running, nationwide right-wing push to promote "intellectual diversity" on campuses — though worries over a lack of details on the survey's privacy protections, and questions over what the results may ultimately be used for, hover over the venture.
Based on the bill's language, survey responses will not necessarily be anonymous — sparking worries among many professors and other university staff that they may be targeted, held back in their careers or even fired for their beliefs.
According to the bill's sponsor, state Sen. Ray Rodrigues, faculty will not be promoted or fired based on their responses, but, as The Tampa Bay Times reported Tuesday, the bill itself does not back up those claims.
No. Completely justified. The horrendous onethink on American campuses has to be challenged. They are 99% Democrat and 98% Woke, yet the rest of America really is not, and this gulf is bad for any country
I've got little confidence the situation will improve because of 'government surveys'. Too blunt. A softer approach, linking state funding with commitments to viewpoint diversity and freedom of speech would probably be more effective.
But it is, at least, a start
Extirpating Extreme Wokeness from Academe is an urgent need. That’s where CRT came from: the universities
If only you knew as much about US universities and CRT as you do about AI.
I think you're so embedded into ground zero of liberal California you fail to recognise CRT for the cancer it is.
CRT is a bogeyman invented by the Right to dogwhistle racism. The people pushing CRT fears are the people who claim Trump won the election and that COVID vaccines are dangerous.
CRT is a real thing invented by the Left to practice actual racism.
CRT contains much that is wrong, a fair amount which is unobjectionable, and a few things which are probably right but which are very uncomfortable.
The parts that look at the fact that we are all - at times - racist without realising it come into the last category.
Unconscious bias is something that all of us claim not to have. But I'm afraid there's a lot research that suggests it is very real. One study that took me aback involved sending fake job applications from students graduating law schools, with all information identical except the colour of the skin of the applicant in the photo. The white candidates were offered interviews at a rate much higher than the African American ones.
There is also plenty of evidence that white professors are more likely to call upon other white students over black ones to answer questions in lectures. And are more likely to accept excuses about "circumstances" to account for bad grades.
For what it's worth, I am sure that the same thing works the other way around too. That black professors see kindred spirits in black students and call on them more often.
But then we do also need to take a step back.
Unconscious bias is not just about race. In the UK, there have been studies where people are asked to judge the intelligence of a speaker. Race was not the most important factor - accent was. Even if the actual words were the same, the person with the Liverpudlian accent was considered less intelligent than the one with the soft Edinburgh burr.
And the level of unconscious bias we now see is far, far less than the explicit and conscious bias we've had in the past. In most of the developed world the equality of opportunity for a person of colour has never been greater. Socioeconomic inequality is - realistically - a bigger issue that unconscious bias or racism.
Yes, that's fair - the trouble is CRT is being leveraged by cultural Marxists to pursue a divisive culture war with no boundaries. This includes legitimising anti-white racism as a tool to level the field.
That's the problem with it. It's like all whackjob unifying sociological theories that emanate out of universities or philosophers that seek to "explain" everything throughout history. Except this one can't be criticised because to do so is racist - as idiots like Robin DiAngelo have profited from - so this one is seeping into the real-world and it's dogma is having terrible real-world effects.
It's not the constructive measured conversation that sensible people like you believe it to be.
Is the Daily Star front page really that well judged?
It surely references the movie “bedtime for Bonzo”. A movie - starring one Ron Reagan - which was released in… 1951
Only people over 80 will understand it. Yes that includes most PBers but still. Obscure or what
People don't need to get a reference to get the point.
But it’s only clever if you get the reference. Otherwise it’s just “curtains for bozo” which has no wit at all on its own, as a headline
The Sun does the same. Makes ancient cultural references which must be lost on anyone under 60. Their sub editors must be in their 90s. It’s another sign of the decline of newspapers
The number of Britons who want Boris Johnson to resign has reached a new high, at 69%.
The majority of 2019 Conservative voters (54%) also want to see the PM go, the first time this has been higher than the number who want him to stay (33%)
69% ? who cares what the public think - the only people that matter are the small rump of the Tory party left. The rest of the public can bugger off.
(Is that how it goes?)
Until the next general election the only people who will decide the PM are Tory MPs and Tory members
You keep repeating this and on one level it's right. But MPs do listen to their constituents.
Even if MPs do decide to remove Johnson and most Tory MPs voted to keep Johnson just a month ago, it would be Tory members who have the final say on who succeeded him as PM, not Tory MPs
They'll pick from the two options the MPs give them, they do not get an open choice
And the Tory right and Johnson loyalists have enough votes to get a candidate in the final 2.
It will not be say Sunak v Hunt
Is Johnson loyalists the right term? If those given responsibility with removing a poor leader do indeed remove said leader, and people remain loyal to the defeated leader, are they not simply Tory rebels?
Public universities in Florida will be required to survey both faculty and students on their political beliefs and viewpoints, with the institutions at risk of losing their funding if the responses are not satisfactory to the state's Republican-led legislature.
The unprecedented project, which was tucked into a law signed Tuesday by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, is part of a long-running, nationwide right-wing push to promote "intellectual diversity" on campuses — though worries over a lack of details on the survey's privacy protections, and questions over what the results may ultimately be used for, hover over the venture.
Based on the bill's language, survey responses will not necessarily be anonymous — sparking worries among many professors and other university staff that they may be targeted, held back in their careers or even fired for their beliefs.
According to the bill's sponsor, state Sen. Ray Rodrigues, faculty will not be promoted or fired based on their responses, but, as The Tampa Bay Times reported Tuesday, the bill itself does not back up those claims.
No. Completely justified. The horrendous onethink on American campuses has to be challenged. They are 99% Democrat and 98% Woke, yet the rest of America really is not, and this gulf is bad for any country
I've got little confidence the situation will improve because of 'government surveys'. Too blunt. A softer approach, linking state funding with commitments to viewpoint diversity and freedom of speech would probably be more effective.
But it is, at least, a start
Extirpating Extreme Wokeness from Academe is an urgent need. That’s where CRT came from: the universities
If only you knew as much about US universities and CRT as you do about AI.
I think you're so embedded into ground zero of liberal California you fail to recognise CRT for the cancer it is.
CRT is a bogeyman invented by the Right to dogwhistle racism. The people pushing CRT fears are the people who claim Trump won the election and that COVID vaccines are dangerous.
CRT is a real thing invented by the Left to practice actual racism.
CRT contains much that is wrong, a fair amount which is unobjectionable, and a few things which are probably right but which are very uncomfortable.
The parts that look at the fact that we are all - at times - racist without realising it come into the last category.
Unconscious bias is something that all of us claim not to have. But I'm afraid there's a lot research that suggests it is very real. One study that took me aback involved sending fake job applications from students graduating law schools, with all information identical except the colour of the skin of the applicant in the photo. The white candidates were offered interviews at a rate much higher than the African American ones.
There is also plenty of evidence that white professors are more likely to call upon other white students over black ones to answer questions in lectures. And are more likely to accept excuses about "circumstances" to account for bad grades.
For what it's worth, I am sure that the same thing works the other way around too. That black professors see kindred spirits in black students and call on them more often.
But then we do also need to take a step back.
Unconscious bias is not just about race. In the UK, there have been studies where people are asked to judge the intelligence of a speaker. Race was not the most important factor - accent was. Even if the actual words were the same, the person with the Liverpudlian accent was considered less intelligent than the one with the soft Edinburgh burr.
And the level of unconscious bias we now see is far, far less than the explicit and conscious bias we've had in the past. In most of the developed world the equality of opportunity for a person of colour has never been greater. Socioeconomic inequality is - realistically - a bigger issue that unconscious bias or racism.
I believe unconscious biases are a thing. I do think it gets overblown and the level of focus some put on it, and extreme solutions devised, to be histrionic and counter productive though.
I think that's probably right.
But saying that the people who study them are a "cancer" seems to be an overreaction.
I think you're missing something if you see it as being about studying unconscious biases in order to create a more perfect meritocracy. Often meritocracy is the enemy.
The number of Britons who want Boris Johnson to resign has reached a new high, at 69%.
The majority of 2019 Conservative voters (54%) also want to see the PM go, the first time this has been higher than the number who want him to stay (33%)
They don't matter, they're already voting Tory anyway and don't need to be won back.
What matters most is the plethora people who've stopped backing the Tories, all for their own varied reasons. Every "PB Tory" but you it seems, which really ought to set alarm bells going.
They do matter, Tory members will decide the next Tory leader if Boris goes. There is also little evidence any alternative leader would do much better v Starmer than Boris is.
You are no PB Tory, you voted Labour in 2001 and for Farage, you are a Tory leaning swing voter at most.
And you’re just part of what’s rapidly becoming a minor cult.
The number of Britons who want Boris Johnson to resign has reached a new high, at 69%.
The majority of 2019 Conservative voters (54%) also want to see the PM go, the first time this has been higher than the number who want him to stay (33%)
They don't matter, they're already voting Tory anyway and don't need to be won back.
What matters most is the plethora people who've stopped backing the Tories, all for their own varied reasons. Every "PB Tory" but you it seems, which really ought to set alarm bells going.
They do matter, Tory members will decide the next Tory leader if Boris goes. There is also little evidence any alternative leader would do much better v Starmer than Boris is.
You are no PB Tory, you voted Labour in 2001 and for Farage, you are a Tory leaning swing voter at most.
You really are a moron. Now would be the perfect time not to support a political corpse. The fact that you think that supporting Johnson is the shibboleth for Conservatives is stupid beyond all reason. Personally I hope your party is utterly destroyed, since such destruction seems to be the only thing that would bring you all to your senses. Admittedly you may become supporters of a post Conservative Tory party, but as long as the crime scene off Whitehall is cleaned up, most of us, whether Tory or nor, will feel relief.
31% to 34% are still voting Tory in most polls, even under Johnson and around a third of the public even tonight want him to stay.
Yet 98% of PB now don't back the Tories and want Johnson out and you will scream and shout but Johnson loyalists are still about a a third of the country and cannot be ignored
Is the Daily Star front page really that well judged?
It surely references the movie “bedtime for Bonzo”. A movie - starring one Ron Reagan - which was released in… 1951
Only people over 80 will understand it. Yes that includes most PBers but still. Obscure or what
Well done on spotting the reference, more than I did.
But, that is the quintessence of the Star’s genius nowadays. Obscure, esoteric, a sort of quasi cerebral farce. With transfer rumours, and Jasmine from Kent.
The number of Britons who want Boris Johnson to resign has reached a new high, at 69%.
The majority of 2019 Conservative voters (54%) also want to see the PM go, the first time this has been higher than the number who want him to stay (33%)
69% ? who cares what the public think - the only people that matter are the small rump of the Tory party left. The rest of the public can bugger off.
(Is that how it goes?)
Until the next general election the only people who will decide the PM are Tory MPs and Tory members
You keep repeating this and on one level it's right. But MPs do listen to their constituents.
Even if MPs do decide to remove Johnson and most Tory MPs voted to keep Johnson just a month ago, it would be Tory members who have the final say on who succeeded him as PM, not Tory MPs
They'll pick from the two options the MPs give them, they do not get an open choice
And the Tory right and Johnson loyalists have enough votes to get a candidate in the final 2.
A rare positive take. People may disagree what merit is being looked for here - for both Sunak and Zahawi it was to be a loyal patsy after the previous guy quit - but it is probably true that Boris doesn't give a crap about the ethnicity of those he appoints, which is a good thing.
Not the day’s biggest news, but having the Conservatives appoint a third ethnic minority chancellor in a row - all not just on merit but as the obvious candidate - says very good things about this country.
But Zahawi wasn't obvious at all. Not least because, as I pointed out above, he is a chemical engineer who founded a polling company. He has no noticeable economic knowledge or experience. Less than me in fact.
The number of Britons who want Boris Johnson to resign has reached a new high, at 69%.
The majority of 2019 Conservative voters (54%) also want to see the PM go, the first time this has been higher than the number who want him to stay (33%)
69% ? who cares what the public think - the only people that matter are the small rump of the Tory party left. The rest of the public can bugger off.
(Is that how it goes?)
Until the next general election the only people who will decide the PM are Tory MPs and Tory members
Until the next election, the people Tory MPs are interested in is swing voters that are abandoning the party and what will it take to get us back.
Not you. It doesn't matter a jot what you think, since you'd vote for Adolf Hitler if he was carrying a blue rosette.
Tory MPs don't get the final say on who the next PM is, Tory members do
And most Tory members actually care about the rest of the country and the rest of their community. Not just about themselves. Also most Tory members want to see the Tories succeed by attracting the votes of others.
Telling potential Tory voters that their votes aren't needed or wanted anyway, and they're not "proper" Tories anyway, is thankfully as rare an attitude within rational Tory members as it is within rational Labour members - even if blue Corbynite zealots like you want hardcore loyalty to the One True Faith and that's it.
You don't get to dictate what the Tory party does, if it does not always follow your agenda and you go elsewhere so be it
The number of Britons who want Boris Johnson to resign has reached a new high, at 69%.
The majority of 2019 Conservative voters (54%) also want to see the PM go, the first time this has been higher than the number who want him to stay (33%)
69% ? who cares what the public think - the only people that matter are the small rump of the Tory party left. The rest of the public can bugger off.
(Is that how it goes?)
Until the next general election the only people who will decide the PM are Tory MPs and Tory members
You keep repeating this and on one level it's right. But MPs do listen to their constituents.
Even if MPs do decide to remove Johnson and most Tory MPs voted to keep Johnson just a month ago, it would be Tory members who have the final say on who succeeded him as PM, not Tory MPs
They'll pick from the two options the MPs give them, they do not get an open choice
And the Tory right and Johnson loyalists have enough votes to get a candidate in the final 2.
It will not be say Sunak v Hunt
Not anymore
The problem with HYUFD is that he acts as if the last poll he saw that he liked the results of are set in stone, immutable and can never be changed.
And that precedents of how things happened in the past are bound to be repeated again in the future.
It betrays a shocking lack of imagination. Predictions and intelligent thought is about expecting what will change next and why not acting as if change isn't going to happen and the last poll you liked is locked in permanently.
Is the Daily Star front page really that well judged?
It surely references the movie “bedtime for Bonzo”. A movie - starring one Ron Reagan - which was released in… 1951
Only people over 80 will understand it. Yes that includes most PBers but still. Obscure or what
People don't need to get a reference to get the point.
But it’s only clever if you get the reference. Otherwise it’s just “curtains for bozo” which has no wit at all on its own, as a headline
The Sun does the same. Makes ancient cultural references which must be lost on anyone under 60. Their sub editors must be in their 90s. It’s another sign of the decline of newspapers
Nobody under 60 buys a newspaper.
Not quite true - we get the Times but only because the difference between a paper subscription and digital only isn't enough to justify the saving as Mrs Eek would insist on a getting the paper on a Saturday regardless
The number of Britons who want Boris Johnson to resign has reached a new high, at 69%.
The majority of 2019 Conservative voters (54%) also want to see the PM go, the first time this has been higher than the number who want him to stay (33%)
69% ? who cares what the public think - the only people that matter are the small rump of the Tory party left. The rest of the public can bugger off.
(Is that how it goes?)
Until the next general election the only people who will decide the PM are Tory MPs and Tory members
Until the next election, the people Tory MPs are interested in is swing voters that are abandoning the party and what will it take to get us back.
Not you. It doesn't matter a jot what you think, since you'd vote for Adolf Hitler if he was carrying a blue rosette.
Tory MPs don't get the final say on who the next PM is, Tory members do
And most Tory members actually care about the rest of the country and the rest of their community. Not just about themselves. Also most Tory members want to see the Tories succeed by attracting the votes of others.
Telling potential Tory voters that their votes aren't needed or wanted anyway, and they're not "proper" Tories anyway, is thankfully as rare an attitude within rational Tory members as it is within rational Labour members - even if blue Corbynite zealots like you want hardcore loyalty to the One True Faith and that's it.
You don't get to dictate what the Tory party does, if it does not always follow your agenda and you go elsewhere so be it
Is the Daily Star front page really that well judged?
It surely references the movie “bedtime for Bonzo”. A movie - starring one Ron Reagan - which was released in… 1951
Only people over 80 will understand it. Yes that includes most PBers but still. Obscure or what
People don't need to get a reference to get the point.
But it’s only clever if you get the reference. Otherwise it’s just “curtains for bozo” which has no wit at all on its own, as a headline
The Sun does the same. Makes ancient cultural references which must be lost on anyone under 60. Their sub editors must be in their 90s. It’s another sign of the decline of newspapers
Surely it's just doing the 'Bozo the Clown' thing, which does have some currency. Then they've got the vaudeville curtains and the hook. Not great, but images that are still in the public consciousness.
A rare positive take. People may disagree what merit is being looked for here - for both Sunak and Zahawi it was to be a loyal patsy after the previous guy quit - but it is probably true that Boris doesn't give a crap about the ethnicity of those he appoints, which is a good thing.
Not the day’s biggest news, but having the Conservatives appoint a third ethnic minority chancellor in a row - all not just on merit but as the obvious candidate - says very good things about this country.
But Zahawi wasn't obvious at all. Not least because, as I pointed out above, he is a chemical engineer who founded a polling company. He has no noticeable economic knowledge or experience. Less than me in fact.
So perfectly qualified under Bozo's appointment criteria..
The number of Britons who want Boris Johnson to resign has reached a new high, at 69%.
The majority of 2019 Conservative voters (54%) also want to see the PM go, the first time this has been higher than the number who want him to stay (33%)
69% ? who cares what the public think - the only people that matter are the small rump of the Tory party left. The rest of the public can bugger off.
(Is that how it goes?)
Until the next general election the only people who will decide the PM are Tory MPs and Tory members
Until the next election, the people Tory MPs are interested in is swing voters that are abandoning the party and what will it take to get us back.
Not you. It doesn't matter a jot what you think, since you'd vote for Adolf Hitler if he was carrying a blue rosette.
Tory MPs don't get the final say on who the next PM is, Tory members do
And most Tory members actually care about the rest of the country and the rest of their community. Not just about themselves. Also most Tory members want to see the Tories succeed by attracting the votes of others.
Telling potential Tory voters that their votes aren't needed or wanted anyway, and they're not "proper" Tories anyway, is thankfully as rare an attitude within rational Tory members as it is within rational Labour members - even if blue Corbynite zealots like you want hardcore loyalty to the One True Faith and that's it.
You don't get to dictate what the Tory party does, if it does not always follow your agenda and you go elsewhere so be it
Neither do you but you can always vote Plaid
He gets a leadership vote l, unlike a few ex Tories here. Blukip is here to stay.
The number of Britons who want Boris Johnson to resign has reached a new high, at 69%.
The majority of 2019 Conservative voters (54%) also want to see the PM go, the first time this has been higher than the number who want him to stay (33%)
69% ? who cares what the public think - the only people that matter are the small rump of the Tory party left. The rest of the public can bugger off.
(Is that how it goes?)
Until the next general election the only people who will decide the PM are Tory MPs and Tory members
You keep repeating this and on one level it's right. But MPs do listen to their constituents.
Even if MPs do decide to remove Johnson and most Tory MPs voted to keep Johnson just a month ago, it would be Tory members who have the final say on who succeeded him as PM, not Tory MPs
They'll pick from the two options the MPs give them, they do not get an open choice
And the Tory right and Johnson loyalists have enough votes to get a candidate in the final 2.
It will not be say Sunak v Hunt
Not anymore
Yes anymore.
You would need about 250 MPs to vote for Hunt or Sunak for them to be the final 2 and the ERG and right combined and Johnson loyalists have significantly more than the 120 or so needed to stop that
A rare positive take. People may disagree what merit is being looked for here - for both Sunak and Zahawi it was to be a loyal patsy after the previous guy quit - but it is probably true that Boris doesn't give a crap about the ethnicity of those he appoints, which is a good thing.
Not the day’s biggest news, but having the Conservatives appoint a third ethnic minority chancellor in a row - all not just on merit but as the obvious candidate - says very good things about this country.
But Zahawi wasn't obvious at all. Not least because, as I pointed out above, he is a chemical engineer who founded a polling company. He has no noticeable economic knowledge or experience. Less than me in fact.
I seem to remember that Labour once had a postie as shadow CoE. At least Zahawi has business knowledge.
That said, he will now be seen as the patsy for the worst PM in British history.
The number of Britons who want Boris Johnson to resign has reached a new high, at 69%.
The majority of 2019 Conservative voters (54%) also want to see the PM go, the first time this has been higher than the number who want him to stay (33%)
69% ? who cares what the public think - the only people that matter are the small rump of the Tory party left. The rest of the public can bugger off.
(Is that how it goes?)
Until the next general election the only people who will decide the PM are Tory MPs and Tory members
Until the next election, the people Tory MPs are interested in is swing voters that are abandoning the party and what will it take to get us back.
Not you. It doesn't matter a jot what you think, since you'd vote for Adolf Hitler if he was carrying a blue rosette.
Tory MPs don't get the final say on who the next PM is, Tory members do
And most Tory members actually care about the rest of the country and the rest of their community. Not just about themselves. Also most Tory members want to see the Tories succeed by attracting the votes of others.
Telling potential Tory voters that their votes aren't needed or wanted anyway, and they're not "proper" Tories anyway, is thankfully as rare an attitude within rational Tory members as it is within rational Labour members - even if blue Corbynite zealots like you want hardcore loyalty to the One True Faith and that's it.
You don't get to dictate what the Tory party does, if it does not always follow your agenda and you go elsewhere so be it
That's perfectly fine for me, but luckily for all of us, the Tory Party and the country as a whole - you don't get to either.
You are not all Tory members. Thank God, Allah, Yahwee, Thor, Jupiter, Zeus and Zoroaster for that.
Is the Daily Star front page really that well judged?
It surely references the movie “bedtime for Bonzo”. A movie - starring one Ron Reagan - which was released in… 1951
Only people over 80 will understand it. Yes that includes most PBers but still. Obscure or what
People don't need to get a reference to get the point.
But it’s only clever if you get the reference. Otherwise it’s just “curtains for bozo” which has no wit at all on its own, as a headline
The Sun does the same. Makes ancient cultural references which must be lost on anyone under 60. Their sub editors must be in their 90s. It’s another sign of the decline of newspapers
Nobody under 60 buys a newspaper.
Not quite true - we get the Times but only because the difference between a paper subscription and digital only isn't enough to justify the saving as Mrs Eek would insist on a getting the paper on a Saturday regardless
Add virtually at the beginning then. Those who do get it for the telly, football, tits or puzzles. Except you and a few others.
Surely Liz Truss is not going to put up with this and will now quit too? She has been robbed by the ruthless Zahawi who has clearly watched too much GoT.
The other thing is. Truss was employed as an economist. She's a management accountant. She was Chief Secretary to the Treasury. Zahawi is a chemical engineer and founder of a polling company. What are his actual qualifications for the job? Other than the most important. Having Johnson's bollocks?
The number of Britons who want Boris Johnson to resign has reached a new high, at 69%.
The majority of 2019 Conservative voters (54%) also want to see the PM go, the first time this has been higher than the number who want him to stay (33%)
69% ? who cares what the public think - the only people that matter are the small rump of the Tory party left. The rest of the public can bugger off.
(Is that how it goes?)
Until the next general election the only people who will decide the PM are Tory MPs and Tory members
Until the next election, the people Tory MPs are interested in is swing voters that are abandoning the party and what will it take to get us back.
Not you. It doesn't matter a jot what you think, since you'd vote for Adolf Hitler if he was carrying a blue rosette.
Tory MPs don't get the final say on who the next PM is, Tory members do
And most Tory members actually care about the rest of the country and the rest of their community. Not just about themselves. Also most Tory members want to see the Tories succeed by attracting the votes of others.
Telling potential Tory voters that their votes aren't needed or wanted anyway, and they're not "proper" Tories anyway, is thankfully as rare an attitude within rational Tory members as it is within rational Labour members - even if blue Corbynite zealots like you want hardcore loyalty to the One True Faith and that's it.
You don't get to dictate what the Tory party does, if it does not always follow your agenda and you go elsewhere so be it
Neither do you but you can always vote Plaid
He gets a leadership vote l, unlike a few ex Tories here. Blukip is here to stay.
The number of Britons who want Boris Johnson to resign has reached a new high, at 69%.
The majority of 2019 Conservative voters (54%) also want to see the PM go, the first time this has been higher than the number who want him to stay (33%)
69% ? who cares what the public think - the only people that matter are the small rump of the Tory party left. The rest of the public can bugger off.
(Is that how it goes?)
Until the next general election the only people who will decide the PM are Tory MPs and Tory members
Until the next election, the people Tory MPs are interested in is swing voters that are abandoning the party and what will it take to get us back.
Not you. It doesn't matter a jot what you think, since you'd vote for Adolf Hitler if he was carrying a blue rosette.
Tory MPs don't get the final say on who the next PM is, Tory members do
And most Tory members actually care about the rest of the country and the rest of their community. Not just about themselves. Also most Tory members want to see the Tories succeed by attracting the votes of others.
Telling potential Tory voters that their votes aren't needed or wanted anyway, and they're not "proper" Tories anyway, is thankfully as rare an attitude within rational Tory members as it is within rational Labour members - even if blue Corbynite zealots like you want hardcore loyalty to the One True Faith and that's it.
You don't get to dictate what the Tory party does, if it does not always follow your agenda and you go elsewhere so be it
Neither do you but you can always vote Plaid
I do get a vote as I am still a paid up Tory member. How many on here can still say the same?
Plus I have always voted for every Tory candidate on the ballot paper, including that Welsh Town Council election
Interesting to see whether Zahawi has an opportunity to cut corporation tax.
My understanding is that the Treasury discovered that firms merely pocketed the tax cuts and paid it out in dividends - often to overseas owners - rather than making capital investments in their own businesses.
Hence it was hiked, and generous write-offs provided for capital expenditures instead.
The number of Britons who want Boris Johnson to resign has reached a new high, at 69%.
The majority of 2019 Conservative voters (54%) also want to see the PM go, the first time this has been higher than the number who want him to stay (33%)
69% ? who cares what the public think - the only people that matter are the small rump of the Tory party left. The rest of the public can bugger off.
(Is that how it goes?)
Until the next general election the only people who will decide the PM are Tory MPs and Tory members
Until the next election, the people Tory MPs are interested in is swing voters that are abandoning the party and what will it take to get us back.
Not you. It doesn't matter a jot what you think, since you'd vote for Adolf Hitler if he was carrying a blue rosette.
Tory MPs don't get the final say on who the next PM is, Tory members do
And most Tory members actually care about the rest of the country and the rest of their community. Not just about themselves. Also most Tory members want to see the Tories succeed by attracting the votes of others.
Telling potential Tory voters that their votes aren't needed or wanted anyway, and they're not "proper" Tories anyway, is thankfully as rare an attitude within rational Tory members as it is within rational Labour members - even if blue Corbynite zealots like you want hardcore loyalty to the One True Faith and that's it.
You don't get to dictate what the Tory party does, if it does not always follow your agenda and you go elsewhere so be it
Is the Daily Star front page really that well judged?
It surely references the movie “bedtime for Bonzo”. A movie - starring one Ron Reagan - which was released in… 1951
Only people over 80 will understand it. Yes that includes most PBers but still. Obscure or what
People don't need to get a reference to get the point.
But it’s only clever if you get the reference. Otherwise it’s just “curtains for bozo” which has no wit at all on its own, as a headline
The Sun does the same. Makes ancient cultural references which must be lost on anyone under 60. Their sub editors must be in their 90s. It’s another sign of the decline of newspapers
Genuinely harder, now we don't have as much shared popular culture.
Nobody really wants to go back to three TV channels, six radio stations and one screen at the cinema, but it did give us a common set of cultural references.
God, I'm turning into the kind of grumpy old fart who wants to turn the clock back to their youth... like, you-know-what...
The number of Britons who want Boris Johnson to resign has reached a new high, at 69%.
The majority of 2019 Conservative voters (54%) also want to see the PM go, the first time this has been higher than the number who want him to stay (33%)
69% ? who cares what the public think - the only people that matter are the small rump of the Tory party left. The rest of the public can bugger off.
(Is that how it goes?)
Until the next general election the only people who will decide the PM are Tory MPs and Tory members
Until the next election, the people Tory MPs are interested in is swing voters that are abandoning the party and what will it take to get us back.
Not you. It doesn't matter a jot what you think, since you'd vote for Adolf Hitler if he was carrying a blue rosette.
Tory MPs don't get the final say on who the next PM is, Tory members do
And most Tory members actually care about the rest of the country and the rest of their community. Not just about themselves. Also most Tory members want to see the Tories succeed by attracting the votes of others.
Telling potential Tory voters that their votes aren't needed or wanted anyway, and they're not "proper" Tories anyway, is thankfully as rare an attitude within rational Tory members as it is within rational Labour members - even if blue Corbynite zealots like you want hardcore loyalty to the One True Faith and that's it.
You don't get to dictate what the Tory party does, if it does not always follow your agenda and you go elsewhere so be it
Neither do you but you can always vote Plaid
I do get a vote as I am still a paid up Tory member. How many on here can still say the same?
Plus I have always voted for every Tory candidate on the ballot paper, including that Welsh Town Council election
You just get one vote of many, others here can say that they do too - off the top of my head I believe Mark, David and TSE can all say the same too and none of them agree with you that Boris should stay. So you're in a minority even on this site for Tory members, thankfully.
As for having always voted Tory - that's not something to be proud of, any more than a socialist saying they'd always voted Labour. An Agreement on Mutual Protection of Confidential Information in the Defense Industry was signed between Turkey and Italy, opening way for the SAMP/T missile defense system purchase and possible tech transfer for Ankara
Interesting to see whether Zahawi has an opportunity to cut corporation tax.
My understanding is that the Treasury discovered that firms merely pocketed the tax cuts and paid it out in dividends - often to overseas owners - rather than making capital investments in their own businesses.
Hence it was hiked, and generous write-offs provided for capital expenditures instead.
Who gives a feck.
He will be gone by the end of summer and no one will give a otter's arse what the hell he does in next six weeks.
Is the Daily Star front page really that well judged?
It surely references the movie “bedtime for Bonzo”. A movie - starring one Ron Reagan - which was released in… 1951
Only people over 80 will understand it. Yes that includes most PBers but still. Obscure or what
People don't need to get a reference to get the point.
But it’s only clever if you get the reference. Otherwise it’s just “curtains for bozo” which has no wit at all on its own, as a headline
The Sun does the same. Makes ancient cultural references which must be lost on anyone under 60. Their sub editors must be in their 90s. It’s another sign of the decline of newspapers
Nobody under 60 buys a newspaper.
Not quite true - we get the Times but only because the difference between a paper subscription and digital only isn't enough to justify the saving as Mrs Eek would insist on a getting the paper on a Saturday regardless
Add virtually at the beginning then. Those who do get it for the telly, football, tits or puzzles. Except you and a few others.
Do you still get tits in the Daily Star? And by that I don't mean Boris.
I know it doesn't *always* have to be about Brexit, but, as aside: this thing Johnson is doing - battling wildly on with no endgame strategy, no sense anymore of what winning wld even look like - it's also what he's doing to EU relations over NI protocol. Scorched earth.
A rare positive take. People may disagree what merit is being looked for here - for both Sunak and Zahawi it was to be a loyal patsy after the previous guy quit - but it is probably true that Boris doesn't give a crap about the ethnicity of those he appoints, which is a good thing.
Not the day’s biggest news, but having the Conservatives appoint a third ethnic minority chancellor in a row - all not just on merit but as the obvious candidate - says very good things about this country.
But Zahawi wasn't obvious at all. Not least because, as I pointed out above, he is a chemical engineer who founded a polling company. He has no noticeable economic knowledge or experience. Less than me in fact.
I seem to remember that Labour once had a postie as shadow CoE. At least Zahawi has business knowledge.
That said, he will now be seen as the patsy for the worst PM in British history.
"Business" is only a small part of the Chancellor's
Is it really true that Sir Beer K*rm* has indeed received a FPN, is appealing against it, and has put an injunction on anyone that reports it??
That’s what Twitter is saying quite convincingly
If so - if it is true - what a sinister and slippery thing to do
It was supported by a GBNews reporter but it seems unlikely as aside from him nobody 'valid' is claiming it
I’ve seen it in a couple of places. One of them quite reliable. But yes it could easily be bullshit
If true, tho, and if this emerges, it won’t be good for Korma
It wouldn't no, it would be as bad as the initial partygate hit for Boris, but i think its phooey. Mainly because Tories would have used Parliamentary privilege to out it straight away
Public universities in Florida will be required to survey both faculty and students on their political beliefs and viewpoints, with the institutions at risk of losing their funding if the responses are not satisfactory to the state's Republican-led legislature.
The unprecedented project, which was tucked into a law signed Tuesday by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, is part of a long-running, nationwide right-wing push to promote "intellectual diversity" on campuses — though worries over a lack of details on the survey's privacy protections, and questions over what the results may ultimately be used for, hover over the venture.
Based on the bill's language, survey responses will not necessarily be anonymous — sparking worries among many professors and other university staff that they may be targeted, held back in their careers or even fired for their beliefs.
According to the bill's sponsor, state Sen. Ray Rodrigues, faculty will not be promoted or fired based on their responses, but, as The Tampa Bay Times reported Tuesday, the bill itself does not back up those claims.
No. Completely justified. The horrendous onethink on American campuses has to be challenged. They are 99% Democrat and 98% Woke, yet the rest of America really is not, and this gulf is bad for any country
I've got little confidence the situation will improve because of 'government surveys'. Too blunt. A softer approach, linking state funding with commitments to viewpoint diversity and freedom of speech would probably be more effective.
But it is, at least, a start
Extirpating Extreme Wokeness from Academe is an urgent need. That’s where CRT came from: the universities
If only you knew as much about US universities and CRT as you do about AI.
I think you're so embedded into ground zero of liberal California you fail to recognise CRT for the cancer it is.
CRT is a bogeyman invented by the Right to dogwhistle racism. The people pushing CRT fears are the people who claim Trump won the election and that COVID vaccines are dangerous.
CRT is a real thing invented by the Left to practice actual racism.
CRT contains much that is wrong, a fair amount which is unobjectionable, and a few things which are probably right but which are very uncomfortable.
The parts that look at the fact that we are all - at times - racist without realising it come into the last category.
Unconscious bias is something that all of us claim not to have. But I'm afraid there's a lot research that suggests it is very real. One study that took me aback involved sending fake job applications from students graduating law schools, with all information identical except the colour of the skin of the applicant in the photo. The white candidates were offered interviews at a rate much higher than the African American ones.
There is also plenty of evidence that white professors are more likely to call upon other white students over black ones to answer questions in lectures. And are more likely to accept excuses about "circumstances" to account for bad grades.
For what it's worth, I am sure that the same thing works the other way around too. That black professors see kindred spirits in black students and call on them more often.
But then we do also need to take a step back.
Unconscious bias is not just about race. In the UK, there have been studies where people are asked to judge the intelligence of a speaker. Race was not the most important factor - accent was. Even if the actual words were the same, the person with the Liverpudlian accent was considered less intelligent than the one with the soft Edinburgh burr.
And the level of unconscious bias we now see is far, far less than the explicit and conscious bias we've had in the past. In most of the developed world the equality of opportunity for a person of colour has never been greater. Socioeconomic inequality is - realistically - a bigger issue that unconscious bias or racism.
I believe unconscious biases are a thing. I do think it gets overblown and the level of focus some put on it, and extreme solutions devised, to be histrionic and counter productive though.
I think that's probably right.
But saying that the people who study them are a "cancer" seems to be an overreaction.
I don't use that word lightly. Look at what some of them have written and what they advocate.
Pure poison.
Eric Kauffman and Douglas Murray have written extensively on this. Read up.
Interesting to see whether Zahawi has an opportunity to cut corporation tax.
My understanding is that the Treasury discovered that firms merely pocketed the tax cuts and paid it out in dividends - often to overseas owners - rather than making capital investments in their own businesses.
Hence it was hiked, and generous write-offs provided for capital expenditures instead.
I would not be surprised if Rishi left him a note that said "there is no money left".
Also a projection of just how many people are gonna go bankrupt / freeze to death this winter.
Is the Daily Star front page really that well judged?
It surely references the movie “bedtime for Bonzo”. A movie - starring one Ron Reagan - which was released in… 1951
Only people over 80 will understand it. Yes that includes most PBers but still. Obscure or what
People don't need to get a reference to get the point.
But it’s only clever if you get the reference. Otherwise it’s just “curtains for bozo” which has no wit at all on its own, as a headline
The Sun does the same. Makes ancient cultural references which must be lost on anyone under 60. Their sub editors must be in their 90s. It’s another sign of the decline of newspapers
Nobody under 60 buys a newspaper.
But newspaper front pages are reported online by other newspapers, broadcasters and Political Betting.
Interesting to see whether Zahawi has an opportunity to cut corporation tax.
My understanding is that the Treasury discovered that firms merely pocketed the tax cuts and paid it out in dividends - often to overseas owners - rather than making capital investments in their own businesses.
Hence it was hiked, and generous write-offs provided for capital expenditures instead.
But those overseas owners seem to be keen on their dividends. If that's the tax cutting he's been put in to do there'll be scenes.
Interesting to see whether Zahawi has an opportunity to cut corporation tax.
My understanding is that the Treasury discovered that firms merely pocketed the tax cuts and paid it out in dividends - often to overseas owners - rather than making capital investments in their own businesses.
Hence it was hiked, and generous write-offs provided for capital expenditures instead.
As a tax policy reducing Corporation tax makes zero sense - except that a few people with the ear of Bozo will love it.
And as I said before the only way they can afford to cut it is to cut Government Expenditure and what exactly can be cut at the moment...
Doctor Pagel has some more fun advice for us in the Guardian
Christina Pagel, professor of operational research at University College London and member of the Independent Sage group of experts
“I’ve never stopped wearing a mask on public transport and in shops. I now also wear one during face-to-face meetings at work and would if I was going to the cinema, theatre, etc. However, I have chosen to restrict my social activities or meet outside wherever possible during these weeks of very high levels of infection. Many will not be able to restrict their contacts, so a well-fitting, high-quality mask (FFP2/FFP3) is even more important to try to reduce their chance of catching Covid or of spreading it.”
The number of Britons who want Boris Johnson to resign has reached a new high, at 69%.
The majority of 2019 Conservative voters (54%) also want to see the PM go, the first time this has been higher than the number who want him to stay (33%)
They don't matter, they're already voting Tory anyway and don't need to be won back.
What matters most is the plethora people who've stopped backing the Tories, all for their own varied reasons. Every "PB Tory" but you it seems, which really ought to set alarm bells going.
They do matter, Tory members will decide the next Tory leader if Boris goes. There is also little evidence any alternative leader would do much better v Starmer than Boris is.
You are no PB Tory, you voted Labour in 2001 and for Farage, you are a Tory leaning swing voter at most.
You really are a moron. Now would be the perfect time not to support a political corpse. The fact that you think that supporting Johnson is the shibboleth for Conservatives is stupid beyond all reason. Personally I hope your party is utterly destroyed, since such destruction seems to be the only thing that would bring you all to your senses. Admittedly you may become supporters of a post Conservative Tory party, but as long as the crime scene off Whitehall is cleaned up, most of us, whether Tory or nor, will feel relief.
31% to 34% are still voting Tory in most polls, even under Johnson and around a third of the public even tonight want him to stay.
Yet 98% of PB now don't back the Tories and want Johnson out and you will scream and shout but Johnson loyalists are still about a a third of the country and cannot be ignored
I see you are quite determined for me to award you the PB Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf Award (aka The Comical Ali Cup) once again for services to CCO Department of Spin. I shall also ask the Pope to consider you as a possible living saint; Saint HY Additional Patron Saint of Lost Causes (alongside St. Jude The Apostle)
Is the Daily Star front page really that well judged?
It surely references the movie “bedtime for Bonzo”. A movie - starring one Ron Reagan - which was released in… 1951
Only people over 80 will understand it. Yes that includes most PBers but still. Obscure or what
People don't need to get a reference to get the point.
But it’s only clever if you get the reference. Otherwise it’s just “curtains for bozo” which has no wit at all on its own, as a headline
The Sun does the same. Makes ancient cultural references which must be lost on anyone under 60. Their sub editors must be in their 90s. It’s another sign of the decline of newspapers
Nobody under 60 buys a newspaper.
Not quite true - we get the Times but only because the difference between a paper subscription and digital only isn't enough to justify the saving as Mrs Eek would insist on a getting the paper on a Saturday regardless
Add virtually at the beginning then. Those who do get it for the telly, football, tits or puzzles. Except you and a few others.
Do you still get tits in the Daily Star? And by that I don't mean Boris.
The number of Britons who want Boris Johnson to resign has reached a new high, at 69%.
The majority of 2019 Conservative voters (54%) also want to see the PM go, the first time this has been higher than the number who want him to stay (33%)
They don't matter, they're already voting Tory anyway and don't need to be won back.
What matters most is the plethora people who've stopped backing the Tories, all for their own varied reasons. Every "PB Tory" but you it seems, which really ought to set alarm bells going.
They do matter, Tory members will decide the next Tory leader if Boris goes. There is also little evidence any alternative leader would do much better v Starmer than Boris is.
You are no PB Tory, you voted Labour in 2001 and for Farage, you are a Tory leaning swing voter at most.
You really are a moron. Now would be the perfect time not to support a political corpse. The fact that you think that supporting Johnson is the shibboleth for Conservatives is stupid beyond all reason. Personally I hope your party is utterly destroyed, since such destruction seems to be the only thing that would bring you all to your senses. Admittedly you may become supporters of a post Conservative Tory party, but as long as the crime scene off Whitehall is cleaned up, most of us, whether Tory or nor, will feel relief.
31% to 34% are still voting Tory in most polls, even under Johnson and around a third of the public even tonight want him to stay.
Yet 98% of PB now don't back the Tories and want Johnson out and you will scream and shout but Johnson loyalists are still about a a third of the country and cannot be ignored
I see you are quite determined for me to award you the PB Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf Award (aka The Comical Ali Cup) once again for services to CCO Department of Spin. I shall also ask the Pope to consider you as a possible living saint; Saint HY Additional Patron Saint of Lost Causes (alongside St. Jude The Apostle)
I would rather be the Saint of Lost Causes than the Vicar of Bray!
Public universities in Florida will be required to survey both faculty and students on their political beliefs and viewpoints, with the institutions at risk of losing their funding if the responses are not satisfactory to the state's Republican-led legislature.
The unprecedented project, which was tucked into a law signed Tuesday by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, is part of a long-running, nationwide right-wing push to promote "intellectual diversity" on campuses — though worries over a lack of details on the survey's privacy protections, and questions over what the results may ultimately be used for, hover over the venture.
Based on the bill's language, survey responses will not necessarily be anonymous — sparking worries among many professors and other university staff that they may be targeted, held back in their careers or even fired for their beliefs.
According to the bill's sponsor, state Sen. Ray Rodrigues, faculty will not be promoted or fired based on their responses, but, as The Tampa Bay Times reported Tuesday, the bill itself does not back up those claims.
No. Completely justified. The horrendous onethink on American campuses has to be challenged. They are 99% Democrat and 98% Woke, yet the rest of America really is not, and this gulf is bad for any country
I've got little confidence the situation will improve because of 'government surveys'. Too blunt. A softer approach, linking state funding with commitments to viewpoint diversity and freedom of speech would probably be more effective.
But it is, at least, a start
Extirpating Extreme Wokeness from Academe is an urgent need. That’s where CRT came from: the universities
If only you knew as much about US universities and CRT as you do about AI.
I think you're so embedded into ground zero of liberal California you fail to recognise CRT for the cancer it is.
CRT is a bogeyman invented by the Right to dogwhistle racism. The people pushing CRT fears are the people who claim Trump won the election and that COVID vaccines are dangerous.
CRT is a real thing invented by the Left to practice actual racism.
CRT contains much that is wrong, a fair amount which is unobjectionable, and a few things which are probably right but which are very uncomfortable.
The parts that look at the fact that we are all - at times - racist without realising it come into the last category.
Unconscious bias is something that all of us claim not to have. But I'm afraid there's a lot research that suggests it is very real. One study that took me aback involved sending fake job applications from students graduating law schools, with all information identical except the colour of the skin of the applicant in the photo. The white candidates were offered interviews at a rate much higher than the African American ones.
There is also plenty of evidence that white professors are more likely to call upon other white students over black ones to answer questions in lectures. And are more likely to accept excuses about "circumstances" to account for bad grades.
For what it's worth, I am sure that the same thing works the other way around too. That black professors see kindred spirits in black students and call on them more often.
But then we do also need to take a step back.
Unconscious bias is not just about race. In the UK, there have been studies where people are asked to judge the intelligence of a speaker. Race was not the most important factor - accent was. Even if the actual words were the same, the person with the Liverpudlian accent was considered less intelligent than the one with the soft Edinburgh burr.
And the level of unconscious bias we now see is far, far less than the explicit and conscious bias we've had in the past. In most of the developed world the equality of opportunity for a person of colour has never been greater. Socioeconomic inequality is - realistically - a bigger issue that unconscious bias or racism.
The term CRT has been expanded by the Right to refer to almost any academic study of racism or racial inequality, or any sort of anti-racism initiative. Indeed, it's become a generic bogeyman for all evils in the world.
However, it began focused on US legal studies. To quote the Wikipedia article, "One tenet of CRT is that racism and disparate racial outcomes are the result of complex, changing, and often subtle social and institutional dynamics, rather than explicit and intentional prejudices of individuals." That's hard to disagree with. The next bit is more complicated: "CRT scholars argue that the social and legal construction of race advances the interests of White people[7][11] at the expense of people of color,[12][13] and that the liberal notion of U.S. law as "neutral" plays a significant role in maintaining a racially unjust social order,[14] where formally color-blind laws continue to have racially discriminatory outcomes.[15]" It's hard to get into that without some expertise in US legal history and theory. Those decrying CRT as a threat to modern civilization, however, are clearly not actually trying to engage with what CRT actually argues.
A rare positive take. People may disagree what merit is being looked for here - for both Sunak and Zahawi it was to be a loyal patsy after the previous guy quit - but it is probably true that Boris doesn't give a crap about the ethnicity of those he appoints, which is a good thing.
Not the day’s biggest news, but having the Conservatives appoint a third ethnic minority chancellor in a row - all not just on merit but as the obvious candidate - says very good things about this country.
But Zahawi wasn't obvious at all. Not least because, as I pointed out above, he is a chemical engineer who founded a polling company. He has no noticeable economic knowledge or experience. Less than me in fact.
I seem to remember that Labour once had a postie as shadow CoE. At least Zahawi has business knowledge.
That said, he will now be seen as the patsy for the worst PM in British history.
"Business" is only a small part of the Chancellor's
Is it really true that Sir Beer K*rm* has indeed received a FPN, is appealing against it, and has put an injunction on anyone that reports it??
That’s what Twitter is saying quite convincingly
If so - if it is true - what a sinister and slippery thing to do
It was supported by a GBNews reporter but it seems unlikely as aside from him nobody 'valid' is claiming it
I’ve seen it in a couple of places. One of them quite reliable. But yes it could easily be bullshit
If true, tho, and if this emerges, it won’t be good for Korma
Nor indeed for anyone spreading it round the Internet on widely read websites by influential politicians.
It sounds like bollocks. Because it sounds exactly like something BJ would do.
If Starmer tried to hang on like that he would be cutting his own throat in the most stupid manner possible.
If he announced “I’m resigning, but staying on until the toast is out of the toaster and my successor has been selected by the Labour Party”, then he would have pretty much universal plaudits and could even make a comeback in future.
The number of Britons who want Boris Johnson to resign has reached a new high, at 69%.
The majority of 2019 Conservative voters (54%) also want to see the PM go, the first time this has been higher than the number who want him to stay (33%)
They don't matter, they're already voting Tory anyway and don't need to be won back.
What matters most is the plethora people who've stopped backing the Tories, all for their own varied reasons. Every "PB Tory" but you it seems, which really ought to set alarm bells going.
They do matter, Tory members will decide the next Tory leader if Boris goes. There is also little evidence any alternative leader would do much better v Starmer than Boris is.
You are no PB Tory, you voted Labour in 2001 and for Farage, you are a Tory leaning swing voter at most.
You really are a moron. Now would be the perfect time not to support a political corpse. The fact that you think that supporting Johnson is the shibboleth for Conservatives is stupid beyond all reason. Personally I hope your party is utterly destroyed, since such destruction seems to be the only thing that would bring you all to your senses. Admittedly you may become supporters of a post Conservative Tory party, but as long as the crime scene off Whitehall is cleaned up, most of us, whether Tory or nor, will feel relief.
31% to 34% are still voting Tory in most polls, even under Johnson and around a third of the public even tonight want him to stay.
Yet 98% of PB now don't back the Tories and want Johnson out and you will scream and shout but Johnson loyalists are still about a a third of the country and cannot be ignored
It's funny to see you say that, because I agree with you but I'm not sure you agree with you.
I'm sure I've seen you talk before about how since the Tories are in power now their agenda goes, and the idea of governing for everyone is not a thing, they can and should just focus only on pleasing their core supporters, ignoring all others.
Yet a minority should be listened to if it is the one you prefer?
Doctor Pagel has some more fun advice for us in the Guardian
Christina Pagel, professor of operational research at University College London and member of the Independent Sage group of experts
“I’ve never stopped wearing a mask on public transport and in shops. I now also wear one during face-to-face meetings at work and would if I was going to the cinema, theatre, etc. However, I have chosen to restrict my social activities or meet outside wherever possible during these weeks of very high levels of infection. Many will not be able to restrict their contacts, so a well-fitting, high-quality mask (FFP2/FFP3) is even more important to try to reduce their chance of catching Covid or of spreading it.”
It's a sort of darwinism, isn't it. These people are just going to stop interacting with other people, and therefore stop breeding.
A rare positive take. People may disagree what merit is being looked for here - for both Sunak and Zahawi it was to be a loyal patsy after the previous guy quit - but it is probably true that Boris doesn't give a crap about the ethnicity of those he appoints, which is a good thing.
Not the day’s biggest news, but having the Conservatives appoint a third ethnic minority chancellor in a row - all not just on merit but as the obvious candidate - says very good things about this country.
But Zahawi wasn't obvious at all. Not least because, as I pointed out above, he is a chemical engineer who founded a polling company. He has no noticeable economic knowledge or experience. Less than me in fact.
So perfectly qualified under Bozo's appointment criteria..
Doctor Pagel has some more fun advice for us in the Guardian
Christina Pagel, professor of operational research at University College London and member of the Independent Sage group of experts
“I’ve never stopped wearing a mask on public transport and in shops. I now also wear one during face-to-face meetings at work and would if I was going to the cinema, theatre, etc. However, I have chosen to restrict my social activities or meet outside wherever possible during these weeks of very high levels of infection. Many will not be able to restrict their contacts, so a well-fitting, high-quality mask (FFP2/FFP3) is even more important to try to reduce their chance of catching Covid or of spreading it.”
It's a sort of darwinism, isn't it. These people are just going to stop interacting with other people, and therefore stop breeding.
Masks are again compulsory in all areas of my hospital as of today, because of major ward and staff outbreaks.
The number of Britons who want Boris Johnson to resign has reached a new high, at 69%.
The majority of 2019 Conservative voters (54%) also want to see the PM go, the first time this has been higher than the number who want him to stay (33%)
They don't matter, they're already voting Tory anyway and don't need to be won back.
What matters most is the plethora people who've stopped backing the Tories, all for their own varied reasons. Every "PB Tory" but you it seems, which really ought to set alarm bells going.
They do matter, Tory members will decide the next Tory leader if Boris goes. There is also little evidence any alternative leader would do much better v Starmer than Boris is.
You are no PB Tory, you voted Labour in 2001 and for Farage, you are a Tory leaning swing voter at most.
You really are a moron. Now would be the perfect time not to support a political corpse. The fact that you think that supporting Johnson is the shibboleth for Conservatives is stupid beyond all reason. Personally I hope your party is utterly destroyed, since such destruction seems to be the only thing that would bring you all to your senses. Admittedly you may become supporters of a post Conservative Tory party, but as long as the crime scene off Whitehall is cleaned up, most of us, whether Tory or nor, will feel relief.
31% to 34% are still voting Tory in most polls, even under Johnson and around a third of the public even tonight want him to stay.
Yet 98% of PB now don't back the Tories and want Johnson out and you will scream and shout but Johnson loyalists are still about a a third of the country and cannot be ignored
I see you are quite determined for me to award you the PB Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf Award (aka The Comical Ali Cup) once again for services to CCO Department of Spin. I shall also ask the Pope to consider you as a possible living saint; Saint HY Additional Patron Saint of Lost Causes (alongside St. Jude The Apostle)
Tonight's poll with 69% wanting Johnson out has just 19% for him to remain
Doctor Pagel has some more fun advice for us in the Guardian
Christina Pagel, professor of operational research at University College London and member of the Independent Sage group of experts
“I’ve never stopped wearing a mask on public transport and in shops. I now also wear one during face-to-face meetings at work and would if I was going to the cinema, theatre, etc. However, I have chosen to restrict my social activities or meet outside wherever possible during these weeks of very high levels of infection. Many will not be able to restrict their contacts, so a well-fitting, high-quality mask (FFP2/FFP3) is even more important to try to reduce their chance of catching Covid or of spreading it.”
Her expertise is in mathematics type modelling/operational research. Her thoughts on masks are as relevant as her thoughts on who should open for England with Lees.
A rare positive take. People may disagree what merit is being looked for here - for both Sunak and Zahawi it was to be a loyal patsy after the previous guy quit - but it is probably true that Boris doesn't give a crap about the ethnicity of those he appoints, which is a good thing.
Not the day’s biggest news, but having the Conservatives appoint a third ethnic minority chancellor in a row - all not just on merit but as the obvious candidate - says very good things about this country.
But Zahawi wasn't obvious at all. Not least because, as I pointed out above, he is a chemical engineer who founded a polling company. He has no noticeable economic knowledge or experience. Less than me in fact.
He was a politically obvious choice. Expertise for a role has long since ceased to be a criterion, if it ever was.
Doctor Pagel has some more fun advice for us in the Guardian
Christina Pagel, professor of operational research at University College London and member of the Independent Sage group of experts
“I’ve never stopped wearing a mask on public transport and in shops. I now also wear one during face-to-face meetings at work and would if I was going to the cinema, theatre, etc. However, I have chosen to restrict my social activities or meet outside wherever possible during these weeks of very high levels of infection. Many will not be able to restrict their contacts, so a well-fitting, high-quality mask (FFP2/FFP3) is even more important to try to reduce their chance of catching Covid or of spreading it.”
It's a sort of darwinism, isn't it. These people are just going to stop interacting with other people, and therefore stop breeding.
Masks are again compulsory in all areas of my hospital as of today, because of major wars and staff outbreaks.
Masks prevent wars? If only Ukraine had been told.
The number of Britons who want Boris Johnson to resign has reached a new high, at 69%.
The majority of 2019 Conservative voters (54%) also want to see the PM go, the first time this has been higher than the number who want him to stay (33%)
They don't matter, they're already voting Tory anyway and don't need to be won back.
What matters most is the plethora people who've stopped backing the Tories, all for their own varied reasons. Every "PB Tory" but you it seems, which really ought to set alarm bells going.
They do matter, Tory members will decide the next Tory leader if Boris goes. There is also little evidence any alternative leader would do much better v Starmer than Boris is.
You are no PB Tory, you voted Labour in 2001 and for Farage, you are a Tory leaning swing voter at most.
You really are a moron. Now would be the perfect time not to support a political corpse. The fact that you think that supporting Johnson is the shibboleth for Conservatives is stupid beyond all reason. Personally I hope your party is utterly destroyed, since such destruction seems to be the only thing that would bring you all to your senses. Admittedly you may become supporters of a post Conservative Tory party, but as long as the crime scene off Whitehall is cleaned up, most of us, whether Tory or nor, will feel relief.
31% to 34% are still voting Tory in most polls, even under Johnson and around a third of the public even tonight want him to stay.
Yet 98% of PB now don't back the Tories and want Johnson out and you will scream and shout but Johnson loyalists are still about a a third of the country and cannot be ignored
Forgive me, but your own expertise in ignoring significantly more than a third of the country is already unparalleled.
Doctor Pagel has some more fun advice for us in the Guardian
Christina Pagel, professor of operational research at University College London and member of the Independent Sage group of experts
“I’ve never stopped wearing a mask on public transport and in shops. I now also wear one during face-to-face meetings at work and would if I was going to the cinema, theatre, etc. However, I have chosen to restrict my social activities or meet outside wherever possible during these weeks of very high levels of infection. Many will not be able to restrict their contacts, so a well-fitting, high-quality mask (FFP2/FFP3) is even more important to try to reduce their chance of catching Covid or of spreading it.”
Two weeks ago she was tweeting from her holiday in the greek islands or some such having spent hours in taxi and airports and so on.
Doctor Pagel has some more fun advice for us in the Guardian
Christina Pagel, professor of operational research at University College London and member of the Independent Sage group of experts
“I’ve never stopped wearing a mask on public transport and in shops. I now also wear one during face-to-face meetings at work and would if I was going to the cinema, theatre, etc. However, I have chosen to restrict my social activities or meet outside wherever possible during these weeks of very high levels of infection. Many will not be able to restrict their contacts, so a well-fitting, high-quality mask (FFP2/FFP3) is even more important to try to reduce their chance of catching Covid or of spreading it.”
Lock 'em up....lock 'em up......oh no wait, the are locking themselves up.
The number of Britons who want Boris Johnson to resign has reached a new high, at 69%.
The majority of 2019 Conservative voters (54%) also want to see the PM go, the first time this has been higher than the number who want him to stay (33%)
They don't matter, they're already voting Tory anyway and don't need to be won back.
What matters most is the plethora people who've stopped backing the Tories, all for their own varied reasons. Every "PB Tory" but you it seems, which really ought to set alarm bells going.
They do matter, Tory members will decide the next Tory leader if Boris goes. There is also little evidence any alternative leader would do much better v Starmer than Boris is.
You are no PB Tory, you voted Labour in 2001 and for Farage, you are a Tory leaning swing voter at most.
You really are a moron. Now would be the perfect time not to support a political corpse. The fact that you think that supporting Johnson is the shibboleth for Conservatives is stupid beyond all reason. Personally I hope your party is utterly destroyed, since such destruction seems to be the only thing that would bring you all to your senses. Admittedly you may become supporters of a post Conservative Tory party, but as long as the crime scene off Whitehall is cleaned up, most of us, whether Tory or nor, will feel relief.
31% to 34% are still voting Tory in most polls, even under Johnson and around a third of the public even tonight want him to stay.
Yet 98% of PB now don't back the Tories and want Johnson out and you will scream and shout but Johnson loyalists are still about a a third of the country and cannot be ignored
I see you are quite determined for me to award you the PB Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf Award (aka The Comical Ali Cup) once again for services to CCO Department of Spin. I shall also ask the Pope to consider you as a possible living saint; Saint HY Additional Patron Saint of Lost Causes (alongside St. Jude The Apostle)
Tonight's poll with 69% wanting Johnson out has just 19% for him to remain
Those figures alone are unsustainable
I was in that poll, and I ticked for him to remain, because I want to see him destroy his party. Its not as if any of the alternative candidates are any better .
Public universities in Florida will be required to survey both faculty and students on their political beliefs and viewpoints, with the institutions at risk of losing their funding if the responses are not satisfactory to the state's Republican-led legislature.
The unprecedented project, which was tucked into a law signed Tuesday by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, is part of a long-running, nationwide right-wing push to promote "intellectual diversity" on campuses — though worries over a lack of details on the survey's privacy protections, and questions over what the results may ultimately be used for, hover over the venture.
Based on the bill's language, survey responses will not necessarily be anonymous — sparking worries among many professors and other university staff that they may be targeted, held back in their careers or even fired for their beliefs.
According to the bill's sponsor, state Sen. Ray Rodrigues, faculty will not be promoted or fired based on their responses, but, as The Tampa Bay Times reported Tuesday, the bill itself does not back up those claims.
No. Completely justified. The horrendous onethink on American campuses has to be challenged. They are 99% Democrat and 98% Woke, yet the rest of America really is not, and this gulf is bad for any country
I've got little confidence the situation will improve because of 'government surveys'. Too blunt. A softer approach, linking state funding with commitments to viewpoint diversity and freedom of speech would probably be more effective.
But it is, at least, a start
Extirpating Extreme Wokeness from Academe is an urgent need. That’s where CRT came from: the universities
If only you knew as much about US universities and CRT as you do about AI.
I think you're so embedded into ground zero of liberal California you fail to recognise CRT for the cancer it is.
CRT is a bogeyman invented by the Right to dogwhistle racism. The people pushing CRT fears are the people who claim Trump won the election and that COVID vaccines are dangerous.
CRT is a real thing invented by the Left to practice actual racism.
CRT contains much that is wrong, a fair amount which is unobjectionable, and a few things which are probably right but which are very uncomfortable.
The parts that look at the fact that we are all - at times - racist without realising it come into the last category.
Unconscious bias is something that all of us claim not to have. But I'm afraid there's a lot research that suggests it is very real. One study that took me aback involved sending fake job applications from students graduating law schools, with all information identical except the colour of the skin of the applicant in the photo. The white candidates were offered interviews at a rate much higher than the African American ones.
There is also plenty of evidence that white professors are more likely to call upon other white students over black ones to answer questions in lectures. And are more likely to accept excuses about "circumstances" to account for bad grades.
For what it's worth, I am sure that the same thing works the other way around too. That black professors see kindred spirits in black students and call on them more often.
But then we do also need to take a step back.
Unconscious bias is not just about race. In the UK, there have been studies where people are asked to judge the intelligence of a speaker. Race was not the most important factor - accent was. Even if the actual words were the same, the person with the Liverpudlian accent was considered less intelligent than the one with the soft Edinburgh burr.
And the level of unconscious bias we now see is far, far less than the explicit and conscious bias we've had in the past. In most of the developed world the equality of opportunity for a person of colour has never been greater. Socioeconomic inequality is - realistically - a bigger issue that unconscious bias or racism.
The term CRT has been expanded by the Right to refer to almost any academic study of racism or racial inequality, or any sort of anti-racism initiative. Indeed, it's become a generic bogeyman for all evils in the world.
However, it began focused on US legal studies. To quote the Wikipedia article, "One tenet of CRT is that racism and disparate racial outcomes are the result of complex, changing, and often subtle social and institutional dynamics, rather than explicit and intentional prejudices of individuals." That's hard to disagree with. The next bit is more complicated: "CRT scholars argue that the social and legal construction of race advances the interests of White people[7][11] at the expense of people of color,[12][13] and that the liberal notion of U.S. law as "neutral" plays a significant role in maintaining a racially unjust social order,[14] where formally color-blind laws continue to have racially discriminatory outcomes.[15]" It's hard to get into that without some expertise in US legal history and theory. Those decrying CRT as a threat to modern civilization, however, are clearly not actually trying to engage with what CRT actually argues.
The number of Britons who want Boris Johnson to resign has reached a new high, at 69%.
The majority of 2019 Conservative voters (54%) also want to see the PM go, the first time this has been higher than the number who want him to stay (33%)
They don't matter, they're already voting Tory anyway and don't need to be won back.
What matters most is the plethora people who've stopped backing the Tories, all for their own varied reasons. Every "PB Tory" but you it seems, which really ought to set alarm bells going.
They do matter, Tory members will decide the next Tory leader if Boris goes. There is also little evidence any alternative leader would do much better v Starmer than Boris is.
You are no PB Tory, you voted Labour in 2001 and for Farage, you are a Tory leaning swing voter at most.
You really are a moron. Now would be the perfect time not to support a political corpse. The fact that you think that supporting Johnson is the shibboleth for Conservatives is stupid beyond all reason. Personally I hope your party is utterly destroyed, since such destruction seems to be the only thing that would bring you all to your senses. Admittedly you may become supporters of a post Conservative Tory party, but as long as the crime scene off Whitehall is cleaned up, most of us, whether Tory or nor, will feel relief.
31% to 34% are still voting Tory in most polls, even under Johnson and around a third of the public even tonight want him to stay.
Yet 98% of PB now don't back the Tories and want Johnson out and you will scream and shout but Johnson loyalists are still about a a third of the country and cannot be ignored
I see you are quite determined for me to award you the PB Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf Award (aka The Comical Ali Cup) once again for services to CCO Department of Spin. I shall also ask the Pope to consider you as a possible living saint; Saint HY Additional Patron Saint of Lost Causes (alongside St. Jude The Apostle)
Tonight's poll with 69% wanting Johnson out has just 19% for him to remain Lake County Sheriff’s office just said police had been called on suspected Highland Park shooter Robert Crimo in 2019, after he threatened to “kill everyone” in his family. They seized 16 knives.
He was later able to legally buy 5 firearms before yesterday’s mass shooting.
A rare positive take. People may disagree what merit is being looked for here - for both Sunak and Zahawi it was to be a loyal patsy after the previous guy quit - but it is probably true that Boris doesn't give a crap about the ethnicity of those he appoints, which is a good thing.
Not the day’s biggest news, but having the Conservatives appoint a third ethnic minority chancellor in a row - all not just on merit but as the obvious candidate - says very good things about this country.
But Zahawi wasn't obvious at all. Not least because, as I pointed out above, he is a chemical engineer who founded a polling company. He has no noticeable economic knowledge or experience. Less than me in fact.
Before becoming MPs:
Ken Clarke read Law and then went straight into politics Gordon Brown was a Lecturer in Politics and then a Journalist Alistair Darling was a Solicitor George Osborne was a Journalist with a degree in History
Before Hammond, the last CoE to have any background in economics or finance was Norman Lamont in 1993.
Doctor Pagel has some more fun advice for us in the Guardian
Christina Pagel, professor of operational research at University College London and member of the Independent Sage group of experts
“I’ve never stopped wearing a mask on public transport and in shops. I now also wear one during face-to-face meetings at work and would if I was going to the cinema, theatre, etc. However, I have chosen to restrict my social activities or meet outside wherever possible during these weeks of very high levels of infection. Many will not be able to restrict their contacts, so a well-fitting, high-quality mask (FFP2/FFP3) is even more important to try to reduce their chance of catching Covid or of spreading it.”
Do you have a list of people that most make you angry and follow them on Twitter? Whenever you feel that you are becoming a little too easy going and on the path to wokedom you verbally flagellate yourself with the opinions of Christina Pagel, or some anti-British Irishman from County Wicklow
Interesting to see whether Zahawi has an opportunity to cut corporation tax.
My understanding is that the Treasury discovered that firms merely pocketed the tax cuts and paid it out in dividends - often to overseas owners - rather than making capital investments in their own businesses.
Hence it was hiked, and generous write-offs provided for capital expenditures instead.
Who gives a feck.
He will be gone by the end of summer and no one will give a otter's arse what the hell he does in next six weeks.
This regime is ending.
It's only ending any time soon if the Tory leadership rules are changed, a second confidence vote is then called, and Johnson loses said vote. It's very far from certain that things will come to that. It would require the Tory rebels to feel very confident that they had the numbers to win this time, and for all those MPs to then go through with doing the deed.
As I suggested in the previous thread, the Tory Parliamentary party may very well be too divided, and therefore too weak, confused and frightened, to commit. Because failing to dispatch Johnson for a second time would almost certainly mean that they were stuck with him until the next election - something that everyone outside of the loyalist faction would sincerely wish to avoid.
Doctor Pagel has some more fun advice for us in the Guardian
Christina Pagel, professor of operational research at University College London and member of the Independent Sage group of experts
“I’ve never stopped wearing a mask on public transport and in shops. I now also wear one during face-to-face meetings at work and would if I was going to the cinema, theatre, etc. However, I have chosen to restrict my social activities or meet outside wherever possible during these weeks of very high levels of infection. Many will not be able to restrict their contacts, so a well-fitting, high-quality mask (FFP2/FFP3) is even more important to try to reduce their chance of catching Covid or of spreading it.”
It's a sort of darwinism, isn't it. These people are just going to stop interacting with other people, and therefore stop breeding.
Doctor Pagel has some more fun advice for us in the Guardian
Christina Pagel, professor of operational research at University College London and member of the Independent Sage group of experts
“I’ve never stopped wearing a mask on public transport and in shops. I now also wear one during face-to-face meetings at work and would if I was going to the cinema, theatre, etc. However, I have chosen to restrict my social activities or meet outside wherever possible during these weeks of very high levels of infection. Many will not be able to restrict their contacts, so a well-fitting, high-quality mask (FFP2/FFP3) is even more important to try to reduce their chance of catching Covid or of spreading it.”
Lock 'em up....lock 'em up......oh no wait, the are locking themselves up.
The only conclusion is that they want us to wear masks forever, as we all now know covid is here forever
A rare positive take. People may disagree what merit is being looked for here - for both Sunak and Zahawi it was to be a loyal patsy after the previous guy quit - but it is probably true that Boris doesn't give a crap about the ethnicity of those he appoints, which is a good thing.
Not the day’s biggest news, but having the Conservatives appoint a third ethnic minority chancellor in a row - all not just on merit but as the obvious candidate - says very good things about this country.
But Zahawi wasn't obvious at all. Not least because, as I pointed out above, he is a chemical engineer who founded a polling company. He has no noticeable economic knowledge or experience. Less than me in fact.
Then hopefully he will have a healthy disrespect for Treasury mandarins, especially having had an opportunity to compare them with DoE mandarins…….oh wait!
Public universities in Florida will be required to survey both faculty and students on their political beliefs and viewpoints, with the institutions at risk of losing their funding if the responses are not satisfactory to the state's Republican-led legislature.
The unprecedented project, which was tucked into a law signed Tuesday by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, is part of a long-running, nationwide right-wing push to promote "intellectual diversity" on campuses — though worries over a lack of details on the survey's privacy protections, and questions over what the results may ultimately be used for, hover over the venture.
Based on the bill's language, survey responses will not necessarily be anonymous — sparking worries among many professors and other university staff that they may be targeted, held back in their careers or even fired for their beliefs.
According to the bill's sponsor, state Sen. Ray Rodrigues, faculty will not be promoted or fired based on their responses, but, as The Tampa Bay Times reported Tuesday, the bill itself does not back up those claims.
No. Completely justified. The horrendous onethink on American campuses has to be challenged. They are 99% Democrat and 98% Woke, yet the rest of America really is not, and this gulf is bad for any country
I've got little confidence the situation will improve because of 'government surveys'. Too blunt. A softer approach, linking state funding with commitments to viewpoint diversity and freedom of speech would probably be more effective.
But it is, at least, a start
Extirpating Extreme Wokeness from Academe is an urgent need. That’s where CRT came from: the universities
If only you knew as much about US universities and CRT as you do about AI.
I think you're so embedded into ground zero of liberal California you fail to recognise CRT for the cancer it is.
CRT is a bogeyman invented by the Right to dogwhistle racism. The people pushing CRT fears are the people who claim Trump won the election and that COVID vaccines are dangerous.
CRT is a real thing invented by the Left to practice actual racism.
CRT contains much that is wrong, a fair amount which is unobjectionable, and a few things which are probably right but which are very uncomfortable.
The parts that look at the fact that we are all - at times - racist without realising it come into the last category.
Unconscious bias is something that all of us claim not to have. But I'm afraid there's a lot research that suggests it is very real. One study that took me aback involved sending fake job applications from students graduating law schools, with all information identical except the colour of the skin of the applicant in the photo. The white candidates were offered interviews at a rate much higher than the African American ones.
There is also plenty of evidence that white professors are more likely to call upon other white students over black ones to answer questions in lectures. And are more likely to accept excuses about "circumstances" to account for bad grades.
For what it's worth, I am sure that the same thing works the other way around too. That black professors see kindred spirits in black students and call on them more often.
But then we do also need to take a step back.
Unconscious bias is not just about race. In the UK, there have been studies where people are asked to judge the intelligence of a speaker. Race was not the most important factor - accent was. Even if the actual words were the same, the person with the Liverpudlian accent was considered less intelligent than the one with the soft Edinburgh burr.
And the level of unconscious bias we now see is far, far less than the explicit and conscious bias we've had in the past. In most of the developed world the equality of opportunity for a person of colour has never been greater. Socioeconomic inequality is - realistically - a bigger issue that unconscious bias or racism.
I believe unconscious biases are a thing. I do think it gets overblown and the level of focus some put on it, and extreme solutions devised, to be histrionic and counter productive though.
I think that's probably right.
But saying that the people who study them are a "cancer" seems to be an overreaction.
I think you're missing something if you see it as being about studying unconscious biases in order to create a more perfect meritocracy. Often meritocracy is the enemy.
One of the more interesting aspects of this debate is the heat that is generated around the idea of fragility (usually pre-faced by the word 'white'). Considered through one lens, the responses to @rcs1000 's measured post on unconscious biases display a lot of fragility.
@Luckyguy1983 responds by sidelining the thing they can't explain away (the CVs example) and focusing on the other areas that could, perhaps, have alternative explanations, and confidently asserts that these are just sifting mechanisms.
@williamglenn asserts that meritocracy is the enemy, dismissing the idea that CRT could be aiming for meritocracy, but without evidence.
@Casino_Royale dismisses CRT because it is leveraged by a vocal extreme and asserts that it is having 'terrible real-world effects'.
etc. (I'm not assuming that all of these posters are white, only reflecting on what they have written).
There isn't much genuine engagement with what @rcs1000 has written, imo. I can absolutely see the flip side of the coin that any term such as 'white fragility' can be seen as perjorative and designed to shut down debate. But I'm personally more persuaded by the point Robert makes - that this stuff makes us uncomfortable and we try to dismiss, rather than engage with it. That's what I think is going on when CRT is referred to as a 'cancer'.
White Professors calling on white students - perhaps they called more upon those whose body language suggested they wanted to answer, or even more basically those who had their hands up. If they'd called on black students who weren't necessarily keen to engage, would that have been a form of bullying?
The Sun does the same. Makes ancient cultural references which must be lost on anyone under 60. Their sub editors must be in their 90s. It’s another sign of the decline of newspapers
But nowadays we tend to use LCD anyway instead of Cathode Ray Tubes.
It will not be say Sunak v Hunt
Not the day’s biggest news, but having the Conservatives appoint a third ethnic minority chancellor in a row - all not just on merit but as the obvious candidate - says very good things about this country.
When he lied,
Broke the law,
Laughed about it,
Lied again,
Dismissed the Ministerial Code,
Ignored serious misconduct,
And lied again.
Tory Ministers are all responsible for what Boris Johnson’s done. They’re all unfit to govern
Churchill was First Lord of the Admiralty.
That's the problem with it. It's like all whackjob unifying sociological theories that emanate out of universities or philosophers that seek to "explain" everything throughout history. Except this one can't be criticised because to do so is racist - as idiots like Robin DiAngelo have profited from - so this one is seeping into the real-world and it's dogma is having terrible real-world effects.
It's not the constructive measured conversation that sensible people like you believe it to be.
Yet 98% of PB now don't back the Tories and want Johnson out and you will scream and shout but Johnson loyalists are still about a a third of the country and cannot be ignored
But, that is the quintessence of the Star’s genius nowadays. Obscure, esoteric, a sort of quasi cerebral farce. With transfer rumours, and Jasmine from Kent.
Not least because, as I pointed out above, he is a chemical engineer who founded a polling company.
He has no noticeable economic knowledge or experience. Less than me in fact.
And that precedents of how things happened in the past are bound to be repeated again in the future.
It betrays a shocking lack of imagination. Predictions and intelligent thought is about expecting what will change next and why not acting as if change isn't going to happen and the last poll you liked is locked in permanently.
You would need about 250 MPs to vote for Hunt or Sunak for them to be the final 2 and the ERG and right combined and Johnson loyalists have significantly more than the 120 or so needed to stop that
That said, he will now be seen as the patsy for the worst PM in British history.
That’s what Twitter is saying quite convincingly
If so - if it is true - what a sinister and slippery thing to do
You are not all Tory members. Thank God, Allah, Yahwee, Thor, Jupiter, Zeus and Zoroaster for that.
Those who do get it for the telly, football, tits or puzzles. Except you and a few others.
Plus I have always voted for every Tory candidate on the ballot paper, including that Welsh Town Council election
If true, tho, and if this emerges, it won’t be good for Korma
My understanding is that the Treasury discovered that firms merely pocketed the tax cuts and paid it out in dividends - often to overseas owners - rather than making capital investments in their own businesses.
Hence it was hiked, and generous write-offs provided for capital expenditures instead.
Nobody really wants to go back to three TV channels, six radio stations and one screen at the cinema, but it did give us a common set of cultural references.
God, I'm turning into the kind of grumpy old fart who wants to turn the clock back to their youth... like, you-know-what...
As for having always voted Tory - that's not something to be proud of, any more than a socialist saying they'd always voted Labour.
An Agreement on Mutual Protection of Confidential Information in the Defense Industry was signed between Turkey and Italy, opening way for the SAMP/T missile defense system purchase and possible tech transfer for Ankara
Very capable radar/missile technology.
Who gives a feck.
He will be gone by the end of summer and no one will give a otter's arse what the hell he does in next six weeks.
This regime is ending.
Pure poison.
Eric Kauffman and Douglas Murray have written extensively on this. Read up.
Also a projection of just how many people are gonna go bankrupt / freeze to death this winter.
I certainly wouldn't want the job of chancellor.
If that's the tax cutting he's been put in to do there'll be scenes.
And as I said before the only way they can afford to cut it is to cut Government Expenditure and what exactly can be cut at the moment...
Christina Pagel, professor of operational research at University College London and member of the Independent Sage group of experts
“I’ve never stopped wearing a mask on public transport and in shops. I now also wear one during face-to-face meetings at work and would if I was going to the cinema, theatre, etc. However, I have chosen to restrict my social activities or meet outside wherever possible during these weeks of very high levels of infection. Many will not be able to restrict their contacts, so a well-fitting, high-quality mask (FFP2/FFP3) is even more important to try to reduce their chance of catching Covid or of spreading it.”
However, it began focused on US legal studies. To quote the Wikipedia article, "One tenet of CRT is that racism and disparate racial outcomes are the result of complex, changing, and often subtle social and institutional dynamics, rather than explicit and intentional prejudices of individuals." That's hard to disagree with. The next bit is more complicated: "CRT scholars argue that the social and legal construction of race advances the interests of White people[7][11] at the expense of people of color,[12][13] and that the liberal notion of U.S. law as "neutral" plays a significant role in maintaining a racially unjust social order,[14] where formally color-blind laws continue to have racially discriminatory outcomes.[15]" It's hard to get into that without some expertise in US legal history and theory. Those decrying CRT as a threat to modern civilization, however, are clearly not actually trying to engage with what CRT actually argues.
If Starmer tried to hang on like that he would be cutting his own throat in the most stupid manner possible.
If he announced “I’m resigning, but staying on until the toast is out of the toaster and my successor has been selected by the Labour Party”, then he would have pretty much universal plaudits and could even make a comeback in future.
I'm sure I've seen you talk before about how since the Tories are in power now their agenda goes, and the idea of governing for everyone is not a thing, they can and should just focus only on pleasing their core supporters, ignoring all others.
Yet a minority should be listened to if it is the one you prefer?
We have at least learned that Zahawi is the sort of chap who would actually relish the opportunity to lead the Tories into opposition.
The smart folk will start positioning themselves to be the leader after next.
Paul McNamara
(I’m back to caps)
Those figures alone are unsustainable
If only Ukraine had been told.
As far as I understand it, it is impossible for Starmer to appeal a FPN and get an injunction
I remember this headline, I called many here foolish.
better .
Lake County Sheriff’s office just said police had been called on suspected Highland Park shooter Robert Crimo in 2019, after he threatened to “kill everyone” in his family. They seized 16 knives.
He was later able to legally buy 5 firearms before yesterday’s mass shooting.
Ken Clarke read Law and then went straight into politics
Gordon Brown was a Lecturer in Politics and then a Journalist
Alistair Darling was a Solicitor
George Osborne was a Journalist with a degree in History
Before Hammond, the last CoE to have any background in economics or finance was Norman Lamont in 1993.
As I suggested in the previous thread, the Tory Parliamentary party may very well be too divided, and therefore too weak, confused and frightened, to commit. Because failing to dispatch Johnson for a second time would almost certainly mean that they were stuck with him until the next election - something that everyone outside of the loyalist faction would sincerely wish to avoid.
@Luckyguy1983 responds by sidelining the thing they can't explain away (the CVs example) and focusing on the other areas that could, perhaps, have alternative explanations, and confidently asserts that these are just sifting mechanisms.
@williamglenn asserts that meritocracy is the enemy, dismissing the idea that CRT could be aiming for meritocracy, but without evidence.
@Casino_Royale dismisses CRT because it is leveraged by a vocal extreme and asserts that it is having 'terrible real-world effects'.
etc. (I'm not assuming that all of these posters are white, only reflecting on what they have written).
There isn't much genuine engagement with what @rcs1000 has written, imo. I can absolutely see the flip side of the coin that any term such as 'white fragility' can be seen as perjorative and designed to shut down debate. But I'm personally more persuaded by the point Robert makes - that this stuff makes us uncomfortable and we try to dismiss, rather than engage with it. That's what I think is going on when CRT is referred to as a 'cancer'.
10:50pm is a totally useless time to resign as a total non-entity.