Keir Starmer the most popular politician in Britain.
Most least unpopular?
Yeah, 31-53 is still far from convincing. Maybe if he finds a vision and some policies he can become actually popular.
Maybe actually having policy makes people less popular. At the moment every one can transfer onto him the idea he will help them, policies could tell them he won’t.
Exactly. You only go for policies if you're losing. Look at Labour last time. A veritable blizzard. They'll probably do that again if things are looking bleak. Otherwise it'll be Britain Deserves Better and The Joke's Not Funny Anymore and that should do it imo.
That'll get them a hung parliament, maybe as largest party. There don't need to be many policies but there do need to be some which need to give an indication of direction - look at how Blair did it.
Pay for [POPULAR THING] by cutting/taxing [UNPOPULAR THING].
No point doing that now, because that is going to be the basis of the next few Budgets.
Leon using DALLE-2...I bet it is like the ultimate boss guy out of the Southpark World of Warcraft episode.
There are serious tech CEOs on Twiter raving about dall-e - "the Cambrian explosion of AI creativity" - and saying they are completely addicted to making images, it is like being a child again, and it is akin to the first invention of the internet: it is that important
There are also many artists writing obituaries for their careers:
"AI is now definitively better than human artists in almost every sense of the word. Do you see the writing on the wall?"
Every day dall-e 2 produces something completely WTF
They said the same about special effects companies and animators when morphing became a thing and then CGI and now it'll be the death of Post Production companies ....but it never really is. It just makes things easier and cheaper and gives the originators more options. I shot a Seat Ibiza launch ad which was a 14 day shoot and two weeks post production with a production budget of 6 million Euros which could now be done for maybe a million. I would hate to be starting now.
Why? Is your pay a percentage of the budget? Or artistic reasons?
@francska1 Last night state TV's Vladimir Solovyov suggested genocide accusations made against Moscow were aimed at preparing British public opinion for a nuclear strike by the UK on Russia
It would appear that the tanking the Ukrainians are giving them has lowered their threshold. Once upon a time we were just America's minor sidekicks. Now they are worried we can attack them unilaterally. They may need to keep an eye on Luxembourg next
Nutter tory MP who seems to think the people smuggling is across the Thames rather than the Channel.
He just misspoke. In fact I’ve been watching it since half two and diction has been dreadful. Only the Bishop Aukland Tory lady spoke well in my opinion.
The speaker opened up all over the shop in his statement about allowing Starmer his vote Thursday. Did anyone see that?
Again fails rule out sending women n children
How will a policy that doesn’t apply to children stop children from drowning?
Right -
The traffickers pricing model assumes a critical mass of customers and if all the single men drop out (on account of knowing it's Rwanda if they make it) it will leave a hole in demand that cannot be filled.
So they - the criminal gangs - will be forced into a wholly different line of business.
@francska1 Last night state TV's Vladimir Solovyov suggested genocide accusations made against Moscow were aimed at preparing British public opinion for a nuclear strike by the UK on Russia
It would appear that the tanking the Ukrainians are giving them has lowered their threshold. Once upon a time we were just America's minor sidekicks. Now they are worried we can attack them unilaterally. They may need to keep an eye on Luxembourg next
"CREA says the average selling price can be misleading since it is skewed by sales in big expensive markets like Toronto and Vancouver. Simply removing those two cities from the numbers shaves more than $178,000 off the average, the realtor group notes, which is why it tabulates a second number, known as the House Price Index, to adjust for the volume and type of housing being sold."
No wonder Canadians are getting annoyed for the first time ever, with average home prices being more than £500,000 nationwide, and around £800,000 in the Greater Toronto Area.
Leon using DALLE-2...I bet it is like the ultimate boss guy out of the Southpark World of Warcraft episode.
There are serious tech CEOs on Twiter raving about dall-e - "the Cambrian explosion of AI creativity" - and saying they are completely addicted to making images, it is like being a child again, and it is akin to the first invention of the internet: it is that important
There are also many artists writing obituaries for their careers:
"AI is now definitively better than human artists in almost every sense of the word. Do you see the writing on the wall?"
Every day dall-e 2 produces something completely WTF
They said the same about special effects companies and animators when morphing became a thing and then CGI and now it'll be the death of Post Production companies ....but it never really is. It just makes things easier and cheaper and gives the originators more options. I shot a Seat Ibiza launch ad which was a 14 day shoot and two weeks post production with a production budget of 6 million Euros which could now be done for maybe a million. I would hate to be starting now.
No, you haven't understood it. Dall-e is orders of magnitude more revolutionary than any visually-oriented tech we have seen before. It is mind-blowing. The more you see and read, the more it astonishes
It derives, of course, from GPT3
Here is a very recent (and very loooong) NYT piece arguing that GPT3 might now be actually intelligent. Possibly
@francska1 Last night state TV's Vladimir Solovyov suggested genocide accusations made against Moscow were aimed at preparing British public opinion for a nuclear strike by the UK on Russia
It would appear that the tanking the Ukrainians are giving them has lowered their threshold. Once upon a time we were just America's minor sidekicks. Now they are worried we can attack them unilaterally. They may need to keep an eye on Luxembourg next
A somewhat slanted take, although not unexpected from you, as you are given to perennial ostentatious pessimism. The West End is booming back – many of the really dull chains have been replaced by exciting and interesting independents.
Yet you see what you want to see. Odd.
Apart from the tedious ad hom attack, which immediately tells me I've won the argument, it's the retail off the beaten track which is suffering most from lack of footfall.
To be fair, in East Ham High Street, we continue to see any closed retail units rapidly re-purposed and re-configured suggesting there's still a strong entrepreneurial dynamic out there so I wouldn't say the High Street is dead but nor would I say it is now what it was pre-Coronavirus.
Suspect 'ad hom attack' is on the PB Cliches Verboten list but anyway, it's important to note the bias of the poster in some cases... and it's rarely difficult to distinguish you from a ray of sunshine.
You also have a very weird attitude towards north London, which I find decidedly untoward.
Let's not forget the statement after the interim statement by Gray. That was as big a kicking for phatboi as this is. It's just a bad 2 hours for him and then tomorrow is another day
Mark Harper seems decent enough, don't know much about him
Is there any reason why Harper isn't considered a serious leadership candidate? He always strikes me as skilled communicator and an intelligent voice of the right.
Leon using DALLE-2...I bet it is like the ultimate boss guy out of the Southpark World of Warcraft episode.
There are serious tech CEOs on Twiter raving about dall-e - "the Cambrian explosion of AI creativity" - and saying they are completely addicted to making images, it is like being a child again, and it is akin to the first invention of the internet: it is that important
There are also many artists writing obituaries for their careers:
"AI is now definitively better than human artists in almost every sense of the word. Do you see the writing on the wall?"
Every day dall-e 2 produces something completely WTF
They said the same about special effects companies and animators when morphing became a thing and then CGI and now it'll be the death of Post Production companies ....but it never really is. It just makes things easier and cheaper and gives the originators more options. I shot a Seat Ibiza launch ad which was a 14 day shoot and two weeks post production with a production budget of 6 million Euros which could now be done for maybe a million. I would hate to be starting now.
CGI movies can be soul less. Does Dall-E lack sound compared to a real painting? Certainly the creatively element, the vision thing I failed my exams on, is helped by this. But is there soul?
You can see the difference even now. Film making unlike pure photography is usually 50% craft 50% creativity. The ad for Seat was based on Hockney's polaroid sequences. It was all shot motion control which basically repeats the camera move precisely. Very time consuming but to do it all in camera is quite different in feel from doing it in post. Take a look at this. Brilliantly crafted and all shot in camera The bomb splash is salt on a black surface. It just doesn't feel like CGI. Shot by Roger Woodburn.
My apologies everyone for this, but really @HYUFD who complains about me continuing arguments has posted a reply to me a full hour after the new thread opened. Talk about pot and kettle. So I'm not letting him off the hook.
@hyufd seems to think that because he posts something from the internet it is correct. Quote: 'No my facts were absolutely right. I posted the IQ data.' Yes you did BUT as everyone has been telling you it is not meaningful to compare countries because of other variables without taking them into account.
He also said: You quite clearly do have an ideological objection to raw IQ test results as you have spent most of this thread whinging about them. Again no I am not as I have made clear over and over again. I only object to the misuse of the data which is what you always do because you are as thick as a plank.
You also said 'The difference between the average Japanese and Mali test results as I have already shown you is far to big to be bridged even with preparation and coaching'. Again I have explained this to you. My reference to coaching was in the UK/USA context of improving individual IQ results. The reason Mali results are so low is because of other variables primarily the complete lack of education compared to Japan. That is not the same as coaching, we are talking about a completely different society, 3rd world compared to 1st world.
OK so finally I will ask you for the umpteenth time do you really believe that the average Nepal IQ is really 43 and the average Mali IQ is really 59 because that is at the level of not being able to tie your shoe laces. Or is it because of other factors like lack of education.
If the latter then all of what you have posted is bollocks isn't it?
If the former then you are a racist if you think Africans are really this stupid.
I posted on the OLD thread not the new one, you have yet again decided to carry your post over to disrupt the new thread so here we go.
You have an ideological objection to IQ tests, hence you completely dismiss the fact that East Asian countries are over 50 IQ points higher than the lowest IQ nations (and also indeed higher than us). That is just a fact, instead all you can do is rant and rave in your usual pompous manner throwing accusations of racism about and accusing me of being thick because I do not agree with your ideological agenda which is that there is no such thing as raw IQ.
You also need to ask why some nations are 3rd world and some nations are very advanced 1st world like Japan? The answer may well be in part due to raw IQ but no again that has to be dismissed by you with a rant about racism.
There are schools in Nepal and Mali as much as there are schools in Japan after all!
a) You kept it going not me but I am stopping now because I know how it annoys everyone.
b) You said: 'There are schools in Nepal and Mali as much as there are schools in Japan after all!' You really are deluded aren't you. How on earth can you compare Mali and Nepal education with Japan?
c) You keep saying I have an ideological objection to IQ tests yet ignore the fact that I clearly don't and that they were integral to my work for many years and I used them repeated and was involved in their production. You are just bonkers.
d) So re your last paragraph you really DO think Africans are stupid so therefore you are a racist. I mean what other conclusion can one come to. Go on admit it you think black people are thick. Again I ask why do you think African Americans perform better than Africans if that is the case. They are after all the same people. Africans who suffer poverty do not do so because they are thick, and when rescued from poverty why do they suddenly perform better if you are correct.
It really is offensive if you think Africans are thick.
Also do you have any comprehension of what a score of 43 is? I wouldn't want someone with that IQ level taking me up Everest. But guess what people from Nepal aren't as stupid as you think.
One does wonder what your IQ level is.
a) You replied again on the previous thread, so I replied to you again. You then continued it onto this new thread rather than the old one.
b) Very easily. They both have schools which give pupils the opportunity to learn, I would not expect Malian and Nepali schools to be so crap in relation to Japanese schools as to be the sole reason for Japan's very high average IQ score in relation to them.
c) Clearly you do have an ideological objection to any notion of raw IQ, otherwise you would not have made umpteen posts saying how raw IQ measures are racist.
d) You just prove my point. Rather than look at the facts you just throw out accusations of racism. Even in developed nations we know full well East Asians get the best exam results when all racial backgrounds are on an equal footing.
It is you saying Africans are thick not me, saying Japan has a higher average IQ than African nations is not the same thing at all (you could equally say African nations produce more long distance Olympic gold medallists than Japan).
I have never pretended to be genius level IQ but what my IQ is is irrelevant to a discussion of a comparison of raw IQ scores between nations and ethnicities
If anyone else has experience of teaching in the Nepali education system feel free to correct me, but I am very ready to believe that their schools are so much worse than those in Japan that it would explain measured IQ levels easily.
So a 30 to 50 IQ points gap and gap in advancement of technology produced etc is entirely due to appallingly crap Nepalese schools then in relation to Japanese schools.
OK, it is a view
Having actually been to Nepal and to Japan, the difference in schooling is vast.
Nepal is a staggeringly poor country - they are short of everything. Even pencils. Quite a few schools are one room, without glass in the windows.....
They don't count. Not Tory voters.
Was in Nepal during a General Election. Due to widespread illiteracy they used Party symbols rather than names. Was taken aback to see Vote Tree! posters.
1) Trees don't lie 2) Trees don't steal 3) Trees don't start wars
Sound like fairly ideal leaders, really.
They have a long term perspective?
I knew someone once who was convinced that the natural growth rate of the economy was the same as a tree (about 1.8% pa IIRC) and anything more than that would tantamount to a rejection of the natural order of things
Mark Harper seems decent enough, don't know much about him
Is there any reason why Harper isn't considered a serious leadership candidate? He always strikes me as skilled communicator and an intelligent voice of the right.
Was he not listed as an outside contender in recent months?
Mark Harper seems decent enough, don't know much about him
Is there any reason why Harper isn't considered a serious leadership candidate? He always strikes me as skilled communicator and an intelligent voice of the right.
Former Whip. Lacks public profile therefore. And within the wider Party. I doubt 2 in 100 people have heard of him.
No point doing that now, because that is going to be the basis of the next few Budgets.
The traffickers pricing model assumes a critical mass of customers and if all the single men drop out (on account of knowing it's Rwanda if they make it) it will leave a hole in demand that cannot be filled.
So they - the criminal gangs - will be forced into a wholly different line of business.
I'm here for another hour or so yet.
Would still be £400,000+
Erm, does Bill Cash know what day it is?
It derives, of course, from GPT3
Here is a very recent (and very loooong) NYT piece arguing that GPT3 might now be actually intelligent. Possibly
Quite amazing
Sorry - he looks like he’s been living out of someone else’s Kia Rio.
Dec 2019 = 32 pts
Mar 2020 = 39 pts
Jun 2020 = 20 pts
Sep 2020 = 15 pts
Dec 2020 = 16 pts
Mar 2021 = 20 pts
Jun 2021 = 22 pts
Sep 2021 = 19 pts
Dec 2021 = 10 pts
Jan 2022 = 6 pts
Feb 2022 = 3 pts
Mar 2022 = 9 pts
Apr 2022 = 0 pts
EDIT: Jesus Christ!!!
Dec 2019 = 32 pts
Mar 2020 = 39 pts
Jun 2020 = 20 pts
Sep 2020 = 15 pts
Dec 2020 = 16 pts
Mar 2021 = 20 pts
Jun 2021 = 22 pts
Sep 2021 = 19 pts
Dec 2021 = 10 pts
Jan 2022 = 6 pts
Feb 2022 = 3 pts
Mar 2022 = 9 pts
Apr 2022 = 0 pts
Keir Starmer is a superb leader
Starmer is on fire!
15 point lead nailed on!
You also have a very weird attitude towards north London, which I find decidedly untoward.
Let's not forget the statement after the interim statement by Gray. That was as big a kicking for phatboi as this is. It's just a bad 2 hours for him and then tomorrow is another day
I knew someone once who was convinced that the natural growth rate of the economy was the same as a tree (about 1.8% pa IIRC) and anything more than that would tantamount to a rejection of the natural order of things
And within the wider Party.
I doubt 2 in 100 people have heard of him.