Condoning Trump won't be helpful in the UK
I suspect this will help the Tories and their campaign to portray Nigel Farage to two time general election loser Jeremy Corbyn, Corbyn's ratings went into the toilet after his response to the Salisbury poisonings.
Link to the Guardian article
R is for Russia
Condoning Trump won't be helpful in the UK
I suspect this will help the Tories and their campaign to portray Nigel Farage to two time general election loser Jeremy Corbyn, Corbyn's ratings went into the toilet after his response to the Salisbury poisonings.
Link to the Guardian article
If the former than I use vf otherwise it's the main site.
As John McDonnell astutely identified, Labour lost the 2019 election as soon as Corbyn blamed Russia for Salisbury.
It's wealth where there has been such a dramatic change. The top 10% are about £300,000 better off than they were 10 years ago, while there has been no change for the bottom 10%. Almost all of that is from differences in passive income rather than changes in earnings.
Congressional Republicans are now pod people.
In simple terms every other country than the US would need to double their support for Ukraine because the US provides just under 50% of it. Starmer has pretty much done that for the UK, at least in the short term. Other things are more challenging. The US has provided 4.5m artillery shells. The whole of Europe has struggled to provide 1m although they are promising 2m this year.
These are decisions we do not have a lot of time to make. US support is "paused" now. The Ukrainians will have some stocks but that decision is going to hurt very soon.
So overall, the strength of support for Ukraine against Putin is weakened nationally.
We’ll see more of that in the US. Where Trump leads his followers follow. Watch as opinion on Canada turns hostile. Or opinion on the impact of tariffs, or views of the value of federal agencies.
It meant for very long days.
I much preferred dealing with the Japanese than Americans.
Trump has played his 'withdraw military aid' card. He can only play it once. It may be the most precarious point in the war for Ukraine since February 2022, but they prevailed then against even greater odds. They can prevail with European only support now if it's strong and quick enough.
This is used to secure the connection between the site and the user - is not a bad explanation.
5 minutes work to fix.
He's not even lazy enough to have a calendar reminder that certificates are about to expire (or to have set up a daily test to check the expiry date).
Not for the first time I do wonder if all this has been cooked up with Zelensky to soften the Ukranians up for the deal.
He also plays down British & French peacekeeping troops as “20k troops from some random country that hasn’t fought a war in 30 or 40 years”.
No amount of work on the global stage will save Starmer from the consequences of domestic non delivery.
Starmer has done well this year and shown real leadership over Ukraine. But people’s bills are going up and the standard of living is falling. People feel that.
While I have some sympathy with the idea, he needs to face facts. For the next couple of years at the very least, equidistance is going to be a stance beyond even the most rubber limbed.
People like Luckyguy, Topping and Dura are an antidote to dreary middle class consensus.
His “Christianity” is a sham, as with so so many of his ilk.
The knob.
(Deluded individual is the term I was searching for.)
She's on to be interviewed about the workers' rights bill, and Starmer has very clearly told her for god's sake not to say anything about foreign affairs!
Or, like Trump and Musk, he believes he *is* God...
Now this morning I hear the news on arms and it's clear the USA has switched sides. They need to be told to fuck right off and when they've done that, to do it some more. We need to disentangle ourselves from the USA as quickly as possible, regardless of the cost to ourselves. The next decade is going to be painful whatever happens, let's get on and deal with it.
I sure hope our security services and force have stopped sharing sensitive information. Personally I think we should withdraw from NATO immediately. It's dead anyway.
Rant over. That's got it off my chest on the commute!
I mean, compared to the alternative of conspiracy theories and blaming everyone else for mistakes...
From phones to the Internet; from computers/tablets to your Netflix and/or Sky subscription.
Is a major part of the problem rampant consumerism?
The UK and France combined have about the same population size as Russia (allowing for recent declines) and have a combined economy 3.5x the size.
And we've been involved in plenty of wars between us...
In every organisation, the rot starts at the top - but given the history if Russian oligarchs, oligarchs need chaos to be able to seize wealth. (See Israel)
Current messaging is that Trump demands a grovelling apology before he'll even consider thinking about talking to Zelensky, at all.
This morning's Ukrainian vox pops - whether pro government or opposition - suggest that has inflamed public opinion rather than softening it up.
Imperfect though it might be, Ukraine is a democracy founded on the principle of standing up to domination by a superior force. They really don't seem to be at the peace at any price stage.
Support smashing laws. Worship the “propaganda of the deed”.
You could be expressing yourself by invading Fiume.
¡Viva la muerte!
Perversely it inhibits actual nuanced debate because the “normies” spend all their time arguing with the zany ideas of the edgelords and don’t have the bandwidth to disagree on the details amongst themselves.
Honourable attempt by Taz to rumble up a bit of outrage with the highly original “middle class centrist dads” and “dreary consensus” schtick. JD Vance style.
(Edited to remove triplicate. I put vanilla weirdness down to the train wifi)
Just going to the pub has gone, for many people, from a casual of-the-moment decision to an expensive event.
Cheap eating out has also vanished for many.
Housing takes a staggering proportion of income.
And so on
So, for many people, their everyday experience is that they can do less with what they have, than they used to.
This entails not attacking Trump and his government in public on western alliance issues until the chance hs gone and the time is right. We know what our government thinks and wants to do in respect of Plan A. Plan B is rather tough going, as I think we are about to find out. If there is to be a Plan B, I hope the committee sorting it is not live on R4.
But it also seems that time is very close indeed.
The reason you get the impression that they have gone up is that there has been a significant increase in inequality across housing tenure, with homeowners now much better off than those renting. But even then, rents have been roughly flat since 1990, so there is a geographical element too.
Good morning, everybody.
Most of the media have entirely abandoned the distinction between facts and opinions. The BBC is clinging on to the idea, it's not easy.
In the past there were wealthy individuals. But they were part of their local communities and felt a sense of obligation to contribute.
These days the uber wealthy have no compunction about moving to Monaco to save 1% off their taxes. They have no loyalty or commitment.
It’s the divide between rich and poor not the difference that undermines society
I still can't believe they didn't exempt Canadian oil. They literally built a "higher gas prices" button and pushed it. They acknowledged it was a bad idea to put tariffs on it but decided to do 10% instead of 0.
Sathnam Sanghera
UK asset manager Abrdn renames itself Aberdeen -
Would that be casus belli for Trump?
And when's the Reichstag fire?
"4/ 'Moses' looks forward to what Russia can do without the US in the picture: "The most objective thing is that without US support, Russia is capable of sweeping away Europe. Historical events await us.""
For those Russophiles who think Putin winning in Ukraine in any way means 'peace'...
I think the relevant number is the Estonian one of 0.25% of GDP in military aid, especially to Ukraine's domestic defence industries. It's all about political will. I'm interested in whether Germany will get something through before their new Parliament convenes in some weeks.
Perun's video from last Sunday was very good on this whole area, if I can recommend that again, which overlaps these themes and strategic autonomy in Europe:
Could Europe Defend Itself Without the US? - The US Split, Rearmament & Defence Independence