Labour are leafleting and canvassing in Guildford with dodgy bar charts (that's our job) showing they are the main challengers. Honestly they would rather the Tories hold Guildford by trying to thwart the LDs. Why not concentrate on sensible targets (admittedly not a lot around here).
They want a crippled Tory party as an unpopular opposition, not a broad LD group poised to pose them problems. They'd rather 180 Tories and 30 LDs than 130 and 80
The ship that crashed in Baltimore this morning also crashed in Antwerp in 2016
Not surprised given the huge stack of containers forward of the bridge! How can the captain see clearly?!
One hopes their navigation system did not rely entirely on the captain's eyesight.
Having said that though I am reminded of a "behind the scenes" tour of a modern cruise liner that I once did - The bridge bristled with computer screens and navigation systems so I was surprised to find a couple of guys with binoculars surveying the sea ahead of the ship. Surely this was not necessary I said to the captain, the systems would warn of any hazards. No he said, the systems only pick up large metallic objects, they would not "see" a small non-metallic boat, ships still use human lookouts to avoid the risk of collisions.
This accident did NOT occur out in the ocean, but rather in Baltimore harbor.
There were TWO pilots on board - that is, not members of the crew, but certified to pilot ships into & out of Baltimore to the Atlantic via Chesapeake Bay.
It is interesting that the Captain, who remains in charge even with 2 pilots, managed a Mayday which effect was that the bridge was immediately closed to traffic no doubt saving many lives
With the Sadiq Khan ad, it feels like the Tories are trying to appeal to a caricature of the people who voted for them last time, which seems out of touch. Citing the failures of Labour run cities and countries is fair enough, but this is a bit much
It would be really interesting to know who is push buying these shares on debut. And what they might expect from the next POTUS in return.
I think it's a monumental short squeeze.
Remember, this is a business doing less than $5m in sales, running a massive loss.
Remember, too, that monetizing these businesses is hard. Because - unlike Google or Facebook - you don't know anything about your users.
But there's a hundred million or so cash in the company (I think ?), so it's possible to keep the scam running for quite some time. A stock issue in six months time - along with the sales of a large slug of Trump's holdings - is far from impossible.
On any rational financial analysis, it's somewhere close to worthless - but it's also a meme stock, and there is a superabundance of suckers out there for this one.
I appreciate that this may just be me seeing what I want to see but I have become aware of signs that men in particular are getting fed up with 'woke' ; I went out for a few beers last night and on the fourth pint, my friend was agreeing on subjects like that cancelling people had gone too far, that the kids will get fed up with the totalitarian indoctrination in schools on issues like 'gender' and 'hate speech' and rebel against it; that the woke right (ie Trump 2024) are an inevitable and predictable response to the extremes of the 'woke left', etc etc. It is only a personal anecdote but for many years this group of friends were very accepting of the zeitgeist but now I am detecting that they are changing and seeing the world differently. I've also seen this with older friends as well who start to look at the left and right and comment 'they are both as bad as each other'. Something also increasingly evident with commentators on here.
Why is it that it is always that Trump (and the MAGA right) is a reaction to woke? Why not the other way around?
Take immigration. Under Obama, the Southern US border was essentially under control. Crossings were at a twenty year low. Trump then made a big deal of it, and the Left reacted against him.
There is a lot in this @rcs1000. See also Brexit in the UK- in many ways 'woke' was an evolution of 'remain', responding in turn to the obsession with a hard Brexit, which itself was a response to the approach to EU integration pursued by the political establishment.
"Woke" seems to me to be a catch-all term of division like "blob" or "establishment" or "deep state" not to mention "enemies of the people." It is designed to encourage fragmentation of society by persuading people that their interests are being undermined by malevolent forces conspiring against them.
Woke is an extremely hand and nicely pejorative word for the ensemble of insane ideas, policies, politics that see a person’s unalterable identity - sexual, racial, social - as more important than anything else (like character or attitude or persona or desires), and that certain races and genders - whites, males, etc - are inherently racist and sexist and always the oppressors, and that this is THE overwhelming truth and horror of society which must be addressed above and beyond all others ..
How many people do you imagine hold those views as you describe them (rather than a mild version of a small subset of them) ?
If it's more than a handful, it's probably you that's insane.
This is depressingly stupid
I don’t think you’re that dim so I shall presume you’re at work and unable to say anything more considered, interesting or articulate, due to time pressure
You must always be at 'work' then, as you never say anything considered, interesting, and particularly articulate.
Indeed. I was scrolling through the thread, full of interesting thoughts and perceptions when I came across one glaringly jarring outrider. A toxic piece of nastiness.
Then I saw the author.
No idea why he’s still permitted on here tbh. Drags the site down from its considered and erudite debates continually.
The only downside is that if people like him stick around in the Party after the defeat, they will one day bounce back.
Nah, Richard became aware of the illegitimacy of his nephews and that he was the rightful heir. Then the Tudor arse came and wrecked everything.
Richard *invented* the story that his nephews were illegitimate and it's very possible he did so only after becoming King. Initially, he resurrected Clarence's claim that Edward IV had been illegitimate.
The only downside is that if people like him stick around in the Party after the defeat, they will one day bounce back.
Having a couple of viable broadly based options to vote for coming from just each side of centrist should be the ideal though. We shouldn’t have to keep repeating the game of one party running itself into a cul de sac so that the other wins largely by default despite having glaring deficiencies in its offer.
Labour are leafleting and canvassing in Guildford with dodgy bar charts (that's our job) showing they are the main challengers. Honestly they would rather the Tories hold Guildford by trying to thwart the LDs. Why not concentrate on sensible targets (admittedly not a lot around here).
Same around here in Didcot and Wantage. My big concern is that the personal ambition of Labour candidates, who see the coming GE as possibly their only chance of becoming an MP, will lead to vote splits that will allow the Tories to cling on to numerous seats.
I love this line in the Nicole Shanahan Wikipedia bio: "In 2022, Shanahan gave $70 million to Blue Meridian Partners, which makes grants to nonprofits to help poverty."
It would be really interesting to know who is push buying these shares on debut. And what they might expect from the next POTUS in return.
I think it's a monumental short squeeze.
Remember, this is a business doing less than $5m in sales, running a massive loss.
Remember, too, that monetizing these businesses is hard. Because - unlike Google or Facebook - you don't know anything about your users.
Perfect set-up for money laundering "investments" from anyone who wants to "invest" in Donald Trump.
You're not wrong.
When control of the entire US is potentially at stake, a couple of hundred million - which would probably tip a contest between the shorts and the suckers - is neither here nor there for those with the money.
The only downside is that if people like him stick around in the Party after the defeat, they will one day bounce back.
Nah, Richard became aware of the illegitimacy of his nephews and that he was the rightful heir. Then the Tudor arse came and wrecked everything.
Richard *invented* the story that his nephews were illegitimate and it's very possible he did so only after becoming King. Initially, he resurrected Clarence's claim that Edward IV had been illegitimate.
I'm a paid up member of the Richard was wronged throng. The victor's rewrite history to hide their own crimes.
Labour are leafleting and canvassing in Guildford with dodgy bar charts (that's our job) showing they are the main challengers. Honestly they would rather the Tories hold Guildford by trying to thwart the LDs. Why not concentrate on sensible targets (admittedly not a lot around here).
Same around here in Didcot and Wantage. My big concern is that the personal ambition of Labour candidates, who see the coming GE as possibly their only chance of becoming an MP, will lead to vote splits that will allow the Tories to cling on to numerous seats.
That suits Labour, they don't want a strong LD contingent
It would be really interesting to know who is push buying these shares on debut. And what they might expect from the next POTUS in return.
I think it's a monumental short squeeze.
Remember, this is a business doing less than $5m in sales, running a massive loss.
Remember, too, that monetizing these businesses is hard. Because - unlike Google or Facebook - you don't know anything about your users.
Perfect set-up for money laundering "investments" from anyone who wants to "invest" in Donald Trump.
You're not wrong.
When control of the entire US is potentially at stake, a couple of hundred million - which would probably tip a contest between the shorts and the suckers - is neither here nor there for those with the money.
Strange, I could have sworn that when it came to the Liz Truss minibudget, we were told that the markets were dispassionate arbiters of economic stability, and the mere hint that they could be influenced by any political considerations was the subject of loud and somewhat laboured guffaws.
The only downside is that if people like him stick around in the Party after the defeat, they will one day bounce back.
Having a couple of viable broadly based options to vote for coming from just each side of centrist should be the ideal though. We shouldn’t have to keep repeating the game of one party running itself into a cul de sac so that the other wins largely by default despite having glaring deficiencies in its offer.
The Tories need to hive off the wing nuts as do Labour and take us back to a 60s/70s dynamic. There is room for Reform and the WPB/A Corbyn vehicle to take the odd seat and represent the not inconsequential strands of thought therein whilst the centre fights for government. A destroyed Tory party becomes problematic once we consider what replaces it
The only downside is that if people like him stick around in the Party after the defeat, they will one day bounce back.
Having a couple of viable broadly based options to vote for coming from just each side of centrist should be the ideal though. We shouldn’t have to keep repeating the game of one party running itself into a cul de sac so that the other wins largely by default despite having glaring deficiencies in its offer.
The Tories need to hive off the wing nuts as do Labour and take us back to a 60s/70s dynamic. There is room for Reform and the WPB/A Corbyn vehicle to take the odd seat and represent the not inconsequential strands of thought therein whilst the centre fights for government. A destroyed Tory party becomes problematic once we consider what replaces it
Lovely to have you back. However I am baffled as to how you see the widely acknowledged decline of the UK during the post-war consensus period as a desirable model for future political developments. It takes all sorts I guess.
It would be really interesting to know who is push buying these shares on debut. And what they might expect from the next POTUS in return.
I think it's a monumental short squeeze.
Remember, this is a business doing less than $5m in sales, running a massive loss.
Remember, too, that monetizing these businesses is hard. Because - unlike Google or Facebook - you don't know anything about your users.
Perfect set-up for money laundering "investments" from anyone who wants to "invest" in Donald Trump.
You're not wrong.
When control of the entire US is potentially at stake, a couple of hundred million - which would probably tip a contest between the shorts and the suckers - is neither here nor there for those with the money.
Strange, I could have sworn that when it came to the Liz Truss minibudget, we were told that the markets were dispassionate arbiters of economic stability, and the mere hint that they could be influenced by any political considerations was the subject of loud and somewhat laboured guffaws.
You're comparing the international bond market with a single company. Meaningless.
And no one said markets are dispassionate - just that you have to maintain their confidence if you're a government that needs to borrow money. Which she dismally failed to do.
The only downside is that if people like him stick around in the Party after the defeat, they will one day bounce back.
Having a couple of viable broadly based options to vote for coming from just each side of centrist should be the ideal though. We shouldn’t have to keep repeating the game of one party running itself into a cul de sac so that the other wins largely by default despite having glaring deficiencies in its offer.
The Tories need to hive off the wing nuts as do Labour and take us back to a 60s/70s dynamic. There is room for Reform and the WPB/A Corbyn vehicle to take the odd seat and represent the not inconsequential strands of thought therein whilst the centre fights for government. A destroyed Tory party becomes problematic once we consider what replaces it
Lovely to have you back. However I am baffled as to how you see the widely acknowledged decline of the UK during the post-war consensus period as a desirable model for future political developments. It takes all sorts I guess.
Indeed it does. I seek clarity in choice instead of the current fog of fetidness. And thank you.
Edit - the 'wing nuts' is not a right/left thing btw, it's get rid of the nutters, criminals and wasters on both sides are offer a range of choices of party representing the proper range of political thought
Odd video. Is it actually aimed primarily at a US audience? It does seem like something the GoP would put out with the message 'What Labour did over there the Democrats are about to do over here' and ending with a picture if Khan and Biden in a smiling embrace. I don't get it.
The only downside is that if people like him stick around in the Party after the defeat, they will one day bounce back.
Having a couple of viable broadly based options to vote for coming from just each side of centrist should be the ideal though. We shouldn’t have to keep repeating the game of one party running itself into a cul de sac so that the other wins largely by default despite having glaring deficiencies in its offer.
The Tories need to hive off the wing nuts as do Labour and take us back to a 60s/70s dynamic. There is room for Reform and the WPB/A Corbyn vehicle to take the odd seat and represent the not inconsequential strands of thought therein whilst the centre fights for government. A destroyed Tory party becomes problematic once we consider what replaces it
Lovely to have you back. However I am baffled as to how you see the widely acknowledged decline of the UK during the post-war consensus period as a desirable model for future political developments. It takes all sorts I guess.
Indeed the 60s and 70s "consensus" was a pretty reactionary one. Both main parties were socially way to the right even of the Tories today. Most children left school in their mid teens and higher education was for a tiny elite. We heated our homes with coal and drove dirty cars that belched toxic fumes into the air. River water quality made today's sewage releases seem like minor pooey trickles. Health and safety records in some workplaces were dire. Houses were cheap I suppose. But aside from house prices not super-keen to have that era back.
Odd video. Is it actually aimed primarily at a US audience? It does seem like something the GoP would put out with the message 'What Labour did over there the Democrats are about to do over here' and ending with a picture if Khan and Biden in a smiling embrace. I don't get it.
Made I assume by youngsters immersed via TikTok in the US culture wars and assuming they will play well here (which they may do, in some quarters).
Odd video. Is it actually aimed primarily at a US audience? It does seem like something the GoP would put out with the message 'What Labour did over there the Democrats are about to do over here' and ending with a picture if Khan and Biden in a smiling embrace. I don't get it.
Occam's Razor says it's been produced by nitwits.
There have been a few attempts at viral material by the Conservative social media team that have just fallen flat recently.
Basically, that kind of shitposting is surprisingly hard to get right- just offensive enough without overreaching. And unlike 2019, the Conservatives don't seem to have the first rate shitposters working for them. Well, why would anyone work for them?
The only downside is that if people like him stick around in the Party after the defeat, they will one day bounce back.
Having a couple of viable broadly based options to vote for coming from just each side of centrist should be the ideal though. We shouldn’t have to keep repeating the game of one party running itself into a cul de sac so that the other wins largely by default despite having glaring deficiencies in its offer.
The Tories need to hive off the wing nuts as do Labour and take us back to a 60s/70s dynamic. There is room for Reform and the WPB/A Corbyn vehicle to take the odd seat and represent the not inconsequential strands of thought therein whilst the centre fights for government. A destroyed Tory party becomes problematic once we consider what replaces it
Lovely to have you back. However I am baffled as to how you see the widely acknowledged decline of the UK during the post-war consensus period as a desirable model for future political developments. It takes all sorts I guess.
Indeed the 60s and 70s "consensus" was a pretty reactionary one. Both main parties were socially way to the right even of the Tories today. Most children left school in their mid teens and higher education was for a tiny elite. We heated our homes with coal and drove dirty cars that belched toxic fumes into the air. River water quality made today's sewage releases seem like minor pooey trickles. Health and safety records in some workplaces were dire. Houses were cheap I suppose. But aside from house prices not super-keen to have that era back.
I see it as a grim period of hugely damaging socialist consensus (as I am sure you realise and are gently mocking). Our creativity was still at play, and much of the legacy economy was intact, so we still had things like the Beatles, the mini cooper, the Raleigh Chopper, etc. making a great contribution to our economy. But it would have gone, and indeed with a return to social democracy (in combination with orthodox laissez faire when dealing with foreign takeovers) much of it has.
The only downside is that if people like him stick around in the Party after the defeat, they will one day bounce back.
Having a couple of viable broadly based options to vote for coming from just each side of centrist should be the ideal though. We shouldn’t have to keep repeating the game of one party running itself into a cul de sac so that the other wins largely by default despite having glaring deficiencies in its offer.
The Tories need to hive off the wing nuts as do Labour and take us back to a 60s/70s dynamic. There is room for Reform and the WPB/A Corbyn vehicle to take the odd seat and represent the not inconsequential strands of thought therein whilst the centre fights for government. A destroyed Tory party becomes problematic once we consider what replaces it
Lovely to have you back. However I am baffled as to how you see the widely acknowledged decline of the UK during the post-war consensus period as a desirable model for future political developments. It takes all sorts I guess.
Indeed the 60s and 70s "consensus" was a pretty reactionary one. Both main parties were socially way to the right even of the Tories today. Most children left school in their mid teens and higher education was for a tiny elite. We heated our homes with coal and drove dirty cars that belched toxic fumes into the air. River water quality made today's sewage releases seem like minor pooey trickles. Health and safety records in some workplaces were dire. Houses were cheap I suppose. But aside from house prices not super-keen to have that era back.
I see it as a grim period of hugely damaging socialist consensus (as I am sure you realise and are gently mocking). Our creativity was still at play, and much of the legacy economy was intact, so we still had things like the Beatles, the mini cooper, the Raleigh Chopper, etc. making a great contribution to our economy. But it would have gone, and indeed with a return to social democracy (in combination with orthodox laissez faire when dealing with foreign takeovers) much of it has.
It's just getting embarrassing now isn't it? Maybe the Tories should get rid of Sunak and install Penny?
Could it actually get any worse?
She could market herself as the ultimate 1950s Tory Woman. Penny in a pinny making jam and chutney for hard working fellas. Martha Stewart with amazing hair. Bank the Lads' Dads vote
No great surprise. GWB was a big-government president. The main thesis appears to be that middle class Republicans and working class Democrats have switched teams.
There is a telling aside about GOP budget-slasher Paul Ryan:-
The budget cutting championed by former Speaker of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan no longer has an obvious constituency.
That’s no great loss. When Ryan retired at the start of 2019, after two years of unified Republican control of Congress and the White House, at the peak of the longest economic expansion on record, he left behind a deficit for the fiscal year in progress that would approach $1tn.
In my view, Biden will be leading comfortably by September.
I just watched Biden give quite a long statement on the Baltimore Bridge accident. He was coherent, sharp, clear and sensible. Rumours of his demise into senility are overstated, I think.
New Jersey Globe - With Murphy out of the race, Kim still supports ending the county line
With First Lady Tammy Murphy exiting the race for U.S. Senate this afternoon, a spokesperson for Rep. Andy Kim (D-Moorestown) – now the heavy favorite for the Democratic nomination to succeed indicted Senator Bob Menendez – said that the congressman still supports ending the county line, the ballot design system that had been set to give a major advantage to Murphy. . . .
Last month, Kim had filed a lawsuit seeking to abolish the county line, which gives party-endorsed candidates preferential placement on primary ballots. The lawsuit was heavily based around the immediate harm Kim would have faced in his upcoming election against Murphy; now that Murphy is out of the race and that immediate harm has dissipated, it’s not clear what will happen to the suit.
U.S. District Judge Zahid Quraishi heard Kim’s arguments last week and has not yet issued a ruling. Importantly, the lawsuit also included two other plaintiffs, congressional candidates Sarah Schoengood and Carolyn Rush, whose own campaigns and legal arguments are unaffected by Murphy’s departure.
Kim is now set to run on every county line statewide, including in the ten counties where the local county party had endorsed Murphy; a number of pro-Murphy county chairs have already confirmed they’re with Kim. That will leave fellow Democratic Senate candidates Larry Hamm and Patricia Campos-Medina, who had joined Kim in calling for the line to be abolished, out in the cold. . . .
SSI - Rather snide tone re: Andy Kim, implying (despite his statement) that the Congressman is somewhat ambivalent re: NJ's infamous "county line" party primary ballot slating system, by which candidates endorsed by county party organizations get preferential placement at top of ballot.
WHICH is explained, when you discover that "New Jersey Globe" is "founder and editor in chief".
And who(m) you ask, is David Wildstein? According to his wiki bio, he
served as a senior official in the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey during the administration of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie until 2013, when Wildstein resigned in the midst of a scandal involving traffic lanes closures. On May 1, 2015, he pleaded guilty to two federal felony counts of conspiracy as part of a plea agreement, but his conviction was later overturned.
SSI - In other words, a Chris Christie crony & co-phoney with their own axes to grind - and interests to serve - in the swamp that is New Jersey politics.
Just saw a comment that it might be 4 to 5 years to sort out the Baltimore debacle, and that the US is effectively divided along the Mason Dixon line again
It's just getting embarrassing now isn't it? Maybe the Tories should get rid of Sunak and install Penny?
Could it actually get any worse?
Yes, I think so. They seem to be keeping Susan Hall under wraps for now.
Nearly ninety years ago, during a political brouhaha in Louisiana, allies of then-embattled Gov. Huey Long aka The Kingfish, hustled an inconvenient politico off to a remote fishing camp on an off-shore island in the Gulf of Mexico.
So Where's Susan? Rockall? South Shetlands?
Thought I hear Pitcairn is lovely this time of year . . .
Just saw a comment that it might be 4 to 5 years to sort out the Baltimore debacle, and that the US is effectively divided along the Mason Dixon line again
That's a but over egging it. The fallen bridge is from one side of Baltimore to the other. There are more bridges and the Mason Dixon line is further north on the Maryland Pennsylvania border.
You have to admire Trump for his sheer, unsquashable chutzpah
Just never gives up. Always bounces back. Proper ornery American remember-the-Alamo never-say-die irrepressiblissimo
You mock but in 20 years time when Generalisimo Trump asks Governor Farage of the occupied territories of Englandshire who goes to the work camps and who gets to join the new 10k and receive ten shares in Truth Social, Leon will be the one laughing.
You have to admire Trump for his sheer, unsquashable chutzpah
Just never gives up. Always bounces back. Proper ornery American remember-the-Alamo never-say-die irrepressiblissimo
You are admiring a crook and conman, which isn't admirable. The business has only a few hundred million in assets and its only product makes a significant loss. It is a con. Lots will lose a fortune when it collapses. Presumably Trump hopes to be out by then having sold his shares to the gullible.
He isn't admirable. He should be in jail. Nothing to admire here at all.
Just saw a comment that it might be 4 to 5 years to sort out the Baltimore debacle, and that the US is effectively divided along the Mason Dixon line again
That's a but over egging it. The fallen bridge is from one side of Baltimore to the other. There are more bridges and the Mason Dixon line is further north on the Maryland Pennsylvania border.
The Mason Dixon line extends for many hundreds of miles
There’s a couple of bridges over the Ohio River and the Line at Cincinnati which, AFAIK, are fine
Just saw a comment that it might be 4 to 5 years to sort out the Baltimore debacle, and that the US is effectively divided along the Mason Dixon line again
That's a but over egging it. The fallen bridge is from one side of Baltimore to the other. There are more bridges and the Mason Dixon line is further north on the Maryland Pennsylvania border.
Yeah I think the comment was illustrative rather than absolute, although thus bridge is apparently a critical carrier of toxic materials so its loss will have a profound effect
You have to admire Trump for his sheer, unsquashable chutzpah
Just never gives up. Always bounces back. Proper ornery American remember-the-Alamo never-say-die irrepressiblissimo
He’s one of the great men of our time. History will be kinder than PB
What about that other shithead you admire so much - Putin?
Have you never stopped to wonder what trauma you went through that makes you admire these shitheads, or is it just that you are a shithead yourself?
Yes, Trump has his flaws but he will be seen as a kind of Bolivar in the future, guiding his nation - nay, the nations - with a raptor’s vision and the stealth of the tawny caracal
In my view, Biden will be leading comfortably by September.
I just watched Biden give quite a long statement on the Baltimore Bridge accident. He was coherent, sharp, clear and sensible. Rumours of his demise into senility are overstated, I think.
They are, but Trump and his acolytes have formed a narrative that means whenever Biden has any kind of stumble, he's a senile old fool, whereas whenever Trump does so (which is far more often) he's being free-wheelin' Don. Unfortunately, they have done so quite effectively in a way that has an impact beyond Trump's base.
You have to admire Trump for his sheer, unsquashable chutzpah
Just never gives up. Always bounces back. Proper ornery American remember-the-Alamo never-say-die irrepressiblissimo
He’s one of the great men of our time. History will be kinder than PB
What about that other shithead you admire so much - Putin?
Have you never stopped to wonder what trauma you went through that makes you admire these shitheads, or is it just that you are a shithead yourself?
Yes, Trump has his flaws but he will be seen as a kind of Bolivar in the future, guiding his nation - nay, the nations - with a raptor’s vision and the stealth of the tawny caracal
You have to admire Trump for his sheer, unsquashable chutzpah
Just never gives up. Always bounces back. Proper ornery American remember-the-Alamo never-say-die irrepressiblissimo
He’s one of the great men of our time. History will be kinder than PB
What about that other shithead you admire so much - Putin?
Have you never stopped to wonder what trauma you went through that makes you admire these shitheads, or is it just that you are a shithead yourself?
Yes, Trump has his flaws but he will be seen as a kind of Bolivar in the future, guiding his nation - nay, the nations - with a raptor’s vision and the stealth of the tawny caracal
AP (via Seattle Times) - Trump is selling ‘God Bless the USA’ Bibles for $59.99 as he faces mounting legal bills
Former President Donald Trump is now selling Bibles as he runs to return to the White House.
Trump, who became the presumptive Republican nominee earlier this month, released a video on his Truth Social platform on Tuesday urging his supporters to buy the “God Bless the USA Bible,” which is inspired by country singer Lee Greenwood’s patriotic ballad. Trump takes the stage to the song at each of his rallies and has appeared with Greenwood at events.
“Happy Holy Week! Let’s Make America Pray Again. As we lead into Good Friday and Easter, I encourage you to get a copy of the God Bless the USA Bible,” Trump wrote, directing his supporters to a website selling the book for $59.99. . . .
A good day for Team Sunak.
The only downside is that if people like him stick around in the Party after the defeat, they will one day bounce back.
Bring back optimism
A stock issue in six months time - along with the sales of a large slug of Trump's holdings - is far from impossible.
On any rational financial analysis, it's somewhere close to worthless - but it's also a meme stock, and there is a superabundance of suckers out there for this one.
Two County Durham sides fighting it out for the three points.
Then I saw the author.
No idea why he’s still permitted on here tbh. Drags the site down from its considered and erudite debates continually.
Unexpected honesty!
When control of the entire US is potentially at stake, a couple of hundred million - which would probably tip a contest between the shorts and the suckers - is neither here nor there for those with the money.
Nobody doubts Henry Bolingbroke was a usurper.
May your pizzas be full of pineapples.
And no one said markets are dispassionate - just that you have to maintain their confidence if you're a government that needs to borrow money. Which she dismally failed to do.
And thank you.
Edit - the 'wing nuts' is not a right/left thing btw, it's get rid of the nutters, criminals and wasters on both sides are offer a range of choices of party representing the proper range of political thought
An authoritative declaration of Trump 20 points ahead on no more evidence than a blade of grass in the breeze. Most impressive!
Could it actually get any worse?
There have been a few attempts at viral material by the Conservative social media team that have just fallen flat recently.
Basically, that kind of shitposting is surprisingly hard to get right- just offensive enough without overreaching. And unlike 2019, the Conservatives don't seem to have the first rate shitposters working for them. Well, why would anyone work for them?
You might call Trafalgar Polls the Gold Standard, but this somewhat underplays their significance.
They are more accurate than elections themselves, the hive mind of the electorate.
Bank the Lads' Dads vote
The judge presiding over Trump's NY criminal case REFUSES to budge from his order forcing lawyers to ask his okay to file any more motions.
He also WARNS Trump's lawyers to obey that order, citing his "power to punish for a criminal contempt."
Edit-His media shares float at $9 billion!
A growing body on the right now believe that Medicare and other programmes must not be cut at all (£££)
No great surprise. GWB was a big-government president. The main thesis appears to be that middle class Republicans and working class Democrats have switched teams.
There is a telling aside about GOP budget-slasher Paul Ryan:-
The budget cutting championed by former Speaker of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan no longer has an obvious constituency.
That’s no great loss. When Ryan retired at the start of 2019, after two years of unified Republican control of Congress and the White House, at the peak of the longest economic expansion on record, he left behind a deficit for the fiscal year in progress that would approach $1tn.
With First Lady Tammy Murphy exiting the race for U.S. Senate this afternoon, a spokesperson for Rep. Andy Kim (D-Moorestown) – now the heavy favorite for the Democratic nomination to succeed indicted Senator Bob Menendez – said that the congressman still supports ending the county line, the ballot design system that had been set to give a major advantage to Murphy. . . .
Last month, Kim had filed a lawsuit seeking to abolish the county line, which gives party-endorsed candidates preferential placement on primary ballots. The lawsuit was heavily based around the immediate harm Kim would have faced in his upcoming election against Murphy; now that Murphy is out of the race and that immediate harm has dissipated, it’s not clear what will happen to the suit.
U.S. District Judge Zahid Quraishi heard Kim’s arguments last week and has not yet issued a ruling. Importantly, the lawsuit also included two other plaintiffs, congressional candidates Sarah Schoengood and Carolyn Rush, whose own campaigns and legal arguments are unaffected by Murphy’s departure.
Kim is now set to run on every county line statewide, including in the ten counties where the local county party had endorsed Murphy; a number of pro-Murphy county chairs have already confirmed they’re with Kim. That will leave fellow Democratic Senate candidates Larry Hamm and Patricia Campos-Medina, who had joined Kim in calling for the line to be abolished, out in the cold. . . .
SSI - Rather snide tone re: Andy Kim, implying (despite his statement) that the Congressman is somewhat ambivalent re: NJ's infamous "county line" party primary ballot slating system, by which candidates endorsed by county party organizations get preferential placement at top of ballot.
WHICH is explained, when you discover that "New Jersey Globe" is "founder and editor in chief".
And who(m) you ask, is David Wildstein? According to his wiki bio, he
served as a senior official in the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey during the administration of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie until 2013, when Wildstein resigned in the midst of a scandal involving traffic lanes closures. On May 1, 2015, he pleaded guilty to two federal felony counts of conspiracy as part of a plea agreement, but his conviction was later overturned.
SSI - In other words, a Chris Christie crony & co-phoney with their own axes to grind - and interests to serve - in the swamp that is New Jersey politics.
Which Andy Kim is working hard to drain!
SSI - My guess, and also hope, is that Kim & fellow plaintiffs will prevail in federal court, striking down this "county line" crapola.
Now he’s got the money to fuck over Biden
Eyes down!
So Where's Susan? Rockall? South Shetlands?
Thought I hear Pitcairn is lovely this time of year . . .
Just never gives up. Always bounces back. Proper ornery American remember-the-Alamo never-say-die irrepressiblissimo
"I'm sure he'll come back one day."
He isn't admirable. He should be in jail. Nothing to admire here at all.
There’s a couple of bridges over the Ohio River and the Line at Cincinnati which, AFAIK, are fine
Have you never stopped to wonder what trauma you went through that makes you admire these shitheads, or is it just that you are a shithead yourself?
Not bad!
It’s the blood vessel bursting ANGER that truly entertains me
AP (via Seattle Times) - Trump is selling ‘God Bless the USA’ Bibles for $59.99 as he faces mounting legal bills
Former President Donald Trump is now selling Bibles as he runs to return to the White House.
Trump, who became the presumptive Republican nominee earlier this month, released a video on his Truth Social platform on Tuesday urging his supporters to buy the “God Bless the USA Bible,” which is inspired by country singer Lee Greenwood’s patriotic ballad. Trump takes the stage to the song at each of his rallies and has appeared with Greenwood at events.
“Happy Holy Week! Let’s Make America Pray Again. As we lead into Good Friday and Easter, I encourage you to get a copy of the God Bless the USA Bible,” Trump wrote, directing his supporters to a website selling the book for $59.99. . . .
I actually managed to thrombose one of @kamski’s haemorrhoids, which is pretty impressive given that I am in Bogotá and he is in arsenficken, Bavaria