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Sunak is no real improvement on Truss –

SystemSystem Posts: 12,032
edited October 2023 in General
Sunak is no real improvement on Truss –

One year into his tenure, Rishi Sunak has not reduced the number of 2019 Conservative voters saying they will vote for another party at the next electionLast poll under Johnson: 20%Last poll under Truss: 30%Latest poll under Sunak: 28%

Read the full story here



  • First like lawyer Starmer.
  • LeonLeon Posts: 52,899
    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?
  • mwadamsmwadams Posts: 3,526
    edited October 2023
    Third like...well, could be anyone.
  • SandpitSandpit Posts: 53,130
    Yes, they should have stuck with Truss.

    At least she had ideas, even if you disagreed with them, and the reaction to her was out of all proportion to what what actually announced, led by the Sunakites in the PCP and media.
  • PulpstarPulpstar Posts: 77,411
    Interesting. Losing Mid Beds and Tamworth (& the rest) indicates the hammering is coming I think.

    Offtopic - Is it me or are these shared appreciation mortgages

    not dissimilar to ?
  • williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 50,526

    Leon said:

    148grss said:

    148grss said:

    148grss said:

    148grss said:

    148grss said:

    Eabhal said:

    148grss said:

    Eabhal said:

    TOPPING said:

    Braverman to challenge Met chief after jihad chant allowed at rally (£££)

    The jihad chants in question came not at the main Palestine march but at a small demo outside the Turkish embassy by the extremist group Hizb ut-Tahrir. Older PBers might remember that David Cameron pledged to ban Hizb ut-Tahrir.

    But wait, there's more.

    The government was warned in 2021 of a gap in anti-terrorist legislation that meant marchers could shout jihad with impunity, but did not act on the report written by Sir Mark Rowley. The same Sir Mark Rowley who is now Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, whom the Home Secretary wants to haul over the coals for police not arresting anyone for shouting things the government has not banned at a rally by an Islamist group the government has not banned.

    Doesn't this relate to them chanting "from the river to the sea" which our very own @148grss, who sings this with gusto, assures us is a pleasant song referring to the daisies that Hamas will plant to make daisy chains together with the Jews in the area.
    "From the river to the sea" is the standard Instagram post all my uni friends are posting in support of Palestine. I don't think they know the implication, and to be fair that's precisely how the Palestinian ambassador has been describing historical Palestine.
    The implication is only there if you put it there - "Palestine will be free / from the river to the sea" is about the desire for freedom and makes no reference to how; it is only because of other politicians and extremists use of the phrase "push Jews into the sea" that there is this implication, despite the use of that chant predating that.
    Freedom from what/whom if not Israel/the Jews?
    To be fair, if I was Jewish and a load of people matched past chanting "Jihad" in the current climate, I'd be bricking it.

    I have no idea where the line is though. It's unacceptable that the Jewish community have to put up with this hostile environment, but I don't want people arrested for saying stuff either (unless it plainly calls for physical violence).
    The thing is people are aware of the law. Most know what they can/can't get away with. So 'Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea' is sufficiently ambiguous to avoid prosecution. But as I said yesterday, it's what they aren't saying. If you are going to use a slogan like that, then where is the reassurance to the Jewish population that they wouldn't be ethnically cleansed? No talk of two state solution? No talk of Muslims and Jews living side by side? And no blame for the Palestinians plight being put onto the vile rulers of Iran and Hamas? Perhaps someone can enlighten me but I haven't seen it. I have seen nothing from these protesters to suggest they have a workable solution to the problems of the middle east but plenty for Jewish people to feel frightened and intimidated of.

    Ultimately it is up to us non Jews to show solidarity. At them moment Jewish people appear to feel isolated and fearful. It's not being helped by the mainstream media and 'liberal' Britain's abdication.
    Literally the representative of the Palestinian Authority in the UK has said all the things you want to be said as reassurance. And, not only that, you are ignoring the fact that many Jewish people were part of these protests, joining in. There was a large Jewish Bloc at the protest this Saturday. There was a protest on Friday evening where many Jewish people lit Shabbat and memorial candles outside the official residence of the Israeli ambassador to highlight the death of Palestinians. Not all Jewish people are Zionist or view anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism.
    The fact that some Jewish people were involved means nothing as far as I'm concerned. Good for the PA representative if that is what he did but I'm talking about the citizens of THIS country. Because our primary responsibility must be the safety and security of our own people. How is some Jewish people lighting candles outside the Israeli embassy going to make British Jews feel more secure? 100,000 people on the streets chanting 'from the river to the sea' is not reassuring.
    Because you have created some mythological "Jewish Community" for which the only opinion they can have is that of pro-Zionism. Those "some Jewish people" are also British Jews. So are the "some Jewish people" who were part of the protests on Saturday, chanting the same "from the river to the sea" as others. Jewish people are not a monolith, many religious and secular Jewish people are not Zionists, and to claim that mass protest against the state of Israel is an expression of Jewish hatred is anti-Semitic, continuing the "dual loyalties" trope as if all Jewish people are Israeli.

    There are not "good Jews" and "bad Jews", one group who we listen to and one group we ignore. There is a complex and multifaceted community that has many people who are anti-Zionist and many who are pro-Zionist. Arresting anyone who sings "Palestine will be free / from the river to the sea" will see the arresting of many British Jews.

    I think I shared this last week, but there was an interesting interview with a German / South African / Israeli anti-Zionist activist who discussed how he was smeared as an anti-Semite by German politicians, and how the German police had physically attacked him whilst he had been at a pro-Palestinian rally in the name of "combatting anti-Semitism". - The weaponizing of anti-Semitism with Adam Broomberg
    I haven't mentioned Zionism. Though for what it is worth Jewish people who support Zionism ought to feel safe in this country.

    I didn't say people chanting 'from the river to the sea' should be arrested. I said I found it disturbing not least since there was no mention of Muslims and Jews living side by side. Nor so far as I am aware was there condemnation of the 1300 people slaughtered on 7 October (please correct me if I'm wrong).

    As for Germany I don't know much about policing there. I'm primarily concerned with what is happening in the UK which is something as a citizen I have a little bit of influence over. Frankly you don't appear to have been refuting my arguments but instead making generalised points from the pro palestinian perspective.
    Basically everyone has condemned what Hamas did on the 7th - do you need every protester to have to sign such a declaration before they are allowed to protest? Should we add this to all protests and counter protests?
    No they haven't. For example ITV interviewed a woman who was complainging about life in Britain who described the hostages as "prisoners of war" and described the attack as a "homecoming".
    I didn't say literally, I said basically - there will always be a few who don't, but it is by no means anywhere near the majority of people. Whereas the mass destruction of Gaza and the acceptability of Palestinian civilian casualties seems to be most western states foreign policy. This is why this nitpicking is so annoying - you have the odd extremist actually defending Hamas, a handful of left wingers alongside many Muslims discussing the context and history from the Nakba to now, and then you have essentially everyone from the centre to the right, including most state actors who actually have power, giving the state of Israel carte blanche to eradicate Gaza and all the Palestinians there if it means "dealing" with Hamas (as if making a new generation of orphans will somehow combat extremist hatred of Israel)...
    "you have essentially everyone from the centre to the right, including most state actors who actually have power, giving the state of Israel carte blanche to eradicate Gaza and all the Palestinians" - is the statement where you call everyone who disagrees with you a fascist. No-one is giving Israel carte blanche to eradicate Gaza and all the Palestinians. No-one.

    The conversation here last week devolved to the point where people were saying that if flattening city blocks was the only way to combat Hamas, they were fine with it. The line from essentially every mainstream politician when asked if Israel is committing war crimes by killing thousands of Palestinians is Israel has the right to defend itself and pivot to talking about the terrorism of Hamas. What about scenes like this is a reasonable or proportionate response:

    And this is not the same as eradicating Gaza and all the Palestinians. What should Israel do? Hamas declared war, no question. They are going after Hamas. They advised people in Gaza to go south. Israel is not deliberately targeting civilians. This is very different to Hamas who decided to attack an Israeli version of Glastonbury.

    What is the long term solution? It surely isn't anything like where we are now, but I find it intolerable that the victim here, Israel, is now being turned into the villain. I have huge sympathy for the Gazan people. They are like the ordinary decent Germans in 1945. But ultimately you cannot have a situation where the government on Gaza has the express policy of exterminating Israel and all Jewish people.
    There are victims and villains on both sides. The political aims of Hamas are abhorrent; the treatment of the Palestinians by the Israelis over the past couple of decades has been appalling; the Hamas attacks on the 7th September were monstrous, and the current assault of Gaza is inhumane. Nobody should be making excuses for any of this.
    Nobody is making excuses

    The need is solutions

    Israel cannot exist next to a polity dedicated to its total racial eradication, a polity which is willing to shoot babies in cold blood to achieve that
    That is true. Blowing up significantly more babies in response is not the answer either. It will only make Israel less safe and breed even more hatred from future generation.

    There has to be a political settlement heads need to be knocked together and those who are unwilling to compromise on both sides need removing from power.
    What compromise would ever be acceptable to people who think that Israel shouldn't exist? Even if you could find some moderate leaders to agree to some kind of deal, the question would inevitably reemerge in the future.
  • MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 48,143
    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    Similar actions, though on an individual scale, have happened since before 48.

    Trying to remember the one back in the 80s, where a PLO guy entering/leaving Israel through a beach at night killed a mother and child, quite deliberately.
  • kinabalukinabalu Posts: 41,132
    Sandpit said:

    Yes, they should have stuck with Truss.

    At least she had ideas, even if you disagreed with them, and the reaction to her was out of all proportion to what what actually announced, led by the Sunakites in the PCP and media.

    Led by the bond markets really.
  • 148grss148grss Posts: 4,155
    I mean, he has done nothing to reduce the harm done by Truss' mini budget for the people most harmed by it - inflation is no longer growing, but your money still does not go as far as it did before Truss, he has fought against public and private sector pay rises, and he has not helped out those with mortgages or renting that have seen their monthly costs to put a roof over their heads go through said roof.

    "It's the economy, stupid"
  • algarkirkalgarkirk Posts: 11,990
    The Tory current situation is a mirror of Labour's past problem. When Jezza was leader there was no good reason for a rational centrist who understood the history of the left to vote Labour until two things had happened. The leader had to lose and be changed. And that new leader had to prove that he was a safe pair of hands, not a populist, and was competent and centrist, as far as can be done from opposition.

    In the same way no rational centrist has a reason to vote Tory until they have lost and undertaken to change to a non populist centrist One Nation party. Sunak has taken steps to avoid deliberately further trashing the country - he isn't Boris or Truss - but still runs a populist shower of shallow, dishonest people. As for his louder MPs.....
  • bigjohnowlsbigjohnowls Posts: 22,571
    What happened with those who followed Mr Dancers tip on Hamilton first 3 yesterday.

    Winner/ loser/ voided?

    Have to say I tried to place a bet only to find out. None of the sites I would bet with would not place a bet due to me being in Spain.

    Anyone know how to place a wager in Spain? Fancy a cricket bet before my return on Thursday
  • Dura_AceDura_Ace Posts: 13,656
    But it's taken the little shit a year to get as bad as Truss was. If they'd stuck with her as PM life in the UK one year hence would be exactly as depicted in Cormac McCarthy's 'The Road' except with more speed bumps.
  • 148grss148grss Posts: 4,155
    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
  • JosiasJessopJosiasJessop Posts: 41,293
    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    It's quite sad that some seem keen to send all their ire towards Israel's reponse, rather than spare some for Hamas's actions. The same people seem to swallow every word that comes out from Hamas's or Palestinian sources, but are really, really keen to analyse and disprove anything Israel says.
  • kyf_100kyf_100 Posts: 4,648
    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    I suspect a very ugly regional conflict beckons, probably ending with columns of tanks rumbling ominously towards Iran. From there the plot of Threads takes over.

  • Why can't Gaza trade via Egypt?

    Its not Israel alone that are blockading Gaza, and considering that the government of Gaza is explicitly at war with Israel, a blockade is a completely legal and legitimate response.

    Just to be clear - you genuinely think that it's legitimate to prevent a civilian population having water and food if a plurality of them some years ago elected a government with whom Israel is at war? Nobody sensible is arguing that Hamas should be allowed by Israel to import weapons.
    Just to be clear: Yes.

    That is the rules of law, blockades are lawful at times of war.

    If the Red Cross/Red Crescent etc want to provide water or other aid during war then they can, via Egypt, if Egypt consents, but there is no obligation on Israel to provide aid to its enemy while at war.

    The UK would not have supplied materials to Germany during WWII.
  • LeonLeon Posts: 52,899
    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    I’m certainly not exonerating Israel. Israel has behaved brutally and murderously towards the Palestinians

    I am noting that it nonetheless takes a special pure level of evil hatred to casually shoot a cowering seven year old child hiding under a table - and to do that solely because of her identity. Jewish

    Have you not read any Holocaust history? This is a new page of that Holocaust history. It is bleak
  • LeonLeon Posts: 52,899
    kyf_100 said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    I suspect a very ugly regional conflict beckons, probably ending with columns of tanks rumbling ominously towards Iran. From there the plot of Threads takes over.
    I reckon Bibi senses that. Hence his remarkable hesitation in sending in the IDF

    He’s meant to be Mister Security Big Bollocks. He’s summoned the entire army. Yet he stays the blade

    He can see where this all-too-plausibly ends
  • LeonLeon Posts: 52,899
    Eek. I’m going into Catania Cathedral. I need to be shriven
  • 148grss148grss Posts: 4,155

    Leon said:

    148grss said:

    148grss said:

    148grss said:

    148grss said:

    148grss said:

    Eabhal said:

    148grss said:

    Eabhal said:

    TOPPING said:

    Braverman to challenge Met chief after jihad chant allowed at rally (£££)

    The jihad chants in question came not at the main Palestine march but at a small demo outside the Turkish embassy by the extremist group Hizb ut-Tahrir. Older PBers might remember that David Cameron pledged to ban Hizb ut-Tahrir.

    But wait, there's more.

    The government was warned in 2021 of a gap in anti-terrorist legislation that meant marchers could shout jihad with impunity, but did not act on the report written by Sir Mark Rowley. The same Sir Mark Rowley who is now Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, whom the Home Secretary wants to haul over the coals for police not arresting anyone for shouting things the government has not banned at a rally by an Islamist group the government has not banned.

    Doesn't this relate to them chanting "from the river to the sea" which our very own @148grss, who sings this with gusto, assures us is a pleasant song referring to the daisies that Hamas will plant to make daisy chains together with the Jews in the area.
    "From the river to the sea" is the standard Instagram post all my uni friends are posting in support of Palestine. I don't think they know the implication, and to be fair that's precisely how the Palestinian ambassador has been describing historical Palestine.
    The implication is only there if you put it there - "Palestine will be free / from the river to the sea" is about the desire for freedom and makes no reference to how; it is only because of other politicians and extremists use of the phrase "push Jews into the sea" that there is this implication, despite the use of that chant predating that.
    Freedom from what/whom if not Israel/the Jews?
    To be fair, if I was Jewish and a load of people matched past chanting "Jihad" in the current climate, I'd be bricking it.

    I have no idea where the line is though. It's unacceptable that the Jewish community have to put up with this hostile environment, but I don't want people arrested for saying stuff either (unless it plainly calls for physical violence).
    The thing is people are aware of the law. Most know what they can/can't get away with. So 'Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea' is sufficiently ambiguous to avoid prosecution. But as I said yesterday, it's what they aren't saying. If you are going to use a slogan like that, then where is the reassurance to the Jewish population that they wouldn't be ethnically cleansed? No talk of two state solution? No talk of Muslims and Jews living side by side? And no blame for the Palestinians plight being put onto the vile rulers of Iran and Hamas? Perhaps someone can enlighten me but I haven't seen it. I have seen nothing from these protesters to suggest they have a workable solution to the problems of the middle east but plenty for Jewish people to feel frightened and intimidated of.

    Ultimately it is up to us non Jews to show solidarity. At them moment Jewish people appear to feel isolated and fearful. It's not being helped by the mainstream media and 'liberal' Britain's abdication.
    Literally the representative of the Palestinian Authority in the UK has said all the things you want to be said as reassurance. And, not only that, you are ignoring the fact that many Jewish people were part of these protests, joining in. There was a large Jewish Bloc at the protest this Saturday. There was a protest on Friday evening where many Jewish people lit Shabbat and memorial candles outside the official residence of the Israeli ambassador to highlight the death of Palestinians. Not all Jewish people are Zionist or view anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism.
    The fact that some Jewish people were involved means nothing as far as I'm concerned. Good for the PA representative if that is what he did but I'm talking about the citizens of THIS country. Because our primary responsibility must be the safety and security of our own people. How is some Jewish people lighting candles outside the Israeli embassy going to make British Jews feel more secure? 100,000 people on the streets chanting 'from the river to the sea' is not reassuring.
    Because you have created some mythological "Jewish Community" for which the only opinion they can have is that of pro-Zionism. Those "some Jewish people" are also British Jews. So are the "some Jewish people" who were part of the protests on Saturday, chanting the same "from the river to the sea" as others. Jewish people are not a monolith, many religious and secular Jewish people are not Zionists, and to claim that mass protest against the state of Israel is an expression of Jewish hatred is anti-Semitic, continuing the "dual loyalties" trope as if all Jewish people are Israeli.

    There are not "good Jews" and "bad Jews", one group who we listen to and one group we ignore. There is a complex and multifaceted community that has many people who are anti-Zionist and many who are pro-Zionist. Arresting anyone who sings "Palestine will be free / from the river to the sea" will see the arresting of many British Jews.

    I think I shared this last week, but there was an interesting interview with a German / South African / Israeli anti-Zionist activist who discussed how he was smeared as an anti-Semite by German politicians, and how the German police had physically attacked him whilst he had been at a pro-Palestinian rally in the name of "combatting anti-Semitism". - The weaponizing of anti-Semitism with Adam Broomberg
    I haven't mentioned Zionism. Though for what it is worth Jewish people who support Zionism ought to feel safe in this country.

    I didn't say people chanting 'from the river to the sea' should be arrested. I said I found it disturbing not least since there was no mention of Muslims and Jews living side by side. Nor so far as I am aware was there condemnation of the 1300 people slaughtered on 7 October (please correct me if I'm wrong).

    As for Germany I don't know much about policing there. I'm primarily concerned with what is happening in the UK which is something as a citizen I have a little bit of influence over. Frankly you don't appear to have been refuting my arguments but instead making generalised points from the pro palestinian perspective.
    Basically everyone has condemned what Hamas did on the 7th - do you need every protester to have to sign such a declaration before they are allowed to protest? Should we add this to all protests and counter protests?
    No they haven't. For example ITV interviewed a woman who was complainging about life in Britain who described the hostages as "prisoners of war" and described the attack as a "homecoming".
    I didn't say literally, I said basically - there will always be a few who don't, but it is by no means anywhere near the majority of people. Whereas the mass destruction of Gaza and the acceptability of Palestinian civilian casualties seems to be most western states foreign policy. This is why this nitpicking is so annoying - you have the odd extremist actually defending Hamas, a handful of left wingers alongside many Muslims discussing the context and history from the Nakba to now, and then you have essentially everyone from the centre to the right, including most state actors who actually have power, giving the state of Israel carte blanche to eradicate Gaza and all the Palestinians there if it means "dealing" with Hamas (as if making a new generation of orphans will somehow combat extremist hatred of Israel)...
    "you have essentially everyone from the centre to the right, including most state actors who actually have power, giving the state of Israel carte blanche to eradicate Gaza and all the Palestinians" - is the statement where you call everyone who disagrees with you a fascist. No-one is giving Israel carte blanche to eradicate Gaza and all the Palestinians. No-one.

    The conversation here last week devolved to the point where people were saying that if flattening city blocks was the only way to combat Hamas, they were fine with it. The line from essentially every mainstream politician when asked if Israel is committing war crimes by killing thousands of Palestinians is Israel has the right to defend itself and pivot to talking about the terrorism of Hamas. What about scenes like this is a reasonable or proportionate response:

    And this is not the same as eradicating Gaza and all the Palestinians. What should Israel do? Hamas declared war, no question. They are going after Hamas. They advised people in Gaza to go south. Israel is not deliberately targeting civilians. This is very different to Hamas who decided to attack an Israeli version of Glastonbury.

    What is the long term solution? It surely isn't anything like where we are now, but I find it intolerable that the victim here, Israel, is now being turned into the villain. I have huge sympathy for the Gazan people. They are like the ordinary decent Germans in 1945. But ultimately you cannot have a situation where the government on Gaza has the express policy of exterminating Israel and all Jewish people.
    There are victims and villains on both sides. The political aims of Hamas are abhorrent; the treatment of the Palestinians by the Israelis over the past couple of decades has been appalling; the Hamas attacks on the 7th September were monstrous, and the current assault of Gaza is inhumane. Nobody should be making excuses for any of this.
    Nobody is making excuses

    The need is solutions

    Israel cannot exist next to a polity dedicated to its total racial eradication, a polity which is willing to shoot babies in cold blood to achieve that
    That is true. Blowing up significantly more babies in response is not the answer either. It will only make Israel less safe and breed even more hatred from future generation.

    There has to be a political settlement heads need to be knocked together and those who are unwilling to compromise on both sides need removing from power.
    What compromise would ever be acceptable to people who think that Israel shouldn't exist? Even if you could find some moderate leaders to agree to some kind of deal, the question would inevitably reemerge in the future.
    If you at least entertain the moderates, rather than prop up Hamas as Israeli policy has been under Netanyahu (to prevent a peace process), then you give people a route to freedom and peace that does not involve violence. If the only option for change you provide is if met with violence, people will be violent.

    Look at Mandela and South Africa. He tried peaceful protest against South African apartheid, and saw peaceful protesters shot. After that, he prepared for violent resistance training with other nationalist movements in Africa, with the Cubans, and other resistance fighters. He was arrested after the ANC started planning and carrying out terrorism. There is no other word for what they did; bombings, tire fires, etc. When he was in jail Mandela was told he might be released if he publicly decried violence as a method of ending apartheid, and disavowed the socialist and communist theorists and activists who he looked to and trained with. He refused. He stayed in prison. He would not claim, as a black man imprisoned for fighting for his freedom by state violence, that people should not have the option of violence to end that oppression. Violence was not his first choice, but in the face of state repression and violence that makes peaceful change impossible - violence is all that was left.
  • MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 48,143
    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    The circle of hate requires both sides.

    One issue is getting the anti-Israel side to admit any hate.

    In the run up to 67, the Egyptian cabinet met to discuss what they would do after Israel was overrun. Nasser proposed setting aside funds to hire passengers ships to expel the entire Jewish population of Israel. Several cabinet members suggested in response they should use cattle transports and that they wouldn’t need many of them.
  • What happened with those who followed Mr Dancers tip on Hamilton first 3 yesterday.

    Winner/ loser/ voided?

    Have to say I tried to place a bet only to find out. None of the sites I would bet with would not place a bet due to me being in Spain.

    Anyone know how to place a wager in Spain? Fancy a cricket bet before my return on Thursday

    In general, bookies pay out on the podium result and not on subsequent disqualifications, appeals and reinstatements.
  • williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 50,526
    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    It's ironic because in practice your solution would entail defeating the terrorist groups and then incorporating the Palestinian territories into a single unitary state.
  • isamisam Posts: 41,118
    edited October 2023
    We must be edging further towards people realising/accepting it was a mistake to get rid of Boris now

    It wasn’t a mistake if you want a Labour government, obviously
  • 148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    Bombardment is part of war. Try to minimise civilian casualties but they will happen. It is lawful.

    Shooting an unarmed child in cold blood is not a part of war. It is against the law, even during war.

    One is depressing but justified and necessary.

    The other is murder.
  • algarkirk said:

    The Tory current situation is a mirror of Labour's past problem. When Jezza was leader there was no good reason for a rational centrist who understood the history of the left to vote Labour until two things had happened. The leader had to lose and be changed. And that new leader had to prove that he was a safe pair of hands, not a populist, and was competent and centrist, as far as can be done from opposition.

    In the same way no rational centrist has a reason to vote Tory until they have lost and undertaken to change to a non populist centrist One Nation party. Sunak has taken steps to avoid deliberately further trashing the country - he isn't Boris or Truss - but still runs a populist shower of shallow, dishonest people. As for his louder MPs.....

    And to cut Sunak a bit of slack (probably more than he really deserves, he helped create this shambles by Backing Boris in 2019), how else could he have played the hand he was given? There simply aren't enough deep honest people on the government benches to run a non-populist government, even it Rishi wanted to.

    Short of telling the band to start playing "Near my God to Thee", what should he have done differently?
  • Dura_Ace said:

    But it's taken the little shit a year to get as bad as Truss was. If they'd stuck with her as PM life in the UK one year hence would be exactly as depicted in Cormac McCarthy's 'The Road' except with more speed bumps.

    And cannibalism.
  • Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    An evil combination of drugs, brainwashing and dehumanisation.
  • 148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    So there are two things:
    1. Hamas terrorist shoots small child in the head in cold blood with no warning.
    2. Israel bombs kill small child who was still in Gaza because their parents had ignored the warning to leave because bombs would be dropped

    War is shit. Death is death. But there is a clear and rather obvious difference between the two.
  • boulayboulay Posts: 5,322
    kyf_100 said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    I suspect a very ugly regional conflict beckons, probably ending with columns of tanks rumbling ominously towards Iran. From there the plot of Threads takes over.
    I don’t really see how Iran gets involved out of their own choice. They would be hard pressed to defeat Israel on their own, would be destroyed by Israel in tandem with the US. If they go nuclear, if they have the capability,then the US response would obliterate Iran. Russia might just be a little distracted by something else right now, Saudi isn’t going to war with Israel on Iran’s side.

    I would guess that unless Israel actively declare war on Iran then Iran and a few others will fund and arm a massively upscale long proxy war and terrorism against Israel and the US across the world.
  • 148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?
    Without going into whether Israel takes sufficient steps to guard against civilian casualties, where I have a degree of sympathy with your position, there is a very clear moral and legal difference between choosing civilian targets (including children) and choosing military targets in a built-up area where civilians may be killed (sometimes because your enemy cynically uses "their" civilians as a shield).

    I do appreciate that distinction doesn't come as any comfort to the families of civilians killed by strikes. But it is nevertheless a really important distinction that has been applied not just to this but to all wars.
  • isam said:

    We must be edging further towards people realising/accepting it was a mistake to get rid of Boris now

    It wasn’t a mistake if you want a Labour government, obviously

    You catch on well, my friend :lol:
  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,337
    isam said:

    We must be edging further towards people realising/accepting it was a mistake to get rid of Boris now


    They should have got rid of BoZo much, much earlier...
  • 148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?
    Without going into whether Israel takes sufficient steps to guard against civilian casualties, where I have a degree of sympathy with your position, there is a very clear moral and legal difference between choosing civilian targets (including children) and choosing military targets in a built-up area where civilians may be killed (sometimes because your enemy cynically uses "their" civilians as a shield).

    I do appreciate that distinction doesn't come as any comfort to the families of civilians killed by strikes. But it is nevertheless a really important distinction that has been applied not just to this but to all wars.
    "Warning: This magazine may contain some criticism of the Israeli government and may suggest that killing everyone in Gaza as revenge for Hamas atrocities may not be a good long-term solution to problems of the region"
  • LeonLeon Posts: 52,899
    I might actually say a prayer. In Catania cathedral. It’s quite a boring cathedral but needs must
  • nico679nico679 Posts: 5,860

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    It's quite sad that some seem keen to send all their ire towards Israel's reponse, rather than spare some for Hamas's actions. The same people seem to swallow every word that comes out from Hamas's or Palestinian sources, but are really, really keen to analyse and disprove anything Israel says.
    I think most are dubious of both sides claims because misinformation is rife at these times.

    Currently the vast majority of deaths are happening in Gaza so it’s natural that the Israeli response and proportionality is much more to the forefront .

    I haven’t seen a single poster fail to be appalled at Hamas . What else is there to say at this point regarding 7 October?

    Hopefully the delay in the IDF moving in is because of negotiations by Qatar etc to release more hostages which should be the priority .

  • 148grss148grss Posts: 4,155
    Leon said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    I’m certainly not exonerating Israel. Israel has behaved brutally and murderously towards the Palestinians

    I am noting that it nonetheless takes a special pure level of evil hatred to casually shoot a cowering seven year old child hiding under a table - and to do that solely because of her identity. Jewish

    Have you not read any Holocaust history? This is a new page of that Holocaust history. It is bleak
    Leon said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    I’m certainly not exonerating Israel. Israel has behaved brutally and murderously towards the Palestinians

    I am noting that it nonetheless takes a special pure level of evil hatred to casually shoot a cowering seven year old child hiding under a table - and to do that solely because of her identity. Jewish

    Have you not read any Holocaust history? This is a new page of that Holocaust history. It is bleak
    Hamas don't have the means to spin this as a miscommunication or failure of intelligence like the US or Israel typically do.

    What kind of hatred of Palestinians allows for the shooting of peaceful protesters approaching the border fence, killing dozens including children?

    This graph detailing the dead Palestinian children over years 2015-2021:

    How many of them were killed in cold blood by an IDF soldier?

    You keep making this solely about anti-Semitism and Jew hatred, and I have no doubt that many Palestinians and especially Hamas express anti-Semitism and Jew hatred, but that is in the context of being oppressed by the state of Israel for years. Does that make it right? As I have continually said, no. But your suggestion that it is uniquely evil, akin to Nazi Jew hatred, in the face of what could more simply be explained as the tragedy of "eye for an eye" retributive violence contributes to the exaggerated monstering of Palestinians.
  • nico679 said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    It's quite sad that some seem keen to send all their ire towards Israel's reponse, rather than spare some for Hamas's actions. The same people seem to swallow every word that comes out from Hamas's or Palestinian sources, but are really, really keen to analyse and disprove anything Israel says.
    I think most are dubious of both sides claims because misinformation is rife at these times.

    Currently the vast majority of deaths are happening in Gaza so it’s natural that the Israeli response and proportionality is much more to the forefront .

    I haven’t seen a single poster fail to be appalled at Hamas . What else is there to say at this point regarding 7 October?

    Hopefully the delay in the IDF moving in is because of negotiations by Qatar etc to release more hostages which should be the priority .

    What else is there to say? Victory to Palestine. From the River to the Sea. Jihad Jihad. Lots of things have been said on the streets of the UK and elsewhere in response to the 7th. So much of it in direct support of Hamas.
  • Luckyguy1983Luckyguy1983 Posts: 27,525
    kinabalu said:

    Sandpit said:

    Yes, they should have stuck with Truss.

    At least she had ideas, even if you disagreed with them, and the reaction to her was out of all proportion to what what actually announced, led by the Sunakites in the PCP and media.

    Led by the bond markets really.
    Not really. Otherwise Sunak would be history now.
  • StillWatersStillWaters Posts: 7,791
    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    148grss said:

    148grss said:

    148grss said:

    148grss said:

    148grss said:

    Eabhal said:

    148grss said:

    Eabhal said:

    TOPPING said:

    Braverman to challenge Met chief after jihad chant allowed at rally (£££)

    The jihad chants in question came not at the main Palestine march but at a small demo outside the Turkish embassy by the extremist group Hizb ut-Tahrir. Older PBers might remember that David Cameron pledged to ban Hizb ut-Tahrir.

    But wait, there's more.

    The government was warned in 2021 of a gap in anti-terrorist legislation that meant marchers could shout jihad with impunity, but did not act on the report written by Sir Mark Rowley. The same Sir Mark Rowley who is now Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, whom the Home Secretary wants to haul over the coals for police not arresting anyone for shouting things the government has not banned at a rally by an Islamist group the government has not banned.

    Doesn't this relate to them chanting "from the river to the sea" which our very own @148grss, who sings this with gusto, assures us is a pleasant song referring to the daisies that Hamas will plant to make daisy chains together with the Jews in the area.
    "From the river to the sea" is the standard Instagram post all my uni friends are posting in support of Palestine. I don't think they know the implication, and to be fair that's precisely how the Palestinian ambassador has been describing historical Palestine.
    The implication is only there if you put it there - "Palestine will be free / from the river to the sea" is about the desire for freedom and makes no reference to how; it is only because of other politicians and extremists use of the phrase "push Jews into the sea" that there is this implication, despite the use of that chant predating that.
    Freedom from what/whom if not Israel/the Jews?
    To be fair, if I was Jewish and a load of people matched past chanting "Jihad" in the current climate, I'd be bricking it.

    I have no idea where the line is though. It's unacceptable that the Jewish community have to put up with this hostile environment, but I don't want people arrested for saying stuff either (unless it plainly calls for physical violence).
    The thing is people are aware of the law. Most know what they can/can't get away with. So 'Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea' is sufficiently ambiguous to avoid prosecution. But as I said yesterday, it's what they aren't saying. If you are going to use a slogan like that, then where is the reassurance to the Jewish population that they wouldn't be ethnically cleansed? No talk of two state solution? No talk of Muslims and Jews living side by side? And no blame for the Palestinians plight being put onto the vile rulers of Iran and Hamas? Perhaps someone can enlighten me but I haven't seen it. I have seen nothing from these protesters to suggest they have a workable solution to the problems of the middle east but plenty for Jewish people to feel frightened and intimidated of.

    Ultimately it is up to us non Jews to show solidarity. At them moment Jewish people appear to feel isolated and fearful. It's not being helped by the mainstream media and 'liberal' Britain's abdication.
    Literally the representative of the Palestinian Authority in the UK has said all the things you want to be said as reassurance. And, not only that, you are ignoring the fact that many Jewish people were part of these protests, joining in. There was a large Jewish Bloc at the protest this Saturday. There was a protest on Friday evening where many Jewish people lit Shabbat and memorial candles outside the official residence of the Israeli ambassador to highlight the death of Palestinians. Not all Jewish people are Zionist or view anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism.
    The fact that some Jewish people were involved means nothing as far as I'm concerned. Good for the PA representative if that is what he did but I'm talking about the citizens of THIS country. Because our primary responsibility must be the safety and security of our own people. How is some Jewish people lighting candles outside the Israeli embassy going to make British Jews feel more secure? 100,000 people on the streets chanting 'from the river to the sea' is not reassuring.
    Because you have created some mythological "Jewish Community" for which the only opinion they can have is that of pro-Zionism. Those "some Jewish people" are also British Jews. So are the "some Jewish people" who were part of the protests on Saturday, chanting the same "from the river to the sea" as others. Jewish people are not a monolith, many religious and secular Jewish people are not Zionists, and to claim that mass protest against the state of Israel is an expression of Jewish hatred is anti-Semitic, continuing the "dual loyalties" trope as if all Jewish people are Israeli.

    There are not "good Jews" and "bad Jews", one group who we listen to and one group we ignore. There is a complex and multifaceted community that has many people who are anti-Zionist and many who are pro-Zionist. Arresting anyone who sings "Palestine will be free / from the river to the sea" will see the arresting of many British Jews.

    I think I shared this last week, but there was an interesting interview with a German / South African / Israeli anti-Zionist activist who discussed how he was smeared as an anti-Semite by German politicians, and how the German police had physically attacked him whilst he had been at a pro-Palestinian rally in the name of "combatting anti-Semitism". - The weaponizing of anti-Semitism with Adam Broomberg
    I haven't mentioned Zionism. Though for what it is worth Jewish people who support Zionism ought to feel safe in this country.

    I didn't say people chanting 'from the river to the sea' should be arrested. I said I found it disturbing not least since there was no mention of Muslims and Jews living side by side. Nor so far as I am aware was there condemnation of the 1300 people slaughtered on 7 October (please correct me if I'm wrong).

    As for Germany I don't know much about policing there. I'm primarily concerned with what is happening in the UK which is something as a citizen I have a little bit of influence over. Frankly you don't appear to have been refuting my arguments but instead making generalised points from the pro palestinian perspective.
    Basically everyone has condemned what Hamas did on the 7th - do you need every protester to have to sign such a declaration before they are allowed to protest? Should we add this to all protests and counter protests?
    No they haven't. For example ITV interviewed a woman who was complainging about life in Britain who described the hostages as "prisoners of war" and described the attack as a "homecoming".
    I didn't say literally, I said basically - there will always be a few who don't, but it is by no means anywhere near the majority of people. Whereas the mass destruction of Gaza and the acceptability of Palestinian civilian casualties seems to be most western states foreign policy. This is why this nitpicking is so annoying - you have the odd extremist actually defending Hamas, a handful of left wingers alongside many Muslims discussing the context and history from the Nakba to now, and then you have essentially everyone from the centre to the right, including most state actors who actually have power, giving the state of Israel carte blanche to eradicate Gaza and all the Palestinians there if it means "dealing" with Hamas (as if making a new generation of orphans will somehow combat extremist hatred of Israel)...
    "you have essentially everyone from the centre to the right, including most state actors who actually have power, giving the state of Israel carte blanche to eradicate Gaza and all the Palestinians" - is the statement where you call everyone who disagrees with you a fascist. No-one is giving Israel carte blanche to eradicate Gaza and all the Palestinians. No-one.

    The conversation here last week devolved to the point where people were saying that if flattening city blocks was the only way to combat Hamas, they were fine with it. The line from essentially every mainstream politician when asked if Israel is committing war crimes by killing thousands of Palestinians is Israel has the right to defend itself and pivot to talking about the terrorism of Hamas. What about scenes like this is a reasonable or proportionate response:

    And this is not the same as eradicating Gaza and all the Palestinians. What should Israel do? Hamas declared war, no question. They are going after Hamas. They advised people in Gaza to go south. Israel is not deliberately targeting civilians. This is very different to Hamas who decided to attack an Israeli version of Glastonbury.

    What is the long term solution? It surely isn't anything like where we are now, but I find it intolerable that the victim here, Israel, is now being turned into the villain. I have huge sympathy for the Gazan people. They are like the ordinary decent Germans in 1945. But ultimately you cannot have a situation where the government on Gaza has the express policy of exterminating Israel and all Jewish people.
    There are victims and villains on both sides. The political aims of Hamas are abhorrent; the treatment of the Palestinians by the Israelis over the past couple of decades has been appalling; the Hamas attacks on the 7th September were monstrous, and the current assault of Gaza is inhumane. Nobody should be making excuses for any of this.
    Nobody is making excuses

    The need is solutions

    Israel cannot exist next to a polity dedicated to its total racial eradication, a polity which is willing to shoot babies in cold blood to achieve that
    That is true. Blowing up significantly more babies in response is not the answer either. It will only make Israel less safe and breed even more hatred from future generation.

    There has to be a political settlement heads need to be knocked together and those who are unwilling to compromise on both sides need removing from power.
    What compromise would ever be acceptable to people who think that Israel shouldn't exist? Even if you could find some moderate leaders to agree to some kind of deal, the question would inevitably reemerge in the future.
    If you at least entertain the moderates, rather than prop up Hamas as Israeli policy has been under Netanyahu (to prevent a peace process), then you give people a route to freedom and peace that does not involve violence. If the only option for change you provide is if met with violence, people will be violent.

    Look at Mandela and South Africa. He tried peaceful protest against South African apartheid, and saw peaceful protesters shot. After that, he prepared for violent resistance training with other nationalist movements in Africa, with the Cubans, and other resistance fighters. He was arrested after the ANC started planning and carrying out terrorism. There is no other word for what they did; bombings, tire fires, etc. When he was in jail Mandela was told he might be released if he publicly decried violence as a method of ending apartheid, and disavowed the socialist and communist theorists and activists who he looked to and trained with. He refused. He stayed in prison. He would not claim, as a black man imprisoned for fighting for his freedom by state violence, that people should not have the option of violence to end that oppression. Violence was not his first choice, but in the face of state repression and violence that makes peaceful change impossible - violence is all that was left.
    A resolution to any problem of this nature can only come through 2 routes:

    1) total victory - violence - by one side. Hamas doesn’t have the capability to win this means. Israel could only displace the problem

    2)!Peace can only happen when both sides are willing. Hamas is not. Israel I think would be if it was a guaranteed peace but Netenyahu is very sceptical. The conditions for peace must be the exhaustion of one side

    So no near term solution
  • 148grss148grss Posts: 4,155
    Leon said:

    kyf_100 said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    I suspect a very ugly regional conflict beckons, probably ending with columns of tanks rumbling ominously towards Iran. From there the plot of Threads takes over.
    I reckon Bibi senses that. Hence his remarkable hesitation in sending in the IDF

    He’s meant to be Mister Security Big Bollocks. He’s summoned the entire army. Yet he stays the blade

    He can see where this all-too-plausibly ends
    He's keeping IDF soldiers back because when he can just bomb Gaza indiscriminately from the air, why would he need to risk them?
  • Pagan2Pagan2 Posts: 9,757

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?
    Without going into whether Israel takes sufficient steps to guard against civilian casualties, where I have a degree of sympathy with your position, there is a very clear moral and legal difference between choosing civilian targets (including children) and choosing military targets in a built-up area where civilians may be killed (sometimes because your enemy cynically uses "their" civilians as a shield).

    I do appreciate that distinction doesn't come as any comfort to the families of civilians killed by strikes. But it is nevertheless a really important distinction that has been applied not just to this but to all wars.
    If hamas didn't build it's bases it residential districts, hospitals and schools then the death toll of civillians that are innocent would be much less. No one like 148grss will ever explain how the idf are meant to deal with hamas when they hide behind civillian targets without causing collateral damage.

    This is not to say israel isn't at fault through their actions either. Frankly I take the view that mostly they are both beyond redemption and have ceased to care about either side. Build a wall around the whole area and come back in a 100 years and see who is left
  • Sean_FSean_F Posts: 36,726
    The week Sunak took over, the average rating was Labour 53% to Con 22%, so he is at least some improvement on Truss.
  • nico679nico679 Posts: 5,860

    nico679 said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    It's quite sad that some seem keen to send all their ire towards Israel's reponse, rather than spare some for Hamas's actions. The same people seem to swallow every word that comes out from Hamas's or Palestinian sources, but are really, really keen to analyse and disprove anything Israel says.
    I think most are dubious of both sides claims because misinformation is rife at these times.

    Currently the vast majority of deaths are happening in Gaza so it’s natural that the Israeli response and proportionality is much more to the forefront .

    I haven’t seen a single poster fail to be appalled at Hamas . What else is there to say at this point regarding 7 October?

    Hopefully the delay in the IDF moving in is because of negotiations by Qatar etc to release more hostages which should be the priority .

    What else is there to say? Victory to Palestine. From the River to the Sea. Jihad Jihad. Lots of things have been said on the streets of the UK and elsewhere in response to the 7th. So much of it in direct support of Hamas.
    I was talking about this forum . Unless the government changes the law then there’s not much the police can do re the wider public . And we do still have freedom of speech so it’s a balancing act .
  • Pagan2 said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?
    Without going into whether Israel takes sufficient steps to guard against civilian casualties, where I have a degree of sympathy with your position, there is a very clear moral and legal difference between choosing civilian targets (including children) and choosing military targets in a built-up area where civilians may be killed (sometimes because your enemy cynically uses "their" civilians as a shield).

    I do appreciate that distinction doesn't come as any comfort to the families of civilians killed by strikes. But it is nevertheless a really important distinction that has been applied not just to this but to all wars.
    If hamas didn't build it's bases it residential districts, hospitals and schools then the death toll of civillians that are innocent would be much less. No one like 148grss will ever explain how the idf are meant to deal with hamas when they hide behind civillian targets without causing collateral damage.

    This is not to say israel isn't at fault through their actions either. Frankly I take the view that mostly they are both beyond redemption and have ceased to care about either side. Build a wall around the whole area and come back in a 100 years and see who is left
    They deal with it as I said last week (when you apparently weren't listening) by sending in ground troops. They do not deal with it by sitting back in Israel lobbing missles and bombs into Gaza.
  • 148grss148grss Posts: 4,155

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    148grss said:

    148grss said:

    148grss said:

    148grss said:

    148grss said:

    Eabhal said:

    148grss said:

    Eabhal said:

    TOPPING said:

    Braverman to challenge Met chief after jihad chant allowed at rally (£££)

    The jihad chants in question came not at the main Palestine march but at a small demo outside the Turkish embassy by the extremist group Hizb ut-Tahrir. Older PBers might remember that David Cameron pledged to ban Hizb ut-Tahrir.

    But wait, there's more.

    The government was warned in 2021 of a gap in anti-terrorist legislation that meant marchers could shout jihad with impunity, but did not act on the report written by Sir Mark Rowley. The same Sir Mark Rowley who is now Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, whom the Home Secretary wants to haul over the coals for police not arresting anyone for shouting things the government has not banned at a rally by an Islamist group the government has not banned.

    Doesn't this relate to them chanting "from the river to the sea" which our very own @148grss, who sings this with gusto, assures us is a pleasant song referring to the daisies that Hamas will plant to make daisy chains together with the Jews in the area.
    "From the river to the sea" is the standard Instagram post all my uni friends are posting in support of Palestine. I don't think they know the implication, and to be fair that's precisely how the Palestinian ambassador has been describing historical Palestine.
    The implication is only there if you put it there - "Palestine will be free / from the river to the sea" is about the desire for freedom and makes no reference to how; it is only because of other politicians and extremists use of the phrase "push Jews into the sea" that there is this implication, despite the use of that chant predating that.
    Freedom from what/whom if not Israel/the Jews?
    To be fair, if I was Jewish and a load of people matched past chanting "Jihad" in the current climate, I'd be bricking it.

    I have no idea where the line is though. It's unacceptable that the Jewish community have to put up with this hostile environment, but I don't want people arrested for saying stuff either (unless it plainly calls for physical violence).
    The thing is people are aware of the law. Most know what they can/can't get away with. So 'Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea' is sufficiently ambiguous to avoid prosecution. But as I said yesterday, it's what they aren't saying. If you are going to use a slogan like that, then where is the reassurance to the Jewish population that they wouldn't be ethnically cleansed? No talk of two state solution? No talk of Muslims and Jews living side by side? And no blame for the Palestinians plight being put onto the vile rulers of Iran and Hamas? Perhaps someone can enlighten me but I haven't seen it. I have seen nothing from these protesters to suggest they have a workable solution to the problems of the middle east but plenty for Jewish people to feel frightened and intimidated of.

    Ultimately it is up to us non Jews to show solidarity. At them moment Jewish people appear to feel isolated and fearful. It's not being helped by the mainstream media and 'liberal' Britain's abdication.
    Literally the representative of the Palestinian Authority in the UK has said all the things you want to be said as reassurance. And, not only that, you are ignoring the fact that many Jewish people were part of these protests, joining in. There was a large Jewish Bloc at the protest this Saturday. There was a protest on Friday evening where many Jewish people lit Shabbat and memorial candles outside the official residence of the Israeli ambassador to highlight the death of Palestinians. Not all Jewish people are Zionist or view anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism.
    The fact that some Jewish people were involved means nothing as far as I'm concerned. Good for the PA representative if that is what he did but I'm talking about the citizens of THIS country. Because our primary responsibility must be the safety and security of our own people. How is some Jewish people lighting candles outside the Israeli embassy going to make British Jews feel more secure? 100,000 people on the streets chanting 'from the river to the sea' is not reassuring.
    Because you have created some mythological "Jewish Community" for which the only opinion they can have is that of pro-Zionism. Those "some Jewish people" are also British Jews. So are the "some Jewish people" who were part of the protests on Saturday, chanting the same "from the river to the sea" as others. Jewish people are not a monolith, many religious and secular Jewish people are not Zionists, and to claim that mass protest against the state of Israel is an expression of Jewish hatred is anti-Semitic, continuing the "dual loyalties" trope as if all Jewish people are Israeli.

    There are not "good Jews" and "bad Jews", one group who we listen to and one group we ignore. There is a complex and multifaceted community that has many people who are anti-Zionist and many who are pro-Zionist. Arresting anyone who sings "Palestine will be free / from the river to the sea" will see the arresting of many British Jews.

    I think I shared this last week, but there was an interesting interview with a German / South African / Israeli anti-Zionist activist who discussed how he was smeared as an anti-Semite by German politicians, and how the German police had physically attacked him whilst he had been at a pro-Palestinian rally in the name of "combatting anti-Semitism". - The weaponizing of anti-Semitism with Adam Broomberg
    I haven't mentioned Zionism. Though for what it is worth Jewish people who support Zionism ought to feel safe in this country.

    I didn't say people chanting 'from the river to the sea' should be arrested. I said I found it disturbing not least since there was no mention of Muslims and Jews living side by side. Nor so far as I am aware was there condemnation of the 1300 people slaughtered on 7 October (please correct me if I'm wrong).

    As for Germany I don't know much about policing there. I'm primarily concerned with what is happening in the UK which is something as a citizen I have a little bit of influence over. Frankly you don't appear to have been refuting my arguments but instead making generalised points from the pro palestinian perspective.
    Basically everyone has condemned what Hamas did on the 7th - do you need every protester to have to sign such a declaration before they are allowed to protest? Should we add this to all protests and counter protests?
    No they haven't. For example ITV interviewed a woman who was complainging about life in Britain who described the hostages as "prisoners of war" and described the attack as a "homecoming".
    I didn't say literally, I said basically - there will always be a few who don't, but it is by no means anywhere near the majority of people. Whereas the mass destruction of Gaza and the acceptability of Palestinian civilian casualties seems to be most western states foreign policy. This is why this nitpicking is so annoying - you have the odd extremist actually defending Hamas, a handful of left wingers alongside many Muslims discussing the context and history from the Nakba to now, and then you have essentially everyone from the centre to the right, including most state actors who actually have power, giving the state of Israel carte blanche to eradicate Gaza and all the Palestinians there if it means "dealing" with Hamas (as if making a new generation of orphans will somehow combat extremist hatred of Israel)...
    "you have essentially everyone from the centre to the right, including most state actors who actually have power, giving the state of Israel carte blanche to eradicate Gaza and all the Palestinians" - is the statement where you call everyone who disagrees with you a fascist. No-one is giving Israel carte blanche to eradicate Gaza and all the Palestinians. No-one.

    The conversation here last week devolved to the point where people were saying that if flattening city blocks was the only way to combat Hamas, they were fine with it. The line from essentially every mainstream politician when asked if Israel is committing war crimes by killing thousands of Palestinians is Israel has the right to defend itself and pivot to talking about the terrorism of Hamas. What about scenes like this is a reasonable or proportionate response:

    And this is not the same as eradicating Gaza and all the Palestinians. What should Israel do? Hamas declared war, no question. They are going after Hamas. They advised people in Gaza to go south. Israel is not deliberately targeting civilians. This is very different to Hamas who decided to attack an Israeli version of Glastonbury.

    What is the long term solution? It surely isn't anything like where we are now, but I find it intolerable that the victim here, Israel, is now being turned into the villain. I have huge sympathy for the Gazan people. They are like the ordinary decent Germans in 1945. But ultimately you cannot have a situation where the government on Gaza has the express policy of exterminating Israel and all Jewish people.
    There are victims and villains on both sides. The political aims of Hamas are abhorrent; the treatment of the Palestinians by the Israelis over the past couple of decades has been appalling; the Hamas attacks on the 7th September were monstrous, and the current assault of Gaza is inhumane. Nobody should be making excuses for any of this.
    Nobody is making excuses

    The need is solutions

    Israel cannot exist next to a polity dedicated to its total racial eradication, a polity which is willing to shoot babies in cold blood to achieve that
    That is true. Blowing up significantly more babies in response is not the answer either. It will only make Israel less safe and breed even more hatred from future generation.

    There has to be a political settlement heads need to be knocked together and those who are unwilling to compromise on both sides need removing from power.
    What compromise would ever be acceptable to people who think that Israel shouldn't exist? Even if you could find some moderate leaders to agree to some kind of deal, the question would inevitably reemerge in the future.
    If you at least entertain the moderates, rather than prop up Hamas as Israeli policy has been under Netanyahu (to prevent a peace process), then you give people a route to freedom and peace that does not involve violence. If the only option for change you provide is if met with violence, people will be violent.

    Look at Mandela and South Africa. He tried peaceful protest against South African apartheid, and saw peaceful protesters shot. After that, he prepared for violent resistance training with other nationalist movements in Africa, with the Cubans, and other resistance fighters. He was arrested after the ANC started planning and carrying out terrorism. There is no other word for what they did; bombings, tire fires, etc. When he was in jail Mandela was told he might be released if he publicly decried violence as a method of ending apartheid, and disavowed the socialist and communist theorists and activists who he looked to and trained with. He refused. He stayed in prison. He would not claim, as a black man imprisoned for fighting for his freedom by state violence, that people should not have the option of violence to end that oppression. Violence was not his first choice, but in the face of state repression and violence that makes peaceful change impossible - violence is all that was left.
    A resolution to any problem of this nature can only come through 2 routes:

    1) total victory - violence - by one side. Hamas doesn’t have the capability to win this means. Israel could only displace the problem

    2)!Peace can only happen when both sides are willing. Hamas is not. Israel I think would be if it was a guaranteed peace but Netenyahu is very sceptical. The conditions for peace must be the exhaustion of one side

    So no near term solution
    Netanyahu spent years propping up Hamas, arguing that having them as the face of Palestinian freedom over the PLO would keep Gazan and West Bank Palestinians divided, and never mean Israel had to negotiate and give any concessions. That has been his policy for a while. To talk about Netanyahu as if he is not integral to the continued escalation of violence and as a sincere politician only interested in what is best for Israel and the average Israeli is madness - such that editorials in Israeli newspapers are basically printing what I just typed and the vast majority of Israelis blame him for the situation they are now in.
  • 148grss said:

    Leon said:

    kyf_100 said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    I suspect a very ugly regional conflict beckons, probably ending with columns of tanks rumbling ominously towards Iran. From there the plot of Threads takes over.
    I reckon Bibi senses that. Hence his remarkable hesitation in sending in the IDF

    He’s meant to be Mister Security Big Bollocks. He’s summoned the entire army. Yet he stays the blade

    He can see where this all-too-plausibly ends
    He's keeping IDF soldiers back because when he can just bomb Gaza indiscriminately from the air, why would he need to risk them?
    If Gaza were being bombed "indiscriminately" the death toll would be in the 100,000s not the 1000s.
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,459
    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    I’m certainly not exonerating Israel. Israel has behaved brutally and murderously towards the Palestinians

    I am noting that it nonetheless takes a special pure level of evil hatred to casually shoot a cowering seven year old child hiding under a table - and to do that solely because of her identity. Jewish

    Have you not read any Holocaust history? This is a new page of that Holocaust history. It is bleak
    Leon said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    I’m certainly not exonerating Israel. Israel has behaved brutally and murderously towards the Palestinians

    I am noting that it nonetheless takes a special pure level of evil hatred to casually shoot a cowering seven year old child hiding under a table - and to do that solely because of her identity. Jewish

    Have you not read any Holocaust history? This is a new page of that Holocaust history. It is bleak
    Hamas don't have the means to spin this as a miscommunication or failure of intelligence like the US or Israel typically do.

    What kind of hatred of Palestinians allows for the shooting of peaceful protesters approaching the border fence, killing dozens including children?

    This graph detailing the dead Palestinian children over years 2015-2021:

    How many of them were killed in cold blood by an IDF soldier?

    You keep making this solely about anti-Semitism and Jew hatred, and I have no doubt that many Palestinians and especially Hamas express anti-Semitism and Jew hatred, but that is in the context of being oppressed by the state of Israel for years. Does that make it right? As I have continually said, no. But your suggestion that it is uniquely evil, akin to Nazi Jew hatred, in the face of what could more simply be explained as the tragedy of "eye for an eye" retributive violence contributes to the exaggerated monstering of Palestinians.
    It probably needs repeating. In 2005 Ariel Sharon gave Gaza to the Palestinians. In an interesting detail that I hadn't been aware of previously, they also wanted to work with the Palestinian Authority to eg develop the Port of Gaza infrastructure. The idea, presumably, being to help the Palestinians in Gaza to become truly independent. I also imagine that somewhere in the fine print of the deal was the agreement that the Palestinians would stop trying to kill Israelis.

    And then Hamas was elected. Hamas whose stated aim is to destroy Israel and drive it into the sea (isn't there a catchy song that describes this?). And from that point Israel withdrew cooperation and imposed other restrictions. Against the government of Gaza which sought to destroy it.

    The idea that those poor Palestinians were minding their own business when an Israeli grenade went off under their table is, sadly, risible. Sadly because the world needs people like you who look to the positive in everything. Right now, however, you are acting as Hamas' useful idiot.
  • 148grss said:

    This graph detailing the dead Palestinian children over years 2015-2021

    To be read alongside I would suggest.

  • nico679nico679 Posts: 5,860

    Pagan2 said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?
    Without going into whether Israel takes sufficient steps to guard against civilian casualties, where I have a degree of sympathy with your position, there is a very clear moral and legal difference between choosing civilian targets (including children) and choosing military targets in a built-up area where civilians may be killed (sometimes because your enemy cynically uses "their" civilians as a shield).

    I do appreciate that distinction doesn't come as any comfort to the families of civilians killed by strikes. But it is nevertheless a really important distinction that has been applied not just to this but to all wars.
    If hamas didn't build it's bases it residential districts, hospitals and schools then the death toll of civillians that are innocent would be much less. No one like 148grss will ever explain how the idf are meant to deal with hamas when they hide behind civillian targets without causing collateral damage.

    This is not to say israel isn't at fault through their actions either. Frankly I take the view that mostly they are both beyond redemption and have ceased to care about either side. Build a wall around the whole area and come back in a 100 years and see who is left
    They deal with it as I said last week (when you apparently weren't listening) by sending in ground troops. They do not deal with it by sitting back in Israel lobbing missles and bombs into Gaza.
    At this rate there won’t be much point in sending in troops as at current rates northern Gaza is close to uninhabitable. I do find it quite hard to believe that everyone of those buildings was harbouring Hamas . The bombs have also continued in the south even though Gazans were told to head there for their safety .
  • 148grss148grss Posts: 4,155
    Pagan2 said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?
    Without going into whether Israel takes sufficient steps to guard against civilian casualties, where I have a degree of sympathy with your position, there is a very clear moral and legal difference between choosing civilian targets (including children) and choosing military targets in a built-up area where civilians may be killed (sometimes because your enemy cynically uses "their" civilians as a shield).

    I do appreciate that distinction doesn't come as any comfort to the families of civilians killed by strikes. But it is nevertheless a really important distinction that has been applied not just to this but to all wars.
    If hamas didn't build it's bases it residential districts, hospitals and schools then the death toll of civillians that are innocent would be much less. No one like 148grss will ever explain how the idf are meant to deal with hamas when they hide behind civillian targets without causing collateral damage.

    This is not to say israel isn't at fault through their actions either. Frankly I take the view that mostly they are both beyond redemption and have ceased to care about either side. Build a wall around the whole area and come back in a 100 years and see who is left
    I literally did last week - rely on intelligence from your allies and Egypt (who had warned Israel prior to this that an attack was coming) for where Hamas is likely located, send in ground troops and do a sweep. Do you think that would kill more civilians than just bombing whatever building they think Hamas is in? Also - do you think Hamas is using a UN school as a base of operations:
  • MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 48,143
    148grss said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    148grss said:

    148grss said:

    148grss said:

    148grss said:

    148grss said:

    Eabhal said:

    148grss said:

    Eabhal said:

    TOPPING said:

    Braverman to challenge Met chief after jihad chant allowed at rally (£££)

    The jihad chants in question came not at the main Palestine march but at a small demo outside the Turkish embassy by the extremist group Hizb ut-Tahrir. Older PBers might remember that David Cameron pledged to ban Hizb ut-Tahrir.

    But wait, there's more.

    The government was warned in 2021 of a gap in anti-terrorist legislation that meant marchers could shout jihad with impunity, but did not act on the report written by Sir Mark Rowley. The same Sir Mark Rowley who is now Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, whom the Home Secretary wants to haul over the coals for police not arresting anyone for shouting things the government has not banned at a rally by an Islamist group the government has not banned.

    Doesn't this relate to them chanting "from the river to the sea" which our very own @148grss, who sings this with gusto, assures us is a pleasant song referring to the daisies that Hamas will plant to make daisy chains together with the Jews in the area.
    "From the river to the sea" is the standard Instagram post all my uni friends are posting in support of Palestine. I don't think they know the implication, and to be fair that's precisely how the Palestinian ambassador has been describing historical Palestine.
    The implication is only there if you put it there - "Palestine will be free / from the river to the sea" is about the desire for freedom and makes no reference to how; it is only because of other politicians and extremists use of the phrase "push Jews into the sea" that there is this implication, despite the use of that chant predating that.
    Freedom from what/whom if not Israel/the Jews?
    To be fair, if I was Jewish and a load of people matched past chanting "Jihad" in the current climate, I'd be bricking it.

    I have no idea where the line is though. It's unacceptable that the Jewish community have to put up with this hostile environment, but I don't want people arrested for saying stuff either (unless it plainly calls for physical violence).
    The thing is people are aware of the law. Most know what they can/can't get away with. So 'Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea' is sufficiently ambiguous to avoid prosecution. But as I said yesterday, it's what they aren't saying. If you are going to use a slogan like that, then where is the reassurance to the Jewish population that they wouldn't be ethnically cleansed? No talk of two state solution? No talk of Muslims and Jews living side by side? And no blame for the Palestinians plight being put onto the vile rulers of Iran and Hamas? Perhaps someone can enlighten me but I haven't seen it. I have seen nothing from these protesters to suggest they have a workable solution to the problems of the middle east but plenty for Jewish people to feel frightened and intimidated of.

    Ultimately it is up to us non Jews to show solidarity. At them moment Jewish people appear to feel isolated and fearful. It's not being helped by the mainstream media and 'liberal' Britain's abdication.
    Literally the representative of the Palestinian Authority in the UK has said all the things you want to be said as reassurance. And, not only that, you are ignoring the fact that many Jewish people were part of these protests, joining in. There was a large Jewish Bloc at the protest this Saturday. There was a protest on Friday evening where many Jewish people lit Shabbat and memorial candles outside the official residence of the Israeli ambassador to highlight the death of Palestinians. Not all Jewish people are Zionist or view anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism.
    The fact that some Jewish people were involved means nothing as far as I'm concerned. Good for the PA representative if that is what he did but I'm talking about the citizens of THIS country. Because our primary responsibility must be the safety and security of our own people. How is some Jewish people lighting candles outside the Israeli embassy going to make British Jews feel more secure? 100,000 people on the streets chanting 'from the river to the sea' is not reassuring.
    Because you have created some mythological "Jewish Community" for which the only opinion they can have is that of pro-Zionism. Those "some Jewish people" are also British Jews. So are the "some Jewish people" who were part of the protests on Saturday, chanting the same "from the river to the sea" as others. Jewish people are not a monolith, many religious and secular Jewish people are not Zionists, and to claim that mass protest against the state of Israel is an expression of Jewish hatred is anti-Semitic, continuing the "dual loyalties" trope as if all Jewish people are Israeli.

    There are not "good Jews" and "bad Jews", one group who we listen to and one group we ignore. There is a complex and multifaceted community that has many people who are anti-Zionist and many who are pro-Zionist. Arresting anyone who sings "Palestine will be free / from the river to the sea" will see the arresting of many British Jews.

    I think I shared this last week, but there was an interesting interview with a German / South African / Israeli anti-Zionist activist who discussed how he was smeared as an anti-Semite by German politicians, and how the German police had physically attacked him whilst he had been at a pro-Palestinian rally in the name of "combatting anti-Semitism". - The weaponizing of anti-Semitism with Adam Broomberg
    I haven't mentioned Zionism. Though for what it is worth Jewish people who support Zionism ought to feel safe in this country.

    I didn't say people chanting 'from the river to the sea' should be arrested. I said I found it disturbing not least since there was no mention of Muslims and Jews living side by side. Nor so far as I am aware was there condemnation of the 1300 people slaughtered on 7 October (please correct me if I'm wrong).

    As for Germany I don't know much about policing there. I'm primarily concerned with what is happening in the UK which is something as a citizen I have a little bit of influence over. Frankly you don't appear to have been refuting my arguments but instead making generalised points from the pro palestinian perspective.
    Basically everyone has condemned what Hamas did on the 7th - do you need every protester to have to sign such a declaration before they are allowed to protest? Should we add this to all protests and counter protests?
    No they haven't. For example ITV interviewed a woman who was complainging about life in Britain who described the hostages as "prisoners of war" and described the attack as a "homecoming".
    I didn't say literally, I said basically - there will always be a few who don't, but it is by no means anywhere near the majority of people. Whereas the mass destruction of Gaza and the acceptability of Palestinian civilian casualties seems to be most western states foreign policy. This is why this nitpicking is so annoying - you have the odd extremist actually defending Hamas, a handful of left wingers alongside many Muslims discussing the context and history from the Nakba to now, and then you have essentially everyone from the centre to the right, including most state actors who actually have power, giving the state of Israel carte blanche to eradicate Gaza and all the Palestinians there if it means "dealing" with Hamas (as if making a new generation of orphans will somehow combat extremist hatred of Israel)...
    "you have essentially everyone from the centre to the right, including most state actors who actually have power, giving the state of Israel carte blanche to eradicate Gaza and all the Palestinians" - is the statement where you call everyone who disagrees with you a fascist. No-one is giving Israel carte blanche to eradicate Gaza and all the Palestinians. No-one.

    The conversation here last week devolved to the point where people were saying that if flattening city blocks was the only way to combat Hamas, they were fine with it. The line from essentially every mainstream politician when asked if Israel is committing war crimes by killing thousands of Palestinians is Israel has the right to defend itself and pivot to talking about the terrorism of Hamas. What about scenes like this is a reasonable or proportionate response:

    And this is not the same as eradicating Gaza and all the Palestinians. What should Israel do? Hamas declared war, no question. They are going after Hamas. They advised people in Gaza to go south. Israel is not deliberately targeting civilians. This is very different to Hamas who decided to attack an Israeli version of Glastonbury.

    What is the long term solution? It surely isn't anything like where we are now, but I find it intolerable that the victim here, Israel, is now being turned into the villain. I have huge sympathy for the Gazan people. They are like the ordinary decent Germans in 1945. But ultimately you cannot have a situation where the government on Gaza has the express policy of exterminating Israel and all Jewish people.
    There are victims and villains on both sides. The political aims of Hamas are abhorrent; the treatment of the Palestinians by the Israelis over the past couple of decades has been appalling; the Hamas attacks on the 7th September were monstrous, and the current assault of Gaza is inhumane. Nobody should be making excuses for any of this.
    Nobody is making excuses

    The need is solutions

    Israel cannot exist next to a polity dedicated to its total racial eradication, a polity which is willing to shoot babies in cold blood to achieve that
    That is true. Blowing up significantly more babies in response is not the answer either. It will only make Israel less safe and breed even more hatred from future generation.

    There has to be a political settlement heads need to be knocked together and those who are unwilling to compromise on both sides need removing from power.
    What compromise would ever be acceptable to people who think that Israel shouldn't exist? Even if you could find some moderate leaders to agree to some kind of deal, the question would inevitably reemerge in the future.
    If you at least entertain the moderates, rather than prop up Hamas as Israeli policy has been under Netanyahu (to prevent a peace process), then you give people a route to freedom and peace that does not involve violence. If the only option for change you provide is if met with violence, people will be violent.

    Look at Mandela and South Africa. He tried peaceful protest against South African apartheid, and saw peaceful protesters shot. After that, he prepared for violent resistance training with other nationalist movements in Africa, with the Cubans, and other resistance fighters. He was arrested after the ANC started planning and carrying out terrorism. There is no other word for what they did; bombings, tire fires, etc. When he was in jail Mandela was told he might be released if he publicly decried violence as a method of ending apartheid, and disavowed the socialist and communist theorists and activists who he looked to and trained with. He refused. He stayed in prison. He would not claim, as a black man imprisoned for fighting for his freedom by state violence, that people should not have the option of violence to end that oppression. Violence was not his first choice, but in the face of state repression and violence that makes peaceful change impossible - violence is all that was left.
    A resolution to any problem of this nature can only come through 2 routes:

    1) total victory - violence - by one side. Hamas doesn’t have the capability to win this means. Israel could only displace the problem

    2)!Peace can only happen when both sides are willing. Hamas is not. Israel I think would be if it was a guaranteed peace but Netenyahu is very sceptical. The conditions for peace must be the exhaustion of one side

    So no near term solution
    Netanyahu spent years propping up Hamas, arguing that having them as the face of Palestinian freedom over the PLO would keep Gazan and West Bank Palestinians divided, and never mean Israel had to negotiate and give any concessions. That has been his policy for a while. To talk about Netanyahu as if he is not integral to the continued escalation of violence and as a sincere politician only interested in what is best for Israel and the average Israeli is madness - such that editorials in Israeli newspapers are basically printing what I just typed and the vast majority of Israelis blame him for the situation they are now in.
    Hamas need Netanyahu in their turn - they have agency as well.

    They aren’t glove puppets.
  • Luckyguy1983Luckyguy1983 Posts: 27,525
    Sean_F said:

    The week Sunak took over, the average rating was Labour 53% to Con 22%, so he is at least some improvement on Truss.

    There is no evidence that polling during a massive political shitstorm will retain its depressed level in the long term; indeed it seems unlikely to me that Truss would not have enjoyed a modest polling recovery with the simple passage of time.
  • MJWMJW Posts: 1,617
    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    What boggles the mind here a bit is a failure to distinguish in intention. Hamas brutally murdered children in cold blood - in fact it's worse than that, they did so knowing that the inevitable outcome would be an Israeli military response that even at its most limited would bring misery on their own people. Hamas have admitted as much, with a representative saying that millions of deaths in Vietnam or Russia in WW2 were justified in the name of liberation. Now, there are entirely legitimate questions about the efficacy and proportionality of Israeli strikes and a possible ground invasion - some experts and world leaders have raised exactly these even while stating the principle of Israel's right to self-defence. And every death is a tragedy. But the principles of war have long held intention as vital. Civilian deaths are to be avoided if at all possible, sometimes sadly they won't be. But military action's justness and legality rests on intention and proportionality in that aim. Now there are legitimate questions over the latter, but no one could suggest Israel and Hamas's intentions are equivalent. One wants to remove a terror group that wants their destruction - with civilian deaths sadly impossible to avoid in pursuit of that goal. The other wanted to kill as many Jews as possible in the hope of sparking a regional conflict that could kill millions, including huge numbers of Palestinians. That is the difference. Not in the value of a life, but in aims and whether are tragic collateral victims - or the first intended ones in pursuit of a goal that will bring even more death and destruction down the line. And sadly, these things work both ways too - there's no way Israel are going to loosen the restrictive policies that Palestinians legitimately have huge objections to, while there are groups there who do want to wipe out Jews from the Middle East and Iran are giving them the means to do so (sadly this may be why peace may be impossible as long as the current Iranian regime exists, holds and spreads the Nazi-esque views that it does).
  • 148grss said:

    Pagan2 said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?
    Without going into whether Israel takes sufficient steps to guard against civilian casualties, where I have a degree of sympathy with your position, there is a very clear moral and legal difference between choosing civilian targets (including children) and choosing military targets in a built-up area where civilians may be killed (sometimes because your enemy cynically uses "their" civilians as a shield).

    I do appreciate that distinction doesn't come as any comfort to the families of civilians killed by strikes. But it is nevertheless a really important distinction that has been applied not just to this but to all wars.
    If hamas didn't build it's bases it residential districts, hospitals and schools then the death toll of civillians that are innocent would be much less. No one like 148grss will ever explain how the idf are meant to deal with hamas when they hide behind civillian targets without causing collateral damage.

    This is not to say israel isn't at fault through their actions either. Frankly I take the view that mostly they are both beyond redemption and have ceased to care about either side. Build a wall around the whole area and come back in a 100 years and see who is left
    I literally did last week - rely on intelligence from your allies and Egypt (who had warned Israel prior to this that an attack was coming) for where Hamas is likely located, send in ground troops and do a sweep. Do you think that would kill more civilians than just bombing whatever building they think Hamas is in? Also - do you think Hamas is using a UN school as a base of operations:
    Sending in soldiers to fight street by street without prior bombardment absolutely would result in more fatalities, yes, especially more IDF fatalities.

    In war bombardment is entirely legal.

    Don't want bombardments? Don't go to war.
  • rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 56,139
    edited October 2023
    TOPPING said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    I’m certainly not exonerating Israel. Israel has behaved brutally and murderously towards the Palestinians

    I am noting that it nonetheless takes a special pure level of evil hatred to casually shoot a cowering seven year old child hiding under a table - and to do that solely because of her identity. Jewish

    Have you not read any Holocaust history? This is a new page of that Holocaust history. It is bleak
    Leon said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    I’m certainly not exonerating Israel. Israel has behaved brutally and murderously towards the Palestinians

    I am noting that it nonetheless takes a special pure level of evil hatred to casually shoot a cowering seven year old child hiding under a table - and to do that solely because of her identity. Jewish

    Have you not read any Holocaust history? This is a new page of that Holocaust history. It is bleak
    Hamas don't have the means to spin this as a miscommunication or failure of intelligence like the US or Israel typically do.

    What kind of hatred of Palestinians allows for the shooting of peaceful protesters approaching the border fence, killing dozens including children?

    This graph detailing the dead Palestinian children over years 2015-2021:

    How many of them were killed in cold blood by an IDF soldier?

    You keep making this solely about anti-Semitism and Jew hatred, and I have no doubt that many Palestinians and especially Hamas express anti-Semitism and Jew hatred, but that is in the context of being oppressed by the state of Israel for years. Does that make it right? As I have continually said, no. But your suggestion that it is uniquely evil, akin to Nazi Jew hatred, in the face of what could more simply be explained as the tragedy of "eye for an eye" retributive violence contributes to the exaggerated monstering of Palestinians.
    It probably needs repeating. In 2005 Ariel Sharon gave Gaza to the Palestinians. In an interesting detail that I hadn't been aware of previously, they also wanted to work with the Palestinian Authority to eg develop the Port of Gaza infrastructure. The idea, presumably, being to help the Palestinians in Gaza to become truly independent. I also imagine that somewhere in the fine print of the deal was the agreement that the Palestinians would stop trying to kill Israelis.

    And then Hamas was elected. Hamas whose stated aim is to destroy Israel and drive it into the sea (isn't there a catchy song that describes this?). And from that point Israel withdrew cooperation and imposed other restrictions. Against the government of Gaza which sought to destroy it.

    The idea that those poor Palestinians were minding their own business when an Israeli grenade went off under their table is, sadly, risible. Sadly because the world needs people like you who look to the positive in everything. Right now, however, you are acting as Hamas' useful idiot.
    While everything you say is true, it's also the case that Palestinians haven't had the chance to get rid of Hamas due to the fact that - once elected - Hamas decided that voters wouldn't need to ever vote again.

    It's also worth remembering that it has been the policy of Netanhyahu and his governments to keep Hamas in power.
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,459

    Pagan2 said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?
    Without going into whether Israel takes sufficient steps to guard against civilian casualties, where I have a degree of sympathy with your position, there is a very clear moral and legal difference between choosing civilian targets (including children) and choosing military targets in a built-up area where civilians may be killed (sometimes because your enemy cynically uses "their" civilians as a shield).

    I do appreciate that distinction doesn't come as any comfort to the families of civilians killed by strikes. But it is nevertheless a really important distinction that has been applied not just to this but to all wars.
    If hamas didn't build it's bases it residential districts, hospitals and schools then the death toll of civillians that are innocent would be much less. No one like 148grss will ever explain how the idf are meant to deal with hamas when they hide behind civillian targets without causing collateral damage.

    This is not to say israel isn't at fault through their actions either. Frankly I take the view that mostly they are both beyond redemption and have ceased to care about either side. Build a wall around the whole area and come back in a 100 years and see who is left
    They deal with it as I said last week (when you apparently weren't listening) by sending in ground troops. They do not deal with it by sitting back in Israel lobbing missles and bombs into Gaza.
    Thanks General Tyndall. Noted. Israel believes it is at war. In such circumstances they are unlikely to listen to an archaeologist from Lincs shouting the odds about what their strategy should be. Much like ISAF was oblivious to the no doubt sincere entreaties from Arab nations over their conduct of the war in Afghan.
  • 148grss148grss Posts: 4,155
    TOPPING said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    I’m certainly not exonerating Israel. Israel has behaved brutally and murderously towards the Palestinians

    I am noting that it nonetheless takes a special pure level of evil hatred to casually shoot a cowering seven year old child hiding under a table - and to do that solely because of her identity. Jewish

    Have you not read any Holocaust history? This is a new page of that Holocaust history. It is bleak
    Leon said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    I’m certainly not exonerating Israel. Israel has behaved brutally and murderously towards the Palestinians

    I am noting that it nonetheless takes a special pure level of evil hatred to casually shoot a cowering seven year old child hiding under a table - and to do that solely because of her identity. Jewish

    Have you not read any Holocaust history? This is a new page of that Holocaust history. It is bleak
    Hamas don't have the means to spin this as a miscommunication or failure of intelligence like the US or Israel typically do.

    What kind of hatred of Palestinians allows for the shooting of peaceful protesters approaching the border fence, killing dozens including children?

    This graph detailing the dead Palestinian children over years 2015-2021:

    How many of them were killed in cold blood by an IDF soldier?

    You keep making this solely about anti-Semitism and Jew hatred, and I have no doubt that many Palestinians and especially Hamas express anti-Semitism and Jew hatred, but that is in the context of being oppressed by the state of Israel for years. Does that make it right? As I have continually said, no. But your suggestion that it is uniquely evil, akin to Nazi Jew hatred, in the face of what could more simply be explained as the tragedy of "eye for an eye" retributive violence contributes to the exaggerated monstering of Palestinians.
    It probably needs repeating. In 2005 Ariel Sharon gave Gaza to the Palestinians. In an interesting detail that I hadn't been aware of previously, they also wanted to work with the Palestinian Authority to eg develop the Port of Gaza infrastructure. The idea, presumably, being to help the Palestinians in Gaza to become truly independent. I also imagine that somewhere in the fine print of the deal was the agreement that the Palestinians would stop trying to kill Israelis.

    And then Hamas was elected. Hamas whose stated aim is to destroy Israel and drive it into the sea (isn't there a catchy song that describes this?). And from that point Israel withdrew cooperation and imposed other restrictions. Against the government of Gaza which sought to destroy it.

    The idea that those poor Palestinians were minding their own business when an Israeli grenade went off under their table is, sadly, risible. Sadly because the world needs people like you who look to the positive in everything. Right now, however, you are acting as Hamas' useful idiot.
    Hamas were elected without a majority, a bare plurality, 3% ahead of the Fatah Party. Do we think that Israeli decisions to do mass arrests of Hamas campaigners during the election may have increased the sympathy for Hamas?

    That was also in 2006 - where the average age of Palestinians now (or at least prior to the recent Israeli campaign) in Gaza was 18. And, once again, Hamas have been propped up by Netanyahu and his administrations post their election precisely because Netanyahu did not want to have to negotiate with moderates and instead wanted to perpetuate the violence.
  • TheuniondivvieTheuniondivvie Posts: 41,475
    edited October 2023

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?
    Without going into whether Israel takes sufficient steps to guard against civilian casualties a, where I have a degree of sympathy with your position, there is a very clear moral and legal difference between choosing civilian targets (including children) and choosing military targets in a built-up area where civilians may be killed (sometimes because your enemy cynically uses "their" civilians as a shield).

    I do appreciate that distinction doesn't come as any comfort to the families of civilians killed by strikes. But it is nevertheless a really important distinction that has been applied not just to this but to all wars.
    That’s the fuzzy distinction though that is never clarified in heavy bombing/shelling of built up urban areas. How many specific Hamas ‘targets’ does the IDF have compared to areas that Hama may or may not occupy that they want to soften up preparatory to a ground assault? Currently there’s about double the weight of bombs used in a WWII 1000 bomber raid being dropped on Gaza each day, which doesn’t suggest a great deal of discrimination.

    Bomber Harris was clear about wanting the German people to reap the whirlwind (though that led to him being excluded from polite company post war); with Israelis from Netanyahu down literally talking about revenge, I suspect reaping rather than targeted bombing is part of their current zeitgeist.

    Edit: correction, there’s about double the weight of bombs used in a WWII 1000 bomber raid being dropped on Gaza in six days.
  • williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 50,526
    @148grss - Do you think that in the long term, America and Australia should be 'decolonised' with indigenous states being established on their territories?
  • On topic Sunak is not just no improvement on Truss, he's worse than her.
  • moonshinemoonshine Posts: 5,490
    kinabalu said:

    Sandpit said:

    Yes, they should have stuck with Truss.

    At least she had ideas, even if you disagreed with them, and the reaction to her was out of all proportion to what what actually announced, led by the Sunakites in the PCP and media.

    Led by the bond markets really.
    Nonsense. Take a look at US bonds markets now. The rise in gilt yields was not a lot to do with Truss and her tax cuts and everything to do with a historic reversion to norm of monetary policy globally. It was a hysterical media feeding frenzy.

    In the Uk it was fed particularly that week by the blowing up of poorly regulated LDI pensions that almost no one seemed to realise was happening. The bloke responsible for that still in his job. He’s a “technocrat” you see.
  • Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 31,266
    edited October 2023
    Good afternoon. Odds in the cricket match. Afg 195/2 over 36 overs, chasing 282/7.

    Afghanistan 1.43 / 1.44
    Pakistan 3.15 / 3.3
  • I understand the point that @148grss is making - people have been shot and killed on both sides and many of those killings are at least questionable of not completely wrong.

    So lets take the way the IDF have dealt with kids. We've all seen the edited videos. Child throwing stones gets shot and killed. And certainly some of those killings will be outrageous. But others hide the barrage that the IDF patrol had come under.

    The whole point in the media is that it is mediated. I can take a real undoctored clip and make it about something completely different by clipping it. So yes, some of the IDF actions have been crimes. Many others are portrayed as crimes when if they were looked at dispassionately with all the evidence they clearly wouldn't be.

    But what about these Hamas films. How do you clip them to put them into a different context? Especially the ones that Hamas have released to show their ISIS-style butchery. There is no justification for these killings. None. A shooting at a birder fence in a skirmish is not a moral equivalent justification for storming into a Kibbutz to murder and behead and rape and burn.
  • kinabalukinabalu Posts: 41,132
    edited October 2023

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    So there are two things:
    1. Hamas terrorist shoots small child in the head in cold blood with no warning.
    2. Israel bombs kill small child who was still in Gaza because their parents had ignored the warning to leave because bombs would be dropped

    War is shit. Death is death. But there is a clear and rather obvious difference between the two.
    There is a difference. The 1st is more viscerally evil. However let's not forget there's also a difference as regards the scale of the killing. The ratio of Palestinian to Israeli casualties in these conflicts in recent times is many many to 1 and the way this is going it's likely to be even more skewed this time, esp if looking specifically at children. As unspeakable as the Hamas attack was it doesn't imo justify a response of flattening Gaza and the mass killing and displacement of the people living there. And this is leaving aside the matter of whether it will leave Israel safer at the end of it (probably not).
  • williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 50,526
    NEW: EU Commission president @vonderleyen has written to staff saying she was “ready to engage, and to listen to your concerns” on the Middle East following a letter signed by over 800 Commission officials last week protesting against her allegedly unequivocal support for Israel.
  • LeonLeon Posts: 52,899
    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    I’m certainly not exonerating Israel. Israel has behaved brutally and murderously towards the Palestinians

    I am noting that it nonetheless takes a special pure level of evil hatred to casually shoot a cowering seven year old child hiding under a table - and to do that solely because of her identity. Jewish

    Have you not read any Holocaust history? This is a new page of that Holocaust history. It is bleak
    Leon said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    I’m certainly not exonerating Israel. Israel has behaved brutally and murderously towards the Palestinians

    I am noting that it nonetheless takes a special pure level of evil hatred to casually shoot a cowering seven year old child hiding under a table - and to do that solely because of her identity. Jewish

    Have you not read any Holocaust history? This is a new page of that Holocaust history. It is bleak
    Hamas don't have the means to spin this as a miscommunication or failure of intelligence like the US or Israel typically do.

    What kind of hatred of Palestinians allows for the shooting of peaceful protesters approaching the border fence, killing dozens including children?

    This graph detailing the dead Palestinian children over years 2015-2021:

    How many of them were killed in cold blood by an IDF soldier?

    You keep making this solely about anti-Semitism and Jew hatred, and I have no doubt that many Palestinians and especially Hamas express anti-Semitism and Jew hatred, but that is in the context of being oppressed by the state of Israel for years. Does that make it right? As I have continually said, no. But your suggestion that it is uniquely evil, akin to Nazi Jew hatred, in the face of what could more simply be explained as the tragedy of "eye for an eye" retributive violence contributes to the exaggerated monstering of Palestinians.
    They casually shot a 7 year old girl, hiding under a table. Simply because she was Jewish. I’m surprised you haven’t found a way to blame this on the British. No doubt you’ll get there
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,459
    rcs1000 said:

    TOPPING said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    I’m certainly not exonerating Israel. Israel has behaved brutally and murderously towards the Palestinians

    I am noting that it nonetheless takes a special pure level of evil hatred to casually shoot a cowering seven year old child hiding under a table - and to do that solely because of her identity. Jewish

    Have you not read any Holocaust history? This is a new page of that Holocaust history. It is bleak
    Leon said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    I’m certainly not exonerating Israel. Israel has behaved brutally and murderously towards the Palestinians

    I am noting that it nonetheless takes a special pure level of evil hatred to casually shoot a cowering seven year old child hiding under a table - and to do that solely because of her identity. Jewish

    Have you not read any Holocaust history? This is a new page of that Holocaust history. It is bleak
    Hamas don't have the means to spin this as a miscommunication or failure of intelligence like the US or Israel typically do.

    What kind of hatred of Palestinians allows for the shooting of peaceful protesters approaching the border fence, killing dozens including children?

    This graph detailing the dead Palestinian children over years 2015-2021:

    How many of them were killed in cold blood by an IDF soldier?

    You keep making this solely about anti-Semitism and Jew hatred, and I have no doubt that many Palestinians and especially Hamas express anti-Semitism and Jew hatred, but that is in the context of being oppressed by the state of Israel for years. Does that make it right? As I have continually said, no. But your suggestion that it is uniquely evil, akin to Nazi Jew hatred, in the face of what could more simply be explained as the tragedy of "eye for an eye" retributive violence contributes to the exaggerated monstering of Palestinians.
    It probably needs repeating. In 2005 Ariel Sharon gave Gaza to the Palestinians. In an interesting detail that I hadn't been aware of previously, they also wanted to work with the Palestinian Authority to eg develop the Port of Gaza infrastructure. The idea, presumably, being to help the Palestinians in Gaza to become truly independent. I also imagine that somewhere in the fine print of the deal was the agreement that the Palestinians would stop trying to kill Israelis.

    And then Hamas was elected. Hamas whose stated aim is to destroy Israel and drive it into the sea (isn't there a catchy song that describes this?). And from that point Israel withdrew cooperation and imposed other restrictions. Against the government of Gaza which sought to destroy it.

    The idea that those poor Palestinians were minding their own business when an Israeli grenade went off under their table is, sadly, risible. Sadly because the world needs people like you who look to the positive in everything. Right now, however, you are acting as Hamas' useful idiot.
    While everything you say is true, it's also the case that Palestinians haven't had the chance to get rid of Hamas due to the fact that - once elected - Hamas decided that voters wouldn't need to ever vote again.

    It's also worth remembering that it has been the policy of Netanhyahu and his governments to keep Hamas in power.
    Maybe maybe not (the election was of course before Netanyahu came to power). And he probably thought it was fine to sow discord amongst the Palestinians as a whole keeping his enemies divided. But that doesn't change the fact that, like the Nazis, Hamas came to power under a democratic system.

    There is now a tendency to separate out Hamas on the one hand, and Palestinian hard working families on the other. As if it was a big secret that Hamas was dedicated to the destruction of Israel. I don't think this is credible.

    As I have said often, Israel believes it is at war. Under such circumstances the call for it to behave as though this was "just" another terrorist attack is misunderstanding the dynamic and motivation of its current actions.
  • rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 56,139
    edited October 2023
    moonshine said:

    kinabalu said:

    Sandpit said:

    Yes, they should have stuck with Truss.

    At least she had ideas, even if you disagreed with them, and the reaction to her was out of all proportion to what what actually announced, led by the Sunakites in the PCP and media.

    Led by the bond markets really.
    Nonsense. Take a look at US bonds markets now. The rise in gilt yields was not a lot to do with Truss and her tax cuts and everything to do with a historic reversion to norm of monetary policy globally. It was a hysterical media feeding frenzy.

    In the Uk it was fed particularly that week by the blowing up of poorly regulated LDI pensions that almost no one seemed to realise was happening. The bloke responsible for that still in his job. He’s a “technocrat” you see.
    With all due respect, Ms Truss and Mr Kwarteng made it clear that their plan was to cut taxes and increase spending, in order to get the economy moving again. And that absolutely did have an impact on bond prices.

    You can see this my looking at UK bond yields during the Truss Premiership and comparing them to peers. The UK yield premium absolutely blew out.

    For your theory to be true UK bond yields simply reverted to normal levels before everyone else. But that clearly didn't happen: UK bond yields went out during the Truss premiership, came back in when she was defenestrated, and then moved largely in lockstep with our peers.
  • @148grss - Do you think that in the long term, America and Australia should be 'decolonised' with indigenous states being established on their territories?

    Fun pub quiz question - which covers the greatest land mass?

    a) The State of Israel
    b) The Navajo Autonomous Territory
  • TOPPING said:

    Pagan2 said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?
    Without going into whether Israel takes sufficient steps to guard against civilian casualties, where I have a degree of sympathy with your position, there is a very clear moral and legal difference between choosing civilian targets (including children) and choosing military targets in a built-up area where civilians may be killed (sometimes because your enemy cynically uses "their" civilians as a shield).

    I do appreciate that distinction doesn't come as any comfort to the families of civilians killed by strikes. But it is nevertheless a really important distinction that has been applied not just to this but to all wars.
    If hamas didn't build it's bases it residential districts, hospitals and schools then the death toll of civillians that are innocent would be much less. No one like 148grss will ever explain how the idf are meant to deal with hamas when they hide behind civillian targets without causing collateral damage.

    This is not to say israel isn't at fault through their actions either. Frankly I take the view that mostly they are both beyond redemption and have ceased to care about either side. Build a wall around the whole area and come back in a 100 years and see who is left
    They deal with it as I said last week (when you apparently weren't listening) by sending in ground troops. They do not deal with it by sitting back in Israel lobbing missles and bombs into Gaza.
    Thanks General Tyndall. Noted. Israel believes it is at war. In such circumstances they are unlikely to listen to an archaeologist from Lincs shouting the odds about what their strategy should be. Much like ISAF was oblivious to the no doubt sincere entreaties from Arab nations over their conduct of the war in Afghan.
    Don't be a fuckwit all your life Topping. Try having a day off for once.

    Pagan asked what else Israel could do instead of bombing civilians. I made a suggestion. I don't expect you or any of the other warmongers on here to agree wth it because frankly you have shown you don't give a flying fuck about civilian casualties as long as they are Arabs.

    Some of us do and so are looking for ways they could be reduced.
    When the UK went to war in Iraq and Afghanistan did we send in the troops without prior bombardment?

    Its an unreasonable demand you are making. In times of war, bombardments happen. Israel has warned civilians to avoid certain areas prior to doing the bombardments - if Hamas would fight in the open and not hide amongst civilians (a war crime itself) then there'd be far fewer civilian casualties.
  • 148grss said:

    Leon said:

    kyf_100 said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    I suspect a very ugly regional conflict beckons, probably ending with columns of tanks rumbling ominously towards Iran. From there the plot of Threads takes over.
    I reckon Bibi senses that. Hence his remarkable hesitation in sending in the IDF

    He’s meant to be Mister Security Big Bollocks. He’s summoned the entire army. Yet he stays the blade

    He can see where this all-too-plausibly ends
    He's keeping IDF soldiers back because when he can just bomb Gaza indiscriminately from the air, why would he need to risk them?
    If Gaza were being bombed "indiscriminately" the death toll would be in the 100,000s not the 1000s.
    What exactly are they bombing over the last 16 days?
  • algarkirkalgarkirk Posts: 11,990
    isam said:

    We must be edging further towards people realising/accepting it was a mistake to get rid of Boris now

    It wasn’t a mistake if you want a Labour government, obviously

    Getting rid of Boris was inevitable once he had acted in certain ways to render it so. The mistake was Boris declining to act with the minimal morality and self control required to be a leader of a proper democracy, having also failed to sustain his position by appointing long term people who could advise him properly.

  • 148grss148grss Posts: 4,155

    @148grss - Do you think that in the long term, America and Australia should be 'decolonised' with indigenous states being established on their territories?

    I mean, arguably in the USA that is the case - the USA just doesn't uphold the terms of the treaties they signed with Native American peoples.

    I do not think they should be decolonised with separate indigenous / native states. In an ideal world, I think a sincere effort at truth and reconciliation, alongside reparations to indigenous communities and an incorporation of their traditions and life into the body politic is preferable to partition.

    That is unlikely in those cases, and other similar countries like Canada, mostly due to the genocide of the native peoples reducing the numbers to such a degree that they can and will continued to be ignored. At a minimum an honest assessment of the colonisation of those lands and peoples alongside active attempts to work with those communities to exist how they wish to should happen.
  • 148grss said:

    Pagan2 said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?
    Without going into whether Israel takes sufficient steps to guard against civilian casualties, where I have a degree of sympathy with your position, there is a very clear moral and legal difference between choosing civilian targets (including children) and choosing military targets in a built-up area where civilians may be killed (sometimes because your enemy cynically uses "their" civilians as a shield).

    I do appreciate that distinction doesn't come as any comfort to the families of civilians killed by strikes. But it is nevertheless a really important distinction that has been applied not just to this but to all wars.
    If hamas didn't build it's bases it residential districts, hospitals and schools then the death toll of civillians that are innocent would be much less. No one like 148grss will ever explain how the idf are meant to deal with hamas when they hide behind civillian targets without causing collateral damage.

    This is not to say israel isn't at fault through their actions either. Frankly I take the view that mostly they are both beyond redemption and have ceased to care about either side. Build a wall around the whole area and come back in a 100 years and see who is left
    I literally did last week - rely on intelligence from your allies and Egypt (who had warned Israel prior to this that an attack was coming) for where Hamas is likely located, send in ground troops and do a sweep. Do you think that would kill more civilians than just bombing whatever building they think Hamas is in? Also - do you think Hamas is using a UN school as a base of operations:
    Sending in soldiers to fight street by street without prior bombardment absolutely would result in more fatalities, yes, especially more IDF fatalities.

    In war bombardment is entirely legal.

    Don't want bombardments? Don't go to war.
    Don't want a resistance, don't occupy/besiege.
  • 148grss said:

    Leon said:

    kyf_100 said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    I suspect a very ugly regional conflict beckons, probably ending with columns of tanks rumbling ominously towards Iran. From there the plot of Threads takes over.
    I reckon Bibi senses that. Hence his remarkable hesitation in sending in the IDF

    He’s meant to be Mister Security Big Bollocks. He’s summoned the entire army. Yet he stays the blade

    He can see where this all-too-plausibly ends
    He's keeping IDF soldiers back because when he can just bomb Gaza indiscriminately from the air, why would he need to risk them?
    If Gaza were being bombed "indiscriminately" the death toll would be in the 100,000s not the 1000s.
    If its even in the thousands, the only source to say it is, is the same one that reported 500 dead from Israel bombing a hospital - which turned out to be a tiny fraction of the deaths, from the Jihadis bombing it instead.
  • Sean_FSean_F Posts: 36,726

    On topic Sunak is not just no improvement on Truss, he's worse than her.

    Truss is a loon. Sunak is mediocre in the extreme. That represents an improvement.
  • @148grss - Do you think that in the long term, America and Australia should be 'decolonised' with indigenous states being established on their territories?

    Fun pub quiz question - which covers the greatest land mass?

    a) The State of Israel
    b) The Navajo Autonomous Territory
    Or even: who's occupying more territory illegally?

    a) Israel
    b) Russia
  • kinabalu said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    So there are two things:
    1. Hamas terrorist shoots small child in the head in cold blood with no warning.
    2. Israel bombs kill small child who was still in Gaza because their parents had ignored the warning to leave because bombs would be dropped

    War is shit. Death is death. But there is a clear and rather obvious difference between the two.
    There is a difference. The 1st is more viscerally evil. However let's not forget there's also a difference as regards the scale of the killing. The ratio of Palestinian to Israeli casualties in these conflicts in recent times is many many to 1 and the way this is going it's likely to be even more skewed this time, esp if looking specifically at children. As unspeakable as the Hamas attack was it doesn't imo justify a response of flattening Gaza and the mass killing and displacement of the people living there. And this is leaving aside the matter of whether it will leave Israel safer at the end of it (probably not).
    I hear you. I ask what the alternative is. Even the Palestinian ambassador interviewed on The Rest is Politics was clear that Hamas is an enemy of the Palestinian people. They have to be destroyed if there is to be peace.

    Displacing people to try as surgically as possible to decapitate Hamas has to be better than levelling Gaza. You said that is what they are doing - not true. They could have just bombed the place to rubble with the civilians in place. Instead they told them to leave, knowing that Hamas would almost certainly embed themselves in the civilians heading for safety.

    We saw the other night with the hospital blast that the Terrorists are quite happy setting themselves up in urban areas, using the civilians as human shields. Hamas and IJ have no interest in civilian lives either - they want them to be martyred.
  • moonshinemoonshine Posts: 5,490
    rcs1000 said:

    moonshine said:

    kinabalu said:

    Sandpit said:

    Yes, they should have stuck with Truss.

    At least she had ideas, even if you disagreed with them, and the reaction to her was out of all proportion to what what actually announced, led by the Sunakites in the PCP and media.

    Led by the bond markets really.
    Nonsense. Take a look at US bonds markets now. The rise in gilt yields was not a lot to do with Truss and her tax cuts and everything to do with a historic reversion to norm of monetary policy globally. It was a hysterical media feeding frenzy.

    In the Uk it was fed particularly that week by the blowing up of poorly regulated LDI pensions that almost no one seemed to realise was happening. The bloke responsible for that still in his job. He’s a “technocrat” you see.
    With all due respect, Ms Truss and Mr Kwarteng made it clear that their plan was to cut taxes and increase spending, in order to get the economy moving again. And that absolutely did have an impact on bond prices.

    You can see this my looking at UK bond yields during the Truss Premiership and comparing them to peers. The UK yield premium absolutely blew out.

    For your theory to be true UK bond yields simply reverted to normal levels before everyone else. But that clearly didn't happen: UK bond yields went out during the Truss premiership, came back in when she was defenestrated, and then moved largely in lockstep with our peers.
    I contend that it was largely a coincidence of timing. The feedback loop from ldi gilt liquidation was already in full swing before kwarteng announced the “growth funded” cuts. And was backstopped by the BoE on more or less the same day as Kwarteng was fired.

    By the way what’s the difference between the deficit plan of Kwarteng vs Biden’s IRA. What’s the latest forecast of the Federal deficit this year, 6%? 7%?

    I don’t claim that the Truss/Kwaeteng presentation and timing were ideal. But I do think had she ridden out the headlines and stood by his chancellor and his budget, uk yields wouldn’t look so different to today. But there’s a reasonable chance the polls would look pretty different .
  • Sean_FSean_F Posts: 36,726
    148grss said:

    @148grss - Do you think that in the long term, America and Australia should be 'decolonised' with indigenous states being established on their territories?

    I mean, arguably in the USA that is the case - the USA just doesn't uphold the terms of the treaties they signed with Native American peoples.

    I do not think they should be decolonised with separate indigenous / native states. In an ideal world, I think a sincere effort at truth and reconciliation, alongside reparations to indigenous communities and an incorporation of their traditions and life into the body politic is preferable to partition.

    That is unlikely in those cases, and other similar countries like Canada, mostly due to the genocide of the native peoples reducing the numbers to such a degree that they can and will continued to be ignored. At a minimum an honest assessment of the colonisation of those lands and peoples alongside active attempts to work with those communities to exist how they wish to should happen.
    You get territory, and reparations, and trials, if, but only if, you win on the battlefield.
  • 148grss said:

    Leon said:

    kyf_100 said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    I suspect a very ugly regional conflict beckons, probably ending with columns of tanks rumbling ominously towards Iran. From there the plot of Threads takes over.
    I reckon Bibi senses that. Hence his remarkable hesitation in sending in the IDF

    He’s meant to be Mister Security Big Bollocks. He’s summoned the entire army. Yet he stays the blade

    He can see where this all-too-plausibly ends
    He's keeping IDF soldiers back because when he can just bomb Gaza indiscriminately from the air, why would he need to risk them?
    If Gaza were being bombed "indiscriminately" the death toll would be in the 100,000s not the 1000s.
    What exactly are they bombing over the last 16 days?
    I would assume they are mainly trying to get at a) The rocket launch sites, b) The Hamas command centres, and b) The Gaza Metro, Hamas's subterranean parallel universe.
  • 148grss148grss Posts: 4,155

    I understand the point that @148grss is making - people have been shot and killed on both sides and many of those killings are at least questionable of not completely wrong.

    So lets take the way the IDF have dealt with kids. We've all seen the edited videos. Child throwing stones gets shot and killed. And certainly some of those killings will be outrageous. But others hide the barrage that the IDF patrol had come under.

    The whole point in the media is that it is mediated. I can take a real undoctored clip and make it about something completely different by clipping it. So yes, some of the IDF actions have been crimes. Many others are portrayed as crimes when if they were looked at dispassionately with all the evidence they clearly wouldn't be.

    But what about these Hamas films. How do you clip them to put them into a different context? Especially the ones that Hamas have released to show their ISIS-style butchery. There is no justification for these killings. None. A shooting at a birder fence in a skirmish is not a moral equivalent justification for storming into a Kibbutz to murder and behead and rape and burn.

    But others hide the barrage that the IDF patrol had come under.

    Kids do stupid shit, and throw stones at cops and soldiers. Is that really an acceptable reason to shoot them?

    I do not think it is in any way excusable for anyone to shoot a child - hiding under a table, or walking up to a border fence and demanding freedom. And yet Israeli soldiers are given the benefit of the doubt, despite the data being that Israel kills lots of civilians including children all the time, whereas one instance of Hamas - an extremist terrorist organisation - doing something heinous is considered to be representative of all Palestinians.
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,459
    148grss said:

    TOPPING said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    I’m certainly not exonerating Israel. Israel has behaved brutally and murderously towards the Palestinians

    I am noting that it nonetheless takes a special pure level of evil hatred to casually shoot a cowering seven year old child hiding under a table - and to do that solely because of her identity. Jewish

    Have you not read any Holocaust history? This is a new page of that Holocaust history. It is bleak
    Leon said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    I’m certainly not exonerating Israel. Israel has behaved brutally and murderously towards the Palestinians

    I am noting that it nonetheless takes a special pure level of evil hatred to casually shoot a cowering seven year old child hiding under a table - and to do that solely because of her identity. Jewish

    Have you not read any Holocaust history? This is a new page of that Holocaust history. It is bleak
    Hamas don't have the means to spin this as a miscommunication or failure of intelligence like the US or Israel typically do.

    What kind of hatred of Palestinians allows for the shooting of peaceful protesters approaching the border fence, killing dozens including children?

    This graph detailing the dead Palestinian children over years 2015-2021:

    How many of them were killed in cold blood by an IDF soldier?

    You keep making this solely about anti-Semitism and Jew hatred, and I have no doubt that many Palestinians and especially Hamas express anti-Semitism and Jew hatred, but that is in the context of being oppressed by the state of Israel for years. Does that make it right? As I have continually said, no. But your suggestion that it is uniquely evil, akin to Nazi Jew hatred, in the face of what could more simply be explained as the tragedy of "eye for an eye" retributive violence contributes to the exaggerated monstering of Palestinians.
    It probably needs repeating. In 2005 Ariel Sharon gave Gaza to the Palestinians. In an interesting detail that I hadn't been aware of previously, they also wanted to work with the Palestinian Authority to eg develop the Port of Gaza infrastructure. The idea, presumably, being to help the Palestinians in Gaza to become truly independent. I also imagine that somewhere in the fine print of the deal was the agreement that the Palestinians would stop trying to kill Israelis.

    And then Hamas was elected. Hamas whose stated aim is to destroy Israel and drive it into the sea (isn't there a catchy song that describes this?). And from that point Israel withdrew cooperation and imposed other restrictions. Against the government of Gaza which sought to destroy it.

    The idea that those poor Palestinians were minding their own business when an Israeli grenade went off under their table is, sadly, risible. Sadly because the world needs people like you who look to the positive in everything. Right now, however, you are acting as Hamas' useful idiot.
    Hamas were elected without a majority, a bare plurality, 3% ahead of the Fatah Party. Do we think that Israeli decisions to do mass arrests of Hamas campaigners during the election may have increased the sympathy for Hamas?

    That was also in 2006 - where the average age of Palestinians now (or at least prior to the recent Israeli campaign) in Gaza was 18. And, once again, Hamas have been propped up by Netanyahu and his administrations post their election precisely because Netanyahu did not want to have to negotiate with moderates and instead wanted to perpetuate the violence.
    I don't believe the Nazis were elected via a majority either. And I also dispute not that Netanyahu felt it opportune to "prop up" Hamas which afaics meant allowing Qatari money to flow into Gaza and increasing the number of Gazans allowed to work in Israel, thereby bolstering it vs the PA, but that this should be seen as him being complicit in the current events. As in 2005 perhaps there was an element of wanting peace and hence accommodating Hamas in a limited way. Here's what one of those "Netanyahu supported Hamas" articles says:

    "Hamas became stronger and used the auspices of peace that Israelis so longed for as cover for its training, and hundreds of Israelis have paid with their lives for this massive omission."
  • @148grss - Do you think that in the long term, America and Australia should be 'decolonised' with indigenous states being established on their territories?

    Fun pub quiz question - which covers the greatest land mass?

    a) The State of Israel
    b) The Navajo Autonomous Territory
    Or even: who's occupying more territory illegally?

    a) Israel
    b) Russia
    Well yes, I think the West Bank would fit into Donbas and Crimea ten times over...

    (even if you a) regard all of it as occupied and b) regard that occupation as illegal, rather than precisely the transitional administration agreed in the Oslo Accords pending a final peace deal, which has endured for three decades because the PLO ultimately rejected that peace deal).
  • 148grss said:

    Pagan2 said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?
    Without going into whether Israel takes sufficient steps to guard against civilian casualties, where I have a degree of sympathy with your position, there is a very clear moral and legal difference between choosing civilian targets (including children) and choosing military targets in a built-up area where civilians may be killed (sometimes because your enemy cynically uses "their" civilians as a shield).

    I do appreciate that distinction doesn't come as any comfort to the families of civilians killed by strikes. But it is nevertheless a really important distinction that has been applied not just to this but to all wars.
    If hamas didn't build it's bases it residential districts, hospitals and schools then the death toll of civillians that are innocent would be much less. No one like 148grss will ever explain how the idf are meant to deal with hamas when they hide behind civillian targets without causing collateral damage.

    This is not to say israel isn't at fault through their actions either. Frankly I take the view that mostly they are both beyond redemption and have ceased to care about either side. Build a wall around the whole area and come back in a 100 years and see who is left
    I literally did last week - rely on intelligence from your allies and Egypt (who had warned Israel prior to this that an attack was coming) for where Hamas is likely located, send in ground troops and do a sweep. Do you think that would kill more civilians than just bombing whatever building they think Hamas is in? Also - do you think Hamas is using a UN school as a base of operations:
    Sending in soldiers to fight street by street without prior bombardment absolutely would result in more fatalities, yes, especially more IDF fatalities.

    In war bombardment is entirely legal.

    Don't want bombardments? Don't go to war.
    Don't want a resistance, don't occupy/besiege.
    Except Israel wasn't doing either.

    How many troops did Israel have "occupying" Gaza? The reason that Israel is talking about moving troops into Gaza is because of the Hamas attacks and because Israel don't currently have any in there. Some "occupation". Israel ended its occupation of Gaza in 2005 - and was helping Gaza develop and building up a new Port of Gaza too until Hamas took over in 2007 which led to the blockade which is entirely legitimate.
  • isamisam Posts: 41,118

    TOPPING said:

    Pagan2 said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?
    Without going into whether Israel takes sufficient steps to guard against civilian casualties, where I have a degree of sympathy with your position, there is a very clear moral and legal difference between choosing civilian targets (including children) and choosing military targets in a built-up area where civilians may be killed (sometimes because your enemy cynically uses "their" civilians as a shield).

    I do appreciate that distinction doesn't come as any comfort to the families of civilians killed by strikes. But it is nevertheless a really important distinction that has been applied not just to this but to all wars.
    If hamas didn't build it's bases it residential districts, hospitals and schools then the death toll of civillians that are innocent would be much less. No one like 148grss will ever explain how the idf are meant to deal with hamas when they hide behind civillian targets without causing collateral damage.

    This is not to say israel isn't at fault through their actions either. Frankly I take the view that mostly they are both beyond redemption and have ceased to care about either side. Build a wall around the whole area and come back in a 100 years and see who is left
    They deal with it as I said last week (when you apparently weren't listening) by sending in ground troops. They do not deal with it by sitting back in Israel lobbing missles and bombs into Gaza.
    Thanks General Tyndall. Noted. Israel believes it is at war. In such circumstances they are unlikely to listen to an archaeologist from Lincs shouting the odds about what their strategy should be. Much like ISAF was oblivious to the no doubt sincere entreaties from Arab nations over their conduct of the war in Afghan.
    Don't be a fuckwit all your life Topping. Try having a day off for once.

    Pagan asked what else Israel could do instead of bombing civilians. I made a suggestion. I don't
    expect you or any of the other warmongers on
    here to agree wth it because frankly you have
    shown you don't give a flying fuck about civilian
    casualties as long as they are Arabs.

    Some of us do and so are looking for ways they could be reduced.
    And to think he’d make this the topic of conversation in real life with someone he otherwise liked!

  • Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 31,266
    Afghanistan possibly heading for a famous victory over Pakistan.
  • 148grss said:

    I understand the point that @148grss is making - people have been shot and killed on both sides and many of those killings are at least questionable of not completely wrong.

    So lets take the way the IDF have dealt with kids. We've all seen the edited videos. Child throwing stones gets shot and killed. And certainly some of those killings will be outrageous. But others hide the barrage that the IDF patrol had come under.

    The whole point in the media is that it is mediated. I can take a real undoctored clip and make it about something completely different by clipping it. So yes, some of the IDF actions have been crimes. Many others are portrayed as crimes when if they were looked at dispassionately with all the evidence they clearly wouldn't be.

    But what about these Hamas films. How do you clip them to put them into a different context? Especially the ones that Hamas have released to show their ISIS-style butchery. There is no justification for these killings. None. A shooting at a birder fence in a skirmish is not a moral equivalent justification for storming into a Kibbutz to murder and behead and rape and burn.

    But others hide the barrage that the IDF patrol had come under.

    Kids do stupid shit, and throw stones at cops and soldiers. Is that really an acceptable reason to shoot them?
    That is an answer to a different point from the one which has been made.

    The point being made is that in a Pallywood Production you may see an IDF soldier shooting, and a child dying, but if you were able to zoom out you may see adult Palestinian gunmen behind the children using them as human shields.
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,459
    edited October 2023
    kinabalu said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    So there are two things:
    1. Hamas terrorist shoots small child in the head in cold blood with no warning.
    2. Israel bombs kill small child who was still in Gaza because their parents had ignored the warning to leave because bombs would be dropped

    War is shit. Death is death. But there is a clear and rather obvious difference between the two.
    There is a difference. The 1st is more viscerally evil. However let's not forget there's also a difference as regards the scale of the killing. The ratio of Palestinian to Israeli casualties in these conflicts in recent times is many many to 1 and the way this is going it's likely to be even more skewed this time, esp if looking specifically at children. As unspeakable as the Hamas attack was it doesn't imo justify a response of flattening Gaza and the mass killing and displacement of the people living there. And this is leaving aside the matter of whether it will leave Israel safer at the end of it (probably not).
    The concept of proportionality is oft misunderstood. People take it to mean a 1-for-1 casualty rate. It does not mean this; it means that actions must be proportionate to the desired goals. Similarly to "reasonable force" if you are, say, mugged. It doesn't mean reasonable ie you are allowed to slap the attacker round the face with a wet fish but no more, it means reasonable to prevent the attack taking place and if the attacker has a knife, a gun, and a wet fish himself, reasonable could be to shoot him in the head.
  • TOPPING said:

    148grss said:

    TOPPING said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    I’m certainly not exonerating Israel. Israel has behaved brutally and murderously towards the Palestinians

    I am noting that it nonetheless takes a special pure level of evil hatred to casually shoot a cowering seven year old child hiding under a table - and to do that solely because of her identity. Jewish

    Have you not read any Holocaust history? This is a new page of that Holocaust history. It is bleak
    Leon said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    I’m certainly not exonerating Israel. Israel has behaved brutally and murderously towards the Palestinians

    I am noting that it nonetheless takes a special pure level of evil hatred to casually shoot a cowering seven year old child hiding under a table - and to do that solely because of her identity. Jewish

    Have you not read any Holocaust history? This is a new page of that Holocaust history. It is bleak
    Hamas don't have the means to spin this as a miscommunication or failure of intelligence like the US or Israel typically do.

    What kind of hatred of Palestinians allows for the shooting of peaceful protesters approaching the border fence, killing dozens including children?

    This graph detailing the dead Palestinian children over years 2015-2021:

    How many of them were killed in cold blood by an IDF soldier?

    You keep making this solely about anti-Semitism and Jew hatred, and I have no doubt that many Palestinians and especially Hamas express anti-Semitism and Jew hatred, but that is in the context of being oppressed by the state of Israel for years. Does that make it right? As I have continually said, no. But your suggestion that it is uniquely evil, akin to Nazi Jew hatred, in the face of what could more simply be explained as the tragedy of "eye for an eye" retributive violence contributes to the exaggerated monstering of Palestinians.
    It probably needs repeating. In 2005 Ariel Sharon gave Gaza to the Palestinians. In an interesting detail that I hadn't been aware of previously, they also wanted to work with the Palestinian Authority to eg develop the Port of Gaza infrastructure. The idea, presumably, being to help the Palestinians in Gaza to become truly independent. I also imagine that somewhere in the fine print of the deal was the agreement that the Palestinians would stop trying to kill Israelis.

    And then Hamas was elected. Hamas whose stated aim is to destroy Israel and drive it into the sea (isn't there a catchy song that describes this?). And from that point Israel withdrew cooperation and imposed other restrictions. Against the government of Gaza which sought to destroy it.

    The idea that those poor Palestinians were minding their own business when an Israeli grenade went off under their table is, sadly, risible. Sadly because the world needs people like you who look to the positive in everything. Right now, however, you are acting as Hamas' useful idiot.
    Hamas were elected without a majority, a bare plurality, 3% ahead of the Fatah Party. Do we think that Israeli decisions to do mass arrests of Hamas campaigners during the election may have increased the sympathy for Hamas?

    That was also in 2006 - where the average age of Palestinians now (or at least prior to the recent Israeli campaign) in Gaza was 18. And, once again, Hamas have been propped up by Netanyahu and his administrations post their election precisely because Netanyahu did not want to have to negotiate with moderates and instead wanted to perpetuate the violence.
    I don't believe the Nazis were elected via a majority either. And I also dispute not that Netanyahu felt it opportune to "prop up" Hamas which afaics meant allowing Qatari money to flow into Gaza and increasing the number of Gazans allowed to work in Israel, thereby bolstering it vs the PA, but that this should be seen as him being complicit in the current events. As in 2005 perhaps there was an element of wanting peace and hence accommodating Hamas in a limited way. Here's what one of those "Netanyahu supported Hamas" articles says:

    "Hamas became stronger and used the auspices of peace that Israelis so longed for as cover for its training, and hundreds of Israelis have paid with their lives for this massive omission."
    Let's not forget the state of Israel is run by a far right Government and NOT everyone in Israel supports them. I have said before, we need to make a distinction between Netanyahu and the Israeli people.
  • LeonLeon Posts: 52,899
    Apropos of nothing. Or everything

    I’m reading Christopher Hibbert’s brilliant biography of Mussolini at the moment. It is superb. Full of human detaiks yet devoid of footnotes (all the sources are cited at the end). It reads like a fine novel

    One of those details: Mussolini was really pleased that he reforested the Apennines because he ultimately thought it would make Italy colder and snowier, and this, in turn, would make the Italians less “likeable”, and harder and more ruthless in the admired German style
  • @148grss - Do you think that in the long term, America and Australia should be 'decolonised' with indigenous states being established on their territories?

    Fun pub quiz question - which covers the greatest land mass?

    a) The State of Israel
    b) The Navajo Autonomous Territory
    Or even: who's occupying more territory illegally?

    a) Israel
    b) Russia
    Well yes, I think the West Bank would fit into Donbas and Crimea ten times over...

    (even if you a) regard all of it as occupied and b) regard that occupation as illegal, rather than precisely the transitional administration agreed in the Oslo Accords pending a final peace deal, which has endured for three decades because the PLO ultimately rejected that peace deal).
    Y-axis starts at zero!

  • TOPPING said:

    Pagan2 said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?
    Without going into whether Israel takes sufficient steps to guard against civilian casualties, where I have a degree of sympathy with your position, there is a very clear moral and legal difference between choosing civilian targets (including children) and choosing military targets in a built-up area where civilians may be killed (sometimes because your enemy cynically uses "their" civilians as a shield).

    I do appreciate that distinction doesn't come as any comfort to the families of civilians killed by strikes. But it is nevertheless a really important distinction that has been applied not just to this but to all wars.
    If hamas didn't build it's bases it residential districts, hospitals and schools then the death toll of civillians that are innocent would be much less. No one like 148grss will ever explain how the idf are meant to deal with hamas when they hide behind civillian targets without causing collateral damage.

    This is not to say israel isn't at fault through their actions either. Frankly I take the view that mostly they are both beyond redemption and have ceased to care about either side. Build a wall around the whole area and come back in a 100 years and see who is left
    They deal with it as I said last week (when you apparently weren't listening) by sending in ground troops. They do not deal with it by sitting back in Israel lobbing missles and bombs into Gaza.
    Thanks General Tyndall. Noted. Israel believes it is at war. In such circumstances they are unlikely to listen to an archaeologist from Lincs shouting the odds about what their strategy should be. Much like ISAF was oblivious to the no doubt sincere entreaties from Arab nations over their conduct of the war in Afghan.
    Don't be a fuckwit all your life Topping. Try having a day off for once.

    Pagan asked what else Israel could do instead of bombing civilians. I made a suggestion. I don't expect you or any of the other warmongers on here to agree wth it because frankly you have shown you don't give a flying fuck about civilian casualties as long as they are Arabs.

    Some of us do and so are looking for ways they could be reduced.
    When the UK went to war in Iraq and Afghanistan did we send in the troops without prior bombardment?

    Its an unreasonable demand you are making. In times of war, bombardments happen. Israel has warned civilians to avoid certain areas prior to doing the bombardments - if Hamas would fight in the open and not hide amongst civilians (a war crime itself) then there'd be far fewer civilian casualties.
    Actually yes. We regularly sent troops out into built up areas containing civilians without first bombarding them. Because that is the way civilised people behave.
  • kinabalu said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?

    This is what boggles my mind - the clear prioritisation of one group of peoples' lives over another; both of whom are distant groups that, in the grand scheme of things, barely impact our lives.

    If your concern is for dying children the only position you can take is one where Israel stops all bombardments of Gaza from the sky - which has resulted in the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of children.

    The only solution to a lasting peace in the region is one where Israel is not an oppressive, apartheid state. As long as Israel creates more orphans, there will be Palestinians who see violence as the only possible route to freedom.
    So there are two things:
    1. Hamas terrorist shoots small child in the head in cold blood with no warning.
    2. Israel bombs kill small child who was still in Gaza because their parents had ignored the warning to leave because bombs would be dropped

    War is shit. Death is death. But there is a clear and rather obvious difference between the two.
    There is a difference. The 1st is more viscerally evil. However let's not forget there's also a difference as regards the scale of the killing. The ratio of Palestinian to Israeli casualties in these conflicts in recent times is many many to 1 and the way this is going it's likely to be even more skewed this time, esp if looking specifically at children. As unspeakable as the Hamas attack was it doesn't imo justify a response of flattening Gaza and the mass killing and displacement of the people living there. And this is leaving aside the matter of whether it will leave Israel safer at the end of it (probably not).
    There is no reason for fatalities to scale at 1:1

    Do you think British soldiers to Iraqis/Afghanis dying scaled at 1:1 either?

    Scale is not a factor in war. Proportionality is, but proportionality doesn't mean scale, it means proportional to your military objective - and your objective is never to have your own soldiers dying.
  • Do you think a number of Israeli hostages might actually have been killed by the IDF bombardment?
  • TOPPING said:

    Pagan2 said:

    148grss said:

    Leon said:

    Re the IDF press conference (Fpt)

    What bottomless level of depravity, inhumanity and hatred must you inhabit, to casually chat with a friend then shoot a 7 year old girl hiding under a table?

    I’ve read about this stuff with the Nazis in the Holocaust. The absolute chilled-out relaxation with which they murdered children

    This tells me that the constant indoctrination of gazan kids into jew-hatred has gone so far it cannot be redeemed

    The only plausible outcome from this is an all out war between Israel and its enemies, and who knows how that ends up for the rest of us?

    When this is a Hamas soldier killing a child it is a sign of specific and almost unique hatred; when IDF soldiers or Israeli missile strikes kill even more children it is just the casualties of war?
    Without going into whether Israel takes sufficient steps to guard against civilian casualties, where I have a degree of sympathy with your position, there is a very clear moral and legal difference between choosing civilian targets (including children) and choosing military targets in a built-up area where civilians may be killed (sometimes because your enemy cynically uses "their" civilians as a shield).

    I do appreciate that distinction doesn't come as any comfort to the families of civilians killed by strikes. But it is nevertheless a really important distinction that has been applied not just to this but to all wars.
    If hamas didn't build it's bases it residential districts, hospitals and schools then the death toll of civillians that are innocent would be much less. No one like 148grss will ever explain how the idf are meant to deal with hamas when they hide behind civillian targets without causing collateral damage.

    This is not to say israel isn't at fault through their actions either. Frankly I take the view that mostly they are both beyond redemption and have ceased to care about either side. Build a wall around the whole area and come back in a 100 years and see who is left
    They deal with it as I said last week (when you apparently weren't listening) by sending in ground troops. They do not deal with it by sitting back in Israel lobbing missles and bombs into Gaza.
    Thanks General Tyndall. Noted. Israel believes it is at war. In such circumstances they are unlikely to listen to an archaeologist from Lincs shouting the odds about what their strategy should be. Much like ISAF was oblivious to the no doubt sincere entreaties from Arab nations over their conduct of the war in Afghan.
    Don't be a fuckwit all your life Topping. Try having a day off for once.

    Pagan asked what else Israel could do instead of bombing civilians. I made a suggestion. I don't expect you or any of the other warmongers on here to agree wth it because frankly you have shown you don't give a flying fuck about civilian casualties as long as they are Arabs.

    Some of us do and so are looking for ways they could be reduced.
    When the UK went to war in Iraq and Afghanistan did we send in the troops without prior bombardment?

    Its an unreasonable demand you are making. In times of war, bombardments happen. Israel has warned civilians to avoid certain areas prior to doing the bombardments - if Hamas would fight in the open and not hide amongst civilians (a war crime itself) then there'd be far fewer civilian casualties.
    Actually yes. We regularly sent troops out into built up areas containing civilians without first bombarding them. Because that is the way civilised people behave.
    Did we bollocks.

    We started the campaign with a massive bombardment first. "Shock and awe" it was called.

    Try and stick with real facts.
  • LeonLeon Posts: 52,899
    I think this Gaza Israel debate is possibly even more depressing than discussing proportional representation

    I know. Controversial take
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