It’s impressive journalism because it manages to go the whole length of the article without mentioning that it’s Hindi v Muslim rioting. It does mention the “India V Pakistan” cricket match, so the casual reader might think people are unhappy about the LBW rule
Presumably this is deliberate so as to “not inflame tensions” but it looks ridiculous and devious
That would be too blunt for the BBC.
This is what seems to have set it off yesterday, after a week of calm and multiple arrests of people identified at the previous post cricket events.
The Hindu nationalists marched through Green Lane (a mixed mainly Muslim/Hindu/Sikh shopping street) chanting "Jai Srirama" (victory to Lord Rama) amongst other slogans. This was clearly organised as there was it seems a coach up from London, though caught the Police by surprise.
In response to untrue Social Media rumours of an attack on the nearby Masjid, Muslims rallied to oppose the Hindus, and there was a further confrontation on the mainly Hindu Belgrave/Melton rd area, including removing a flag from a temple.
I'm a bit lost @Leon. Have you avoided the Queue by getting some kind of VIP pass or have you just decided against joining the queue?
I am drawing a polite veil so @Casino_Royale doesn’t have conniptions
You might have met someone and got laid if you'd joined The Queue. You could also have had a deep, profound and levelling experience with a small random handful your fellow subjects that would have lasted a lifetime. It would have been deeply moving.
And yet, now, you'll be tapping into your laptop at home, alone, and doing nothing more than arguing with @Mexicanpete with an expensive wine. But you didn't because you're all fart and no follow-through, and simply couldn't be arsed.
You don’t know what I’m doing, eejit
Then tell us
I will probably skip the queue with my press card. Because the queue is for plebs
I'm a bit lost @Leon. Have you avoided the Queue by getting some kind of VIP pass or have you just decided against joining the queue?
I am drawing a polite veil so @Casino_Royale doesn’t have conniptions
You might have met someone and got laid if you'd joined The Queue. You could also have had a deep, profound and levelling experience with a small random handful your fellow subjects that would have lasted a lifetime. It would have been deeply moving.
And yet, now, you'll be tapping into your laptop at home, alone, and doing nothing more than arguing with @Mexicanpete with an expensive wine. But you didn't because you're all fart and no follow-through, and simply couldn't be arsed.
Part of me wanted to go and join the queen queue, but my life needed to go on: I couldn't drop everything and get down to London for what would probably have been at least 24 hours (including travel). So I did an 11-mile run this morning, and got some spiritual uplift from that. I didn't get laid during the run though...
I'm actually finding the TV coverage surprisingly moving. The little 'un's got a friend coming around for a playdate during the funeral tomorrow, so I might hide myself in the study to watch it.
That's fine mate. I just expect a bit more from the likes of @Leon who talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk and, secondly, we'll all now have to endure years of him recanting his regret about not joining The Queue because he couldn't be bothered.
He hasn't worked out that the best rewards in life don't come from the self-indulgence seeking of pleasure for oneself but through serving others in a greater cause and, uniquely for HMQ given her sense of duty, you have to show yours too through the tenacity of The Queue to really understand and connect with her.
I'm hard on him because I expect better of him and I'm trying to chip him in the right direction. For his own sake.
Why do you care so much about a person who is playing a made-up persona that doesn't reflect anything resembling reality?
30 million people watched Ange tell Dirty Den she wanted a divorce.
I bet there's loads of other examples as well. I see Nasser's funeral procession was attended by five million Egyptians! Perhaps there's something innate in Human nature to mourn the passing of great and positive (to us!) figures we never met?
History is full of vast crowds attending funerals of great leaders and notable individuals. In fact, the absence of such crowds at such an event is comment worthy.
It’s the coronation that’s going to be interesting - particularly if we have an economically painful winter.
Many of the people who have shown respect for the Queen and her service may feel very differently watching a hugely expensive pantomime if they and their families have experienced hardship between now and then.
Oh for goodness sake what whinging bores. Nobody under 75 in the UK will have been alive at or have any memory of a coronation.
It will be a magnificent occasion and spectacle even if not quite as grand as 1952 and a great way to cheer us up and welcome Spring after a likely miserable winter. I will certainly be going up to cheer King Charles and the Queen Consort!
1953 was pure drama, an exceptionally beautiful young woman taking on the most unbelievable responsibilities. This is a fat old fuck and his former bit on the side accepting what they think is their due, and I bet they don't come up with anything as good as coronation chicken this time.
Let’s face it, who here would actually DO THE SMELLY QUEUE with all the weird royalist proles, and sad lonely Remoaners, if you could just nip down to Westminster, say, “Ooh look at that long queue”, then flash your press card at the back, nip in to see her Maj, then rock down the Groucho Club for Sunday lunch with your photographer friend who is also covering the funeral for Stern magazine?
Who amongst us would actually prefer THE QUEUE?
The shame Leon, the shame. It will come unannounced and overwhelm you. Penitent and sobbing but smaller, bereft, a man lacking. The echo of your strangled, haunted cries never enough to fill the hollow. Not quite too late....... run Leon! Be the fag end of the queue and embrace your ordinariness.
I bet there's loads of other examples as well. I see Nasser's funeral procession was attended by five million Egyptians! Perhaps there's something innate in Human nature to mourn the passing of great and positive (to us!) figures we never met?
History is full of vast crowds attending funerals of great leaders and notable individuals. In fact, the absence of such crowds at such an event is comment worthy.
It’s the coronation that’s going to be interesting - particularly if we have an economically painful winter.
Many of the people who have shown respect for the Queen and her service may feel very differently watching a hugely expensive pantomime if they and their families have experienced hardship between now and then.
Oh for goodness sake what whinging bores. Nobody under 75 in the UK will have been alive at or have any memory of a coronation.
It will be a magnificent occasion and spectacle even if not quite as grand as 1952 and a great way to cheer us up and welcome Spring after a likely miserable winter. I will certainly be going up to cheer King Charles and the Queen Consort!
1952 was pure drama, an exceptionally beautiful young woman taking on the most unbelievable responsibilities. This is a fat old fuck and his former bit on the side accepting what they think is their due, and I bet they don't come up with anything as good as coronation chicken this time.
This is the national hysteria I refer to. Tributes to the Queen in the window of Poundland - did she work shifts there? Enforced closure of bike parking racks and of condom vending machines. For the Queen. What the fuck is wrong with people?
I just don't get that.
What's the problem with a modest acknowledgement of the death of our 70 year Head of State?
The bike racks in Norwich were closed because that is where floral tributes and the queue to sign the book of condolence are going. Some elements of the bicyclist lobby went off at the deep end as usual, opting for viral outrage on twitter without checking their facts first.
The funny thing is the chap took a photo on his phone, when he could just have used the phone to phone up Norwich Council to ask what was happening.
The key word is "modest". If there were modest tributes then ok. Nothing about the hysteria has been modest. Tomorrow ITV are showing the funeral on all channels and platforms.
Now I'm not an ITV3 viewer, but I don't see why they can't watch Homes Under The Hammer or whatever. Because sticking the wailing on every single channel will simply have all the people who don't want to watch it go to streaming services.
It is 2022. The crown can no longer impose blanket fealty on the population. And in gormlessly trying to do so its making the arguments against it a little stronger. Do I think King Charles has demanded that ITV suspend all programming on all channels and platforms? No - but they have done it anyway. Because they likely expect the hard right screaming press would have them otherwise.
You seem to be contradicting yourself. Is it the Crown or the right wing press? Or does the one control the other?
Like I said. I don't think the Crown has directly ordered this. But the right-wing patriotism frenzy being done by them on behalf of what they think the Crown wants is responsible. Just like many nazis were "working towards the Fuhrer", here we have Piers Morgan e al working towards the Charles.
I'm a bit lost @Leon. Have you avoided the Queue by getting some kind of VIP pass or have you just decided against joining the queue?
I am drawing a polite veil so @Casino_Royale doesn’t have conniptions
You might have met someone and got laid if you'd joined The Queue. You could also have had a deep, profound and levelling experience with a small random handful your fellow subjects that would have lasted a lifetime. It would have been deeply moving.
And yet, now, you'll be tapping into your laptop at home, alone, and doing nothing more than arguing with @Mexicanpete with an expensive wine. But you didn't because you're all fart and no follow-through, and simply couldn't be arsed.
You don’t know what I’m doing, eejit
Then tell us
I will probably skip the queue with my press card. Because the queue is for plebs
I'm a bit lost @Leon. Have you avoided the Queue by getting some kind of VIP pass or have you just decided against joining the queue?
I am drawing a polite veil so @Casino_Royale doesn’t have conniptions
You might have met someone and got laid if you'd joined The Queue. You could also have had a deep, profound and levelling experience with a small random handful your fellow subjects that would have lasted a lifetime. It would have been deeply moving.
And yet, now, you'll be tapping into your laptop at home, alone, and doing nothing more than arguing with @Mexicanpete with an expensive wine. But you didn't because you're all fart and no follow-through, and simply couldn't be arsed.
Part of me wanted to go and join the queen queue, but my life needed to go on: I couldn't drop everything and get down to London for what would probably have been at least 24 hours (including travel). So I did an 11-mile run this morning, and got some spiritual uplift from that. I didn't get laid during the run though...
I'm actually finding the TV coverage surprisingly moving. The little 'un's got a friend coming around for a playdate during the funeral tomorrow, so I might hide myself in the study to watch it.
He hasn't worked out that the best rewards in life don't come from the self-indulgence seeking of pleasure for oneself but through serving others in a greater cause and, uniquely for HMQ given her sense of duty, you have to show yours too through the tenacity of The Queue to really understand and connect with her.
I agree, true satisfaction in life comes from service to others, and treating them with respect.
Indeed I may have some further thoughts on this later.
Let’s face it, who here would actually DO THE SMELLY QUEUE with all the weird royalist proles, and sad lonely Remoaners, if you could just nip down to Westminster, say, “Ooh look at that long queue”, then flash your press card at the back, nip in to see her Maj, then rock down the Groucho Club for Sunday lunch with your photographer friend who is also covering the funeral for Stern magazine?
Who amongst us would actually prefer THE QUEUE?
I have no problem with you working. You can stand in the queue for an hour. Chat to people. Savour the atmosphere. So that you can write that part of the story. Then wave your NUJ pass to get in quick, experience the splendour of Westminster Hall, then back home to start writing it up.
IF you are doing a story its fine. If you are just dodging the queue and using your press card as a means to do so, thats a bit un-British.
I bet there's loads of other examples as well. I see Nasser's funeral procession was attended by five million Egyptians! Perhaps there's something innate in Human nature to mourn the passing of great and positive (to us!) figures we never met?
History is full of vast crowds attending funerals of great leaders and notable individuals. In fact, the absence of such crowds at such an event is comment worthy.
It’s the coronation that’s going to be interesting - particularly if we have an economically painful winter.
Many of the people who have shown respect for the Queen and her service may feel very differently watching a hugely expensive pantomime if they and their families have experienced hardship between now and then.
Oh for goodness sake what whinging bores. Nobody under 75 in the UK will have been alive at or have any memory of a coronation.
It will be a magnificent occasion and spectacle even if not quite as grand as 1952 and a great way to cheer us up and welcome Spring after a likely miserable winter. I will certainly be going up to cheer King Charles and the Queen Consort!
1952 was pure drama, an exceptionally beautiful young woman taking on the most unbelievable responsibilities. This is a fat old fuck and his former bit on the side accepting what they think is their due, and I bet they don't come up with anything as good as coronation chicken this time.
Charles isn't fat.
Looks fat to me, you'd be amazed what top class tailoring can conceal. Old fuck of indeterminate BMI.
I bet there's loads of other examples as well. I see Nasser's funeral procession was attended by five million Egyptians! Perhaps there's something innate in Human nature to mourn the passing of great and positive (to us!) figures we never met?
History is full of vast crowds attending funerals of great leaders and notable individuals. In fact, the absence of such crowds at such an event is comment worthy.
It’s the coronation that’s going to be interesting - particularly if we have an economically painful winter.
Many of the people who have shown respect for the Queen and her service may feel very differently watching a hugely expensive pantomime if they and their families have experienced hardship between now and then.
Oh for goodness sake what whinging bores. Nobody under 75 in the UK will have been alive at or have any memory of a coronation.
It will be a magnificent occasion and spectacle even if not quite as grand as 1952 and a great way to cheer us up and welcome Spring after a likely miserable winter. I will certainly be going up to cheer King Charles and the Queen Consort!
1953 was pure drama, an exceptionally beautiful young woman taking on the most unbelievable responsibilities. This is a fat old fuck and his former bit on the side accepting what they think is their due, and I bet they don't come up with anything as good as coronation chicken this time.
Was she exceptionally beautiful? She seemed to do that thing many English women do where they seem to go from age 17 to 52 without interval.
Young Princess Margaret however was an absolute rocket until the fags and firewater extracted their inevitable price.
I bet there's loads of other examples as well. I see Nasser's funeral procession was attended by five million Egyptians! Perhaps there's something innate in Human nature to mourn the passing of great and positive (to us!) figures we never met?
History is full of vast crowds attending funerals of great leaders and notable individuals. In fact, the absence of such crowds at such an event is comment worthy.
It’s the coronation that’s going to be interesting - particularly if we have an economically painful winter.
Many of the people who have shown respect for the Queen and her service may feel very differently watching a hugely expensive pantomime if they and their families have experienced hardship between now and then.
Oh for goodness sake what whinging bores. Nobody under 75 in the UK will have been alive at or have any memory of a coronation.
It will be a magnificent occasion and spectacle even if not quite as grand as 1952 and a great way to cheer us up and welcome Spring after a likely miserable winter. I will certainly be going up to cheer King Charles and the Queen Consort!
1953 was pure drama, an exceptionally beautiful young woman taking on the most unbelievable responsibilities. This is a fat old fuck and his former bit on the side accepting what they think is their due, and I bet they don't come up with anything as good as coronation chicken this time.
Was she exceptionally beautiful? She seemed to do that thing many English women do where they seem to go from age 17 to 52 without interval.
Young Princess Margaret however was an absolute rocket until the fags and firewater extracted their inevitable price.
Breakfast on the James River, where Pocahontas grew up. Despite occasional movement in the water, I was assured by the boat’s owner that despite being 100 miles inland, the water here is too salty for the dog to be at risk of becoming breakfast for an alligator….
An interesting lead article. An implied but not spelled out factor is the changing character of the Tory party and hence the image it has been projecting to voters. Middle class voters in rural areas have backed the Tories in part because they were moderate and socially responsible and didn’t go round unnecessarily breaking stuff - under the clown and now Truss the image they have projected has been rather different, almost deliberately irresponsible, with many of our institutions under threat, with poor behaviour from leading politicians and damage to our standing in the world.
I bet there's loads of other examples as well. I see Nasser's funeral procession was attended by five million Egyptians! Perhaps there's something innate in Human nature to mourn the passing of great and positive (to us!) figures we never met?
History is full of vast crowds attending funerals of great leaders and notable individuals. In fact, the absence of such crowds at such an event is comment worthy.
It’s the coronation that’s going to be interesting - particularly if we have an economically painful winter.
Many of the people who have shown respect for the Queen and her service may feel very differently watching a hugely expensive pantomime if they and their families have experienced hardship between now and then.
Oh for goodness sake what whinging bores. Nobody under 75 in the UK will have been alive at or have any memory of a coronation.
It will be a magnificent occasion and spectacle even if not quite as grand as 1952 and a great way to cheer us up and welcome Spring after a likely miserable winter. I will certainly be going up to cheer King Charles and the Queen Consort!
1953 was pure drama, an exceptionally beautiful young woman taking on the most unbelievable responsibilities. This is a fat old fuck and his former bit on the side accepting what they think is their due, and I bet they don't come up with anything as good as coronation chicken this time.
On the CA March, I wouldn't agree that the absence of people being attacked means there couldn't have been any latent sense of threat. There weren't any attacks on people at the very first Trump rallies either.
Sorry, but that is just inadmissible. I could equally say that as a fervent republican I could sense the latent menace in The Queue. Some of Hitler's earlier rallies were pretty peaceful adter all.
Well, "Beware the fury of a patient man" is certainly more threatening than "make tea not war" of the anti-Iraq war rally. Those were the two largest demos of the late '90s and 2000s, afaik.
On the CA March, I wouldn't agree that the absence of people being attacked means there couldn't have been any latent sense of threat. There weren't any attacks on people at the very first Trump rallies either.
Sorry, but that is just inadmissible. I could equally say that as a fervent republican I could sense the latent menace in The Queue. Some of Hitler's earlier rallies were pretty peaceful adter all.
Well, "Beware the fury of a patient man" is certainly more threatening than "make tea not war" of the anti-Iraq war rally. Those were the two largest demos of the late '90s and 2000s, afaik.
Leaving the house in the morning must be a real challenge for you. Were you also terrified by Duncan Smith's riffing on the same theme at the party conference?
People are allowed to be angry about things.
It's not really about having terror, more about what I noticed many of the banners represent. As mentioned, my sense of the early Trump rallies was quite similar. "The silent majority / rural majority have had enough, and you better not get in the way".
You're confusing fear with analysis and disapproval there, Ishmael.
Lindsay Hoyle says "we should not allow anything to overshadow the most important event the world will ever see, and that's the funeral of her Majesty". 👀 #bbclaurak
This is the national hysteria I refer to. Tributes to the Queen in the window of Poundland - did she work shifts there? Enforced closure of bike parking racks and of condom vending machines. For the Queen. What the fuck is wrong with people?
I just don't get that.
What's the problem with a modest acknowledgement of the death of our 70 year Head of State?
The bike racks in Norwich were closed because that is where floral tributes and the queue to sign the book of condolence are going. Some elements of the bicyclist lobby went off at the deep end as usual, opting for viral outrage on twitter without checking their facts first.
The funny thing is the chap took a photo on his phone, when he could just have used the phone to phone up Norwich Council to ask what was happening.
The key word is "modest". If there were modest tributes then ok. Nothing about the hysteria has been modest. Tomorrow ITV are showing the funeral on all channels and platforms.
Now I'm not an ITV3 viewer, but I don't see why they can't watch Homes Under The Hammer or whatever. Because sticking the wailing on every single channel will simply have all the people who don't want to watch it go to streaming services.
It is 2022. The crown can no longer impose blanket fealty on the population. And in gormlessly trying to do so its making the arguments against it a little stronger. Do I think King Charles has demanded that ITV suspend all programming on all channels and platforms? No - but they have done it anyway. Because they likely expect the hard right screaming press would have them otherwise.
You seem to be contradicting yourself. Is it the Crown or the right wing press? Or does the one control the other?
The Lizard Men in People Suits control the Monarchy and the Press.
They in turn work for the Zeta Reticulans (little grey aliens)
They in turn work for the Illuminati.
Who are a subsidiary of the people I work for.
The Lizard Men are fairly indifferent about the funeral. The Zetas are bawling their eyes out. Not sure what that goes to show…
I bet there's loads of other examples as well. I see Nasser's funeral procession was attended by five million Egyptians! Perhaps there's something innate in Human nature to mourn the passing of great and positive (to us!) figures we never met?
History is full of vast crowds attending funerals of great leaders and notable individuals. In fact, the absence of such crowds at such an event is comment worthy.
It’s the coronation that’s going to be interesting - particularly if we have an economically painful winter.
Many of the people who have shown respect for the Queen and her service may feel very differently watching a hugely expensive pantomime if they and their families have experienced hardship between now and then.
Oh for goodness sake what whinging bores. Nobody under 75 in the UK will have been alive at or have any memory of a coronation.
It will be a magnificent occasion and spectacle even if not quite as grand as 1952 and a great way to cheer us up and welcome Spring after a likely miserable winter. I will certainly be going up to cheer King Charles and the Queen Consort!
Of course there’ll be plenty of servile, kow-towing forelock-tuggers there, that goes without saying.
The Queen’s death has reached beyond those people. Understandably so. How the coronation plays in the wider country remains to be seen. Your boosterism might be correct. It might not be. It’s going to be interesting watching it play out.
Perhaps by that point we’ll be able to discuss the future of the monarchy in a way we’re not allowed to currently. Perhaps people will be able to hold inoffensive placards without being arrested
I bet there's loads of other examples as well. I see Nasser's funeral procession was attended by five million Egyptians! Perhaps there's something innate in Human nature to mourn the passing of great and positive (to us!) figures we never met?
History is full of vast crowds attending funerals of great leaders and notable individuals. In fact, the absence of such crowds at such an event is comment worthy.
It’s the coronation that’s going to be interesting - particularly if we have an economically painful winter.
Many of the people who have shown respect for the Queen and her service may feel very differently watching a hugely expensive pantomime if they and their families have experienced hardship between now and then.
Oh for goodness sake what whinging bores. Nobody under 75 in the UK will have been alive at or have any memory of a coronation.
It will be a magnificent occasion and spectacle even if not quite as grand as 1952 and a great way to cheer us up and welcome Spring after a likely miserable winter. I will certainly be going up to cheer King Charles and the Queen Consort!
1952 was pure drama, an exceptionally beautiful young woman taking on the most unbelievable responsibilities. This is a fat old fuck and his former bit on the side accepting what they think is their due, and I bet they don't come up with anything as good as coronation chicken this time.
Charles isn't fat.
Looks fat to me, you'd be amazed what top class tailoring can conceal. Old fuck of indeterminate BMI.
He should send his tailor to Rees-Mogg so he stops wearing suit jackets 3x too large for him.
Anyone else getting low-energy Nuremberg vibes from this ?
Wowsers! Multiple things jump out at me watching that: 1. Trump's voice is hypnotic. Like Mark Rylance's Isherwell character in Don't Look Up. 2. People in the crowd acting like its a born-again Christian service. Faith over facts. 3. The one finger salute - initially I started thinking about the Mockingjay salute from Hunger Games, but I think its more evangelical worship than that.
I bet there's loads of other examples as well. I see Nasser's funeral procession was attended by five million Egyptians! Perhaps there's something innate in Human nature to mourn the passing of great and positive (to us!) figures we never met?
History is full of vast crowds attending funerals of great leaders and notable individuals. In fact, the absence of such crowds at such an event is comment worthy.
It’s the coronation that’s going to be interesting - particularly if we have an economically painful winter.
Many of the people who have shown respect for the Queen and her service may feel very differently watching a hugely expensive pantomime if they and their families have experienced hardship between now and then.
Oh for goodness sake what whinging bores. Nobody under 75 in the UK will have been alive at or have any memory of a coronation.
It will be a magnificent occasion and spectacle even if not quite as grand as 1952 and a great way to cheer us up and welcome Spring after a likely miserable winter. I will certainly be going up to cheer King Charles and the Queen Consort!
1952 was pure drama, an exceptionally beautiful young woman taking on the most unbelievable responsibilities. This is a fat old fuck and his former bit on the side accepting what they think is their due, and I bet they don't come up with anything as good as coronation chicken this time.
Charles isn't fat.
Looks fat to me, you'd be amazed what top class tailoring can conceal. Old fuck of indeterminate BMI.
He should send his tailor to Rees-Mogg so he stops wearing suit jackets 3x too large for him.
Let’s face it, who here would actually DO THE SMELLY QUEUE with all the weird royalist proles, and sad lonely Remoaners, if you could just nip down to Westminster, say, “Ooh look at that long queue”, then flash your press card at the back, nip in to see her Maj, then rock down the Groucho Club for Sunday lunch with your photographer friend who is also covering the funeral for Stern magazine?
Who amongst us would actually prefer THE QUEUE?
I have no problem with you working. You can stand in the queue for an hour. Chat to people. Savour the atmosphere. So that you can write that part of the story. Then wave your NUJ pass to get in quick, experience the splendour of Westminster Hall, then back home to start writing it up.
IF you are doing a story its fine. If you are just dodging the queue and using your press card as a means to do so, thats a bit un-British.
I am merely honouring the wishes of Her Majesty
As we all know, this superb funeral, and all that leads up to it, was closely designed by the Queen herself - with her advisors. She ordained it all. And in her infinite wisdom, the Queen decreed there should be a special whizzy VIP lane for drunken journalists, so they can skip the endless farcical "Queue" with its weird ordinary folk and their meat paste sandwiches
I am not about to disobey her Majesty, not at this late hour. I will do my my duty, skip the ludicrous "queue", then penetrate the queen in her box; subsequently I will jump in an Uber to have English fizz and shellfish in my member's club in Soho
Anyone else getting low-energy Nuremberg vibes from this ?
Wowsers! Multiple things jump out at me watching that: 1. Trump's voice is hypnotic. Like Mark Rylance's Isherwell character in Don't Look Up. 2. People in the crowd acting like its a born-again Christian service. Faith over facts. 3. The one finger salute - initially I started thinking about the Mockingjay salute from Hunger Games, but I think its more evangelical worship than that.
I bet there's loads of other examples as well. I see Nasser's funeral procession was attended by five million Egyptians! Perhaps there's something innate in Human nature to mourn the passing of great and positive (to us!) figures we never met?
History is full of vast crowds attending funerals of great leaders and notable individuals. In fact, the absence of such crowds at such an event is comment worthy.
It’s the coronation that’s going to be interesting - particularly if we have an economically painful winter.
Many of the people who have shown respect for the Queen and her service may feel very differently watching a hugely expensive pantomime if they and their families have experienced hardship between now and then.
Oh for goodness sake what whinging bores. Nobody under 75 in the UK will have been alive at or have any memory of a coronation.
It will be a magnificent occasion and spectacle even if not quite as grand as 1952 and a great way to cheer us up and welcome Spring after a likely miserable winter. I will certainly be going up to cheer King Charles and the Queen Consort!
Of course there’ll be plenty of servile, kow-towing forelock-tuggers there, that goes without saying.
The Queen’s death has reached beyond those people. Understandably so. How the coronation plays in the wider country remains to be seen. Your boosterism might be correct. It might not be. It’s going to be interesting watching it play out.
Perhaps by that point we’ll be able to discuss the future of the monarchy in a way we’re not allowed to currently. Perhaps people will be able to hold inoffensive placards without being arrested
It will take more than a change of monarch to get the police to stop their own version of judicial activism.
Remember when they tried to get lists of people buying Charlie Hebdo? Or arrest photographers for taking photographs of public places?
I bet there's loads of other examples as well. I see Nasser's funeral procession was attended by five million Egyptians! Perhaps there's something innate in Human nature to mourn the passing of great and positive (to us!) figures we never met?
History is full of vast crowds attending funerals of great leaders and notable individuals. In fact, the absence of such crowds at such an event is comment worthy.
It’s the coronation that’s going to be interesting - particularly if we have an economically painful winter.
Many of the people who have shown respect for the Queen and her service may feel very differently watching a hugely expensive pantomime if they and their families have experienced hardship between now and then.
Oh for goodness sake what whinging bores. Nobody under 75 in the UK will have been alive at or have any memory of a coronation.
It will be a magnificent occasion and spectacle even if not quite as grand as 1952 and a great way to cheer us up and welcome Spring after a likely miserable winter. I will certainly be going up to cheer King Charles and the Queen Consort!
1953 was pure drama, an exceptionally beautiful young woman taking on the most unbelievable responsibilities. This is a fat old fuck and his former bit on the side accepting what they think is their due, and I bet they don't come up with anything as good as coronation chicken this time.
Was she exceptionally beautiful? She seemed to do that thing many English women do where they seem to go from age 17 to 52 without interval.
Young Princess Margaret however was an absolute rocket until the fags and firewater extracted their inevitable price.
Yes, she was exceptionally beautiful. Film star looks at one point
But she was a little unusual. She didn't peak in her late teens/early 20s like many beautiful women, she only came in to her full flower in her late 20s, early 30s. There are photos of her at 18 and she looks actually plain. At 28 she could have just flown in to London from Hollywood
Anyone else getting low-energy Nuremberg vibes from this ?
Wowsers! Multiple things jump out at me watching that: 1. Trump's voice is hypnotic. Like Mark Rylance's Isherwell character in Don't Look Up. 2. People in the crowd acting like its a born-again Christian service. Faith over facts. 3. The one finger salute - initially I started thinking about the Mockingjay salute from Hunger Games, but I think its more evangelical worship than that.
Let’s face it, who here would actually DO THE SMELLY QUEUE with all the weird royalist proles, and sad lonely Remoaners, if you could just nip down to Westminster, say, “Ooh look at that long queue”, then flash your press card at the back, nip in to see her Maj, then rock down the Groucho Club for Sunday lunch with your photographer friend who is also covering the funeral for Stern magazine?
Who amongst us would actually prefer THE QUEUE?
Great. You queued for 12 hours and it was a spiritual experience. And you wrote about it touchingly. Good for you
I can’t be arsed to do all that - I get my spiritual experiences from ayahuasca these days - so I’m gonna queue for about 3 minutes at the VIP door. As I am legally entitled to do because i am more important than you. More like royalty, say
But I will still get to see Her Maj AND have time for lunch
So we’re all happy. The social hierarchy is preserved. What’s the problem?
And @CorrectHorseBattery3 gets their spiritual experience from continually posting on an online forum about how much THEY JUST DON'T CARE
Let’s face it, who here would actually DO THE SMELLY QUEUE with all the weird royalist proles, and sad lonely Remoaners, if you could just nip down to Westminster, say, “Ooh look at that long queue”, then flash your press card at the back, nip in to see her Maj, then rock down the Groucho Club for Sunday lunch with your photographer friend who is also covering the funeral for Stern magazine?
Who amongst us would actually prefer THE QUEUE?
I have no problem with you working. You can stand in the queue for an hour. Chat to people. Savour the atmosphere. So that you can write that part of the story. Then wave your NUJ pass to get in quick, experience the splendour of Westminster Hall, then back home to start writing it up.
IF you are doing a story its fine. If you are just dodging the queue and using your press card as a means to do so, thats a bit un-British.
Probably for the best.
Imagine being stuck in a queue for 12+ hours with an overwrought flint-knapper.
Let’s face it, who here would actually DO THE SMELLY QUEUE with all the weird royalist proles, and sad lonely Remoaners, if you could just nip down to Westminster, say, “Ooh look at that long queue”, then flash your press card at the back, nip in to see her Maj, then rock down the Groucho Club for Sunday lunch with your photographer friend who is also covering the funeral for Stern magazine?
Who amongst us would actually prefer THE QUEUE?
I have no problem with you working. You can stand in the queue for an hour. Chat to people. Savour the atmosphere. So that you can write that part of the story. Then wave your NUJ pass to get in quick, experience the splendour of Westminster Hall, then back home to start writing it up.
IF you are doing a story its fine. If you are just dodging the queue and using your press card as a means to do so, thats a bit un-British.
Probably for the best.
Imagine being stuck in a queue for 12+ hours with an overwrought flint-knapper.
The queue is long. The emotions are fraught. The temperature is cold. So Mr Knapper would have brought a hip flask along for warmth. And by the time he got to Westminster Hall would be "entertaining" the crowd about which members of the Queen's immediate family are woke lizard aliens.
I bet there's loads of other examples as well. I see Nasser's funeral procession was attended by five million Egyptians! Perhaps there's something innate in Human nature to mourn the passing of great and positive (to us!) figures we never met?
History is full of vast crowds attending funerals of great leaders and notable individuals. In fact, the absence of such crowds at such an event is comment worthy.
It’s the coronation that’s going to be interesting - particularly if we have an economically painful winter.
Many of the people who have shown respect for the Queen and her service may feel very differently watching a hugely expensive pantomime if they and their families have experienced hardship between now and then.
Oh for goodness sake what whinging bores. Nobody under 75 in the UK will have been alive at or have any memory of a coronation.
It will be a magnificent occasion and spectacle even if not quite as grand as 1952 and a great way to cheer us up and welcome Spring after a likely miserable winter. I will certainly be going up to cheer King Charles and the Queen Consort!
1952 was pure drama, an exceptionally beautiful young woman taking on the most unbelievable responsibilities. This is a fat old fuck and his former bit on the side accepting what they think is their due, and I bet they don't come up with anything as good as coronation chicken this time.
Charles isn't fat.
Maybe we should spend tomorrow playing guess the BMI. I reckon Charles is borderline overweight, Andrew well north.
Prince Andrew: I will treasure forever Queen's love
He's a paedo and the BBC lavishly posts articles about him.
He isn't a sweaty nonce during the period of national wailing and tearing of clothes. He is a decorated veteran who we all need to tug forelock towards. God Bless the Duke of York!
Anyone else getting low-energy Nuremberg vibes from this ?
Wowsers! Multiple things jump out at me watching that: 1. Trump's voice is hypnotic. Like Mark Rylance's Isherwell character in Don't Look Up. 2. People in the crowd acting like its a born-again Christian service. Faith over facts. 3. The one finger salute - initially I started thinking about the Mockingjay salute from Hunger Games, but I think its more evangelical worship than that.
Trumpism has become a religious cult.
TBH I've seen weirder shit from Trump and Trumpites
Tho it is still quite creepy. Interesting that his mangled syntax and wandering brain is unchanged. Suggests this is just how he is, not some dementia
Anyone else getting low-energy Nuremberg vibes from this ?
It's interesting how high Trump's voice is in this clip. He also reminds me of some moments of more evangelical preachers like Jimmy Swaggart. Quiet, quiet plaintive, with a latent fury waiting to get out. US and even some British shockjocks also do this increasingly - quieter and quieter and more mournful, before pausing completely, and building back up again to make the crowd feel complete and justified fury. Their hero, their values, everything about their world has been brought low, and they want to rise up to help.
I am going to be righteously angry at @Casino_Royale and @HYUFD if they don't seize this late opportunity to go and queue TWICE
You can't call yourself an honest patriot unless you have queued for 30 hours total, or much much more, for no good reason. That's basically an insult to hard working royals like Prince Andrew
I am going to be righteously angry at @Casino_Royale and @HYUFD if they don't seize this late opportunity to go and queue TWICE
You can't call yourself an honest patriot unless you have queued for 30 hours total, or much much more, for no good reason. That's basically an insult to hard working royals like Prince Andrew
So are you a dishonest patriot as you didn't queue at all?
There was someone in Edinburgh who went round 7 times, when the queue was only about 30 mins. Devalued my overnight 5 hours.
But, as we've discussed, it's the queue that makes it (particularly in the dark). In Leon's vernacular, a quickie behind the club with no names exchanged versus the slow burn of an office romance and climactic Christmas party.
I am going to be righteously angry at @Casino_Royale and @HYUFD if they don't seize this late opportunity to go and queue TWICE
You can't call yourself an honest patriot unless you have queued for 30 hours total, or much much more, for no good reason. That's basically an insult to hard working royals like Prince Andrew
So are you a dishonest patriot as you didn't queue at all?
FFS I am going to queue! Just in a slightly different queue!
And it's no small thing I am undertaking. Apparently the media VIP queue now snakes around over 12 yards, and can take up to 5 minutes, with just one luxury "hot chocolate toddy" per VIP visitor
I am going to be righteously angry at @Casino_Royale and @HYUFD if they don't seize this late opportunity to go and queue TWICE
You can't call yourself an honest patriot unless you have queued for 30 hours total, or much much more, for no good reason. That's basically an insult to hard working royals like Prince Andrew
So are you a dishonest patriot as you didn't queue at all?
FFS I am going to queue! Just in a slightly different queue!
And it's no small thing I am undertaking. Apparently the media VIP queue now snakes around over 12 yards, and can take up to 5 minutes, with just one luxury "hot chocolate toddy" per VIP visitor
So, in order to be an honest patriot, I suggest you need to queue maybe 10 times.
The James O’Brien conspiracy theory will grow into Queue-Anon and people will see the hand of The Establishment behind every expression of support for the monarchy, the Tories or Brexit.
Let’s face it, who here would actually DO THE SMELLY QUEUE with all the weird royalist proles, and sad lonely Remoaners, if you could just nip down to Westminster, say, “Ooh look at that long queue”, then flash your press card at the back, nip in to see her Maj, then rock down the Groucho Club for Sunday lunch with your photographer friend who is also covering the funeral for Stern magazine?
Who amongst us would actually prefer THE QUEUE?
I have no problem with you working. You can stand in the queue for an hour. Chat to people. Savour the atmosphere. So that you can write that part of the story. Then wave your NUJ pass to get in quick, experience the splendour of Westminster Hall, then back home to start writing it up.
IF you are doing a story its fine. If you are just dodging the queue and using your press card as a means to do so, thats a bit un-British.
I am merely honouring the wishes of Her Majesty
As we all know, this superb funeral, and all that leads up to it, was closely designed by the Queen herself - with her advisors. She ordained it all. And in her infinite wisdom, the Queen decreed there should be a special whizzy VIP lane for drunken journalists, so they can skip the endless farcical "Queue" with its weird ordinary folk and their meat paste sandwiches
I am not about to disobey her Majesty, not at this late hour. I will do my my duty, skip the ludicrous "queue", then penetrate the queen in her box; subsequently I will jump in an Uber to have English fizz and shellfish in my member's club in Soho
We will be talking about THE QUEUE for decades, won't we?
Dunno but wouldn't be astonished if not. Was mildly surprised about how quicly no fcks were given about Prince Phil though I accept HMQ going off is an order of magnitude bigger.
Attention spans are getting shorter and more jaded, a small nuclear device detonating in Ukraine or Trump in handcuffs and we'll be on to the next thing.
We will be talking about THE QUEUE for decades, won't we?
Dunno but wouldn't be astonished if not. Was mildly surprised about how quicly no fcks were given about Prince Phil though I accept HMQ going off is an order of magnitude bigger.
Attention spans are getting shorter and more jaded, a small nuclear device detonating in Ukraine or Trump in handcuffs and we'll be on to the next thing.
Agree. Mainly because it was expected - Queen 96, Philip 99.
Stuff makes a bigger impact when it's a shock - 9/11 etc
Let’s face it, who here would actually DO THE SMELLY QUEUE with all the weird royalist proles, and sad lonely Remoaners, if you could just nip down to Westminster, say, “Ooh look at that long queue”, then flash your press card at the back, nip in to see her Maj, then rock down the Groucho Club for Sunday lunch with your photographer friend who is also covering the funeral for Stern magazine?
Who amongst us would actually prefer THE QUEUE?
I have no problem with you working. You can stand in the queue for an hour. Chat to people. Savour the atmosphere. So that you can write that part of the story. Then wave your NUJ pass to get in quick, experience the splendour of Westminster Hall, then back home to start writing it up.
IF you are doing a story its fine. If you are just dodging the queue and using your press card as a means to do so, thats a bit un-British.
I am merely honouring the wishes of Her Majesty
As we all know, this superb funeral, and all that leads up to it, was closely designed by the Queen herself - with her advisors. She ordained it all. And in her infinite wisdom, the Queen decreed there should be a special whizzy VIP lane for drunken journalists, so they can skip the endless farcical "Queue" with its weird ordinary folk and their meat paste sandwiches
I am not about to disobey her Majesty, not at this late hour. I will do my my duty, skip the ludicrous "queue", then penetrate the queen in her box; subsequently I will jump in an Uber to have English fizz and shellfish in my member's club in Soho
I bet there's loads of other examples as well. I see Nasser's funeral procession was attended by five million Egyptians! Perhaps there's something innate in Human nature to mourn the passing of great and positive (to us!) figures we never met?
History is full of vast crowds attending funerals of great leaders and notable individuals. In fact, the absence of such crowds at such an event is comment worthy.
It’s the coronation that’s going to be interesting - particularly if we have an economically painful winter.
Many of the people who have shown respect for the Queen and her service may feel very differently watching a hugely expensive pantomime if they and their families have experienced hardship between now and then.
Oh for goodness sake what whinging bores. Nobody under 75 in the UK will have been alive at or have any memory of a coronation.
It will be a magnificent occasion and spectacle even if not quite as grand as 1952 and a great way to cheer us up and welcome Spring after a likely miserable winter. I will certainly be going up to cheer King Charles and the Queen Consort!
1953 was pure drama, an exceptionally beautiful young woman taking on the most unbelievable responsibilities. This is a fat old fuck and his former bit on the side accepting what they think is their due, and I bet they don't come up with anything as good as coronation chicken this time.
Was she exceptionally beautiful? She seemed to do that thing many English women do where they seem to go from age 17 to 52 without interval.
Young Princess Margaret however was an absolute rocket until the fags and firewater extracted their inevitable price.
Yes, she was exceptionally beautiful. Film star looks at one point
But she was a little unusual. She didn't peak in her late teens/early 20s like many beautiful women, she only came in to her full flower in her late 20s, early 30s. There are photos of her at 18 and she looks actually plain. At 28 she could have just flown in to London from Hollywood
26 is a woman's peak of physical attractiveness so they say.
I'm a bit lost @Leon. Have you avoided the Queue by getting some kind of VIP pass or have you just decided against joining the queue?
I am drawing a polite veil so @Casino_Royale doesn’t have conniptions
You might have met someone and got laid if you'd joined The Queue. You could also have had a deep, profound and levelling experience with a small random handful your fellow subjects that would have lasted a lifetime. It would have been deeply moving.
And yet, now, you'll be tapping into your laptop at home, alone, and doing nothing more than arguing with @Mexicanpete with an expensive wine. But you didn't because you're all fart and no follow-through, and simply couldn't be arsed.
You don’t know what I’m doing, eejit
Then tell us
I will probably skip the queue with my press card. Because the queue is for plebs
I'm a bit lost @Leon. Have you avoided the Queue by getting some kind of VIP pass or have you just decided against joining the queue?
I am drawing a polite veil so @Casino_Royale doesn’t have conniptions
You might have met someone and got laid if you'd joined The Queue. You could also have had a deep, profound and levelling experience with a small random handful your fellow subjects that would have lasted a lifetime. It would have been deeply moving.
And yet, now, you'll be tapping into your laptop at home, alone, and doing nothing more than arguing with @Mexicanpete with an expensive wine. But you didn't because you're all fart and no follow-through, and simply couldn't be arsed.
You don’t know what I’m doing, eejit
Then tell us
I will probably skip the queue with my press card. Because the queue is for plebs
I'm a bit lost @Leon. Have you avoided the Queue by getting some kind of VIP pass or have you just decided against joining the queue?
I am drawing a polite veil so @Casino_Royale doesn’t have conniptions
You might have met someone and got laid if you'd joined The Queue. You could also have had a deep, profound and levelling experience with a small random handful your fellow subjects that would have lasted a lifetime. It would have been deeply moving.
And yet, now, you'll be tapping into your laptop at home, alone, and doing nothing more than arguing with @Mexicanpete with an expensive wine. But you didn't because you're all fart and no follow-through, and simply couldn't be arsed.
Part of me wanted to go and join the queen queue, but my life needed to go on: I couldn't drop everything and get down to London for what would probably have been at least 24 hours (including travel). So I did an 11-mile run this morning, and got some spiritual uplift from that. I didn't get laid during the run though...
I'm actually finding the TV coverage surprisingly moving. The little 'un's got a friend coming around for a playdate during the funeral tomorrow, so I might hide myself in the study to watch it.
That's fine mate. I just expect a bit more from the likes of @Leon who talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk and, secondly, we'll all now have to endure years of him recanting his regret about not joining The Queue because he couldn't be bothered.
He hasn't worked out that the best rewards in life don't come from the self-indulgence seeking of pleasure for oneself but through serving others in a greater cause and, uniquely for HMQ given her sense of duty, you have to show yours too through the tenacity of The Queue to really understand and connect with her.
I'm hard on him because I expect better of him and I'm trying to chip him in the right direction. For his own sake.
Why do you care so much about a person who is playing a made-up persona that doesn't reflect anything resembling reality?
30 million people watched Ange tell Dirty Den she wanted a divorce.
Anyone else getting low-energy Nuremberg vibes from this ?
Do you mean the Nuremburg Rally or the Nuremberg Trial?
I'm more getting Hermann Goring in his baroque uniform whilst he still thought he could negotiate with Eisenhower vibes, just before he was made an ordinary POW.
I bet there's loads of other examples as well. I see Nasser's funeral procession was attended by five million Egyptians! Perhaps there's something innate in Human nature to mourn the passing of great and positive (to us!) figures we never met?
History is full of vast crowds attending funerals of great leaders and notable individuals. In fact, the absence of such crowds at such an event is comment worthy.
It’s the coronation that’s going to be interesting - particularly if we have an economically painful winter.
Many of the people who have shown respect for the Queen and her service may feel very differently watching a hugely expensive pantomime if they and their families have experienced hardship between now and then.
Oh for goodness sake what whinging bores. Nobody under 75 in the UK will have been alive at or have any memory of a coronation.
It will be a magnificent occasion and spectacle even if not quite as grand as 1952 and a great way to cheer us up and welcome Spring after a likely miserable winter. I will certainly be going up to cheer King Charles and the Queen Consort!
1952 was pure drama, an exceptionally beautiful young woman taking on the most unbelievable responsibilities. This is a fat old fuck and his former bit on the side accepting what they think is their due, and I bet they don't come up with anything as good as coronation chicken this time.
Not that simple, is it?
I did try to warn him.
Never mind. He can drown his sorrows with drink.
IF you are doing a story its fine. If you are just dodging the queue and using your press card as a means to do so, thats a bit un-British.
Young Princess Margaret however was an absolute rocket until the fags and firewater extracted their inevitable price.
An interesting lead article. An implied but not spelled out factor is the changing character of the Tory party and hence the image it has been projecting to voters. Middle class voters in rural areas have backed the Tories in part because they were moderate and socially responsible and didn’t go round unnecessarily breaking stuff - under the clown and now Truss the image they have projected has been rather different, almost deliberately irresponsible, with many of our institutions under threat, with poor behaviour from leading politicians and damage to our standing in the world.
They in turn work for the Zeta Reticulans (little grey aliens)
They in turn work for the Illuminati.
Who are a subsidiary of the people I work for.
The Lizard Men are fairly indifferent about the funeral. The Zetas are bawling their eyes out. Not sure what that goes to show…
The Queen’s death has reached beyond those people. Understandably so. How the coronation plays in the wider country remains to be seen. Your boosterism might be correct. It might not be. It’s going to be interesting watching it play out.
Perhaps by that point we’ll be able to discuss the future of the monarchy in a way we’re not allowed to currently. Perhaps people will be able to hold inoffensive placards without being arrested
1. Trump's voice is hypnotic. Like Mark Rylance's Isherwell character in Don't Look Up.
2. People in the crowd acting like its a born-again Christian service. Faith over facts.
3. The one finger salute - initially I started thinking about the Mockingjay salute from Hunger Games, but I think its more evangelical worship than that.
Trumpism has become a religious cult.
As we all know, this superb funeral, and all that leads up to it, was closely designed by the Queen herself - with her advisors. She ordained it all. And in her infinite wisdom, the Queen decreed there should be a special whizzy VIP lane for drunken journalists, so they can skip the endless farcical "Queue" with its weird ordinary folk and their meat paste sandwiches
I am not about to disobey her Majesty, not at this late hour. I will do my my duty, skip the ludicrous "queue", then penetrate the queen in her box; subsequently I will jump in an Uber to have English fizz and shellfish in my member's club in Soho
It is, when all is said and done, what she wanted
Remember when they tried to get lists of people buying Charlie Hebdo? Or arrest photographers for taking photographs of public places?
But she was a little unusual. She didn't peak in her late teens/early 20s like many beautiful women, she only came in to her full flower in her late 20s, early 30s. There are photos of her at 18 and she looks actually plain. At 28 she could have just flown in to London from Hollywood
Imagine being stuck in a queue for 12+ hours with an overwrought flint-knapper.
Prince Andrew: I will treasure forever Queen's love
He's a paedo and the BBC lavishly posts articles about him.
Tho it is still quite creepy. Interesting that his mangled syntax and wandering brain is unchanged. Suggests this is just how he is, not some dementia
You can't call yourself an honest patriot unless you have queued for 30 hours total, or much much more, for no good reason. That's basically an insult to hard working royals like Prince Andrew
But, as we've discussed, it's the queue that makes it (particularly in the dark). In Leon's vernacular, a quickie behind the club with no names exchanged versus the slow burn of an office romance and climactic Christmas party.
And it's no small thing I am undertaking. Apparently the media VIP queue now snakes around over 12 yards, and can take up to 5 minutes, with just one luxury "hot chocolate toddy" per VIP visitor
Attention spans are getting shorter and more jaded, a small nuclear device detonating in Ukraine or Trump in handcuffs and we'll be on to the next thing.
Stuff makes a bigger impact when it's a shock - 9/11 etc
used a VIP pass in the royal queue.
I'm more getting Hermann Goring in his baroque uniform whilst he still thought he could negotiate with Eisenhower vibes, just before he was made an ordinary POW.