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When’s Trump going to condemn Putin? –



  • GardenwalkerGardenwalker Posts: 21,162

    Two thirds of the 1m+ Ukranian refugees have headed to Poland (UNHCR).

    That implies that approx 2% of the entire Polish population is a newly arrived Ukrainian refugee.

    We really really do need to be relieving some of the pressure on Poland by pulling the refugees West. I say it again, the transport is right there ready. They can get the train all the way to Calais and it will cost them not a penny. All we need to do is open the door wide and say come.

    I find it difficult to express just how disappointed I am with the UK Government over this. Patel in particular should hang her head in shame.
    I will also repeat myself.
    Putting aside the MASSIVE humanitarian aspect, Ukraine is awash with STEM grads who are sorely needed in Glasgow, Manchester and Birmingham.

    We should be PAYING them to locate there.
  • IshmaelZIshmaelZ Posts: 21,830

    Scott_xP said:
    "What did you do in the war, daddy?"

    "We took their super yachts, son..."

    "No daddy - I meant, how did you fight?"
    Well, taking their super yachts surely ranks slightly above, We took it up the arse with an elephant-size strap-on, which seems to be your party's current position?
  • MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 51,715

    Two thirds of the 1m+ Ukranian refugees have headed to Poland (UNHCR).

    That implies that approx 2% of the entire Polish population is a newly arrived Ukrainian refugee.

    We really really do need to be relieving some of the pressure on Poland by pulling the refugees West. I say it again, the transport is right there ready. They can get the train all the way to Calais and it will cost them not a penny. All we need to do is open the door wide and say come.

    I find it difficult to express just how disappointed I am with the UK Government over this. Patel in particular should hang her head in shame.
    A friend of mine has a big country house in Norfolk. He has offered to take 6 Ukrainian families.
  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,358
    RobD said:

    Better we have it than them?

    Depends what "we" gave them in return.

    Is it better that BoZo took Russian cash to play tennis and won't publish the Russia report?
  • MoonRabbitMoonRabbit Posts: 13,202
    edited March 2022

    Is there a chance that we're slower to announce oligarch sanctions/asset seizures because we
    a) have to do it legally
    b) have far more oligarchs and assets to deal with
    c) we're maybe going after oligarch assets in our overseas territories as well which further complicates the legal side of things?

    If the government really are in the pockets of Putin supporting oligarchs then it needs to be exposed and severely dealt with. I can't see anything in their actions that suggests that they actually are.


    So you are saying the Tory party has not been close to the oligarchs and the money and the business dealing, DESPITE Tory fundraiser websites being junked right now for boasting of just that?

    Ironically, anyone, such as the libdems, asking questions to get the bottom of this is are called Putin’s useful idiot, Trying to split the West. Yes really. Not now, don’t you know there’s a war on. It makes me cross because the opposite is the truth here, the party fundraisers have been Putin’s useful idiots - and unlike so many in Labour who stood up and fought unpatriotic security menace Corbyn, on this the Tory party and it’s supporters are closing ranks, when such closeness to Putin, and Chinese power, a proper unpatriotic betrayal of our country, our security and the work of our security services 😠

    So you admit, they have been close to Oligarch money. So now you are saying, Oligarchs all over Sunday papers describing how close they were to Tory Party, how they slipped them money and done deals, Not a problem? does not bring Boris government down? Seriously? Of course it does.

    So you are saying, if you were Boris today you would not make a deal with the Oligarchs, their silence in return for a bit of time to escape some wealth? Seriously?

    Admittedly it was going on long before he was big dog. But then wind rush was going on long before it destroyed a Home Secretary, there always is pass the parcel element to politics.
  • TheuniondivvieTheuniondivvie Posts: 41,500
    IshmaelZ said:

    Scott_xP said:
    "What did you do in the war, daddy?"

    "We took their super yachts, son..."

    "No daddy - I meant, how did you fight?"
    Well, taking their super yachts surely ranks slightly above, We took it up the arse with an elephant-size strap-on, which seems to be your party's current position?
    Business AND pleasure.
  • Eabhal said:

    Illia Ponomarenko

    A lot of new NLAWs have been delivered to Kyiv 🔥
    I can definitely confirm: these babies are at just every corner in Ukrainian ranks.

    Amazing what you can these days via Amazon Prime....
    Oddly reassuring that they are delivered in a transit. Apparently put together in Belfast, but I assume they are getting lifted from a big army depot somewhere.

    Could you literally take them across on a ferry and drive them to the border?
    I would assume our military are flying them to Poland and they are then loaded onto unmarked vehicles to get them across the border and into Kyiv. Since we are announcing all of this military aid we can be as blatant as we like as far as the Ukraine border.
    Thanks Richard. I was wondering. Not DHL then?
  • LeonLeon Posts: 53,215

    Two thirds of the 1m+ Ukranian refugees have headed to Poland (UNHCR).

    That implies that approx 2% of the entire Polish population is a newly arrived Ukrainian refugee.

    We really really do need to be relieving some of the pressure on Poland by pulling the refugees West. I say it again, the transport is right there ready. They can get the train all the way to Calais and it will cost them not a penny. All we need to do is open the door wide and say come.

    I find it difficult to express just how disappointed I am with the UK Government over this. Patel in particular should hang her head in shame.
    But a lot of them will want to go back to Ukraine ASAP, they have homes there, friends, family, husbands fighting. I honestly doubt that many will want to come all the way to the UK. They want to stay close to their country. Remember they are not willing refugees, they are not seeking a new life, they have just been temporarily ejected from the motherland

    Of course that might change if Ukraine is permanently fucked or turned into weird glass but for the moment I doubt that we’d see more than a few thousand in the UK even if we offered them taxis

    And I am pro-Ukrainian refugees. I’d let them all in. Hard working people with great cheekbones who won’t blow me up. Sorted
  • FF43 said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Exclusive: British PM Boris Johnson @welt on why Russia's Vladimir Putin 'is getting more, not less NATO', why Europe needs a common energy strategy & how nuclear plants in #Ukraine now need to be protected ⬇️ English version below (1/3)

    In joined interview with @antoguerrera @demiguelr the PM explains why UK despite Putin’s war will not join EU military cooperation, similarities btw Putin & Milosevic and why Russia's leader ultimately 'must fail' (2/3)

    On #Ukraine crisis mending EU & UK #Brexit relations: 'Sometimes, if a family goes through some big trauma,the real strength of the affection btw members of the family& the way they work together can suddenly be revealed again' (3/3)

    An interesting interview, saying more about European relations than Ukraine IMO. Johnson is sticking to the mainstream, which is good.
    Boris is not as good as his supporters say, or as bad as his opponents say. He still needs to go. But I’d rather not have a leadership election at the moment.
    That is my position
  • Sean_FSean_F Posts: 36,759
    rcs1000 said:

    Leon said:

    MaxPB said:

    The UK has sanctioned 16 Russian entities. The EU has sanctioned 490.

    We’ve done this.
    I suspect the numbers are bunk but I am also pretty skeptical that the UK has done what it ought to.
    It also doesn't take into account the value of the specific sanctions. Locking Russia out of city finance is a very high cost sanction for the UK and very damaging for Russia. Telling some non-entity United Russia Party MP that they can't go to Berlin has no value at all.
    Yes, it is actually quite piss-boiling that the EU - or, rather its slavish disciples on this side of the Channel - dares to lecture the UK about sanctions. What we’ve done is probably, in terms of damage to our pwn economy, much more than what most EU nations have done. Didn’t the Italians carve out an exception for their luxury goods? Didn’t the French and Germans whittle down the Swift sanctions so it wouldn’t hurt them too much?

    I don’t blame the EU for this, every country is selfish and no doubt there has been a reluctance to damage the property market in. London with sudden seizures, I am I objecting to the endless whining Remoaners on here who cannot get over Brexit FIVE YEARS LATER. Shut up now. Really. Shut it. Shut. SHH
    The EU has been fine, the UK has been fine-to-good, the US has been alright.

    But the Remoaners seeking to make a political point have been utterly tedious.

    Guys: this is about Russia and the people of Ukraine.
    No, no it's about Bozo the Clown and FBPE.
  • FairlieredFairliered Posts: 4,761

    FF43 said:

    RobD said:

    FF43 said:

    RobD said:

    FF43 said:

    Applicant said:

    MaxPB said:

    glw said:

    MaxPB said:

    Leon said:

    glw said:

    MaxPB said:

    It's very interesting to see on one side countries making a big deal about their sanctions of individual companies or individuals and saying that they are making a difference yet when the US and UK lock all of Russia out of capital markets, derivatives clearing, all types of reinsurance, and genuinely crippling financial measures that have forced the Moscow exchange to stay closed all week it's not enough.

    Someone from work was lamenting that the SWIFT sanctions are as useful as chocolate teapot because the EU insisted on exempting too many banks and all of the payment activity has simply moved to the unsanctioned institutions like Sberbank. On the flip side the UK and US governments have locked almost all of the Russian financial industry out of London and NYC.

    I think people are falling for the spin on sanctions coming out of Europe and see big shiny boats being impounded but don't realise that Russian industry and banking is on its knees because they simply can't pay their workers and people can't withdraw money due to sanctions implemented by the UK and US.

    People counting the number of entities sanctioned are literally as stupid as the people who didn't and still don't understand the UK's vaccine strategy, and in most cases they are the same idiots. It's simply a dumb comparison for dumb people to crow about on dumb social media to their dumb mates.
    Yes exactly. The whole premise of the argument is stupid as fuck. How do you define a sanction, what is an “entity”, how do you add them up into “the European Union”

    Does Sainsbury’s banning Stolichnaya count as a sanction? If four supermarket chains do it is that four sanctions? If they do it to 50 brands of Russian vodka is that 200 sanctions on 50 entities, and what about the blinis?

    What a ridiculous pile of statistical drivel
    Loads of countries have sanctioned members of the United Russia Party with travel bans, it's merely symbolic but gets those numbers up.
    Haven't some countries sanctioned every Deputy in the Duma that voted for the war? Is that useful? Maybe, but also possibly not at all.
    Yeah, it's just names on a sheet of paper. Of no importance in terms of bringing the Putin regime down.
    I believe Sir Humphrey called it "trying to look as if they're trying to do something about it".
    Actually it's the opposite of "trying to look as if they're trying to do something about it". It's "not trying to look as if they're trying to do something about it".

    Chasing designated persons is a fairly fruitless task for various reasons, but it is something they can do. The UKG is pursuing these people with a lack of urgency that is entirely deliberate. It does raise the question why they would be so keen not to chase them.
    For the most part the people in the Duma are nobodies. Hardly surprising the government isn't focusing its efforts on them.
    I don't think the people in the Duma are part of Johnson's government calculation to lay off people with closer connections to the Conservative Party, the Brexit campaign and himself personally.
    Ah, it's about Brexit?
    In a way, I suppose it is, There are far more important things to worry about just now. Johnson has a big sensitivity about Russia and how it funds activities and people close to him. eg the Russia Report, which he has consistently refused to publish and which definitely was about Brexit. Not chasing oligarchs seems to be part of that pattern.

    It's an observation.
    There’s no direct connection between Russia and Brexit.

    Except we know Putin wanted it.
    And we know Russian bots helped promote it.
    And we know that some leading Brexiters have been identified as Russian agents of influence.
    And we know that the Conservative Party in particular has been well funded by various oligarchs, some of whom are close to Putin.

    But there’s no “smoking gun”, and I doubt there ever will be. Putin didn’t cause Brexit and Brexit didn’t cause Putin. They perhaps share various morbid symptoms.
    The only common factor is that both were advocated by delusional idiots.
  • dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 29,272
    Leon said:

    Two thirds of the 1m+ Ukranian refugees have headed to Poland (UNHCR).

    That implies that approx 2% of the entire Polish population is a newly arrived Ukrainian refugee.

    We really really do need to be relieving some of the pressure on Poland by pulling the refugees West. I say it again, the transport is right there ready. They can get the train all the way to Calais and it will cost them not a penny. All we need to do is open the door wide and say come.

    I find it difficult to express just how disappointed I am with the UK Government over this. Patel in particular should hang her head in shame.
    But a lot of them will want to go back to Ukraine ASAP, they have homes there, friends, family, husbands fighting. I honestly doubt that many will want to come all the way to the UK. They want to stay close to their country. Remember they are not willing refugees, they are not seeking a new life, they have just been temporarily ejected from the motherland

    Of course that might change if Ukraine is permanently fucked or turned into weird glass but for the moment I doubt that we’d see more than a few thousand in the UK even if we offered them taxis

    And I am pro-Ukrainian refugees. I’d let them all in. Hard working people with great cheekbones who won’t blow me up. Sorted
    Language is a big draw, mind.
    How many speak English compared to Polish? Or German? Or Hungarian?
    I have no idea,.but the last thing you need is to be destitute and homeless without a clue of the language.
  • IshmaelZIshmaelZ Posts: 21,830

    Two thirds of the 1m+ Ukranian refugees have headed to Poland (UNHCR).

    That implies that approx 2% of the entire Polish population is a newly arrived Ukrainian refugee.

    We really really do need to be relieving some of the pressure on Poland by pulling the refugees West. I say it again, the transport is right there ready. They can get the train all the way to Calais and it will cost them not a penny. All we need to do is open the door wide and say come.

    I find it difficult to express just how disappointed I am with the UK Government over this. Patel in particular should hang her head in shame.
    A friend of mine has a big country house in Norfolk. He has offered to take 6 Ukrainian families.
    Well, whoopy doo. How many other big houses does he own? Does he actually ever live in the one you are referring to? What is the state of its interior decor? Would there be council tax benefits from fillling it with ukies? Are you trying to fill a gap left by the late lamented @Charles?

    Just the first qs which spring to mind.
  • geoffwgeoffw Posts: 8,527
    dixiedean said:

    Leon said:

    Two thirds of the 1m+ Ukranian refugees have headed to Poland (UNHCR).

    That implies that approx 2% of the entire Polish population is a newly arrived Ukrainian refugee.

    We really really do need to be relieving some of the pressure on Poland by pulling the refugees West. I say it again, the transport is right there ready. They can get the train all the way to Calais and it will cost them not a penny. All we need to do is open the door wide and say come.

    I find it difficult to express just how disappointed I am with the UK Government over this. Patel in particular should hang her head in shame.
    But a lot of them will want to go back to Ukraine ASAP, they have homes there, friends, family, husbands fighting. I honestly doubt that many will want to come all the way to the UK. They want to stay close to their country. Remember they are not willing refugees, they are not seeking a new life, they have just been temporarily ejected from the motherland

    Of course that might change if Ukraine is permanently fucked or turned into weird glass but for the moment I doubt that we’d see more than a few thousand in the UK even if we offered them taxis

    And I am pro-Ukrainian refugees. I’d let them all in. Hard working people with great cheekbones who won’t blow me up. Sorted
    Language is a big draw, mind.
    How many speak English compared to Polish? Or German? Or Hungarian?
    I have no idea,.but the last thing you need is to be destitute and homeless without a clue of the language.
    Surely they can all manage in the language of Europe. English.

  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,358
    The Guardia di Finanza have seized two Russian yachts in Liguria: "Lady M", belonging to Alexey Mordashov, in Imperia; "Lena", belonging to Gennady Timchenko, in Sanremo.
  • Is there a chance that we're slower to announce oligarch sanctions/asset seizures because we
    a) have to do it legally
    b) have far more oligarchs and assets to deal with
    c) we're maybe going after oligarch assets in our overseas territories as well which further complicates the legal side of things?

    If the government really are in the pockets of Putin supporting oligarchs then it needs to be exposed and severely dealt with. I can't see anything in their actions that suggests that they actually are.


    So you are saying the Tory party has not been close to the oligarchs and the money and the business dealing, DESPITE Tory fundraiser websites being junked right now for boasting of just that?

    Ironically, anyone, such as the libdems, asking questions to get the bottom of this is are called Putin’s useful idiot, Trying to split the West. Yes really. Not now, don’t you know there’s a war on. It makes me cross because the opposite is the truth here, the party fundraisers have been Putin’s useful idiots - and unlike so many in Labour who stood up and fought Corbyn, on this the Tory party and it’s supporters are closing ranks, when such closeness to Putin, and Chinese power, a proper unpatriotic betrayal of our country, our security and the work of our security services 😠

    So you admit, they have been close to Oligarch money. So now you are saying, Oligarchs all over Sunday papers describing how close they were to Tory Party, how they slipped them money and done deals, does not bring Boris government down? Not a problem? Seriously? Of course it does.

    So you are saying, if you were Boris today you would not make a deal with the Oligarchs, their silence in return for a bit of time to escape some wealth? Seriously?

    Admittedly it was going on long before he was big dog. But then wind rush was going on long before it destroyed a Home Secretary, there always is pass the parcel element to politics.
    I'm not saying much of that at all.

    I don't don't know enough to judge it. I know that there are people with Russian names and British passports giving donations to Tory MPs. I don't know what actual influence over these Tory MPs is obtained by these donations. I don't know how close the donors are to Putin and his regime. I don't know how much is going on behind the scenes to seize the assets of those oligarchs who we know are close to Putin.

    I'm also not sure how much yacht seizures and announcements of sanctions actually hurt the oligarchs.
  • LeonLeon Posts: 53,215
    dixiedean said:

    Leon said:

    Two thirds of the 1m+ Ukranian refugees have headed to Poland (UNHCR).

    That implies that approx 2% of the entire Polish population is a newly arrived Ukrainian refugee.

    We really really do need to be relieving some of the pressure on Poland by pulling the refugees West. I say it again, the transport is right there ready. They can get the train all the way to Calais and it will cost them not a penny. All we need to do is open the door wide and say come.

    I find it difficult to express just how disappointed I am with the UK Government over this. Patel in particular should hang her head in shame.
    But a lot of them will want to go back to Ukraine ASAP, they have homes there, friends, family, husbands fighting. I honestly doubt that many will want to come all the way to the UK. They want to stay close to their country. Remember they are not willing refugees, they are not seeking a new life, they have just been temporarily ejected from the motherland

    Of course that might change if Ukraine is permanently fucked or turned into weird glass but for the moment I doubt that we’d see more than a few thousand in the UK even if we offered them taxis

    And I am pro-Ukrainian refugees. I’d let them all in. Hard working people with great cheekbones who won’t blow me up. Sorted
    Language is a big draw, mind.
    How many speak English compared to Polish? Or German? Or Hungarian?
    I have no idea,.but the last thing you need is to be destitute and homeless without a clue of the language.
    But is it even moral? For Britain to take a million of Ukraine’s brightest and best, her children and students?

    I genuinely don’t know. Ukraine will, one hopes, survive this wretched war and it will have to be rebuilt. The last thing they need is all their smart young citizens staying in London or Manchester rather than helping to rebuild Kyiv and Odessa
  • geoffwgeoffw Posts: 8,527
    Scott_xP said:

    The Guardia di Finanza have seized two Russian yachts in Liguria: "Lady M", belonging to Alexey Mordashov, in Imperia; "Lena", belonging to Gennady Timchenko, in Sanremo.

    Yacht would not be an easy Wordle.

  • NickPalmerNickPalmer Posts: 21,465
    Andy_JS said:

    Russia bans Twitter
    This just in: Russia has banned Twitter throughout the country, according to Interfax news agency."

    On the current scale of horrors I think we could live with that...
  • LeonLeon Posts: 53,215
    IshmaelZ said:

    Two thirds of the 1m+ Ukranian refugees have headed to Poland (UNHCR).

    That implies that approx 2% of the entire Polish population is a newly arrived Ukrainian refugee.

    We really really do need to be relieving some of the pressure on Poland by pulling the refugees West. I say it again, the transport is right there ready. They can get the train all the way to Calais and it will cost them not a penny. All we need to do is open the door wide and say come.

    I find it difficult to express just how disappointed I am with the UK Government over this. Patel in particular should hang her head in shame.
    A friend of mine has a big country house in Norfolk. He has offered to take 6 Ukrainian families.
    Well, whoopy doo. How many other big houses does he own? Does he actually ever live in the one you are referring to? What is the state of its interior decor? Would there be council tax benefits from fillling it with ukies? Are you trying to fill a gap left by the late lamented @Charles?

    Just the first qs which spring to mind.
    A bizarre remark which I, as an expert, am willing to ascribe to alcohol consumption
  • williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 50,601
    Leon said:

    dixiedean said:

    Leon said:

    Two thirds of the 1m+ Ukranian refugees have headed to Poland (UNHCR).

    That implies that approx 2% of the entire Polish population is a newly arrived Ukrainian refugee.

    We really really do need to be relieving some of the pressure on Poland by pulling the refugees West. I say it again, the transport is right there ready. They can get the train all the way to Calais and it will cost them not a penny. All we need to do is open the door wide and say come.

    I find it difficult to express just how disappointed I am with the UK Government over this. Patel in particular should hang her head in shame.
    But a lot of them will want to go back to Ukraine ASAP, they have homes there, friends, family, husbands fighting. I honestly doubt that many will want to come all the way to the UK. They want to stay close to their country. Remember they are not willing refugees, they are not seeking a new life, they have just been temporarily ejected from the motherland

    Of course that might change if Ukraine is permanently fucked or turned into weird glass but for the moment I doubt that we’d see more than a few thousand in the UK even if we offered them taxis

    And I am pro-Ukrainian refugees. I’d let them all in. Hard working people with great cheekbones who won’t blow me up. Sorted
    Language is a big draw, mind.
    How many speak English compared to Polish? Or German? Or Hungarian?
    I have no idea,.but the last thing you need is to be destitute and homeless without a clue of the language.
    But is it even moral? For Britain to take a million of Ukraine’s brightest and best, her children and students?

    I genuinely don’t know. Ukraine will, one hopes, survive this wretched war and it will have to be rebuilt. The last thing they need is all their smart young citizens staying in London or Manchester rather than helping to rebuild Kyiv and Odessa
    If Ukraine is victorious then I suspect a generation of Ukrainians will want to go back to rebuild the country and build their lives there, even those who had previously emigrated to the West.
  • algarkirkalgarkirk Posts: 12,060

    My Mum and sister have gone to the Royal Opera House to see Swan Lake tonight.

    I told them I thought it was a disgrace that they were supporting a Russian composer at a time like this and they ought to take the fight in the cultural war against the Russians seriously.

    They actually believed me. And felt guilty for a moment.

    It's a culturally appropriate time to listen to Shostakovich's Leningrad symphony, contemplate the story of its composition and of its first performance in London. The great first movement says it all in 30 minutes.

  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,358
    🔴Steve Baker, a former Brexit minister, spoke out after government sources told The Telegraph Boris Johnson was unlikely to invoke the safeguard clause in the Northern Ireland Protocol this side of the Stormont ballot
  • GardenwalkerGardenwalker Posts: 21,162
    Leon said:

    dixiedean said:

    Leon said:

    Two thirds of the 1m+ Ukranian refugees have headed to Poland (UNHCR).

    That implies that approx 2% of the entire Polish population is a newly arrived Ukrainian refugee.

    We really really do need to be relieving some of the pressure on Poland by pulling the refugees West. I say it again, the transport is right there ready. They can get the train all the way to Calais and it will cost them not a penny. All we need to do is open the door wide and say come.

    I find it difficult to express just how disappointed I am with the UK Government over this. Patel in particular should hang her head in shame.
    But a lot of them will want to go back to Ukraine ASAP, they have homes there, friends, family, husbands fighting. I honestly doubt that many will want to come all the way to the UK. They want to stay close to their country. Remember they are not willing refugees, they are not seeking a new life, they have just been temporarily ejected from the motherland

    Of course that might change if Ukraine is permanently fucked or turned into weird glass but for the moment I doubt that we’d see more than a few thousand in the UK even if we offered them taxis

    And I am pro-Ukrainian refugees. I’d let them all in. Hard working people with great cheekbones who won’t blow me up. Sorted
    Language is a big draw, mind.
    How many speak English compared to Polish? Or German? Or Hungarian?
    I have no idea,.but the last thing you need is to be destitute and homeless without a clue of the language.
    But is it even moral? For Britain to take a million of Ukraine’s brightest and best, her children and students?

    I genuinely don’t know. Ukraine will, one hopes, survive this wretched war and it will have to be rebuilt. The last thing they need is all their smart young citizens staying in London or Manchester rather than helping to rebuild Kyiv and Odessa
    History suggests that many will not return, and that they will make an outsized contribution to the culture and economy of their new host countries.

    Plus, the cheekbones, as you noted earlier.
  • Richard_TyndallRichard_Tyndall Posts: 32,089
    Leon said:

    Two thirds of the 1m+ Ukranian refugees have headed to Poland (UNHCR).

    That implies that approx 2% of the entire Polish population is a newly arrived Ukrainian refugee.

    We really really do need to be relieving some of the pressure on Poland by pulling the refugees West. I say it again, the transport is right there ready. They can get the train all the way to Calais and it will cost them not a penny. All we need to do is open the door wide and say come.

    I find it difficult to express just how disappointed I am with the UK Government over this. Patel in particular should hang her head in shame.
    But a lot of them will want to go back to Ukraine ASAP, they have homes there, friends, family, husbands fighting. I honestly doubt that many will want to come all the way to the UK. They want to stay close to their country. Remember they are not willing refugees, they are not seeking a new life, they have just been temporarily ejected from the motherland

    Of course that might change if Ukraine is permanently fucked or turned into weird glass but for the moment I doubt that we’d see more than a few thousand in the UK even if we offered them taxis

    And I am pro-Ukrainian refugees. I’d let them all in. Hard working people with great cheekbones who won’t blow me up. Sorted
    I do get that but it will rapidly get to the point where Poland simply can't cope. And to be honest in Europe you are never more than 24-36 hours from the Ukrainian border. We could take a lot of pressure off the Poles and the other border countries - at least take those who don't mind being a day or so away from the border and are grateful to be in a home rather than a tent.

    Indeed I would go further. There will be a lot of the refugees who are unwell or who need proper shelter. We could take those. Even if we don't have that many choosing to come we should at least be making the offer - and seriously rather than this bullshit about visa and payment.

    I have already been in contact with the Ukrainetransport organisation mentioned in the Telegraph today to register as being willing to take refugees. But at the moment they are simply not able to get into the UK even if they want to.
  • boulayboulay Posts: 5,369
    Scott_xP said:

    The Guardia di Finanza have seized two Russian yachts in Liguria: "Lady M", belonging to Alexey Mordashov, in Imperia; "Lena", belonging to Gennady Timchenko, in Sanremo.

    Fantastic - 4 whole yachts. You would think the Italian govt had some amazing law that allowed them to circumvent property rights to seize physical assets - maybe it would be a good idea if they did to stop the Mafia and it’s global tentacles in organised crime that their politicians were bribed to ignore or bombed if they wouldn’t. We need to learn from the Italian judicial system pronto.
  • RogerRoger Posts: 19,796
    Scott_xP said:

    On Sunday I'm going to a hotel which is Russian owned and one where the vast majority of their clientele is Russian. I'm curious to see what the mood is like but if several have had their yachts confiscated it probably wont be great
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 94,963

    IshmaelZ said:

    Roger said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Well we knew it was coming but sad all the same to hear it. EU official quoted,

    "We have been united on the Ukraine issue because the UK has been absent."

    Utter rubbish

    UK has been involved with the US and the EU since day one

    Indeed I have said on many occasions this should bring us closer, but what you and others of a similar bigoted mindset do not realise is that your constant sniping is actually negative to your hopes of a close relationship
    Which was the poll by Ukrainians that rated Johnson No 1?
    It was posted earlier with UK no 1 for Ukrainians by Ukrainians

    I know it is hard for you to take
    Yes, but how good a steer do the Ukrainians have on Pig Dog vs what we in this country have? You seem to have a "Rudolf the red nosed reindeer" attitude to the fat lying crook. Try assessing him on actual worth rather than popularity.
    I suspect the Ukrainians are more grateful for the NLAWs than anything else. I suspect whoever was UK PM would be number 1 at the moment.
    Loved that report that when they fire an NLAW at a Russian tank, they shout "God save the Queen!"
    The Queen is a big fan of short range fire and forget anti-tank missile systems, so she'd appreciate that..
  • geoffwgeoffw Posts: 8,527

    Andy_JS said:

    Russia bans Twitter
    This just in: Russia has banned Twitter throughout the country, according to Interfax news agency."

    On the current scale of horrors I think we could live with that...
    Somewhat reduces the amount of uncurated news to the outside world.

  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,358
    Leon said:

    But is it even moral? For Britain to take a million of Ukraine’s brightest and best, her children and students?

    While Ukraine is being obliterated by a madman?

    Of course.

    How could anybody think otherwise?
  • FairlieredFairliered Posts: 4,761
    Andy_JS said:

    Russia bans Twitter
    This just in: Russia has banned Twitter throughout the country, according to Interfax news agency."

    Tears and prayers for our Russian cousins Scottski and Carlottavitch whose lives are now meaningless!
  • MaxPBMaxPB Posts: 38,159

    Leon said:

    dixiedean said:

    Leon said:

    Two thirds of the 1m+ Ukranian refugees have headed to Poland (UNHCR).

    That implies that approx 2% of the entire Polish population is a newly arrived Ukrainian refugee.

    We really really do need to be relieving some of the pressure on Poland by pulling the refugees West. I say it again, the transport is right there ready. They can get the train all the way to Calais and it will cost them not a penny. All we need to do is open the door wide and say come.

    I find it difficult to express just how disappointed I am with the UK Government over this. Patel in particular should hang her head in shame.
    But a lot of them will want to go back to Ukraine ASAP, they have homes there, friends, family, husbands fighting. I honestly doubt that many will want to come all the way to the UK. They want to stay close to their country. Remember they are not willing refugees, they are not seeking a new life, they have just been temporarily ejected from the motherland

    Of course that might change if Ukraine is permanently fucked or turned into weird glass but for the moment I doubt that we’d see more than a few thousand in the UK even if we offered them taxis

    And I am pro-Ukrainian refugees. I’d let them all in. Hard working people with great cheekbones who won’t blow me up. Sorted
    Language is a big draw, mind.
    How many speak English compared to Polish? Or German? Or Hungarian?
    I have no idea,.but the last thing you need is to be destitute and homeless without a clue of the language.
    But is it even moral? For Britain to take a million of Ukraine’s brightest and best, her children and students?

    I genuinely don’t know. Ukraine will, one hopes, survive this wretched war and it will have to be rebuilt. The last thing they need is all their smart young citizens staying in London or Manchester rather than helping to rebuild Kyiv and Odessa
    History suggests that many will not return, and that they will make an outsized contribution to the culture and economy of their new host countries.

    Plus, the cheekbones, as you noted earlier.
    I think we should instead make the offer for permanent relocation of Russia's smart 20 and 30 somethings who are sick of living under Putin. Stealing Ukraine's best and brightest just seems wrong.
  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,358
    Post-Brexit turmoil strains English farmers’ ties to Tory party
  • StillWatersStillWaters Posts: 7,847
    MaxPB said:

    Leon said:

    MaxPB said:

    rcs1000 said:

    MaxPB said:

    Leon said:

    MaxPB said:

    Leon said:

    glw said:

    Leon said:

    glw said:

    MaxPB said:

    It's very interesting to see on one side countries making a big deal about their sanctions of individual companies or individuals and saying that they are making a difference yet when the US and UK lock all of Russia out of capital markets, derivatives clearing, all types of reinsurance, and genuinely crippling financial measures that have forced the Moscow exchange to stay closed all week it's not enough.

    Someone from work was lamenting that the SWIFT sanctions are as useful as chocolate teapot because the EU insisted on exempting too many banks and all of the payment activity has simply moved to the unsanctioned institutions like Sberbank. On the flip side the UK and US governments have locked almost all of the Russian financial industry out of London and NYC.

    I think people are falling for the spin on sanctions coming out of Europe and see big shiny boats being impounded but don't realise that Russian industry and banking is on its knees because they simply can't pay their workers and people can't withdraw money due to sanctions implemented by the UK and US.

    People counting the number of entities sanctioned are literally as stupid as the people who didn't and still don't understand the UK's vaccine strategy, and in most cases they are the same idiots. It's simply a dumb comparison for dumb people to crow about on dumb social media to their dumb mates.
    Yes exactly. The whole premise of the argument is stupid as fuck. How do you define a sanction, what is an “entity”, how do you add them up into “the European Union”

    Does Sainsbury’s banning Stolichnaya count as a sanction? If four supermarket chains do it is that four sanctions? If they do it to 50 brands of Russian vodka is that 200 sanctions on 50 entities, and what about the blinis?

    What a ridiculous pile of statistical drivel
    A moments thought ought to make people question the comparison. 100 millionaires or 1 billionaire, which is best? It's probably not even a simple answer, is it influence or value you are looking for? One thing's for sure simply counting entities and declaring someone the winner is stupid.

    In fact to extend this further there is an optimal sanction, that is the one that pushes a powerful person to bring down Putin and end the war. I will happily sing the praises of whichever country figures that one out. Even France.
    By all accounts the one sanction that really freaked out Moscow was the freezing of Russia’s foreign reserves
    And on that list it counts as 1 entity (the Russian central bank) the same as some no name politician in the United Russia Party who is banned from travelling to/through the EU.
    Change of subject but how is Mexico, especially Oaxaca?:

    I LOVE Oaxaca. One of my favourite cities in the Americas - or it was. But I heard rumours it was yet another lovely Mexican city ruined by drug wars and street crime. Is that not so? Is it still adorable? I recall the food being brilliant, too…
    It's great, we've had an absolutely wonderful time here and sad to be moving on (but also not) to Puerto Escondido tomorrow to a co-working hotel. There is obviously crime and police corruption but it's nothing like what I imagined it to be. The two Americans said that Oaxaca is way less dangerous than the Tenderloin and the danger is fairly predictable, people want to steal your shit more than anything else whereas in SF there's a lot of random violence from fentanyl addicts.

    The art scene, food and hospitality is amazing here, I'd highly recommend it. If you come then you want to check out CRUDO for the 8 course tasting menu with mezcal pairings, it's about $90 USD per person and it's some of the best food I've ever had anywhere. The rooftop bar at Vaca Marina is an absolute must as well, which is where we want last night. Incredible sunset and really good cocktails and appetisers.
    My experience of Mexico is that it's quiet and great 99% of the time, and then once every 2-3 months there's an explosion of violence around the cartels.

    It's murder rate in 2020 was about 45 per 100,000 people which is not the worst in the world.

    But it's not far off.
    A lot of that is in the desolate north which is controlled by the cartels. South of Mexico City or Guadalajara and it's a completely different country. I met a guy from Kent who went to Chihuahua just to see what it was like and he got to his "hotel" was later approached by cartel people who thought he was a DEA agent (I assume the hotel informed them there was a new white guy in town) and he said he could have been shot at any time during the "interview" and essentially he just played dumb tourist from England and luckily they believed him so escorted him to the airport rather than shooting him. He was there for a sum total of 5 hours.
    That’s generally true - the north is much worse - but the violence has been creeping south, the capital itself, Veracruz, down to Cancun. Acapulco was fucked by crime when I was last there

    And Michoacan is a southwestern state

    Yeah there was a Dutch guy going to Acapulco and all the Americans and English people at the bar were like "nah mate, go to Puerto Escondido or Sayulita" he went to Acapulco yesterday 😂
    He must have been loco
  • Richard_TyndallRichard_Tyndall Posts: 32,089

    Eabhal said:

    Illia Ponomarenko

    A lot of new NLAWs have been delivered to Kyiv 🔥
    I can definitely confirm: these babies are at just every corner in Ukrainian ranks.

    Amazing what you can these days via Amazon Prime....
    Oddly reassuring that they are delivered in a transit. Apparently put together in Belfast, but I assume they are getting lifted from a big army depot somewhere.

    Could you literally take them across on a ferry and drive them to the border?
    I would assume our military are flying them to Poland and they are then loaded onto unmarked vehicles to get them across the border and into Kyiv. Since we are announcing all of this military aid we can be as blatant as we like as far as the Ukraine border.
    Thanks Richard. I was wondering. Not DHL then?
    LOL. Who knows :) As long as its not Hermes. I am not sure a Portuguese olive farmer needs a van load of NLAWs. :)
  • GardenwalkerGardenwalker Posts: 21,162
    MaxPB said:

    Leon said:

    dixiedean said:

    Leon said:

    Two thirds of the 1m+ Ukranian refugees have headed to Poland (UNHCR).

    That implies that approx 2% of the entire Polish population is a newly arrived Ukrainian refugee.

    We really really do need to be relieving some of the pressure on Poland by pulling the refugees West. I say it again, the transport is right there ready. They can get the train all the way to Calais and it will cost them not a penny. All we need to do is open the door wide and say come.

    I find it difficult to express just how disappointed I am with the UK Government over this. Patel in particular should hang her head in shame.
    But a lot of them will want to go back to Ukraine ASAP, they have homes there, friends, family, husbands fighting. I honestly doubt that many will want to come all the way to the UK. They want to stay close to their country. Remember they are not willing refugees, they are not seeking a new life, they have just been temporarily ejected from the motherland

    Of course that might change if Ukraine is permanently fucked or turned into weird glass but for the moment I doubt that we’d see more than a few thousand in the UK even if we offered them taxis

    And I am pro-Ukrainian refugees. I’d let them all in. Hard working people with great cheekbones who won’t blow me up. Sorted
    Language is a big draw, mind.
    How many speak English compared to Polish? Or German? Or Hungarian?
    I have no idea,.but the last thing you need is to be destitute and homeless without a clue of the language.
    But is it even moral? For Britain to take a million of Ukraine’s brightest and best, her children and students?

    I genuinely don’t know. Ukraine will, one hopes, survive this wretched war and it will have to be rebuilt. The last thing they need is all their smart young citizens staying in London or Manchester rather than helping to rebuild Kyiv and Odessa
    History suggests that many will not return, and that they will make an outsized contribution to the culture and economy of their new host countries.

    Plus, the cheekbones, as you noted earlier.
    I think we should instead make the offer for permanent relocation of Russia's smart 20 and 30 somethings who are sick of living under Putin. Stealing Ukraine's best and brightest just seems wrong.
    We should do BOTH.

    I don’t regard it as stealing, by the way. There’s a mass exodus happening right now and we have a humanitarian responsibility to help. I’m just saying it’s ALSO in our economic interests to help.
  • IshmaelZIshmaelZ Posts: 21,830
    Leon said:

    IshmaelZ said:

    Two thirds of the 1m+ Ukranian refugees have headed to Poland (UNHCR).

    That implies that approx 2% of the entire Polish population is a newly arrived Ukrainian refugee.

    We really really do need to be relieving some of the pressure on Poland by pulling the refugees West. I say it again, the transport is right there ready. They can get the train all the way to Calais and it will cost them not a penny. All we need to do is open the door wide and say come.

    I find it difficult to express just how disappointed I am with the UK Government over this. Patel in particular should hang her head in shame.
    A friend of mine has a big country house in Norfolk. He has offered to take 6 Ukrainian families.
    Well, whoopy doo. How many other big houses does he own? Does he actually ever live in the one you are referring to? What is the state of its interior decor? Would there be council tax benefits from fillling it with ukies? Are you trying to fill a gap left by the late lamented @Charles?

    Just the first qs which spring to mind.
    A bizarre remark which I, as an expert, am willing to ascribe to alcohol consumption

    I am not saying I haven't had two negronis and half a bottle of St Chinian, but my point is that extremely rich fuckers who own houses which can accommodate six families don't give us much of a clue as to the state of the nation. Or indeed any of a clue.

    *engages read-only status because every shadow banning costs me £50 to reverse. Night all*
  • Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 31,352
    Amazing Times thread about the way assassination attempts on the Ukrainian president have been stymied by disgruntled elements within the Russian security services.
  • MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 51,715
    IshmaelZ said:

    Two thirds of the 1m+ Ukranian refugees have headed to Poland (UNHCR).

    That implies that approx 2% of the entire Polish population is a newly arrived Ukrainian refugee.

    We really really do need to be relieving some of the pressure on Poland by pulling the refugees West. I say it again, the transport is right there ready. They can get the train all the way to Calais and it will cost them not a penny. All we need to do is open the door wide and say come.

    I find it difficult to express just how disappointed I am with the UK Government over this. Patel in particular should hang her head in shame.
    A friend of mine has a big country house in Norfolk. He has offered to take 6 Ukrainian families.
    Well, whoopy doo. How many other big houses does he own? Does he actually ever live in the one you are referring to? What is the state of its interior decor? Would there be council tax benefits from fillling it with ukies? Are you trying to fill a gap left by the late lamented @Charles?

    Just the first qs which spring to mind.
    1. none
    2. its his home
    3. just spent a fortune doing it up
    4. have to ask the council
    5. impossible

    The problem, as Leon alludes to, is that they might never want to return to Ukraine. So let's tell them they can't come, eh? Be for the best all round....

    But do let me know if you have any q's that spring to mind.
  • rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 56,226
    Scott_xP said:

    SCOOP: The Biden administration is weighing a ban on U.S. imports of Russian crude oil

    Story w @JenniferJJacobs @SalehaMohsin @nwadhams on @TheTerminal

    Irrelevant: there's little to no market for Russian crude in the US. The Gulf Coast refining complex is set up for US oil and for Mexican/Venezuelan oil. The only other oil that can be easily processed there (i.e. without rejigging the refinery) is some of the sourer Middle Eastern crudes.
  • boulayboulay Posts: 5,369
    Roger said:

    Scott_xP said:

    On Sunday I'm going to a hotel which is Russian owned and one where the vast majority of their clientele is Russian. I'm curious to see what the mood is like but if several have had their yachts confiscated it probably wont be great
    Crazy idea - why don’t you go somewhere else? I get it might be “the place to be” but as a good man of the people Labour supporter why not stand in support of the suppressed?

    Sort of “put your money where your mouth is” or maybe “remove your head from where your arse is”.
  • algarkirkalgarkirk Posts: 12,060
    Did anyone offer odds on Nadine Dorries choking back a tear as she bountifully praised the BBC for its excellent and brave news coverage this week? A trillion to one would have seemed ungenerous a month ago.

    Are we going to hear a little less about its wickedness from the Tories?
  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,358
    Exc: The British International School in Ukraine writes to the Prime Minister urging him to grant refuge to its pupils and staff

    Under the current rules, the school’s Ukrainian teachers cannot seek refuge in the UK unless they have relatives here
  • turbotubbsturbotubbs Posts: 16,910
    geoffw said:

    Scott_xP said:

    The Guardia di Finanza have seized two Russian yachts in Liguria: "Lady M", belonging to Alexey Mordashov, in Imperia; "Lena", belonging to Gennady Timchenko, in Sanremo.

    Yacht would not be an easy Wordle.

    I don’t know. I use adieu then thorn which would get you to _A_HT. Probably depends on your start word(s).
  • rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 56,226
    MaxPB said:

    rcs1000 said:

    MaxPB said:

    Leon said:

    MaxPB said:

    Leon said:

    glw said:

    Leon said:

    glw said:

    MaxPB said:

    It's very interesting to see on one side countries making a big deal about their sanctions of individual companies or individuals and saying that they are making a difference yet when the US and UK lock all of Russia out of capital markets, derivatives clearing, all types of reinsurance, and genuinely crippling financial measures that have forced the Moscow exchange to stay closed all week it's not enough.

    Someone from work was lamenting that the SWIFT sanctions are as useful as chocolate teapot because the EU insisted on exempting too many banks and all of the payment activity has simply moved to the unsanctioned institutions like Sberbank. On the flip side the UK and US governments have locked almost all of the Russian financial industry out of London and NYC.

    I think people are falling for the spin on sanctions coming out of Europe and see big shiny boats being impounded but don't realise that Russian industry and banking is on its knees because they simply can't pay their workers and people can't withdraw money due to sanctions implemented by the UK and US.

    People counting the number of entities sanctioned are literally as stupid as the people who didn't and still don't understand the UK's vaccine strategy, and in most cases they are the same idiots. It's simply a dumb comparison for dumb people to crow about on dumb social media to their dumb mates.
    Yes exactly. The whole premise of the argument is stupid as fuck. How do you define a sanction, what is an “entity”, how do you add them up into “the European Union”

    Does Sainsbury’s banning Stolichnaya count as a sanction? If four supermarket chains do it is that four sanctions? If they do it to 50 brands of Russian vodka is that 200 sanctions on 50 entities, and what about the blinis?

    What a ridiculous pile of statistical drivel
    A moments thought ought to make people question the comparison. 100 millionaires or 1 billionaire, which is best? It's probably not even a simple answer, is it influence or value you are looking for? One thing's for sure simply counting entities and declaring someone the winner is stupid.

    In fact to extend this further there is an optimal sanction, that is the one that pushes a powerful person to bring down Putin and end the war. I will happily sing the praises of whichever country figures that one out. Even France.
    By all accounts the one sanction that really freaked out Moscow was the freezing of Russia’s foreign reserves
    And on that list it counts as 1 entity (the Russian central bank) the same as some no name politician in the United Russia Party who is banned from travelling to/through the EU.
    Change of subject but how is Mexico, especially Oaxaca?:

    I LOVE Oaxaca. One of my favourite cities in the Americas - or it was. But I heard rumours it was yet another lovely Mexican city ruined by drug wars and street crime. Is that not so? Is it still adorable? I recall the food being brilliant, too…
    It's great, we've had an absolutely wonderful time here and sad to be moving on (but also not) to Puerto Escondido tomorrow to a co-working hotel. There is obviously crime and police corruption but it's nothing like what I imagined it to be. The two Americans said that Oaxaca is way less dangerous than the Tenderloin and the danger is fairly predictable, people want to steal your shit more than anything else whereas in SF there's a lot of random violence from fentanyl addicts.

    The art scene, food and hospitality is amazing here, I'd highly recommend it. If you come then you want to check out CRUDO for the 8 course tasting menu with mezcal pairings, it's about $90 USD per person and it's some of the best food I've ever had anywhere. The rooftop bar at Vaca Marina is an absolute must as well, which is where we want last night. Incredible sunset and really good cocktails and appetisers.
    My experience of Mexico is that it's quiet and great 99% of the time, and then once every 2-3 months there's an explosion of violence around the cartels.

    It's murder rate in 2020 was about 45 per 100,000 people which is not the worst in the world.

    But it's not far off.
    A lot of that is in the desolate north which is controlled by the cartels. South of Mexico City or Guadalajara and it's a completely different country. I met a guy from Kent who went to Chihuahua just to see what it was like and he got to his "hotel" was later approached by cartel people who thought he was a DEA agent (I assume the hotel informed them there was a new white guy in town) and he said he could have been shot at any time during the "interview" and essentially he just played dumb tourist from England and luckily they believed him so escorted him to the airport rather than shooting him. He was there for a sum total of 5 hours.
    It's amazing to think that there's a Chihuahua more dangerous than our dog.

    FWIW, you should read the trilogy of novels by Don Winslow on the Mexican drug trade. Very thinly fictionalised.
  • BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 34,378
    How popular are Facebook, Twitter and Youtube in Russia?

    Is there a chance that banning them will increase dissent rather than reduce it?
  • MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 51,715

    Eabhal said:

    Illia Ponomarenko

    A lot of new NLAWs have been delivered to Kyiv 🔥
    I can definitely confirm: these babies are at just every corner in Ukrainian ranks.

    Amazing what you can these days via Amazon Prime....
    Oddly reassuring that they are delivered in a transit. Apparently put together in Belfast, but I assume they are getting lifted from a big army depot somewhere.

    Could you literally take them across on a ferry and drive them to the border?
    I would assume our military are flying them to Poland and they are then loaded onto unmarked vehicles to get them across the border and into Kyiv. Since we are announcing all of this military aid we can be as blatant as we like as far as the Ukraine border.
    Thanks Richard. I was wondering. Not DHL then?
    LOL. Who knows :) As long as its not Hermes. I am not sure a Portuguese olive farmer needs a van load of NLAWs. :)
    Especially when they've been chucked over a hedge....
  • RogerRoger Posts: 19,796

    Roger said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Well we knew it was coming but sad all the same to hear it. EU official quoted,

    "We have been united on the Ukraine issue because the UK has been absent."

    Utter rubbish

    UK has been involved with the US and the EU since day one

    Indeed I have said on many occasions this should bring us closer, but what you and others of a similar bigoted mindset do not realise is that your constant sniping is actually negative to your hopes of a close relationship
    Which was the poll by Ukrainians that rated Johnson No 1?
    It was posted earlier with UK no 1 for Ukrainians by Ukrainians

    I know it is hard for you to take
    ...and the poll was?
  • glwglw Posts: 9,799
    Scott_xP said:

    "What did you do in the war, daddy?"

    "We took their super yachts, son..."

    "No daddy - I meant, how did you fight?"

    It's better than "We took their cash, son, in return for... oh, wait"
    We took their cash, spent the cash on weapons, and gave those weapons to Ukrainian patriots who are defending their country, hopefully they kill some GRU scum whilst they are at it.
  • MaxPBMaxPB Posts: 38,159

    MaxPB said:

    Leon said:

    dixiedean said:

    Leon said:

    Two thirds of the 1m+ Ukranian refugees have headed to Poland (UNHCR).

    That implies that approx 2% of the entire Polish population is a newly arrived Ukrainian refugee.

    We really really do need to be relieving some of the pressure on Poland by pulling the refugees West. I say it again, the transport is right there ready. They can get the train all the way to Calais and it will cost them not a penny. All we need to do is open the door wide and say come.

    I find it difficult to express just how disappointed I am with the UK Government over this. Patel in particular should hang her head in shame.
    But a lot of them will want to go back to Ukraine ASAP, they have homes there, friends, family, husbands fighting. I honestly doubt that many will want to come all the way to the UK. They want to stay close to their country. Remember they are not willing refugees, they are not seeking a new life, they have just been temporarily ejected from the motherland

    Of course that might change if Ukraine is permanently fucked or turned into weird glass but for the moment I doubt that we’d see more than a few thousand in the UK even if we offered them taxis

    And I am pro-Ukrainian refugees. I’d let them all in. Hard working people with great cheekbones who won’t blow me up. Sorted
    Language is a big draw, mind.
    How many speak English compared to Polish? Or German? Or Hungarian?
    I have no idea,.but the last thing you need is to be destitute and homeless without a clue of the language.
    But is it even moral? For Britain to take a million of Ukraine’s brightest and best, her children and students?

    I genuinely don’t know. Ukraine will, one hopes, survive this wretched war and it will have to be rebuilt. The last thing they need is all their smart young citizens staying in London or Manchester rather than helping to rebuild Kyiv and Odessa
    History suggests that many will not return, and that they will make an outsized contribution to the culture and economy of their new host countries.

    Plus, the cheekbones, as you noted earlier.
    I think we should instead make the offer for permanent relocation of Russia's smart 20 and 30 somethings who are sick of living under Putin. Stealing Ukraine's best and brightest just seems wrong.
    We should do BOTH.

    I don’t regard it as stealing, by the way. There’s a mass exodus happening right now and we have a humanitarian responsibility to help. I’m just saying it’s ALSO in our economic interests to help.
    I think we have a responsibility to give temporary help until we can stabilise Ukraine then send them back home. For Russians I'd throw the doors open and let their young people make a home here. They must be sick of living under Putin and the brainwashed older people who keep him in power.
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,558
    geoffw said:

    Scott_xP said:

    The Guardia di Finanza have seized two Russian yachts in Liguria: "Lady M", belonging to Alexey Mordashov, in Imperia; "Lena", belonging to Gennady Timchenko, in Sanremo.

    Yacht would not be an easy Wordle.

    ‘Twas the one word that VDL couldn’t get in her speech in English this week.
  • BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 34,378

    geoffw said:

    Scott_xP said:

    The Guardia di Finanza have seized two Russian yachts in Liguria: "Lady M", belonging to Alexey Mordashov, in Imperia; "Lena", belonging to Gennady Timchenko, in Sanremo.

    Yacht would not be an easy Wordle.

    I don’t know. I use adieu then thorn which would get you to _A_HT. Probably depends on your start word(s).
    if you start with 'yacht' it might not be too hard ;-)
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,350
    edited March 2022
    Andy_JS said:

    Amazing Times thread about the way assassination attempts on the Ukrainian president have been stymied by disgruntled elements within the Russian security services.

    It has been clear for a long time the Russians are leaking like a sieve. The US / UK appear to be aware of so much of Putin's plans well ahead of time.

    Unfortunately, they mercenaries only have to get lucky once. Although, I am not sure killing the president won't just hardened resolve and resistance. He has grown from a not particularly popular leader to talismanic status. I think again Putin has misjudged this, thinking he could quickly get rid of the government and people would just accept the replacements.
  • Roger said:

    Roger said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Well we knew it was coming but sad all the same to hear it. EU official quoted,

    "We have been united on the Ukraine issue because the UK has been absent."

    Utter rubbish

    UK has been involved with the US and the EU since day one

    Indeed I have said on many occasions this should bring us closer, but what you and others of a similar bigoted mindset do not realise is that your constant sniping is actually negative to your hopes of a close relationship
    Which was the poll by Ukrainians that rated Johnson No 1?
    It was posted earlier with UK no 1 for Ukrainians by Ukrainians

    I know it is hard for you to take
    ...and the poll was?
    It has been posted again since you commented

    Look it up
  • TheuniondivvieTheuniondivvie Posts: 41,500
    boulay said:

    Roger said:

    Scott_xP said:

    On Sunday I'm going to a hotel which is Russian owned and one where the vast majority of their clientele is Russian. I'm curious to see what the mood is like but if several have had their yachts confiscated it probably wont be great
    Crazy idea - why don’t you go somewhere else? I get it might be “the place to be” but as a good man of the people Labour supporter why not stand in support of the suppressed?

    Sort of “put your money where your mouth is” or maybe “remove your head from where your arse is”.
    You seem to have an awfy hard on for Rog. Has he stepped on your gerbil or similar?
  • Richard_TyndallRichard_Tyndall Posts: 32,089

    Andy_JS said:

    Amazing Times thread about the way assassination attempts on the Ukrainian president have been stymied by disgruntled elements within the Russian security services.

    It has been clear for a long time the Russians are leaking like a sieve. The US / UK appear to be aware of so much of Putin's plans well ahead of time.

    Unfortunately, they mercenaries only have to get lucky once. Although, I am not sure killing the president won't just hardened resolve and resistance. He has grown from a not particularly popular leader to talismanic status. I think again Putin has misjudged this, thinking he could quickly get rid of the government and people would just accept the replacements.
    It is ironic that part of his popularity issue before the crisis was because he was considered to be 'too soft' on the ethnic Russians and too keen to build bridges.
  • turbotubbsturbotubbs Posts: 16,910

    geoffw said:

    Scott_xP said:

    The Guardia di Finanza have seized two Russian yachts in Liguria: "Lady M", belonging to Alexey Mordashov, in Imperia; "Lena", belonging to Gennady Timchenko, in Sanremo.

    Yacht would not be an easy Wordle.

    I don’t know. I use adieu then thorn which would get you to _A_HT. Probably depends on your start word(s).
    if you start with 'yacht' it might not be too hard ;-)
    That’s it, I’m starting with yacht tomorrow...
  • dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 29,272
    On refugees. I thought men 18-60 weren't allowed out.
    So it will be only adult females in the main who will be economically active.
    We should still take them.
  • IshmaelZIshmaelZ Posts: 21,830
    dixiedean said:

    On refugees. I thought men 18-60 weren't allowed out.
    So it will be only adult females in the main who will be economically active.
    We should still take them.

  • Stark_DawningStark_Dawning Posts: 9,590

    Roger said:

    Roger said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Well we knew it was coming but sad all the same to hear it. EU official quoted,

    "We have been united on the Ukraine issue because the UK has been absent."

    Utter rubbish

    UK has been involved with the US and the EU since day one

    Indeed I have said on many occasions this should bring us closer, but what you and others of a similar bigoted mindset do not realise is that your constant sniping is actually negative to your hopes of a close relationship
    Which was the poll by Ukrainians that rated Johnson No 1?
    It was posted earlier with UK no 1 for Ukrainians by Ukrainians

    I know it is hard for you to take
    ...and the poll was?
    It has been posted again since you commented

    Look it up
    How much do we trust this poll though, considering it originates from a man who disseminated the story that David Cameron has sex with animal carcasses?
  • Sunil_PrasannanSunil_Prasannan Posts: 51,088
    dixiedean said:

    On refugees. I thought men 18-60 weren't allowed out.
    So it will be only adult females in the main who will be economically active.
    We should still take them.
  • rpjsrpjs Posts: 3,787
    Andy_JS said:

    Amazing Times thread about the way assassination attempts on the Ukrainian president have been stymied by disgruntled elements within the Russian security services.

    And it even if it's not actually true, it's going to make Putin distrust reliability of the FSB/GRU anyway.
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,350
    edited March 2022
    Russians not just losing the cannon fodder.

    Three Russian commanders killed in total in Ukraine invasion started last week
  • Sunil_PrasannanSunil_Prasannan Posts: 51,088

    geoffw said:

    Scott_xP said:

    The Guardia di Finanza have seized two Russian yachts in Liguria: "Lady M", belonging to Alexey Mordashov, in Imperia; "Lena", belonging to Gennady Timchenko, in Sanremo.

    Yacht would not be an easy Wordle.

    I don’t know. I use adieu then thorn which would get you to _A_HT. Probably depends on your start word(s).
    if you start with 'yacht' it might not be too hard ;-)
    That’s it, I’m starting with yacht tomorrow...
    Sail of the century!
  • TheuniondivvieTheuniondivvie Posts: 41,500

    Roger said:

    Roger said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Well we knew it was coming but sad all the same to hear it. EU official quoted,

    "We have been united on the Ukraine issue because the UK has been absent."

    Utter rubbish

    UK has been involved with the US and the EU since day one

    Indeed I have said on many occasions this should bring us closer, but what you and others of a similar bigoted mindset do not realise is that your constant sniping is actually negative to your hopes of a close relationship
    Which was the poll by Ukrainians that rated Johnson No 1?
    It was posted earlier with UK no 1 for Ukrainians by Ukrainians

    I know it is hard for you to take
    ...and the poll was?
    It has been posted again since you commented

    Look it up
    How much do we trust this poll though, considering it originates from a man who disseminated the story that David Cameron has sex with animal carcasses?
    Is Oakeshott still his cats paw?
  • Andy_JSAndy_JS Posts: 31,352
    The House of Lords lobbying for their own abolition.

    "Make younger generation pay net zero bill, say peers
    It is fairer to put burden on those who will live in carbon-neutral world rather than those paying bills now, says committee"
  • Roger said:

    Roger said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Well we knew it was coming but sad all the same to hear it. EU official quoted,

    "We have been united on the Ukraine issue because the UK has been absent."

    Utter rubbish

    UK has been involved with the US and the EU since day one

    Indeed I have said on many occasions this should bring us closer, but what you and others of a similar bigoted mindset do not realise is that your constant sniping is actually negative to your hopes of a close relationship
    Which was the poll by Ukrainians that rated Johnson No 1?
    It was posted earlier with UK no 1 for Ukrainians by Ukrainians

    I know it is hard for you to take
    ...and the poll was?
    It has been posted again since you commented

    Look it up
    How much do we trust this poll though, considering it originates from a man who disseminated the story that David Cameron has sex with animal carcasses?
    It is credible not least from the pro UK attitude from Ukraine and the Baltic States
  • boulayboulay Posts: 5,369

    boulay said:

    Roger said:

    Scott_xP said:

    On Sunday I'm going to a hotel which is Russian owned and one where the vast majority of their clientele is Russian. I'm curious to see what the mood is like but if several have had their yachts confiscated it probably wont be great
    Crazy idea - why don’t you go somewhere else? I get it might be “the place to be” but as a good man of the people Labour supporter why not stand in support of the suppressed?

    Sort of “put your money where your mouth is” or maybe “remove your head from where your arse is”.
    You seem to have an awfy hard on for Rog. Has he stepped on your gerbil or similar?
    Not at all. Just object to people who constantly belittle people such as the citizens of Hartlepool for having the temerity to think differently whilst having the ability to keep their lives in a bubble of pretty places with good restaurants and then claim to be “Labour”.

    It’s a weird Hyacinth Bucket approach to life as it’s almost laboured how hard he tries to belittle others whilst not being anywhere near top rung but just enough reference points to feel an inner superiority.

    It’s effectively a bien pensant euro-gammon where instead of the pub and red corduroys and a pink face it’s a terrasse, pink chinos and a pink face but feeling superior.
  • MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 51,715
    edited March 2022

    Andy_JS said:

    Amazing Times thread about the way assassination attempts on the Ukrainian president have been stymied by disgruntled elements within the Russian security services.

    It has been clear for a long time the Russians are leaking like a sieve. The US / UK appear to be aware of so much of Putin's plans well ahead of time.

    Unfortunately, they mercenaries only have to get lucky once. Although, I am not sure killing the president won't just hardened resolve and resistance. He has grown from a not particularly popular leader to talismanic status. I think again Putin has misjudged this, thinking he could quickly get rid of the government and people would just accept the replacements.
    "You can't win, VaderVlad. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."
  • geoffwgeoffw Posts: 8,527

    geoffw said:

    Scott_xP said:

    The Guardia di Finanza have seized two Russian yachts in Liguria: "Lady M", belonging to Alexey Mordashov, in Imperia; "Lena", belonging to Gennady Timchenko, in Sanremo.

    Yacht would not be an easy Wordle.

    I don’t know. I use adieu then thorn which would get you to _A_HT. Probably depends on your start word(s).
    I used to have that approach (adieu etc) but decided to play fair by myself and start with the first word with at least two vowels that comes my mind. Variation makes it more interesting.

  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,358

    How much do we trust this poll though, considering it originates from a man who disseminated the story that David Cameron has sex with animal carcasses?

    You think it implausible that Ashcroft called up Ukranians huddled in their bomb shelters and asked them their opinion of the Big Dog?
  • dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 29,272
    edited March 2022
    Andy_JS said:

    The House of Lords lobbying for their own abolition.

    "Make younger generation pay net zero bill, say peers
    It is fairer to put burden on those who will live in carbon-neutral world rather than those paying bills now, says committee"

    By such reasoning you'd have only children paying tax for schools.
    All of a piece mind.
  • darkagedarkage Posts: 5,212
    Andy_JS said:

    Amazing Times thread about the way assassination attempts on the Ukrainian president have been stymied by disgruntled elements within the Russian security services.

    It would be nice if it was true, but it is probably propoganda.
  • MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 51,715
    geoffw said:

    geoffw said:

    Scott_xP said:

    The Guardia di Finanza have seized two Russian yachts in Liguria: "Lady M", belonging to Alexey Mordashov, in Imperia; "Lena", belonging to Gennady Timchenko, in Sanremo.

    Yacht would not be an easy Wordle.

    I don’t know. I use adieu then thorn which would get you to _A_HT. Probably depends on your start word(s).
    I used to have that approach (adieu etc) but decided to play fair by myself and start with the first word with at least two vowels that comes my mind. Variation makes it more interesting.

    I start with RATIO and take it from there.....
  • boulay said:

    Scott_xP said:

    The Guardia di Finanza have seized two Russian yachts in Liguria: "Lady M", belonging to Alexey Mordashov, in Imperia; "Lena", belonging to Gennady Timchenko, in Sanremo.

    Fantastic - 4 whole yachts. You would think the Italian govt had some amazing law that allowed them to circumvent property rights to seize physical assets - maybe it would be a good idea if they did to stop the Mafia and it’s global tentacles in organised crime that their politicians were bribed to ignore or bombed if they wouldn’t. We need to learn from the Italian judicial system pronto.
    It had occurred to me that if Putin should fall as a result of his ill-judged invasion, one of a number of interesting consequences would be a sharp drop in the share price of Mafia Inc.
  • RogerRoger Posts: 19,796
    boulay said:

    Roger said:

    Scott_xP said:

    On Sunday I'm going to a hotel which is Russian owned and one where the vast majority of their clientele is Russian. I'm curious to see what the mood is like but if several have had their yachts confiscated it probably wont be great
    Crazy idea - why don’t you go somewhere else? I get it might be “the place to be” but as a good man of the people Labour supporter why not stand in support of the suppressed?

    Sort of “put your money where your mouth is” or maybe “remove your head from where your arse is”.
    I'm not staying there just meeting a friend who likes drinking there. Despite the last few weeks there's a lot to like about Russians
  • turbotubbsturbotubbs Posts: 16,910
    geoffw said:

    geoffw said:

    Scott_xP said:

    The Guardia di Finanza have seized two Russian yachts in Liguria: "Lady M", belonging to Alexey Mordashov, in Imperia; "Lena", belonging to Gennady Timchenko, in Sanremo.

    Yacht would not be an easy Wordle.

    I don’t know. I use adieu then thorn which would get you to _A_HT. Probably depends on your start word(s).
    I used to have that approach (adieu etc) but decided to play fair by myself and start with the first word with at least two vowels that comes my mind. Variation makes it more interesting.

    I generally find quirked more challenging and more fun now.
  • MarqueeMarkMarqueeMark Posts: 51,715
    Roger said:

    boulay said:

    Roger said:

    Scott_xP said:

    On Sunday I'm going to a hotel which is Russian owned and one where the vast majority of their clientele is Russian. I'm curious to see what the mood is like but if several have had their yachts confiscated it probably wont be great
    Crazy idea - why don’t you go somewhere else? I get it might be “the place to be” but as a good man of the people Labour supporter why not stand in support of the suppressed?

    Sort of “put your money where your mouth is” or maybe “remove your head from where your arse is”.
    I'm not staying there just meeting a friend who likes drinking there. Despite the last few weeks there's a lot to like about Russians
    Their money?
  • BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 34,378

    geoffw said:

    geoffw said:

    Scott_xP said:

    The Guardia di Finanza have seized two Russian yachts in Liguria: "Lady M", belonging to Alexey Mordashov, in Imperia; "Lena", belonging to Gennady Timchenko, in Sanremo.

    Yacht would not be an easy Wordle.

    I don’t know. I use adieu then thorn which would get you to _A_HT. Probably depends on your start word(s).
    I used to have that approach (adieu etc) but decided to play fair by myself and start with the first word with at least two vowels that comes my mind. Variation makes it more interesting.

    I generally find quirked more challenging and more fun now.
    Do you mean Quordle?
  • FrankBoothFrankBooth Posts: 9,539
    rpjs said:

    Andy_JS said:

    Amazing Times thread about the way assassination attempts on the Ukrainian president have been stymied by disgruntled elements within the Russian security services.

    And it even if it's not actually true, it's going to make Putin distrust reliability of the FSB/GRU anyway.
    Self sabotage is one thing that keeps me hopeful in all this.
  • dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 29,272
    geoffw said:

    geoffw said:

    Scott_xP said:

    The Guardia di Finanza have seized two Russian yachts in Liguria: "Lady M", belonging to Alexey Mordashov, in Imperia; "Lena", belonging to Gennady Timchenko, in Sanremo.

    Yacht would not be an easy Wordle.

    I don’t know. I use adieu then thorn which would get you to _A_HT. Probably depends on your start word(s).
    I used to have that approach (adieu etc) but decided to play fair by myself and start with the first word with at least two vowels that comes my mind. Variation makes it more interesting.

    Hadn't thought of thorn. Been using frost or storm for my second.
  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,358
    Sky News teams harrowing account of their violent ambush in Ukraine

    @ramsaysky and his team caught in intense incoming fire & Stuart was hit. They escaped, in shock but “elated to be alive”

    “It’s a miracle any of us got out, let alone all five of us.”
  • boulayboulay Posts: 5,369
    edited March 2022
    Roger said:

    boulay said:

    Roger said:

    Scott_xP said:

    On Sunday I'm going to a hotel which is Russian owned and one where the vast majority of their clientele is Russian. I'm curious to see what the mood is like but if several have had their yachts confiscated it probably wont be great
    Crazy idea - why don’t you go somewhere else? I get it might be “the place to be” but as a good man of the people Labour supporter why not stand in support of the suppressed?

    Sort of “put your money where your mouth is” or maybe “remove your head from where your arse is”.
    I'm not staying there just meeting a friend who likes drinking there. Despite the last few weeks there's a lot to like about Russians
    But just go somewhere else. Make a small stand. It’s not much but if everyone does it and they all get angry that they are getting guilt by association then it’s better than nothing.

    Edit - there are people in Hartlepool tonight who are actively drinking Grey Goose Vodka instead of Russian Standard. They are making a stand. Join the international solidarity.
  • turbotubbsturbotubbs Posts: 16,910

    geoffw said:

    geoffw said:

    Scott_xP said:

    The Guardia di Finanza have seized two Russian yachts in Liguria: "Lady M", belonging to Alexey Mordashov, in Imperia; "Lena", belonging to Gennady Timchenko, in Sanremo.

    Yacht would not be an easy Wordle.

    I don’t know. I use adieu then thorn which would get you to _A_HT. Probably depends on your start word(s).
    I used to have that approach (adieu etc) but decided to play fair by myself and start with the first word with at least two vowels that comes my mind. Variation makes it more interesting.

    I generally find quirked more challenging and more fun now.
    Do you mean Quordle?
    Damn yes. Stupid autocorrect and not checking...
  • TresTres Posts: 2,647
    dixiedean said:

    Andy_JS said:

    The House of Lords lobbying for their own abolition.

    "Make younger generation pay net zero bill, say peers
    It is fairer to put burden on those who will live in carbon-neutral world rather than those paying bills now, says committee"

    By such reasoning you'd have only children paying tax for schools.
    All of a piece mind.
    Seems to work well enough for university students.
  • FF43FF43 Posts: 16,957

    Roger said:

    Roger said:

    Scott_xP said:

    Well we knew it was coming but sad all the same to hear it. EU official quoted,

    "We have been united on the Ukraine issue because the UK has been absent."

    Utter rubbish

    UK has been involved with the US and the EU since day one

    Indeed I have said on many occasions this should bring us closer, but what you and others of a similar bigoted mindset do not realise is that your constant sniping is actually negative to your hopes of a close relationship
    Which was the poll by Ukrainians that rated Johnson No 1?
    It was posted earlier with UK no 1 for Ukrainians by Ukrainians

    I know it is hard for you to take
    ...and the poll was?
    It has been posted again since you commented

    Look it up
    How much do we trust this poll though, considering it originates from a man who disseminated the story that David Cameron has sex with animal carcasses?
    I think it's OK as far as it goes. The question is "Do you think X is doing enough to help Ukraine?" It's possible you think X is doing what you think it ought to be doing, albeit not very much. Or you might think X could be doing a lot more than it is doing.

    Based on this poll, Ukrainians don't think NATO is doing enough to help but they are keen to join. Probably something similar is happening with the EU, although Ashcroft doesn't ask the question about joining directly.
  • RogerRoger Posts: 19,796
    Applicant said:

    Scott_xP said:

    RobD said:

    Er, wasn't Liz Truss there?

    Look at the picture
    She's there FFS!
    @Scott_xP has lost it tonight
    How is this night different from all other nights?
    Is it Passover?
  • SeaShantyIrish2SeaShantyIrish2 Posts: 17,257
    AP (via Seattle Times) - Pence hits Trump: No room in GOP ‘for apologists for Putin'

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Vice President Mike Pence will urge Republicans to move on from the 2020 election and will declare “there is no room in this party for apologists for Putin” as he escalates his break from former President Donald Trump.

    Pence, according to excerpts of a speech he will give Friday evening to the party’s top donors in New Orleans, will take on those in his party who have failed to forcefully condemn Russian President Vladimir Putin for his unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. Trump has repeatedly used language that has been criticized as deferential to Putin, including calling him “smart,” as he has insisted the attack never would have happened on his watch.

    “Where would Russian tanks be today if NATO had not expanded the borders of freedom? There is no room in this party for apologists for Putin,” Pence will say, according to excerpts from the speech. “There is only room for champions of freedom.”. . .
  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,358
    This is absolutely terrifying - Stuart Ramsay and his Sky News team were targeted by a professional Russian hit squad in Ukraine.

    Amazing that cameraman Richie Mockler managed to film this despite being under heavy gunfire.

    They're safely back in the UK.
  • Scott_xPScott_xP Posts: 35,358
    There will be crisis PR people looking at #BoycottCocaCola and #BoycottMcDonalds trending highly tonight with images like this wondering the reputational damage is worth the relatively small, in scale of their global profits, vs damage of staying in Putin’s Russia. #Ukraine
  • IshmaelZIshmaelZ Posts: 21,830

    IshmaelZ said:

    Two thirds of the 1m+ Ukranian refugees have headed to Poland (UNHCR).

    That implies that approx 2% of the entire Polish population is a newly arrived Ukrainian refugee.

    We really really do need to be relieving some of the pressure on Poland by pulling the refugees West. I say it again, the transport is right there ready. They can get the train all the way to Calais and it will cost them not a penny. All we need to do is open the door wide and say come.

    I find it difficult to express just how disappointed I am with the UK Government over this. Patel in particular should hang her head in shame.
    A friend of mine has a big country house in Norfolk. He has offered to take 6 Ukrainian families.
    Well, whoopy doo. How many other big houses does he own? Does he actually ever live in the one you are referring to? What is the state of its interior decor? Would there be council tax benefits from fillling it with ukies? Are you trying to fill a gap left by the late lamented @Charles?

    Just the first qs which spring to mind.
    1. none
    2. its his home
    3. just spent a fortune doing it up
    4. have to ask the council
    5. impossible

    The problem, as Leon alludes to, is that they might never want to return to Ukraine. So let's tell them they can't come, eh? Be for the best all round....

    But do let me know if you have any q's that spring to mind.
    Nae problem, but if he has had to seriously do up a house which will comfortably take 6 families plus him, he is worth £100m min, and prob £200m min before he started. All genuinely totally admirable but what he tells us about the bigger picture is hard to see.
  • Richard_TyndallRichard_Tyndall Posts: 32,089
    Scott_xP said:

    Sky News teams harrowing account of their violent ambush in Ukraine

    @ramsaysky and his team caught in intense incoming fire & Stuart was hit. They escaped, in shock but “elated to be alive”

    “It’s a miracle any of us got out, let alone all five of us.”

    That is incredible.
  • Ukraine launching counter-offensive

    Global: MilitaryInfo
    Ukraine has reportedly started a counter-offensive in the Kharkiv region. The goal is to push them back to the border. Combined-arms approach with armor, mechanized/motorized & artillery forces.
  • To those too scared of nukes to stop Putin..

    Is there literally nothing that you could see coming out of Ukraine that would change your minds?
  • RogerRoger Posts: 19,796
    Chameleon said:

    Gosh, quite a ridiculous crowd for zelenskyy's speech in Prague.

    Extaordinary. The EU should unilaterally invite Ukraine to join. A special case. Work out the details later.
  • LeonLeon Posts: 53,215
    edited March 2022
    boulay said:

    boulay said:

    Roger said:

    Scott_xP said:

    On Sunday I'm going to a hotel which is Russian owned and one where the vast majority of their clientele is Russian. I'm curious to see what the mood is like but if several have had their yachts confiscated it probably wont be great
    Crazy idea - why don’t you go somewhere else? I get it might be “the place to be” but as a good man of the people Labour supporter why not stand in support of the suppressed?

    Sort of “put your money where your mouth is” or maybe “remove your head from where your arse is”.
    You seem to have an awfy hard on for Rog. Has he stepped on your gerbil or similar?
    Not at all. Just object to people who constantly belittle people such as the citizens of Hartlepool for having the temerity to think differently whilst having the ability to keep their lives in a bubble of pretty places with good restaurants and then claim to be “Labour”.

    It’s a weird Hyacinth Bucket approach to life as it’s almost laboured how hard he tries to belittle others whilst not being anywhere near top rung but just enough reference points to feel an inner superiority.

    It’s effectively a bien pensant euro-gammon where instead of the pub and red corduroys and a pink face it’s a terrasse, pink chinos and a pink face but feeling superior.
    That’s one of the best takedowns I have ever read on PB. Chapeau

    You have perfectly captured Roger; you have pinned him exquisitely and eternally to the card, like a rare-ish butterfly collected by Nabokov in the bucolic meadows of the Valais

    I particularly like “bien pensant euro gammon”. That’s so acute. I have met similar
  • stodgestodge Posts: 13,643
    Evening all :)

    Quite a busy spring for elections. As @DoubleCarpet reminded me on Wednesday evening, Hungary votes on April 3rd but a week before that we have the Malta GE on 26th March so just three weeks away.

    Politically, Malta is very simple - two parties have 98% of the vote between them. The centre-left Labour Party and the centre-right Nationalist Party are the only game in London. At the 2017 election, Labour won 55% of the vote and 37 seats in the 67 seat parliament. The Nationalists fought the election in alliance with the Democratic Party and between them won 30 seats (Nationalist 28, Democratic Party 2).

    Since then, the Democratic Party has split from the Nationalist Party and formed a new alliance with its 2 MPs sitting as Independents on the Opposition bench while one of the 37 Labour MPs has also become an Independent but still supports the Government.

    The latest poll has Labour on 53.1% (-1.9) and the Nationalists on 44.8% (+2.6) so while that's a 2.25% swing to the Opposition, it's not going to be enough to dislodge Labour who have ruled since 2013.
  • MaxPBMaxPB Posts: 38,159

    To those too scared of nukes to stop Putin..

    Is there literally nothing that you could see coming out of Ukraine that would change your minds?

    Use of WMDs. I think we'd have to intervene at that point.
This discussion has been closed.