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Cuomos and goings –

SystemSystem Posts: 11,921
edited August 2021 in General
imageCuomos and goings –

It has been a disastrous week for the Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, following the publication of a report on his behaviour, at least eleven women were harassed by Governor Cuomo.

Read the full story here



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    rpjs said:

    Cuomo won’t resign, and so he will be impeached, i.e. a majority of the state assembly (lower house) will vote to do so. Probably enough Democrats alone will vote to impeach (they have a > 2/3 supermajority in both houses) and there’s no way the Republicans won’t as well.

    I don’t think it’s guaranteed he will be convicted, but I do think it’s very, very likely he will be. The jury in an impeachment of the governor of New York is the state senate except the majority leader, as he is in the line of succession, plus the seven members of the Court of Appeals, our court of final instance. (In New York the Supreme Court is the first tier of the state court system, similar to the terminology in England before the current UK Supreme Court was created.) A two-thirds majority is required.

    A conviction is slightly less certain as there may not be enough Democratic senators voting for conviction to secure it on their votes alone, and just maybe the Republicans might try to put enough votes Cuomo’s way to save him in the hope that he will somehow secure the Democratic nomination in next year’s gubernatorial race (next to impossible IMHO) and be so damaged that the GOP candidate somehow gets in. Highly unlikely but, hey it’s New York. Stranger things have happened.

    Cuomo is a consummate New York machine politician and he’s dominated state politics and the state Democratic party for over a decade, through patronage and leverage and of course that means there’s a lot of people in the Democratic party that have grudges to settle with him. He’s survived and prospered in the face of that because of the power he’s amassed: “no matter if they hate so long as they fear”.

    But now the fear is going away. He’s wounded and the pack is circling. He will be removed well before the end of the year, probably next month, certainly by October.

    The interesting question now is who will get the Democratic nomination next year. Our new governor will be the current Lt-Giv, Kathy Hochul, and she now has a golden opportunity to dig in as the effective incumbent. However, my money is on our A-G, Letitia James. Don’t be surprised if her office to has filed indictments against one Donald J. Trump not so very long before the primary.

    Yes, Trump would probably rather Cuomo is saved, which is ironic because earlier Cuomo was leading the charge against the former president.
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    DecrepiterJohnLDecrepiterJohnL Posts: 26,117
    edited August 2021
    The BBC's text coverage seems to have forgotten about Lauren Price in the boxing around 6am.
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    LeonLeon Posts: 51,231
    America just edging China at the last. Will GB hold off Fake Russia?! Nail biter
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    DecrepiterJohnLDecrepiterJohnL Posts: 26,117
    edited August 2021
    Leon said:

    America just edging China at the last. Will GB hold off Fake Russia?! Nail biter

    My bet on not-Russia to come second lies in the recycling bin.

    But as Chris Hoy says, kudos to the Japanese for hosting an outstanding Olympics despite the pandemic.
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    StuartDicksonStuartDickson Posts: 12,146
    Is Biden going to release the Saudi Arabia files or be forced to miss the 20th anniversary of 9/11?
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    LeonLeon Posts: 51,231

    Leon said:

    America just edging China at the last. Will GB hold off Fake Russia?! Nail biter

    My bet on not-Russia to come second lies in the recycling bin.

    But as Chris Hoy says, kudos to the Japanese for hosting an outstanding Olympics despite the pandemic.
    They have. Some amazing sport

    My predix were as bad yours. TEAMGB ‘around 9th’ with 40-45 medals. Happily, laughably wrong

    I also thought China would just beat USA on golds. Looks like that’s wrong as well (but closer)

    Given the UK’s dire pandemic, we’ve done outstandingly well. Our third highest haul of golds since London 1908

    Actually quite a year for UK sport. Brilliant Olympics. Euro finals for England. Destroyed the finances of top EU football teams by nixing the Super League. Result.
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    Is Biden going to release the Saudi Arabia files or be forced to miss the 20th anniversary of 9/11?

    Can they stop Biden attending? Funny how this becomes an issue now there is a Democrat back in the White House.

    On the other hand, what could be in the files that needs to remain hidden? Any American missteps will have been down to the Republicans under President GW Bush.
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    StuartDicksonStuartDickson Posts: 12,146

    Leon said:

    America just edging China at the last. Will GB hold off Fake Russia?! Nail biter

    My bet on not-Russia to come second lies in the recycling bin.

    But as Chris Hoy says, kudos to the Japanese for hosting an outstanding Olympics despite the pandemic.
    Japan's COVID-19 Strategy Relied on Trust. Holding the Olympics Shattered It at the Worst Possible Time

    COVID-19 cases are hitting daily records in the Olympic host city, and the Japanese government has declared a state of emergency…

    … experts—and a lot of Japanese scofflaws—say the government’s decision to plow ahead with the Olympics while also telling people to stay home and obey social distancing has shattered the willingness of many Japanese people to abide by the rules after 18 months of yo-yoing COVID-19 restrictions.

    … Experts say that case numbers still haven’t peaked, and they will continue to surge after the Closing Ceremony on Sunday. One expert told a Tokyo COVID-19 committee that daily case numbers in the Olympic host city could double in August if new infections continue to increase at the current pace.
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    DecrepiterJohnLDecrepiterJohnL Posts: 26,117
    edited August 2021
    Two golds for Ireland. We did the Mock the Week joke first time.

    ETA a warning for Lauren Price is that Kellie Harrington won as the outsider.
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    StuartDicksonStuartDickson Posts: 12,146

    Is Biden going to release the Saudi Arabia files or be forced to miss the 20th anniversary of 9/11?

    Can they stop Biden attending? Funny how this becomes an issue now there is a Democrat back in the White House.

    On the other hand, what could be in the files that needs to remain hidden? Any American missteps will have been down to the Republicans under President GW Bush.
    I get the impression that it is not what the files say about U.S. actions/inactions but about Saudi actions/inactions. Biden clearly doesn’t want a big fight with one of America’s favourite dictatorships.

    I’ve no idea if they can stop Biden attending. Probably not. He is after all the elected representative of Americans. Showing disrespect for him shows disrespect for them.
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    StuartDicksonStuartDickson Posts: 12,146
    Tokyo 2020: Where do Team GB medal winners come from?

    Scotland also has more winners as a proportion of its population than any other nation.

    By that score, the North West of England with 29 medallists per 10 million people, also has the highest number of winners among English regions.
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    Tokyo 2020: Where do Team GB medal winners come from?

    Scotland also has more winners as a proportion of its population than any other nation.

    By that score, the North West of England with 29 medallists per 10 million people, also has the highest number of winners among English regions.

    Don't tell us. You need to have a word with Sweden's Cybernat correspondent who keeps disparaging his fellow Scots and Britons. :wink:
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    CarlottaVanceCarlottaVance Posts: 60,216
    ‘We also give oxygen to advocates of “zero COVID”, the unfeasible proposition that Australia can or should try to eliminate the virus permanently. As..Greg Dore recently remarked, “long-term zero COVID is public health la la land”. Short-term ok, but over.
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    StuartDicksonStuartDickson Posts: 12,146

    Tokyo 2020: Where do Team GB medal winners come from?

    Scotland also has more winners as a proportion of its population than any other nation.

    By that score, the North West of England with 29 medallists per 10 million people, also has the highest number of winners among English regions.

    Don't tell us. You need to have a word with Sweden's Cybernat correspondent who keeps disparaging his fellow Scots and Britons. :wink:
    I’m looking forward to England’s very own Cybernat FUDHY disparaging the EU topping the medal table. Which vehicle will he choose?


    He’s a very creative chap. I’m so excited to see the final rankings.
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    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120
    ‘Cuomo’s media strategy has been terrible as well, including, and I’m not making this up, a slideshow of people he hasn’t sexually harassed, it felt like scene if The Day Today interviewed Alan Partridge, it included lines like “I do it with everyone. Black and white, young and old, straight and LGBTQ, powerful people, friends, strangers, people who I meet on the street.”’

    If he doesn’t get impeached and removed, you have wonder exactly what an American politician would have to do to be removed from office.
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    felixfelix Posts: 15,129

    Tokyo 2020: Where do Team GB medal winners come from?

    Scotland also has more winners as a proportion of its population than any other nation.

    By that score, the North West of England with 29 medallists per 10 million people, also has the highest number of winners among English regions.

    Don't tell us. You need to have a word with Sweden's Cybernat correspondent who keeps disparaging his fellow Scots and Britons. :wink:
    I’m looking forward to England’s very own Cybernat FUDHY disparaging the EU topping the medal table. Which vehicle will he choose?


    He’s a very creative chap. I’m so excited to see the final rankings.
    Having perused the last couple of threads Maybe you could try laying off the relentless personal attacks on Hyufd. None of us are perfect but you're pushing your luck imho.
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    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120
    President Xi will be raging this morning, won’t he? They so nearly beat the US and then fell behind at the last.

    Wouldn’t want to be a coach of the Olympic team when they get back.
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    OldKingColeOldKingCole Posts: 32,631

    Tokyo 2020: Where do Team GB medal winners come from?

    Scotland also has more winners as a proportion of its population than any other nation.

    By that score, the North West of England with 29 medallists per 10 million people, also has the highest number of winners among English regions.

    Morning all. Brighter day today. Only 13 degC, though. Sunshine and showers forecast and, interestingly, for several days there has been a 'promise' of 'thunder tomorrow'. Which unless I'm deafer than I think I am, hasn't materialised!

    On topic, surely there are so many in the NW is because the cycling centre, National Velodrome, or whatever it's called, is in Manchester and the top cyclists have all moved to be close.
    Laura Kenny, for example, lived in Hertfordshire before she got really good at cycling, and before she married Jason, who is a Lancashire lad.
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    tlg86tlg86 Posts: 25,765
    Did anyone get on the Kenny of the male variety for SPoTY @ 100-1?
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    ydoethur said:

    President Xi will be raging this morning, won’t he? They so nearly beat the US and then fell behind at the last.

    Wouldn’t want to be a coach of the Olympic team when they get back.

    It's not over yet. Let's hope Lauren Price will beat her Chinese opponent to help keep the Americans on top.
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    OldKingColeOldKingCole Posts: 32,631
    ydoethur said:

    President Xi will be raging this morning, won’t he? They so nearly beat the US and then fell behind at the last.

    Wouldn’t want to be a coach of the Olympic team when they get back.

    Won't it just be a case of more effort .... and money ..... between now and the Paris Olympics? I'm not a fan of Xi, but he strikes me as a 'don't get mad, get even' sort of chap.
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    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120

    ydoethur said:

    President Xi will be raging this morning, won’t he? They so nearly beat the US and then fell behind at the last.

    Wouldn’t want to be a coach of the Olympic team when they get back.

    Won't it just be a case of more effort .... and money ..... between now and the Paris Olympics? I'm not a fan of Xi, but he strikes me as a 'don't get mad, get even' sort of chap.
    I don’t think many in Hong Kong would agree.

    When he’s suffered setbacks or humiliations - and I think he will see this as a setback - his reaction has always been to lash out.

    The irony being that China have done outstandingly well, better than they have for years, but leading the table for so long will have raised expectations.
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    If being king does not work out for him, Prince William could easily become a chat show host. His interviewing Lauren Price is as good a job as most of the professionals.
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    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120

    If being king does not work out for him, Prince William could easily become a chat show host. His interviewing Lauren Price is as good a job as most of the professionals.

    That’s a pretty low bar, tbf.
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    OldKingColeOldKingCole Posts: 32,631
    ydoethur said:

    ydoethur said:

    President Xi will be raging this morning, won’t he? They so nearly beat the US and then fell behind at the last.

    Wouldn’t want to be a coach of the Olympic team when they get back.

    Won't it just be a case of more effort .... and money ..... between now and the Paris Olympics? I'm not a fan of Xi, but he strikes me as a 'don't get mad, get even' sort of chap.
    I don’t think many in Hong Kong would agree.

    When he’s suffered setbacks or humiliations - and I think he will see this as a setback - his reaction has always been to lash out.

    The irony being that China have done outstandingly well, better than they have for years, but leading the table for so long will have raised expectations.
    You may well be right, although I think Hong Kong might be a special case. Returned to the motherland after being torn away by Western Imperialists, why are they ungrateful, might apply.
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    state_go_awaystate_go_away Posts: 5,705
    Iceland Olympic surprising fact.

    Iceland have only ever won 4 medals at the olympics (none in tokyo). --- all have been at the SUMMER games! None at the Winter
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    There's 100 on Lauren for SPotY if you are quick.
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    OldKingColeOldKingCole Posts: 32,631
    Another Women's Boxing gold..
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    LeonLeon Posts: 51,231
    Go Lauren Price

    22 GOLDS
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    OldKingColeOldKingCole Posts: 32,631

    Iceland Olympic surprising fact.

    Iceland have only ever won 4 medals at the olympics (none in tokyo). --- all have been at the SUMMER games! None at the Winter

    Icelanders don't really go in for winer sports, do they. Not really suitable terrain; who wants to ski down a volcano?
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    LeonLeon Posts: 51,231
    That makes it a bit harder for Phoney Russia to overtake us
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    Another Women's Boxing gold..

    Another? Lauren Price and the male Galal Yafai.
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    tlg86tlg86 Posts: 25,765

    There's 100 on Lauren for SPotY if you are quick.

    Not sure she gets nominated and she won’t come close to winning.
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    IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,202

    ydoethur said:

    President Xi will be raging this morning, won’t he? They so nearly beat the US and then fell behind at the last.

    Wouldn’t want to be a coach of the Olympic team when they get back.

    Won't it just be a case of more effort .... and money ..... between now and the Paris Olympics? I'm not a fan of Xi, but he strikes me as a 'don't get mad, get even' sort of chap.
    China nevertheless made a significant advance on Rio 2016, as did Japan as the hosts, with the US falling back. The UK (aka GB) and Russia were broadly par, very impressive from us, with Germany also falling back.
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    tlg86 said:

    There's 100 on Lauren for SPotY if you are quick.

    Not sure she gets nominated and she won’t come close to winning.
    Being female will help her get nominated. Then she has half the boxing block vote, and all of the Welsh? But yes, there's a reason I've not taken all the money available.
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    RobDRobD Posts: 59,458

    Tokyo 2020: Where do Team GB medal winners come from?

    Scotland also has more winners as a proportion of its population than any other nation.

    By that score, the North West of England with 29 medallists per 10 million people, also has the highest number of winners among English regions.

    Don't tell us. You need to have a word with Sweden's Cybernat correspondent who keeps disparaging his fellow Scots and Britons. :wink:
    I’m looking forward to England’s very own Cybernat FUDHY disparaging the EU topping the medal table. Which vehicle will he choose?


    He’s a very creative chap. I’m so excited to see the final rankings.
    Remember it was me that first aggregated the English-Speaking Peoples in order to show that any arbitrary combination could be produced, and that was in response to *your* presentation of the EU total.
    I think he missed the point entirely.
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    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,024
    ydoethur said:

    President Xi will be raging this morning, won’t he? They so nearly beat the US and then fell behind at the last.

    Wouldn’t want to be a coach of the Olympic team when they get back.

    Will he ?
    Since he expects to be president for life, and the Chinese tend to take a longer view than most, he's likely just mildly annoyed.

    Not sure I'd want to be the Chinese coach ever.
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    LeonLeon Posts: 51,231
    I’m feeling all fuzzy and warm about Brexit Britain
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    LeonLeon Posts: 51,231
    Without Japan’s home advantage, we’d be 3rd. Remarkable
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    LeonLeon Posts: 51,231
    RobD said:

    Leon said:

    I’m feeling all fuzzy and warm about Brexit Britain

    Be honest, how much have you had?


    Honest answer? Way too much chili in my (exquisite) Singapore laksa. So it’s keeping me awake. So I’m up at an unusual hour

    You did ask
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    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,024

    ydoethur said:

    ydoethur said:

    President Xi will be raging this morning, won’t he? They so nearly beat the US and then fell behind at the last.

    Wouldn’t want to be a coach of the Olympic team when they get back.

    Won't it just be a case of more effort .... and money ..... between now and the Paris Olympics? I'm not a fan of Xi, but he strikes me as a 'don't get mad, get even' sort of chap.
    I don’t think many in Hong Kong would agree.

    When he’s suffered setbacks or humiliations - and I think he will see this as a setback - his reaction has always been to lash out.

    The irony being that China have done outstandingly well, better than they have for years, but leading the table for so long will have raised expectations.
    You may well be right, although I think Hong Kong might be a special case. Returned to the motherland after being torn away by Western Imperialists, why are they ungrateful, might apply.
    Not a special case - brutal political repression is quite common in China. But you're right that crossing the CCP is a different matter than falling slightly short in the medals.
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    Leon said:

    Without Japan’s home advantage, we’d be 3rd. Remarkable

    France will enjoy home advantage in 2024. I see France won a third consecutive gold in handball. I doubt you could find three British people who know handball exists as a sport and not just a foul in football.
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    LeonLeon Posts: 51,231
    Interesting to work out which country has done WORST at these Olympics, taking into account gdp, gdp per capita, and population.

    I think it might be Mexico. Vast population: 127m. Medium income with some high income areas

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    LeonLeon Posts: 51,231

    Leon said:

    Without Japan’s home advantage, we’d be 3rd. Remarkable

    France will enjoy home advantage in 2024. I see France won a third consecutive gold in handball. I doubt you could find three British people who know handball exists as a sport and not just a foul in football.
    France has had a pretty crappy Games, but I’m sure they will be in the top 5 in 2024
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    IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,202
    edited August 2021
    Leon said:

    Without Japan’s home advantage, we’d be 3rd. Remarkable

    Most of Japan’s over performance came from the judo (nine golds in total), where the silvers were spread among for example France, Austria, Korea and Cuba. No Russians. So you’re probably right.

    We’re doing no better than when we were in the EU, though. ;)
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    CarlottaVanceCarlottaVance Posts: 60,216
    And there is it. Lauren Price wins gold. ROC cannot catch GB now. It's a fantastic 4th place on the medal table with the same medal total as London. Will do a full round up when everyone is awake.
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    OldKingColeOldKingCole Posts: 32,631
    edited August 2021
    Leon said:

    Interesting to work out which country has done WORST at these Olympics, taking into account gdp, gdp per capita, and population.

    I think it might be Mexico. Vast population: 127m. Medium income with some high income areas


    Is wondering about that sort of thing what overdoing the chilli does for you? Personally I try to look for people's successes....... bright side and all that.
    Congrats to Fiji; two rugby sevens medals. Maybe the women will win gold next time.

    (Edit; poor proof-reading before posting!)
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    IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,202
    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Without Japan’s home advantage, we’d be 3rd. Remarkable

    France will enjoy home advantage in 2024. I see France won a third consecutive gold in handball. I doubt you could find three British people who know handball exists as a sport and not just a foul in football.
    France has had a pretty crappy Games, but I’m sure they will be in the top 5 in 2024
    You get a big team because of the host’s automatic qualification for every event, which helps a lot.
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    LeonLeon Posts: 51,231

    Leon said:

    Interesting to work out which country has done WORST at these Olympics, taking into account gdp, gdp per capita, and population.

    I think it might be Mexico. Vast population: 127m. Medium income with some high income areas


    Is wondering about that sort of thing what overdoing the chilli does for you? Personally I try to look for people's successes....... bright side and all that.
    Congrats to Fiji; two rugby sevens medals. Maybe the women will will gold next year.
    I was happy to dump all over Britain when we got ONE gold in Atlanta in 1996, mainly due to our EU membership holding us back. So I’m equally harsh on other nations, as and when. Indonesia does pretty badly. Population of about 58 trillion. One gold
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    LeonLeon Posts: 51,231

    And there is it. Lauren Price wins gold. ROC cannot catch GB now. It's a fantastic 4th place on the medal table with the same medal total as London. Will do a full round up when everyone is awake.

    Is that right? We’re fourth??


  • Options
    Leon said:

    And there is it. Lauren Price wins gold. ROC cannot catch GB now. It's a fantastic 4th place on the medal table with the same medal total as London. Will do a full round up when everyone is awake.

    Is that right? We’re fourth??


    Actually, who is the Minister of Sport and why have we not heard more from them? Oliver Dowden?
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    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,024
    Leon said:

    And there is it. Lauren Price wins gold. ROC cannot catch GB now. It's a fantastic 4th place on the medal table with the same medal total as London. Will do a full round up when everyone is awake.

    Is that right? We’re fourth??


    I thought it was the Woke Winners ?
    Fickle as ever. :smile:

    Relatedly, Biden shows Trump how it's done.
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    LeonLeon Posts: 51,231
    Politics aside, achieving the same medal total as we did in London, after one of the nastier plagues in the world, in the heat and foreign-ness of Tokyo, is really quite something. Arguably better than Rio
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    OldKingColeOldKingCole Posts: 32,631
  • Options
    Leon said:

    And there is it. Lauren Price wins gold. ROC cannot catch GB now. It's a fantastic 4th place on the medal table with the same medal total as London. Will do a full round up when everyone is awake.

    Is that right? We’re fourth??


    From BBC live feed

    "That means the women's handball final between the ROC and France is the only event still standing at Tokyo 2020."

    So Allez Les Blues?
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    IanB2 said:

    Leon said:

    Leon said:

    Without Japan’s home advantage, we’d be 3rd. Remarkable

    France will enjoy home advantage in 2024. I see France won a third consecutive gold in handball. I doubt you could find three British people who know handball exists as a sport and not just a foul in football.
    France has had a pretty crappy Games, but I’m sure they will be in the top 5 in 2024
    You get a big team because of the host’s automatic qualification for every event, which helps a lot.
    But the extra people don't win medals - see GB's 2012 performance in basketball, handball, water polo etc.
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    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120

    Leon said:

    And there is it. Lauren Price wins gold. ROC cannot catch GB now. It's a fantastic 4th place on the medal table with the same medal total as London. Will do a full round up when everyone is awake.

    Is that right? We’re fourth??


    Actually, who is the Minister of Sport and why have we not heard more from them? Oliver Dowden?
    He’s the Secretary of State but the actual Minister is Nigel Huddleston.

    No, I haven’t heard of him before either.
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120

    Leon said:

    And there is it. Lauren Price wins gold. ROC cannot catch GB now. It's a fantastic 4th place on the medal table with the same medal total as London. Will do a full round up when everyone is awake.

    Is that right? We’re fourth??


    From BBC live feed

    "That means the women's handball final between the ROC and France is the only event still standing at Tokyo 2020."

    So Allez Les Blues?
    Today, mes amis, we are all French.
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    state_go_awaystate_go_away Posts: 5,705

    Leon said:

    And there is it. Lauren Price wins gold. ROC cannot catch GB now. It's a fantastic 4th place on the medal table with the same medal total as London. Will do a full round up when everyone is awake.

    Is that right? We’re fourth??


    From BBC live feed

    "That means the women's handball final between the ROC and France is the only event still standing at Tokyo 2020."

    So Allez Les Blues?
    I thought the water polo final was on at 8.30
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    CarlottaVanceCarlottaVance Posts: 60,216
    Young people say GPs are still discouraging or blocking them from taking the AstraZeneca vaccine despite changes in official medical advice and pleas from politicians to take whichever vaccine is available.

    Doctors are required to run patients through the rare risk of thrombosis and thrombocytopenia syndrome, or clotting disorder, associated with AstraZeneca. The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation says the risk of TTS for under 50s is about 3.4 in every 100,000, and the fatality rate is about 3 per cent, meaning the risk of death is about one in a million.

    The best advice on vaccines came from the Irish Doctor's Association; "The best vaccine you can get is the one you can get NOW".
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    Leon said:

    Interesting to work out which country has done WORST at these Olympics, taking into account gdp, gdp per capita, and population.

    I think it might be Mexico. Vast population: 127m. Medium income with some high income areas


    Mexico is one of the great underachiever at football as well.

    Other Olympic underachievers are India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and South Africa (two medallists, both white female).

    Pakistan and Bangladesh have no medals and only a handful of competitors.
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    state_go_awaystate_go_away Posts: 5,705
    Leon said:

    Interesting to work out which country has done WORST at these Olympics, taking into account gdp, gdp per capita, and population.

    I think it might be Mexico. Vast population: 127m. Medium income with some high income areas


    Finland pretty poor with 2 bronze, Spain not great with only 3 gold , Ukraine bad with only one gold , Pakistan (nothing) , Argentina very poor especially compared to Brazil.

    Netherlands looks to have punched above their weight
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    felixfelix Posts: 15,129
    ydoethur said:

    Leon said:

    And there is it. Lauren Price wins gold. ROC cannot catch GB now. It's a fantastic 4th place on the medal table with the same medal total as London. Will do a full round up when everyone is awake.

    Is that right? We’re fourth??


    Actually, who is the Minister of Sport and why have we not heard more from them? Oliver Dowden?
    He’s the Secretary of State but the actual Minister is Nigel Huddleston.

    No, I haven’t heard of him before either.
    I think they should leave the sporting stars in the limelight as much as possible. Cannot give a gold medal to the BBC coverage - which has been lamentable - like they're trying to fill all the holes in a Swiss cheese with endless crap. However, the notion that they are uniquely patriotic in their coverage is incorrect. I've often switched to Spanish coverage of the athletics and cycling only to be confronted with endless coverage of handball and syncronised swimming featuring the Spanish stars. Every country is the same in this respect -but don't tell the whiners and moaners who see Borissian plots everywhere!
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    CyclefreeCyclefree Posts: 25,269
    Leon said:

    Politics aside, achieving the same medal total as we did in London, after one of the nastier plagues in the world, in the heat and foreign-ness of Tokyo, is really quite something. Arguably better than Rio

    And if the rowers had done a bit better ......

  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 51,231
    Is there NOTHING Brexit Britain can’t do?! Now we are free?

    We’ve only been Brexiteered about six months and we’ve reached our first major football final since 1966 (before we joined the EEC) and now we’ve won medals in more Olympic sports than any other nation

    At this rate we will have mastered cheap nuclear fusion by late November and we will colonise Neptune next summer
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    state_go_awaystate_go_away Posts: 5,705
    anyway the medal table is diminished in achievement given the North Korean boycott ! (who do surprisingly well when they turn up!)
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    felixfelix Posts: 15,129

    Young people say GPs are still discouraging or blocking them from taking the AstraZeneca vaccine despite changes in official medical advice and pleas from politicians to take whichever vaccine is available.

    Doctors are required to run patients through the rare risk of thrombosis and thrombocytopenia syndrome, or clotting disorder, associated with AstraZeneca. The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation says the risk of TTS for under 50s is about 3.4 in every 100,000, and the fatality rate is about 3 per cent, meaning the risk of death is about one in a million.

    The best advice on vaccines came from the Irish Doctor's Association; "The best vaccine you can get is the one you can get NOW".

    Utter madness. Here in Spain it remains bannned completely for the under 60s - even though the most recent research has Pfizer , if anything, slightly more 'risky'. Maybe one of the greatest educational failings of the past 20 years relates to how you understand and assess 'risk'.
  • Options
    felixfelix Posts: 15,129
    Leon said:

    Is there NOTHING Brexit Britain can’t do?! Now we are free?

    We’ve only been Brexiteered about six months and we’ve reached our first major football final since 1966 (before we joined the EEC) and now we’ve won medals in more Olympic sports than any other nation

    At this rate we will have mastered cheap nuclear fusion by late November and we will colonise Neptune next summer

    I think there is real danger you are under-selling the benefits. Don't hold back!
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    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120
    Confusingly, the French are wearing white and the Russians blue in the handball.

    So far, the French keeper has been awesome. Meanwhile, the French are putting everything to the back of the net.

    Now I’ve said that she’s going to let in six in a row while the French hit the stands all the time, of course.
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120
    Leon said:

    Is there NOTHING Brexit Britain can’t do?! Now we are free?

    We’ve only been Brexiteered about six months and we’ve reached our first major football final since 1966 (before we joined the EEC) and now we’ve won medals in more Olympic sports than any other nation

    At this rate we will have mastered cheap nuclear fusion by late November and we will colonise Neptune next summer

    Blimey. It must have been pretty strong stuff last night if the effects last all this time. Or was it an all-nighter?

    And boom - the French concede one.
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    AlistairAlistair Posts: 23,670

    Fishing said:

    Charles said:

    Fishing said:

    I am in California at the moment, and was talking to a well-connected friend in Sacramento about the likelihood of a recall of the Governor, Newsom. I have to say this wasn't on my radar at all, but it certainly sounds like there could be a fascinating race to succeed him. Apparently there are likely to be dozens of candidates, so the next Governor may well win with 15% of the vote. California is a heavily Democratic state, but even the Republicans there might be able to manage that, if they can unite around one charismatic figure a la Arnie.

    Just for clarity, California is around 60/40 Democrat/GOP. Democratic dominance is partly down to disorganisation on the part of the Republicans and the Democrats changing the electoral rules to entrench partisan advantage
    It's even a little more than that - registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by 46% to 24% - almost 2:1. It's actually even worse for the Republicans than that because independents lean Democrat, and because ideological divides are stark, meaning the number of votes up for grabs is relatively small.

    Which shows the value of a star, charismatic candidate, like Arnie, or Reagan or our own dear Boris.
    Errr, of the 7 previous elections to Regan the Dems won California only once - in the LBJ sweep.

    They voted for Ford over Carter.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 51,231
    Lauren Price’s backstory is just humbling

    ‘Lauren Price would have been put in care at 3 days old had her grandparents not taken her in. She grew up with a dream. The young Welsh boxer drove a taxi by night & trained in the day. She’s just won gold in Tokyo. Another incredible backstory of a warrior woman.’

    Genuine hero. Go Lauren. RESPECT
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120
    Alistair said:


    Fishing said:

    Charles said:

    Fishing said:

    I am in California at the moment, and was talking to a well-connected friend in Sacramento about the likelihood of a recall of the Governor, Newsom. I have to say this wasn't on my radar at all, but it certainly sounds like there could be a fascinating race to succeed him. Apparently there are likely to be dozens of candidates, so the next Governor may well win with 15% of the vote. California is a heavily Democratic state, but even the Republicans there might be able to manage that, if they can unite around one charismatic figure a la Arnie.

    Just for clarity, California is around 60/40 Democrat/GOP. Democratic dominance is partly down to disorganisation on the part of the Republicans and the Democrats changing the electoral rules to entrench partisan advantage
    It's even a little more than that - registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by 46% to 24% - almost 2:1. It's actually even worse for the Republicans than that because independents lean Democrat, and because ideological divides are stark, meaning the number of votes up for grabs is relatively small.

    Which shows the value of a star, charismatic candidate, like Arnie, or Reagan or our own dear Boris.
    Errr, of the 7 previous elections to Regan the Dems won California only once - in the LBJ sweep.

    They voted for Ford over Carter.
    From the 1940s to the 1980s it was of course a very wealthy state heavily based on a massive defence industry. I once heard a stat that in the 1980s defence spending and research would have made California the world’s sixth largest economy if it were an independent state (albeit of course then it wouldn’t have had the big defence contracts). So it’s not surprising it was leaning Republican. Equally, not surprising given the wealth and high levels of education - which used to cause voters to trend Republican - now means it is heavily Democratic.
  • Options
    AlistairAlistair Posts: 23,670

    Leon said:

    Interesting to work out which country has done WORST at these Olympics, taking into account gdp, gdp per capita, and population.

    I think it might be Mexico. Vast population: 127m. Medium income with some high income areas


    Finland pretty poor with 2 bronze, Spain not great with only 3 gold , Ukraine bad with only one gold , Pakistan (nothing) , Argentina very poor especially compared to Brazil.

    Netherlands looks to have punched above their weight
    As I understand it Finland invests no state money in an Olympics programme, instead the spend more on community sports.
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120
    Never watched handball before, but I’m enjoying it. Fast, exciting and clearly a high level of skill on display.
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,024
    Leon said:

    Is there NOTHING Brexit Britain can’t do?! Now we are free?

    We’ve only been Brexiteered about six months and we’ve reached our first major football final since 1966 (before we joined the EEC) and now we’ve won medals in more Olympic sports than any other nation

    At this rate we will have mastered cheap nuclear fusion by late November and we will colonise Neptune next summer

    When you say there was too much "spice" in that chilli ....
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,024
    Leon said:

    Lauren Price’s backstory is just humbling

    ‘Lauren Price would have been put in care at 3 days old had her grandparents not taken her in. She grew up with a dream. The young Welsh boxer drove a taxi by night & trained in the day. She’s just won gold in Tokyo. Another incredible backstory of a warrior woman.’

    Genuine hero. Go Lauren. RESPECT

    Also a world kickboxing champion.
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120
    edited August 2021
    Russia need 5 goals in 69 seconds.

    Now that would be entertaining...

    Edit - 6 in 40. They think it’s all over - it is now.
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    DavidLDavidL Posts: 52,584
    ydoethur said:

    ‘Cuomo’s media strategy has been terrible as well, including, and I’m not making this up, a slideshow of people he hasn’t sexually harassed, it felt like scene if The Day Today interviewed Alan Partridge, it included lines like “I do it with everyone. Black and white, young and old, straight and LGBTQ, powerful people, friends, strangers, people who I meet on the street.”’

    If he doesn’t get impeached and removed, you have wonder exactly what an American politician would have to do to be removed from office.

    Exactly. It is genuinely shocking that he is in office today. Or yesterday for that matter. The question of whether he has any honour is entirely rhetorical.
  • Options
    IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,202
    Leon said:

    Is there NOTHING Brexit Britain can’t do?! Now we are free?

    We’ve only been Brexiteered about six months and we’ve reached our first major football final since 1966 (before we joined the EEC) and now we’ve won medals in more Olympic sports than any other nation

    At this rate we will have mastered cheap nuclear fusion by late November and we will colonise Neptune next summer

    Even by your low standards this is poor
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120

    The cheats can’t catch us...
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    DavidLDavidL Posts: 52,584
    ydoethur said:

    Never watched handball before, but I’m enjoying it. Fast, exciting and clearly a high level of skill on display.

    Thierry Henry was pretty good at it as I recall.
  • Options
    AlistairAlistair Posts: 23,670
    edited August 2021
    ydoethur said:

    Alistair said:


    Fishing said:

    Charles said:

    Fishing said:

    I am in California at the moment, and was talking to a well-connected friend in Sacramento about the likelihood of a recall of the Governor, Newsom. I have to say this wasn't on my radar at all, but it certainly sounds like there could be a fascinating race to succeed him. Apparently there are likely to be dozens of candidates, so the next Governor may well win with 15% of the vote. California is a heavily Democratic state, but even the Republicans there might be able to manage that, if they can unite around one charismatic figure a la Arnie.

    Just for clarity, California is around 60/40 Democrat/GOP. Democratic dominance is partly down to disorganisation on the part of the Republicans and the Democrats changing the electoral rules to entrench partisan advantage
    It's even a little more than that - registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by 46% to 24% - almost 2:1. It's actually even worse for the Republicans than that because independents lean Democrat, and because ideological divides are stark, meaning the number of votes up for grabs is relatively small.

    Which shows the value of a star, charismatic candidate, like Arnie, or Reagan or our own dear Boris.
    Errr, of the 7 previous elections to Regan the Dems won California only once - in the LBJ sweep.

    They voted for Ford over Carter.
    From the 1940s to the 1980s it was of course a very wealthy state heavily based on a massive defence industry. I once heard a stat that in the 1980s defence spending and research would have made California the world’s sixth largest economy if it were an independent state (albeit of course then it wouldn’t have had the big defence contracts). So it’s not surprising it was leaning Republican. Equally, not surprising given the wealth and high levels of education - which used to cause voters to trend Republican - now means it is heavily Democratic.
    Of the many outrageous lies in Tucker Carlson's book is the notion he grew up in a stiflingly super Liberal environment which is why he became such a fierce conservative.

    He grew up in San Diego, the most Conservative city in the state, the place Nixon called his "Lucky City". It was still voting Republican in the 2000s only flipping in 2008.
  • Options
    squareroot2squareroot2 Posts: 6,489
    edited August 2021
    ydoethur said:

    Leon said:

    And there is it. Lauren Price wins gold. ROC cannot catch GB now. It's a fantastic 4th place on the medal table with the same medal total as London. Will do a full round up when everyone is awake.

    Is that right? We’re fourth??


    From BBC live feed

    "That means the women's handball final between the ROC and France is the only event still standing at Tokyo 2020."

    So Allez Les Blues?
    Today, mes amis, we are all French.
    Pas du tout!... jamais!!
  • Options
    NigelbNigelb Posts: 66,024
    ydoethur said:

    Alistair said:


    Fishing said:

    Charles said:

    Fishing said:

    I am in California at the moment, and was talking to a well-connected friend in Sacramento about the likelihood of a recall of the Governor, Newsom. I have to say this wasn't on my radar at all, but it certainly sounds like there could be a fascinating race to succeed him. Apparently there are likely to be dozens of candidates, so the next Governor may well win with 15% of the vote. California is a heavily Democratic state, but even the Republicans there might be able to manage that, if they can unite around one charismatic figure a la Arnie.

    Just for clarity, California is around 60/40 Democrat/GOP. Democratic dominance is partly down to disorganisation on the part of the Republicans and the Democrats changing the electoral rules to entrench partisan advantage
    It's even a little more than that - registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by 46% to 24% - almost 2:1. It's actually even worse for the Republicans than that because independents lean Democrat, and because ideological divides are stark, meaning the number of votes up for grabs is relatively small.

    Which shows the value of a star, charismatic candidate, like Arnie, or Reagan or our own dear Boris.
    Errr, of the 7 previous elections to Regan the Dems won California only once - in the LBJ sweep.

    They voted for Ford over Carter.
    From the 1940s to the 1980s it was of course a very wealthy state heavily based on a massive defence industry. I once heard a stat that in the 1980s defence spending and research would have made California the world’s sixth largest economy if it were an independent state (albeit of course then it wouldn’t have had the big defence contracts). So it’s not surprising it was leaning Republican. Equally, not surprising given the wealth and high levels of education - which used to cause voters to trend Republican - now means it is heavily Democratic.
    Facing an uncertain future with the perma-drought. Probably won't change the party politics, but it will change the politics if it persists.
  • Options
    LeonLeon Posts: 51,231
    Nigelb said:

    Leon said:

    Lauren Price’s backstory is just humbling

    ‘Lauren Price would have been put in care at 3 days old had her grandparents not taken her in. She grew up with a dream. The young Welsh boxer drove a taxi by night & trained in the day. She’s just won gold in Tokyo. Another incredible backstory of a warrior woman.’

    Genuine hero. Go Lauren. RESPECT

    Also a world kickboxing champion.
    Indeed. AND a Welsh national footballer. Her incredible story is elucidated here, surprisingly well, by Prince William. Unexpected
  • Options
    DougSealDougSeal Posts: 12,231

    ydoethur said:

    Never watched handball before, but I’m enjoying it. Fast, exciting and clearly a high level of skill on display.

    About thirty years ago I spent the day at the Bavarian schools handball championships, watching my German exchange's team make it all the way to the final and lose. I started the day uninterested and ignorant of the rules, by the end I'd shouted myself hoarse and was offering tactical advice to Germans who'd been playing the game all their lives
    Sounds like my Dad after watching any sport for more than 10 minutes
  • Options
    CarlottaVanceCarlottaVance Posts: 60,216
    This week @Keir_Starmer said he opposed the Cambo oil field, west of Shetland

    @BorisJohnson said the contracts could not be torn up

    @NicolaSturgeon does not appear to have made up her mind:
  • Options
    CookieCookie Posts: 12,401

    Leon said:

    Interesting to work out which country has done WORST at these Olympics, taking into account gdp, gdp per capita, and population.

    I think it might be Mexico. Vast population: 127m. Medium income with some high income areas


    Is wondering about that sort of thing what overdoing the chilli does for you? Personally I try to look for people's successes....... bright side and all that.
    Congrats to Fiji; two rugby sevens medals. Maybe the women will win gold next time.

    (Edit; poor proof-reading before posting!)
    To be fair, my mother in law and I were wondering about that sort of thing too last night. We proposed Pakistan, who I have seen no representation from at all.
  • Options
    DavidLDavidL Posts: 52,584
    DougSeal said:

    ydoethur said:

    Never watched handball before, but I’m enjoying it. Fast, exciting and clearly a high level of skill on display.

    About thirty years ago I spent the day at the Bavarian schools handball championships, watching my German exchange's team make it all the way to the final and lose. I started the day uninterested and ignorant of the rules, by the end I'd shouted myself hoarse and was offering tactical advice to Germans who'd been playing the game all their lives
    Sounds like my Dad after watching any sport for more than 10 minutes
    Are you my son?
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    So why have indoor team sports never taken hold in the UK ?
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    DavidLDavidL Posts: 52,584

    This week @Keir_Starmer said he opposed the Cambo oil field, west of Shetland

    @BorisJohnson said the contracts could not be torn up

    @NicolaSturgeon does not appear to have made up her mind:

    How do you oppose an oil field exactly?
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120
    Serbs to take the final gold, from the look of it.
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    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120

    So why have indoor team sports never taken hold in the UK ?

    Because our indoor playing facilities are a bit shit?
This discussion has been closed.