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  • HYUFD said:

    isam said:

    dr_spyn said:

    Didn't anyone advise Gareth Snell about clearing up his tweet feed?

    BBC QT doesn't have too many guests named Diane.

    That isn't really that bad.. but when he deleted all his tweets from before last July it was obvious there were some humdingers to mine for

    If UKIP cant beat this spiteful nerdy drip, I agree they might as well give it up
    Even if UKIP lose Stoke they still have a purpose for hard Brexit backers if May compromises at all during the Brexit negotiations
    An anecdote alert re UKIP but one I do not mind using as my folks (particularly my Dad) has led me to three very profitable bets over the past two years on the 2015 election, Brexit and Trump with their thoughts on how to look at things.

    I had a conversation about UKIP with my parents who should be in what goes for the core UKIP demographic - WWC, pensioners, voted Labour for decades etc. who voted for Brexit and complain about the impact of immigration on services.

    No surprises that they said they would not vote for Labour ever again as Labour were "useless" (even in Ed's days) and did not represent the working person. What did surprise me was their vehemence that they were would never vote for UKIP, which they regarded as a bunch of extremists and with some nasty views.

    Whom they did say they would vote for, though, are the Tories - there was a sense that "they knew what they were doing" and, interestingly, the old "them versus us" argument has pivoted from class to cultural views where they felt the Conservatives best represented their standpoint.

    It made me think the Conservatives may have a very good chance in some of these WWC seats after all.
  • BudGBudG Posts: 711
    A question for our polling experts.

    I know polling companies will weight their numbers based on certainty to vote, but would they also weight if they ask whether you are sure of voting for your chosen candidate or if you are likely to change your mind?

    The ifop french election poll out today asks this question and the figures for those who say they intend to vote and they are unlikely to change their mind are

    Le Pen 81%
    Fillon 70%
    Macron 36%

    My question is, given that the majority of those saying they will vote for Macron also say they might change their mind, is this likely mto be weighted into their final figures?

    Link to todays poll is here:
  • God I was complaining about the fact they don't get good guests on Newsnight....tonight Ester Ranson to talk about economics and Ruby Wax to talk about American politics.
  • HYUFD said:

    PeterC said:

    HYUFD said:

    SeanT said:

    Macron is not going to be the POTFR.

    There. Said it. He's too creepy and effete.

    It will be Fillon (who will recover) v Le Pen, and Fillon will win.

    I would agree with that on Macron and add he comes across as fairly arrogant to boot.

    If it was Macron vs Le Pen, I would be tempted to put money on Le Pen. Fillon would thump Le Pen.
    Not on present polling he would not, the hard left would vote for Le Pen
    Do you think Melenchon might withdraw? This would enable the PS to overhaul both Fillon and Macron and lead to a hard left vs hard right showdown in Round II.
    If Melenchon did withdraw and endorse Hamon a Hamon v Le Pen runoff becomes a real possibility yes, as does a President Le Pen
    Agreed - a lot of natural French conservatives are far more appalled at the idea of Hamon than Le Pen.
  • AnneJGP said:

    SeanT said:

    HaroldO said:

    Looking at moving to Edinburgh in a few years, so I'm hoping this is no Indie for selfish reasons. Any suggestions where to live up there from knowledgeable people?

    Advice? - don't. The winters are Satanic. So unbelievably dark and long. I think Warwickshire is about as far north as contented human habitation is theoretically possible.

    I'm quite serious,

    Bruce Chatwin did some years as a student in Scotland, and confessed he nearly killed himself during the winters (which drag on into April, or even May)

    I love and adore Scotland, it's superbly beautiful in places, but living there? Jesus no.

    Then there's the midges. But you get the idea.
    If the UK ever does decide to go for Summer Time or Double Summer Time all year round, that would be good enough reason for UDI anywhere north of Birmingham, I reckon.
    Alternatively, they could just start work and the school day an hour later. I've never understood what the problem is; the lack of daylight hours in Northern winters doesn't have anything to do with what the clocks say.
  • AndyJSAndyJS Posts: 29,395

    God I was complaining about the fact they don't get good guests on Newsnight....tonight Ester Ranson to talk about economics and Ruby Wax to talk about American politics.

    So many of their discussions don't have any guests from the centre-right.
  • midwintermidwinter Posts: 1,112
    edited February 2017
    Sean_F said:

    SeanT said:

    If this video goes viral in Stoke then Labour will lose.

    Maybe Labour would rather lose than appeal to the sorts of people who might otherwise be tempted by UKIP.

    It's the only way to explain the behaviour and selection of Snell, as well as some of their key campaigners.
    Strange but true. You'd think a political party would want to maximise support. But, some decide they don't want to compromise with Deplorables.
    The problem for Labour is that attempting to appeal to those tempted by UKIP is highly likely to lose them votes to the Lib Dems in other areas of the country. And frankly the more UKIP campaign solely on an anti-immigration/islamic platform the less acceptable they will become .
  • God get on with the Stoke report...this is bollocks.
  • glwglw Posts: 9,796

    AnneJGP said:

    SeanT said:

    HaroldO said:

    Looking at moving to Edinburgh in a few years, so I'm hoping this is no Indie for selfish reasons. Any suggestions where to live up there from knowledgeable people?

    Advice? - don't. The winters are Satanic. So unbelievably dark and long. I think Warwickshire is about as far north as contented human habitation is theoretically possible.

    I'm quite serious,

    Bruce Chatwin did some years as a student in Scotland, and confessed he nearly killed himself during the winters (which drag on into April, or even May)

    I love and adore Scotland, it's superbly beautiful in places, but living there? Jesus no.

    Then there's the midges. But you get the idea.
    If the UK ever does decide to go for Summer Time or Double Summer Time all year round, that would be good enough reason for UDI anywhere north of Birmingham, I reckon.
    Alternatively, they could just start work and the school day an hour later. I've never understood what the problem is; the lack of daylight hours in Northern winters doesn't have anything to do with what the clocks say.
    Exactly. I would abolish BST, and encourage different regions of the country to adjust their working days as best suits them. It might even make sense to work different hours depending on the season. At lets stagger working hours too if it's practical. But messing around with clocks does diddly squat.
  • God I was complaining about the fact they don't get good guests on Newsnight....tonight Ester Ranson to talk about economics and Ruby Wax to talk about American politics.

    And people complain about the licence fee. Would you credit it ?
  • AndyJSAndyJS Posts: 29,395
    edited February 2017

    God get on with the Stoke report...this is bollocks.

    Worst discussion ever on Newsnight.
  • Sean_FSean_F Posts: 36,726
    midwinter said:

    Sean_F said:

    SeanT said:

    If this video goes viral in Stoke then Labour will lose.

    Maybe Labour would rather lose than appeal to the sorts of people who might otherwise be tempted by UKIP.

    It's the only way to explain the behaviour and selection of Snell, as well as some of their key campaigners.
    Strange but true. You'd think a political party would want to maximise support. But, some decide they don't want to compromise with Deplorables.
    The problem for Labour is that attempting to appeal to those tempted by UKIP is highly likely to lose them votes to the Lib Dems in other areas of the country. And frankly the more UKIP campaign solely on an anti-immigration/islamic platform the less acceptable they will become .
    If they wish to win, they have to appeal to disparate groups.
  • AndyJS said:

    God get on with the Stoke report...this is bollocks.

    Worst discussion ever on Newsnight.
    I feel myself losing IQ points just watching it....
  • AndyJSAndyJS Posts: 29,395

    HYUFD said:

    isam said:

    dr_spyn said:

    Didn't anyone advise Gareth Snell about clearing up his tweet feed?

    BBC QT doesn't have too many guests named Diane.

    That isn't really that bad.. but when he deleted all his tweets from before last July it was obvious there were some humdingers to mine for

    If UKIP cant beat this spiteful nerdy drip, I agree they might as well give it up
    Even if UKIP lose Stoke they still have a purpose for hard Brexit backers if May compromises at all during the Brexit negotiations
    An anecdote alert re UKIP but one I do not mind using as my folks (particularly my Dad) has led me to three very profitable bets over the past two years on the 2015 election, Brexit and Trump with their thoughts on how to look at things.

    I had a conversation about UKIP with my parents who should be in what goes for the core UKIP demographic - WWC, pensioners, voted Labour for decades etc. who voted for Brexit and complain about the impact of immigration on services.

    No surprises that they said they would not vote for Labour ever again as Labour were "useless" (even in Ed's days) and did not represent the working person. What did surprise me was their vehemence that they were would never vote for UKIP, which they regarded as a bunch of extremists and with some nasty views.

    Whom they did say they would vote for, though, are the Tories - there was a sense that "they knew what they were doing" and, interestingly, the old "them versus us" argument has pivoted from class to cultural views where they felt the Conservatives best represented their standpoint.

    It made me think the Conservatives may have a very good chance in some of these WWC seats after all.
    Helps to explain why the Tories have a 60-14 lead with older voters.
  • MyBurningEarsMyBurningEars Posts: 3,651
    edited February 2017
    midwinter said:

    SeanT said:

    midwinter said:

    SeanT said:

    midwinter said:

    SeanT said:

    If this video goes viral in Stoke then Labour will lose.

    Maybe Labour would rather lose than appeal to the sorts of people who might otherwise be tempted by UKIP.

    It's the only way to explain the behaviour and selection of Snell, as well as some of their key campaigners.
    As a Conservative supporter I think I'd rather lose than have to appeal to the sort of people that are still tempted by UKIP now that Brexit is won?

    What would be your motivation? Nothing particularly palatable. And that isn't accusing all Leavers/Kippers of racism before anybody starts squeaking, just pointing out that we're leaving the EU now, sovereignty is regained, the battle is won. Anything further immigration wise starts to really look BNP lite and those aren't people I'd like on my side in the ballot booth.
    A reminder: UKIP are actually to the LEFT of the British people on many issues. A majority or plurality of Brits want to ban the burqa, bring back the death penalty, and stop all immigration from Muslim countries, etc etc. And these issues MATTER to a lot of Brits, though no party, not even UKIP, espouses them (tho UKIP have come closest).

    So you are little different from Mason or Parris. You despise half your countrymen as racists and bigots. Well done.
    Read whats written. I'm talking about the 10 percent of the population who still support Ukip as a vaguely acceptable version of the BNP (who, incidentally, espoused the issues you raise). People who are prepared to vote based on religion and colour of skin. NOT anybody who who would like some control of immigration and who is opposed to the burqa. Personally I doubt many UKIP voters are motivated by economic policy, NHS policy, hunting or the death penalty.

    I like that stray TWAT at the end. Was that directed at me, or just some sudden, eerie, nostalgic Freudian-blip reference to the last time you saw female genitalia, back in the late 1970s?
    The former. All my genitalia related Freudian slips relate to Stacey Walkinshaw and her unkempt, piscean garden in March of 1994 at a 6th form party at Turweston cricket club.
    This post is an all-time PB classic. Much underappreciated.

    (But is it true? Or is it FAKE?)
  • SeanT

    You are Sean totally bonkers.

    The same arguments pertain for Scotland and Ireland. There is no need for passport controls as everybody is outside Schengen anyway, the external border is secure, and Engerland is introducing control of immigration by way of green cards not by passports.

    Not even you or the maddest of Brexiteers are actually trying to stop people visiting England just living and working there.

    But and this is the clincher - Scotland buys more than £40 billion of Englands exports - second only to USA. May had better get back up to Scotland and hold hands with Sturgeon double quick time otherwise Englands market 1 (USA) , market 2(SCOTLAND), market 3 (GERMANY),
    market 4 (NERTHERLANDS) and market 5 (FRANCE) will all be in jeopardy at the same time!!!
  • midwintermidwinter Posts: 1,112
    Sean_F said:

    midwinter said:

    Sean_F said:

    SeanT said:

    If this video goes viral in Stoke then Labour will lose.

    Maybe Labour would rather lose than appeal to the sorts of people who might otherwise be tempted by UKIP.

    It's the only way to explain the behaviour and selection of Snell, as well as some of their key campaigners.
    Strange but true. You'd think a political party would want to maximise support. But, some decide they don't want to compromise with Deplorables.
    The problem for Labour is that attempting to appeal to those tempted by UKIP is highly likely to lose them votes to the Lib Dems in other areas of the country. And frankly the more UKIP campaign solely on an anti-immigration/islamic platform the less acceptable they will become .
    If they wish to win, they have to appeal to disparate groups.
    Obviously. But I don't see how.they can woo kippers without appalling Guardianistas and vice versa. Labours only Road to redemption electorally is a new Blairesque leader, economic slow down that can be blamed on Brexit and continued meltdown in the NHS and Schools. That might give them a chance of attracting floating voters.
  • Newsnight not really picking up a potential UKIP win. Sounds more like still vote for Labour, because hate them less than the rest.
  • AndyJSAndyJS Posts: 29,395

    Newsnight not really picking up a potential UKIP win. Sounds more like still vote for Labour, because hate them less than the rest.

    The problem is it all depends who they decide to talk to. How do they get a representative sample?
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    edited February 2017
    AndyJS said:

    Newsnight not really picking up a potential UKIP win. Sounds more like still vote for Labour, because hate them less than the rest.

    The problem is it all depends who they decide to talk to. How do they get a representative sample?
    True...given I have some personal connections to that area, it does ring true.

    I wonder if UKIP had picked a clayhead. I remember when the BNP won a load of council seats a number of years ago and there was how could they vote for all the racists...and when they interviewed people it was because it was Fred from around the corner and he ain't racist, known him all my life, we are just concerned about immigration and none for the major parties listen etc etc etc.
  • That Dutch spoof video aimed at Trump is very funny.
  • glwglw Posts: 9,796
    scotslass said:

    But and this is the clincher - Scotland buys more than £40 billion of Englands exports - second only to USA. May had better get back up to Scotland and hold hands with Sturgeon double quick time otherwise Englands market 1 (USA) , market 2(SCOTLAND), market 3 (GERMANY),
    market 4 (NERTHERLANDS) and market 5 (FRANCE) will all be in jeopardy at the same time!!!

    £40 billion is a LOT for Scotland, but relatively LITTLE for the UK. In a similar way to the relative significance of the UK and EU trade surplus and deficit. It matters, but nowhere near as much as you might think it does.
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,459

    HYUFD said:

    isam said:

    dr_spyn said:

    Didn't anyone advise Gareth Snell about clearing up his tweet feed?

    BBC QT doesn't have too many guests named Diane.

    That isn't really that bad.. but when he deleted all his tweets from before last July it was obvious there were some humdingers to mine for

    If UKIP cant beat this spiteful nerdy drip, I agree they might as well give it up
    Even if UKIP lose Stoke they still have a purpose for hard Brexit backers if May compromises at all during the Brexit negotiations
    An anecdote alert re UKIP but one I do not mind using as my folks (particularly my Dad) has led me to three very profitable bets over the past two years on the 2015 election, Brexit and Trump with their thoughts on how to look at things.

    I had a conversation about UKIP with my parents who should be in what goes for the core UKIP demographic - WWC, pensioners, voted Labour for decades etc. who voted for Brexit and complain about the impact of immigration on services.

    No surprises that they said they would not vote for Labour ever again as Labour were "useless" (even in Ed's days) and did not represent the working person. What did surprise me was their vehemence that they were would never vote for UKIP, which they regarded as a bunch of extremists and with some nasty views.

    Whom they did say they would vote for, though, are the Tories - there was a sense that "they knew what they were doing" and, interestingly, the old "them versus us" argument has pivoted from class to cultural views where they felt the Conservatives best represented their standpoint.

    It made me think the Conservatives may have a very good chance in some of these WWC seats after all.
    If the Cons reclaimed the mantle of being the party of aspiration instead of being scared of lauding success they could tempt back large swathes of the WWC.
  • glwglw Posts: 9,796

    Newsnight not really picking up a potential UKIP win. Sounds more like still vote for Labour, because hate them less than the rest.

    Shy kippers? Not that you would imagine such a thing exists judging from kippers on here.
  • midwintermidwinter Posts: 1,112

    midwinter said:

    SeanT said:

    midwinter said:

    SeanT said:

    midwinter said:

    SeanT said:

    If this video goes viral in Stoke then Labour will lose.

    Maybe Labour would rather lose than appeal to the sorts of people who might otherwise be tempted by UKIP.

    It's the only way to explain the behaviour and selection of Snell, as well as some of their key campaigners.
    As a Conservative supporter I think I'd rather lose than have to appeal to the sort of people that are still tempted by UKIP now that Brexit is won?

    What would be your motivation? Nothing particularly palatable. And that isn't accusing all Leavers/Kippers of racism before anybody starts squeaking, just pointing out that we're leaving the EU now, sovereignty is regained, the battle is won. Anything further immigration wise starts to really look BNP lite and those aren't people I'd like on my side in the ballot booth.
    A reminder: UKIP are actually to the LEFT of the British people on many issues. A majority or plurality of Brits want to ban the burqa, bring back the death penalty, and stop all immigration from Muslim countries, etc etc. And these issues MATTER to a lot of Brits, though no party, not even UKIP, espouses them (tho UKIP have come closest).

    So you are little different from Mason or Parris. You despise half your countrymen as racists and bigots. Well done.
    Read whats written. I'm talking about the 10 percent of the population who still support Ukip as a vaguely acceptable version of the BNP (who, incidentally, espoused the issues you raise). People who are prepared to vote based on religion and colour of skin. NOT anybody who who would like some control of immigration and who is opposed to the burqa. Personally I doubt many UKIP voters are motivated by economic policy, NHS policy, hunting or the death penalty.

    I like that stray TWAT at the end. Was that directed at me, or just some sudden, eerie, nostalgic Freudian-blip reference to the last time you saw female genitalia, back in the late 1970s?
    The former. All my genitalia related Freudian slips relate to Stacey Walkinshaw and her unkempt, piscean garden in March of 1994 at a 6th form party at Turweston cricket club.
    This post is an all-time PB classic. Much underappreciated.

    (But is it true? Or is it FAKE?)
    Thankyou. Finding the courage to write about it is just the first step towards erasing nearly 23 years of nightmares and chastity.....
  • Did the American guy just say the "down and outs that work for SNL"....yeah sure they go from the SNL office writing the sketch back to their cardboard box on the corner.
  • Ishmael_ZIshmael_Z Posts: 8,981
    glw said:

    Newsnight not really picking up a potential UKIP win. Sounds more like still vote for Labour, because hate them less than the rest.

    Shy kippers? Not that you would imagine such a thing exists judging from kippers on here.
    Logic fail. If they exist they won't be posting on here because they are shy, and if they don't exist they won't be posting here because they don't exist.
  • glwglw Posts: 9,796
    edited February 2017
    Ishmael_Z said:

    glw said:

    Newsnight not really picking up a potential UKIP win. Sounds more like still vote for Labour, because hate them less than the rest.

    Shy kippers? Not that you would imagine such a thing exists judging from kippers on here.
    Logic fail. If they exist they won't be posting on here because they are shy, and if they don't exist they won't be posting here because they don't exist.
    Good point. My point about shy kippers stands though.
  • JonathanJonathan Posts: 21,352

    AndyJS said:

    God get on with the Stoke report...this is bollocks.

    Worst discussion ever on Newsnight.
    I feel myself losing IQ points just watching it....
    Both of them?
  • midwintermidwinter Posts: 1,112
    glw said:

    Newsnight not really picking up a potential UKIP win. Sounds more like still vote for Labour, because hate them less than the rest.

    Shy kippers? Not that you would imagine such a thing exists judging from kippers on here.
    But why vote Ukip? We're Brexiting. Its done. Over. Won. Most people don't define their electoral choices purely on the European question despite the perceived wisdom on here. And if you do then vote Tory to show your admiration for Theresa and her Brexit strategy or Lib Dem to exhort Farron to greater effort for the Remain cause. Or vote Labour because you always have and you hate the Tories even if that Corbyn is a bit of a dick. But Ukip...why bother? Yesterday's man. A has-been. Their race is run.
  • Crickey the Mail's main story is errrrhhhh well......I think rightly or wrongly that press complaints body might be getting a call.
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    edited February 2017
    Jonathan said:

    AndyJS said:

    God get on with the Stoke report...this is bollocks.

    Worst discussion ever on Newsnight.
    I feel myself losing IQ points just watching it....
    Both of them?
    When you have as few as I do, every one counts, so to lose a few makes it even worse.
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    edited February 2017
    Scott_P said:
    Run off against Chelsea Clinton?
  • In other news, according to the Telegraph, Playboy has done away with no ladies in the nuddy policy, "Nude as Normal" apparently is the new slogan.
  • Very strong argument here from Mark Wallace (who I would be astonished by if he doesn't become an MP at some point):

    I'm absolutely fascinated how the comments section on such a relatively minor blog gets jumped on by putinistas.

    To what extent is this paid-for shilling, and to what extent is it an organic phenomenon among a rather weirdly vociferous, Russophile segment of the blogosphere (quitue possibly the mysterious "alt-right")?

    Some of the grammar/spelling on offer suggests "shill" very strongly indeed. Others look more genuine - but then, why would they stray randomly upon it? There must be some form of organisation involved in whipping them all into action.

    Why would people be paid to attack such a small blog? Perhaps if it is identified as having strategic value as read by "opinion-formers"?

    Would be interested if @rcs is about, to know whether PB has had similar affliction.
  • HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 120,871
    scotslass said:


    You are Sean totally bonkers.

    The same arguments pertain for Scotland and Ireland. There is no need for passport controls as everybody is outside Schengen anyway, the external border is secure, and Engerland is introducing control of immigration by way of green cards not by passports.

    Not even you or the maddest of Brexiteers are actually trying to stop people visiting England just living and working there.

    But and this is the clincher - Scotland buys more than £40 billion of Englands exports - second only to USA. May had better get back up to Scotland and hold hands with Sturgeon double quick time otherwise Englands market 1 (USA) , market 2(SCOTLAND), market 3 (GERMANY),
    market 4 (NERTHERLANDS) and market 5 (FRANCE) will all be in jeopardy at the same time!!!

    Scotland is even more reliant on the majority of its exports which go to the UK than the UK is on the minority of its exports which now go to the EU, given the likelihood of customs duties between the UK and the EEA those customs duties would hit an independent Scotland too. Your point about UK exports to the US is of course rubbish given Trump's support for May and Brexit and the fact that even if we do not get a trade deal UK exports to the US will just continue as now
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    edited February 2017

    Would be interested if @rcs is about, to know whether PB has had similar affliction.

    Not to answer for RCS, but yes we have had them Russian based shills on here.

  • Would be interested if @rcs is about, to know whether PB has had similar affliction.

    Not to answer for RCS, but yes we have had them Russian based shills on here.
    I dimly recall some short-lived characters in the past. No idea what the point is - I don't think most of PB's "serious" audience reads below the line.
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    edited February 2017

    Would be interested if @rcs is about, to know whether PB has had similar affliction.

    Not to answer for RCS, but yes we have had them Russian based shills on here.
    I dimly recall some short-lived characters in the past. No idea what the point is - I don't think most of PB's "serious" audience reads below the line.
    I honestly don't know, but we also had the same running up to POTUS election with a particularly prolific Clinton supporter. I think they changed zero minds about who they would prefer for POTUS and of course AFAIK none of the regulars on here even have a vote.
  • TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 118,367
    edited February 2017

    Would be interested if @rcs is about, to know whether PB has had similar affliction.

    Not to answer for RCS, but yes we have had them Russian based shills on here.
    I dimly recall some short-lived characters in the past. No idea what the point is - I don't think most of PB's "serious" audience reads below the line.
    We've had some Pro Putin trolls on here, repeating the spin exposed by the media as propaganda of the Russian troll factories.

    It was around the time Mike was invited for drinks at the Russian embassy.
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    edited February 2017

    Would be interested if @rcs is about, to know whether PB has had similar affliction.

    Not to answer for RCS, but yes we have had them Russian based shills on here.
    I dimly recall some short-lived characters in the past. No idea what the point is - I don't think most of PB's "serious" audience reads below the line.
    We've had some Pro Putin trolls on here, repeating the spin exposed by the media as propaganda of the Russian troll factories.

    It was around the time Mike was invited for drinks at the Russian embassy.
    Tricky one...accept and wonder what might be in your cocktail...turn them down and wonder what might be in your coffee when you next visit Starbucks.
  • RobDRobD Posts: 59,541

    Would be interested if @rcs is about, to know whether PB has had similar affliction.

    Not to answer for RCS, but yes we have had them Russian based shills on here.
    I dimly recall some short-lived characters in the past. No idea what the point is - I don't think most of PB's "serious" audience reads below the line.
    I honestly don't know, but we also had the same running up to POTUS election with a particularly prolific Clinton supporter. I think they changed zero minds about who they would prefer for POTUS and of course AFAIK none of the regulars on here even have a vote.
    @619... dearly missed.
  • RobD said:

    Would be interested if @rcs is about, to know whether PB has had similar affliction.

    Not to answer for RCS, but yes we have had them Russian based shills on here.
    I dimly recall some short-lived characters in the past. No idea what the point is - I don't think most of PB's "serious" audience reads below the line.
    I honestly don't know, but we also had the same running up to POTUS election with a particularly prolific Clinton supporter. I think they changed zero minds about who they would prefer for POTUS and of course AFAIK none of the regulars on here even have a vote.
    @619... dearly missed.
    Poor guy / girl...all that effort for nought.

  • Would be interested if @rcs is about, to know whether PB has had similar affliction.

    Not to answer for RCS, but yes we have had them Russian based shills on here.
    I dimly recall some short-lived characters in the past. No idea what the point is - I don't think most of PB's "serious" audience reads below the line.
    We've had some Pro Putin trolls on here, repeating the spin exposed by the media as propaganda of the Russian troll factories.

    It was around the time Mike was invited for drinks at the Russian embassy.
    Tricky one...accept and wonder what might be in your coctail...turn them down and wonder what might be in your coffee when you next visit Starbucks.
    Mike was disappointed that he wasn't the victim of a honey trap.

    We've had some traffic from some very interesting IP addresses.
  • RobD said:

    Would be interested if @rcs is about, to know whether PB has had similar affliction.

    Not to answer for RCS, but yes we have had them Russian based shills on here.
    I dimly recall some short-lived characters in the past. No idea what the point is - I don't think most of PB's "serious" audience reads below the line.
    I honestly don't know, but we also had the same running up to POTUS election with a particularly prolific Clinton supporter. I think they changed zero minds about who they would prefer for POTUS and of course AFAIK none of the regulars on here even have a vote.
    @619... dearly missed.
    Poor guy / girl...all that effort for nought.
    It was IOS I felt sorry for.

    He genuinely thought Labour's ground game was so awesome that it was going to lead to Ed winning a majority.
  • RobDRobD Posts: 59,541

    RobD said:

    Would be interested if @rcs is about, to know whether PB has had similar affliction.

    Not to answer for RCS, but yes we have had them Russian based shills on here.
    I dimly recall some short-lived characters in the past. No idea what the point is - I don't think most of PB's "serious" audience reads below the line.
    I honestly don't know, but we also had the same running up to POTUS election with a particularly prolific Clinton supporter. I think they changed zero minds about who they would prefer for POTUS and of course AFAIK none of the regulars on here even have a vote.
    @619... dearly missed.
    Poor guy / girl...all that effort for nought.
    Also dearly missed - @IOS.
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    edited February 2017

    RobD said:

    Would be interested if @rcs is about, to know whether PB has had similar affliction.

    Not to answer for RCS, but yes we have had them Russian based shills on here.
    I dimly recall some short-lived characters in the past. No idea what the point is - I don't think most of PB's "serious" audience reads below the line.
    I honestly don't know, but we also had the same running up to POTUS election with a particularly prolific Clinton supporter. I think they changed zero minds about who they would prefer for POTUS and of course AFAIK none of the regulars on here even have a vote.
    @619... dearly missed.
    Poor guy / girl...all that effort for nought.
    It was IOS I felt sorry for.

    He genuinely thought Labour's ground game was so awesome that it was going to lead to Ed winning a majority.
    I wonder if they have remembered to go and pick him up yet? Or is he still wandering around some Midlands town telling everybody what a brilliant PM Ed is.
  • RobD said:

    Would be interested if @rcs is about, to know whether PB has had similar affliction.

    Not to answer for RCS, but yes we have had them Russian based shills on here.
    I dimly recall some short-lived characters in the past. No idea what the point is - I don't think most of PB's "serious" audience reads below the line.
    I honestly don't know, but we also had the same running up to POTUS election with a particularly prolific Clinton supporter. I think they changed zero minds about who they would prefer for POTUS and of course AFAIK none of the regulars on here even have a vote.
    @619... dearly missed.
    Poor guy / girl...all that effort for nought.
    It was IOS I felt sorry for.

    He genuinely thought Labour's ground game was so awesome that it was going to lead to Ed winning a majority.
    I wonder if they have remembered to go and pick him up yet? Or is he still wandering around some Midlands town telling everybody what a brilliant PM Ed is.
    Still analysing where Labour's Al Gore rhythms went wrong.
  • williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 50,526
    The scene is set for a big squeeze on the AfD.
  • dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 29,266
    Just popped on to confirm I am available for shilling. Reasonable rates and usual T+C s.
  • Very strong argument here from Mark Wallace (who I would be astonished by if he doesn't become an MP at some point):

    I'm absolutely fascinated how the comments section on such a relatively minor blog gets jumped on by putinistas.

    To what extent is this paid-for shilling, and to what extent is it an organic phenomenon among a rather weirdly vociferous, Russophile segment of the blogosphere (quitue possibly the mysterious "alt-right")?

    Some of the grammar/spelling on offer suggests "shill" very strongly indeed. Others look more genuine - but then, why would they stray randomly upon it? There must be some form of organisation involved in whipping them all into action.

    Why would people be paid to attack such a small blog? Perhaps if it is identified as having strategic value as read by "opinion-formers"?

    Would be interested if @rcs is about, to know whether PB has had similar affliction.

    May not even be shills. May be a forum or other community of Nationalist Russians from which a member posts a link (like people do here) which then gets followed by other members of the community.
  • MyBurningEarsMyBurningEars Posts: 3,651
    edited February 2017

    Very strong argument here from Mark Wallace (who I would be astonished by if he doesn't become an MP at some point):

    I'm absolutely fascinated how the comments section on such a relatively minor blog gets jumped on by putinistas.

    To what extent is this paid-for shilling, and to what extent is it an organic phenomenon among a rather weirdly vociferous, Russophile segment of the blogosphere (quitue possibly the mysterious "alt-right")?

    Some of the grammar/spelling on offer suggests "shill" very strongly indeed. Others look more genuine - but then, why would they stray randomly upon it? There must be some form of organisation involved in whipping them all into action.

    Why would people be paid to attack such a small blog? Perhaps if it is identified as having strategic value as read by "opinion-formers"?

    Would be interested if @rcs is about, to know whether PB has had similar affliction.

    May not even be shills. May be a forum or other community of Nationalist Russians from which a member posts a link (like people do here) which then gets followed by other members of the community.
    I thought the same re the organisation side, though some of the English is idiomatic enough for me to suspect it's mysteriously pro-Russian Brits (or Yanks or whatever), or at least Russians with experience of living in the West. Does seem a rather disproportionate application of resources if it's mostly a "pro" job.
  • PulpstarPulpstar Posts: 77,411

    RobD said:

    Would be interested if @rcs is about, to know whether PB has had similar affliction.

    Not to answer for RCS, but yes we have had them Russian based shills on here.
    I dimly recall some short-lived characters in the past. No idea what the point is - I don't think most of PB's "serious" audience reads below the line.
    I honestly don't know, but we also had the same running up to POTUS election with a particularly prolific Clinton supporter. I think they changed zero minds about who they would prefer for POTUS and of course AFAIK none of the regulars on here even have a vote.
    @619... dearly missed.
    Poor guy / girl...all that effort for nought.
    It was IOS I felt sorry for.

    He genuinely thought Labour's ground game was so awesome that it was going to lead to Ed winning a majority.
    I don't get why he stopped posting after May 2015. It's no crime to make wrong calls in life.
  • PulpstarPulpstar Posts: 77,411
    I rate Stephen Bish highly as a political journalist, he is one of a small bunch that actually knows his stuff.
    John Harris is another. Most of them are far below the analytical level of the best gamblers on here, and don't know much about much.
  • dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 29,266
    edited February 2017
    Pulpstar said:

    I rate Stephen Bish highly as a political journalist, he is one of a small bunch that actually knows his stuff.
    John Harris is another. Most of them are far below the analytical level of the best gamblers on here, and don't know much about much.

    Kudos to John Harris for actually leaving the office, but I remember him reporting from Oldham, turning to the camera and concluding with "It's all going pear-shaped for Labour!" shortly before they increased vote share. The fact is that they are sent to find the best story and report that story regardless. So I am agreeing with you.
  • isamisam Posts: 41,118
    Pulpstar said:

    RobD said:

    Would be interested if @rcs is about, to know whether PB has had similar affliction.

    Not to answer for RCS, but yes we have had them Russian based shills on here.
    I dimly recall some short-lived characters in the past. No idea what the point is - I don't think most of PB's "serious" audience reads below the line.
    I honestly don't know, but we also had the same running up to POTUS election with a particularly prolific Clinton supporter. I think they changed zero minds about who they would prefer for POTUS and of course AFAIK none of the regulars on here even have a vote.
    @619... dearly missed.
    Poor guy / girl...all that effort for nought.
    It was IOS I felt sorry for.

    He genuinely thought Labour's ground game was so awesome that it was going to lead to Ed winning a majority.
    I don't get why he stopped posting after May 2015. It's no crime to make wrong calls in life.
    Hasnt stopped the people who said the awesome artillery Dave and George were going to produce for Remain would hammer Leave into a pulp from carrying on as if they never said it
  • isamisam Posts: 41,118
    Actually this is the referendum, the big guy tried to cheat but the smart guys cheated better

  • Y0kelY0kel Posts: 2,307
    edited February 2017
    dixiedean said:

    Just popped on to confirm I am available for shilling. Reasonable rates and usual T+C s.

    Please write to:

    Main Intelligence Agency of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
    Khoroshyovskoye shosse 76

    Alternatively you can write to:
    37 Kensington High St, Kensington, London W8 5ED

    You'll find your way back to Moscow anyway.

    Do not email, its insecure apparently. Who knew?
  • NickPalmerNickPalmer Posts: 21,460
    The Swiss have just voted 60-40 to ease naturalisation against vehement opposition from the UKIP-like SVP (fear-the-burka posters and all). That said, being Switzerland it's not radical - they will make it relatively easy to become Swiss if you're a THIRD generation immigrant!

    They've also rejected a corporation tax reform that was seen as too helpful to big business. In general Switzerland has apparently moved gently left recently, and as in Germany, France and Denmark the far right seems to be losing momentum.

  • On a different note, how bloody stupid is the Mail Online?

    Today we get "Millionaire stock trader who claims to make £60,000 a month narrowly escapes robbery after thieves tried to break into his £250,000 Rolls Royce Wraith while he was driving it". With plenty of photographs of said supercar and his glam lifestyle, and column space to talk about his amazing success as a trader.

    Assessing the damage, Elijah said: 'It'll probably cost me around £11,000 to repair the damage - I'm so happy I got my car bullet-proofed.' He added: 'If you are going to attack a £250,000 car don't do it with a £5,000 car - better luck next time.' ... Elijah, who gained notoriety as a rich kid of Instagram, claims he began trading using his student loan. ... Elijah dropped out of university and started investing in the stock market with the cash sum. Within nine months, he claimed he was making tens of thousands of pounds. He claims his income on a 'bad month' will be between £20,000 and £30,000, while it can be over £40,000 more on a good month. Elijah, who featured in Channel 4's Rich Kids Go Shopping on Channel 4, was filmed as he traded online, making £1,000 in just 15 minutes.

    What a shame such a nice car got damaged, eh? Such a publicity-averse kid will just have to talk to the national press about how rich he is again.

    Oh wait, was this the guy who a couple of years ago gave us the headline "Revealed: The 21-year-old City trader who laughed off crashing his Lamborghini and Bentley worth a total of £450,000 saying 'life goes on'?" With his ostentatiously golden Lamborghini Gallardo getting a whole bunch of photographs taken of it?

    So it was. Crashing supercars must be a terrible way to avoid publicity and not get to flaunt your wealth and the success of your "trading system".

    Wonder what he has to say on Twitter about this little automotive hiccup, or his sudden return to the media spotlight (been a few years since he was on the telly after all)?

    Join my personal trading group and receive a 4 week free membership... I've just opened 4 new opportunities, message me for more info (7 hours ago)

    Seems legit. But just for reassurance,

    Why is it that successful traders such as [list of "interesting" names, including his own] all sitting in there [well he did drop out of uni] Mansion [sic] with a nice drive through [dunno what this means, is "drive" slang for car - in which case why the "through"? - or is it that they have lovely paving on their driveway, or do they all literally own a McDonalds franchise somewhere?] but all called scams have a lot of haters (8 hours ago)
  • dixiedeandixiedean Posts: 29,266
    edited February 2017
    Y0kel said:

    dixiedean said:

    Just popped on to confirm I am available for shilling. Reasonable rates and usual T+C s.

    Please write to:

    Main Intelligence Agency of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
    Khoroshyovskoye shosse 76

    Alternatively you can write to:
    37 Kensington High St, Kensington, London W8 5ED

    You'll find your way back to Moscow anyway.

    Do not email, its insecure apparently. Who knew?
  • MyBurningEarsMyBurningEars Posts: 3,651
    edited February 2017
    The really frustrating thing is that The Mail are even on to this, at least somewhat. They do manage to include He set up DCT Training Group to help others to get into trading, but after a free trial of five days he charges £107 a month for his expertise.

    There's a biiiiit more to it than that of course, unless you believe someone can do a bit of coaching and trade for an hour a day and make 60k/month without it being topped up by commission/affiliate scheme income. And the Sunday Times already got the story: "He wins, you lose in binary casino" (18 Dec 2016) - he rather bravely agreed to an interview at his "Mansion", presumably hoping for a bit more free publicity, and got the proper journalistic treatment. Not that he linked to that story on his Twitter feed. Yet by a mysterious coincidence, on yet another day he got national press coverage "Few spots available in my trading team, if your interested act fast and give me a DM". Funny how such rare opportunities open up like that, isn't it? (He doesn't tweet such messages often, so the timing with media appearances is uncannily convenient.)

    And it isn't like the Mail team can't have done a wee bit of googling when his name cropped up again. I'd say what reached their pixels was "lazy journalism", except I'm not convinced it was journalism in any meaningful sense at all.
  • MattWMattW Posts: 21,749
    edited February 2017

    Interesting analysis of what Conway is up to in interviews by vox.

    I can't see anything there that isn't straight out of Blair Media Guide Chapter 1 1996 edition (or Cameron 2006 edition).

    eg OMIGOD she didn't answer a question, but repeated 3 words from the interviewer then went off on a tangent.

    Q: "Isn't this outrageous?".
    A: "I'll tell you what is outrageous...", followed by switch to desired subject.
  • Dura_AceDura_Ace Posts: 13,656

    "I will be pretty tough [on Brexit]... because we have to preserve the rest of the EU" - French presidential candidate EmmanuelMacron

    Dumber than a box of rocks.

    EM is a graduate of Sciences Po and ENA. So whatever he is or isn't; he is not dumb.
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    edited February 2017
    isam said:
    I might be wrong, but didn't / doesn't he live in Newcastle (as in Newcastle Under Lyme). It a bit of a local in joke.
  • isamisam Posts: 41,118

    isam said:
    I might be wrong, but didn't / doesn't he live in Newcastle (as in Newcastle Under Lyme). It a bit of a local in joke.
    Oh really? Damn technicalities!
  • FrancisUrquhartFrancisUrquhart Posts: 80,150
    edited February 2017
    isam said:

    isam said:
    I might be wrong, but didn't / doesn't he live in Newcastle (as in Newcastle Under Lyme). It a bit of a local in joke.
    Oh really? Damn technicalities!
    Well he is a Councillor there, so I am going to guess he lives in Newcastle or thereabouts. No idea what that tweet was about, but it sounds very much like the kind of local in joke you will hear about the various "towns" of Stoke / surrounding area.

    As a youth I played a lot of sport in that area for several years and it was a fairly common kind of mild banter about not being from round these parts despite say playing for a club 5 miles down the road / glad I don't live in (insert one of the "towns" of Stoke).

    Between those that live in Newcastle and Stoke there is definitely that "banter", as Newcastle is most definitely not one of the 6 towns of Stoke despite there being no gap between the two places.
  • MattWMattW Posts: 21,749
    isam said:
    Given his tweets I am wondering if there is one in there somewhere about Grabbing Pussies.

    I predict "Tibbles had escaped" as the justification.
  • The acting attorney general informed the Trump White House late last month that she believed Michael Flynn had misled senior administration officials about the nature of his communications with the Russian ambassador to the United States, and warned that the national security adviser was potentially vulnerable to Russian blackmail, current and former U.S. officials said.
  • JenTheGemJenTheGem Posts: 2
    edited February 2017
    I'm really pleased Mike has confirmed that there are two "excellent" pieces and that he does so - right there- in the headline. He has also aided my reading habits by explaining to me in the first paragraph that one of these pieces is written by the "excellent" Stephen Bush. Had it been a fairly average piece written by the mediocre Mr Bush, I might not have bothered. But an endorsement of double excellence by Mike is simply impossible to ignore.
  • AndyJSAndyJS Posts: 29,395

    On a different note, how bloody stupid is the Mail Online?

    Today we get "Millionaire stock trader who claims to make £60,000 a month narrowly escapes robbery after thieves tried to break into his £250,000 Rolls Royce Wraith while he was driving it". With plenty of photographs of said supercar and his glam lifestyle, and column space to talk about his amazing success as a trader.

    Assessing the damage, Elijah said: 'It'll probably cost me around £11,000 to repair the damage - I'm so happy I got my car bullet-proofed.' He added: 'If you are going to attack a £250,000 car don't do it with a £5,000 car - better luck next time.' ... Elijah, who gained notoriety as a rich kid of Instagram, claims he began trading using his student loan. ... Elijah dropped out of university and started investing in the stock market with the cash sum. Within nine months, he claimed he was making tens of thousands of pounds. He claims his income on a 'bad month' will be between £20,000 and £30,000, while it can be over £40,000 more on a good month. Elijah, who featured in Channel 4's Rich Kids Go Shopping on Channel 4, was filmed as he traded online, making £1,000 in just 15 minutes.

    What a shame such a nice car got damaged, eh? Such a publicity-averse kid will just have to talk to the national press about how rich he is again.

    Oh wait, was this the guy who a couple of years ago gave us the headline "Revealed: The 21-year-old City trader who laughed off crashing his Lamborghini and Bentley worth a total of £450,000 saying 'life goes on'?" With his ostentatiously golden Lamborghini Gallardo getting a whole bunch of photographs taken of it?

    So it was. Crashing supercars must be a terrible way to avoid publicity and not get to flaunt your wealth and the success of your "trading system".

    Wonder what he has to say on Twitter about this little automotive hiccup, or his sudden return to the media spotlight (been a few years since he was on the telly after all)?

    Join my personal trading group and receive a 4 week free membership... I've just opened 4 new opportunities, message me for more info (7 hours ago)

    Seems legit. But just for reassurance,

    Why is it that successful traders such as [list of "interesting" names, including his own] all sitting in there [well he did drop out of uni] Mansion [sic] with a nice drive through [dunno what this means, is "drive" slang for car - in which case why the "through"? - or is it that they have lovely paving on their driveway, or do they all literally own a McDonalds franchise somewhere?] but all called scams have a lot of haters (8 hours ago)

    Wikipedia has stopped using the Mail as a reliable source.
  • AndyJS said:

    On a different note, how bloody stupid is the Mail Online?

    Today we get "Millionaire stock trader who claims to make £60,000 a month narrowly escapes robbery after thieves tried to break into his £250,000 Rolls Royce Wraith while he was driving it". With plenty of photographs of said supercar and his glam lifestyle, and column space to talk about his amazing success as a trader.

    Assessing the damage, Elijah said: 'It'll probably cost me around £11,000 to repair the damage - I'm so happy I got my car bullet-proofed.' He added: 'If you are going to attack a £250,000 car don't do it with a £5,000 car - better luck next time.' ... Elijah, who gained notoriety as a rich kid of Instagram, claims he began trading using his student loan. ... Elijah dropped out of university and started investing in the stock market with the cash sum. Within nine months, he claimed he was making tens of thousands of pounds. He claims his income on a 'bad month' will be between £20,000 and £30,000, while it can be over £40,000 more on a good month. Elijah, who featured in Channel 4's Rich Kids Go Shopping on Channel 4, was filmed as he traded online, making £1,000 in just 15 minutes.

    What a shame such a nice car got damaged, eh? Such a publicity-averse kid will just have to talk to the national press about how rich he is again.

    Oh wait, was this the guy who a couple of years ago gave us the headline "Revealed: The 21-year-old City trader who laughed off crashing his Lamborghini and Bentley worth a total of £450,000 saying 'life goes on'?" With his ostentatiously golden Lamborghini Gallardo getting a whole bunch of photographs taken of it?

    So it was. Crashing supercars must be a terrible way to avoid publicity and not get to flaunt your wealth and the success of your "trading system".

    Wonder what he has to say on Twitter about this little automotive hiccup, or his sudden return to the media spotlight (been a few years since he was on the telly after all)?

    Join my personal trading group and receive a 4 week free membership... I've just opened 4 new opportunities, message me for more info (7 hours ago)

    Seems legit. But just for reassurance,

    Why is it that successful traders such as [list of "interesting" names, including his own] all sitting in there [well he did drop out of uni] Mansion [sic] with a nice drive through [dunno what this means, is "drive" slang for car - in which case why the "through"? - or is it that they have lovely paving on their driveway, or do they all literally own a McDonalds franchise somewhere?] but all called scams have a lot of haters (8 hours ago)

    Wikipedia has stopped using the Mail as a reliable source.
    The Mail has also stopped using Wikipedia as a reliable source, I'm told.

    You pays your money and you makes your choice....

  • williamglennwilliamglenn Posts: 50,526
    EU preparing to challenge Trump's border tax in the WTO
  • old_labourold_labour Posts: 3,238
    CNN- Michael Flynn resigns as National Security Advisor.
  • RobDRobD Posts: 59,541
    New thread!
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 94,914
    isam said:

    Pulpstar said:

    RobD said:

    Would be interested if @rcs is about, to know whether PB has had similar affliction.

    Not to answer for RCS, but yes we have had them Russian based shills on here.
    I dimly recall some short-lived characters in the past. No idea what the point is - I don't think most of PB's "serious" audience reads below the line.
    I honestly don't know, but we also had the same running up to POTUS election with a particularly prolific Clinton supporter. I think they changed zero minds about who they would prefer for POTUS and of course AFAIK none of the regulars on here even have a vote.
    @619... dearly missed.
    Poor guy / girl...all that effort for nought.
    It was IOS I felt sorry for.

    He genuinely thought Labour's ground game was so awesome that it was going to lead to Ed winning a majority.
    I don't get why he stopped posting after May 2015. It's no crime to make wrong calls in life.
    Hasnt stopped the people who said the awesome artillery Dave and George were going to produce for Remain would hammer Leave into a pulp from carrying on as if they never said it
    That's in the finest traditions of political commentary. Never let being wrong slow you down.

    How rude you are before proven wrong is key I think, it's less embarrassing en to admit being wrong. Or you can just react to everything in the exact same way, with no acknowledgement, which as you say is a tactic some use. It's particularly amusing when people are mockingly dismissive about outcomes in an identical way to when the mockingly dismissed something else, which then happened.
  • HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 120,871
    edited February 2017

    The Swiss have just voted 60-40 to ease naturalisation against vehement opposition from the UKIP-like SVP (fear-the-burka posters and all). That said, being Switzerland it's not radical - they will make it relatively easy to become Swiss if you're a THIRD generation immigrant!

    They've also rejected a corporation tax reform that was seen as too helpful to big business. In general Switzerland has apparently moved gently left recently, and as in Germany, France and Denmark the far right seems to be losing momentum.

    Switzerland also recently introduced rules giving a job preference to local workers. In France the Far right is ahead in the first round polls and in Denmark quite frequently too
This discussion has been closed.