Keir Starmer has said the Conservatives can “never again claim to be the party of low tax". As of today, only 16% of Brits think they actually are.They're no more likely (17%) to think that Labour are, however. 50% think neither party represents low tax
Tax the wealth at 1% above £1m. Then tax what's left over when the individual dies.
You have to be a very unique kind of politician to stand up and say no I am ideologically opposed to a big state. Its always easier just to at very least just keep it as is.
Plus of course the Conservative Party did not emerge as the party of low tax, though it took on that mantle in the 20th century, especially against Labour.
The Tory Party, the ancestor of today's Conservative Party, emerged in the late 17th century as the party of the monarchy, the Church of England and the landed interest and to that can now be added the party of Brexit
If the Conservatives aren't the party for low taxes and high aspirations then who will be? Nature abhors a vacuum.
What it's always been for - protecting the interests of the elite.
Also, what about all these schemes that the ultra wealthy use where they transfer their shares into a company, which then trades them to a financial institution, who in return provides lifetime loans at very low interest rates. Do they still have that wealth?
Even trying to assess the value of your home is tricky. It is why the Lib Dem idea of tax on the exact house value didn't fly, because it was quickly realised that you have to keep reassessing even normal homes, as Bob gets a conservatory, Fred gets a lovely garden make-over etc.
Oh look, there's David Cameron not answering questions in 2009.
This isn't a new thing, Keir Starmer just is playing politics, something Labour has not done for quite some time
If the last 18 months has shown the world anyting, it’s that the vast majority of meetings can be done remotely when the chips are down.
Is this actually THE BIG F***ING EMERGENCY they want us to believe it is?
I’m still amazed that Cisco didn’t offer $10m to sponsor doing the whole thing on WebEx.
The only real difference between the Conservative and Labour parties right now seems to be that the Conservatives are seeking to somewhat shield their voters (who trend older) from the taxes required to pay for this.
My guess is that politicians will blanche at the scale of the required tax increases (or spending cuts) and will therefore choose to borrow and to print money. After all, it hasn't caused problems so far.
However... I think this will all end in tears. Under whose watch, I do not know.
That's you tolled. As is my duty.
Holyrood protesters to face criminal prosecution under new law
HOLYROOD is changing its legal status to make it easier for the police to remove protesters.
Scottish Parliament bosses have asked the Home Office to designate the building and its grounds as a “protected site” in the interests of national security.
Legislation has now been laid in Westminster under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 which is due to come into force on October 1.
At present, the police have limited powers to intervene if there is no substantive offence taking place, such as protesters making a prolonged noise outside the entrances.
But from next month it will be a criminal offence to remain on the parliamentary estate “without lawful authority” punishable by a £5000 fine or a year in jail after a conviction.
It keeps cheating to a minimum.
If they can do even 0.01% better in person than they can remotely it will have a positive pay off.
It screamed claims of "ending boom and bust".
The really problematic, Corbyn-loving wing has already left in a big way, hence the fall in membership. The people that are left are far more pro Starmer.
He will walk the Conference - but I have no idea yet how his speech will go down with the public
It is a vehicle for allowing Boris to be 'King of the World' presently.
At some point it will realise it has been had by a cad and a bounder I suspect.
Oh well
Since covid the populace readily support lockdowns whenever they happen, and want higher spending on health and public services
The conservative party could have buried it's head in the sand but with Boris, Rishi and Sajid they have very much moved onto the new the agenda, and it is hard to see them deflecting until and unless the finances improve, at which point I expect the conservative party to move back to low taxation
The conservative party does have this knack of reinventing itself, and this is the moment that it is changing and adapting to the new reality and actually stepping onto labour's patch without any apology
Its a bit like the old Labour donation swerve, you don't donate, you make a loan, but never ask for the money back and thus you don't have to be named.
As mentioned yesterday, do we need to ask why Lewis Hamilton lives in Monaco with Philip Greene, and Richard Branson in the Virgin Islands?
At the £10m level you can tax easily property assets in the UK, but beyond that these people are employing very good accountants and lawyers.
Looks like there is also a Green candidate and NE party candidate
“We” are flying a hundred private planes to the summmit in Glasgow, so that “we” can have our conference, the output of which is that “we” expect “you” to do less flying, to buy expensive electric cars, pay extra taxes, and attend fewer conferences - while “we” appear totally exempt from what “we” impose on “you”.
Its all the wild west at the moment, but institutions sniffing around, I smell some schemes there for the wealthy.
Entrepreneurs and wealth creators may though
There has to be a serious worry that Western governments see continual devaluation as their only way out, but if everyone’s doing it there’s no relative loss…
The government is planning to raise taxes predominantly on the sorts of people who are potential swing voters who've just been enticed away from his party over Brexit.
They aren't even planning to use it in a way which properly fixes the issue it's supposedly all about.
All he has to do is talk a lot about it being a tax on workers, and manage a halfway credible answer to the question "well what would you do instead?"
That's not even a particularly hard question for which to think of a good answer - mandatory insurance for over 60s would be an obvious option with lots of flexibility available on the detail of what exactly what you were proposing, or who would pay when.
But no, the man is too stupid or incompetent (or possibly worried about upsetting the "if it moves tax it" elements of his party) to do this, so remains a sort of joke also-ran, whilst the only serious voices voices in opposition are the sorts of Tory elder statesman types who can see just how distructive this sort of cash grab on workers will be.
Greta Thunberg sailing across the Atlantic on a yacht to attend a UN climate conference in New York was just a brilliant, brilliant piece of campaigning and of PR (whatever you think of her).
Lots of pols & rich people jetting in to lecture the rest of us is a really crummy piece of campaigning and pr.
This matters when you are trying to change people's behaviour.
It is popular. 75% support compared to 29% for increasing income tax or 24% for increasing VAT.
Why Labour don't tie themselves to it is a mystery. Regardless of its effectiveness, which to be fair is relatively unknown in the UK, perhaps Sandpit is right although I think that is overblown, it is a popular policy. Labour need a flagship popular policy and are unlikely to be in sole power anyway.
Making the threshold above 1m would raise about £16bn a year, according to the report.
It has the advantage that we would all make our money work harder.
I would be more inclined to go for a lower level every year, and put Council tax as a & of property value.
I think in the desire to equalise individuals the conversation has perhaps undervalued the value of centuries of long-held assets.
"In our culture giving money away necessarily needs pain to be associated."
It’s utterly hillarious that there is a total and utter climate emergency, that requires a hundred named people to turn up in the same place by their own private transports.
Lucerne, this is your big test
Today I had THE WORST SALAD OF MY LIFE on top of beautiful Mount Pilatus.
They have a lot of ground to make up
Dunno about anyone else, but in zoom meetings I'm invariably on PB on a phone just under camera level.
If there’s a MASSIVE CLIMATE EMERGENCY, then no, the private jets don’t pay for themselves, they’re the most selfish possible use of the scarce resources left on this planet.
Firstly, the 'outweighs' is in the eye of the beholder. *I* might think that my trip to Geneva to decide on the name of a variable is worthwhile; others may disagree. In fact, I'd argue that Mrs J travelling with our son to see family in Turkey once a year *is* more important than most of the business trips. At least to us.
Secondly, it means that there will be two types of people: those for whom foreign travel is verboten because their reason for travel is not important enough; and those who can travel for 'reasons', however spurious.
This is where the XR types jetting away from their large houses to sunny climes are so hilariously sh*ts: they want *others* to forego pleasures, to wear the hairshirts, environmentalism demands. Not them: they're too important.
What we are witnessing here is an array of ways of raising money but each and every one encounters all kinds of controversy and counter objections
Whether Boris et al are right in their action on Tuesday the fact is there is an actual policy now in place and clearly defined how the monies are raised
I do not believe the monies raised will be anywhere near adequate and I expect to see further tax increases in due course but Starmer's interview on Sky tonight did not show him in a good light, but just a ditherer with no plan
Boris at least has a plan
Take a run through the various schemes in use around the world, and that shows fairly clearly.
It's certainly not because he has had a Damascene conversion about cooperation with the devolved administrations. Draw your own conclusion.
If you round it up to the nearest 10%, it's basically a zero percent rise.
And that's as good as a tax decrease.
My salad has fried lake fish (frozen, even tho we were right by the lake) with frisée, beetroot, black lentils, tomato, a tin of sweet corn, pickles, a hunk of stale bread and a dollop of tartare sauce
It was like a salad piled on a plate at a Garfunkel’s buffet by a cognitively deficient Russian in about 1983
Spoilt ballot or LDs probably.
Could you imagine if a young Tony Blair was leading labour taking on Boris
It would be no contest
Two, define enough? For me partly it is symbolic and shows a willingness to stand up for fairness and to try new things. Some may say it is the politics of envy, but if we don't try new methods to tackle things the ultra rich will continually to get a higher and higher share of global assets. That inevitably leaves less for the rest of us and it is not an inevitable way of life, even in a capitalist and international world. It is a recent phenomenon exacerbated by QE. It is right that this govt inflicted negative change to society is tackled by new govt policies.
So for me, even if it raises £5bn a year, that would be a worthwhile start - I think it would raise much more.
If it's good enough for one of the world's richest men, it should be good enough for ordinary businessmen.
If they can all jet in and do something about coal burning in China then it will be well worth the flights.
Roast hare = this could be heaven and this could be hell. My signature dish is jugged hare. I'd think roast would be very dry.
Just saw Starmer's "Rosie" speech in the HoC from yesterday. £1000 a year reduced UC plus the NI increase to a working mum. Starmer was actually very good and he played the Tory laughter very well.
Fortunately for Johnson nothing to interest the BBC. They are fully focused on the tax rise that is necessary to fully fund the NHS and social care for once and for all.
It doesn't matter if it's in a company or a trust or it's owned by an individual, there is a declaration of value, and a resulting tax.
If you underdeclare the value of your property, HMRC will simply buy it from you at a 20% premium to what you said it was worth.
Remember when Emma Thompson flew in from Los Angeles to an E2R demo in London. 5400 miles. And flew back to New York First Class.
If the first trip was Business, that was the same emissions as nearly 3 uk people for an entire year. Just for the flight.