As we approach the ultra-final round of discussions, it may be useful to set out what the level playing field argument is actually about. Leaving emotions aside, it’s not essentially an argument about muscle-flexing or sovereignty, but a practical choice.
Not sure why.
Kay Burley - "It doesn't matter that I thought I was Covid-compliant on a recent social event. The fact is I was wrong, I made a big mistake, and I am sorry.
When you spend 2hrs in the loo of another venue and then all back to yours for a knee-ups, there is no doubt or mistake, it was deliberate.
I expect that will be the main debate, those who want to accept it to deliver an opinion adverse to TX and those who just want it chucked in the bin without a hearing.
And have been for 4 years so far...
As a nation we had sovereignty in the same way as the queen is the ultimate power in the land. As long as we don't try to use it we are sovereign
You have destroyed a Nation for a myth.
At least Dido did alright.
Harvey Nichols, I read somewhere, starts planning its Christmas campaign at the beginning of October, not for the forthcoming Christmas but the one in 15 months time. Johnson thinks now is the time for the country to start planning for a no deal Brexit in three weeks. 21 days.
'PM Boris Johnson: This is a very good deal'
Asking for a fish...
You have no clue over what the UK has been prioritising wrt external trade. Take a look at what the actual deals we have signed have achieved before making these unfounded and grandiose claims about what the UK might do but in all likelihood won't.
Hard to blame the government that perhaps the company could have cut pay for partners even more. If thst was the standard, no business should have got help unless even after cutting all senior management pay to zilch. Seems a non-starter as a scheme. So what do you do instead, start interfering in every companies in the lands pay structure before paying furlough?
Now some larger companies.didnt take the help, but i don't blame the ones that did.
Full disclosure: I'm stroking my rabbit.
Doesn't mean they won't do just that, there's a finite number of good writers, producers and actors out there, but the scale of that over that period doesn't in itself strike a cause for worry.
I detect a sober mood on here tonite as No Deal hardens into a reality. My attempts to introduce some smutty humour earlier now seems out of place so I'll give the answers to my little quiz now and fetch my coat.
6" = Much Ado About Nothing
9" = As You Like It
12" = Taming Of The Shrew
Wet = Midsummer's Night Dream
Dry = Twelfth Night
And the GBS diagram was:
0 0
0 0 0
Man and Superman.
Bet you all can't wait to reproduce these little gems over Christmas.
Toodle pip.
Robert Altmann's "Gosford Park" on German telly. Young Lozza in one of his early roles, convincingly portraying a complete arsehole. What a hoot.