In a move that seems unprecedented Facebook has taken down Trump ads infringing the sites policies against organized hate. This looks like a big pointer to how it will operate at WH2020 where the giant social media site was expected to play a huge role.
Genuine cross-party support now in the US for taking Facebook, Twitter and Google down a peg or two.
Facebook are even considering allowing users in marginal states to opt out of all political advertising, because they know they’ll lose people from their platform completely if they’re subjected to the next five months of non-stop politics.
Hope they’re doing some forensic investigation into how these places are spreading things around.
Trump is a spiteful despicable hate monger.
But a major media platform should not be preventing one of two serious candidates in an election from advertising as they see fit. Provided the ads are legal and within the electoral rules they should be permitted.
Otherwise - at best - You create a narrative of “he would have won but”
How much other disease is being spread by them?
BLM protestors views are not much different to the material the schools were teaching the kids then. Whether the everyday people's/parents attitudes remain privately as opposed as they were publicly here would be interesting to know
The Beijing outbreak is centered on a wholesale meat and seafood market.
Imagine if Biden ran a campaign claiming: "Convicted paedophile XXX"
Now, you can argue that the courts can (later) sort it out. But the courts are slow moving. Especially if Section 230 is repealed (ironically), then Facebook is responsible for the content of advertisers on its site.
Thank god I'm vegetarian.
Too many examples to be a coincidence.
Worrying too much about post-election "narratives" are what got Trump elected in the first place. Comey gave him a huge free gift and Hillary spent money trying to win the popular vote instead of swing states. It's nice if everyone feels fairly treated, but the Trump people are going to make up a betrayal story regardless. What really matters is who has the actual power.
(Of course the Grey Lady could happily write lots of articles stating “Biden was forced to withdraw claims that XXX was a paedophile”... because that’s fair comment)
In many ways the likes of Facebook and Google have become public utilities and should be regulated as such.
Bye Donald. You get yourself some treatment.
But I am concerned about process and electoral fairness. If something is legal and within the rules it’s not fit a private company to decide to prevent it being published
Edit: hmm, of course if you paid me to influence my vote that would be a breach of electoral law...
That is simply not true. In 1945 Labour went from 154 seats to 393.In 1929 the party went from 151 seats to 287. In 1931 the Tories went from 260 seats to 475 - and in 1924 from 258 seats to 412.
Why show such ignorance of readily available information?
I am no fan of ad suppression but ...
If a candidate were to defame someone on Facebook, then Facebook could potentially be responsible.
(Albeit, the Supreme Court is likely to throw Trump's EO out.)
Media platforms are free to do whatever they like providing it is legal.
The most boring after a year of pandemic panic. The least Socialist in economic turmoil. The least "woke" in a turbulent, divided society.
And the one most likely to respond to a slap in the face with a well placed head butt.
So hoisted by his own petard here. might be a way for him to rethink that policy, but then again he thinks Finland is part of Russia o_O !
But, for example, ITV has to carry party political broadcasts in the U.K.
I will perhaps be a bit controversial here. (who me??
I think Labour under Starmer has an excellent chance of winning the next election. I certainly don't want them to as personally I am not a fan and don't believe they will be good for the country. But Starmer is portraying himself (and may well be for all know) as a reasonable, centre left politician who can offer a real alternative to the Tories. Johnson is not a great leader or PM. I don't think he is even a very good leader or PM although I certainly don't think he is as bad as some make out.
But in the end I think his problem is that he is just not that bright. At least politically. He can't recognise the things that reflect badly on his party. He has handled Covid poorly. If he had just been mediocre he would probably have come out of it well but he has made some really basic errors that were warned about and which have subsequently happened. Blind optimism and a harkening to a core vote will get you so far but it won't get you through 4 years of tough times if you lack the ability and determination to make things work.
As I said before I want Cummings to succeed in his attempts to reshape our institutions. I thin given the chance a lot of that reshaping might even be in ways that those on the left might like, breaking the power of the old elites. But he won't succeed in it with Johnson as his figurehead.
So I am already kind of resigned to Starmer winning in 2024. I know a lot can happen in 4 years - 'events dear boy' and all that - but I think you have to have the right person in place to take advantage of those 'events'. I just don't think that person is Johnson.
Supposedly the cold conditions allow the virus to survive longer.
@DMReporter: TOMORROW: “How strange” remarked the editor “we backed an charlatan for Prime Minister because it was politically expedient for our owners and now tens of thousands of people are dying because of his incompetence. What *is* going on?”
The most interesting thing of the day for me was the 2 million non-voters the Tories reportedly got in 2019.
Take them away and the lead has already been halved.
But, yes, it can be done.
To get there, you have to assume he is losing masses of support in Florida in the white population. Possible but..
Starmer may become PM, I cannot see him winning a majority.
I can't tell you who it will benefit, mind.
Besides why should we show gratitude to politicians? They show none to us.
My gut feel is that Labour will continue to struggle but who knows.
Facebook has no right to decide to take down political advertising based on its own subjective criteria.
I would say that’s as bad as the Koch brothers pouring money into SuperPACs to try and distort the political landscape
How on earth does any campaign come to do something as idiotic as using a point-down coloured equilateral triangle to represent a political danger that it is calling on "all Americans" to come together to stamp out?
This is the image that CNN have published of one of the Trump ads. Practically anybody who knows anything about politics could have told Trump what it looks like. This is so stupid that one has to wonder whether the campaign was set up.
When I read today that one of the allegations in the Bolton book is that Trump helped Erdogan breach sanctions against Iran the idea fleetingly occurred to me that Trump may shift to full-on anti-Semitism.
Let's see how much of his foot he can stuff in his mouth at Saturday's superspreader disgrace rally.
The FCC is in charge of enforcement of the Communications Decency Act, and ultimately the question is whether they will choose to enforce it pending legal challenge.
Of the five governing members of the FCC, one has come out strongly in favour (a Republican appointee), while the two Democrats have come out against. Ajit Pai, the Trump appointee who heads the FCC, has been quite circumspect. My guess is that - rather than repudiate it - they'll quietly ignore it.
Facebook itself claims to be a tech company but goes after advertising money which is the preserve of Media companies.
And as I said that is all immaterial. I owe no gratitude to politicians and the public at large are fickle and have short memories. Based on present performance Johnson is toast if he is facing even a moderately competent LOTO
There is much space for events in the next four years. Or maybe we've exhausted our karma and 2021-4 will be dreadfully dreary.
Hope so.