Just as a question: @Philip_Thompson - as the father of a young lad yourself, would you, if there was reason to suspect your eyesight might be impaired, test it by going for a 30-mile drive with your son in the car? Rather than, say, wait a few more days and check in over Zoom.
I really wouldn’t, myself, but I’m wondering if I’m overcautious
If I felt my vision currently impaired I wouldn't get behind the wheel.
If I felt safe to drive but was concerned after a serious illness I'd certainly consider a short drive first before setting off on a cross country drive.
I would have thought it is possible to reassure yourself about your eyesight, or otherwise, without having to get behind the wheel of a car.
I'd only get behind the wheel if I felt my eyesight was up to it. But if I'd been sick or not driven for a long time I always do short drives before going on cross country drives.
For 30 miles?
Half an hour normally for me personally as a rule of thumb. Not sure what the speed limit is there.
For 30 miles, yes or no.
If the speed limit is 60 then yes.
PS the half hour rule of thumb I've followed since I was 18, came from an RAC agent.
Biggest question I have now is how the UK hangs together when in a few days England and Scotland at least are one whole step out of phase. Boris is talking about phase 2 from June 1. Sturgeon is talking about phase 1 from 28 May.
And the gap in lockdown restriction easing is getting bigger not smaller.
It's a political opportunity for unionism if Scotland requires furlough money for longer. Played carefully, it could even benefit the non-existent Scottish Tories, as they could be given a role in 'tense behind the scenes negotiations with the Chancellor'.
Just as a question: @Philip_Thompson - as the father of a young lad yourself, would you, if there was reason to suspect your eyesight might be impaired, test it by going for a 30-mile drive with your son in the car? Rather than, say, wait a few more days and check in over Zoom.
I really wouldn’t, myself, but I’m wondering if I’m overcautious
If I felt my vision currently impaired I wouldn't get behind the wheel.
If I felt safe to drive but was concerned after a serious illness I'd certainly consider a short drive first before setting off on a cross country drive.
I would have thought it is possible to reassure yourself about your eyesight, or otherwise, without having to get behind the wheel of a car.
I'd only get behind the wheel if I felt my eyesight was up to it. But if I'd been sick or not driven for a long time I always do short drives before going on cross country drives.
For 30 miles?
Half an hour normally for me personally as a rule of thumb. Not sure what the speed limit is there.
For 30 miles, yes or no.
If the speed limit is 60 then yes.
PS the half hour rule of thumb I've followed since I was 18, came from an RAC agent.
Christ this is genius. There was a brief moment when the fire had stopped raging, and anger may have been dissipating, but Johnson just poured a bucket of petrol on the whole thing.
He is now on about wearing spectacles and eyesight and virus.
Did he drive at night? I needed glasses to drive until my eyesight lengthened with age. If I didn't have them driving by day was fine; motorway driving at night was lethal because it is almost impossible to judge relative distances of the red lights in front of you (cf. Father Ted, smaller vs further away).
Christ this is genius. There was a brief moment when the fire had stopped raging, and anger may have been dissipating, but Johnson just poured a bucket of petrol on the whole thing.
He is now on about wearing spectacles and eyesight and virus.
Just as a question: @Philip_Thompson - as the father of a young lad yourself, would you, if there was reason to suspect your eyesight might be impaired, test it by going for a 30-mile drive with your son in the car? Rather than, say, wait a few more days and check in over Zoom.
I really wouldn’t, myself, but I’m wondering if I’m overcautious
If I felt my vision currently impaired I wouldn't get behind the wheel.
If I felt safe to drive but was concerned after a serious illness I'd certainly consider a short drive first before setting off on a cross country drive.
I would have thought it is possible to reassure yourself about your eyesight, or otherwise, without having to get behind the wheel of a car.
I'd only get behind the wheel if I felt my eyesight was up to it. But if I'd been sick or not driven for a long time I always do short drives before going on cross country drives.
For 30 miles?
Half an hour normally for me personally as a rule of thumb. Not sure what the speed limit is there.
For 30 miles, yes or no.
If the speed limit is 60 then yes.
PS the half hour rule of thumb I've followed since I was 18, came from an RAC agent.
It's just not worth me responding to you anymore.
Why because I answered a yes or no question with a yes? Is it only ok to answer a yes or no question with a no?
Has any other country had a “second wave”? If we don’t have a vaccine by then, we’ll have to live with the virus. We can’t go through this lockdown hell again.
Iran has for the last couple of weeks, it seems that American states are seeing the same. The virus seems to take a few weeks to take a hold, probably when it gets enough superspreaders. The only to not have another lockdown is to follow countries like Taiwan and Korea and take the measures that they are doing. The other avenues are pretty much closed down now.
BJ was too ill to really take in that he was initially told about Dom's road trip. Handy..
I don't think BJ made up being ill and going into intensive care to give a handy covering of a story that would come out months later.
Uhuh. Have there been studies on Covid-19 amnesia and is it likely to have affected BJ right up to his patchy recall of the narrative he gave yesterday?
What with the eyesight problems and the strange mental confusion about the story, I think we may be getting the first hint of a "three monkeys" syndrome in Johnson and Cummings.
Bozza Johnson should take a break, seriously. He needs a rest and it’s a farce having him continue in this state. Let someone else act as caretaker and give him a month off.
Christ this is genius. There was a brief moment when the fire had stopped raging, and anger may have been dissipating, but Johnson just poured a bucket of petrol on the whole thing.
He is now on about wearing spectacles and eyesight and virus.
To be fair I do wonder if this is a side effect of a serious dose of covid
This press conference should be about what else could be re-opening in the coming weeks and somewhat positive. But instead it is sidetracked to being all about Cummings and not about the country and what is going to be changing in the future.
View from my Mum in Chippenham: "I felt sorry for him, it was like a witch hunt."
Personally I think the entire conference was a ghastly mistake. And the sooner he just apologies for misinterpreting the rules (but I did it for my family) the sooner we can focus on the more important issues.
Biggest question I have now is how the UK hangs together when in a few days England and Scotland at least are one whole step out of phase. Boris is talking about phase 2 from June 1. Sturgeon is talking about phase 1 from 28 May.
And the gap in lockdown restriction easing is getting bigger not smaller.
It's a political opportunity for unionism if Scotland requires furlough money for longer. Played carefully, it could even benefit the non-existent Scottish Tories, as they could be given a role in 'tense behind the scenes negotiations with the Chancellor'.
As if anyone would believe that the SCons wouldn't fold like a house of cards in the unlikely event of HMG asking them what they thought.
The media is about to dissove in a puddle of piss ... a joyous moment!
They know the format, in fact they agreed to it. They must be seething he's batting them off so easily. I think having Dom doing the presser was a good idea
Bozza Johnson should take a break, seriously. He needs a rest and it’s a farce having him continue in this state. Let someone else act as caretaker and give him a month off.
I genuinely.think he will be retired. He has got the Tories a majority, now he is just a liability.
Just as a question: @Philip_Thompson - as the father of a young lad yourself, would you, if there was reason to suspect your eyesight might be impaired, test it by going for a 30-mile drive with your son in the car? Rather than, say, wait a few more days and check in over Zoom.
I really wouldn’t, myself, but I’m wondering if I’m overcautious
If I felt my vision currently impaired I wouldn't get behind the wheel.
If I felt safe to drive but was concerned after a serious illness I'd certainly consider a short drive first before setting off on a cross country drive.
With your kid in the car? I wouldn’t, not if there was any reasonable chance I might be incapable. Such as when he was too sick to continue for a while at Barnard’s Castle.
I don't think he said he was too sick to continue did he? I thought he said his child needed to relieve themselves?
Anyway I've regularly driven in the car with my children and felt the need to pull over because I'm tired from the drive and need a break before continuing. Motorways across the country always say to take a break. I don't see that as an issue?
He said that they stopped at Barnard's Castle near the river because he felt to sick to continue.
Note that at this point, Mary (who had been a lot less ill) did not take over the driving duties.
They were spotted by an elderly gentleman, who said hello.
Then he was feeling better and they headed off. The kid said he needed the loo, which was why they were seen outside all playing together and enjoying the woods at the local beauty spot.
That's reasonable to me. If you're driving and feel you need to stop Highway Code advice is to take a rest it's not that someone else has to take over and continue immediately.
The Highway Code says if you cannot drive with care and attention you should not be behind the wheel.
This is almost as idiotic as your trying to defend immigration with saying FOM is racist!
Who's saying he couldn't drive without care and attention? Not me.
This press conference should be about what else could be re-opening in the coming weeks and somewhat positive. But instead it is sidetracked to being all about Cummings and not about the country and what is going to be changing in the future.
Yep. A timetable on hospitality, hotels, pubs and holidays would have been nice. But no.
Verdict? A farrago of confected nonsense put together only once enough time had passed to know what were the hard bits of evidence his case had to meet - hence the admission he had been to Barnard Castle.
His description carefully included all the firm sightings, and placed them in as innocent a context as possible. It ended up all too smooth to be anything other than a post hoc rationalisation. It included as little as possible which might one day be contradicted by new evidence. So a reasonable effort except for one thing.
The Barnard Castle thing on Easter Day had always stood out as a problem, and the failure to admit or account for it earlier suggests a hope, until yesterday (PM evaded it) or today, that it could be denied.
His explanation was plainly fanciful. Really apart from complex and true explanations (which of the lawful sort were clearly not available) he would have done better to use 'exercise'. Actually I think he was on a trip out, unlike the millions denied a trip to church on Easter Day.
His weakness here undermines his credibility generally. So, ultimately a fail.
Except that he explicitly said he didn't go to the castle.
He went with his family for a short drive, because he wasn't sure if driving would make him feel unwell, and wanted to take a short drive before undertaking a much longer drive back to work.
They went to the outskirts of the castle town, stopped by the river briefly, then returned to their lodgings. They didn't go to the castle.
(This is why I said initially that people's impressions of this afternoon's performance will vary hugely, depending on whether they watched it live or not).
I don't know how you can keep your face straight repeating that story. He knew he'd been rumbled and there was proof he'd been seen in Barnard Castle and that cock-and-bull story is about the best he could come up with to try and justify it. I did watch it live by the way.
This press conference should be about what else could be re-opening in the coming weeks and somewhat positive. But instead it is sidetracked to being all about Cummings and not about the country and what is going to be changing in the future.
And that hospital deaths look like probably be sub 100 per day by end of the week.
Bozza Johnson should take a break, seriously. He needs a rest and it’s a farce having him continue in this state. Let someone else act as caretaker and give him a month off.
The government is reduced to using public health relaxations as ineffectual dead cats to distract from the fury caused by the Prime Minister’s chief adviser. That all by itself shows why he needs to resign.
Bozza Johnson should take a break, seriously. He needs a rest and it’s a farce having him continue in this state. Let someone else act as caretaker and give him a month off.
I genuinely.think he will be retired. He has got the Tories a majority, now he is just a liability.
I can't believe that any Tory MP has watched the last couple of days and thought "he's doing a good job".
Bozza Johnson should take a break, seriously. He needs a rest and it’s a farce having him continue in this state. Let someone else act as caretaker and give him a month off.
Not going to happen. People acted ridiculously about unclear authority to make decisions even when he had a named deputy and was in intensive care, there's no way those same people accept Boris could take a break to recover.
One other positive for Dom is he came across as fairly normal and not some kind of scuttling weirdo. For any fans he has lost he might gain a few new ones
He managed to act like a normal person when he answered each question, but in between his facial features would slip into a weird sneer before he would hastily rearrange them again for the next question.
My fear (well the fear of my father and his fellow medical professionals, sorry Eadric) is that the next wave will coincide with normal flu season/Christmas.
The government will say the elderly/vulnerable should shield, but people will ignore that and go visit elderly/vulnerable family over Christmas and they'll you have an even higher death toll than during the first wave.
Has any other country had a “second wave”? If we don’t have a vaccine by then, we’ll have to live with the virus. We can’t go through this lockdown hell again.
On the general point of second waves, there has been no instance of which I'm aware of there being a major second outbreak after the end of the first, and even if such a thing were to happen in this country then I don't see why the virus would unaccountably lay dormant all through the Autumn and return with a vengeance in December.
If it's going to get bad again then one would've thought that it would start to happen following further easing of the lockdown restrictions, i.e. at some point during the Summer. Because if the shops open and that doesn't do much harm then we get at least some of the hospitality trade back in July, if that also does no harm we'll probably get the rest of it in August, if that does no harm we'll get the schoolkids back en masse in September, and if all of that doesn't cause a mass outbreak then I doubt that anything else will.
It seems to me that the only reason to imagine that the disease will wait and wait and wait until the Winter flu season is that a worse outcome can scarcely be imagined, but that's not a logical supposition - but I'm no expert, and if there is some good scientific reason for supposing a lengthy period of dormancy until Winter, regardless of whatever else occurs in the intervening six months, then I stand to be corrected.
Well quite. There seems to be a weird assumption that a) there will be a second wave (despite the fact that no other country has had one) and b) it will arrive at the worst possible time in the depths of winter.
Now, both a) and b) might prove true, but what are these assumptions based on? Evidence or hyperbole?
I was expecting(?) two spikes anyway. We should be in the middle of the second one if it was going to happen. In addition, if the relaxation announced two weeks ago had gone wrong, we should see strong evidence of it by now. I squint and I squint and I'm not sure I see owt. Next likely one in two weeks time, keep an eye out.
*its not quite the right word, but its near enough
The likely presence of a second wave is based on three underlying assumptions, as far as I can see. First is historical - that the last big pandemic had a deadlier second wave. Given that the two viruses are different, perhaps a pinch of salt is needed. Second, that we have flu seasons every year. Third, is related: it appears a solid bet that the warmer weather and sunlight will hinder how the virus transmits. It won't kill it outright (see infamous French study) but it will have an effect. So it is still around when the weather takes a turn for the worse and we all move back inside and start getting other bugs ...
Bozza Johnson should take a break, seriously. He needs a rest and it’s a farce having him continue in this state. Let someone else act as caretaker and give him a month off.
I genuinely.think he will be retired. He has got the Tories a majority, now he is just a liability.
I can't believe that any Tory MP has watched the last couple of days and thought "he's doing a good job".
I'd like to see Sir Graham's letter box tomorrow morning. That was fucking awful even by the awful standards of last few days.
Biggest question I have now is how the UK hangs together when in a few days England and Scotland at least are one whole step out of phase. Boris is talking about phase 2 from June 1. Sturgeon is talking about phase 1 from 28 May.
And the gap in lockdown restriction easing is getting bigger not smaller.
It's a political opportunity for unionism if Scotland requires furlough money for longer. Played carefully, it could even benefit the non-existent Scottish Tories, as they could be given a role in 'tense behind the scenes negotiations with the Chancellor'.
As if anyone would believe that the SCons wouldn't fold like a house of cards in the unlikely event of HMG asking them what they thought.
It would at least give them a line to use.
It strikes me that Sturgeon would like to be refused additional furlough for Scotland and use it to make a point about the cruel colonial masters putting Scottish lives in danger for want of a few groats. In so doing, she risks that they cough up and use it to make the opposite point.
Just as a question: @Philip_Thompson - as the father of a young lad yourself, would you, if there was reason to suspect your eyesight might be impaired, test it by going for a 30-mile drive with your son in the car? Rather than, say, wait a few more days and check in over Zoom.
I really wouldn’t, myself, but I’m wondering if I’m overcautious
If I felt my vision currently impaired I wouldn't get behind the wheel.
If I felt safe to drive but was concerned after a serious illness I'd certainly consider a short drive first before setting off on a cross country drive.
With your kid in the car? I wouldn’t, not if there was any reasonable chance I might be incapable. Such as when he was too sick to continue for a while at Barnard’s Castle.
His wife needed to be in the car - it was her who was worried about him being safe to drive. So the son had to come because he was too young to stay home alone and it would have been a breach of the rules to intermingle two households
Verdict? A farrago of confected nonsense put together only once enough time had passed to know what were the hard bits of evidence his case had to meet - hence the admission he had been to Barnard Castle.
His description carefully included all the firm sightings, and placed them in as innocent a context as possible. It ended up all too smooth to be anything other than a post hoc rationalisation. It included as little as possible which might one day be contradicted by new evidence. So a reasonable effort except for one thing.
The Barnard Castle thing on Easter Day had always stood out as a problem, and the failure to admit or account for it earlier suggests a hope, until yesterday (PM evaded it) or today, that it could be denied.
His explanation was plainly fanciful. Really apart from complex and true explanations (which of the lawful sort were clearly not available) he would have done better to use 'exercise'. Actually I think he was on a trip out, unlike the millions denied a trip to church on Easter Day.
His weakness here undermines his credibility generally. So, ultimately a fail.
Except that he explicitly said he didn't go to the castle.
He went with his family for a short drive, because he wasn't sure if driving would make him feel unwell, and wanted to take a short drive before undertaking a much longer drive back to work.
They went to the outskirts of the castle town, stopped by the river briefly, then returned to their lodgings. They didn't go to the castle.
(This is why I said initially that people's impressions of this afternoon's performance will vary hugely, depending on whether they watched it live or not).
I don't know how you can keep your face straight repeating that story. He knew he'd been rumbled and there was proof he'd been seen in Barnard Castle and that cock-and-bull story is about the best he could come up with to try and justify it. I did watch it live by the way.
I am just repeating what Mr Cummings actually said, because a lot of others are saying he said something different.
Unbelievable performance. An absolute low in this whole saga.
Apart from anything else gave the impression that he can't be bothered answering any of this stuff anymore.
Why should he answer this anymore? Cummings spent a very long time answering questions, people were even joking here about doing a Vinnick it went on so long. Why ask the same questions again to the PM an hour later unless it's related to the PM?
If Dom had gone Saturday, Boris could have been standing there say see leadership, got to stick to the rules, all in this together and btw we are winning, deaths down, some shops to open...
It was actually what did Cameron a lot of good.over expenses scandal, while Gordo mutter and wibbled.
Bozza Johnson should take a break, seriously. He needs a rest and it’s a farce having him continue in this state. Let someone else act as caretaker and give him a month off.
In the middle of a crisis he'd be just holding up a big neon sign saying "I can't do this job".
So following classic Dom's sage advice today I'm going to confirm whether or not I have Parkinson's disease by attempting to use an angle grinder to cut-up a paving slab supported between two dogs. If all three of us survive I guess its a no!
If Dom had gone Saturday, Boris could have been standing there say see leadership, got to stick to the rules, all in this together and btw we are winning, deaths down, some shops to open...
A tiny footnote from C4 News: No less a luminary than Andrew Bridgen, while given every opportunity and asked the question direct, resolutely declined to agree that he believed DC about the 12 April journey.
Remember their front page on Milly Dowler was incorrect too. As was 99% of Carole Conspiracy. They really aren't any better than the rest when it comes to accuracy, however much they like to think they are a bastion of virtue.
Just as a question: @Philip_Thompson - as the father of a young lad yourself, would you, if there was reason to suspect your eyesight might be impaired, test it by going for a 30-mile drive with your son in the car? Rather than, say, wait a few more days and check in over Zoom.
I really wouldn’t, myself, but I’m wondering if I’m overcautious
If I felt my vision currently impaired I wouldn't get behind the wheel.
If I felt safe to drive but was concerned after a serious illness I'd certainly consider a short drive first before setting off on a cross country drive.
With your kid in the car? I wouldn’t, not if there was any reasonable chance I might be incapable. Such as when he was too sick to continue for a while at Barnard’s Castle.
His wife needed to be in the car - it was her who was worried about him being safe to drive. So the son had to come because he was too young to stay home alone and it would have been a breach of the rules to intermingle two households
So following classic Dom's sage advice today I'm going to confirm whether or not I have Parkinson's disease by attempting to use an angle grinder to cut-up a paving slab supported between two dogs. If all three of us survive I guess its a no!
My fear (well the fear of my father and his fellow medical professionals, sorry Eadric) is that the next wave will coincide with normal flu season/Christmas.
The government will say the elderly/vulnerable should shield, but people will ignore that and go visit elderly/vulnerable family over Christmas and they'll you have an even higher death toll than during the first wave.
Has any other country had a “second wave”? If we don’t have a vaccine by then, we’ll have to live with the virus. We can’t go through this lockdown hell again.
On the general point of second waves, there has been no instance of which I'm aware of there being a major second outbreak after the end of the first, and even if such a thing were to happen in this country then I don't see why the virus would unaccountably lay dormant all through the Autumn and return with a vengeance in December.
If it's going to get bad again then one would've thought that it would start to happen following further easing of the lockdown restrictions, i.e. at some point during the Summer. Because if the shops open and that doesn't do much harm then we get at least some of the hospitality trade back in July, if that also does no harm we'll probably get the rest of it in August, if that does no harm we'll get the schoolkids back en masse in September, and if all of that doesn't cause a mass outbreak then I doubt that anything else will.
It seems to me that the only reason to imagine that the disease will wait and wait and wait until the Winter flu season is that a worse outcome can scarcely be imagined, but that's not a logical supposition - but I'm no expert, and if there is some good scientific reason for supposing a lengthy period of dormancy until Winter, regardless of whatever else occurs in the intervening six months, then I stand to be corrected.
Well quite. There seems to be a weird assumption that a) there will be a second wave (despite the fact that no other country has had one) and b) it will arrive at the worst possible time in the depths of winter.
Now, both a) and b) might prove true, but what are these assumptions based on? Evidence or hyperbole?
I was expecting(?) two spikes anyway. We should be in the middle of the second one if it was going to happen. In addition, if the relaxation announced two weeks ago had gone wrong, we should see strong evidence of it by now. I squint and I squint and I'm not sure I see owt. Next likely one in two weeks time, keep an eye out.
*its not quite the right word, but its near enough
The likely presence of a second wave is based on three underlying assumptions, as far as I can see. First is historical - that the last big pandemic had a deadlier second wave. Given that the two viruses are different, perhaps a pinch of salt is needed. Second, that we have flu seasons every year. Third, is related: it appears a solid bet that the warmer weather and sunlight will hinder how the virus transmits. It won't kill it outright (see infamous French study) but it will have an effect. So it is still around when the weather takes a turn for the worse and we all move back inside and start getting other bugs ...
It's not based on any of that. It's based on the fact that probably not more than about 10% of the population has been infected, so the remainder of the population is still susceptible. If restrictions are relaxed to the extent that R > 1 then any small outbreaks will grow exponentially, just like the original infections that originated from China. Unless contact tracing can cope with it. And in this country we still have well over 100,000 active cases.
Bozza Johnson should take a break, seriously. He needs a rest and it’s a farce having him continue in this state. Let someone else act as caretaker and give him a month off.
In the middle of a crisis he'd be just holding up a big neon sign saying "I can't do this job".
Just as a question: @Philip_Thompson - as the father of a young lad yourself, would you, if there was reason to suspect your eyesight might be impaired, test it by going for a 30-mile drive with your son in the car? Rather than, say, wait a few more days and check in over Zoom.
I really wouldn’t, myself, but I’m wondering if I’m overcautious
If I felt my vision currently impaired I wouldn't get behind the wheel.
If I felt safe to drive but was concerned after a serious illness I'd certainly consider a short drive first before setting off on a cross country drive.
With your kid in the car? I wouldn’t, not if there was any reasonable chance I might be incapable. Such as when he was too sick to continue for a while at Barnard’s Castle.
His wife needed to be in the car - it was her who was worried about him being safe to drive. So the son had to come because he was too young to stay home alone and it would have been a breach of the rules to intermingle two households
Why didnt they get a govt driver, or hire one themselves?
If Dom had gone Saturday, Boris could have been standing there say see leadership, got to stick to the rules, all in this together and btw we are winning, deaths down, some shops to open...
Agreed. Why on earth then has he not done that?
Because Cummings is a valued member of his team who acted reasonably as the Police confirmed and has been unreasonably attacked by the Guardian who've printed lies about him in a politically motivated witch-hunt?
If you show no backbone to every witch-hunt then where does it end?
He is now on about wearing spectacles and eyesight and virus.
Did he drive at night? I needed glasses to drive until my eyesight lengthened with age. If I didn't have them driving by day was fine; motorway driving at night was lethal because it is almost impossible to judge relative distances of the red lights in front of you (cf. Father Ted, smaller vs further away).
So his eyesight was really bad then?
Fancy taking his child
Look how over the moon they are, at not having to try and understand epidemiology.
Nothing new, of course, but there's no hint of even a turnaround in sight.
But instead it is sidetracked to being all about Cummings and not about the country and what is going to be changing in the future.
Personally I think the entire conference was a ghastly mistake. And the sooner he just apologies for misinterpreting the rules (but I did it for my family) the sooner we can focus on the more important issues.
Broke. The. Law.
Guess what the best way to do that would be.
Unbelievable performance. An absolute low in this whole saga.
Apart from anything else gave the impression that he can't be bothered answering any of this stuff anymore.
*its not quite the right word, but its near enough
The likely presence of a second wave is based on three underlying assumptions, as far as I can see. First is historical - that the last big pandemic had a deadlier second wave. Given that the two viruses are different, perhaps a pinch of salt is needed. Second, that we have flu seasons every year. Third, is related: it appears a solid bet that the warmer weather and sunlight will hinder how the virus transmits. It won't kill it outright (see infamous French study) but it will have an effect. So it is still around when the weather takes a turn for the worse and we all move back inside and start getting other bugs ...
It strikes me that Sturgeon would like to be refused additional furlough for Scotland and use it to make a point about the cruel colonial masters putting Scottish lives in danger for want of a few groats. In so doing, she risks that they cough up and use it to make the opposite point.
It was actually what did Cameron a lot of good.over expenses scandal, while Gordo mutter and wibbled.
Yesterday was by far the worst he has done.
You use car crash quite liberally but yesteday was a real car crash
-*not in Scotland
Presumably the Guardian will be apologising to Mr Cummings, and printing their correction on page 1 tomorrow?
Bet he can do Prudhoe, Ponteland and Chester-le-street too.
If you show no backbone to every witch-hunt then where does it end?