What would flu death rate look like if there was no flu vaccine about ?
The Spanish Flu was about 10%, but that was pre antibiotics.
If you weren't a doctor, I'd be asking what have antibiotics to do with tackling a viral infection. Did the Spanish flu mainly kill through secondary bacterial infections or something?
What would flu death rate look like if there was no flu vaccine about ?
The Spanish Flu was about 10%, but that was pre antibiotics.
If you weren't a doctor, I'd be asking what have antibiotics to do with tackling a viral infection. Did the Spanish flu mainly kill through secondary bacterial infections or something?
What would flu death rate look like if there was no flu vaccine about ?
The Spanish Flu was about 10%, but that was pre antibiotics.
If you weren't a doctor, I'd be asking what have antibiotics to do with tackling a viral infection. Did the Spanish flu mainly kill through secondary bacterial infections or something?
Yes, death was either very rapid, via viral pneumonia and cytokine cascade, or via secondary bacterial infection.
There is some evidence of fatalities from asprin overdose causing lung injury too.
What would flu death rate look like if there was no flu vaccine about ?
The Spanish Flu was about 10%, but that was pre antibiotics.
If you weren't a doctor, I'd be asking what have antibiotics to do with tackling a viral infection. Did the Spanish flu mainly kill through secondary bacterial infections or something?
Yes, death was either very rapid, via viral pneumonia and cytokine cascade, or via secondary bacterial infection. There is some evidence of fatalities from asprin overdose causing lung injury too.
We're going to run out of antibiotics if it really takes hold due to the number of patients with secondary infections aren't we ?
What would flu death rate look like if there was no flu vaccine about ?
The Spanish Flu was about 10%, but that was pre antibiotics.
If you weren't a doctor, I'd be asking what have antibiotics to do with tackling a viral infection. Did the Spanish flu mainly kill through secondary bacterial infections or something?
Yes, death was either very rapid, via viral pneumonia and cytokine cascade, or via secondary bacterial infection. There is some evidence of fatalities from asprin overdose causing lung injury too.
We're going to run out of antibiotics if it really takes hold due to the number of patients with secondary infections aren't we ?I guess that's one of a whole bunch of reasons why slowing down the spread of infection will make a big difference, even if it can't be contained.
Watched Javid resigning in the Commons. Impressive. A lightweight no more. He seemed to visibly grow as he spoke. Not hair - no obvious change there - but in stature. Hats off.
What would flu death rate look like if there was no flu vaccine about ?
The Spanish Flu was about 10%, but that was pre antibiotics.
If you weren't a doctor, I'd be asking what have antibiotics to do with tackling a viral infection. Did the Spanish flu mainly kill through secondary bacterial infections or something?
Yes, death was either very rapid, via viral pneumonia and cytokine cascade, or via secondary bacterial infection. There is some evidence of fatalities from asprin overdose causing lung injury too.
We're going to run out of antibiotics if it really takes hold due to the number of patients with secondary infections aren't we ?
I’m not so sure actually. It’s the one thing I’d expect the Government to have serious reserve stocks of.
It’s remarkable why this rule is so hard for some motorists to understand.
Many simply aren't thinking. Many think they know better how roads should work. Many are a strange mixture of indignant and terrified about the prospect of other drivers joining the motorway at the next junction. Berks, all.
I guess Labour is really happy with upper middle class white men leading the party then.
Why would Labour object to having a leader who has worked his way through the English class system to achieve extraordinary things, helped in large part by a redistributive state that enabled him to fulfil his potential? What Starmer has achieved is everything that Labour should be about.
Secondary pneumonia with bacteria seems less of a problem with Corvid 19, and antibiotics have long shelf lives so I don't think stocks are a problem.
The lung disease seems to be a progressive viral pneumonia, peaking at 10 days, possibly exacerbated by an excessive host inflammatory response. Treatment is essentially supportive with oxygen and fluids. There is no specific treatment, though there are a few antiviral drugs being tried.
Secondary pneumonia with bacteria seems less of a problem with Corvid 19, and antibiotics have long shelf lives so I don't think stocks are a problem.
The lung disease seems to be a progressive viral pneumonia, peaking at 10 days, possibly exacerbated by an excessive host inflammatory response. Treatment is essentially supportive with oxygen and fluids. There is no specific treatment, though there are a few antiviral drugs being tried.
Good Lancet paper about a case in Canada. Mild pneumonia. No O2 reqd.
Voted. Weird confusing website. You have to drag and order candidates. Now waiting for my second vote.
I have not had any ballots through. I have a horroible feeling it is something to do with an article I posted on here a couple of years back, which led to an official complaint being made against me by someone whose identity I never discovered. When I left the party I assumed that it would all be dropped, but maybe it was just sitting on file waiting for me to come back!!
It’s remarkable why this rule is so hard for some motorists to understand.
Many simply aren't thinking. Many think they know better how roads should work. Many are a strange mixture of indignant and terrified about the prospect of other drivers joining the motorway at the next junction. Berks, all.
Yep, I think some just kind of like sitting there because “options”, and can then switch off.
31% of members think RBL is the answer to the shellacking Lab just got?
Jeez. Starmer has his work cut out.
I hope Starmer stands for stamina.
Well a majority of Democrats now seem to think the leftwing Sanders is the best bet to beat Trump, at least Labour is finally electing the centrist candidate
Voted. Weird confusing website. You have to drag and order candidates. Now waiting for my second vote.
I have not had any ballots through. I have a horroible feeling it is something to do with an article I posted on here a couple of years back, which led to an official complaint being made against me by someone whose identity I never discovered. When I left the party I assumed that it would all be dropped, but maybe it was just sitting on file waiting for me to come back!!
31% of members think RBL is the answer to the shellacking Lab just got?
Jeez. Starmer has his work cut out.
I hope Starmer stands for stamina.
Assuming Starmer wins, what will all the Corbyn fans that joined while he was leader do?
1) Leave and set up new party.
2) Leave and get disinterested in Politics
3) Stay members paying the £4 a month but not do anything for the party.
4) Stay but continually campaign within the party for a return to a Corbyn like leader, in a never-eding civil war.
5) stay and campaign for the party as viscerally as they did before?
Clearly each is an individual and some will try each of the above, but what do we think most will do? given its potentially 100,000 plus people we are talking about it could make a difference to how successful labour are.
Secondary pneumonia with bacteria seems less of a problem with Corvid 19, and antibiotics have long shelf lives so I don't think stocks are a problem.
The lung disease seems to be a progressive viral pneumonia, peaking at 10 days, possibly exacerbated by an excessive host inflammatory response. Treatment is essentially supportive with oxygen and fluids. There is no specific treatment, though there are a few antiviral drugs being tried.
I don't like to crow, but the virus is called Covid, not Corvid...
31% of members think RBL is the answer to the shellacking Lab just got?
Jeez. Starmer has his work cut out.
I hope Starmer stands for stamina.
Well a majority of Democrats now seem to think the leftwing Sanders is the best bet to beat Trump, at least Labour is finally electing the centrist candidate
Secondary pneumonia with bacteria seems less of a problem with Corvid 19, and antibiotics have long shelf lives so I don't think stocks are a problem.
The lung disease seems to be a progressive viral pneumonia, peaking at 10 days, possibly exacerbated by an excessive host inflammatory response. Treatment is essentially supportive with oxygen and fluids. There is no specific treatment, though there are a few antiviral drugs being tried.
"The lung disease seems to be a progressive viral pneumonia, peaking at 10 days, possibly exacerbated by an excessive host inflammatory response."
Wasn't that a characteristic response of Spanish flu in 1918? Explaining some of the death rate in some younger age groups.
I had mild pneumonia at university when I was 20.
It was absolutely horrible. I felt and looked like death. I felt freezing cold and boiling hot (because I had a very high temperature) at the same time.
Voted. Weird confusing website. You have to drag and order candidates. Now waiting for my second vote.
I have not had any ballots through. I have a horroible feeling it is something to do with an article I posted on here a couple of years back, which led to an official complaint being made against me by someone whose identity I never discovered. When I left the party I assumed that it would all be dropped, but maybe it was just sitting on file waiting for me to come back!!
31% of members think RBL is the answer to the shellacking Lab just got?
Jeez. Starmer has his work cut out.
I hope Starmer stands for stamina.
Well a majority of Democrats now seem to think the leftwing Sanders is the best bet to beat Trump, at least Labour is finally electing the centrist candidate
Isn't Sanders' support well below 40% ?
Head to head as Yougov showed he beat every candidate with Democrats
31% of members think RBL is the answer to the shellacking Lab just got?
Jeez. Starmer has his work cut out.
I hope Starmer stands for stamina.
Assuming Starmer wins, what will all the Corbyn fans that joined while he was leader do?
1) Leave and set up new party.
2) Leave and get disinterested in Politics
3) Stay members paying the £4 a month but not do anything for the party.
4) Stay but continually campaign within the party for a return to a Corbyn like leader, in a never-eding civil war.
5) stay and campaign for the party as viscerally as they did before?
Clearly each is an individual and some will try each of the above, but what do we think most will do? given its potentially 100,000 plus people we are talking about it could make a difference to how successful labour are.
having endorsed her, Unite and Len McClusky are in danger of looking both silly and week if she totally flops so I understand why they are now trying, but do they have much inflownce? in 2017 less than 100,000 affiliates voted in total, (Unite members will only be a fraction of that) and many of those will have subsequently joined the party in there own right now. and Corbyns support from registered supporters was only slightly 1.2% more than members overall. Can unite inflwanse people outside the union? a bit maybe but being funding her campaign but I suspect not much beyond that.
"The lung disease seems to be a progressive viral pneumonia, peaking at 10 days, possibly exacerbated by an excessive host inflammatory response."
Wasn't that a characteristic response of Spanish flu in 1918? Explaining some of the death rate in some younger age groups.
I had mild pneumonia at university when I was 20.
It was absolutely horrible. I felt and looked like death. I felt freezing cold and boiling hot (because I had a very high temperature) at the same time.
Never again.
I have had pneumonia 6 times (and much else besides). It is horrible. I have bronchiectasis. I have to do all I can to avoid further lung infections.
Where I am currently am is practically off the map. So am keeping calm.
I try not to worry about stuff I can do little about.
I guess Labour is really happy with upper middle class white men leading the party then.
Charles you are upper middle class. Keir Starmer isn't.
Charles is upper class born and bred never mind upper middle class
It's a dammed near-run thing.
A scion of the upper classes perhaps. I'm not going to get hung up on it. Whichever, as you say Starmer was working class going to a state school and through hard work has made it into the middle classes.
"The lung disease seems to be a progressive viral pneumonia, peaking at 10 days, possibly exacerbated by an excessive host inflammatory response."
Wasn't that a characteristic response of Spanish flu in 1918? Explaining some of the death rate in some younger age groups.
I had mild pneumonia at university when I was 20.
It was absolutely horrible. I felt and looked like death. I felt freezing cold and boiling hot (because I had a very high temperature) at the same time.
Never again.
I have had pneumonia 6 times (and much else besides). It is horrible. I have bronchiectasis. I have to do all I can to avoid further lung infections.
Where I am currently am is practically off the map. So am keeping calm.
I try not to worry about stuff I can do little about.
"The lung disease seems to be a progressive viral pneumonia, peaking at 10 days, possibly exacerbated by an excessive host inflammatory response."
Wasn't that a characteristic response of Spanish flu in 1918? Explaining some of the death rate in some younger age groups.
I had mild pneumonia at university when I was 20.
It was absolutely horrible. I felt and looked like death. I felt freezing cold and boiling hot (because I had a very high temperature) at the same time.
Never again.
I have had pneumonia 6 times (and much else besides). It is horrible. I have bronchiectasis. I have to do all I can to avoid further lung infections.
Where I am currently am is practically off the map. So am keeping calm.
I try not to worry about stuff I can do little about.
Secondary pneumonia with bacteria seems less of a problem with Corvid 19, and antibiotics have long shelf lives so I don't think stocks are a problem.
The lung disease seems to be a progressive viral pneumonia, peaking at 10 days, possibly exacerbated by an excessive host inflammatory response. Treatment is essentially supportive with oxygen and fluids. There is no specific treatment, though there are a few antiviral drugs being tried.
I don't like to crow, but the virus is called Covid, not Corvid...
Secondary pneumonia with bacteria seems less of a problem with Corvid 19, and antibiotics have long shelf lives so I don't think stocks are a problem.
The lung disease seems to be a progressive viral pneumonia, peaking at 10 days, possibly exacerbated by an excessive host inflammatory response. Treatment is essentially supportive with oxygen and fluids. There is no specific treatment, though there are a few antiviral drugs being tried.
I don't like to crow, but the virus is called Covid, not Corvid...
Secondary pneumonia with bacteria seems less of a problem with Corvid 19, and antibiotics have long shelf lives so I don't think stocks are a problem.
The lung disease seems to be a progressive viral pneumonia, peaking at 10 days, possibly exacerbated by an excessive host inflammatory response. Treatment is essentially supportive with oxygen and fluids. There is no specific treatment, though there are a few antiviral drugs being tried.
I don't like to crow, but the virus is called Covid, not Corvid...
Secondary pneumonia with bacteria seems less of a problem with Corvid 19, and antibiotics have long shelf lives so I don't think stocks are a problem.
The lung disease seems to be a progressive viral pneumonia, peaking at 10 days, possibly exacerbated by an excessive host inflammatory response. Treatment is essentially supportive with oxygen and fluids. There is no specific treatment, though there are a few antiviral drugs being tried.
I don't like to crow, but the virus is called Covid, not Corvid...
"The lung disease seems to be a progressive viral pneumonia, peaking at 10 days, possibly exacerbated by an excessive host inflammatory response."
Wasn't that a characteristic response of Spanish flu in 1918? Explaining some of the death rate in some younger age groups.
It does seem that the Spanish Flu caused a fulminating response in young people, but that doesn't seem to be the general case with this Coronovirus. There are few severe cases in the under 30s, and more typically it is slowly progressive over a week to 10 days, when not self limiting.
Voted. Weird confusing website. You have to drag and order candidates. Now waiting for my second vote.
I have not had any ballots through. I have a horroible feeling it is something to do with an article I posted on here a couple of years back, which led to an official complaint being made against me by someone whose identity I never discovered. When I left the party I assumed that it would all be dropped, but maybe it was just sitting on file waiting for me to come back!!
I think I'd defend that if you were actually suspended while they looked into it. Say you were alleged to be a mad anti-semite, and were suspended while it was checked out. It wouldn't make sense if you could simply resign and then rejoin as a fresh new member - they would need to have a look to see if you were a known suspendee.
I'd be all in favour of clearing you (and Al) now though.
"The lung disease seems to be a progressive viral pneumonia, peaking at 10 days, possibly exacerbated by an excessive host inflammatory response."
Wasn't that a characteristic response of Spanish flu in 1918? Explaining some of the death rate in some younger age groups.
I had mild pneumonia at university when I was 20.
It was absolutely horrible. I felt and looked like death. I felt freezing cold and boiling hot (because I had a very high temperature) at the same time.
Never again.
I have had pneumonia 6 times (and much else besides). It is horrible. I have bronchiectasis. I have to do all I can to avoid further lung infections.
Where I am currently am is practically off the map. So am keeping calm.
I try not to worry about stuff I can do little about.
Yes, take care. Home working in the Lakes sounds a good plan.
31% of members think RBL is the answer to the shellacking Lab just got?
Jeez. Starmer has his work cut out.
I hope Starmer stands for stamina.
Assuming Starmer wins, what will all the Corbyn fans that joined while he was leader do?
1) Leave and set up new party.
2) Leave and get disinterested in Politics
3) Stay members paying the £4 a month but not do anything for the party.
4) Stay but continually campaign within the party for a return to a Corbyn like leader, in a never-eding civil war.
5) stay and campaign for the party as viscerally as they did before?
Clearly each is an individual and some will try each of the above, but what do we think most will do? given its potentially 100,000 plus people we are talking about it could make a difference to how successful labour are.
Most of the Corbynites I know (like myself) are philosophical about it - we lost, we accept it's time to try someone new, and we hope they won't swing violently right. Unless Starmer goes out of his way to attack them, I think most will stick around and see how it goes. They certainly won't start a new party in any number.
Bloomberg is going to wish he'd come in 1 state earlier. I'm mulling a whole range of scenarios after South Carolina - the tea leaves look good for Biden there anyway
Secondary pneumonia with bacteria seems less of a problem with Corvid 19, and antibiotics have long shelf lives so I don't think stocks are a problem.
The lung disease seems to be a progressive viral pneumonia, peaking at 10 days, possibly exacerbated by an excessive host inflammatory response. Treatment is essentially supportive with oxygen and fluids. There is no specific treatment, though there are a few antiviral drugs being tried.
I don't like to crow, but the virus is called Covid, not Corvid...
My spell checker must be raven a laugh.
Bet you were quite chough-ed with yourself about that one....
Voted. Weird confusing website. You have to drag and order candidates. Now waiting for my second vote.
I have not had any ballots through. I have a horroible feeling it is something to do with an article I posted on here a couple of years back, which led to an official complaint being made against me by someone whose identity I never discovered. When I left the party I assumed that it would all be dropped, but maybe it was just sitting on file waiting for me to come back!!
I guess Labour is really happy with upper middle class white men leading the party then.
Why would Labour object to having a leader who has worked his way through the English class system to achieve extraordinary things, helped in large part by a redistributive state that enabled him to fulfil his potential? What Starmer has achieved is everything that Labour should be about.
Bring back Grammars and expand assisted places at Fee paying schools? Sounds good
Voted. Weird confusing website. You have to drag and order candidates. Now waiting for my second vote.
I have not had any ballots through. I have a horroible feeling it is something to do with an article I posted on here a couple of years back, which led to an official complaint being made against me by someone whose identity I never discovered. When I left the party I assumed that it would all be dropped, but maybe it was just sitting on file waiting for me to come back!!
Your fears may be premature here in that I have encountered other full party members who have yet to receive a ballot paper. That also applies to myself as member of an affiliated organisation.
I guess Labour is really happy with upper middle class white men leading the party then.
Why would Labour object to having a leader who has worked his way through the English class system to achieve extraordinary things, helped in large part by a redistributive state that enabled him to fulfil his potential? What Starmer has achieved is everything that Labour should be about.
Bring back Grammars and expand assisted places at Fee paying schools? Sounds good
No - I attended a Grammar School but it was a very unfair system.
No going off topic, please.
Though I like this mini thread for using one of my favourite words 'obviate'.
They are an inspiration to minnows/newly formed clubs everywhere.
Jeez. Starmer has his work cut out.
I hope Starmer stands for stamina.
I’m not so sure actually. It’s the one thing I’d expect the Government to have serious reserve stocks of.
You may have to scroll down.
Many think they know better how roads should work.
Many are a strange mixture of indignant and terrified about the prospect of other drivers joining the motorway at the next junction.
Berks, all.
Secondary pneumonia with bacteria seems less of a problem with Corvid 19, and antibiotics have long shelf lives so I don't think stocks are a problem.
The lung disease seems to be a progressive viral pneumonia, peaking at 10 days, possibly exacerbated by an excessive host inflammatory response. Treatment is essentially supportive with oxygen and fluids. There is no specific treatment, though there are a few antiviral drugs being tried.
Total Highway Code fail.
1) Leave and set up new party.
2) Leave and get disinterested in Politics
3) Stay members paying the £4 a month but not do anything for the party.
4) Stay but continually campaign within the party for a return to a Corbyn like leader, in a never-eding civil war.
5) stay and campaign for the party as viscerally as they did before?
Clearly each is an individual and some will try each of the above, but what do we think most will do? given its potentially 100,000 plus people we are talking about it could make a difference to how successful labour are.
Mine were so low for RLB she’s actually exceeded them.
Starmer has been exactly how I expected.
Nandy too, because I expected her to be the best - and she has been.
"The lung disease seems to be a progressive viral pneumonia, peaking at 10 days, possibly exacerbated by an excessive host inflammatory response."
Wasn't that a characteristic response of Spanish flu in 1918? Explaining some of the death rate in some younger age groups.
It was absolutely horrible. I felt and looked like death. I felt freezing cold and boiling hot (because I had a very high temperature) at the same time.
Never again.
(You and Al Campbell)
And post many, many comments on CiF.
Where I am currently am is practically off the map. So am keeping calm.
I try not to worry about stuff I can do little about.
A scion of the upper classes perhaps. I'm not going to get hung up on it. Whichever, as you say Starmer was working class going to a state school and through hard work has made it into the middle classes.
Have the Orkneys sealed themselves off yet?
Never say "Orkneys" or, for that matter, "Shetlands". You should always use the singular.. It's either Orkney or the Orkney Islands.
Thank you.
Good luck. Hopefully we’ll all be ok.
Good luck. Hopefully we’ll all be ok.
However, what hasn't been explained is why her campaign gets to send out a second email when none of the others appear to have done so.
A US President isn’t quite as domestically all powerful as a UK PM.
60,000 attended a rally of hers in Stuttgart.
There is a touch of the Maid of Orleans about the whole thing.
(joking, of course
I'd be all in favour of clearing you (and Al) now though.
Charles is 17 on the Class Test and Starmer is 13.
That's where 18 is max upper and 6 is salt of.
I'm mulling a whole range of scenarios after South Carolina - the tea leaves look good for Biden there anyway
Remember that Faustian pact?
Fortunately I never specified for how long.