This surely puts Biden in the last chance saloon, and possibly out the door altogether. If he isn’t a winner what’s the point? He has absolutely nothing else to offer.
Yep. Biden will be out by Super Tuesday. Bernie afterwards, I reckon.
Sanders will win New Hampshire. Has a good shot at Nevada on the 22nd. If he doesn't do badly in South Carolina on the 29th, that sets him up well for the big day on 3 March.
I'm so annoyed about everyone calling it for Buttigieg on State Delegates on a lead of less than 2% on State Delegates when we don't know what that 38% of votes left is from.
I'm not calling the race and no one should until we know where that vote is from.
Amy Klobuchar hasn't done too badly on these results: 12.6% of delegates is pretty respectable when the three leaders are on 18% to 27%. Enough to stay in the race? Maybe, if Joe decides this isn't going anywhere for him.
I'm so annoyed about everyone calling it for Buttigieg on State Delegates on a lead of less than 2% on State Delegates when we don't know what that 38% of votes left is from.
I'm not calling the race and no one should until we know where that vote is from.
This partial result is going to dominate the news cycle and potentially influence subsequent primaries, too.
I'm so annoyed about everyone calling it for Buttigieg on State Delegates on a lead of less than 2% on State Delegates when we don't know what that 38% of votes left is from.
I'm not calling the race and no one should until we know where that vote is from.
NPR has SDEs. That is the state delegates isn't it? It's all a bit confusing after a couple of glasses of wine.
I'm so annoyed about everyone calling it for Buttigieg on State Delegates on a lead of less than 2% on State Delegates when we don't know what that 38% of votes left is from.
I'm not calling the race and no one should until we know where that vote is from.
And that's why I locked in the profit on Mayor Pete.
I'm so annoyed about everyone calling it for Buttigieg on State Delegates on a lead of less than 2% on State Delegates when we don't know what that 38% of votes left is from.
I'm not calling the race and no one should until we know where that vote is from.
I have greened out. Sanders was far too short earlier today.
This surely puts Biden in the last chance saloon, and possibly out the door altogether. If he isn’t a winner what’s the point? He has absolutely nothing else to offer.
He drops of very precipitously very fast. I've seen some focus group results that suggest he is strong with African Americans because they believe in his electabilty more than anything else and his strength with African Americans adds to his aura of electibilty to other groups.
One crack and that all goes. He could be ceasing campaigning within days.
I'm so annoyed about everyone calling it for Buttigieg on State Delegates on a lead of less than 2% on State Delegates when we don't know what that 38% of votes left is from.
I'm not calling the race and no one should until we know where that vote is from.
And that's why I locked in the profit on Mayor Pete.
I'm so annoyed about everyone calling it for Buttigieg on State Delegates on a lead of less than 2% on State Delegates when we don't know what that 38% of votes left is from.
I'm not calling the race and no one should until we know where that vote is from.
This partial result is going to dominate the news cycle and potentially influence subsequent primaries, too.
But it's a giant mess, so any result will be diminished in importance because no one will believe that they are accurate.
I'm so annoyed about everyone calling it for Buttigieg on State Delegates on a lead of less than 2% on State Delegates when we don't know what that 38% of votes left is from.
I'm not calling the race and no one should until we know where that vote is from.
This partial result is going to dominate the news cycle and potentially influence subsequent primaries, too.
But it's a giant mess, so any result will be diminished in importance because no one will believe that they are accurate.
Yes, which also damages the actual winner, compared to the results just coming out as they were supposed to.
Yep. Biden will be out by Super Tuesday. Bernie afterwards, I reckon.
Writing Bernie Sanders off after this result is a hilariously bad take.
Stake your money as you choose.
Sanders will probably get New Hampshire, but not enough on super Tuesday.
Strangely, this may well work out for the Bern......better for him to build up momentum rather than rush ahead with a huge target on his back.,....
He won't mind the race becoming Bernie v Pete too much. Warren did a little too well in Iowa though for his liking
That is Sanders problem. The ideal result for him would be Sanders-Buttigieg-Biden as it would keep two moderates in the race, and drop Warren out.
But Buttigieg-Sanders-Warren is harder because there is the risk that Biden (who has no money) ends up dropping out. In which case you have one moderate (Buttigieg) and two left wingers.
Now would be a terrible time to go over the message archives and pick out what people were saying about who was 100% definetly guaranteed to win (or not win) the nomination.
I'm so annoyed about everyone calling it for Buttigieg on State Delegates on a lead of less than 2% on State Delegates when we don't know what that 38% of votes left is from.
I'm not calling the race and no one should until we know where that vote is from.
This partial result is going to dominate the news cycle and potentially influence subsequent primaries, too.
But it's a giant mess, so any result will be diminished in importance because no one will believe that they are accurate.
Don't agree. The winner (or winner presumptive) is going to be constantly in the news between now and New Hampshire next Tuesday. And Pete is already drawing fire from Trump, which makes him look even better. This might be even better for Pete than if they'd just announced him the winner last night and then moved on.
Klobuchar running for Veep nomination at this point. And is strongly ahead.
Sanders-Klobuchar would be a very strong ticket, has both wings of the party.
Klobuchar too much of an opponent off healthcare reform, I think
Though very active on drug pricing, particularly insulin and related items. Amy is more of a gradualist on health care, I can see that playing well in Middle America.
Yep. Biden will be out by Super Tuesday. Bernie afterwards, I reckon.
Writing Bernie Sanders off after this result is a hilariously bad take.
Stake your money as you choose.
Sanders will probably get New Hampshire, but not enough on super Tuesday.
Strangely, this may well work out for the Bern......better for him to build up momentum rather than rush ahead with a huge target on his back.,....
He won't mind the race becoming Bernie v Pete too much. Warren did a little too well in Iowa though for his liking
That is Sanders problem. The ideal result for him would be Sanders-Buttigieg-Biden as it would keep two moderates in the race, and drop Warren out.
But Buttigieg-Sanders-Warren is harder because there is the risk that Biden (who has no money) ends up dropping out. In which case you have one moderate (Buttigieg) and two left wingers.
Biden will likely win South Carolina regardless and stay in the race
Makes up for the fact I laid Pete for the Nom down to zero a little while ago.
Well he won't be the nominee even if he wins Iowa because minorities hate him. It's all about who else won't be the nominee.
Yet he was Mayor of a majority African American City
Exactly. The AA vote loves Biden because Obama. That feeling won't survive contact with reality going into South Carolina, unless Biden improves drastically in the next few contests. So their votes are all up for grabs.
David Cameron's bodyguard sparks panic on BA flight from London to New York when passenger finds loaded Glock pistol he accidentally left in toilets of jet
We have precinct data. Half of the vote is outstanding in Des Moine.
Buttigieg is only two points behind Bernie in Des Moines. If that were true for all the remaining precincts (and there are a lot of rural precincts still to come), Buttigieg would still will by a percent.
People betting on Sanders here are idiots. The real odds should be 10 or 12 to 1.
Told you all to lay the old dudes in this race.
I am Nostradamus reincarnated.
1) Completing the PL, CL, and FA Cup, treble
2) Getting over 100 points
3) Going unbeaten in the PL
If all three happen then I will be positively unbearable*.
*More so than usual.
Because we don't know where that 38% remaining is from.
That's possible. But difficult.
Big picture: not great for Sleepy Joe, is it?
Warren doing a little better than expected, then compared to last night.
Dems need that man...
Pete was being way, way, way, waaaay too confident for someone who didn't have a chance and 3.1 was a great price.
I'm not calling the race and no one should until we know where that vote is from.
Sanders will probably get New Hampshire, but not enough on super Tuesday.
I am not at all convinced by these state polls.
It's all about who else won't be the nominee.
One crack and that all goes. He could be ceasing campaigning within days.
Not a bad evening's work. Friday curry paid for.
Looks like the rural votes have come in, judging by the maps. But I'm no expert on Iowa countryside.
1, not so much.
But Buttigieg-Sanders-Warren is harder because there is the risk that Biden (who has no money) ends up dropping out. In which case you have one moderate (Buttigieg) and two left wingers.
"It's the Booty-gig economy, stupid....."
There are too many precincts in Buttigieg friendly rural districts.
guaranteed to win (or not win) the nomination.
I think I have a bad Sanders prediction in there.
Half of the vote is outstanding in Des Moine.
Thornberry picked Brentwood & Ongar and Vale of Glamorgan tonight.
She needs 33 CLPs
His record is a lead weight.
Murray nominated by Perthshire South and Kinross and Glasgow Pollock tonight. There should be enough Scottish CLPs left for him to reach 33
Allin-Khan got 4 CLPs tonight: Brentwood and Ongar, North Wiltshire, Wimbledon, Vale of Glamorgan
People betting on Sanders here are idiots. The real odds should be 10 or 12 to 1.
This implies that Sanders is unlikely to get a meaningful boost from Des Moines being so far underrepresented.