I live here and i can tell, however much malcolmg likes to pretend otherwise, the SNP are nowadays hated by many people in the NE and are going to get panned in Dec. Their incompetence in government, their corruption, their utter uselessness with regard to the whisky and fishing industries will all play against them.
Useless, lazy english journalists never come up here and ask people what WE actually think.
They are probably afraid they'll run into someone like you.
When all they do is ask shouty, dreary, entitled middle class nats like you.
Christ, are we bored with you lot up here.
Nat? Errr ok, plank.
As i say, Christ are we bored with you lot.
But you don't even seem to know what my "lot" even is. Unless you mean you're bored of people who have a higher IQ than a yoghurt.
(Completely separately, I would rather see Trump re-elected. Because it should be him who has to deal with the economic consequences of tariffs and reigniting the US debt and consumption bubble.)
Are you not mistaking him for someone who would care?
If someone else takes over, they will be blamed for the economic consequences of Trump's policies. It therefore increases the chance that the problem will be misdiagnosed.
Pastor in a Gospel Megachurch in Louisiana with a largely African American congregation tweets that Democrats should not vote for Buttigieg as he is in a gay marriage
The amusing bit, of course, is that Buttigieg is geniunely a Christian, unlike the current incumbent of the White House, and I suspect a personally moral man. Buttigieg has also served his country in Afghanistan, which he did by choice, not by the draft.
The Democrats win when the have young, articulate (perhaps even inexperienced) candidates: Obama, Clinton, JFK, even Carter in 76.
They win when they have candidates who are blank slates onto which voters can project their own hopes.
I think it's clear who that candidate is.
Now, he win and he might not. But there's probably quite a strong intersection between those people who wouldn't vote for a black candidate and those who wouldn't vote for a gay one.
Buttigieg's problem will be more the Democratic primary vote and getting left liberal and African American voters to vote for him over Warren and Sanders and Biden respectively, in the general election he would be a good choice I agree but he has to get there first
Pastor in a Gospel Megachurch in Louisiana with a largely African American congregation tweets that Democrats should not vote for Buttigieg as he is in a gay marriage
The amusing bit, of course, is that Buttigieg is geniunely a Christian, unlike the current incumbent of the White House, and I suspect a personally moral man. Buttigieg has also served his country in Afghanistan, which he did by choice, not by the draft.
The Democrats win when the have young, articulate (perhaps even inexperienced) candidates: Obama, Clinton, JFK, even Carter in 76.
They win when they have candidates who are blank slates onto which voters can project their own hopes.
I think it's clear who that candidate is.
Now, he win and he might not. But there's probably quite a strong intersection between those people who wouldn't vote for a black candidate and those who wouldn't vote for a gay one.
Not sure if any of you have heard but it was announced a short time ago on the STV news that Ross Thomson has indicated he will not defend Aberdeen South in view of the smutty allegations against him by the young Glasgow Labour MP Paul Sweeney. Depending on who the new Tory candidate will be, I suspect a better chance of Conservative Hold.
Perhaps the wrong choice of words under the circumstances.
There is such an easy pun that could be made there.
But I'll leave the mindless homophobic abuse to a Certain Person on the last thread.
Question: Four draws, from a pack of 78 cards, what is the probability that the same card * => p = 0.112400757
Draw 3: * as draw 2 * so p = 0.112400757
Draw is right or wrong. Please ask other people to check it. If you want me to do a better calculation, please pay me.
lol. thanks very much!
I have now received the Fool Card, Upright, in four draw of 3 cards in sequence.
In my maths, which I believe is probably wrong, the chances of this happening are 1 in 140,608, or 0.00000711197%
After the firsterefore the final percentage is somewhere not too far above 0.002%, or about one in 48000.
I don't believe that the "right way" up bit will be truly random, as the tarot reader will presumably follow the same process every time for returning cards to the deck and shuffling them.
Your analysis of the second draw is spot on - I missed that there were more opportunities to get a same card.
If the cards are simply collected off the table and added to the pack, held the same way around, then cards are never going to get turned round in the first place.
After the first deal, we are only interested in the three cards on the table - how the rest of the pack is held doesn’t matter.
Either they are picked up the same way - in which case they won’t change direction - or their orientation is somehow randomised (by mixing them about) - in which case the one in eight is the best estimate of getting four deals with the same orientation.
Every shuffle was notably thorough. It is part of the Tarot reading process. You meditate on your question as you shuffle.
So you do a normal shuffle, then you divide the pack into maybe six piles, turning each pile around (to shuffle orientation as well as sequence). Then you shuffle again, then split and revolve, then shuffle again, then a final split. Etc.
It takes about ten minutes.
Of course the cards could be sticky or something, but that's still a lot of shuffling and spinning. It's surely quite close to proper randomising.
Thanks for all the intriguing answers. I am glad the maths is fiendish, as that excuses my inability to work it out. Though I gave it a go.
FWIW - and this is the woowoo, nonsensical subjective bit, so feel free to ignore, the repeated card was a major Arcana card with remarkable relevance to my dilemma.
Just getting it once, and upright (also significant), was enough to make me and my partner go Ooooh, that's the important card.
We then did another spread, and drew the card, and there it was again. Wow. Quite weird.
After the third draw, finding our card AGAIN in the spread, we looked at each other in bewilderment, and not a little agitation.
We then laid the spread again, and there it was again. I nearly hurled the haunted pack out of the window, and into the rain.
I think psychics and tarot cards should be avoided, because even if you believe they read something from you, what they read is surely that you have enough anxiety about your future to consult tarot cards and psychics for reassurance. So the outcome you get from them will never be good.
There's a great novel about psychics that's well worth a read: Attack of the Unsinkable Rubber Ducks
Mr. Noo, I like Merchant of Venice for that too. Also Taming of the Shrew (come hither, crack-hemp/away, you three-inch fool), which has otherwise aged rather poorly.
But I am especially looking forward to Hamlet. Years ago I was a regular player on the now sadly defunct Fatal Dimensions MUD, and someone had created an area there called All The World's A Stage, with a nice little Hamlet section. It'd be good to finally read it.
I live here and i can tell, however much malcolmg likes to pretend otherwise, the SNP are nowadays hated by many people in the NE and are going to get panned in Dec. Their incompetence in government, their corruption, their utter uselessness with regard to the whisky and fishing industries will all play against them.
Useless, lazy english journalists never come up here and ask people what WE actually think.
They are probably afraid they'll run into someone like you.
When all they do is ask shouty, dreary, entitled middle class nats like you.
Christ, are we bored with you lot up here.
Nat? Errr ok, plank.
As i say, Christ are we bored with you lot.
But you don't even seem to know what my "lot" even is. Unless you mean you're bored of people who have a higher IQ than a yoghurt.
Thanks for all the intriguing answers. I am glad the maths is fiendish, as that excuses my inability to work it out. Though I gave it a go.
FWIW - and this is the woowoo, nonsensical subjective bit, so feel free to ignore, the repeated card was a major Arcana card with remarkable relevance to my dilemma.
Just getting it once, and upright (also significant), was enough to make me and my partner go Ooooh, that's the important card.
We then did another spread, and drew the card, and there it was again. Wow. Quite weird.
After the third draw, finding our card AGAIN in the spread, we looked at each other in bewilderment, and not a little agitation.
We then laid the spread again, and there it was again. I nearly hurled the haunted pack out of the window, and into the rain.
I think psychics and tarot cards should be avoided, because even if you believe they read something from you, what they read is surely that you have enough anxiety about your future to consult tarot cards and psychics for reassurance. So the outcome you get from them will never be good.
There's a great novel about psychics that's well worth a read: Attack of the Unsinkable Rubber Ducks
The late Princess of Wales was obsessed with consulting psychics.
(Completely separately, I would rather see Trump re-elected. Because it should be him who has to deal with the economic consequences of tariffs and reigniting the US debt and consumption bubble.)
As a matter of interest, do you apply the same logic to Boris and the consequences of Brexit?
Why the hell are people referring to Carter as 'young?' He was well over fifty! Admittedly that's younger than any Republican president since the war, but it's still five years older than Obama and not ridiculously far off Lyndon B. Johnson.
I live here and i can tell, however much malcolmg likes to pretend otherwise, the SNP are nowadays hated by many people in the NE and are going to get panned in Dec. Their incompetence in government, their corruption, their utter uselessness with regard to the whisky and fishing industries will all play against them.
Useless, lazy english journalists never come up here and ask people what WE actually think.
They are probably afraid they'll run into someone like you.
When all they do is ask shouty, dreary, entitled middle class nats like you.
Christ, are we bored with you lot up here.
The idea that Nats are over represented in media coverage of Scotland is hilarious.
The London media mistake the SNP for "Scotland"and hang on their every word.
The local media know better.
And yet if the people I am working with in Aberdeen are anything to go by there has been a massive increase in support for the SNP. Whatever idiocy they might have been doing is more than offset by the whole Remain movement which has clearly also fed into the Independence movement. As a strong Leave supporter I wish it were not so but the SNP do have a ready pool of new support because of Brexit.
I hope Con MPs don't vote for Laing such that Hoyle gets eliminated in 3rd place and then Harman beats Laing with Lab vote solid for Harman in run-off vs Laing.
Hoyle is by miles the best option and Con MPs should vote for Hoyle.
Laing would beat Harman in a run-off, Con and DUP MPs would vote for Laing over Harman (though running the Epping campaign with Eleanor as Speaker and Labour and the LDs by convention thus standing down their candidates in Epping Forest leaving a straight fight with the Brexit Party candidate would make things complicated over the next few weeks)
The question is how many mps are going to be there. Most are on the campaign trail
Surely Tory MP's will be on a 3 line whip to make sure its Hoyle. If not they are bonkers.
I think he'll be supported by quite a few in Labour too.
It will be a shame if he doesn’t get it. Strikes me as a decent man not accustomed to the grandstanding of the previous occupant of the chair.
Harriet would I think continue where Bercow left off so I really hope it’s not her.
Question: Four draws, from a pack of 78 cards, what is the probability that the same card * => p = 0.112400757
Draw 3: * as draw 2 * so p = 0.112400757
Draw is right or wrong. Please ask other people to check it. If you want me to do a better calculation, please pay me.
lol. thanks very much!
I have now received the Fool Card, Upright, in four draw of 3 cards in sequence.
In my maths, which I believe is probably wrong, the chances of this happening are 1 in 140,608, or 0.00000711197%
After the firsterefore the final percentage is somewhere not too far above 0.002%, or about one in 48000.
I don't believe that the "right way" up bit will be truly random, as the tarot reader will presumably follow the same process every time for returning cards to the deck and shuffling them.
Your analysis of the second draw is spot on - I missed that there were more opportunities to get a same card.
If the cards are simply collected off the table and added to the pack, held the same way around, then cards are never going to get turned round in the first place.
After the first deal, we are only interested in the three cards on the table - how the rest of the pack is held doesn’t matter.
Either they are picked up the same way - in which case they won’t change direction - or their orientation is somehow randomised (by mixing them about) - in which case the one in eight is the best estimate of getting four deals with the same orientation.
Every shuffle was notably thorough. It is part of the Tarot reading process. You meditate on your question as you shuffle.
So you do a normal shuffle, then you divide the pack into maybe six piles, turning each pile around (to shuffle orientation as well as sequence). Then you shuffle again, then split and revolve, then shuffle again, then a final split. Etc.
It takes about ten minutes.
Of course the cards could be sticky or something, but that's still a lot of shuffling and spinning. It's surely quite close to proper randomising.
You should accept that it is your destiny. Probability = 1.
Mr. Noo, I like Merchant of Venice for that too. Also Taming of the Shrew (come hither, crack-hemp/away, you three-inch fool), which has otherwise aged rather poorly.
But I am especially looking forward to Hamlet. Years ago I was a regular player on the now sadly defunct Fatal Dimensions MUD, and someone had created an area there called All The World's A Stage, with a nice little Hamlet section. It'd be good to finally read it.
I live here and i can tell, however much malcolmg likes to pretend otherwise, the SNP are nowadays hated by many people in the NE and are going to get panned in Dec. Their incompetence in government, their corruption, their utter uselessness with regard to the whisky and fishing industries will all play against them.
Useless, lazy english journalists never come up here and ask people what WE actually think.
They are probably afraid they'll run into someone like you.
When all they do is ask shouty, dreary, entitled middle class nats like you.
Christ, are we bored with you lot up here.
Nat? Errr ok, plank.
As i say, Christ are we bored with you lot.
But you don't even seem to know what my "lot" even is. Unless you mean you're bored of people who have a higher IQ than a yoghurt.
Well that would exclude Ian Blackford then.
I quite agree. As I've said before, the man is an oaf. Much like you.
Thanks for all the intriguing answers. I am glad the maths is fiendish, as that excuses my inability to work it out. Though I gave it a go.
FWIW - and this is the woowoo, nonsensical subjective bit, so feel free to ignore, the repeated card was a major Arcana card with remarkable relevance to my dilemma.
Just getting it once, and upright (also significant), was enough to make me and my partner go Ooooh, that's the important card.
We then did another spread, and drew the card, and there it was again. Wow. Quite weird.
After the third draw, finding our card AGAIN in the spread, we looked at each other in bewilderment, and not a little agitation.
We then laid the spread again, and there it was again. I nearly hurled the haunted pack out of the window, and into the rain.
I think psychics and tarot cards should be avoided, because even if you believe they read something from you, what they read is surely that you have enough anxiety about your future to consult tarot cards and psychics for reassurance. So the outcome you get from them will never be good.
There's a great novel about psychics that's well worth a read: Attack of the Unsinkable Rubber Ducks
The late Princess of Wales was obsessed with consulting psychics.
wasn't Charles supposed to have tried to contact his grandmother>?
I live here and i can tell, however much malcolmg likes to pretend otherwise, the SNP are nowadays hated by many people in the NE and are going to get panned in Dec. Their incompetence in government, their corruption, their utter uselessness with regard to the whisky and fishing industries will all play against them.
Useless, lazy english journalists never come up here and ask people what WE actually think.
They are probably afraid they'll run into someone like you.
When all they do is ask shouty, dreary, entitled middle class nats like you.
Christ, are we bored with you lot up here.
The idea that Nats are over represented in media coverage of Scotland is hilarious.
The London media mistake the SNP for "Scotland"and hang on their every word.
The local media know better.
And yet if the people I am working with in Aberdeen are anything to go by there has been a massive increase in support for the SNP. Whatever idiocy they might have been doing is more than offset by the whole Remain movement which has clearly also fed into the Independence movement. As a strong Leave supporter I wish it were not so but the SNP do have a ready pool of new support because of Brexit.
I think they've become more emboldened and vocal (if that were possible). I'm not sure how many new converts they have actually made - not that I'm denying the possibility.
I live here and i can tell, however much malcolmg likes to pretend otherwise, the SNP are nowadays hated by many people in the NE and are going to get panned in Dec. Their incompetence in government, their corruption, their utter uselessness with regard to the whisky and fishing industries will all play against them.
Useless, lazy english journalists never come up here and ask people what WE actually think.
They are probably afraid they'll run into someone like you.
When all they do is ask shouty, dreary, entitled middle class nats like you.
Christ, are we bored with you lot up here.
The idea that Nats are over represented in media coverage of Scotland is hilarious.
The London media mistake the SNP for "Scotland"and hang on their every word.
The local media know better.
That's why famously Scottish QT audiences are stuffed full of ordinary members of the public who just happen to be SNP MSPs and Councillors while Ruth Davidson never got any air time without being robustly challenged.
Thanks for all the intriguing answers. I am glad the maths is fiendish, as that excuses my inability to work it out. Though I gave it a go.
FWIW - and this is the woowoo, nonsensical subjective bit, so feel free to ignore, the repeated card was a major Arcana card with remarkable relevance to my dilemma.
Just getting it once, and upright (also significant), was enough to make me and my partner go Ooooh, that's the important card.
We then did another spread, and drew the card, and there it was again. Wow. Quite weird.
After the third draw, finding our card AGAIN in the spread, we looked at each other in bewilderment, and not a little agitation.
We then laid the spread again, and there it was again. I nearly hurled the haunted pack out of the window, and into the rain.
I think psychics and tarot cards should be avoided, because even if you believe they read something from you, what they read is surely that you have enough anxiety about your future to consult tarot cards and psychics for reassurance. So the outcome you get from them will never be good.
There's a great novel about psychics that's well worth a read: Attack of the Unsinkable Rubber Ducks
The late Princess of Wales was obsessed with consulting psychics.
wasn't Charles supposed to have tried to contact his grandmother>?
Well, I think we can be fairly sure he never tried to contact Diana.
Thanks for all the intriguing answers. I am glad the maths is fiendish, as that excuses my inability to work it out. Though I gave it a go.
FWIW - and this is the woowoo, nonsensical subjective bit, so feel free to ignore, the repeated card was a major Arcana card with remarkable relevance to my dilemma.
Just getting it once, and upright (also significant), was enough to make me and my partner go Ooooh, that's the important card.
We then did another spread, and drew the card, and there it was again. Wow. Quite weird.
After the third draw, finding our card AGAIN in the spread, we looked at each other in bewilderment, and not a little agitation.
We then laid the spread again, and there it was again. I nearly hurled the haunted pack out of the window, and into the rain.
I think psychics and tarot cards should be avoided, because even if you believe they read something from you, what they read is surely that you have enough anxiety about your future to consult tarot cards and psychics for reassurance. So the outcome you get from them will never be good.
There's a great novel about psychics that's well worth a read: Attack of the Unsinkable Rubber Ducks
The late Princess of Wales was obsessed with consulting psychics.
wasn't Charles supposed to have tried to contact his grandmother>?
Mr. Noo, although it's doomed, MacBeth has some great lines.
I especially like "Give me mine armour, I'll fight till from my bones my flesh be hack'd".
Reminds me I need to return to the Complete Works. Only got a couple of comedies left, then it's tragedies, I think.
Who among political observers needs fictitious tragedies at this moment?
It does rather feel like we are in two separate parts of two tragic arcs with Trump and Boris. Trump atop the castle watching suspiciously as Birnam Wood appears to be advancing towards Dunsinane. Meanwhile, Boris is in the Hamlet-feigning-madness stage. That's probably better news for the Dems than the opposition in the UK, since Macbeth gets his comeuppance relatively cleanly, whereas in Hamlet basically everyone ends up dead. Or perhaps Jo Swinson is Fortinbras?
I live here and i can tell, however much malcolmg likes to pretend otherwise, the SNP are nowadays hated by many people in the NE and are going to get panned in Dec. Their incompetence in government, their corruption, their utter uselessness with regard to the whisky and fishing industries will all play against them.
Useless, lazy english journalists never come up here and ask people what WE actually think.
They are probably afraid they'll run into someone like you.
When all they do is ask shouty, dreary, entitled middle class nats like you.
Christ, are we bored with you lot up here.
The idea that Nats are over represented in media coverage of Scotland is hilarious.
The London media mistake the SNP for "Scotland"and hang on their every word.
The local media know better.
And yet if the people I am working with in Aberdeen are anything to go by there has been a massive increase in support for the SNP. Whatever idiocy they might have been doing is more than offset by the whole Remain movement which has clearly also fed into the Independence movement. As a strong Leave supporter I wish it were not so but the SNP do have a ready pool of new support because of Brexit.
I think they've become more emboldened and vocal (if that were possible). I'm not sure how many new converts they have actually made - not that I'm denying the possibility.
It will be depressing if we lose Scotland post-Brexit and Rejoin is dead on arrival. Especially when we could have had a softer Brexit if Remainers had just pushed for that instead of an referendum rerun.
Pastor in a Gospel Megachurch in Louisiana with a largely African American congregation tweets that Democrats should not vote for Buttigieg as he is in a gay marriage
The amusing bit, of course, is that Buttigieg is geniunely a Christian, unlike the current incumbent of the White House, and I suspect a personally moral man. Buttigieg has also served his country in Afghanistan, which he did by choice, not by the draft.
The Democrats win when the have young, articulate (perhaps even inexperienced) candidates: Obama, Clinton, JFK, even Carter in 76.
They win when they have candidates who are blank slates onto which voters can project their own hopes.
I think it's clear who that candidate is.
Now, he win and he might not. But there's probably quite a strong intersection between those people who wouldn't vote for a black candidate and those who wouldn't vote for a gay one.
Is there?
A lot of black Americans wouldn't vote for a gay man, but ofcourse would vote for a black one.
What is more Dems need 90%+ of the black vote to win the WH, so far Boot edge edge is winning 2% in some polls and * in others.
Mr. Noo, although it's doomed, MacBeth has some great lines.
I especially like "Give me mine armour, I'll fight till from my bones my flesh be hack'd".
Reminds me I need to return to the Complete Works. Only got a couple of comedies left, then it's tragedies, I think.
Who among political observers needs fictitious tragedies at this moment?
It does rather feel like we are in two separate parts of two tragic arcz with Trump and Boris. Trump atop the castle watching suspiciously as Birnam Wood appears to be advancing towards Dunsinane. Meanwhile, Boris is in the Hamlet-feigning-madness stage. That's probably better news for the Dems than the opposition in the UK, since Macbeth gets him comeuppance relatively cleanly, in Hamlet basically everyone ends up dead. Or perhaps Jo Swinson is Fortinbras?
The kingmaker and sole surviving major character was Horatio. If we're looking for people with brief walk-on parts and distant connections to events who went mental before coming back heroes then the correct parallel is Nigel Dodds.
I really hope that isn't a parallel that comes to pass...
Thanks for all the intriguing answers. I am glad the maths is fiendish, as that excuses my inability to work it out. Though I gave it a go.
FWIW - and this is the woowoo, nonsensical subjective bit, so feel free to ignore, the repeated card was a major Arcana card with remarkable relevance to my dilemma.
Just getting it once, and upright (also significant), was enough to make me and my partner go Ooooh, that's the important card.
We then did another spread, and drew the card, and there it was again. Wow. Quite weird.
After the third draw, finding our card AGAIN in the spread, we looked at each other in bewilderment, and not a little agitation.
We then laid the spread again, and there it was again. I nearly hurled the haunted pack out of the window.
Get somebody not known to you or your partner(?!) to do the deal. I can't rule out the possibility that the common factor (you) may be introducing a non-random element.
Having just come back from sun down drinks I couldn’t stop laughing at the two most arch Brexiteers out here in Spain starting to panic about their future when we leave, they couldn’t even understand that it was their fault. I a diehard remainer had to pacify them by saying they will be long gone by the time we leave transition.
Mr. Noo, I like Merchant of Venice for that too. Also Taming of the Shrew (come hither, crack-hemp/away, you three-inch fool), which has otherwise aged rather poorly.
But I am especially looking forward to Hamlet. Years ago I was a regular player on the now sadly defunct Fatal Dimensions MUD, and someone had created an area there called All The World's A Stage, with a nice little Hamlet section. It'd be good to finally read it.
I live here and i can tell, however much malcolmg likes to pretend otherwise, the SNP are nowadays hated by many people in the NE and are going to get panned in Dec. Their incompetence in government, their corruption, their utter uselessness with regard to the whisky and fishing industries will all play against them.
Useless, lazy english journalists never come up here and ask people what WE actually think.
They are probably afraid they'll run into someone like you.
When all they do is ask shouty, dreary, entitled middle class nats like you.
Christ, are we bored with you lot up here.
Nat? Errr ok, plank.
As i say, Christ are we bored with you lot.
But you don't even seem to know what my "lot" even is. Unless you mean you're bored of people who have a higher IQ than a yoghurt.
Well that would exclude Ian Blackford then.
I quite agree. As I've said before, the man is an oaf. Much like you.
The only name-calling (and often foul-mouthed) oaf on here is you, my friend.
Pastor in a Gospel Megachurch in Louisiana with a largely African American congregation tweets that Democrats should not vote for Buttigieg as he is in a gay marriage
The amusing bit, of course, is that Buttigieg is geniunely a Christian, unlike the current incumbent of the White House, and I suspect a personally moral man. Buttigieg has also served his country in Afghanistan, which he did by choice, not by the draft.
The Democrats win when the have young, articulate (perhaps even inexperienced) candidates: Obama, Clinton, JFK, even Carter in 76.
They win when they have candidates who are blank slates onto which voters can project their own hopes.
I think it's clear who that candidate is.
Now, he win and he might not. But there's probably quite a strong intersection between those people who wouldn't vote for a black candidate and those who wouldn't vote for a gay one.
Is there?
A lot of black Americans wouldn't vote for a gay man, but ofcourse would vote for a black one.
The Dems should have a Warren-Buttigieg ticket. Get Buttigieg nationally known as VP, and have him setup for whichever post-Trump headbanger the Republicans put forward in 2028. Generational change will have helped the homophobia issue by that point.
Mr. Noo, I like Merchant of Venice for that too. Also Taming of the Shrew (come hither, crack-hemp/away, you three-inch fool), which has otherwise aged rather poorly.
But I am especially looking forward to Hamlet. Years ago I was a regular player on the now sadly defunct Fatal Dimensions MUD, and someone had created an area there called All The World's A Stage, with a nice little Hamlet section. It'd be good to finally read it.
I live here and i can tell, however much malcolmg likes to pretend otherwise, the SNP are nowadays hated by many people in the NE and are going to get panned in Dec. Their incompetence in government, their corruption, their utter uselessness with regard to the whisky and fishing industries will all play against them.
Useless, lazy english journalists never come up here and ask people what WE actually think.
They are probably afraid they'll run into someone like you.
When all they do is ask shouty, dreary, entitled middle class nats like you.
Christ, are we bored with you lot up here.
Nat? Errr ok, plank.
As i say, Christ are we bored with you lot.
But you don't even seem to know what my "lot" even is. Unless you mean you're bored of people who have a higher IQ than a yoghurt.
Well that would exclude Ian Blackford then.
I quite agree. As I've said before, the man is an oaf. Much like you.
And in any case, hes more an idiot than an oaf. Like a majority of SNP Moray councillors....
Mr. Noo, I like Merchant of Venice for that too. Also Taming of the Shrew (come hither, crack-hemp/away, you three-inch fool), which has otherwise aged rather poorly.
But I am especially looking forward to Hamlet. Years ago I was a regular player on the now sadly defunct Fatal Dimensions MUD, and someone had created an area there called All The World's A Stage, with a nice little Hamlet section. It'd be good to finally read it.
I live here and i can tell, however much malcolmg likes to pretend otherwise, the SNP are nowadays hated by many people in the NE and are going to get panned in Dec. Their incompetence in government, their corruption, their utter uselessness with regard to the whisky and fishing industries will all play against them.
Useless, lazy english journalists never come up here and ask people what WE actually think.
They are probably afraid they'll run into someone like you.
When all they do is ask shouty, dreary, entitled middle class nats like you.
Christ, are we bored with you lot up here.
Nat? Errr ok, plank.
As i say, Christ are we bored with you lot.
But you don't even seem to know what my "lot" even is. Unless you mean you're bored of people who have a higher IQ than a yoghurt.
Well that would exclude Ian Blackford then.
I quite agree. As I've said before, the man is an oaf. Much like you.
The only name-calling (and often foul-mouthed) oaf on here is you, my friend.
Incidentally, a minor Morley & Outwood (assuming the name hasn't been changed again) update: saw a quartet of Conservative leaflet deliverers and perhaps canvassers when out with the dog.
Mr. Noo, I like Merchant of Venice for that too. Also Taming of the Shrew (come hither, crack-hemp/away, you three-inch fool), which has otherwise aged rather poorly.
But I am especially looking forward to Hamlet. Years ago I was a regular player on the now sadly defunct Fatal Dimensions MUD, and someone had created an area there called All The World's A Stage, with a nice little Hamlet section. It'd be good to finally read it.
I live here and i can tell, however much malcolmg likes to pretend otherwise, the SNP are nowadays hated by many people in the NE and are going to get panned in Dec. Their incompetence in government, their corruption, their utter uselessness with regard to the whisky and fishing industries will all play against them.
Useless, lazy english journalists never come up here and ask people what WE actually think.
They are probably afraid they'll run into someone like you.
When all they do is ask shouty, dreary, entitled middle class nats like you.
Christ, are we bored with you lot up here.
Nat? Errr ok, plank.
As i say, Christ are we bored with you lot.
But you don't even seem to know what my "lot" even is. Unless you mean you're bored of people who have a higher IQ than a yoghurt.
Well that would exclude Ian Blackford then.
I quite agree. As I've said before, the man is an oaf. Much like you.
The only name-calling (and often foul-mouthed) oaf on here is you, my friend.
Mr. Noo, I like Merchant of Venice for that too. Also Taming of the Shrew (come hither, crack-hemp/away, you three-inch fool), which has otherwise aged rather poorly.
But I am especially looking forward to Hamlet. Years ago I was a regular player on the now sadly defunct Fatal Dimensions MUD, and someone had created an area there called All The World's A Stage, with a nice little Hamlet section. It'd be good to finally read it.
I live here and i can tell, however much malcolmg likes to pretend otherwise, the SNP are nowadays hated by many people in the NE and are going to get panned in Dec. Their incompetence in government, their corruption, their utter uselessness with regard to the whisky and fishing industries will all play against them.
Useless, lazy english journalists never come up here and ask people what WE actually think.
They are probably afraid they'll run into someone like you.
When all they do is ask shouty, dreary, entitled middle class nats like you.
Christ, are we bored with you lot up here.
Nat? Errr ok, plank.
As i say, Christ are we bored with you lot.
But you don't even seem to know what my "lot" even is. Unless you mean you're bored of people who have a higher IQ than a yoghurt.
Well that would exclude Ian Blackford then.
I quite agree. As I've said before, the man is an oaf. Much like you.
The only name-calling (and often foul-mouthed) oaf on here is you, my friend.
Neither of you are coming across well out of this exchange.
Thanks for all the intriguing answers. I am glad the maths is fiendish, as that excuses my inability to work it out. Though I gave it a go.
FWIW - and this is the woowoo, nonsensical subjective bit, so feel free to ignore, the repeated card was a major Arcana card with remarkable relevance to my dilemma.
Just getting it once, and upright (also significant), was enough to make me and my partner go Ooooh, that's the important card.
We then did another spread, and drew the card, and there it was again. Wow. Quite weird.
After the third draw, finding our card AGAIN in the spread, we looked at each other in bewilderment, and not a little agitation.
We then laid the spread again, and there it was again. I nearly hurled the haunted pack out of the window.
What on earth are you on about?
PB has been the unfortunate host of many mad posts, but an attempt to reinvigorate Tarot readings into the mainstream is quite special.
Are you planning an Astrology seminar soon? I hope I'll get front seats at the bone-shaking too when that's announced.
Mr. Noo, I like Merchant of Venice for that too. Also Taming of the Shrew (come hither, crack-hemp/away, you three-inch fool), which has otherwise aged rather poorly.
But I am especially looking forward to Hamlet. Years ago I was a regular player on the now sadly defunct Fatal Dimensions MUD, and someone had created an area there called All The World's A Stage, with a nice little Hamlet section. It'd be good to finally read it.
I live here and i can tell, however much malcolmg likes to pretend otherwise, the SNP are nowadays hated by many people in the NE and are going to get panned in Dec. Their incompetence in government, their corruption, their utter uselessness with regard to the whisky and fishing industries will all play against them.
Useless, lazy english journalists never come up here and ask people what WE actually think.
They are probably afraid they'll run into someone like you.
When all they do is ask shouty, dreary, entitled middle class nats like you.
Christ, are we bored with you lot up here.
Nat? Errr ok, plank.
As i say, Christ are we bored with you lot.
But you don't even seem to know what my "lot" even is. Unless you mean you're bored of people who have a higher IQ than a yoghurt.
Well that would exclude Ian Blackford then.
I quite agree. As I've said before, the man is an oaf. Much like you.
And in any case, hes more an idiot than an oaf. Like a majority of SNP Moray councillors....
Why do you think I give the slightest fuck about Moray councillors, of any stripe? You dreadful little bore.
Mr. Noo, I like Merchant of Venice for that too. Also Taming of the Shrew (come hither, crack-hemp/away, you three-inch fool), which has otherwise aged rather poorly.
But I am especially looking forward to Hamlet. Years ago I was a regular player on the now sadly defunct Fatal Dimensions MUD, and someone had created an area there called All The World's A Stage, with a nice little Hamlet section. It'd be good to finally read it.
I live here and i can tell, however much malcolmg likes to pretend otherwise, the SNP are nowadays hated by many people in the NE and are going to get panned in Dec. Their incompetence in government, their corruption, their utter uselessness with regard to the whisky and fishing industries will all play against them.
Useless, lazy english journalists never come up here and ask people what WE actually think.
They are probably afraid they'll run into someone like you.
When all they do is ask shouty, dreary, entitled middle class nats like you.
Christ, are we bored with you lot up here.
Nat? Errr ok, plank.
As i say, Christ are we bored with you lot.
But you don't even seem to know what my "lot" even is. Unless you mean you're bored of people who have a higher IQ than a yoghurt.
Well that would exclude Ian Blackford then.
I quite agree. As I've said before, the man is an oaf. Much like you.
The only name-calling (and often foul-mouthed) oaf on here is you, my friend.
Neither of you are coming across well out of this exchange.
Incidentally, a minor Morley & Outwood (assuming the name hasn't been changed again) update: saw a quartet of Conservative leaflet deliverers and perhaps canvassers when out with the dog.
I allow myself to daydream a little of an election that sees Corbyn lose but Jenkyns lose her seat. Probably unlikely that both will come true, sadly.
Question: Four draws, from a pack of 78 cards, what is the probability that the same card * => p = 0.112400757
Draw 3: * as draw 2 * so p = 0.112400757
Draw is right or wrong. Please ask other people to check it. If you want me to do a better calculation, please pay me.
lol. thanks very much!
I have now received the Fool Card, Upright, in four draw of 3 cards in sequence.
In my maths, which I believe is probably wrong, the chances of this happening are 1 in 140,608, or 0.00000711197%
After the firsterefore the final percentage is somewhere not too far above 0.002%, or about one in 48000.
I don't belied.
If the cards are simply collected off the table and added to the pack, held the same way around, then cards are never going to get turned round in the first place.
After the first deal, we are only interested in the three cards on the table - how the rest of the pack is held doesn’t matter.
Either they are picked up the same way - in which case they won’t change direction - or their orientation is somehow randomised (by mixing them about) - in which case the one in eight is the best estimate of getting four deals with the same orientation.
Every shuffle was notably thorough. It is part of the Tarot reading process. You meditate on your question as you shuffle.
So you do a normal shuffle, then you divide the pack into maybe six piles, turning each pile around (to shuffle orientation as well as sequence). Then you shuffle again, then split and revolve, then shuffle again, then a final split. Etc.
It takes about ten minutes.
Of course the cards could be sticky or something, but that's still a lot of shuffling and spinning. It's surely quite close to proper randomising.
You should accept that it is your destiny. Probability = 1.
And of course we are looking here at probability after the event. There were millions of ways all those cards could have come out, and whichever one played out had the same infinitesimal chance, in advance. Certain outcomes only seem surprisingly unlikely because humans are good at spotting patterns.
It is rather like when people speculate on the supposedly tiny chance of intelligent life having evolved to our current point without any direction. It doesn’t matter how small the chance, because in all the other scenarios there is no-one to ask the question. Once it has happened, the probability equals 100%.
And thats before you start thinking about all the possible locations and points in time.
Thanks for all the intriguing answers. I am glad the maths is fiendish, as that excuses my inability to work it out. Though I gave it a go.
FWIW - and this is the woowoo, nonsensical subjective bit, so feel free to ignore, the repeated card was a major Arcana card with remarkable relevance to my dilemma.
Just getting it once, and upright (also significant), was enough to make me and my partner go Ooooh, that's the important card.
We then did another spread, and drew the card, and there it was again. Wow. Quite weird.
After the third draw, finding our card AGAIN in the spread, we looked at each other in bewilderment, and not a little agitation.
We then laid the spread again, and there it was again. I nearly hurled the haunted pack out of the window.
What on earth are you on about?
PB has been the unfortunate host of many mad posts, but an attempt to reinvigorate Tarot readings into the mainstream is quite special.
Are you planning an Astrology seminar soon? I hope I'll get front seats at the bone-shaking too when that's announced.
Thanks for all the intriguing answers. I am glad the maths is fiendish, as that excuses my inability to work it out. Though I gave it a go.
FWIW - and this is the woowoo, nonsensical subjective bit, so feel free to ignore, the repeated card was a major Arcana card with remarkable relevance to my dilemma.
Just getting it once, and upright (also significant), was enough to make me and my partner go Ooooh, that's the important card.
We then did another spread, and drew the card, and there it was again. Wow. Quite weird.
After the third draw, finding our card AGAIN in the spread, we looked at each other in bewilderment, and not a little agitation.
We then laid the spread again, and there it was again. I nearly hurled the haunted pack out of the window.
What on earth are you on about?
PB has been the unfortunate host of many mad posts, but an attempt to reinvigorate Tarot readings into the mainstream is quite special.
Are you planning an Astrology seminar soon? I hope I'll get front seats at the bone-shaking too when that's announced.
I forget what the majority is now, in 2015 it was about a thousand.
The thing is, this is quite an EU-sceptic sort of seat. In 2015 I think UKIP got several thousand votes. I think that makes it unlikely that Jenkyns will lose her seat.
Pastor in a Gospel Megachurch in Louisiana with a largely African American congregation tweets that Democrats should not vote for Buttigieg as he is in a gay marriage
The amusing bit, of course, is that Buttigieg is geniunely a Christian, unlike the current incumbent of the White House, and I suspect a personally moral man. Buttigieg has also served his country in Afghanistan, which he did by choice, not by the draft.
The Democrats win when the have young, articulate (perhaps even inexperienced) candidates: Obama, Clinton, JFK, even Carter in 76.
They win when they have candidates who are blank slates onto which voters can project their own hopes.
I think it's clear who that candidate is.
Now, he win and he might not. But there's probably quite a strong intersection between those people who wouldn't vote for a black candidate and those who wouldn't vote for a gay one.
Is there?
A lot of black Americans wouldn't vote for a gay man, but ofcourse would vote for a black one.
The Dems should have a Warren-Buttigieg ticket. Get Buttigieg nationally known as VP, and have him setup for whichever post-Trump headbanger the Republicans put forward in 2028. Generational change will have helped the homophobia issue by that point.
He's utterly unfit to be president, and fortunately has no chance of ever being elected.
Pastor in a Gospel Megachurch in Louisiana with a largely African American congregation tweets that Democrats should not vote for Buttigieg as he is in a gay marriage
The amusing bit, of course, is that Buttigieg is geniunely a Christian, unlike the current incumbent of the White House, and I suspect a personally moral man. Buttigieg has also served his country in Afghanistan, which he did by choice, not by the draft.
The Democrats win when the have young, articulate (perhaps even inexperienced) candidates: Obama, Clinton, JFK, even Carter in 76.
They win when they have candidates who are blank slates onto which voters can project their own hopes.
I think it's clear who that candidate is.
Now, he win and he might not. But there's probably quite a strong intersection between those people who wouldn't vote for a black candidate and those who wouldn't vote for a gay one.
Is there?
A lot of black Americans wouldn't vote for a gay man, but ofcourse would vote for a black one.
The Dems should have a Warren-Buttigieg ticket. Get Buttigieg nationally known as VP, and have him setup for whichever post-Trump headbanger the Republicans put forward in 2028. Generational change will have helped the homophobia issue by that point.
He's utterly unfit to be president, and fortunately has no chance of ever being elected.
(Having just now suggested that Byronic was a bit mad I can see that this suggestion may not go so well for me)
Pastor in a Gospel Megachurch in Louisiana with a largely African American congregation tweets that Democrats should not vote for Buttigieg as he is in a gay marriage
The amusing bit, of course, is that Buttigieg is geniunely a Christian, unlike the current incumbent of the White House, and I suspect a personally moral man. Buttigieg has also served his country in Afghanistan, which he did by choice, not by the draft.
The Democrats win when the have young, articulate (perhaps even inexperienced) candidates: Obama, Clinton, JFK, even Carter in 76.
They win when they have candidates who are blank slates onto which voters can project their own hopes.
I think it's clear who that candidate is.
Now, he win and he might not. But there's probably quite a strong intersection between those people who wouldn't vote for a black candidate and those who wouldn't vote for a gay one.
Is there?
A lot of black Americans wouldn't vote for a gay man, but ofcourse would vote for a black one.
The Dems should have a Warren-Buttigieg ticket. Get Buttigieg nationally known as VP, and have him setup for whichever post-Trump headbanger the Republicans put forward in 2028. Generational change will have helped the homophobia issue by that point.
He's utterly unfit to be president, and fortunately has no chance of ever being elected.
Make a comment fine but follow it up with a justification please otherwise it’s meaningless.
Thanks for all the intriguing answers. I am glad the maths is fiendish, as that excuses my inability to work it out. Though I gave it a go.
FWIW - and this is the woowoo, nonsensical subjective bit, so feel free to ignore, the repeated card was a major Arcana card with remarkable relevance to my dilemma.
Just getting it once, and upright (also significant), was enough to make me and my partner go Ooooh, that's the important card.
We then did another spread, and drew the card, and there it was again. Wow. Quite weird.
After the third draw, finding our card AGAIN in the spread, we looked at each other in bewilderment, and not a little agitation.
We then laid the spread again, and there it was again. I nearly hurled the haunted pack out of the window.
What on earth are you on about?
PB has been the unfortunate host of many mad posts, but an attempt to reinvigorate Tarot readings into the mainstream is quite special.
Are you planning an Astrology seminar soon? I hope I'll get front seats at the bone-shaking too when that's announced.
He should have asked whether he will soon be paying £1000 to Mr Glenn.
Pastor in a Gospel Megachurch in Louisiana with a largely African American congregation tweets that Democrats should not vote for Buttigieg as he is in a gay marriage
The amusing bit, of course, is that Buttigieg is geniunely a Christian, unlike the current incumbent of the White House, and I suspect a personally moral man. Buttigieg has also served his country in Afghanistan, which he did by choice, not by the draft.
The Democrats win when the have young, articulate (perhaps even inexperienced) candidates: Obama, Clinton, JFK, even Carter in 76.
They win when they have candidates who are blank slates onto which voters can project their own hopes.
I think it's clear who that candidate is.
Now, he win and he might not. But there's probably quite a strong intersection between those people who wouldn't vote for a black candidate and those who wouldn't vote for a gay one.
Is there?
A lot of black Americans wouldn't vote for a gay man, but ofcourse would vote for a black one.
The Dems should have a Warren-Buttigieg ticket. Get Buttigieg nationally known as VP, and have him setup for whichever post-Trump headbanger the Republicans put forward in 2028. Generational change will have helped the homophobia issue by that point.
He's utterly unfit to be president, and fortunately has no chance of ever being elected.
Incidentally, a minor Morley & Outwood (assuming the name hasn't been changed again) update: saw a quartet of Conservative leaflet deliverers and perhaps canvassers when out with the dog.
I allow myself to daydream a little of an election that sees Corbyn lose but Jenkyns lose her seat. Probably unlikely that both will come true, sadly.
I live here and i can tell, however much malcolmg likes to pretend otherwise, the SNP are nowadays hated by many people in the NE and are going to get panned in Dec. Their incompetence in government, their corruption, their utter uselessness with regard to the whisky and fishing industries will all play against them.
Useless, lazy english journalists never come up here and ask people what WE actually think.
They are probably afraid they'll run into someone like you.
When all they do is ask shouty, dreary, entitled middle class nats like you.
Christ, are we bored with you lot up here.
The idea that Nats are over represented in media coverage of Scotland is hilarious.
The London media mistake the SNP for "Scotland"and hang on their every word.
The local media know better.
And yet if the people I am working with in Aberdeen are anything to go by there has been a massive increase in support for the SNP. Whatever idiocy they might have been doing is more than offset by the whole Remain movement which has clearly also fed into the Independence movement. As a strong Leave supporter I wish it were not so but the SNP do have a ready pool of new support because of Brexit.
The SNP are still poling below pre Brexit 2015 levels
I live here and i can tell, however much malcolmg likes to pretend otherwise, the SNP are nowadays hated by many people in the NE and are going to get panned in Dec. Their incompetence in government, their corruption, their utter uselessness with regard to the whisky and fishing industries will all play against them.
Useless, lazy english journalists never come up here and ask people what WE actually think.
Pastor in a Gospel Megachurch in Louisiana with a largely African American congregation tweets that Democrats should not vote for Buttigieg as he is in a gay marriage
The amusing bit, of course, is that Buttigieg is geniunely a Christian, unlike the current incumbent of the White House, and I suspect a personally moral man. Buttigieg has also served his country in Afghanistan, which he did by choice, not by the draft.
The Democrats win when the have young, articulate (perhaps even inexperienced) candidates: Obama, Clinton, JFK, even Carter in 76.
They win when they have candidates who are blank slates onto which voters can project their own hopes.
I think it's clear who that candidate is.
Now, he win and he might not. But there's probably quite a strong intersection between those people who wouldn't vote for a black candidate and those who wouldn't vote for a gay one.
Is there?
A lot of black Americans wouldn't vote for a gay man, but ofcourse would vote for a black one.
The Dems should have a Warren-Buttigieg ticket. Get Buttigieg nationally known as VP, and have him setup for whichever post-Trump headbanger the Republicans put forward in 2028. Generational change will have helped the homophobia issue by that point.
He's utterly unfit to be president, and fortunately has no chance of ever being elected.
Plus if Bobby Kennedy's grandson, Joe P Kennedy III, wins the Massachussets Senate race next year as polls indicate he will be in a good place for 2024 himself
I live here and i can tell, however much malcolmg likes to pretend otherwise, the SNP are nowadays hated by many people in the NE and are going to get panned in Dec. Their incompetence in government, their corruption, their utter uselessness with regard to the whisky and fishing industries will all play against them.
Useless, lazy english journalists never come up here and ask people what WE actually think.
They are probably afraid they'll run into someone like you.
When all they do is ask shouty, dreary, entitled middle class nats like you.
Christ, are we bored with you lot up here.
Nat? Errr ok, plank.
As i say, Christ are we bored with you lot.
You ok, hun? Has something happened today in the NE to get you all steamed up?
Pastor in a Gospel Megachurch in Louisiana with a largely African American congregation tweets that Democrats should not vote for Buttigieg as he is in a gay marriage
The amusing bit, of course, is that Buttigieg is geniunely a Christian, unlike the current incumbent of the White House, and I suspect a personally moral man. Buttigieg has also served his country in Afghanistan, which he did by choice, not by the draft.
The Democrats win when the have young, articulate (perhaps even inexperienced) candidates: Obama, Clinton, JFK, even Carter in 76.
They win when they have candidates who are blank slates onto which voters can project their own hopes.
I think it's clear who that candidate is.
Now, he win and he might not. But there's probably quite a strong intersection between those people who wouldn't vote for a black candidate and those who wouldn't vote for a gay one.
Is there?
A lot of black Americans wouldn't vote for a gay man, but ofcourse would vote for a black one.
The Dems should have a Warren-Buttigieg ticket. Get Buttigieg nationally known as VP, and have him setup for whichever post-Trump headbanger the Republicans put forward in 2028. Generational change will have helped the homophobia issue by that point.
He's utterly unfit to be president, and fortunately has no chance of ever being elected.
He is highly talented and has proved himself successful across academics, the private sector and as a public sector executive. Much better than the emotionally stunted current occupant, who wasn't a talented businessman, but played one on TV.
No surprise and given how far the Spanish have gone to block a Catalan independence vote Boris has plenty of leeway to block any indyref2 while he is PM
Oh yes, you'll be there HY, dragging old ladies out of the polling place before they can cast their ballot. Standing up for democracy, do you call it?
Not sure if any of you have heard but it was announced a short time ago on the STV news that Ross Thomson has indicated he will not defend Aberdeen South in view of the smutty allegations against him by the young Glasgow Labour MP Paul Sweeney. Depending on who the new Tory candidate will be, I suspect a better chance of Conservative Hold.
From no hope to Bob Hope. The "smutty allegations" is a cracker though.
Why the hell are people referring to Carter as 'young?' He was well over fifty! Admittedly that's younger than any Republican president since the war, but it's still five years older than Obama and not ridiculously far off Lyndon B. Johnson.
No surprise and given how far the Spanish have gone to block a Catalan independence vote Boris has plenty of leeway to block any indyref2 while he is PM
Oh yes, you'll be there HY, dragging old ladies out of the polling place before they can cast their ballot. Standing up for democracy, do you call it?
I expect most old ladies will still be happy with the Union but yes no authorised second Scottish independence referendum will be allowed by Boris for as long as he is PM as he confirmed today, even if he does not go as far as the Spanish and arrest Nicola Sturgeon
Why the hell are people referring to Carter as 'young?' He was well over fifty! Admittedly that's younger than any Republican president since the war, but it's still five years older than Obama and not ridiculously far off Lyndon B. Johnson.
No surprise and given how far the Spanish have gone to block a Catalan independence vote Boris has plenty of leeway to block any indyref2 while he is PM
What rubbish you spout , the two are completely different.
I live here and i can tell, however much malcolmg likes to pretend otherwise, the SNP are nowadays hated by many people in the NE and are going to get panned in Dec. Their incompetence in government, their corruption, their utter uselessness with regard to the whisky and fishing industries will all play against them.
Useless, lazy english journalists never come up here and ask people what WE actually think.
They are probably afraid they'll run into someone like you.
When all they do is ask shouty, dreary, entitled middle class nats like you.
Christ, are we bored with you lot up here.
Nat? Errr ok, plank.
As i say, Christ are we bored with you lot.
But you don't even seem to know what my "lot" even is. Unless you mean you're bored of people who have a higher IQ than a yoghurt.
Why the hell are people referring to Carter as 'young?' He was well over fifty! Admittedly that's younger than any Republican president since the war, but it's still five years older than Obama and not ridiculously far off Lyndon B. Johnson.
Pastor in a Gospel Megachurch in Louisiana with a largely African American congregation tweets that Democrats should not vote for Buttigieg as he is in a gay marriage
The amusing bit, of course, is that Buttigieg is geniunely a Christian, unlike the current incumbent of the White House, and I suspect a personally moral man. Buttigieg has also served his country in Afghanistan, which he did by choice, not by the draft.
The Democrats win when the have young, articulate (perhaps even inexperienced) candidates: Obama, Clinton, JFK, even Carter in 76.
They win when they have candidates who are blank slates onto which voters can project their own hopes.
I think it's clear who that candidate is.
Now, he win and he might not. But there's probably quite a strong intersection between those people who wouldn't vote for a black candidate and those who wouldn't vote for a gay one.
Is there?
A lot of black Americans wouldn't vote for a gay man, but ofcourse would vote for a black one.
What is more Dems need 90%+ of the black vote to win the WH, so far Boot edge edge is winning 2% in some polls and * in others.
I think this is the same logic as saying "Evangelicals will never vote for a serial adulterer who's paid for mistresses to have abortions".
Once Buttigieg and Obama are up on stage together, those doubts will fade.
If there's one thing we've learned in the last few years, people vote according to whether they think someone will do something for them.
Pastor in a Gospel Megachurch in Louisiana with a largely African American congregation tweets that Democrats should not vote for Buttigieg as he is in a gay marriage
The amusing bit, of course, is that Buttigieg is geniunely a Christian, unlike the current incumbent of the White House, and I suspect a personally moral man. Buttigieg has also served his country in Afghanistan, which he did by choice, not by the draft.
The Democrats win when the have young, articulate (perhaps even inexperienced) candidates: Obama, Clinton, JFK, even Carter in 76.
They win when they have candidates who are blank slates onto which voters can project their own hopes.
I think it's clear who that candidate is.
Now, he win and he might not. But there's probably quite a strong intersection between those people who wouldn't vote for a black candidate and those who wouldn't vote for a gay one.
Is there?
A lot of black Americans wouldn't vote for a gay man, but ofcourse would vote for a black one.
The Dems should have a Warren-Buttigieg ticket. Get Buttigieg nationally known as VP, and have him setup for whichever post-Trump headbanger the Republicans put forward in 2028. Generational change will have helped the homophobia issue by that point.
Buttigieg doesn't bring anything to Warren's ticket. She needs a conservative white heterosexual man from a swing state...
No surprise and given how far the Spanish have gone to block a Catalan independence vote Boris has plenty of leeway to block any indyref2 while he is PM
What rubbish you spout , the two are completely different.
As long as it upsets the Nats, the reason and explanation are irrelevant. Seeing Ms Sturgeon on TV was a LOL experience, someone incapable of speaking the truth (but common to most other politicians whether elected or not...
Mr. Noo, I like Merchant of Venice for that too. Also Taming of the Shrew (come hither, crack-hemp/away, you three-inch fool), which has otherwise aged rather poorly.
But I am especially looking forward to Hamlet. Years ago I was a regular player on the now sadly defunct Fatal Dimensions MUD, and someone had created an area there called All The World's A Stage, with a nice little Hamlet section. It'd be good to finally read it.
I live here and i can tell, however much malcolmg likes to pretend otherwise, the SNP are nowadays hated by many people in the NE and are going to get panned in Dec. Their incompetence in government, their corruption, their utter uselessness with regard to the whisky and fishing industries will all play against them.
Useless, lazy english journalists never come up here and ask people what WE actually think.
They are probably afraid they'll run into someone like you.
When all they do is ask shouty, dreary, entitled middle class nats like you.
Christ, are we bored with you lot up here.
Nat? Errr ok, plank.
As i say, Christ are we bored with you lot.
But you don't even seem to know what my "lot" even is. Unless you mean you're bored of people who have a higher IQ than a yoghurt.
Well that would exclude Ian Blackford then.
I quite agree. As I've said before, the man is an oaf. Much like you.
No surprise and given how far the Spanish have gone to block a Catalan independence vote Boris has plenty of leeway to block any indyref2 while he is PM
Oh yes, you'll be there HY, dragging old ladies out of the polling place before they can cast their ballot. Standing up for democracy, do you call it?
I expect most old ladies will still be happy with the Union but yes no authorised second Scottish independence referendum will be allowed by Boris for as long as he is PM as he confirmed today, even if he does not go as far as the Spanish and arrest Nicola Sturgeon
Are the troops massing on the border yet to prevent the vote
I live here and i can tell, however much malcolmg likes to pretend otherwise, the SNP are nowadays hated by many people in the NE and are going to get panned in Dec. Their incompetence in government, their corruption, their utter uselessness with regard to the whisky and fishing industries will all play against them.
Useless, lazy english journalists never come up here and ask people what WE actually think.
They are probably afraid they'll run into someone like you.
When all they do is ask shouty, dreary, entitled middle class nats like you.
Christ, are we bored with you lot up here.
The idea that Nats are over represented in media coverage of Scotland is hilarious.
The London media mistake the SNP for "Scotland"and hang on their every word.
The local media know better.
And yet if the people I am working with in Aberdeen are anything to go by there has been a massive increase in support for the SNP. Whatever idiocy they might have been doing is more than offset by the whole Remain movement which has clearly also fed into the Independence movement. As a strong Leave supporter I wish it were not so but the SNP do have a ready pool of new support because of Brexit.
The SNP are still poling below pre Brexit 2015 levels
Why don't you just add that to your avatar save you constantly copy and pasting it
Pastor in a Gospel Megachurch in Louisiana with a largely African American congregation tweets that Democrats should not vote for Buttigieg as he is in a gay marriage
The amusing bit, of course, is that Buttigieg is geniunely a Christian, unlike the current incumbent of the White House, and I suspect a personally moral man. Buttigieg has also served his country in Afghanistan, which he did by choice, not by the draft.
The Democrats win when the have young, articulate (perhaps even inexperienced) candidates: Obama, Clinton, JFK, even Carter in 76.
They win when they have candidates who are blank slates onto which voters can project their own hopes.
I think it's clear who that candidate is.
Now, he win and he might not. But there's probably quite a strong intersection between those people who wouldn't vote for a black candidate and those who wouldn't vote for a gay one.
Is there?
A lot of black Americans wouldn't vote for a gay man, but ofcourse would vote for a black one.
The Dems should have a Warren-Buttigieg ticket. Get Buttigieg nationally known as VP, and have him setup for whichever post-Trump headbanger the Republicans put forward in 2028. Generational change will have helped the homophobia issue by that point.
He's utterly unfit to be president, and fortunately has no chance of ever being elected.
Pastor in a Gospel Megachurch in Louisiana with a largely African American congregation tweets that Democrats should not vote for Buttigieg as he is in a gay marriage
The amusing bit, of course, is that Buttigieg is geniunely a Christian, unlike the current incumbent of the White House, and I suspect a personally moral man. Buttigieg has also served his country in Afghanistan, which he did by choice, not by the draft.
The Democrats win when the have young, articulate (perhaps even inexperienced) candidates: Obama, Clinton, JFK, even Carter in 76.
They win when they have candidates who are blank slates onto which voters can project their own hopes.
I think it's clear who that candidate is.
Now, he win and he might not. But there's probably quite a strong intersection between those people who wouldn't vote for a black candidate and those who wouldn't vote for a gay one.
Is there?
A lot of black Americans wouldn't vote for a gay man, but ofcourse would vote for a black one.
The Dems should have a Warren-Buttigieg ticket. Get Buttigieg nationally known as VP, and have him setup for whichever post-Trump headbanger the Republicans put forward in 2028. Generational change will have helped the homophobia issue by that point.
He's utterly unfit to be president, and fortunately has no chance of ever being elected.
Pastor in a Gospel Megachurch in Louisiana with a largely African American congregation tweets that Democrats should not vote for Buttigieg as he is in a gay marriage
The amusing bit, of course, is that Buttigieg is geniunely a Christian, unlike the current incumbent of the White House, and I suspect a personally moral man. Buttigieg has also served his country in Afghanistan, which he did by choice, not by the draft.
The Democrats win when the have young, articulate (perhaps even inexperienced) candidates: Obama, Clinton, JFK, even Carter in 76.
They win when they have candidates who are blank slates onto which voters can project their own hopes.
I think it's clear who that candidate is.
Now, he win and he might not. But there's probably quite a strong intersection between those people who wouldn't vote for a black candidate and those who wouldn't vote for a gay one.
Is there?
A lot of black Americans wouldn't vote for a gay man, but ofcourse would vote for a black one.
The Dems should have a Warren-Buttigieg ticket. Get Buttigieg nationally known as VP, and have him setup for whichever post-Trump headbanger the Republicans put forward in 2028. Generational change will have helped the homophobia issue by that point.
Buttigieg doesn't bring anything to Warren's ticket. She needs a conservative white heterosexual man from a swing state...
Or Sherrod Brown.
I suspect Sherrod Brown is needed more in the Senate than on the ticket. Buttigieg is a young polite church-going Midwesterner from the moderate wing of the party. He is the perfect person to reassure upper middle income suburbanites scared by Warren's radicalism.
Maybe we could restrict ourselves until the 13/12 to information about interesting ground war anecdotes and insightful views on individual constituency outcomes. Personal putrid battles are boring. There are several interesting markets Lib dem possible gains Scotland Lab/con marginals
Any objective views from the front line would be most welcome
What shape do we think the Tory campaign is going to take? I kept waiting for it to start last time and the only bits of news that broke through were the terrible missteps. When will we be able to form an impression about whether or not things will be different this time?
Mr. Noo, I like Merchant of Venice for that too. Also Taming of the Shrew (come hither, crack-hemp/away, you three-inch fool), which has otherwise aged rather poorly.
But I am especially looking forward to Hamlet. Years ago I was a regular player on the now sadly defunct Fatal Dimensions MUD, and someone had created an area there called All The World's A Stage, with a nice little Hamlet section. It'd be good to finally read it.
I live here and i can tell, however much malcolmg likes to pretend otherwise, the SNP are nowadays hated by many people in the NE and are going to get panned in Dec. Their incompetence in government, their corruption, their utter uselessness with regard to the whisky and fishing industries will all play against them.
Useless, lazy english journalists never come up here and ask people what WE actually think.
They are probably afraid they'll run into someone like you.
When all they do is ask shouty, dreary, entitled middle class nats like you.
Christ, are we bored with you lot up here.
Nat? Errr ok, plank.
As i say, Christ are we bored with you lot.
But you don't even seem to know what my "lot" even is. Unless you mean you're bored of people who have a higher IQ than a yoghurt.
Well that would exclude Ian Blackford then.
I quite agree. As I've said before, the man is an oaf. Much like you.
And in any case, hes more an idiot than an oaf. Like a majority of SNP Moray councillors....
Time to go have a lie down in a darkened room, compose yourself.
Thanks for all the intriguing answers. I am glad the maths is fiendish, as that excuses my inability to work it out. Though I gave it a go.
FWIW - and this is the woowoo, nonsensical subjective bit, so feel free to ignore, the repeated card was a major Arcana card with remarkable relevance to my dilemma.
Just getting it once, and upright (also significant), was enough to make me and my partner go Ooooh, that's the important card.
We then did another spread, and drew the card, and there it was again. Wow. Quite weird.
After the third draw, finding our card AGAIN in the spread, we looked at each other in bewilderment, and not a little agitation.
We then laid the spread again, and there it was again. I nearly hurled the haunted pack out of the window, and into the rain.
I think psychics and tarot cards should be avoided, because even if you believe they read something from you, what they read is surely that you have enough anxiety about your future to consult tarot cards and psychics for reassurance. So the outcome you get from them will never be good.
There's a great novel about psychics that's well worth a read: Attack of the Unsinkable Rubber Ducks
The late Princess of Wales was obsessed with consulting psychics.
What shape do we think the Tory campaign is going to take? I kept waiting for it to start last time and the only bits of news that broke through were the terrible missteps. When will we be able to form an impression about whether or not things will be different this time?
More schools, hospitals and police. I expect there'll be lots of occasions when some left wing activists start heckling Johnson and that along with selacious Arcuri rumours/allegations will be the extent of the negative publicity.
No surprise and given how far the Spanish have gone to block a Catalan independence vote Boris has plenty of leeway to block any indyref2 while he is PM
What rubbish you spout , the two are completely different.
They aren't and the PP are the Tories sister party after all, just not quite as hardline
Pastor in a Gospel Megachurch in Louisiana with a largely African American congregation tweets that Democrats should not vote for Buttigieg as he is in a gay marriage
The amusing bit, of course, is that Buttigieg is geniunely a Christian, unlike the current incumbent of the White House, and I suspect a personally moral man. Buttigieg has also served his country in Afghanistan, which he did by choice, not by the draft.
The Democrats win when the have young, articulate (perhaps even inexperienced) candidates: Obama, Clinton, JFK, even Carter in 76.
They win when they have candidates who are blank slates onto which voters can project their own hopes.
I think it's clear who that candidate is.
Now, he win and he might not. But there's probably quite a strong intersection between those people who wouldn't vote for a black candidate and those who wouldn't vote for a gay one.
Is there?
A lot of black Americans wouldn't vote for a gay man, but ofcourse would vote for a black one.
The Dems should have a Warren-Buttigieg ticket. Get Buttigieg nationally known as VP, and have him setup for whichever post-Trump headbanger the Republicans put forward in 2028. Generational change will have helped the homophobia issue by that point.
Buttigieg doesn't bring anything to Warren's ticket. She needs a conservative white heterosexual man from a swing state...
Or Sherrod Brown.
I suspect Sherrod Brown is needed more in the Senate than on the ticket. Buttigieg is a young polite church-going Midwesterner from the moderate wing of the party. He is the perfect person to reassure upper middle income suburbanites scared by Warren's radicalism.
The other route she could go is Cory Booker, who would energize the black vote and is also well liked in the suburbs. Another option is Andrew Gillum, who helps with Florida, but isn't as well known as Booker.
No surprise and given how far the Spanish have gone to block a Catalan independence vote Boris has plenty of leeway to block any indyref2 while he is PM
What rubbish you spout , the two are completely different.
As long as it upsets the Nats, the reason and explanation are irrelevant. Seeing Ms Sturgeon on TV was a LOL experience, someone incapable of speaking the truth (but common to most other politicians whether elected or not...
Loonies are out in force today. Thomson resignation has unhinged the Tories.
Mr. Noo, I like Merchant of Venice for that too. Also Taming of the Shrew (come hither, crack-hemp/away, you three-inch fool), which has otherwise aged rather poorly.
But I am especially looking forward to Hamlet. Years ago I was a regular player on the now sadly defunct Fatal Dimensions MUD, and someone had created an area there called All The World's A Stage, with a nice little Hamlet section. It'd be good to finally read it.
I live here and i can tell, however much malcolmg likes to pretend otherwise, the SNP are nowadays hated by many people in the NE and are going to get panned in Dec. Their incompetence in government, their corruption, their utter uselessness with regard to the whisky and fishing industries will all play against them.
Useless, lazy english journalists never come up here and ask people what WE actually think.
They are probably afraid they'll run into someone like you.
When all they do is ask shouty, dreary, entitled middle class nats like you.
Christ, are we bored with you lot up here.
Nat? Errr ok, plank.
As i say, Christ are we bored with you lot.
But you don't even seem to know what my "lot" even is. Unless you mean you're bored of people who have a higher IQ than a yoghurt.
Well that would exclude Ian Blackford then.
I quite agree. As I've said before, the man is an oaf. Much like you.
That is really hard on Ian Blackford.
You're right. I'll roll it back to "I'm not a fan of Blackford but he's not as bad as plank".
Pastor in a Gospel Megachurch in Louisiana with a largely African American congregation tweets that Democrats should not vote for Buttigieg as he is in a gay marriage
The amusing bit, of course, is that Buttigieg is geniunely a Christian, unlike the current incumbent of the White House, and I suspect a personally moral man. Buttigieg has also served his country in Afghanistan, which he did by choice, not by the draft.
The Democrats win when the have young, articulate (perhaps even inexperienced) candidates: Obama, Clinton, JFK, even Carter in 76.
They win when they have candidates who are blank slates onto which voters can project their own hopes.
I think it's clear who that candidate is.
Now, he win and he might not. But there's probably quite a strong intersection between those people who wouldn't vote for a black candidate and those who wouldn't vote for a gay one.
Is there?
A lot of black Americans wouldn't vote for a gay man, but ofcourse would vote for a black one.
The Dems should have a Warren-Buttigieg ticket. Get Buttigieg nationally known as VP, and have him setup for whichever post-Trump headbanger the Republicans put forward in 2028. Generational change will have helped the homophobia issue by that point.
Buttigieg doesn't bring anything to Warren's ticket. She needs a conservative white heterosexual man from a swing state...
Or Sherrod Brown.
I suspect Sherrod Brown is needed more in the Senate than on the ticket. Buttigieg is a young polite church-going Midwesterner from the moderate wing of the party. He is the perfect person to reassure upper middle income suburbanites scared by Warren's radicalism.
No surprise and given how far the Spanish have gone to block a Catalan independence vote Boris has plenty of leeway to block any indyref2 while he is PM
What rubbish you spout , the two are completely different.
They aren't and the PP are the Tories sister party after all, just not quite as hardline
Oh Dear stating the Tories are more Fascist than the Fascist PP. You really are a nutter.
Thanks for all the intriguing answers. I am glad the maths is fiendish, as that excuses my inability to work it out. Though I gave it a go.
FWIW - and this is the woowoo, nonsensical subjective bit, so feel free to ignore, the repeated card was a major Arcana card with remarkable relevance to my dilemma.
Just getting it once, and upright (also significant), was enough to make me and my partner go Ooooh, that's the important card.
We then did another spread, and drew the card, and there it was again. Wow. Quite weird.
After the third draw, finding our card AGAIN in the spread, we looked at each other in bewilderment, and not a little agitation.
We then laid the spread again, and there it was again. I nearly hurled the haunted pack out of the window, and into the rain.
I think psychics and tarot cards should be avoided, because even if you believe they read something from you, what they read is surely that you have enough anxiety about your future to consult tarot cards and psychics for reassurance. So the outcome you get from them will never be good.
There's a great novel about psychics that's well worth a read: Attack of the Unsinkable Rubber Ducks
The late Princess of Wales was obsessed with consulting psychics.
Thanks for all the intriguing answers. I am glad the maths is fiendish, as that excuses my inability to work it out. Though I gave it a go.
FWIW - and this is the woowoo, nonsensical subjective bit, so feel free to ignore, the repeated card was a major Arcana card with remarkable relevance to my dilemma.
Just getting it once, and upright (also significant), was enough to make me and my partner go Ooooh, that's the important card.
We then did another spread, and drew the card, and there it was again. Wow. Quite weird.
After the third draw, finding our card AGAIN in the spread, we looked at each other in bewilderment, and not a little agitation.
We then laid the spread again, and there it was again. I nearly hurled the haunted pack out of the window, and into the rain.
I think psychics and tarot cards should be avoided, because even if you believe they read something from you, what they read is surely that you have enough anxiety about your future to consult tarot cards and psychics for reassurance. So the outcome you get from them will never be good.
There's a great novel about psychics that's well worth a read: Attack of the Unsinkable Rubber Ducks
The late Princess of Wales was obsessed with consulting psychics.
Pastor in a Gospel Megachurch in Louisiana with a largely African American congregation tweets that Democrats should not vote for Buttigieg as he is in a gay marriage
The amusing bit, of course, is that Buttigieg is geniunely a Christian, unlike the current incumbent of the White House, and I suspect a personally moral man. Buttigieg has also served his country in Afghanistan, which he did by choice, not by the draft.
The Democrats win when the have young, articulate (perhaps even inexperienced) candidates: Obama, Clinton, JFK, even Carter in 76.
They win when they have candidates who are blank slates onto which voters can project their own hopes.
I think it's clear who that candidate is.
Now, he win and he might not. But there's probably quite a strong intersection between those people who wouldn't vote for a black candidate and those who wouldn't vote for a gay one.
Is there?
A lot of black Americans wouldn't vote for a gay man, but ofcourse would vote for a black one.
The Dems should have a Warren-Buttigieg ticket. Get Buttigieg nationally known as VP, and have him setup for whichever post-Trump headbanger the Republicans put forward in 2028. Generational change will have helped the homophobia issue by that point.
Buttigieg doesn't bring anything to Warren's ticket. She needs a conservative white heterosexual man from a swing state...
What shape do we think the Tory campaign is going to take? I kept waiting for it to start last time and the only bits of news that broke through were the terrible missteps. When will we be able to form an impression about whether or not things will be different this time?
More schools, hospitals and police. I expect there'll be lots of occasions when some left wing activists start heckling Johnson and that along with selacious Arcuri rumours/allegations will be the extent of the negative publicity.
I only hope that's the worst of it. But they also need to dismantle things like the 2030 carbon-neutral plan in an effective way - there'll probably be half a dozen similar boondoggles that need puncturing. Who are the front men / women / attack dogs other than Boris himself?
What shape do we think the Tory campaign is going to take? I kept waiting for it to start last time and the only bits of news that broke through were the terrible missteps. When will we be able to form an impression about whether or not things will be different this time?
More schools, hospitals and police. I expect there'll be lots of occasions when some left wing activists start heckling Johnson and that along with selacious Arcuri rumours/allegations will be the extent of the negative publicity.
And lots of sweeties, like money for more flowers in parks to help the birds and the bees & assistance for wild otter orphans & money for the hairy-nosed wombat.
Maybe the dog Dilyn (sic) that moved from the Friends of Animals Wales, Rhondda to be adopted by Carrie & Boris in No 10 will be used to highlight a campaign against puppy farms or dangerous inbreedings.
Dilyn seemed a suspicious character at outset. I am sure he has been focus-grouped and will turn up in the campaign, woofing his way into Tory myth-making.
No surprise and given how far the Spanish have gone to block a Catalan independence vote Boris has plenty of leeway to block any indyref2 while he is PM
What rubbish you spout , the two are completely different.
As long as it upsets the Nats, the reason and explanation are irrelevant. Seeing Ms Sturgeon on TV was a LOL experience, someone incapable of speaking the truth (but common to most other politicians whether elected or not...
Loonies are out in force today. Thomson resignation has unhinged the Tories.
Not really. You've been telling us since for ever that he was a loser. Maybe his successor won't be? Yay!
What shape do we think the Tory campaign is going to take? I kept waiting for it to start last time and the only bits of news that broke through were the terrible missteps. When will we be able to form an impression about whether or not things will be different this time?
More schools, hospitals and police. I expect there'll be lots of occasions when some left wing activists start heckling Johnson and that along with selacious Arcuri rumours/allegations will be the extent of the negative publicity.
I only hope that's the worst of it. But they also need to dismantle things like the 2030 carbon-neutral plan in an effective way - there'll probably be half a dozen similar boondoggles that need puncturing. Who are the front men / women / attack dogs other than Boris himself?
I especially like "Give me mine armour, I'll fight till from my bones my flesh be hack'd".
Reminds me I need to return to the Complete Works. Only got a couple of comedies left, then it's tragedies, I think.
Unless you mean you're bored of people who have a higher IQ than a yoghurt.
But I'll leave the mindless homophobic abuse to a Certain Person on the last thread.
So you do a normal shuffle, then you divide the pack into maybe six piles, turning each pile around (to shuffle orientation as well as sequence). Then you shuffle again, then split and revolve, then shuffle again, then a final split. Etc.
It takes about ten minutes.
Of course the cards could be sticky or something, but that's still a lot of shuffling and spinning. It's surely quite close to proper randomising.
But I am especially looking forward to Hamlet. Years ago I was a regular player on the now sadly defunct Fatal Dimensions MUD, and someone had created an area there called All The World's A Stage, with a nice little Hamlet section. It'd be good to finally read it.
Even the competent kings tend to have tragic ends, either withering to frailty or dying suddenly.
Harriet would I think continue where Bercow left off so I really hope it’s not her.
Don’t really have an opinion on Laing.
Oh... Wait...
That's probably better news for the Dems than the opposition in the UK, since Macbeth gets his comeuppance relatively cleanly, whereas in Hamlet basically everyone ends up dead. Or perhaps Jo Swinson is Fortinbras?
A lot of black Americans wouldn't vote for a gay man, but ofcourse would vote for a black one.
What is more Dems need 90%+ of the black vote to win the WH, so far Boot edge edge is winning 2% in some polls and * in others.
I really hope that isn't a parallel that comes to pass...
PB has been the unfortunate host of many mad posts, but an attempt to reinvigorate Tarot readings into the mainstream is quite special.
Are you planning an Astrology seminar soon? I hope I'll get front seats at the bone-shaking too when that's announced.
It is rather like when people speculate on the supposedly tiny chance of intelligent life having evolved to our current point without any direction. It doesn’t matter how small the chance, because in all the other scenarios there is no-one to ask the question. Once it has happened, the probability equals 100%.
And thats before you start thinking about all the possible locations and points in time.
I forget what the majority is now, in 2015 it was about a thousand.
The thing is, this is quite an EU-sceptic sort of seat. In 2015 I think UKIP got several thousand votes. I think that makes it unlikely that Jenkyns will lose her seat.
(Having just now suggested that Byronic was a bit mad I can see that this suggestion may not go so well for me)
Once Buttigieg and Obama are up on stage together, those doubts will fade.
If there's one thing we've learned in the last few years, people vote according to whether they think someone will do something for them.
Or Sherrod Brown.
You must be joking.
Lib dem possible gains
Lab/con marginals
Any objective views from the front line would be most welcome
Reagan was too, apparently. https://www.liveabout.com/presidents-and-the-paranormal-reagan-2596719
In another news, I see Stewart Jackson formerly of this parish has made the final 3 for Conservative candidate for Sevenoaks.
Maybe the dog Dilyn (sic) that moved from the Friends of Animals Wales, Rhondda to be adopted by Carrie & Boris in No 10 will be used to highlight a campaign against puppy farms or dangerous inbreedings.
Dilyn seemed a suspicious character at outset. I am sure he has been focus-grouped and will turn up in the campaign, woofing his way into Tory myth-making.