I think either he will accept the bill in return for GE Oct 15 or if consent is required threaten no consent without GE, against Corbyns No GE without bill
Doesn't our whole constitution depend on the monarch always assenting to bills passed by Parliament?
Given the protests already seen over prorogation what will we see if assent is withheld?
Not assent, consent. If a bill affects the royal prerogative it requires royal consent to reach the end of the parliamentary process which must be proposed by a minister. Assent is rubber stamping something that's passed all 3 readings etc
Its a moot point, if the PM refuses to get royal consent and the Queen allows this, parliament will install a new PM, who will do it.
Isn't that what we were all agreeing was so problematical, only a few days ago?
The govt had a majority then. If the Tory rebels even abstain it is enough. Ken Clarke said he could vote for Corbyn as a last resort, Id imagine he has a lot of sway over 21 votes now.
I suppose that's true. And the refusal to seek royal consent in order to frustrate the will of the Commons might further stiffen the opposition.
And despite what the wilder people here think, dictatorial behaviour won't go down well with a lot of the electorate.
Still, I wouldn't call it a moot point. (As a pedant, I wouldn't call it that anyway!)
Could they genuinely have believed the standard internet line that there's no way Corbyn could say no to an election?
When no matter how silly it might be after demanding one for so long, people can easily get past that if they like what has happened instead. It's like Corbyn saying no to the debates then showing up last minute - no one cared that he had changed his mind, because they wanted him there. And for now at least the people Corbyn is appealing to don't want an election right this second.
But it should be fun if the government MPs get smaller and smaller, and the poll lead increases and increases.
Compared to May, Jezza looked like a crazed Zealot.
Compared to BoZo and Darth Cummings, he looks like magic Grandpa again.
Jezza does indeed.
I am beginning to wonder if Leave won in 2016 despite rather than because of Cummings. Would it have been a more decisive majority, and one that stuck, without his toxic influence?
They've not so much lost their majority as trashed it themsleves.
Still if you were brought up knowing that if you trashed something daddy would always buy you another one, maybe it just seems like a normal way to proceed.
Yeah, just like every other political development for the last seven years.
Listen, I hate to break it to you, but when it comes to matters of sovereignty the Scottish electorate are cuckolds. They voted for Union cuckoldry in 2014 and they voted for supranational cuckoldry in 2016. I can only think of a handful of countries that have eschewed independence when it's been offered at the ballot box, and north of the border you've done it twice in thirty months.
What makes you think that there's any possibility of Scotland voting to leave the UK outside the EU?
No, the UK is done. It is just a matter of timing now.
Brexit has created such a schism between England and Scotland and England that the Union is over, even if we Remain.
I'll donate £100 to a charity of your choice on the day Scotland leaves the UK, if you send a pound a month to a charity of my choice for every month Scotland is in the UK. Deal?
So looks as if Corbyn isn't pushing it too far - wisely in my view.
As soon as the Bill goes through, he'll agree to GE.
GE on 15th Oct - Boris can still campaign on basis he won't extend before 31st Oct - and if he gets a majority he can repeal the Bill.
Could in theory be blocked by Lords but in practice won't be - in any case that won't be an issue as far as the GE campaign goes - he'll just say he'll repeal it - and what the Lords may / may not do is too much of an anorak issue to get any traction with the public.
The 19th October deadline will come into play, won’t it?
They've not so much lost their majority as trashed it themsleves.
Still if you were brought up knowing that if you trashed something daddy would always buy you another one, maybe it just seems like a normal way to proceed.
That's an unnecessarily lazy critique, they'll easily find plenty of Tories even at the top for whom that is not true even if it is for BoJo.
So what is Johnson's next move if he fails to get 2/3rds for FTPA election?
Make way for Corbyn to become PM to deliver an extension.
Does Jez command a majority in the house? Would be tough.
If it is solely to extend Article 50 then I can see it happening.
If the govt continue to indicate they will play and fast and loose with the constitution, parachute in 100s of Lords, refuse to get royal consent, I would think it very likely.
Lol! Not quite the world-shattering poll we were promised, is it?
And support for INDY is unchanged since April.
Why do journalists oversell polls like this? It happens often and makes them look foolish.
It would mean either the LDs would remain static (no Swinson/remainiac bounce) while SLab retain Edinburgh South, or Ian Murray would be out which would be mildly seismic.
Some jolly enterprising person has decided to list Ken Clarke as 'Independent Conservative' on his wikipedia page. I think he should go the whole hogg and go LD, just for the heck of it - Clegg used to joke that Clarke counted as a LD minister in Cabinet.
"Theresa May, whose premiership was wrecked by Brexit, has been photographed leaving Parliament after her successor, Boris Johnson, suffered defeat in his very first Commons vote."
So Labour MPs voted against Mays agreement with the EU because some Tories did, and Corbyn doesn’t want an election anymore, despite calling for one 875 times, because Boris does?
Lol! Not quite the world-shattering poll we were promised, is it?
And support for INDY is unchanged since April.
Why do journalists oversell polls like this? It happens often and makes them look foolish.
It would mean either the LDs would remain static (no Swinson/remainiac bounce) while SLab retain Edinburgh South, or Ian Murray would be out which would be mildly seismic.
Statis libs, lab 1 seat, cons hold aberdeenshire west, berwickshire etc and mundell seat, snp the rest
"Theresa May, whose premiership was wrecked by Brexit, has been photographed leaving Parliament after her successor, Boris Johnson, suffered defeat in his very first Commons vote."
In fairness, while her premiership was wrecked by Brexit, it also only came about in the first place because of Brexit.
Now of course under campaign rules , none of these wet Cons can appear in the media as a Con candidate - huge boost for Boris.
The bad news is if they are non-candidates, they can appear as often as they want without it breaking rules on party balance. A former Tory chancellor appearing on every politics show saying he's voting Lib Dem might do a lot of damage.
Some jolly enterprising person has decided to list Ken Clarke as 'Independent Conservative' on his wikipedia page. I think he should go the whole hogg and go LD, just for the heck of it - Clegg used to joke that Clarke counted as a LD minister in Cabinet.
I once asked KC to join the Lib Dems. Just 14 years too early.
Oh FFS. We are just winding ourselves in to a virtual civil war.
All because the middle class don’t understand why the working class wanted restrictions on FOM
When you read comments on here from Brexiteers blaming Theresa May for making a mess of Brexit because she interpreted it as a vote against immigration, what do you think?
Price of a pact is Boris admitting he will not even try for a deal. Dare he be that honest? There's still plenty more of his MPs fooling themselves that if they win an election pre Oct 31st a grand new deal will emerge instantly and be approved by a grateful Commons.
Cynical me says deliberate. In the unlikely event they back the govt tomorrow they can give the whip back. In the expected event that they dont the govt can claim to be tough.
Compared to May, Jezza looked like a crazed Zealot.
Compared to BoZo and Darth Cummings, he looks like magic Grandpa again.
Jezza does indeed.
I am beginning to wonder if Leave won in 2016 despite rather than because of Cummings. Would it have been a more decisive majority, and one that stuck, without his toxic influence?
No, Cambridge Analytica played a big part.
They went into liquidation. Anyone know who Cummings is using now?
While I don't think the plan, even if accounting for this loss tonight, is going well for BoJo, some people may be setting themselves up for a grand fall if the convoluted plotting of him and Cummings pays off. Equivocate people!
And despite what the wilder people here think, dictatorial behaviour won't go down well with a lot of the electorate.
Still, I wouldn't call it a moot point. (As a pedant, I wouldn't call it that anyway!)
When no matter how silly it might be after demanding one for so long, people can easily get past that if they like what has happened instead. It's like Corbyn saying no to the debates then showing up last minute - no one cared that he had changed his mind, because they wanted him there. And for now at least the people Corbyn is appealing to don't want an election right this second.
But it should be fun if the government MPs get smaller and smaller, and the poll lead increases and increases.
I am beginning to wonder if Leave won in 2016 despite rather than because of Cummings. Would it have been a more decisive majority, and one that stuck, without his toxic influence?
The Tories will never win there but the Brexit Party could
Still if you were brought up knowing that if you trashed something daddy would always buy you another one, maybe it just seems like a normal way to proceed.
His first vote confirms he does not command the confidence of the House.
Should Liz summon him tomorrow and tell him to pack his bags?
And support for INDY is unchanged since April.
Why do journalists oversell polls like this? It happens often and makes them look foolish.
"'Virtue Signalling’ May Annoy Us. But Civilization Would Be Impossible Without It
Geoffrey Miller"
I think the question does Jez go into the general election as the incumbent PM or not.
It could have been far worse than that for Boris!
Oh FFS. We are just winding ourselves in to a virtual civil war.
"Theresa May, whose premiership was wrecked by Brexit, has been photographed leaving Parliament after her successor, Boris Johnson, suffered defeat in his very first Commons vote."
Edinburgh South, Orkney and Shetland almost certain Lab/LD holds. I expect Dunbartonshire East is also a likely hold.
Swing To SNP from Tories 6% -> 7%
Swing to SNP from Lib Dems 4% -> 5%
Swing to SNP from Labour 3% -> 16%
A former Tory chancellor appearing on every politics show saying he's voting Lib Dem might do a lot of damage.
Cummings grand strategic plan is a series of knee-jerk reactions to events they couldn't conceive.
They haven't a fucking clue what happens next
Perhaps we are not so far apart after all.
Goodnight all PB-ers.
They went into liquidation. Anyone know who Cummings is using now?
Q1. Prime Minister, exactly how fucked are you now?
(Though not me fortunately
I wonder which part of the wargame plans included this possibility?
It would be question 2.