In a likely Boris v Corbyn v Swinson general election only one of those is going to end up PM and it will almost certainly be Boris with a mandate for Brexit.
The real question may well end up being whether Corbyn can hold off Swinson and the LDs for second place, at least in voteshare I think the LDs could overtake Labour if Labour continues like this
Attorney General Bill Barr plays the bagpipes. It starts about 5 minutes 30 into the video. His comments after the pipes are worth a listen - he's obviously quite a character.
You only have to watch the major players, Johnson really can’t string a sentence together in response to a question. I can’t believe a single thing that corbyn says. I’m sure the diehards will leap to their defense but it’s no bloody wonder the wider population has turned off as never before. How you ever reconnect with them is beyond me.
In a likely Boris v Corbyn v Swinson general election only one of those is going to end up PM and it will almost certainly be Boris with a mandate for Brexit.
The real question may well end up being whether Corbyn can hold off Swinson and the LDs for second place, at least in voteshare I think the LDs could overtake Labour if Labour continues like this
How about Johnson vs Labour leader not Corbyn?
And what will Johnson be seeking from his FTA, and what will he offer the EU in return?
In a likely Boris v Corbyn v Swinson general election only one of those is going to end up PM and it will almost certainly be Boris with a mandate for Brexit.
The real question may well end up being whether Corbyn can hold off Swinson and the LDs for second place, at least in voteshare I think the LDs could overtake Labour if Labour continues like this
How about Johnson vs Labour leader not Corbyn?
And what will Johnson be seeking from his FTA, and what will he offer the EU in return?
Just one local by-election today. It's in Mansfield where a Lab councillor has resigned following election as executive Mayor. Expect a close fight with the Mansfield Independent.
Blimey, I've only just seen the Mansfield Mayoral result - Labour won by 7,930 to 7,928 over the Independent, after second preferences were taken into account - but less than 30% of the eliminated candidates' votes had a usable second preference, and 546 votes were completely void for uncertainty. A bit of a shambles.
Twitter will attach a special label to tweets by major political figures if their content violates the site’s rules but the deleting them is not in the public interest, the company said Thursday.
Tweets affected by the new measure will remain on the site, but will not appear in searches or be recommended to users through any of Twitter’s algorithmic channels. When they do appear in a user’s timeline, they will be hidden behind an interstitial reading: “The Twitter Rules about abusive behavior apply to this Tweet. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain available.” Users can then click through to view the tweet if they desire.
Twitter will attach a special label to tweets by major political figures if their content violates the site’s rules but the deleting them is not in the public interest, the company said Thursday.
Tweets affected by the new measure will remain on the site, but will not appear in searches or be recommended to users through any of Twitter’s algorithmic channels. When they do appear in a user’s timeline, they will be hidden behind an interstitial reading: “The Twitter Rules about abusive behavior apply to this Tweet. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain available.” Users can then click through to view the tweet if they desire.
The thought of PM Johnson is horrendous too. We must have been very bad in a past life.
No, it was the weasel in the Large Hadron Collider back in April 2016. It clearly put us into the timeline where Biff got the almanac. All the really bad stuff like the Brexit vote and Trump has occurred since then.
Twitter will attach a special label to tweets by major political figures if their content violates the site’s rules but the deleting them is not in the public interest, the company said Thursday.
Tweets affected by the new measure will remain on the site, but will not appear in searches or be recommended to users through any of Twitter’s algorithmic channels. When they do appear in a user’s timeline, they will be hidden behind an interstitial reading: “The Twitter Rules about abusive behavior apply to this Tweet. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain available.” Users can then click through to view the tweet if they desire.
That Twitter have got themselves into this ridiculous position is hilarious. Honestly, the board need to tell the liberals to suck it up and deal with views they might not agree with, not ban them or somehow obfuscate them.
Just when you think Corbyn's leadership can't be any more damaging to Labour, somebody gets out two pistols, takes very careful aim and shoots their own party in both feet, before reloading and firing again, hitting themselves in the genitals.
Twitter will attach a special label to tweets by major political figures if their content violates the site’s rules but the deleting them is not in the public interest, the company said Thursday.
Tweets affected by the new measure will remain on the site, but will not appear in searches or be recommended to users through any of Twitter’s algorithmic channels. When they do appear in a user’s timeline, they will be hidden behind an interstitial reading: “The Twitter Rules about abusive behavior apply to this Tweet. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain available.” Users can then click through to view the tweet if they desire.
Twitter will attach a special label to tweets by major political figures if their content violates the site’s rules but the deleting them is not in the public interest, the company said Thursday.
Tweets affected by the new measure will remain on the site, but will not appear in searches or be recommended to users through any of Twitter’s algorithmic channels. When they do appear in a user’s timeline, they will be hidden behind an interstitial reading: “The Twitter Rules about abusive behavior apply to this Tweet. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain available.” Users can then click through to view the tweet if they desire.
Boris will win a majority large enough to deliver Brexit Deal or No Deal if the Commons as is likely backs a VONC in him as PM to stop the possibility of No Deal (which Boris does not want anyway, he wants a GB FTA but would still leave in the table).
I see no polling evidence of a guaranteed majority for a Boris Johnson-led Government which has not delivered on Brexit.
So, moving forwards (or backwards), Johnson takes over on the afternoon of July 24th and at present the Commons rises for the summer recess the following day so would a VoNC be possible - presumably but would it have enough votes ? I'm less convinced.
Johnson's first problem won't be constructing a new Cabinet but trying to sell the new line given we know there are at least a dozen MPs prepared to vote against their own Government to prevent a No Deal Brexit.
Parliament is due to return on September 5th and it's possible if the polls looks promising Johnson could go for an election on say October 3rd or 10th. The problem for me isn't getting the house to support the idea (unless Labour decides to rebel en bloc against Corbyn) but the central message which presumably would be "the UK leaves the EU on 31/10" - fine, no problem there but if he won a majority would Boris use the majority to pass May's WA which would enable him to press ahead with a PD including the much vaunted FTA.
I can see Farage and the TBP attacking that both on grounds of credibility and because they would see leaving without a WA as preferable to leaving with May's WA. Meanwhile what of Labour which has plenty of its own problems not least the unelectability of its leader or the confusion over its own Brexit position.
If the polls don't look good in September, what then? There will come a point when it's too late and Johnson will either have to pivot fully to No Deal or seek a further extension which signs the death warrant arguably of the Conservative Party. He'll have to take No Deal even if some of his own MPs resign the whip or defect.
Then we have the VoNC in mid October which would then pass and the endgame would begin.
Twitter will attach a special label to tweets by major political figures if their content violates the site’s rules but the deleting them is not in the public interest, the company said Thursday.
Tweets affected by the new measure will remain on the site, but will not appear in searches or be recommended to users through any of Twitter’s algorithmic channels. When they do appear in a user’s timeline, they will be hidden behind an interstitial reading: “The Twitter Rules about abusive behavior apply to this Tweet. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain available.” Users can then click through to view the tweet if they desire.
Boris will win a majority large enough to deliver Brexit Deal or No Deal if the Commons as is likely backs a VONC in him as PM to stop the possibility of No Deal (which Boris does not want anyway, he wants a GB FTA but would still leave in the table).
Johnson's first problem won't be constructing a new Cabinet but trying to sell the new line given we know there are at least a dozen MPs prepared to vote against their own Government to prevent a No Deal Brexit.
Parliament is due to return on September 5th and it's possible if the polls looks promising Johnson could go for an election on say October 3rd or 10th. The problem for me isn't getting the house to support the idea (unless Labour decides to rebel en bloc against Corbyn) but the central message which presumably would be "the UK leaves the EU on 31/10" - fine, no problem there but if he won a majority would Boris use the majority to pass May's WA which would enable him to press ahead with a PD including the much vaunted FTA.
I can see Farage and the TBP attacking that both on grounds of credibility and because they would see leaving without a WA as preferable to leaving with May's WA. Meanwhile what of Labour which has plenty of its own problems not least the unelectability of its leader or the confusion over its own Brexit position.
If the polls don't look good in September, what then? There will come a point when it's too late and Johnson will either have to pivot fully to No Deal or seek a further extension which signs the death warrant arguably of the Conservative Party. He'll have to take No Deal even if some of his own MPs resign the whip or defect.
Then we have the VoNC in mid October which would then pass and the endgame would begin.
The only way that Boris is the Tories' saviour is if he plays a Nixon in China role. He will need to deliver a soft Brexit that causes no disruption to people's lives yet also brings finality.
The ultras on both sides will continue to froth, but the prize will be a great diminution in the salience of Brexit as an issue - the great majority will be relieved that the years of going round in circles are over. This is in Labour's best interest too.
The obvious electoral threat to the Tories comes from the Brexit party; but there is also a leaking of moderate votes to the LibDems, representing the business, professional and middle class part of a Tory winning coalition. Today's polling bears this out.
Boris will need to deliver Brexit and then draw both of these strands together more effectively tha Corbyn might do for Labour. But as champion of hard Brexit, fishing in a pool of around a third of the electorate, he is doomed.
Politics in this country is in a terrible state: it is being dominated by idiots who are more interested in ideology than people.
It's hard to see how politics recovers.
It always recovers and the pendulum swings. It doesn’t feel like it now of course. That said, living in a country where the stupid, ignorant and unpleasant are venerated is hardly a happy time.
Twitter will attach a special label to tweets by major political figures if their content violates the site’s rules but the deleting them is not in the public interest, the company said Thursday.
Tweets affected by the new measure will remain on the site, but will not appear in searches or be recommended to users through any of Twitter’s algorithmic channels. When they do appear in a user’s timeline, they will be hidden behind an interstitial reading: “The Twitter Rules about abusive behavior apply to this Tweet. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain available.” Users can then click through to view the tweet if they desire.
Politics in this country is in a terrible state: it is being dominated by idiots who are more interested in ideology than people.
It's hard to see how politics recovers.
I've started to wonder about a petition to Her Majesty to replace the current lot of politicians with military rule or something until the shambles can be sorted out and new MPs elected.
I suppose if a government e-petition got as far as being debated in Parliament it would be voted down, though.
Twitter will attach a special label to tweets by major political figures if their content violates the site’s rules but the deleting them is not in the public interest, the company said Thursday.
Tweets affected by the new measure will remain on the site, but will not appear in searches or be recommended to users through any of Twitter’s algorithmic channels. When they do appear in a user’s timeline, they will be hidden behind an interstitial reading: “The Twitter Rules about abusive behavior apply to this Tweet. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain available.” Users can then click through to view the tweet if they desire.
Twitter will attach a special label to tweets by major political figures if their content violates the site’s rules but the deleting them is not in the public interest, the company said Thursday.
Tweets affected by the new measure will remain on the site, but will not appear in searches or be recommended to users through any of Twitter’s algorithmic channels. When they do appear in a user’s timeline, they will be hidden behind an interstitial reading: “The Twitter Rules about abusive behavior apply to this Tweet. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain available.” Users can then click through to view the tweet if they desire.
I hope that tonight’s debate is sponsored by Ovaltine.
Oh, not you too. You'll be putting bloody chocolate in your coffee next.....
I had a Hawaiian pizza tonight.
I despair, I really do.
First it's bloody Brexit. Then Corbyn. And Johnson.
But the absolute limit is people putting bits of syrupy fruit on a pizza, a dish which should only be eaten in Naples, freshly cooked with proper buffalo mozzarella and San Marzano tomatoes and olive oil and, if we're going for capitals, NOTHING ELSE.
Followed by a strong espresso and a small limoncello from Caffe Gambrinus. And a walk by the sea with a loved one.
How can that not be more tempting than whatever cheesy cardboard offering you were chomping?
Twitter will attach a special label to tweets by major political figures if their content violates the site’s rules but the deleting them is not in the public interest, the company said Thursday.
Tweets affected by the new measure will remain on the site, but will not appear in searches or be recommended to users through any of Twitter’s algorithmic channels. When they do appear in a user’s timeline, they will be hidden behind an interstitial reading: “The Twitter Rules about abusive behavior apply to this Tweet. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain available.” Users can then click through to view the tweet if they desire.
I hope that tonight’s debate is sponsored by Ovaltine.
Oh, not you too. You'll be putting bloody chocolate in your coffee next.....
I had a Hawaiian pizza tonight.
I despair, I really do.
First it's bloody Brexit. Then Corbyn. And Johnson.
But the absolute limit is people putting bits of syrupy fruit on a pizza, a dish which should only be eaten in Naples, freshly cooked with proper buffalo mozzarella and San Marzano tomatoes and olive oil and, if we're going for capitals, NOTHING ELSE.
Followed by a strong espresso and a small limoncello from Caffe Gambrinus. And a walk by the sea with a loved one.
How can that not be more tempting than whatever cheesy cardboard offering you were chomping?
I’ve seen Italians put potatoes on pizza. If they can do that, you can allow me a scattering of edible bromeliads.
Actually it’s a very good pizza made in the type of oven I’m confident you’d approve of. Though not, admittedly, in Naples.
I hope that tonight’s debate is sponsored by Ovaltine.
Oh, not you too. You'll be putting bloody chocolate in your coffee next.....
I had a Hawaiian pizza tonight.
I despair, I really do.
First it's bloody Brexit. Then Corbyn. And Johnson.
But the absolute limit is people putting bits of syrupy fruit on a pizza, a dish which should only be eaten in Naples, freshly cooked with proper buffalo mozzarella and San Marzano tomatoes and olive oil and, if we're going for capitals, NOTHING ELSE.
Followed by a strong espresso and a small limoncello from Caffe Gambrinus. And a walk by the sea with a loved one.
How can that not be more tempting than whatever cheesy cardboard offering you were chomping?
I’ve seen Italians put potatoes on pizza. If they can do that, you can allow me a scattering of edible bromeliads.
Actually it’s a very good pizza made in the type of oven I’m confident you’d approve of. Though not, admittedly, in Naples.
They can't have been Italians. Not real ones, anyway. Probably German ones from somewhere up north......
Question: Suppose there was an election and Corbyn cobbled together enough support to become PM and have a referendum. Would opponents of Brexit want him campaigning for Leave, Remain, or to stay neutral?
Twitter will attach a special label to tweets by major political figures if their content violates the site’s rules but the deleting them is not in the public interest, the company said Thursday.
Tweets affected by the new measure will remain on the site, but will not appear in searches or be recommended to users through any of Twitter’s algorithmic channels. When they do appear in a user’s timeline, they will be hidden behind an interstitial reading: “The Twitter Rules about abusive behavior apply to this Tweet. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain available.” Users can then click through to view the tweet if they desire.
Twitter will attach a special label to tweets by major political figures if their content violates the site’s rules but the deleting them is not in the public interest, the company said Thursday.
Tweets affected by the new measure will remain on the site, but will not appear in searches or be recommended to users through any of Twitter’s algorithmic channels. When they do appear in a user’s timeline, they will be hidden behind an interstitial reading: “The Twitter Rules about abusive behavior apply to this Tweet. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain available.” Users can then click through to view the tweet if they desire.
An elected politician should be able to say what they want and the voters judge them accordingly
Even when it becomes incitement to violence?
They are subject to the same laws as everyone else. It’s not for Twitter to make that decision
On Twitter's own platform it is.
Trump can say whatever he wants. Its up to Twitter to choose if they want him to use their platform or not, or to have a disclaimer or not. Twitter is a private company.
Twitter will attach a special label to tweets by major political figures if their content violates the site’s rules but the deleting them is not in the public interest, the company said Thursday.
Tweets affected by the new measure will remain on the site, but will not appear in searches or be recommended to users through any of Twitter’s algorithmic channels. When they do appear in a user’s timeline, they will be hidden behind an interstitial reading: “The Twitter Rules about abusive behavior apply to this Tweet. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain available.” Users can then click through to view the tweet if they desire.
An elected politician should be able to say what they want and the voters judge them accordingly
Even when it becomes incitement to violence?
They are subject to the same laws as everyone else. It’s not for Twitter to make that decision
On Twitter's own platform it is.
Trump can say whatever he wants. Its up to Twitter to choose if they want him to use their platform or not, or to have a disclaimer or not. Twitter is a private company.
I disagree. If they were a publisher they would have that right, but they argue they are not.
Moreover I am a strong believer that there are times when the public and the private interest collide. This is one of them.
Boris will win a majority large enough to deliver Brexit Deal or No Deal if the Commons as is likely backs a VONC in him as PM to stop the possibility of No Deal (which Boris does not want anyway, he wants a GB FTA but would still leave in the table).
I see no polling evidence of a guaranteed majority for a Boris Johnson-led Government which has not delivered on Brexit.
So, moving forwards (or backwards), Johnson takes over on the afternoon of July 24th and at present the Commons rises for the summer recess the following day so would a VoNC be possible - presumably but would it have enough votes ? I'm less convinced.
Johnson's first problem won't be constructing a new Cabinet but trying to sell the new line given we know there are at least a dozen MPs prepared to vote against their own Government to prevent a No Deal Brexit.
Parliament is due to return on September 5th and it's possible if the polls looks promising Johnson could go for an election on say October 3rd or 10th. The problem for me isn't getting the house to support the idea (unless Labour decides to rebel en bloc against Corbyn) but the central message which presumably would be "the UK leaves the EU on 31/10" - fine, no problem there but if he won a majority would Boris use the majority to pass May's WA which would enable him to press ahead with a PD including the much vaunted FTA.
I can see Farage and the TBP attacking that both on grounds of credibility and because they would see leaving without a WA as preferable to leaving with May's WA. Meanwhile what of Labour which has plenty of its own problems not least the unelectability of its leader or the confusion over its own Brexit position.
If the polls don't look good in September, what then? There will come a point when it's too late and Johnson will either have to pivot fully to No Deal or seek a further extension which signs the death warrant arguably of the Conservative Party. He'll have to take No Deal even if some of his own MPs resign the whip or defect.
Then we have the VoNC in mid October which would then pass and the endgame would begin.
This is the big problem of the current parliament, the country needs Brexit to happen. But opposition parties see the existential threat to the Tories if it is not delivered. Why would they support anything that allows them off the hook?
Twitter will attach a special label to tweets by major political figures if their content violates the site’s rules but the deleting them is not in the public interest, the company said Thursday.
Tweets affected by the new measure will remain on the site, but will not appear in searches or be recommended to users through any of Twitter’s algorithmic channels. When they do appear in a user’s timeline, they will be hidden behind an interstitial reading: “The Twitter Rules about abusive behavior apply to this Tweet. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain available.” Users can then click through to view the tweet if they desire.
Twitter will attach a special label to tweets by major political figures if their content violates the site’s rules but the deleting them is not in the public interest, the company said Thursday.
Tweets affected by the new measure will remain on the site, but will not appear in searches or be recommended to users through any of Twitter’s algorithmic channels. When they do appear in a user’s timeline, they will be hidden behind an interstitial reading: “The Twitter Rules about abusive behavior apply to this Tweet. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain available.” Users can then click through to view the tweet if they desire.
An elected politician should be able to say what they want and the voters judge them accordingly
Even when it becomes incitement to violence?
They are subject to the same laws as everyone else. It’s not for Twitter to make that decision
Trump isn't.
A sitting President cannot be charged with a crime by the police, FBI etc.
Doesn’t mean he should be censored
Ah, so you disagree with OGH banning people?
Twitter has Terms of Service, if you don't want to abide by the Terms of Service you are free to post elsewhere.
I think they are too large and significant to be able to operate as a purely private company (especially as this new rule is limited to elected officials)
OGH can do what he wants as, in the scheme of things, this is a niche website
I hope that tonight’s debate is sponsored by Ovaltine.
Oh, not you too. You'll be putting bloody chocolate in your coffee next.....
I had a Hawaiian pizza tonight.
I despair, I really do.
First it's bloody Brexit. Then Corbyn. And Johnson.
But the absolute limit is people putting bits of syrupy fruit on a pizza, a dish which should only be eaten in Naples, freshly cooked with proper buffalo mozzarella and San Marzano tomatoes and olive oil and, if we're going for capitals, NOTHING ELSE.
Followed by a strong espresso and a small limoncello from Caffe Gambrinus. And a walk by the sea with a loved one.
How can that not be more tempting than whatever cheesy cardboard offering you were chomping?
I’ve seen Italians put potatoes on pizza. If they can do that, you can allow me a scattering of edible bromeliads.
Actually it’s a very good pizza made in the type of oven I’m confident you’d approve of. Though not, admittedly, in Naples.
They can't have been Italians. Not real ones, anyway. Probably German ones from somewhere up north......
Twitter will attach a special label to tweets by major political figures if their content violates the site’s rules but the deleting them is not in the public interest, the company said Thursday.
Tweets affected by the new measure will remain on the site, but will not appear in searches or be recommended to users through any of Twitter’s algorithmic channels. When they do appear in a user’s timeline, they will be hidden behind an interstitial reading: “The Twitter Rules about abusive behavior apply to this Tweet. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain available.” Users can then click through to view the tweet if they desire.
An elected politician should be able to say what they want and the voters judge them accordingly
Even when it becomes incitement to violence?
They are subject to the same laws as everyone else. It’s not for Twitter to make that decision
Trump isn't.
A sitting President cannot be charged with a crime by the police, FBI etc.
Doesn’t mean he should be censored
Ah, so you disagree with OGH banning people?
Twitter has Terms of Service, if you don't want to abide by the Terms of Service you are free to post elsewhere.
Twitter's terms of service seems to be "if you disagree with liberals we will ban you". Which is their prerogative, of course, but enforcing it will turn the platform into even more of an irrelevant echo chamber.
Very good article. This was particularly noteworthy as Mrs May has recently been painted as more sinned against than sinning.....
" ........Why? Because the previous Prime Minister kicked off the negotiation process with two speeches – at the 2016 Party Conference and at Lancaster House in January 2017, which I think frankly were two of the most ill-advised speeches given by a British Prime Minister since the War.............."
Except perhaps the circumstance where the alternative is Boris Johnson. We may find out this autumn.
Quite. If the choice is no deal with Boris or remain/2nd referendum with Corbyn then I'm afraid it will have to be Corbyn.
Evidence that Corbyn will support such a move? He seems mighty reluctant to do so.
I think he will be forced to by the weight of opinion within the party were an election to be called. Labour could not go into an election promising to implement the WDA and there are no other Brexit options available.
Goddamn squabbling parliamentarians are just determined to make sure Ken Clarke cannot make it to 50 years as an MP. Just delay the GE until next June, for heaven's sake.
Except perhaps the circumstance where the alternative is Boris Johnson. We may find out this autumn.
Quite. If the choice is no deal with Boris or remain/2nd referendum with Corbyn then I'm afraid it will have to be Corbyn.
Evidence that Corbyn will support such a move? He seems mighty reluctant to do so.
I think he will be forced to by the weight of opinion within the party were an election to be called. Labour could not go into an election promising to implement the WDA and there are no other Brexit options available.
Aren't you forgetting Corbyn's unicorn brexit deal? The WDA, but better!
I hope that tonight’s debate is sponsored by Ovaltine.
Oh, not you too. You'll be putting bloody chocolate in your coffee next.....
I had a Hawaiian pizza tonight.
I despair, I really do.
First it's bloody Brexit. Then Corbyn. And Johnson.
But the absolute limit is people putting bits of syrupy fruit on a pizza, a dish which should only be eaten in Naples, freshly cooked with proper buffalo mozzarella and San Marzano tomatoes and olive oil and, if we're going for capitals, NOTHING ELSE.
Followed by a strong espresso and a small limoncello from Caffe Gambrinus. And a walk by the sea with a loved one.
How can that not be more tempting than whatever cheesy cardboard offering you were chomping?
I fear I will enter your bad books, as though I generally have great deference toward tradition, adding more stuff to such a dish seems a clear improvement to me, even though I disagree with that particular example.
Twitter will attach a special label to tweets by major political figures if their content violates the site’s rules but the deleting them is not in the public interest, the company said Thursday.
Tweets affected by the new measure will remain on the site, but will not appear in searches or be recommended to users through any of Twitter’s algorithmic channels. When they do appear in a user’s timeline, they will be hidden behind an interstitial reading: “The Twitter Rules about abusive behavior apply to this Tweet. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain available.” Users can then click through to view the tweet if they desire.
An elected politician should be able to say what they want and the voters judge them accordingly
Even when it becomes incitement to violence?
They are subject to the same laws as everyone else. It’s not for Twitter to make that decision
Trump isn't.
A sitting President cannot be charged with a crime by the police, FBI etc.
Doesn’t mean he should be censored
Ah, so you disagree with OGH banning people?
Twitter has Terms of Service, if you don't want to abide by the Terms of Service you are free to post elsewhere.
Twitter's terms of service seems to be "if you disagree with liberals we will ban you". Which is their prerogative, of course, but enforcing it will turn the platform into even more of an irrelevant echo chamber.
Given that one of the main complaints from liberals about Twitter is they won't ban actual literal self avowed Nazis that seems a bit wide of the mark.
It's hard to see how politics recovers.
The real question may well end up being whether Corbyn can hold off Swinson and the LDs for second place, at least in voteshare I think the LDs could overtake Labour if Labour continues like this
Cause and effect?
For those who think No Deal will be ok......
And what will Johnson be seeking from his FTA, and what will he offer the EU in return?
2) My other half will toast my nuptials if I get married to someone else.
Twitter will attach a special label to tweets by major political figures if their content violates the site’s rules but the deleting them is not in the public interest, the company said Thursday.
Tweets affected by the new measure will remain on the site, but will not appear in searches or be recommended to users through any of Twitter’s algorithmic channels. When they do appear in a user’s timeline, they will be hidden behind an interstitial reading: “The Twitter Rules about abusive behavior apply to this Tweet. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain available.” Users can then click through to view the tweet if they desire.
Did I miss any scurrilous gossip / fake news / ill informed idle press speculation ?
Fecking clown
What have we done to deserve Corbyn & Boris!
We seem to be embarking on assured destruction of the UK and its economy.
An elected politician should be able to say what they want and the voters judge them accordingly
(I have other friends to do that with .....
Oh, not you too. You'll be putting bloody chocolate in your coffee next.....
So, moving forwards (or backwards), Johnson takes over on the afternoon of July 24th and at present the Commons rises for the summer recess the following day so would a VoNC be possible - presumably but would it have enough votes ? I'm less convinced.
Johnson's first problem won't be constructing a new Cabinet but trying to sell the new line given we know there are at least a dozen MPs prepared to vote against their own Government to prevent a No Deal Brexit.
Parliament is due to return on September 5th and it's possible if the polls looks promising Johnson could go for an election on say October 3rd or 10th. The problem for me isn't getting the house to support the idea (unless Labour decides to rebel en bloc against Corbyn) but the central message which presumably would be "the UK leaves the EU on 31/10" - fine, no problem there but if he won a majority would Boris use the majority to pass May's WA which would enable him to press ahead with a PD including the much vaunted FTA.
I can see Farage and the TBP attacking that both on grounds of credibility and because they would see leaving without a WA as preferable to leaving with May's WA. Meanwhile what of Labour which has plenty of its own problems not least the unelectability of its leader or the confusion over its own Brexit position.
If the polls don't look good in September, what then? There will come a point when it's too late and Johnson will either have to pivot fully to No Deal or seek a further extension which signs the death warrant arguably of the Conservative Party. He'll have to take No Deal even if some of his own MPs resign the whip or defect.
Then we have the VoNC in mid October which would then pass and the endgame would begin.
“They want to stop you reading my tweets. All cos I tell you the truth. They can’t handle the truth!”
The ultras on both sides will continue to froth, but the prize will be a great diminution in the salience of Brexit as an issue - the great majority will be relieved that the years of going round in circles are over. This is in Labour's best interest too.
The obvious electoral threat to the Tories comes from the Brexit party; but there is also a leaking of moderate votes to the LibDems, representing the business, professional and middle class part of a Tory winning coalition. Today's polling bears this out.
Boris will need to deliver Brexit and then draw both of these strands together more effectively tha Corbyn might do for Labour. But as champion of hard Brexit, fishing in a pool of around a third of the electorate, he is doomed.
I suppose if a government e-petition got as far as being debated in Parliament it would be voted down, though.
Good evening, everyone.
Did it have Spam on it? That’s a key foodstuff in Oahu. History has a great deal to answer for.
But that is like saying somebody is more honest than Fiona Onasanya.
A sitting President cannot be charged with a crime by the police, FBI etc.
First it's bloody Brexit. Then Corbyn. And Johnson.
But the absolute limit is people putting bits of syrupy fruit on a pizza, a dish which should only be eaten in Naples, freshly cooked with proper buffalo mozzarella and San Marzano tomatoes and olive oil and, if we're going for capitals, NOTHING ELSE.
Followed by a strong espresso and a small limoncello from Caffe Gambrinus. And a walk by the sea with a loved one.
How can that not be more tempting than whatever cheesy cardboard offering you were chomping?
Actually it’s a very good pizza made in the type of oven I’m confident you’d approve of. Though not, admittedly, in Naples.
The day before I started my month without meat I didn't have a steak, I had Pek.
BTW, nearly finished a month without carbonated soft drinks. The Fentimans dandelion and burdock awaits...
Trump can say whatever he wants. Its up to Twitter to choose if they want him to use their platform or not, or to have a disclaimer or not. Twitter is a private company.
Moreover I am a strong believer that there are times when the public and the private interest collide. This is one of them.
Twitter has Terms of Service, if you don't want to abide by the Terms of Service you are free to post elsewhere.
OGH can do what he wants as, in the scheme of things, this is a niche website
What did you think of the 3 years for the UBS compliance executive?
" ........Why? Because the previous Prime Minister kicked off the negotiation process with two speeches – at the 2016 Party Conference and at Lancaster House in January 2017, which I think frankly were two of the most ill-advised speeches given by a British Prime Minister since the War.............."
The sentence is similar to that given to another UBS employee in the print room trial in 2012. See here -
I was involved in this case from the start so don't feel able to comment publicly as I know stuff that has not been made public.
My general view is that sentences for these sorts of, IMO, very grave breaches of trust are in general far too light in this country.
My view on why this is so is set out here -
on our way
It normally makes it in at around number 5 on "best pizza in USA" lists.