Cheer yourselves up with the radiant Katya Adler. She thought in the opinion of the EU they were all crap.
I would have thought even the EU liked Rory Stewart who said he would accept the WA as is, backstop and all and ruled out No Deal?
The EU do not want the backstop! It is there purely for Ireland. It gives NI a unique trade advantage over the rest of the EU and the UK. It allows NI to have their cake and eat it, which the EU spent a long time trying to stop happening.
Allowing NI a referendum on the backstop would be a good policy, has Johnson actually suggested or is it just friends of/sources close to? Seems very unlikely it could be done by October, fortunately he has not tied himself to delivering that any more than T May promised to leave by March.
If NI gets a referendum on the deal, why can't the rest of us?
Because of its uniquely complex history
And the rest of GB does not have a uniquely complex history? What about Scotland?
Sorry: this is just typical of Brexiteer plans - if they can be called that. It's all Heath Robinson-ish: do this to to sort that problem out, then when another problem appears come up with some other vaguely plausible bollocks and so on ad infinitum, like a sort of Brexit Whack-A-Mole. But it all ends up as an incoherent mess which annoys even more people and stores up trouble for the future.
Why store up trouble for the future when Boris can give you all your troubles right now?
That was monumentally boring. Which, I think, favours Boris. He is over another hurdle.
Stewart underperformed. Beneath the phthisic Edwardian spectre, is a weirdly dull spy, and a phthisic Edwardian spectre. MEH
The one over-performer was Saj. He has gained through the contest.
I predict Boris will win but Saj will stay as Home Sec. The sadness is that Farage would have wiped them all out. Farage is now de facto prime minister, and I suspect Farage knows it.
Farage is de facto PM how exactly? He is leader of a party that can’t even win a seat where they are 1/8 favourite. FFS.
He is de facto PM because his party is leading most polls, and he won the most recent national elections, and he is therefore terrifying both main parties, who face total and final annihilation. And in the past five years Farage has manipulated British politics to the extent we are now Brexiting after a referendum he demanded.
Cheer yourselves up with the radiant Katya Adler. She thought in the opinion of the EU they were all crap.
I would have thought even the EU liked Rory Stewart who said he would accept the WA as is, backstop and all and ruled out No Deal?
The EU do not want the backstop! It is there purely for Ireland. It gives NI a unique trade advantage over the rest of the EU and the UK. It allows NI to have their cake and eat it, which the EU spent a long time trying to stop happening.
Allowing NI a referendum on the backstop would be a good policy, has Johnson actually suggested or is it just friends of/sources close to? Seems very unlikely it could be done by October, fortunately he has not tied himself to delivering that any more than T May promised to leave by March.
If NI gets a referendum on the deal, why can't the rest of us?
Because of its uniquely complex history
And the rest of GB does not have a uniquely complex history? What about Scotland?
Sorry: this is just typical of Brexiteer plans - if they can be called that. It's all Heath Robinson-ish: do this to to sort that problem out, then when another problem appears come up with some other vaguely plausible bollocks and so on ad infinitum, like a sort of Brexit Whack-A-Mole. But it all ends up as an incoherent mess which annoys even more people and stores up trouble for the future.
No. The issue with the backstop is the potential customs checks between GB and NI. That is a matter of huge sensitivity for the people of NI. Their consent should be sought for that. If they say “no” the. We can’t sigb the WA and leave without a deal.
Cheer yourselves up with the radiant Katya Adler. She thought in the opinion of the EU they were all crap.
I would have thought even the EU liked Rory Stewart who said he would accept the WA as is, backstop and all and ruled out No Deal?
The EU do not want the backstop! It is there purely for Ireland. It gives NI a unique trade advantage over the rest of the EU and the UK. It allows NI to have their cake and eat it, which the EU spent a long time trying to stop happening.
Allowing NI a referendum on the backstop would be a good policy, has Johnson actually suggested or is it just friends of/sources close to? Seems very unlikely it could be done by October, fortunately he has not tied himself to delivering that any more than T May promised to leave by March.
If NI gets a referendum on the deal, why can't the rest of us?
NI would not be getting a yes/no on Brexit but on its implementation. Reasons why only NI would be:
1. Realpolitik to get the deal through parliament. 2. Because they are the ones most impacted by the border and customs arrangements. 3. Because if things go wrong there it could end up in civil war again.
Given life isnt always perfectly fair I dont think it would be unreasonable.
All good points.
But the rest of us will also be impacted by the WA, just as significantly. So we too should get a vote on the WA.
I thought Brexiteers were in favour of the people having a say and all that. Why should people in NI get two goes at determining whether or not to Brexit and, if so, on what terms?
People in the rest of UK are clearly not as significantly impacted as those in NI.
I am not a Brexiteer, although think the best option starting from here is now the WA, preferably with customs union.
As per previous answer NI wouldnt be getting a second go at determining whether to Brexit or not, or even deciding how to brexit, just an effective veto on the governments proposed Brexit.
Understood. But people in the rest of GB are very significantly impacted by the form of Brexit chosen.
If a vote is going to happen on the WA we should all get the chance to vote on it.
Cheer yourselves up with the radiant Katya Adler. She thought in the opinion of the EU they were all crap.
I would have thought even the EU liked Rory Stewart who said he would accept the WA as is, backstop and all and ruled out No Deal?
The EU do not want the backstop! It is there purely for Ireland. It gives NI a unique trade advantage over the rest of the EU and the UK. It allows NI to have their cake and eat it, which the EU spent a long time trying to stop happening.
Allowing NI a referendum on the backstop would be a good policy, has Johnson actually suggested or is it just friends of/sources close to? Seems very unlikely it could be done by October, fortunately he has not tied himself to delivering that any more than T May promised to leave by March.
If NI gets a referendum on the deal, why can't the rest of us?
NI would not be getting a yes/no on Brexit but on its implementation. Reasons why only NI would be:
1. Realpolitik to get the deal through parliament. 2. Because they are the ones most impacted by the border and customs arrangements. 3. Because if things go wrong there it could end up in civil war again.
Given life isnt always perfectly fair I dont think it would be unreasonable.
All good points.
But the rest of us will also be impacted by the WA, just as significantly. So we too should get a vote on the WA.
I thought Brexiteers were in favour of the people having a say and all that. Why should people in NI get two goes at determining whether or not to Brexit and, if so, on what terms?
That was monumentally boring. Which, I think, favours Boris. He is over another hurdle.
Stewart underperformed. Beneath the phthisic Edwardian spectre, is a weirdly dull spy, and a phthisic Edwardian spectre. MEH
The one over-performer was Saj. He has gained through the contest.
I predict Boris will win but Saj will stay as Home Sec. The sadness is that Farage would have wiped them all out. Farage is now de facto prime minister, and I suspect Farage knows it.
Farage is de facto PM how exactly? He is leader of a party that can’t even win a seat where they are 1/8 favourite. FFS.
Clever Dave gave Farage what he wanted on a plate. Usually a politician has to win an election before getting their manifesto implemented. But not Farage.
That was monumentally boring. Which, I think, favours Boris. He is over another hurdle.
Stewart underperformed. Beneath the phthisic Edwardian spectre, is a weirdly dull spy, and a phthisic Edwardian spectre. MEH
The one over-performer was Saj. He has gained through the contest.
I predict Boris will win but Saj will stay as Home Sec. The sadness is that Farage would have wiped them all out. Farage is now de facto prime minister, and I suspect Farage knows it.
Farage is de facto PM how exactly? He is leader of a party that can’t even win a seat where they are 1/8 favourite. FFS.
He is de facto PM because his party is leading most polls, and he won the most recent national elections, and he is therefore terrifying both main parties, who face total and final annihilation. And in the past five years Farage has manipulated British politics to the extent we are now Brexiting after a referendum he demanded.
Yet so scarily powerful is he, his party can’t even beat Labour in a seat where they MP was kicked out for being a criminal. Forgive me for failing to quiver at this political titan Sean.
Cheer yourselves up with the radiant Katya Adler. She thought in the opinion of the EU they were all crap.
I would have thought even the EU liked Rory Stewart who said he would accept the WA as is, backstop and all and ruled out No Deal?
The EU do not want the backstop! It is there purely for Ireland. It gives NI a unique trade advantage over the rest of the EU and the UK. It allows NI to have their cake and eat it, which the EU spent a long time trying to stop happening.
Allowing NI a referendum on the backstop would be a good policy, has Johnson actually suggested or is it just friends of/sources close to? Seems very unlikely it could be done by October, fortunately he has not tied himself to delivering that any more than T May promised to leave by March.
If NI gets a referendum on the deal, why can't the rest of us?
Because of its uniquely complex history
And the rest of GB does not have a uniquely complex history? What about Scotland?
Sorry: this is just typical of Brexiteer plans - if they can be called that. It's all Heath Robinson-ish: do this to to sort that problem out, then when another problem appears come up with some other vaguely plausible bollocks and so on ad infinitum, like a sort of Brexit Whack-A-Mole. But it all ends up as an incoherent mess which annoys even more people and stores up trouble for the future.
No. The issue with the backstop is the potential customs checks between GB and NI. That is a matter of huge sensitivity for the people of NI. Their consent should be sought for that. If they say “no” the. We can’t sigb the WA and leave without a deal.
Tail wagging the dog.
NI - which voted Remain - should not be the part of the country which determines whether or not the whole country leaves without a Deal.
I am repeating myself. If there is to be a vote on the WA, everyone in the country should get a vote on it.
Cheer yourselves up with the radiant Katya Adler. She thought in the opinion of the EU they were all crap.
I would have thought even the EU liked Rory Stewart who said he would accept the WA as is, backstop and all and ruled out No Deal?
Allowing NI a referendum on the backstop would be a good policy, has Johnson actually suggested or is it just friends of/sources close to? Seems very unlikely it could be done by October, fortunately he has not tied himself to delivering that any more than T May promised to leave by March.
If NI gets a referendum on the deal, why can't the rest of us?
NI would not be getting a yes/no on Brexit but on its implementation. Reasons why only NI would be:
1. Realpolitik to get the deal through parliament. 2. Because they are the ones most impacted by the border and customs arrangements. 3. Because if things go wrong there it could end up in civil war again.
Given life isnt always perfectly fair I dont think it would be unreasonable.
All good points.
But the rest of us will also be impacted by the WA, just as significantly. So we too should get a vote on the WA.
I thought Brexiteers were in favour of the people having a say and all that. Why should people in NI get two goes at determining whether or not to Brexit and, if so, on what terms?
People in the rest of UK are clearly not as significantly impacted as those in NI.
I am not a Brexiteer, although think the best option starting from here is now the WA, preferably with customs union.
As per previous answer NI wouldnt be getting a second go at determining whether to Brexit or not, or even deciding how to brexit, just an effective veto on the governments proposed Brexit.
Understood. But people in the rest of GB are very significantly impacted by the form of Brexit chosen.
If a vote is going to happen on the WA we should all get the chance to vote on it.
I would certainly support a "do you want to accept the WA agreement or extend for another year to find the next solution" referendum. I would also be very content with any other referendum that did not have no deal as an option but wouldnt think it better or worse than leaving with a WA.
A referendum with no deal as an option is far too risky for me, I would strongly prefer the WA to that. Remainers should be very careful what they wish for.
Boris Johnson really doesn't understand that the transition period is linked to a deal, and that without a deal there won't be a transition period?
How can someone who is aspiring to be prime minister be so mind-blowingly ignorant?
My theory is that in his mind he does in fact envisage a deal, on some terms that he'll get round to thinking about in due course and will then sell to MPs with a cheery grin - hey, this is the best we can get, and really we need to get on with it, eh? If Parliament rejects this line of argument, he'll call an election and try it on the voters. For all I know, he might even succeed: many people seem very ready to accept this approach to politics.
Cheer yourselves up with the radiant Katya Adler. She thought in the opinion of the EU they were all crap.
I would have thought even the EU liked Rory Stewart who said he would accept the WA as is, backstop and all and ruled out No Deal?
The EU do not want the backstop! It is there purely for Ireland. It gives NI a unique trade advantage over the rest of the EU and the UK. It allows NI to have their cake and eat it, which the EU spent a long time trying to stop happening.
Allowing NI a referendum on the backstop would be a good policy, has Johnson actually suggested or is it just friends of/sources close to? Seems very unlikely it could be done by October, fortunately he has not tied himself to delivering that any more than T May promised to leave by March.
If NI gets a referendum on the deal, why can't the rest of us?
Because of its uniquely complex history
And the rest of GB does not have a uniquely complex history? What about Scotland?
Sorry: this is just typical of Brexiteer plans - if they can be called that. It's all Heath Robinson-ish: do this to to sort that problem out, then when another problem appears come up with some other vaguely plausible bollocks and so on ad infinitum, like a sort of Brexit Whack-A-Mole. But it all ends up as an incoherent mess which annoys even more people and stores up trouble for the future.
No. The issue with the backstop is the potential customs checks between GB and NI. That is a matter of huge sensitivity for the people of NI. Their consent should be sought for that. If they say “no” the. We can’t sigb the WA and leave without a deal.
Cheer yourselves up with the radiant Katya Adler. She thought in the opinion of the EU they were all crap.
I would have thought even the EU liked Rory Stewart who said he would accept the WA as is, backstop and all and ruled out No Deal?
The EU do not want the backstop! It is there purely for Ireland. It gives NI a unique trade advantage over the rest of the EU and the UK. It allows NI to have their cake and eat it, which the EU spent a long time trying to stop happening.
Allowing NI a referendum on the backstop would be a good policy, has Johnson actually suggested or is it just friends of/sources close to? Seems very unlikely it could be done by October, fortunately he has not tied himself to delivering that any more than T May promised to leave by March.
If NI gets a referendum on the deal, why can't the rest of us?
Because of its uniquely complex history
And the rest of GB does not have a uniquely complex history? What about Scotland?
Sorry: this is just typical of Brexiteer plans - if they can be called that. It's all Heath Robinson-ish: do this to to sort that problem out, then when another problem appears come up with some other vaguely plausible bollocks and so on ad infinitum, like a sort of Brexit Whack-A-Mole. But it all ends up as an incoherent mess which annoys even more people and stores up trouble for the future.
No. The issue with the backstop is the potential customs checks between GB and NI. That is a matter of huge sensitivity for the people of NI. Their consent should be sought for that. If they say “no” the. We can’t sigb the WA and leave without a deal.
As you well know, it is not just the customs checks which are the issue with a hard border.
That was monumentally boring. Which, I think, favours Boris. He is over another hurdle.
Stewart underperformed. Beneath the phthisic Edwardian spectre, is a weirdly dull spy, and a phthisic Edwardian spectre. MEH
The one over-performer was Saj. He has gained through the contest.
I predict Boris will win but Saj will stay as Home Sec. The sadness is that Farage would have wiped them all out. Farage is now de facto prime minister, and I suspect Farage knows it.
Farage is de facto PM how exactly? He is leader of a party that can’t even win a seat where they are 1/8 favourite. FFS.
He is de facto PM because his party is leading most polls, and he won the most recent national elections, and he is therefore terrifying both main parties, who face total and final annihilation. And in the past five years Farage has manipulated British politics to the extent we are now Brexiting after a referendum he demanded.
Yet so scarily powerful is he, his party can’t even beat Labour in a seat where they MP was kicked out for being a criminal. Forgive me for failing to quiver at this political titan Sean.
Not Sean, blah blah, Jesus you guys are obsessive, stalkery cuckolds. LET HIM GO.
If NI gets a referendum on the deal, why can't the rest of us?
NI would not be getting a yes/no on Brexit but on its implementation. Reasons why only NI would be:
1. Realpolitik to get the deal through parliament. 2. Because they are the ones most impacted by the border and customs arrangements. 3. Because if things go wrong there it could end up in civil war again.
Given life isnt always perfectly fair I dont think it would be unreasonable.
All good points.
But the rest of us will also be impacted by the WA, just as significantly. So we too should get a vote on the WA.
I thought Brexiteers were in favour of the people having a say and all that. Why should people in NI get two goes at determining whether or not to Brexit and, if so, on what terms?
People in the rest of UK are clearly not as significantly impacted as those in NI.
I am not a Brexiteer, although think the best option starting from here is now the WA, preferably with customs union.
As per previous answer NI wouldnt be getting a second go at determining whether to Brexit or not, or even deciding how to brexit, just an effective veto on the governments proposed Brexit.
Understood. But people in the rest of GB are very significantly impacted by the form of Brexit chosen.
If a vote is going to happen on the WA we should all get the chance to vote on it.
I would certainly support a "do you want to accept the WA agreement or extend for another year to find the next solution" referendum. I would also be very content with any other referendum that did not have no deal as an option but wouldnt think it better or worse than leaving with a WA.
A referendum with no deal as an option is far too risky for me, I would strongly prefer the WA to that. Remainers should be very careful what they wish for.
While I would prefer to Remain, what I really want to avoid is a No Deal exit. But that is what our political leaders, with the sole exception of Rory, who won't be PM - are intent on giving us.
Cheer yourselves up with the radiant Katya Adler. She thought in the opinion of the EU they were all crap.
I would have thought even the EU liked Rory Stewart who said he would accept the WA as is, backstop and all and ruled out No Deal?
The EU do not want the backstop! It is there purely for Ireland. It gives NI a unique trade advantage over the rest of the EU and the UK. It allows NI to have their cake and eat it, which the EU spent a long time trying to stop happening.
Allowing NI a referendum on the backstop would be a good policy, has Johnson actually suggested or is it just friends of/sources close to? Seems very unlikely it could be done by October, fortunately he has not tied himself to delivering that any more than T May promised to leave by March.
If NI gets a referendum on the deal, why can't the rest of us?
Because of its uniquely complex history
And the rest of GB does not have a uniquely complex history? What about Scotland?
Sorry: this is just typical of Brexiteer plans - if they can be called that. It's all Heath Robinson-ish: do this to to sort that problem out, then when another problem appears come up with some other vaguely plausible bollocks and so on ad infinitum, like a sort of Brexit Whack-A-Mole. But it all ends up as an incoherent mess which annoys even more people and stores up trouble for the future.
No. The issue with the backstop is the potential customs checks between GB and NI. That is a matter of huge sensitivity for the people of NI. Their consent should be sought for that. If they say “no” the. We can’t sigb the WA and leave without a deal.
So why not have a UK wide backstop?
As the voters of GB want a Canada style FTA and think it would be good for Britain by 50% to 24% and respect the referendum result by 65% to 10% as YouGov has showed
Boris Johnson really doesn't understand that the transition period is linked to a deal, and that without a deal there won't be a transition period?
How can someone who is aspiring to be prime minister be so mind-blowingly ignorant?
My theory is that in his mind he does in fact envisage a deal, on some terms that he'll get round to thinking about in due course and will then sell to MPs with a cheery grin - hey, this is the best we can get, and really we need to get on with it, eh? If Parliament rejects this line of argument, he'll call an election and try it on the voters. For all I know, he might even succeed: many people seem very ready to accept this approach to politics.
Yes, I think that is close to the truth. Boris wants to wing it, and he hopes that we will all be so bored and irritated with Brexit we will agree, and forgive him.
It is not edifying. Nonetheless, it might just work.
This seems on the money - Rory bubble burst. I think Saj will beat him in the next round
If he does, isn't he also the most likely recipient of the majority of Rory's transfers - and thus be in pole position to make the final? It would be a hell of a story to survive by one vote and then get through to the members.
We're doomed. Indy Scotland is going to need a Trump style wall to keep out refugee sassenachs.
I asked this on the other thread, but it only excited a bit of nonsense about the miracles Boris was going to perform.
Does Johnson really think there is going to be a transition period after No Deal, or is he being misrepresented here?
No. David Davis regularly comes out with the same rubbish.
None of them seem to realise that when Britain leaves without a deal, it will be - as far as the EU is concerned - a third country. No different in legal terms to Afghanistan. We will have less leverage than before and will be faced with the prospect of either putting on tariffs to protect some of our industries - but at a cost to consumers - or having no or low tariffs and probably destroying quite a lot of our industries and removing pretty much all incentives to enter into FTAs with us.
And that's without getting into all the other problems that No Deal raises for us.
Still, that's what we will likely get because the Tory party has decided to fetishise a date.
Boris Johnson really doesn't understand that the transition period is linked to a deal, and that without a deal there won't be a transition period?
How can someone who is aspiring to be prime minister be so mind-blowingly ignorant?
A PM is almost always a reaction to the previous one. So, we had someone who knew the minutiae inside out, but was utterly lacking in persuasion. And now we are going to get one who makes a virtue of not caring. But, something, something, charisma, bluster, yikes! Marxist! October 31 will have to do instead.
I'm curious though. Can one get through a Oxford Classics degree without attention to detail?
Yes but. Attention to academic detail is one thing. Applying it to complex, real world problem solving is another. Latin and Greek translation is either right or wrong, or a matter of interpretation, allowing a latitude of imagination and scope for embellishments. It doesn't talk back, argue, or have implications for people or the economy. It also doesn't require a wide range of interests or knowledge outside of its scope.
That was monumentally boring. Which, I think, favours Boris. He is over another hurdle.
Stewart underperformed. Beneath the phthisic Edwardian spectre, is a weirdly dull spy, and a phthisic Edwardian spectre. MEH
The one over-performer was Saj. He has gained through the contest.
I predict Boris will win but Saj will stay as Home Sec. The sadness is that Farage would have wiped them all out. Farage is now de facto prime minister, and I suspect Farage knows it.
Farage is de facto PM how exactly? He is leader of a party that can’t even win a seat where they are 1/8 favourite. FFS.
He is de facto PM because his party is leading most polls, and he won the most recent national elections, and he is therefore terrifying both main parties, who face total and final annihilation. And in the past five years Farage has manipulated British politics to the extent we are now Brexiting after a referendum he demanded.
Yet so scarily powerful is he, his party can’t even beat Labour in a seat where they MP was kicked out for being a criminal. Forgive me for failing to quiver at this political titan Sean.
Not Sean, blah blah, Jesus you guys are obsessive, stalkery cuckolds. LET HIM GO.
Sorry that was just force of habit! I genuinely think I am replying to SeanT and am just being polite by calling you by your name!
‘I never understood the campaign for an independent Scotland…. Until now’
“... Scotland is about to be governed by a new UK Prime Minister elected by 160,000 Tory members, of which only 9,000 are based in Scotland, from a party that hasn’t won a major election in Scotland in 64 years, to deliver a Brexit that 62 per cent of Scotland’s voters rejected, and if that doesn’t justify another chance at independence I don’t know what does.
Cheer yourselves up with the radiant Katya Adler. She thought in the opinion of the EU they were all crap.
I would have thought even the EU liked Rory Stewart who said he would accept the WA as is, backstop and all and ruled out No Deal?
The EU do not want the backstop! It is there purely for Ireland. It gives NI a unique trade advantage over the rest of the EU and the UK. It allows NI to have their cake and eat it, which the EU spent a long time trying to stop happening.
Allowing NI a referendum on the backstop would be a good policy, has Johnson actually suggested or is it just friends of/sources close to? Seems very unlikely it could be done by October, fortunately he has not tied himself to delivering that any more than T May promised to leave by March.
If NI gets a referendum on the deal, why can't the rest of us?
Because of its uniquely complex history
And the rest of GB does not have a uniquely complex history? What about Scotland?
Sorry: this is just typical of Brexiteer plans - if they can be called that. It's all Heath Robinson-ish: do this to to sort that problem out, then when another problem appears come up with some other vaguely plausible bollocks and so on ad infinitum, like a sort of Brexit Whack-A-Mole. But it all ends up as an incoherent mess which annoys even more people and stores up trouble for the future.
No. The issue with the backstop is the potential customs checks between GB and NI. That is a matter of huge sensitivity for the people of NI. Their consent should be sought for that. If they say “no” the. We can’t sigb the WA and leave without a deal.
So why not have a UK wide backstop?
As the voters of GB want a Canada style FTA and think it would be good for Britain by 50% to 24% and respect the referendum result by 65% to 10% as YouGov has showed
That was monumentally boring. Which, I think, favours Boris. He is over another hurdle.
Stewart underperformed. Beneath the phthisic Edwardian spectre, is a weirdly dull spy, and a phthisic Edwardian spectre. MEH
The one over-performer was Saj. He has gained through the contest.
I predict Boris will win but Saj will stay as Home Sec. The sadness is that Farage would have wiped them all out. Farage is now de facto prime minister, and I suspect Farage knows it.
Farage is de facto PM how exactly? He is leader of a party that can’t even win a seat where they are 1/8 favourite. FFS.
He is de facto PM because his party is leading most polls, and he won the most recent national elections, and he is therefore terrifying both main parties, who face total and final annihilation. And in the past five years Farage has manipulated British politics to the extent we are now Brexiting after a referendum he demanded.
Yet so scarily powerful is he, his party can’t even beat Labour in a seat where they MP was kicked out for being a criminal. Forgive me for failing to quiver at this political titan Sean.
Not Sean, blah blah, Jesus you guys are obsessive, stalkery cuckolds. LET HIM GO.
Sorry that was just force of habit! I genuinely think I am replying to SeanT and am just being polite by calling you by your name!
That was monumentally boring. Which, I think, favours Boris. He is over another hurdle.
Stewart underperformed. Beneath the phthisic Edwardian spectre, is a weirdly dull spy, and a phthisic Edwardian spectre. MEH
The one over-performer was Saj. He has gained through the contest.
I predict Boris will win but Saj will stay as Home Sec. The sadness is that Farage would have wiped them all out. Farage is now de facto prime minister, and I suspect Farage knows it.
Farage is de facto PM how exactly? He is leader of a party that can’t even win a seat where they are 1/8 favourite. FFS.
He is de facto PM because his party is leading most polls, and he won the most recent national elections, and he is therefore terrifying both main parties, who face total and final annihilation. And in the past five years Farage has manipulated British politics to the extent we are now Brexiting after a referendum he demanded.
Yet so scarily powerful is he, his party can’t even beat Labour in a seat where they MP was kicked out for being a criminal. Forgive me for failing to quiver at this political titan Sean.
Not Sean, blah blah, Jesus you guys are obsessive, stalkery cuckolds. LET HIM GO.
Yes we can follow SeanT on twitter instead, Mr Byronic 'I can't believe its not SeanT, definitely not SeanT, no connection to SeanT whatsoever!'
One tactic not remarked on (I think) is that Gove was the only one to try to attack Labour and Corbyn - three times. Presumably he calculates that members will feel that it's more appealing than blue-on-blue squabbling.
If NI gets a referendum on the deal, why can't the rest of us?
NI would not be getting a yes/no on Brexit but on its implementation. Reasons why only NI would be:
Given life isnt always perfectly fair I dont think it would be unreasonable.
All good points.
But the rest of us will also be impacted by the WA, just as significantly. So we too should get a vote on the WA.
I thought Brexiteers were in favour of the people having a say and all that. Why should people in NI get two goes at determining whether or not to Brexit and, if so, on what terms?
People in the rest of UK are clearly not as significantly impacted as those in NI.
I am not a Brexiteer, although think the best option starting from here is now the WA, preferably with customs union.
As per previous answer NI wouldnt be getting a second go at determining whether to Brexit or not, or even deciding how to brexit, just an effective veto on the governments proposed Brexit.
Understood. But people in the rest of GB are very significantly impacted by the form of Brexit chosen.
If a vote is going to happen on the WA we should all get the chance to vote on it.
I would certainly support a "do you want to accept the WA agreement or extend for another year to find the next solution" referendum. I would also be very content with any other referendum that did not have no deal as an option but wouldnt think it better or worse than leaving with a WA.
A referendum with no deal as an option is far too risky for me, I would strongly prefer the WA to that. Remainers should be very careful what they wish for.
While I would prefer to Remain, what I really want to avoid is a No Deal exit. But that is what our political leaders, with the sole exception of Rory, who won't be PM - are intent on giving us.
And goodnight.
I also really want to avoid a No Deal exit, the best way to avoid it is not pushing for a referendum, the leave pitch is simpler and easier even if completely wrong, and old people vote. I agree the political leaders are bastards, but dont believe they will no deal Brexit unless events really force their hands.
The chances of no deal are certainly higher than before March, but I am expecting more fudge and paralysis, not that that is a great place for the UK to be either.
Boris Johnson really doesn't understand that the transition period is linked to a deal, and that without a deal there won't be a transition period?
How can someone who is aspiring to be prime minister be so mind-blowingly ignorant?
My theory is that in his mind he does in fact envisage a deal, on some terms that he'll get round to thinking about in due course and will then sell to MPs with a cheery grin - hey, this is the best we can get, and really we need to get on with it, eh? If Parliament rejects this line of argument, he'll call an election and try it on the voters. For all I know, he might even succeed: many people seem very ready to accept this approach to politics.
Yes, I think that is close to the truth. Boris wants to wing it, and he hopes that we will all be so bored and irritated with Brexit we will agree, and forgive him.
It is not edifying. Nonetheless, it might just work.
But "we" isn't the issue. The ERG is the issue. The Labour MP leavers are the issue. The Tory MP Remainers are the issue.
If NI gets a referendum on the deal, why can't the rest of us?
NI would not be getting a yes/no on Brexit but on its implementation. Reasons why only NI would be:
1. Realpolitik to get the deal through parliament. 2. Because they are the ones most impacted by the border and customs arrangements. 3. Because if things go wrong there it could end up in civil war again.
Given life isnt always perfectly fair I dont think it would be unreasonable.
All good points.
But the rest of us will also be impacted by the WA, just as significantly. So we too should get a vote on the WA.
I thought Brexiteers were in favour of the people having a say and all that. Why should people in NI get two goes at determining whether or not to Brexit and, if so, on what terms?
People in the rest of UK are clearly not as significantly impacted as those in NI.
I am not a Brexiteer, although think the best option starting from here is now the WA, preferably with customs union.
As per previous answer NI wouldnt be getting a second go at determining whether to Brexit or not, or even deciding how to brexit, just an effective veto on the governments proposed Brexit.
Understood. But people in the rest of GB are very significantly impacted by the form of Brexit chosen.
If a vote is going to happen on the WA we should all get the chance to vote on it.
I would certainly support a "do you want to accept the WA agreement or extend for another year to find the next solution" referendum. I would also be very content with any other referendum that did not have no deal as an option but wouldnt think it better or worse than leaving with a WA.
A referendum with no deal as an option is far too risky for me, I would strongly prefer the WA to that. Remainers should be very careful what they wish for.
While I would prefer to Remain, what I really want to avoid is a No Deal exit. But that is what our political leaders, with the sole exception of Rory, who won't be PM - are intent on giving us.
And goodnight.
I think you're right that Stewart won't be prime minister this autumn. I think he might be by next spring though, whether we're in or out.
Boris should have had the courage of his convictions and said "I don't like the niqab and burqa. We should tolerate it, but I cannot pretend to like it".
Instead he was cowardly and timid. Not good.
Cowardly and timid sums up his campaign. He was 3-0 up after 20 minutes and has decided to put 11 behind the ball, roll around injured, hoof the ball into the stand, and take an age over every throw in.
We're doomed. Indy Scotland is going to need a Trump style wall to keep out refugee sassenachs.
I asked this on the other thread, but it only excited a bit of nonsense about the miracles Boris was going to perform.
Does Johnson really think there is going to be a transition period after No Deal, or is he being misrepresented here?
No. David Davis regularly comes out with the same rubbish.
None of them seem to realise that when Britain leaves without a deal, it will be - as far as the EU is concerned - a third country. No different in legal terms to Afghanistan. We will have less leverage than before and will be faced with the prospect of either putting on tariffs to protect some of our industries - but at a cost to consumers - or having no or low tariffs and probably destroying quite a lot of our industries and removing pretty much all incentives to enter into FTAs with us.
And that's without getting into all the other problems that No Deal raises for us.
Still, that's what we will likely get because the Tory party has decided to fetishise a date.
Boris Johnson really doesn't understand that the transition period is linked to a deal, and that without a deal there won't be a transition period?
How can someone who is aspiring to be prime minister be so mind-blowingly ignorant?
He's not ignorant. Or that ignorant. He thinks we are.
Cheer yourselves up with the radiant Katya Adler. She thought in the opinion of the EU they were all crap.
I would have thought even the EU liked Rory Stewart who said he would accept the WA as is, backstop and all and ruled out No Deal?
The EU do not want the backstop! It is there purely for Ireland. It gives NI a unique trade advantage over the rest of the EU and the UK. It allows NI to have their cake and eat it, which the EU spent a long time trying to stop happening.
Allowing NI a referendum on the backstop would be a good policy, has Johnson actually suggested or is it just friends of/sources close to? Seems very unlikely it could be done by October, fortunately he has not tied himself to delivering that any more than T May promised to leave by March.
If NI gets a referendum on the deal, why can't the rest of us?
Because of its uniquely complex history
And the rest of GB does not have a uniquely complex history? What about Scotland?
Sorry: this is just typical of Brexiteer plans - if they can be called that. It's all Heath Robinson-ish: do this to to sort that problem out, then when another problem appears come up with some other vaguely plausible bollocks and so on ad infinitum, like a sort of Brexit Whack-A-Mole. But it all ends up as an incoherent mess which annoys even more people and stores up trouble for the future.
No. The issue with the backstop is the potential customs checks between GB and NI. That is a matter of huge sensitivity for the people of NI. Their consent should be sought for that. If they say “no” the. We can’t sigb the WA and leave without a deal.
So why not have a UK wide backstop?
As the voters of GB want a Canada style FTA and think it would be good for Britain by 50% to 24% and respect the referendum result by 65% to 10% as YouGov has showed
Well what a total shambles that "debate" was... A complete mess. How did the BBC manage to make something that you'd think woiuld be relatively straight forward to put on and totally **** it up?
Anyway my scores:
Rory: Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Looked weird. Shockingly dreadful body language. Sounded weird. Appears to be in the wrong party and just doing this to troll everyone else, Crashed and burned. Out tomorrow surely? (2)
Gove: Slightly less irritating than on the C4 debate but still totally self absorbed almost to the point of narcissism. A very, very irritating character. Did take the fight to Jezza though. (4)
Javid: Slightly less bland than on the C4 debate but he just doesn't seem to have "it". Is he angling to be COTE in Boris's government? (5)
Hunt: Slightly less bland than on C4 debate and overall looked sensible and rational. Came out of what was at times car crash TV relatively unscathed. (6)
Boris: Did well. No one laid a glove on him. Kept to his own script and didn't respond when baited (especially by Maitlis) A mature performance though at the end of it no one has the faintest idea what he'll do about Brexit - Which is a win for him at this stage. (7)
On that performance should be Boris Vs Hunt in the members ballot.
Cheer yourselves up with the radiant Katya Adler. She thought in the opinion of the EU they were all crap.
I would have thought even the EU liked Rory Stewart who said he would accept the WA as is, backstop and all and ruled out No Deal?
The EU do not want the backstop! It is there purely for Ireland. It gives NI a unique trade advantage over the rest of the EU and the UK. It allows NI to have their cake and eat it, which the EU spent a long time trying to stop happening.
Allowing NI a referendum on the backstop would be a good policy, has Johnson actually suggested or is it just friends of/sources close to? Seems very unlikely it could be done by October, fortunately he has not tied himself to delivering that any more than T May promised to leave by March.
If NI gets a referendum on the deal, why can't the rest of us?
Because of its uniquely complex history
And the rest of GB does not have a uniquely complex history? What about Scotland?
Sorry: this is just typical of Brexiteer plans - if they can be called that. It's all Heath Robinson-ish: do this to to sort that problem out, then when another problem appears come up with some other vaguely plausible bollocks and so on ad infinitum, like a sort of Brexit Whack-A-Mole. But it all ends up as an incoherent mess which annoys even more people and stores up trouble for the future.
No. The issue with the backstop is the potential customs checks between GB and NI. That is a matter of huge sensitivity for the people of NI. Their consent should be sought for that. If they say “no” the. We can’t sigb the WA and leave without a deal.
So why not have a UK wide backstop?
As the voters of GB want a Canada style FTA and think it would be good for Britain by 50% to 24% and respect the referendum result by 65% to 10% as YouGov has showed
Talking of PB legends, did Tim ever come back under another name? Be great to see him posting on the current chaos.
Meh - for all his gags he welched on a wager with me .
Really? Didn’t take him for the type. Seems a very serious allegation...
He offered £50 as a boast to anyone who could answer a riddle on Tory taxes then crywanked when it turned out he’d made a complete Boris of the question.
Well what a total shambles that "debate" was... A complete mess. How did the BBC manage to make something that you'd think woiuld be relatively straight forward to put on and totally **** it up?
Anyway my scores:
Rory: Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Looked weird. Shockingly dreadful body language. Sounded weird. Appears to be in the wrong party and just doing this to troll everyone else, Crashed and burned. Out tomorrow surely? (2)
Gove: Slightly less irritating than on the C4 debate but still totally self absorbed almost to the point of narcissism. A very, very irritating character. Did take the fight to Jezza though. (4)
Javid: Slightly less bland than on the C4 debate but he just doesn't seem to have "it". Is he angling to be COTE in Boris's government? (5)
Hunt: Slightly less bland than on C4 debate and overall looked sensible and rational. Came out of what was at times car crash TV relatively unscathed. (6)
Boris: Did well. No one laid a glove on him. Kept to his own script and didn't respond when baited (especially by Maitlis) A mature performance though the end of it no one has the faintest idea what he'll do about Brexit - Which is a win for him. (7)
On that performance should be Boris Vs Hunt in the members ballot.
We're doomed. Indy Scotland is going to need a Trump style wall to keep out refugee sassenachs.
I asked this on the other thread, but it only excited a bit of nonsense about the miracles Boris was going to perform.
Does Johnson really think there is going to be a transition period after No Deal, or is he being misrepresented here?
No. David Davis regularly comes out with the same rubbish.
None of them seem to realise that when Britain leaves without a deal, it will be - as far as the EU is concerned - a third country. No different in legal terms to Afghanistan. We will have less leverage than before and will be faced with the prospect of either putting on tariffs to protect some of our industries - but at a cost to consumers - or having no or low tariffs and probably destroying quite a lot of our industries and removing pretty much all incentives to enter into FTAs with us.
And that's without getting into all the other problems that No Deal raises for us.
Still, that's what we will likely get because the Tory party has decided to fetishise a date.
Boris Johnson really doesn't understand that the transition period is linked to a deal, and that without a deal there won't be a transition period?
How can someone who is aspiring to be prime minister be so mind-blowingly ignorant?
He's not ignorant. Or that ignorant. He thinks we are.
We're doomed. Indy Scotland is going to need a Trump style wall to keep out refugee sassenachs.
I asked this on the other thread, but it only excited a bit of nonsense about the miracles Boris was going to perform.
Does Johnson really think there is going to be a transition period after No Deal, or is he being misrepresented here?
No. David Davis regularly comes out with the same rubbish.
None of them seem to realise that when Britain leaves without a deal, it will be - as far as the EU is concerned - a third country. No different in legal terms to Afghanistan. We will have less leverage than before and will be faced with the prospect of either putting on tariffs to protect some of our industries - but at a cost to consumers - or having no or low tariffs and probably destroying quite a lot of our industries and removing pretty much all incentives to enter into FTAs with us.
And that's without getting into all the other problems that No Deal raises for us.
Still, that's what we will likely get because the Tory party has decided to fetishise a date.
Boris Johnson really doesn't understand that the transition period is linked to a deal, and that without a deal there won't be a transition period?
How can someone who is aspiring to be prime minister be so mind-blowingly ignorant?
He's not ignorant. Or that ignorant. He thinks we are.
More precisely, he thinks that a predicted poll lead and landslide for the Conservatives under his premiership will make the selectorate (right word?) ignore, excuse and defend any lie, stupidity or contradictory statement he might care to make.
We're all past the point now of thinking that telling people that politician X is lying/wrong/thick as horseshit will make them change their mind. They already know that and are ignoring it.
Corbyn's move makes it more likely Stewart will be PM after Boris, I think. Boris is already making indications he won't push for no-deal. If he's then defenestrated by a party terrified of Farage and wating a harder Brexit, his harder-Brexit successor will all face all the same problems, hitting the wall of parliament. By that point united opposition pressure would have shifted the momentum to a second ref or at the very least a citizen's assembly, opening the way for Stewart.
Yeah, well, now that Raab's out he reckons he can tack in the other direction. If Brexiteers or anyone else thinks they've got a firm, unshakeable commitment from him on anything - Brexit, Heathrow, taxes, whatever - they really have not been paying attention. His style reminds me of a Danish Prime Minister noted for his U-turns (Jens Otto Krag), who said blandly "I have a position until I have a different one." He got away with it too.
The Corbyn move makes it more likely Stewart will be PM after Boris, I think. Boris is already making indications he won't push for no-deal. If he's then defenestrated by a party terrified of Farage and wating a harder Brexit, his harder-Brexit successor will face similar problems, hitting the wall of parliament. By that point united opposition pressure would have shifted the momentum to a second ref or at the very least a citizen's assembly, opening the way for Stewart.
We're doomed. Indy Scotland is going to need a Trump style wall to keep out refugee sassenachs.
I asked this on the other thread, but it only excited a bit of nonsense about the miracles Boris was going to perform.
Does Johnson really think there is going to be a transition period after No Deal, or is he being misrepresented here?
No. David Davis regularly comes out with the same rubbish.
None of them seem to realise that when Britain leaves without a deal, it will be - as far as the EU is concerned - a third country. No different in legal terms to Afghanistan. We will have less leverage than before and will be faced with the prospect of either putting on tariffs to protect some of our industries - but at a cost to consumers - or having no or low tariffs and probably destroying quite a lot of our industries and removing pretty much all incentives to enter into FTAs with us.
And that's without getting into all the other problems that No Deal raises for us.
Still, that's what we will likely get because the Tory party has decided to fetishise a date.
Boris Johnson really doesn't understand that the transition period is linked to a deal, and that without a deal there won't be a transition period?
How can someone who is aspiring to be prime minister be so mind-blowingly ignorant?
He's not ignorant. Or that ignorant. He thinks we are.
More precisely, he thinks that a predicted poll lead and landslide for the Conservatives under his premiership will make the selectorate (right word?) ignore, excuse and defend any lie, stupidity or contradictory statement he might care to make.
We're all past the point now of thinking that telling people that politician X is lying/wrong/thick as horseshit will make them change their mind. They already know that and are ignoring it.
I no longer take the piss out of the USA for voting for Trump . Seeing as the UK will soon be turned into a US colony it may aswell start voting in a similar fashion.
Blimey, every single commentator or pol journalist I have checked on twitter has called this in varying degrees, a disgrace, a national embarrassment, the worst broadcast they can remember, a shouty mess, a squabble, kids in a playground, a cock measuring competition etc etc.
We're doomed. Indy Scotland is going to need a Trump style wall to keep out refugee sassenachs.
I asked this on the other thread, but it only excited a bit of nonsense about the miracles Boris was going to perform.
Does Johnson really think there is going to be a transition period after No Deal, or is he being misrepresented here?
No. David Davis regularly comes out with the same rubbish.
None of them seem to realise that when Britain leaves without a deal, it will be - as far as the EU is concerned - a third country. No different in legal terms to Afghanistan. We will have less leverage than before and will be faced with the prospect of either putting on tariffs to protect some of our industries - but at a cost to consumers - or having no or low tariffs and probably destroying quite a lot of our industries and removing pretty much all incentives to enter into FTAs with us.
And that's without getting into all the other problems that No Deal raises for us.
Still, that's what we will likely get because the Tory party has decided to fetishise a date.
Boris Johnson really doesn't understand that the transition period is linked to a deal, and that without a deal there won't be a transition period?
How can someone who is aspiring to be prime minister be so mind-blowingly ignorant?
He's not ignorant. Or that ignorant. He thinks we are.
More precisely, he thinks that a predicted poll lead and landslide for the Conservatives under his premiership will make the selectorate (right word?) ignore, excuse and defend any lie, stupidity or contradictory statement he might care to make.
We're all past the point now of thinking that telling people that politician X is lying/wrong/thick as horseshit will make them change their mind. They already know that and are ignoring it.
I no longer take the piss out of the USA for voting for Trump . Seeing as the UK will soon be turned into a US colony it may aswell start voting in a similar fashion.
I guess Rory realized he'd blown himself up with that hour long car crash and Javid, being a nice guy, was consoling him.
Don't the likes of Lidington and Gauke now look kind of ridiculous supporting Rory Not Tory?
I don't think anyone looks ridiculous supporting Stewart, before or after, really. He still came out of that debate asking the most rational questions, but was just effectively shouted down.
We're doomed. Indy Scotland is going to need a Trump style wall to keep out refugee sassenachs.
I asked this on the other thread, but it only excited a bit of nonsense about the miracles Boris was going to perform.
Does Johnson really think there is going to be a transition period after No Deal, or is he being misrepresented here?
No. David Davis regularly comes out with the same rubbish.
None of them seem to realise that when Britain leaves without a deal, it will be - as far as the EU is concerned - a third country. No different in legal terms to Afghanistan. We will have less leverage than before and will be faced with the prospect of either putting on tariffs to protect some of our industries - but at a cost to consumers - or having no or low tariffs and probably destroying quite a lot of our industries and removing pretty much all incentives to enter into FTAs with us.
And that's without getting into all the other problems that No Deal raises for us.
Still, that's what we will likely get because the Tory party has decided to fetishise a date.
Boris Johnson really doesn't understand that the transition period is linked to a deal, and that without a deal there won't be a transition period?
How can someone who is aspiring to be prime minister be so mind-blowingly ignorant?
He's not ignorant. Or that ignorant. He thinks we are.
More precisely, he thinks that a predicted poll lead and landslide for the Conservatives under his premiership will make the selectorate (right word?) ignore, excuse and defend any lie, stupidity or contradictory statement he might care to make.
We're all past the point now of thinking that telling people that politician X is lying/wrong/thick as horseshit will make them change their mind. They already know that and are ignoring it.
I no longer take the piss out of the USA for voting for Trump . Seeing as the UK will soon be turned into a US colony it may aswell start voting in a similar fashion.
I'd go for that over the EU colony that the Brussels twerps joked about.
So — who's going to be out tomorrow: Javid or Stewart?
Stewart, remember it is only Raab voters choosing from the remainder and Stewart need a brilliant performance to get defections from Gove and Hunt tonight and did not give that
I guess Rory realized he'd blown himself up with that hour long car crash and Javid, being a nice guy, was consoling him.
Don't the likes of Lidington and Gauke now look kind of ridiculous supporting Rory Not Tory?
I don't think anyone looks ridiculous supporting Stewart, before or after, really. He still came out of that debate asking the most rational questions, but was just effectively shouted down.
I guess Rory realized he'd blown himself up with that hour long car crash and Javid, being a nice guy, was consoling him.
Don't the likes of Lidington and Gauke now look kind of ridiculous supporting Rory Not Tory?
I don't think anyone looks ridiculous supporting Stewart, before or after, really. He still came out of that debate asking the most rational questions, but was just effectively shouted down.
We're doomed. Indy Scotland is going to need a Trump style wall to keep out refugee sassenachs.
I asked this on the other thread, but it only excited a bit of nonsense about the miracles Boris was going to perform.
Does Johnson really think there is going to be a transition period after No Deal, or is he being misrepresented here?
No. David Davis regularly comes out with the same rubbish.
None of them seem to realise that when Britain leaves without a deal, it will be - as far as the EU is concerned - a third country. No different in legal terms to Afghanistan. We will have less leverage than before and will be faced with the prospect of either putting on tariffs to protect some of our industries - but at a cost to consumers - or having no or low tariffs and probably destroying quite a lot of our industries and removing pretty much all incentives to enter into FTAs with us.
And that's without getting into all the other problems that No Deal raises for us.
Still, that's what we will likely get because the Tory party has decided to fetishise a date.
Boris Johnson really doesn't understand that the transition period is linked to a deal, and that without a deal there won't be a transition period?
How can someone who is aspiring to be prime minister be so mind-blowingly ignorant?
He's not ignorant. Or that ignorant. He thinks we are.
More precisely, he thinks that a predicted poll lead and landslide for the Conservatives under his premiership will make the selectorate (right word?) ignore, excuse and defend any lie, stupidity or contradictory statement he might care to make.
We're all past the point now of thinking that telling people that politician X is lying/wrong/thick as horseshit will make them change their mind. They already know that and are ignoring it.
I no longer take the piss out of the USA for voting for Trump . Seeing as the UK will soon be turned into a US colony it may aswell start voting in a similar fashion.
Just because the UK is chock full of idiots, doesn't mean we can't laugh at how stupid America is too. In fact, I think we still have a way to go. The US elected a guy who bragged about sexual assault and who mocked a guy's disability. Trump is so ubiquitous now that we forget just what an unrepentant shit he actually is. He belongs in a cage. I don't think we can say that about Boris yet.
I guess Rory realized he'd blown himself up with that hour long car crash and Javid, being a nice guy, was consoling him.
Don't the likes of Lidington and Gauke now look kind of ridiculous supporting Rory Not Tory?
Not really they’re both anti no dealers and he’s the only one ruling it out .
What's the point of supporting someone who's a complete and utter no hoper?
I'm sorry but no one with Rory's appalling body language (looking down at the the floor?) and arrogance (at times he gave off the air of a man who thought the whole thing was just a waste of his time) will ever be Prime Minister.
If they hadn't been driven totally mad by Brexit they would be supporting Hunt who obviously will never do No Deal but actually looks and sounds reasonably Prime Ministerial...
I no longer take the piss out of the USA for voting for Trump . Seeing as the UK will soon be turned into a US colony it may aswell start voting in a similar fashion.
I'd go for that over the EU colony that the Brussels twerps joked about.
One of my rather inchoate theories concerning Brexit was that some Brexiteers were perfectly happy with the UK being ruled by another country, they just thought it should be a different one. See also "Brexit was an argument between two sets of elites".
I guess Rory realized he'd blown himself up with that hour long car crash and Javid, being a nice guy, was consoling him.
Don't the likes of Lidington and Gauke now look kind of ridiculous supporting Rory Not Tory?
Not really they’re both anti no dealers and he’s the only one ruling it out .
What's the point of supporting someone who's a complete and utter no hoper?
I'm sorry but no one with Rory's appalling body language (looking down at the the floor?) and arrogance (at times he gave off the air of a man who thought the whole thing was just a waste of his time) will ever be Prime Minister.
If they hadn't been driven totally mad by Brexit they would be supporting Hunt who obviously will never do No Deal but actually looks and sounds reasonably Prime Ministerial...
Hunt is a more intelligent chameleon than Boris, with some finish. Stewart has shown signs of both intellectual and interpersonal skills over the course of his unexpectedly meteoric brief campaign that put him ahead of that. He'll be back.
I guess Rory realized he'd blown himself up with that hour long car crash and Javid, being a nice guy, was consoling him.
Don't the likes of Lidington and Gauke now look kind of ridiculous supporting Rory Not Tory?
Not really they’re both anti no dealers and he’s the only one ruling it out .
What's the point of supporting someone who's a complete and utter no hoper?
I'm sorry but no one with Rory's appalling body language (looking down at the the floor?) and arrogance (at times he gave off the air of a man who thought the whole thing was just a waste of his time) will ever be Prime Minister.
If they hadn't been driven totally mad by Brexit they would be supporting Hunt who obviously will never do No Deal but actually looks and sounds reasonably Prime Ministerial...
The idea that having been at one time a diplomat qualifies you for any kind of political position is, for me at least, absurd
Yeah, well, now that Raab's out he reckons he can tack in the other direction.
It'd certainly make sense purely for the leadership election, and no question he's cynical enough ...... but isn't he going to need BXP supporters to return in their droves for the coming general? Any suggestion he's gone all floppy kills that off.
Last time I checked the Tories were still in power and Scotland was still in the Union and we have not even Brexited yet
Enjoy it while it lasts . It’s game over for the UK . A Bozo premiership and no deal disaster will finish it off .
Bozo reunites the rightwing vote in Scotland against the SNP and Bozo also will deliver a FTA for GB that avoids No Deal
Yesterday you were telling us that most Scots support No Deal. You really are an authority on the Scottish nation. I defer to your immense wisdom.
I never once said most Scots support No Deal, though even No Deal does not guarantee independence as the Scottish pensioner vote would still vote strongly No.
I said most Scots support a Canada style FTA as the poll I linked to showed
I no longer take the piss out of the USA for voting for Trump . Seeing as the UK will soon be turned into a US colony it may aswell start voting in a similar fashion.
I'd go for that over the EU colony that the Brussels twerps joked about.
One of my rather inchoate theories concerning Brexit was that some Brexiteers were perfectly happy with the UK being ruled by another country, they just thought it should be a different one. See also "Brexit was an argument between two sets of elites".
I was expressing a choice from two options. I would overwhelmingly prefer that we ruled ourselves.
I guess Rory realized he'd blown himself up with that hour long car crash and Javid, being a nice guy, was consoling him.
Don't the likes of Lidington and Gauke now look kind of ridiculous supporting Rory Not Tory?
Not really they’re both anti no dealers and he’s the only one ruling it out .
What's the point of supporting someone who's a complete and utter no hoper?
I'm sorry but no one with Rory's appalling body language (looking down at the the floor?) and arrogance (at times he gave off the air of a man who thought the whole thing was just a waste of his time) will ever be Prime Minister.
If they hadn't been driven totally mad by Brexit they would be supporting Hunt who obviously will never do No Deal but actually looks and sounds reasonably Prime Ministerial...
Hunt is a more intelligent chameleon than Boris, with some finish. Stewart has shown signs of both intellectual and interpersonal skills over the course of his unexpectedly meteoric brief campaign that put him ahead of that. He'll be back.
Hunt is Mitt Romney and can equally 'etch a sketch'
But this is all going through the motions waiting for the real drama come the Autumn .
The problem for Bozo he’s trying to keep all sides happy and it will end in tears .
If a vote is going to happen on the WA we should all get the chance to vote on it.
Diehard Remainers may still not like it as nothing less than overturning the referendum result will do for them but they lost the referendum so tough
Trump would have left his within minutes and be prowling around behind Emily, looking down her dress.
NI - which voted Remain - should not be the part of the country which determines whether or not the whole country leaves without a Deal.
I am repeating myself. If there is to be a vote on the WA, everyone in the country should get a vote on it.
A referendum with no deal as an option is far too risky for me, I would strongly prefer the WA to that. Remainers should be very careful what they wish for.
As you well know, it is not just the customs checks which are the issue with a hard border.
And goodnight.
It is not edifying. Nonetheless, it might just work.
Latin and Greek translation is either right or wrong, or a matter of interpretation, allowing a latitude of imagination and scope for embellishments. It doesn't talk back, argue, or have implications for people or the economy.
It also doesn't require a wide range of interests or knowledge outside of its scope.
“... Scotland is about to be governed by a new UK Prime Minister elected by 160,000 Tory members, of which only 9,000 are based in Scotland, from a party that hasn’t won a major election in Scotland in 64 years, to deliver a Brexit that 62 per cent of Scotland’s voters rejected, and if that doesn’t justify another chance at independence I don’t know what does.
Probably just me!
The chances of no deal are certainly higher than before March, but I am expecting more fudge and paralysis, not that that is a great place for the UK to be either.
Goodnight as well.
Have a good night too.
I’ve never voted Tory but clearly the soul of the party is now being ripped out. Labour also have big problems .
The message from the Lib Dems should be if you just want some sanity then vote for us.
The SNP also look likely to look the sane alternative north of the border .
Plus I doubt Ian Lavery will approve as Labour Chair
Quote of the night.
Anyway my scores:
Rory: Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Looked weird. Shockingly dreadful body language. Sounded weird. Appears to be in the wrong party and just doing this to troll everyone else, Crashed and burned. Out tomorrow surely? (2)
Gove: Slightly less irritating than on the C4 debate but still totally self absorbed almost to the point of narcissism. A very, very irritating character. Did take the fight to Jezza though. (4)
Javid: Slightly less bland than on the C4 debate but he just doesn't seem to have "it". Is he angling to be COTE in Boris's government? (5)
Hunt: Slightly less bland than on C4 debate and overall looked sensible and rational. Came out of what was at times car crash TV relatively unscathed. (6)
Boris: Did well. No one laid a glove on him. Kept to his own script and didn't respond when baited (especially by Maitlis) A mature performance though at the end of it no one has the faintest idea what he'll do about Brexit - Which is a win for him at this stage. (7)
On that performance should be Boris Vs Hunt in the members ballot.
Destroyed his party .
Destroyed his country .
Destroyed the Union.
At least Blair only fucked other countries .
This time we will follow your instructions- maybe...
We're all past the point now of thinking that telling people that politician X is lying/wrong/thick as horseshit will make them change their mind. They already know that and are ignoring it.
Don't the likes of Lidington and Gauke now look kind of ridiculous supporting Rory Not Tory?
It is also only a vague promise in the event of a new Deal which requires a new Deal first
He's the Tories' canary in the coalmine, I think.
In fact, I think we still have a way to go. The US elected a guy who bragged about sexual assault and who mocked a guy's disability. Trump is so ubiquitous now that we forget just what an unrepentant shit he actually is. He belongs in a cage. I don't think we can say that about Boris yet.
I'm sorry but no one with Rory's appalling body language (looking down at the the floor?) and arrogance (at times he gave off the air of a man who thought the whole thing was just a waste of his time) will ever be Prime Minister.
If they hadn't been driven totally mad by Brexit they would be supporting Hunt who obviously will never do No Deal but actually looks and sounds reasonably Prime Ministerial...
A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution.
What's controversial about that?
The point is, it's a normal use of the word race.
It'd certainly make sense purely for the leadership election, and no question he's cynical enough ...... but isn't he going to need BXP supporters to return in their droves for the coming general? Any suggestion he's gone all floppy kills that off.
I said most Scots support a Canada style FTA as the poll I linked to showed