politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » YouGov finds TMay rated about the same as Major, ahead of Blair and Brown but behind Cameron
Above is from some new polling just issued by YouGov in which those surveyed were asked to rate TMay against the three preceding PMs.
Read the full story here
Dave is the best.
I miss Dave.
Those were the days.
Verified account @metoffice
UPDATE: Heathrow has just hit 35 °C. Will this be the top temperature of the day, or is there more to come?
3:19 PM - 26 Jul 2018"
May's long term rating is entirely dependent upon the outcome over the next 9 months. If she pulls it off she may well improve her rating. If she fumbles it she will be down there with Brown but still ahead of the new PM Corbyn.
May lead vs Blair: 65+: +40
Youngsters for war criminals Blair:
May lead vs Blair: 18-24: -20
This group also breaks heavily for Cameron (May vs Cameron; -25) while their elders: +24
As for Balir:
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interrèd with their bones.
Perhaps it was because they had the time and space to develop them, whilst opposing a government tying itself up in internecine squabbles over Europe.
Thank goodness no governing party would be foolish enough to repeat the same mistake.
*edit* Johnny can't count. Bad Johnny.
It’s because he’s now recognised to be a universal weasel.
In the abstract with nothing much going on I'd probably give the order:
But as of today's date I'd probably give the order:
(Quite what "neither" is doing as an option here, I'm not sure, but that's another question.)
For the Lord to intervene in the UK judicial system to pervert the course of justice?
With Brexit cleared in 2019, there is a possibility that there may be a renewed vigour as they turn their attention and thinking to more domestic issues. With that possibility I can see them constructing a programme for government that resonates against the extremes of a socialist alternative from Labour.
However, that requires them to successfully clear Brexit and also for a new central grouping not to emerge.
Almost any outcome is possible over the next 4 years.
Will May get Chequers minus through parliament and the EU?
She can continue in parliament if her sentence (assuming she is found guilty) is one year or less.
More than a year and she cannot sit in parliament.
This sort of case is exactly why the recall law was introduced, even though it got somewhat watered down from the original proposal.
Fox hunting is one of those totemic issues that reinforces all the very worst stereotypes of Tories in the minds of non-Tories. That of the braying horseback toff revelling in gratuitous cruelty towards a terrified creature.
It's an enduring image. For the life of me of me I can't understand why it's an image Tories insist on reinforcing.
This is just inappropriate.
Monmouthshire hunt was mostly plebs. I suppose it might be different in Lloegr.
It's an enduring image. For the life of me of me I can't understand why it's an image Tories insist on reinforcing.
The funding and activists to deliver leaflets that the pro hunt lobby provide may play a part.
It's the moment everything started to go horribly wrong.
Eurotunnel is currently experiencing 4 hour delays. A 2 min delay means miles of queues. Also, Britain's JIT manufacturers will no doubt have sent the workforce home already.
Get prepared now the supermarkets will have no food tomorrow, panic buy now.
Or just keep chilling out and enjoy the weather.
There were more than one or two candidates and MPs who were delighted when Victoria Borwick lost her seat.
Especially what percentage of our food imports come through there?
I agree with you,the day it came out I put my head in my hands.
But it is 30% of say 45% of our trade so 13.5%. with the above caveats.
I know it was a small sample but that made me take notice something was wrong.
"The total value of exports from the EU to the UK transported through the Channel Tunnel in 2016 was €69.0bn
This represents 21% of the total value of EU exports to the UK."
By my rough calculations around 8% of food and drink imports come via the Chunnel.
https://www.ey.com/Publication/vwLUAssets/Economic_footprint_of_the_Channel_Tunnel_fixed_link/$File/Channel Tunnel EN light.pdf
Maggie won three on the trot!
At least Barnier is talking rather than clock-watching, let’s work out what the deal looks like and get on with it.
In electoral terms he is also the most successful leader in his party’s history
Oh wait...
But Maggie's achievement still stands.
I don’t recommend the brown cheese though.
In electoral terms he is also the most successful Labour leader in history, and there are no matches in modern time for the three successive general election victories for his Party.
I doubt that will be an issue with the Corbyn-fest.
Could of????
For those of whose first language is English it is ‘could have’
The fact she's a current Cambridgeshire MP is seemingly irrelevant.
Danny Dyer
Gary Lineker
Princess Meghan
Susie Dent off Countdown
The winners of Love Island, to rule jointly for a year in the manner of Roman consuls
A military coup, with Parliament to be bombed to rubble by the RAF
No sense of fun these YouGov people.