The first major construction contracts for Britain’s new high-speed rail line are set to be awarded on Monday, as a new study estimated that each mile of the initial section will cost over £400m, almost twice the official figure.
Would you like me to post more links showing HS2's costs are out of control?
If you want 'out of control' look at Network Rail's current large enhancement projects, which you want to write a blank cheque for.
I admit the HS2 project may end up being a disaster. But we saw similar claims with HS1 and Crossrail, which both did reasonably well in practice project-wise. It's early days, and there are lots of naysayers and FUD. You should also note that the projects you favour might also be a disaster; in fact, there's more evidence that that would be the case given NR's woeful performance.
Large enhancements to the existing network are appearing to be uncostable: there was a three-fold increase in the cost of the GWML electrification (so far), and a ten-fold in the WCML Upgrade. You might also like to compare it to the cost increases and delays of the current *northern* Preston-Blackpool electrification scheme.
I understand you want better rail services, and how as a regular user you want a better service. And I'm pi**ed off by Network Rail and the DfT's failure to deliver the upgrades they promised. But instead of shaking your fist at other schemes, tell me why the schemes you favour should receive unlimited funding over others? And how the heck can we decide on which schemes to do (on a BCR basis) if we have no idea what the costs will be?
On another point: if we cannot get projects like these done more or less on budget, we might as well give up. It'd be a sure sign we've failed as a country. Infrastructure is vital.
On topic, surely the simplest change that would make a big difference to NHS demand is to reverse the benefit-in-kind tax charge on private health insurance offered by companies to their staff? We should be encouraging this, not taxing it.
If you want 'out of control' look at Network Rail's current large enhancement projects, which you want to write a blank cheque for.
I admit the HS2 project may end up being a disaster. But we saw similar claims with HS1 and Crossrail, which both did reasonably well in practice project-wise. It's early days, and there are lots of naysayers and FUD. You should also note that the projects you favour might also be a disaster; in fact, there's more evidence that that would be the case given NR's woeful performance.
Large enhancements to the existing network are appearing to be uncostable: there was a three-fold increase in the cost of the GWML electrification (so far), and a ten-fold in the WCML Upgrade. You might also like to compare it to the cost increases and delays of the current *northern* Preston-Blackpool electrification scheme.
I understand you want better rail services, and how as a regular user you want a better service. And I'm pi**ed off by Network Rail and the DfT's failure to deliver the upgrades they promised. But instead of shaking your fist at other schemes, tell me why the schemes you favour should receive unlimited funding over others? And how the heck can we decide on which schemes to do (on a BCR basis) if we have no idea what the costs will be?
On another point: if we cannot get projects like these done more or less on budget, we might as well give up. It'd be a sure sign we've failed as a country. Infrastructure is vital.
Like Chris Grayling you think out of control overspending by billions on HS2 et al are fine, but overspending by a few million on the North is a no no.
Spend billions on HS2 is fine but a spend a few million on the desolate North is a no no.
Oh, stop your whining.
If you hadn't noticed, the main reason for the timetable failure on Northern Rail at the end of May was Network Rail's inability to deliver similar upgrades. So the 'desolate north' has been getting a heck of a lot of upgrades: perhaps not as much as you want, or even deserve, but they are happening.
As a good Conservative, I'd have thought you were not keen on writing blank cheques for upgrades - as we have seen happen on the GWML electrification, and we saw on the WCML upgrade a decade ago.
To give you an idea of the scale of the problem, the GWML program was costed at about £1.3 billion. A few months ago its costs were £3.2 billion. The WCML upgrade program was about a tenfold increase in costs, and was reduced in scope and delivered very late.
I'd prefer a reduced electrification scheme over a number of years, but such upgrades also rely on new stock, and the new stock is needed much sooner.
These enhancement projects are not delivered immediately, and there is much disruption whilst they are ongoing.
Also, there were significant disruptions with the stock changes / cascades: AIUI trains that were due to be coming from Scotland not coming due to Hitachi not being able to design windscreens, and the HST remodelling for Scotrail.
There is a major issue here: the failure of Hitachi and others to deliver the new trains and upgraded trains, along with Network Rail's failure to provide enhancements, means that several TOCs don't have the trains they need.
The problems long predate the stock changes and upgrades.
You are talking about a different problem. I was talking about the collapse of Northern's services post the May timetable change, which was due to bring in new stock and infrastructure to help ease the problems you are talking about.
Instead, the May timetable change has just brought in a disaster.
I feel very sorry for Norther wrt this: less so for GTR and the Thameslink mess, although they also are more victim than villain.
Just chuckling at an article in the observer where the columnist has left London because they couldn’t bare to live in a divided country (post brexit) they moved to Ireland.
If you want 'out of control' look at Network Rail's current large enhancement projects, which you want to write a blank cheque for.
I admit the HS2 project may end up being a disaster. But we saw similar claims with HS1 and Crossrail, which both did reasonably well in practice project-wise. It's early days, and there are lots of naysayers and FUD. You should also note that the projects you favour might also be a disaster; in fact, there's more evidence that that would be the case given NR's woeful performance.
Large enhancements to the existing network are appearing to be uncostable: there was a three-fold increase in the cost of the GWML electrification (so far), and a ten-fold in the WCML Upgrade. You might also like to compare it to the cost increases and delays of the current *northern* Preston-Blackpool electrification scheme.
I understand you want better rail services, and how as a regular user you want a better service. And I'm pi**ed off by Network Rail and the DfT's failure to deliver the upgrades they promised. But instead of shaking your fist at other schemes, tell me why the schemes you favour should receive unlimited funding over others? And how the heck can we decide on which schemes to do (on a BCR basis) if we have no idea what the costs will be?
On another point: if we cannot get projects like these done more or less on budget, we might as well give up. It'd be a sure sign we've failed as a country. Infrastructure is vital.
Like Chris Grayling you think out of control overspending by billions on HS2 et al are fine, but overspending by a few million on the North is a no no.
No. I do not think it is fine - if it happens. But neither do I think the hideous overruns I've already mentioned (and that have happened) are okay - on different sort of projects. And I also think 'a few million' is rather over-optimistic on your part, given the problems we've seen (Preston to Blackpool being an example). Beside, you seem to be repeatedly unaware of all the money that is being spent on the network in your area ...
So what is your answer? Instead of griping, say what you would do wrt enhancements if you were in Grayling's shoes?
It's all fubar'd, and I find it hard to think of a good, yet alone brilliant, solution.
More needs to be spent. More needs to be expected of individuals. Less should be provided in some areas. None of this will be popular.
The way to square the circle is for us to lead healthier lives, via the usual suspects of eating and drinking less, exercising more, and not driving each other mad, as well as not smoking. The Marmot report linked in the header was pretty sound in its proposals.
There always needs to be a universal service covering emergencies and critical care. These are the parts of healthcare that need central planning. None of us is immune to a sudden major trauma, and it is at those times that the NHS is at its best. A lot of other healthcare is more amenable to fragmentation to generate competition and innovation.
Personally, I hear good things about the Dutch system, but as well as being a nation of thin cyclists they do have the highest social care spend in the EU, I think.
You seem to neglect that studies in both the us and netherlands is that lifetime healthcare costs for those that live healthily exceed those that smoke , drink or are obese. That is even before you factor in the tax take reduction from lower sin taxes and higher payouts on pensions
Drinkers and smokers pay for themselves, but perhaps other people with unhealthy lifestyles do not.
I suppose that the risk is that unhealthy people stay alive for years, with chronic conditions, rather than dropping dead early.
If you want 'out of control' look at Network Rail's current large enhancement projects, which you want to write a blank cheque for.
I admit the HS2 project may end up being a disaster. But we saw similar claims with HS1 and Crossrail, which both did reasonably well in practice project-wise. It's early days, and there are lots of naysayers and FUD. You should also note that the projects you favour might also be a disaster; in fact, there's more evidence that that would be the case given NR's woeful performance.
Large enhancements to the existing network are appearing to be uncostable: there was a three-fold increase in the cost of the GWML electrification (so far), and a ten-fold in the WCML Upgrade. You might also like to compare it to the cost increases and delays of the current *northern* Preston-Blackpool electrification scheme.
I understand you want better rail services, and how as a regular user you want a better service. And I'm pi**ed off by Network Rail and the DfT's failure to deliver the upgrades they promised. But instead of shaking your fist at other schemes, tell me why the schemes you favour should receive unlimited funding over others? And how the heck can we decide on which schemes to do (on a BCR basis) if we have no idea what the costs will be?
On another point: if we cannot get projects like these done more or less on budget, we might as well give up. It'd be a sure sign we've failed as a country. Infrastructure is vital.
Like Chris Grayling you think out of control overspending by billions on HS2 et al are fine, but overspending by a few million on the North is a no no.
No. I do not think it is fine - if it happens. But neither do I think the hideous overruns I've already mentioned (and that have happened) are okay - on different sort of projects. And I also think 'a few million' is rather over-optimistic on your part, given the problems we've seen (Preston to Blackpool being an example). Beside, you seem to be repeatedly unaware of all the money that is being spent on the network in your area ...
So what is your answer? Instead of griping, say what you would do wrt enhancements if you were in Grayling's shoes?
It's all fubar'd, and I find it hard to think of a good, yet alone brilliant, solution.
I'd put a freeze on HS2 and focus on improving the transport links between major cities in the North.
Just chuckling at an article in the observer where the columnist has left London because they couldn’t bare to live in a divided country (post brexit) they moved to Ireland.
More likely they’ve decided they want the motorbike muggers to have the human rights not to be chased by the police after they steal phones, watches and rings from other rich people in London...
If you want 'out of control' look at Network Rail's current large enhancement projects, which you want to write a blank cheque for.
I admit the HS2 project may end up being a disaster. But we saw similar claims with HS1 and Crossrail, which both did reasonably well in practice project-wise. It's early days, and there are lots of naysayers and FUD. You should also note that the projects you favour might also be a disaster; in fact, there's more evidence that that would be the case given NR's woeful performance.
Large enhancements to the existing network are appearing to be uncostable: there was a three-fold increase in the cost of the GWML electrification (so far), and a ten-fold in the WCML Upgrade. You might also like to compare it to the cost increases and delays of the current *northern* Preston-Blackpool electrification scheme.
I understand you want better rail services, and how as a regular user you want a better service. And I'm pi**ed off by Network Rail and the DfT's failure to deliver the upgrades they promised. But instead of shaking your fist at other schemes, tell me why the schemes you favour should receive unlimited funding over others? And how the heck can we decide on which schemes to do (on a BCR basis) if we have no idea what the costs will be?
On another point: if we cannot get projects like these done more or less on budget, we might as well give up. It'd be a sure sign we've failed as a country. Infrastructure is vital.
Like Chris Grayling you think out of control overspending by billions on HS2 et al are fine, but overspending by a few million on the North is a no no.
No. I do not think it is fine - if it happens. But neither do I think the hideous overruns I've already mentioned (and that have happened) are okay - on different sort of projects. And I also think 'a few million' is rather over-optimistic on your part, given the problems we've seen (Preston to Blackpool being an example). Beside, you seem to be repeatedly unaware of all the money that is being spent on the network in your area ...
So what is your answer? Instead of griping, say what you would do wrt enhancements if you were in Grayling's shoes?
It's all fubar'd, and I find it hard to think of a good, yet alone brilliant, solution.
I think this is about priorities. Clearly those in the North would rather see HS2 or Crossrail 2.canned and upgrades on their railways go ahead.
Instead it looks like money is always found for upgrades to transport for London and when there are overruns the cuts are always made elsewhere.
If you want 'out of control' look at Network Rail's current large enhancement projects, which you want to write a blank cheque for.
I admit the HS2 project may end up being a disaster. But we saw similar claims with HS1 and Crossrail, which both did reasonably well in practice project-wise. It's early days, and there are lots of naysayers and FUD. You should also note that the projects you favour might also be a disaster; in fact, there's more evidence that that would be the case given NR's woeful performance.
Large enhancements to the existing network are appearing to be uncostable: there was a three-fold increase in the cost of the GWML electrification (so far), and a ten-fold in the WCML Upgrade. You might also like to compare it to the cost increases and delays of the current *northern* Preston-Blackpool electrification scheme.
I understand you want better rail services, and how as a regular user you want a better service. And I'm pi**ed off by Network Rail and the DfT's failure to deliver the upgrades they promised. But instead of shaking your fist at other schemes, tell me why the schemes you favour should receive unlimited funding over others? And how the heck can we decide on which schemes to do (on a BCR basis) if we have no idea what the costs will be?
On another point: if we cannot get projects like these done more or less on budget, we might as well give up. It'd be a sure sign we've failed as a country. Infrastructure is vital.
Like Chris Grayling you think out of control overspending by billions on HS2 et al are fine, but overspending by a few million on the North is a no no.
No. I do not think it is fine - if it happens. But neither do I think the hideous overruns I've already mentioned (and that have happened) are okay - on different sort of projects. And I also think 'a few million' is rather over-optimistic on your part, given the problems we've seen (Preston to Blackpool being an example). Beside, you seem to be repeatedly unaware of all the money that is being spent on the network in your area ...
So what is your answer? Instead of griping, say what you would do wrt enhancements if you were in Grayling's shoes?
It's all fubar'd, and I find it hard to think of a good, yet alone brilliant, solution.
I'd put a freeze on HS2 and focus on improving the transport links between major cities in the North.
From the point of view of naked political self-interest, the Tories ought to be prioritising the North. But, the Tories are not good at politics.
Lab hold High Peak, lab hold Keighley, lab gain Pudsey with this nonsense re the railways tbh
Is High Peak next to Glossop?
It includes Glossop. To be honest, I doubt this railway stuff makes much difference, even if the politicians act as though it does.
For example, there is talk of reopening the line from Colne to Skipton. But the only reason this is being talked about is that the Tories hold the marginal constituency of Pendle by 1,300 votes.
If you want 'out of control' look at Network Rail's current large enhancement projects, which you want to write a blank cheque for.
I admit the HS2 project may end up being a disaster. But we saw similar claims with HS1 and Crossrail, which both did reasonably well in practice project-wise. It's early days, and there are lots of naysayers and FUD. You should also note that the projects you favour might also be a disaster; in fact, there's more evidence that that would be the case given NR's woeful performance.
Large enhancements to the existing network are appearing to be uncostable: there was a three-fold increase in the cost of the GWML electrification (so far), and a ten-fold in the WCML Upgrade. You might also like to compare it to the cost increases and delays of the current *northern* Preston-Blackpool electrification scheme.
I understand you want better rail services, and how as a regular user you want a better service. And I'm pi**ed off by Network Rail and the DfT's failure to deliver the upgrades they promised. But instead of shaking your fist at other schemes, tell me why the schemes you favour should receive unlimited funding over others? And how the heck can we decide on which schemes to do (on a BCR basis) if we have no idea what the costs will be?
On another point: if we cannot get projects like these done more or less on budget, we might as well give up. It'd be a sure sign we've failed as a country. Infrastructure is vital.
Like Chris Grayling you think out of control overspending by billions on HS2 et al are fine, but overspending by a few million on the North is a no no.
No. I do not think it is fine - if it happens. But neither do I think the hideous overruns I've already mentioned (and that have happened) are okay - on different sort of projects. And I also think 'a few million' is rather over-optimistic on your part, given the problems we've seen (Preston to Blackpool being an example). Beside, you seem to be repeatedly unaware of all the money that is being spent on the network in your area ...
So what is your answer? Instead of griping, say what you would do wrt enhancements if you were in Grayling's shoes?
It's all fubar'd, and I find it hard to think of a good, yet alone brilliant, solution.
I'd put a freeze on HS2 and focus on improving the transport links between major cities in the North.
From the point of view of naked political self-interest, the Tories ought to be prioritising the North. But, the Tories are not good at politics.
It seems any infrastructure project is not for development unless it involves London
Mr. F, my understanding was that smokers do pay for themselves but drinkers are a significant net drain.
Mr. Sandpit, one can only dream of that much cash available for betting...
It was only there because it had been built up over time in a Betfair account that started with a tenner almost a decade ago. Living abroad it’s almost impossible to cash it out, so it’s just play money...
I think this is about priorities. Clearly those in the North would rather see HS2 or Crossrail 2.canned and upgrades on their railways go ahead.
Instead it looks like money is always found for upgrades to transport for London and when there are overruns the cuts are always made elsewhere.
HS2 goes to the north. Something forgotten by many in the north - it's as though they fear it'll contaminate them with weird southern ways.
I'd also like to point out that Crossrail 1 was partly paid for by a business rate supplement, to the order of a billion or two. That may be the future model.
Lab hold High Peak, lab hold Keighley, lab gain Pudsey with this nonsense re the railways tbh
Lab gain Bolton West, Blackpool North & Cleveley, Morecambe & Lunesdale, and Rossendale & Darwen
Does Grayling realise how many marginals there are up there, or does he think it's all Labour or sose such because it's ''the north"
I'll ask you what TSE has been unable or unwilling to answer: given the massive cost rises in the other electrification projects, what would you do? Write a blank cheque for your favoured project and sod everyone else?
If you want 'out of control' look at Network Rail's current large enhancement projects, which you want to write a blank cheque for.
I admit the HS2 project may end up being a disaster. But we saw similar claims with HS1 and Crossrail, which both did reasonably well in practice project-wise. It's early days, and there are lots of naysayers and FUD. You should also note that the projects you favour might also be a disaster; in fact, there's more evidence that that would be the case given NR's woeful performance.
Large enhancements to the existing network are appearing to be uncostable: there was a three-fold increase in the cost of the
I understand you want better rail services, and how as a regular user you want a better service. And I'm pi**ed off by Network Rail and the DfT's failure to deliver the upgrades they promised. But instead of shaking your fist at other schemes, tell me why the schemes you favour should receive unlimited funding over others? And how the heck can we decide on which schemes to do (on a BCR basis) if we have no idea what the costs will be?
On another point: if we cannot get projects like these done more or less on budget, we might as well give up. It'd be a sure sign we've failed as a country. Infrastructure is vital.
Like Chris Grayling you think out of control overspending by billions on HS2 et al are fine, but overspending by a few million on the North is a no no.
No. I do not think it is fine - if it happens. But neither do I think the hideous overruns I've already mentioned (and that have happened) are okay - on different sort of projects. And I also think 'a few million' is rather over-optimistic on your part, given the problems we've seen (Preston to Blackpool being an example). Beside, you seem to be repeatedly unaware of all the money that is being spent on the network in your area ...
So what is your answer? Instead of griping, say what you would do wrt enhancements if you were in Grayling's shoes?
It's all fubar'd, and I find it hard to think of a good, yet alone brilliant, solution.
I'd put a freeze on HS2 and focus on improving the transport links between major cities in the North.
From the point of view of naked political self-interest, the Tories ought to be prioritising the North. But, the Tories are not good at politics.
It seems any infrastructure project is not for development unless it involves London
The tide in most of London is very much against the Tories, while the tide in the North, ex Liverpool, Manchester, and Sheffield, is in their favour. Swim with the tide.
Lab hold High Peak, lab hold Keighley, lab gain Pudsey with this nonsense re the railways tbh
Lab gain Bolton West, Blackpool North & Cleveley, Morecambe & Lunesdale, and Rossendale & Darwen
Does Grayling realise how many marginals there are up there, or does he think it's all Labour or sose such because it's ''the north"
I'll ask you what TSE has been unable or unwilling to answer: given the massive cost rises in the other electrification projects, what would you do? Write a blank cheque for your favoured project and sod everyone else?
If you want 'out of control' look at Network Rail's current large enhancement projects, which you want to write a blank cheque for.
I admit the HS2 project may end up being a disaster. But we
I understand you want better rail services, and how as a regular user you want a better service. And I'm pi**ed off by Network Rail and the DfT's failure to deliver the upgrades they promised. But instead of shaking your fist at other schemes, tell me why the schemes you favour should receive unlimited funding over others? And how the heck can we decide on which schemes to do (on a BCR basis) if we have no idea what the costs will be?
On another point: if we cannot get projects like these done more or less on budget, we might as well give up. It'd be a sure sign we've failed as a country. Infrastructure is vital.
Like Chris Grayling you think out of control overspending by billions on HS2 et al are fine, but overspending by a few million on the North is a no no.
No. I do not think it is fine - if it happens. But neither do I think the hideous overruns I've already mentioned (and that have happened) are okay - on different sort of projects. And I also think 'a few million' is rather over-optimistic on your part, given the problems we've seen (Preston to Blackpool being an example). Beside, you seem to be repeatedly unaware of all the money that is being spent on the network in your area ...
So what is your answer? Instead of griping, say what you would do wrt enhancements if you were in Grayling's shoes?
It's all fubar'd, and I find it hard to think of a good, yet alone brilliant, solution.
I'd put a freeze on HS2 and focus on improving the transport links between major cities in the North.
From the point of view of naked political self-interest, the Tories ought to be prioritising the North. But, the Tories are not good at politics.
It seems any infrastructure project is not for development unless it involves London
The tide in most of London is very much against the Tories, while the tide in the North, ex Liverpool, Manchester, and Sheffield, is in their favour. Swim with the tide.
Part of the reason for HS2 is surely building on the 'Northern Powerhouse' and opening up the North
Lab hold High Peak, lab hold Keighley, lab gain Pudsey with this nonsense re the railways tbh
Lab gain Bolton West, Blackpool North & Cleveley, Morecambe & Lunesdale, and Rossendale & Darwen
Does Grayling realise how many marginals there are up there, or does he think it's all Labour or sose such because it's ''the north"
I'll ask you what TSE has been unable or unwilling to answer: given the massive cost rises in the other electrification projects, what would you do? Write a blank cheque for your favoured project and sod everyone else?
I've already answered.
It's's good to see you're enhancing the Conservatives' reputation as a 'sod everyone else' party...
It's also not really an answer to the question I asked.
A good answer might be: perform smaller projects over a few years, until Network Rail re-learn how to do it properly. Then start scaling it up, as part of a unified program with rolling stock enhancements.
I want more electrification schemes. I want better rail (and road) services. But it's clear that the DfT and Network Rail have got major issues with such schemes at the moment.
Which is odd, as they're generally quite good at smaller projects ...
Lab hold High Peak, lab hold Keighley, lab gain Pudsey with this nonsense re the railways tbh
Lab gain Bolton West, Blackpool North & Cleveley, Morecambe & Lunesdale, and Rossendale & Darwen
Does Grayling realise how many marginals there are up there, or does he think it's all Labour or sose such because it's ''the north"
I'll ask you what TSE has been unable or unwilling to answer: given the massive cost rises in the other electrification projects, what would you do? Write a blank cheque for your favoured project and sod everyone else?
I've already answered.
It's's good to see you're enhancing the Conservatives' reputation as a 'sod everyone else' party...
It's also not really an answer to the question I asked.
A good answer might be: perform smaller projects over a few years, until Network Rail re-learn how to do it properly. Then start scaling it up, as part of a unified program with rolling stock enhancements.
I want more electrification schemes. I want better rail (and road) services. But it's clear that the DfT and Network Rail have got major issues with such schemes at the moment.
Which is odd, as they're generally quite good at smaller projects ...
I'm wanting the Tories to honour their 2015 manifesto, the only one to have won them a majority this century.
Not sure how you can call that 'sod everyone else'
Right, I should be off. What a momentous day of sporting upset. I'm sure none of us really expected, even though it was theoretically possible, that I'd finish ahead at an F1 weekend, but there we are.
Interesting topic on which there's not a lot of engagement I get the feeling. To be fair, I think the cost benefit of treatments will need to be personal and based on genetic or other testing.
if you had told me a fortnight ago neither Spain nor Portugal would be in the last eight, I would not have believed you. Their opening Group match was sublime and perhaps both sides left their hearts and souls on that field as neither side has performed since.
Jingoistic nonsense notwithstanding, I'm sure both Spain and Portugal will be contenders in Euro 2020.
On topic, a superb piece from Dr Foxy, for which many thanks. I note the transfer of the public health function from the NHS to councils under the Coalition (a terrible move) - the former had a degree of spending protection, the latter did not and the public health function has suffered cuts along with other local council services.
I regard health information and health education as critical - getting good health habits into individuals and families from an early age is vital. This needs to be expanded across all communication and media - I am appalled by celebrity chefs throwing vast quantities of salt into food. Cutting salt intake is recognised as a factor in improving health.
Health is not just the NHS (in reality a National Sickness Service) but a function of how we live and how we work. Better work life balance, working smarter rather than longer, less stressful commuting and travelling to work - all would improve general public health.
To take a more Thatcherite viewpoint - where is the self-responsibility and where is the corporate responsibility ? Forcing pubs and clubs to fund A&E care on Friday and Saturday nights might help on a number of levels but while binge drinking might not be the scourge it was attitudes to drug taking and the impact of such drugs on behaviours and actions are part of the overall debate on personal responsibility vs individual freedom and the role of the State in protecting not only ourselves but others and the national finances as a whole.
More needs to be spent. More needs to be expected of individuals. Less should be provided in some areas. None of this will be popular.
The way to square the circle is for us to lead healthier lives, via the usual suspects of eating and drinking less, exercising more, and not driving each other mad, as well as not smoking. The Marmot report linked in the header was pretty sound in its proposals.
There always needs to be a universal service covering emergencies and critical care. These are the parts of healthcare that need central planning. None of us is immune to a sudden major trauma, and it is at those times that the NHS is at its best. A lot of other healthcare is more amenable to fragmentation to generate competition and innovation.
Personally, I hear good things about the Dutch system, but as well as being a nation of thin cyclists they do have the highest social care spend in the EU, I think.
You seem to neglect that studies in both the us and netherlands is that lifetime healthcare costs for those that live healthily exceed those that smoke , drink or are obese. That is even before you factor in the tax take reduction from lower sin taxes and higher payouts on pensions
Drinkers and smokers pay for themselves, but perhaps other people with unhealthy lifestyles do not.
I suppose that the risk is that unhealthy people stay alive for years, with chronic conditions, rather than dropping dead early.
this links to one of the original reports. On average smokers and drinkers and the obese cost less in health care, die younger so have less costs in pensions. Surely we should be encouraging it
Spain should have a second penalty and hence probably won that. The volume of nonsense spouted about how good the Russians were (They weren't) did my nut on the radio. I hope Croatia stick seven past them.
Can we just see if we get past Colombia before we start talking about the other teams England could face. Let’s not jinx this.
Colombia won't be easy - there are no easy teams left anyway as they have all got this far.
You might argue Russia with their home support might be just as big a challenge as Spain. The Russian anthem in a huge stadium is incredibly powerful - it's probably one of the most uplifting anthems going along with perhaps the Welsh and Kiwi ones.
Can the NHS do more for early diagnosis? For instance, I know I am at risk of diabetes but I can't wander into Boots for an indicator to pee on. I could hassle my GP to send me to hospital for a blood test but that seems OTT with no symptoms. Sure, my hypothetical test from Boots might be only 80 per cent accurate but that would be a lot better than nothing at all. Can I use my phone camera and some sort of AI app to check my eyes, or moles?
Lab hold High Peak, lab hold Keighley, lab gain Pudsey with this nonsense re the railways tbh
Lab gain Bolton West, Blackpool North & Cleveley, Morecambe & Lunesdale, and Rossendale & Darwen
Does Grayling realise how many marginals there are up there, or does he think it's all Labour or sose such because it's ''the north"
I'll ask you what TSE has been unable or unwilling to answer: given the massive cost rises in the other electrification projects, what would you do? Write a blank cheque for your favoured project and sod everyone else?
I've already answered.
It's's good to see you're enhancing the Conservatives' reputation as a 'sod everyone else' party...
It's also not really an answer to the question I asked.
A good answer might be: perform smaller projects over a few years, until Network Rail re-learn how to do it properly. Then start scaling it up, as part of a unified program with rolling stock enhancements.
I want more electrification schemes. I want better rail (and road) services. But it's clear that the DfT and Network Rail have got major issues with such schemes at the moment.
Which is odd, as they're generally quite good at smaller projects ...
I'm wanting the Tories to honour their 2015 manifesto, the only one to have won them a majority this century.
Not sure how you can call that 'sod everyone else'
HS2 was in their 2015 and 2017 manifestos as well. (*)
You are interested in projects that advantage you and whine that others get projects that advantage them. All whilst ignoring the projects that are going ahead that do advantage you ...
So yes, it is a 'sod everyone else' policy.
For the record, I probably won't get much direct advantage from HS2, as I live in the east and the ECML is my route of choice to Scotland or (sometimes) London. Also, I hate flying, and haven't flown from Heathrow for many, many years.
(*) BTW, it would be good if the Conservatives could fix the link to the PDF of the 2015 manifesto on their website ...
Can the NHS do more for early diagnosis? For instance, I know I am at risk of diabetes but I can't wander into Boots for an indicator to pee on. I could hassle my GP to send me to hospital for a blood test but that seems OTT with no symptoms. Sure, my hypothetical test from Boots might be only 80 per cent accurate but that would be a lot better than nothing at all. Can I use my phone camera and some sort of AI app to check my eyes, or moles?
You can buy a glucose meter off Amazon and test your blood. All of the info required is on the website.
If you want 'out of control' look at Network Rail's current large enhancement projects, which you want to write a blank cheque for.
I admit the HS2 project may end up being a disaster. But we
I understand you want better rail services, and how as a regular user you want a better service. And I'm pi**ed off by Network Rail and the DfT's failure to deliver the upgrades they promised. But instead of shaking your fist at other schemes, tell me why the schemes you favour should receive unlimited funding over others? And how the heck can we decide on which schemes to do (on a BCR basis) if we have no idea what the costs will be?
On another point: if we cannot get projects like these done more or less on budget, we might as well give up. It'd be a sure sign we've failed as a country. Infrastructure is vital.
Like Chris Grayling you think out of control overspending by billions on HS2 et al are fine, but overspending by a few million on the North is a no no.
No. I do not think it is fine - if it happens. But neither do I think the hideous overruns I've already mentioned (and that have happened) are okay - on different sort of projects. And I also think 'a few million' is rather over-optimistic on your part, given the problems we've seen (Preston to Blackpool being an example).
So what is your answer? Instead of griping, say what you would do wrt enhancements if you were in Grayling's shoes?
It's all fubar'd, and I find it hard to think of a good, yet alone brilliant, solution.
I'd put a freeze on HS2 and focus on improving the transport links between major cities in the North.
From the point of view of naked political self-interest, the Tories ought to be prioritising the North. But, the Tories are not good at politics.
It seems any infrastructure project is not for development unless it involves London
The tide in most of London is very much against the Tories, while the tide in the North, ex Liverpool, Manchester, and Sheffield, is in their favour. Swim with the tide.
Part of the reason for HS2 is surely building on the 'Northern Powerhouse' and opening up the North
Sometime decades hence.... And in any event, what the 8 million in the M62 corridor really need are better internal communications, rather than a bit of time off the connection with London - and at far greater expense. As usual, London can see the rest of the country only from its own perspective.
I admit the HS2 project may end up being a disaster. But we saw similar claims with HS1 and Crossrail, which both did reasonably well in practice project-wise. It's early days, and there are lots of naysayers and FUD. You should also note that the projects you favour might also be a disaster; in fact, there's more evidence that that would be the case given NR's woeful performance.
Large enhancements to the existing network are appearing to be uncostable: there was a three-fold increase in the cost of the GWML electrification (so far), and a ten-fold in the WCML Upgrade. You might also like to compare it to the cost increases and delays of the current *northern* Preston-Blackpool electrification scheme.
I understand you want better rail services, and how as a regular user you want a better service. And I'm pi**ed off by Network Rail and the DfT's failure to deliver the upgrades they promised. But instead of shaking your fist at other schemes, tell me why the schemes you favour should receive unlimited funding over others? And how the heck can we decide on which schemes to do (on a BCR basis) if we have no idea what the costs will be?
On another point: if we cannot get projects like these done more or less on budget, we might as well give up. It'd be a sure sign we've failed as a country. Infrastructure is vital.
Instead, the May timetable change has just brought in a disaster.
I feel very sorry for Norther wrt this: less so for GTR and the Thameslink mess, although they also are more victim than villain.
So what is your answer? Instead of griping, say what you would do wrt enhancements if you were in Grayling's shoes?
It's all fubar'd, and I find it hard to think of a good, yet alone brilliant, solution.
I was lucky my Scottish Con bets just about outweighed my seat totals/Con majority betting.
I suppose that the risk is that unhealthy people stay alive for years, with chronic conditions, rather than dropping dead early.
Instead it looks like money is always found for upgrades to transport for London and when there are overruns the cuts are always made elsewhere.
Rossendale & Darwen
Mr. Sandpit, one can only dream of that much cash available for betting...
Dodgy decision there!!!
For example, there is talk of reopening the line from Colne to Skipton. But the only reason this is being talked about is that the Tories hold the marginal constituency of Pendle by 1,300 votes.
I'd also like to point out that Crossrail 1 was partly paid for by a business rate supplement, to the order of a billion or two. That may be the future model.
You heard it here first.
Home advantage.
Good weekend too for Falkland Islanders and Gibraltarians
Think though, we could have Colombia - Sweden - Croatia - France as the run-in. Jesus.
It's also not really an answer to the question I asked.
A good answer might be: perform smaller projects over a few years, until Network Rail re-learn how to do it properly. Then start scaling it up, as part of a unified program with rolling stock enhancements.
I want more electrification schemes. I want better rail (and road) services. But it's clear that the DfT and Network Rail have got major issues with such schemes at the moment.
Which is odd, as they're generally quite good at smaller projects ...
Not sure how you can call that 'sod everyone else'
Ergo, not quite "the North".
Denmark is also 12th, we're tied.
So Switzerland are the one team higher.
Russia scored both the goals in the full time.
if you had told me a fortnight ago neither Spain nor Portugal would be in the last eight, I would not have believed you. Their opening Group match was sublime and perhaps both sides left their hearts and souls on that field as neither side has performed since.
Jingoistic nonsense notwithstanding, I'm sure both Spain and Portugal will be contenders in Euro 2020.
On topic, a superb piece from Dr Foxy, for which many thanks. I note the transfer of the public health function from the NHS to councils under the Coalition (a terrible move) - the former had a degree of spending protection, the latter did not and the public health function has suffered cuts along with other local council services.
I regard health information and health education as critical - getting good health habits into individuals and families from an early age is vital. This needs to be expanded across all communication and media - I am appalled by celebrity chefs throwing vast quantities of salt into food. Cutting salt intake is recognised as a factor in improving health.
Health is not just the NHS (in reality a National Sickness Service) but a function of how we live and how we work. Better work life balance, working smarter rather than longer, less stressful commuting and travelling to work - all would improve general public health.
To take a more Thatcherite viewpoint - where is the self-responsibility and where is the corporate responsibility ? Forcing pubs and clubs to fund A&E care on Friday and Saturday nights might help on a number of levels but while binge drinking might not be the scourge it was attitudes to drug taking and the impact of such drugs on behaviours and actions are part of the overall debate on personal responsibility vs individual freedom and the role of the State in protecting not only ourselves but others and the national finances as a whole.
this links to one of the original reports. On average smokers and drinkers and the obese cost less in health care, die younger so have less costs in pensions. Surely we should be encouraging it
I hope Croatia stick seven past them.
You might argue Russia with their home support might be just as big a challenge as Spain. The Russian anthem in a huge stadium is incredibly powerful - it's probably one of the most uplifting anthems going along with perhaps the Welsh and Kiwi ones.
You are interested in projects that advantage you and whine that others get projects that advantage them. All whilst ignoring the projects that are going ahead that do advantage you ...
So yes, it is a 'sod everyone else' policy.
For the record, I probably won't get much direct advantage from HS2, as I live in the east and the ECML is my route of choice to Scotland or (sometimes) London. Also, I hate flying, and haven't flown from Heathrow for many, many years.
(*) BTW, it would be good if the Conservatives could fix the link to the PDF of the 2015 manifesto on their website ...
You still need the GP to do a full test but the above will give you an indication.
And in any event, what the 8 million in the M62 corridor really need are better internal communications, rather than a bit of time off the connection with London - and at far greater expense.
As usual, London can see the rest of the country only from its own perspective.