Here it comes, the long predicted 'new' english nationalist, alt-right party.
UKIP has just had three high profile Alt-Right cyber types join it, including Paul Joseph Watson and Milo. Other new members have joined apparently.
"Ukip sources say the new members are younger, angrier and more extreme in their defence of ‘free speech’ and libertarianism than the party has ever seen."
Guardian says it was announced on Tuesday. So yes I am a little late to catch up with this.
It is certainly quite a "journey" for a couple of those who have repeatedly claimed to be "classical liberals". The Sargon of Akkad guy has a quite eye popping 500k subs on his YouTube channels and 250 million views on his main channel alone.
There must be some people out there who genuinely are classic liberals and are just getting badly smeared by association with these people who I've always suspected are alt right.
Whilst I usually like the idea of the Tory party collapsing into 3rd or lower having an alt right group ready to potentially take their place is slightly worrying. Not that I see it happening but it's a bigger risk.
If anybody is thinking of enjoying the lovely outdoors this weekend, may I suggest Malvern may not be where you want to be heading...or perhaps it is...
I rather think that story is a spoof. Or if it isn't a spoof, the journalist in question should be sentenced to follow Trump's twitter account in perpetuity for being terminally geographically challenged.
I can understand somebody not knowing a boring, tedious and ugly place like London's in the south east, but what moron doesn't know Malvern's in Worcestershire?
There must be some people out there who genuinely are classic liberals and are just getting badly smeared by association with these people who I've always suspected are alt right.
One thing we're seeing is people of a liberal persuasion actively identifying as "neo-liberals". It's never really been clear what the "neo" is supposed to represent, but judging by the people who are using it as an insult, it seems like it has to be a good thing to be.
So John Rees-Evans has set up Democrats & Veterans. Anne-Marie Waters has set up For Britain. Henry Bolton is supposedly setting up OneNation. Tim Aker is both in UKIP and Thurrock Independents simultaneously. Who else among the UKIP alumni has joined or founded (or preferably led) a new party recently?
No Adrian Powlesland Asteroid Mining Party? I confess to a slight disappointment.
My parents had the opportunity to vote for him at the last election (Hadleigh is in Suffolk South). He made an impression on all those who heard him speak. Quite what that impression was is perhaps not best to say.
Here it comes, the long predicted 'new' english nationalist, alt-right party.
UKIP has just had three high profile Alt-Right cyber types join it, including Paul Joseph Watson and Milo. Other new members have joined apparently.
"Ukip sources say the new members are younger, angrier and more extreme in their defence of ‘free speech’ and libertarianism than the party has ever seen."
Guardian says it was announced on Tuesday. So yes I am a little late to catch up with this.
It is certainly quite a "journey" for a couple of those who have repeatedly claimed to be "classical liberals". The Sargon of Akkad guy has a quite eye popping 500k subs on his YouTube channels and 250 million views on his main channel alone.
There must be some people out there who genuinely are classic liberals and are just getting badly smeared by association with these people who I've always suspected are alt right.
Whilst I usually like the idea of the Tory party collapsing into 3rd or lower having an alt right group ready to potentially take their place is slightly worrying. Not that I see it happening but it's a bigger risk.
Thank god for FPTP...
Feel the same about Libertarians tbh, which is a perfectly coherent intellectual viewpoint, albeit one I don't subscribe to. By definition though, Libertarians do not make judgements about or abuse people on the basis of their gender, nationality, race or religion.
"Anthony Kennedy and the Death of True American Conservatism Andrew Sullivan
Then look at white millennial men. They’ve gone from 48 percent to 37 percent Democratic support. More striking in their case is that they haven’t just moved away from the Democrats, but have now become Republicans. Their support for the GOP in the last two years has gone from 36 percent to 46. Which means that for white men between the ages of 18 and 34, the GOP now has a ten-point lead. It has achieved that swing in the last two years.
As Paul Joseph Watson said, if you tell white people they are to blame for everything, don’t wonder why they stop voting for you. I’m quite liking this guy. He’s nuts on other things. People have been looking round trying to find a movement like momentum for the right, here it is.
In an uncertain world being in control of our own destiny seems a better plan than shackled into a sclerotic leviathan.
If we’re on our own we won’t be in control of anything
Of course we will, we will be in control of our own actions.
We won't be in control of everyone else but neither could nor should we be.
In stormy weather I'd rather put my trust in our own captain to be able to navigate the waters than a cult on one boat who can't adapt but reckon they can control the elements.
It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll. I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.
There must be some people out there who genuinely are classic liberals and are just getting badly smeared by association with these people who I've always suspected are alt right.
One thing we're seeing is people of a liberal persuasion actively identifying as "neo-liberals". It's never really been clear what the "neo" is supposed to represent, but judging by the people who are using it as an insult, it seems like it has to be a good thing to be.
I guess it’s a redefining of the new right that come from Keith Jospeh, thatcher and Reagan. It morphed into a generic insult to describe any politician who thinks that direct public ownership of many aspects of the economy is not a desirable thing.
"Anthony Kennedy and the Death of True American Conservatism Andrew Sullivan
Then look at white millennial men. They’ve gone from 48 percent to 37 percent Democratic support. More striking in their case is that they haven’t just moved away from the Democrats, but have now become Republicans. Their support for the GOP in the last two years has gone from 36 percent to 46. Which means that for white men between the ages of 18 and 34, the GOP now has a ten-point lead. It has achieved that swing in the last two years.
Here it comes, the long predicted 'new' english nationalist, alt-right party.
UKIP has just had three high profile Alt-Right cyber types join it, including Paul Joseph Watson and Milo. Other new members have joined apparently.
"Ukip sources say the new members are younger, angrier and more extreme in their defence of ‘free speech’ and libertarianism than the party has ever seen."
In an uncertain world being in control of our own destiny seems a better plan than shackled into a sclerotic leviathan.
If we’re on our own we won’t be in control of anything
Of course we will, we will be in control of our own actions.
We won't be in control of everyone else but neither could nor should we be.
In stormy weather I'd rather put my trust in our own captain to be able to navigate the waters than a cult on one boat who can't adapt but reckon they can control the elements.
It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll. I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.
If anybody is thinking of enjoying the lovely outdoors this weekend, may I suggest Malvern may not be where you want to be heading...or perhaps it is...
Whoever their candidate is the Tories need someone seen as able to tackle the rising crime rate in the capital, particularly of knife crime
Is it conceivable that Boris could run again? Could the men in grey suits make a deal to ease him out of the FCO? There is just the impression that Boris and Number 10 have come to some sort of non-aggression pact.
I see that George Osborne is having the same effect on the oligarch owned provincial freesheet that he did on the UK's finances:
' The Evening Standard will post a loss of £10m for the year ending in September 2017, a reversal in fortunes for London's paper that poses a big headache for its owner, Evgeny Lebedev. '
JRM will then have to bring May's government down?
Swiss style free movement is basically a requirement to advertise locally and interview local applicants first
Yes - nothing that would meaningfully reduce immigration and thus impossible for May to agree. However, if there is to be a no deal scenario, if it's because the EU demanded open immigration, the Tories could just about weather it.
"Anthony Kennedy and the Death of True American Conservatism Andrew Sullivan
Then look at white millennial men. They’ve gone from 48 percent to 37 percent Democratic support. More striking in their case is that they haven’t just moved away from the Democrats, but have now become Republicans. Their support for the GOP in the last two years has gone from 36 percent to 46. Which means that for white men between the ages of 18 and 34, the GOP now has a ten-point lead. It has achieved that swing in the last two years.
Though 46% of Millennials as a whole support the Democrats, 9% higher than young white male Millenials, suggesting a growing divide between white male voters and white female and ethnic minority voters in the US at all ages in the age of Trump
I see that George Osborne is having the same effect on the oligarch owned provincial freesheet that he did on the UK's finances:
' The Evening Standard will post a loss of £10m for the year ending in September 2017, a reversal in fortunes for London's paper that poses a big headache for its owner, Evgeny Lebedev. '
GO - Do not worry Geeny Baby I got a long term economic plan. EL - What is that? GO - You thought you were only going to make a loss for 1 year, but with a long term economic plan, we can make losses for 15 years. Trust me I am an expert.
Here it comes, the long predicted 'new' english nationalist, alt-right party.
UKIP has just had three high profile Alt-Right cyber types join it, including Paul Joseph Watson and Milo. Other new members have joined apparently.
"Ukip sources say the new members are younger, angrier and more extreme in their defence of ‘free speech’ and libertarianism than the party has ever seen."
JRM will then have to bring May's government down?
Swiss style free movement is basically a requirement to advertise locally and interview local applicants first
Yes - nothing that would meaningfully reduce immigration and thus impossible for May to agree. However, if there is to be a no deal scenario, if it's because the EU demanded open immigration, the Tories could just about weather it.
It would be the price for something close to the single market and customs union but as you say unlikely to be acceptable to Leavers or Tories
Here it comes, the long predicted 'new' english nationalist, alt-right party.
UKIP has just had three high profile Alt-Right cyber types join it, including Paul Joseph Watson and Milo. Other new members have joined apparently.
"Ukip sources say the new members are younger, angrier and more extreme in their defence of ‘free speech’ and libertarianism than the party has ever seen."
"Anthony Kennedy and the Death of True American Conservatism Andrew Sullivan
Then look at white millennial men. They’ve gone from 48 percent to 37 percent Democratic support. More striking in their case is that they haven’t just moved away from the Democrats, but have now become Republicans. Their support for the GOP in the last two years has gone from 36 percent to 46. Which means that for white men between the ages of 18 and 34, the GOP now has a ten-point lead. It has achieved that swing in the last two years.
Though 46% of Millennials as a whole support the Democrats, 9% higher than young white male Millenials, suggesting a growing divide between white male voters and white female and ethnic minority voters in the US at all ages in the age of Trump
Trump actually won 18 to 29 year old whites 47% to 43% in the 2016 Presidential election yet Hillary won all 18 to 29 year old voters 55% to 36%
Meanwhile the Tesco Raspberry score has reached a record six:
Nottinghamshire Staffordshire Cambridgeshire Herefordshire Berkshire Kent
I wonder if we get a crossover at some point.
Imagine being so desperate to eat Raspberries that you'd consider eating non-Scottish raspberries. Truly a baffling mindset.
Its curious, Tesco always have plenty of Scottish strawberries but I've not seen any Scottish raspberries there.
And this absence is only with Tesco - Asda, Morrisons and Sainsburys all have Scottish raspberries.
To be honest I wouldn't be touching June/July Raspberries with a barge pole anyways no matter where the origin. They grow to fast so don't develop the sugars which makes them pretty tasteless.
My Raspberries only start in August and the August Raps are pretty crap, it's only when it hits autumn that they get incredibly delicious.
Meanwhile the Tesco Raspberry score has reached a record six:
Nottinghamshire Staffordshire Cambridgeshire Herefordshire Berkshire Kent
I wonder if we get a crossover at some point.
Imagine being so desperate to eat Raspberries that you'd consider eating non-Scottish raspberries. Truly a baffling mindset.
Its curious, Tesco always have plenty of Scottish strawberries but I've not seen any Scottish raspberries there.
And this absence is only with Tesco - Asda, Morrisons and Sainsburys all have Scottish raspberries.
To be honest I wouldn't be touching June/July Raspberries with a barge pole anyways no matter where the origin. They grow to fast so don't develop the sugars which makes them pretty tasteless.
My Raspberries only start in August and the August Raps are pretty crap, it's only when it hits autumn that they get incredibly delicious.
I got some from Waitrose the other weekend and they were excellent, I think they were from Kent.
"Anthony Kennedy and the Death of True American Conservatism Andrew Sullivan
Then look at white millennial men. They’ve gone from 48 percent to 37 percent Democratic support. More striking in their case is that they haven’t just moved away from the Democrats, but have now become Republicans. Their support for the GOP in the last two years has gone from 36 percent to 46. Which means that for white men between the ages of 18 and 34, the GOP now has a ten-point lead. It has achieved that swing in the last two years.
Though 46% of Millennials as a whole support the Democrats, 9% higher than young white male Millenials, suggesting a growing divide between white male voters and white female and ethnic minority voters in the US at all ages in the age of Trump
Trump actually won 18 to 29 year old whites 47% to 43% in the 2016 Presidential election yet Hillary won all 18 to 29 year old voters 55% to 36%
"Anthony Kennedy and the Death of True American Conservatism Andrew Sullivan
Then look at white millennial men. They’ve gone from 48 percent to 37 percent Democratic support. More striking in their case is that they haven’t just moved away from the Democrats, but have now become Republicans. Their support for the GOP in the last two years has gone from 36 percent to 46. Which means that for white men between the ages of 18 and 34, the GOP now has a ten-point lead. It has achieved that swing in the last two years.
Though 46% of Millennials as a whole support the Democrats, 9% higher than young white male Millenials, suggesting a growing divide between white male voters and white female and ethnic minority voters in the US at all ages in the age of Trump
Trump actually won 18 to 29 year old whites 47% to 43% in the 2016 Presidential election yet Hillary won all 18 to 29 year old voters 55% to 36%
I believe his support has cratered among Millennials since then.
A bit maybe but while age is the biggest dividing line between Tory and Labour voters in the UK, in the USA race is even more significant in the divide between Republican and Democratic voters
Here it comes, the long predicted 'new' english nationalist, alt-right party.
UKIP has just had three high profile Alt-Right cyber types join it, including Paul Joseph Watson and Milo. Other new members have joined apparently.
"Ukip sources say the new members are younger, angrier and more extreme in their defence of ‘free speech’ and libertarianism than the party has ever seen."
Paul Joseph Watson is an interesting character, even if you think his views are ridiculous. He's almost invented a new style of video on YouTube, which probably isn't an easy thing to do.
Here it comes, the long predicted 'new' english nationalist, alt-right party.
UKIP has just had three high profile Alt-Right cyber types join it, including Paul Joseph Watson and Milo. Other new members have joined apparently.
"Ukip sources say the new members are younger, angrier and more extreme in their defence of ‘free speech’ and libertarianism than the party has ever seen."
Paul Joseph Watson is an interesting character, even if you think his views are ridiculous. He's almost invented a new style of video on YouTube, which probably isn't an easy thing to do.
I think it was done before him. He just added a Yorkshire accent.
Top be honest I can't be fucked working out the exact stratification and category of conspiracy theory peddling, nativist twats who spend every one of the narcissistic youtube videos hating on some minority or another.
Paul Joseph Watson is an interesting character, even if you think his views are ridiculous. He's almost invented a new style of video on YouTube, which probably isn't an easy thing to do.
I think it was done before him. He just added a Yorkshire accent.
Paul Joseph Watson is an interesting character, even if you think his views are ridiculous. He's almost invented a new style of video on YouTube, which probably isn't an easy thing to do.
I think it was done before him. He just added a Yorkshire accent.
Paul Joseph Watson is an interesting character, even if you think his views are ridiculous. He's almost invented a new style of video on YouTube, which probably isn't an easy thing to do.
I think it was done before him. He just added a Yorkshire accent.
Lol I always assumed he was american.
He grew up the road from me.
I've just watched one of his videos, and I have to say he's right :
Paul Joseph Watson is an interesting character, even if you think his views are ridiculous. He's almost invented a new style of video on YouTube, which probably isn't an easy thing to do.
I think it was done before him. He just added a Yorkshire accent.
Paul Joseph Watson is an interesting character, even if you think his views are ridiculous. He's almost invented a new style of video on YouTube, which probably isn't an easy thing to do.
I think it was done before him. He just added a Yorkshire accent.
Paul Joseph Watson is an interesting character, even if you think his views are ridiculous. He's almost invented a new style of video on YouTube, which probably isn't an easy thing to do.
I think it was done before him. He just added a Yorkshire accent.
Lol I always assumed he was american.
He grew up the road from me.
I've just watched one of his videos, and I have to say he's right :
So John Rees-Evans has set up Democrats & Veterans. Anne-Marie Waters has set up For Britain. Henry Bolton is supposedly setting up OneNation. Tim Aker is both in UKIP and Thurrock Independents simultaneously. Who else among the UKIP alumni has joined or founded (or preferably led) a new party recently?
No Adrian Powlesland Asteroid Mining Party? I confess to a slight disappointment.
My parents had the opportunity to vote for him at the last election (Hadleigh is in Suffolk South). He made an impression on all those who heard him speak. Quite what that impression was is perhaps not best to say.
I used to know him fairly well as a wargames player. Once introduced him to a somewhat conservative cousin; he immediately told her a dirty joke (she replied politely, "Oh."). In general he was quite pleasant but as in this case his judgment was a bit off.
Meanwhile the Tesco Raspberry score has reached a record six:
Nottinghamshire Staffordshire Cambridgeshire Herefordshire Berkshire Kent
I wonder if we get a crossover at some point.
Imagine being so desperate to eat Raspberries that you'd consider eating non-Scottish raspberries. Truly a baffling mindset.
Its curious, Tesco always have plenty of Scottish strawberries but I've not seen any Scottish raspberries there.
And this absence is only with Tesco - Asda, Morrisons and Sainsburys all have Scottish raspberries.
To be honest I wouldn't be touching June/July Raspberries with a barge pole anyways no matter where the origin. They grow to fast so don't develop the sugars which makes them pretty tasteless.
My Raspberries only start in August and the August Raps are pretty crap, it's only when it hits autumn that they get incredibly delicious.
I got some from Waitrose the other weekend and they were excellent, I think they were from Kent.
What varieties? What is the point of talking about raspberries by county when it is the variety that makes the difference, from sharp Glen Amples to sweet Tullameens and all the rest. Driscolls Maravilla is god's own raspberry btw. Likewise with grapes. We all (don't we?) choose apples by variety and so it should be with soft fruit.
Paul Joseph Watson is an interesting character, even if you think his views are ridiculous. He's almost invented a new style of video on YouTube, which probably isn't an easy thing to do.
I think it was done before him. He just added a Yorkshire accent.
Lol I always assumed he was american.
He grew up the road from me.
I've just watched one of his videos, and I have to say he's right :
Watch out, that's how radicalisation works, it starts with something reasonable and before to long you are calling him "Supreme Leader"
He is also factually inaccurate. Modernist architecture did not begin after WW2 as he is from the 20's. It was not driven by anti-Imperialist or colonial sentiment, but by modern building materials in paticular re-inforced concrete. You may loathe it. But it was not a plot by SJW's to make your life shit.
Paul Joseph Watson is an interesting character, even if you think his views are ridiculous. He's almost invented a new style of video on YouTube, which probably isn't an easy thing to do.
I think it was done before him. He just added a Yorkshire accent.
Lol I always assumed he was american.
He grew up the road from me.
I've just watched one of his videos, and I have to say he's right :
Watch out, that's how radicalisation works, it starts with something reasonable and before to long you are calling him "Supreme Leader"
He is also factually inaccurate. Modernist architecture did not begin after WW2 as he is from the 20's. It was not driven by anti-Imperialist or colonial sentiment, but by modern building materials in paticular re-inforced concrete. You may loathe it. But it was not a plot by SJW's to make your life shit.
As a general rule everything he says is a load of made up conspiracy bollocks which can be trivially fact checked in about 30 seconds with some basic googling.
Paul Joseph Watson is an interesting character, even if you think his views are ridiculous. He's almost invented a new style of video on YouTube, which probably isn't an easy thing to do.
I think it was done before him. He just added a Yorkshire accent.
Lol I always assumed he was american.
He grew up the road from me.
I've just watched one of his videos, and I have to say he's right :
Watch out, that's how radicalisation works, it starts with something reasonable and before to long you are calling him "Supreme Leader"
He is also factually inaccurate. Modernist architecture did not begin after WW2 as he is from the 20's. It was not driven by anti-Imperialist or colonial sentiment, but by modern building materials in paticular re-inforced concrete. You may loathe it. But it was not a plot by SJW's to make your life shit.
As a general rule everything he says is a load of made up conspiracy bollocks which can be trivially fact checked in about 30 seconds with some basic googling.
As indeed I did. These 2 points are total bollocks. The rest of his video hangs on one's acceptance of them. If anything modernism was driven by the desire to put up buildings cheaper (and higher) than before. Therefore less attractive. So it is Capitalism to blame.
Paul Joseph Watson is an interesting character, even if you think his views are ridiculous. He's almost invented a new style of video on YouTube, which probably isn't an easy thing to do.
I think it was done before him. He just added a Yorkshire accent.
Lol I always assumed he was american.
He grew up the road from me.
I've just watched one of his videos, and I have to say he's right :
Watch out, that's how radicalisation works, it starts with something reasonable and before to long you are calling him "Supreme Leader"
He is also factually inaccurate. Modernist architecture did not begin after WW2 as he is from the 20's. It was not driven by anti-Imperialist or colonial sentiment, but by modern building materials in paticular re-inforced concrete. You may loathe it. But it was not a plot by SJW's to make your life shit.
As a general rule everything he says is a load of made up conspiracy bollocks which can be trivially fact checked in about 30 seconds with some basic googling.
As indeed I did. These 2 points are total bollocks. The rest of his video hangs on one's acceptance of them. If anything modernism was driven by the desire to put up buildings cheaper (and higher) than before. Therefore less attractive. So it is Capitalism to blame.
I think on residential accommodation it is complicated. But I think he has a point about some of the civic buildings. There are some utter monstrosities in that video.
Paul Joseph Watson is an interesting character, even if you think his views are ridiculous. He's almost invented a new style of video on YouTube, which probably isn't an easy thing to do.
I think it was done before him. He just added a Yorkshire accent.
Lol I always assumed he was american.
He grew up the road from me.
I've just watched one of his videos, and I have to say he's right :
Watch out, that's how radicalisation works, it starts with something reasonable and before to long you are calling him "Supreme Leader"
He is also factually inaccurate. Modernist architecture did not begin after WW2 as he is from the 20's. It was not driven by anti-Imperialist or colonial sentiment, but by modern building materials in paticular re-inforced concrete. You may loathe it. But it was not a plot by SJW's to make your life shit.
As a general rule everything he says is a load of made up conspiracy bollocks which can be trivially fact checked in about 30 seconds with some basic googling.
Well he might have a few details wrong but he's right about modern architecture, anyway my US parent company is big into float glass so I'm not going to go on rallies against glass and steel monstrosities
Paul Joseph Watson is an interesting character, even if you think his views are ridiculous. He's almost invented a new style of video on YouTube, which probably isn't an easy thing to do.
I think it was done before him. He just added a Yorkshire accent.
Lol I always assumed he was american.
He grew up the road from me.
I've just watched one of his videos, and I have to say he's right :
Watch out, that's how radicalisation works, it starts with something reasonable and before to long you are calling him "Supreme Leader"
He is also factually inaccurate. Modernist architecture did not begin after WW2 as he is from the 20's. It was not driven by anti-Imperialist or colonial sentiment, but by modern building materials in paticular re-inforced concrete. You may loathe it. But it was not a plot by SJW's to make your life shit.
As a general rule everything he says is a load of made up conspiracy bollocks which can be trivially fact checked in about 30 seconds with some basic googling.
As indeed I did. These 2 points are total bollocks. The rest of his video hangs on one's acceptance of them. If anything modernism was driven by the desire to put up buildings cheaper (and higher) than before. Therefore less attractive. So it is Capitalism to blame.
I think on residential accommodation it is complicated. But I think he has a point about some of the civic buildings. There are some utter monstrosities in that video.
I agree with that. However, there have always been crap civic buildings. And unattractive residential housing. We merely knocked the ugly ones from times past down and kept the nice ones. As we will in the future.
Paul Joseph Watson is an interesting character, even if you think his views are ridiculous. He's almost invented a new style of video on YouTube, which probably isn't an easy thing to do.
I think it was done before him. He just added a Yorkshire accent.
Lol I always assumed he was american.
He grew up the road from me.
I've just watched one of his videos, and I have to say he's right :
Watch out, that's how radicalisation works, it starts with something reasonable and before to long you are calling him "Supreme Leader"
He is also factually inaccurate. Modernist architecture did not begin after WW2 as he is from the 20's. It was not driven by anti-Imperialist or colonial sentiment, but by modern building materials in paticular re-inforced concrete. You may loathe it. But it was not a plot by SJW's to make your life shit.
As a general rule everything he says is a load of made up conspiracy bollocks which can be trivially fact checked in about 30 seconds with some basic googling.
Well he might have a few details wrong but he's right about modern architecture, anyway my US parent company is big into float glass so I'm not going to go on rallies against glass and steel monstrosities
Yeah, but that's the trick:
Modern architecture looks like shit (True) It's because SJWs are trying to destroy masculinity (or whatever shit he's trying to push (Not True).
You get the audience nodding along to the true bit to try and get them to accept the garbage propaganda.
Paul Joseph Watson is an interesting character, even if you think his views are ridiculous. He's almost invented a new style of video on YouTube, which probably isn't an easy thing to do.
I think it was done before him. He just added a Yorkshire accent.
Lol I always assumed he was american.
He grew up on the road up from me.
Does he have the frequent weird continuity breaks in real life?
Paul Joseph Watson is an interesting character, even if you think his views are ridiculous. He's almost invented a new style of video on YouTube, which probably isn't an easy thing to do.
I think it was done before him. He just added a Yorkshire accent.
Lol I always assumed he was american.
He grew up the road from me.
I've just watched one of his videos, and I have to say he's right :
Watch out, that's how radicalisation works, it starts with something reasonable and before to long you are calling him "Supreme Leader"
He is also factually inaccurate. Modernist architecture did not begin after WW2 as he is from the 20's. It was not driven by anti-Imperialist or colonial sentiment, but by modern building materials in paticular re-inforced concrete. You may loathe it. But it was not a plot by SJW's to make your life shit.
As a general rule everything he says is a load of made up conspiracy bollocks which can be trivially fact checked in about 30 seconds with some basic googling.
Well he might have a few details wrong but he's right about modern architecture, anyway my US parent company is big into float glass so I'm not going to go on rallies against glass and steel monstrosities
Yeah, but that's the trick:
Modern architecture looks like shit (True) It's because SJWs are trying to destroy masculinity (or whatever shit he's trying to push (Not True).
You get the audience nodding along to the true bit to try and get them to accept the garbage propaganda.
I've only watched that and his video on comedy, but I think he has a point when he says that the cultural establishment has changed.
If you mix natural yoghurt with some salt in a muslin cloth on a sieve on a bowl then leave it in the fridge overnight you get Labneh, Lebanese cream cheese. The salt releases the whet. If you stir in grated garlic and herbes de Provence with the salt you get something like Boursin but so much better. I'm eating some now and highly recommend
If you mix natural yoghurt with some salt in a muslin cloth on a sieve on a bowl then leave it in the fridge overnight you get Labneh, Lebanese cream cheese. The salt releases the whet. If you stir in grated garlic and herbes de Provence with the salt you get something like Boursin but so much better. I'm eating some now and highly recommend
Used to do exactly that once the milk had soured a little first, then you get a sour cottage cheese. I like the labneh idea, though. Now I just need a recipe for shaheena
If you mix natural yoghurt with some salt in a muslin cloth on a sieve on a bowl then leave it in the fridge overnight you get Labneh, Lebanese cream cheese. The salt releases the whet. If you stir in grated garlic and herbes de Provence with the salt you get something like Boursin but so much better. I'm eating some now and highly recommend
Used to do exactly that once the milk had soured a little first, then you get a sour cottage cheese. I like the labneh idea, though. Now I just need a recipe for shaheena
Whilst I usually like the idea of the Tory party collapsing into 3rd or lower having an alt right group ready to potentially take their place is slightly worrying. Not that I see it happening but it's a bigger risk.
Thank god for FPTP...
I can understand somebody not knowing a boring, tedious and ugly place like London's in the south east, but what moron doesn't know Malvern's in Worcestershire?
See the r/neoliberal reddit, for example:
By definition though, Libertarians do not make judgements about or abuse people on the basis of their gender, nationality, race or religion.
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
I guess it’s a redefining of the new right that come from Keith Jospeh, thatcher and Reagan. It morphed into a generic insult to describe any politician who thinks that direct public ownership of many aspects of the economy is not a desirable thing.
"Germany Will Win the World Cup, UBS Says After 10,000 Simulations"
Well it turns out that investment in the 'engineering and vehicles' sector needed revising.
Revising UPWARDS.
It turns out that said investment has actually been about 15% higher over the last two years than the ONS originally thought:
I wonder how many tweets we'll have about this news ?
Young white Democrats transform into Republicans.
They certainly predicted that interest rates would rise in May:
Labour splits is old and dull news, and we know it amounts to nothing.
British rather than Scottish souls I presume?
' The Evening Standard will post a loss of £10m for the year ending in September 2017, a reversal in fortunes for London's paper that poses a big headache for its owner, Evgeny Lebedev. '
West Sussex
Meanwhile the Tesco Raspberry score has reached a record six:
I wonder if we get a crossover at some point.
EL - What is that?
GO - You thought you were only going to make a loss for 1 year, but with a long term economic plan, we can make losses for 15 years. Trust me I am an expert.
Shush! What is that noise we hear? It’s the whataboutery fairy!
And this absence is only with Tesco - Asda, Morrisons and Sainsburys all have Scottish raspberries.
My Raspberries only start in August and the August Raps are pretty crap, it's only when it hits autumn that they get incredibly delicious.
SeanT wants another referendum, which includes the option of Remaining.
It was not driven by anti-Imperialist or colonial sentiment, but by modern building materials in paticular re-inforced concrete.
You may loathe it.
But it was not a plot by SJW's to make your life shit.
If anything modernism was driven by the desire to put up buildings cheaper (and higher) than before.
Therefore less attractive.
So it is Capitalism to blame.
However, there have always been crap civic buildings. And unattractive residential housing. We merely knocked the ugly ones from times past down and kept the nice ones.
As we will in the future.
Modern architecture looks like shit (True)
It's because SJWs are trying to destroy masculinity (or whatever shit he's trying to push (Not True).
You get the audience nodding along to the true bit to try and get them to accept the garbage propaganda.
...“At the end of the day I know I will always be right’.