politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » Has David Davis just increased the chances of a 2018 election or Corbyn becoming PM this year?
Excl: Revealed – David Davis’s new Brexit plan to give Northern Ireland joint UK/EU status and a border buffer zone;https://t.co/jCjUi6vMnD
Read the full story here
What price a WTO Brexit, should the WTO collapse....
“This is dumb. Europe, Canada, and Mexico are not China, and you don’t treat allies the same way you treat opponents,” Sasse said. “‘Make America Great Again’ shouldn’t mean ‘Make America 1929 Again.’”
A draft copy of the so-called Horizon Europe document, seen by the Guardian, suggests that the UK is set to be offered less generous access than countries with associate status in the current programme, known as Horizon 2020, including Israel, Turkey, Albania and Ukraine....
I can't believe this site is free!
The UK is trying hard to find creative solutions that work. Good for DD.
Can I join the chorus (well, a few) recommendations of Andrew O'Hagan's excellent article on Grenfell Tower:
It's long but brilliant essay, and well worth a read. Perversely, the politicians on the council who have been routine vilified come out looking better than all the national politicians, and many of the 'campaigners' who oppose them.
I look forward to the results of the inquiry with interest; I guess many campaigners are practising the word 'whitewash'.
The EU is looking to use NI as a Trojan Horse to force the rest of the UK into a much closer alignment on the single market and customs union than it would otherwise have. So it isn’t really interested in creative solutions that might mitigate against that.
That’s as plain as the nose on your face.
I've no idea whether it's possible - but how does it conflict with previously stated Irish/EU desires?
He's loving it! It reminds me of the film 'Rollerball'. Life had become so shallow and meaningless that they decided to make the national sport more exciting. They drop all the rules. Ironically it was shot in '75 but it was set in the future. 2018 to be exact!
"Aside from the breach of our trademark, we think you’re taking the chocolate biscuit. We served 8 million shoppers last week and didn’t have to close any stores due to leaves on the roof, the wrong kind of rain, or a shortage of managers. We think we have a pretty good idea about what great customer service is compared to to most rail companies. But if we ever fall short, perhaps we’ll describe ourselves as a bit ThamesLink.”
I also wonder if Trump gunning for the EU but being outwardly friendly to the UK might influence both the UK - EU talks and public opinion in favour of WTO terms, in order to avoid US tariffs against the EU?
Glad we got that straight.
Sadly for the rest of us, the EU has been using this iterative process to steadily close down our options... and we just keep on with the same process.
Did suggest that the Retail Director has a sense of humour.
This is what happens when you allow the lunatics to take over the asylum even for a day.
That is what we are
no border inbetween,
How can we be wrong?
At least you’ve dialled back on posting on here daily about Theresa May’s stunning mediocrity. That was your ‘thing’ about a year ago.
My money is on the first. 10 months to go...
I can get by without Jack Daniels, Harley Davidson and Tropicana juice though.
It is a shame these new passports will add to our trade and balance of payments deficits but to paraphrase Dick Cheney, George Osborne showed that deficits only matter when Labour is in power. Lord Lawson will be able to keep an eye on the passport factory from his new home in France.
He has the attention span of a toddler, and fewer social graces.
For you, the EU can do no wrong and the fault always lies with the Tory Government regardless of what it is.
There are stronger critics of Brexit on here than you who manage to exhibit a level of dispassionate analysis from time to time, and are able to criticise Brussels when it is warranted.
Sadly, you are not one of them, and have chosen instead to be a scribing ScottP.
So now what happens, from the characters involved it’s unlikely the new government is going to sing along to Mrs Merkel’s tune?
The same could be said of Panorama and the insulation company.
What is slightly odd is that with tower blocks all over the capital, not much has been made of the lack of equipment. Maybe the politicians can't work out which party's fault this is.
I still think the enquiry is working in the wrong way, there should be first a factual investigation working in private to produce a report (as happens with transport accidents) followed by the public enquiry and inquests. The danger with the approach taken here is that certain pertinent facts may not come out, as people are more interested in the political and legal ramifications of this incident than they are in preventing a recurrence. There’s really good reasons why evidence given to the AAIB or RAIB can’t be used in a prosecution.
We’re best off as far away as possible from such an organisation.
The EU rejects our demands. Who would want to be part of such an unreasonable organisation. Glad we Brexited.
We win every each way.
Ho hum!
And this opinion is a sham anyway - if the EU had agreed to everything we demanded would you be saying we should have stayed? No, you’d be saying “See, told you it was easy - we should have left years ago”
"Yes, there have been warnings of destitution and disaster from our European colleagues. But should we leave, this tone will switch from antagonism to pragmatism."
While economically with some merit it could lead to Trump loyalists sitting on their hands in November's midterms rather than vote for establishment GOP candidates
The awful truth in this is that it may be 'nobodies' 'fault', whilst many people and organisations may partly share the blame. No-one wanted the fire to happen, and no-one wanted the casualties. What happened, like in so many incidents, is a chain of events and decisions, some going back decades, that contributed to the disaster. Even with hindsight, it may be hard to say: "this decision led to the deaths."
Sadly, this will not be the case for the media and the 'campaigners', who want to simplify things because someone needs to be to blame. That person is, usually and unsurprisingly, a person or group the campaigner does not like. They will try to simplify a complex story.
O'Hagan's article is excellent and is very uncomfortable reading.
Although that's a bit unfair, isn't it?
However the DUP will still have the casting vote on Northern Ireland and if they cannot be brought on board for Davis' plan for dual EU and UK regulations it will not pass the Commons given Corbyn wants the UK to effectively stay in the Customs Union which this plan falls short of and it needs to also get the EU to agree to be worthwhile anyway though it is close to what was originally agreed with the EU in December
Part of the problem with things like Grenfell is that, whilst it's good that such things are very rare, it can make dealing with them more difficult when they do happen. They can model things all they like, reality has a habit of being quite different.
For me the question I am left with is why there was no apparent attempt to evacuate those trapped using spare sets of breathing apparatus, once it was clear the fire could not be contained. Was it fear that the building might collapse? Lack of equipment? Was it against agreed protocol? I recognise is very easy to pontificate in the cold light of day, so let's hope the inquiry gets to the detail. I don't doubt for one minute the bravery of the individual firefighters - no one would have wanted to be in their place.
Sadly, history shows time and time again that it often takes a disaster to help us understand how to avoid future ones.
Having committed to not having "a" hard border in Ireland, having 2 borders is genius...