We have seen since the general election that there is an increasing divide between the views of team Corbyn and those who voted for the party at the last general election on Brexit. Overwhelmingly LAB GE2017 voters believe that the decision to leave the EU was wrong which appears out of line with the policies being pursued by the opposition front bench under Mr Corbyn.
And what now of the pb stance on this?!
Rudd is no better.
The PB Tory stance is that there isn't such a thing, only splendidly multifarious, robustly argued opinions.
Also as the son/grandson of Doctors all I can say is Harold Shipman.
You really need to watch the video of this woman.
Perhaps not.
There is hope for British democracy, if not very much.
What an absolute zoomer.
Dr Crippen had his moments too.
Also Williamson is quite the idiot, isn't he? Never heard of him until this last year, but he's astonishingly poor.
What are the many many decent Labour MPs doing with these loons in charge? Umunna, Kinnock, Benn, Phillips (who made a good speech today) and many more, I am sure, would be no more comfortable with the likes of Milne prowling about as eminence grise and conceivably with great influence in the future over our foreign policy and security, with Corbyn in charge of keeping us safe, than I am.
Being a journalist in Russia is a seriously dangerous occupation. No end of accidents might befall you.
Church leaders have been slammed for meeting Syrian officials and praising the country a day after the UK launched military strikes against chemical weapons sites.
A British delegation including Anglican vicars Andrew Ashdown and Giles Fraser and peers Baroness Cox and Lord Dykes have been holding meetings with the Assad regime.
And they have been tweeting pictures praising how pretty the city is and condemning the airstrikes launched by Britain, the US and France.
The reason I ask is that this is ninth season in a row that it has not been retained. This equals the run from 1984-85 to 1992-93, but it is still eight short of the record of 17 set between 1959-60 and 1975-76.
Totally potty
He's quite right that international law has been violated. Note May described the action as conforming to 'International norms' ie not International Law. When has it become the international norm to defy international law?
And even better, have a look at the CNN report at 29 minutes in - a reported smelling the clothes at the alleged site of the chemical weapons attack! How pathetic can you get! If you want a proper chemical weapons attack, look at the coverage of the Sarin attack on the Tokyo underground back in 1995 where no reporters were allowed anywhere near the site, and all the investigators were wearing proper full body chemical protection suits. And the sad thing given the state of mainstream media reporting today is that they think everyone will accept the official narrative unthinkingly.
Even if we take the Prime Minister at her word that "large part of chemical regime 'destroyed' by missiles" - then how has the bombing destroyed these chemical weapons without risking deadly chemicals being released from the bombs used, potentially killing and maiming the Syrian people unlucky enough to be near these alleged sites? Well predictably there's been no answer on that one......or for that matter any mainstream journalist brave enough to ask the question.
It takes time to educate and inform. Though some would prefer to smear and misdirect.
He described Enoch Powell/The Rivers of Blood speech as a stupid person's idea of someone clever.
I would prefer far more extended question sessions and far fewer debates. Most HoC debates achieve very, very little. Forensic questioning can achieve a lot more.
The debate tomorrow is just a fatuous jawing about whether the executive needs to go to parliament to be allowed to do anything
My idea of someone stupid, is someone who nearly drowns swimming the Thames for want of a grasp of the difference between GMT and BST.
And, FWIW, IANAE, my understanding is that the components of chemical weapons are not mixed until they are about to be deployed and are much less dangerous in that state.
And what happened to the inconvenient findings by the independent Swiss laboratory that the nerve agent used was BZ, which fits in with Yulia Skripal's recovery, and the fact that Sergei Skripal was going to be dead within days when it was alleged that military grade Novichok was used. And Russia has never produced BZ nerve agent unlike Porton Down, that couldn't conclusively prove that it was Russia .....because they had no Russian sample of Novichok with which to compare.
You really couldn't make all this **** up could you!
It's even less interesting than the endless discussions we had about Brexit last year and that is saying something.
The one with the crazy views, or the one in government?
Sites which they are being prevented from accessing by Syria and Russia.
The only people making stuff up are apologists for these regimes.
Actually, I'm going for the one in government. He can do things. Chris Williamson will always be on the lunatic fringe with no power.
You know he'll do what he thinks is the best for making him Theresa's successor.
Plus I loved physics too, really proud of my A in A Level physics.
As to the rest of it, it seems that there is in fact a good explanation for other agents being found. It looks like the Russians are bullshitting again, by this time omitting some important context.
Apparently when the OPCW test a sample to identify what it contains they also send some control samples. They don't tell the people testing which sample is which, the OPCW send three (or more) unidentified samples. One is real, one is a false negative (nothing), one is a false positive (a known agent, BZ perhaps in this case as Novichok is only in stockpiles in Russia and Iran). This is in order to ensure the samples are tested fairly and properly. i.e. The lab results aren't simply a fabricated positive or negative result, if done correctly the false negative and false positives will come back as expected.
So what the Russians are saying is "they found BZ, so it's not Novichok", when in reality the BZ might simply be the false positive control sample, as would be expected. This is part of the testing protocol and irrelevant to the actual real sample result.
Basically the Russians are now using OPCW procedures to undermine the organisation itself.
Not sure who dodged a bullet there.
I realised at an early age I was temperamentally unsuited to be a teach/lecturer.
The less said about the apologist for Assad and Putin that was sitting opposite her, the better. Hopefully Labour MPs will take the opportunity to do something about this danger to the country before he gets the chance of power.
As for Chris Williamson, i hope you all know the real reason why he resigned as the Shadow Fire Minister? And no, don't go looking anywhere in the mainstream press to find out because you simply won't find it.
Mr Williamson has a number of difficulties, not least his historic association with the UCATT trade union. Once again, follow the money.
trollsconspiracy loons...I mean Amber Rudd is involved in both isn't she?