politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » Now the US orders sanctions against Russia for interference WH2016
LATEST: Trump administration sanctions Russian "cyber actors" for interference in the 2016 U.S. election. https://t.co/EaiFZIbjgP
Read the full story here
Even Trump’s turning against him, how long before Seumas and Jez follow suit?
Tempted to move to Samsung/Android now.
"So, what are you putting sanctions against Russia for?"
"Me? Oh, they're trying to bugger our elections and electricity grid."
"They decided to use chemical weapons in Europe."
"They were implicated in shooting down a passenger plane."
"I'm concerned by the cruel Tory cuts to the diplomatic service, which is yet another sign of-"
"Sod off, Jeremy."
The change in tone / policy from the White House is notable. Has someone locked him in the toilet?
I think they may have implemented their plan.
It would be good to have some concrete evidence of the latest claims about Russia's cyber-espionage. It would be all too easy to descend into hysteria.
Yesterday someone suggested to me - without any explanation - that Russia is manipulating Bitcoin prices. I mentally gave them a full 10/10 for conspiracy theorising.
Edit: And I am a big Samsung fan.
Never going to be a marginal seat, put it that way.
She hasn’t gone far enough in her actions.
She should be taking financial action against Putin’s cronies.
Why is it I can’t deposit 5k cash in the bank without being interrogated by the bank staff about where it came from but Ruskies can deposit billions in the UK no questions asked.
Just went to look at how many tanks Poland has (following in from a comment someone made on the previous page). Officially they have 1,065 MBTs (Leopard 2s PT-91s and T72Ms). The UK by comparison has 250.
I wonder what the serviceable numbers are for each country.
Oh and the European country with the most tanks - Greece. Although a lot of them are very old.
One country, and only one country, had reason, means, method and motivation to target Sergei Skripal in Salisbury with a chemical weapon.
Just remember 15 years ago a British Prime Minister lied about chemical weapons to the country.
People have ever been more cynical of their government since then.
As someone said after Chilcot was published ‘We expect politicians to lie, but not about wars’
As someone said on the previous thread, we’d look like right idiots if we confiscated Chelsea FC only to have a court overturn it.
Chainmail (or mail, to be historically accurate) was in use for thousands of years. Although I suspect spears and bows probably hold the record for military longevity.
Edited extra bit: yet another telling age divide:
Russia’s armed forces are a curate’s egg. I know it’s obvious to point out, but Russia is not the Soviet Union. It’s not even a top 10 economy, with 2% of the world’s population.
Dangerous yes, world or superpower? Absolutely not, and it will decline further in relative terms.
I'll leave it to one of our military bods to either expand on this, or lambast me.
He managed it.
Due diligence by the bank would have asked the right questions.
You made your money by buying a state asset at well below market estimates in a process you admit was rigged.
I wonder where some of these crooks - ahem, beneficial owners - got their money.
How was the London Property purchased without getting cash into the UK?
A large divide now does not mean there will be a large divide forever. Perhaps most importantly, the poll has nothing to do with the EU.
* literally