At a highway check point on the outskirts of Beijing, local police are this week testing out a new security tool: smart glasses that can pick up facial features and car registration plates, and match them in real-time with a database of suspects. The AI-powered glasses, made by LLVision, scan the faces of vehicle occupants and the plates, flagging with a red box and warning sign to the wearer when any match up with a centralized "blacklist".
Better not get caught with any pooh bear related material...
One thought that occurs to me is that if a Speaker is elected in the near future Kenneth Clarke would be presiding as Father of the House.
I would pay good money to watch that!
There are different procedures for election of a Speaker in the course of a Parliamentary session rather than at its beginning, so it may or may not be the case that it would be the Father of the House:
'If the retiring Speaker is present, he remains in the Chair until the House has come to a decision upon his successor, at which point he leaves the Chair and the Mace is placed under the Table; but if he has already ceased to be a member of the House...the election is conducted in the same manner as at the beginning of a session, with the Member of longest service in the Chair".
That would seem to read that Bercow would preside over his successor, unless he has already resigned from the Commons?
Actually, whilst on Star Trek VI - the theme was the old crusties and nationalistic types rebelling against enlargement, free movement and realising that foreigner are people too....
How very foresighted of the writers back in the early 90s given the present day situation on both sides of the Atlantic.
I will get my hat and coat very short dress and tricorder
If people want white faces, then forget Brexit - the LibDems are the place they need to be.
It was people in their 40's and 50's who tipped the balance in favour of Brexit. Even if not a single pensioner had voted, 48% would have still backed Brexit.
Apparently Bolton Momentum had a meeting yesterday to discuss how they were going to protest against the Tories 'disgraceful' anti democratic plans to require people to provide ID when voting in elections.
The event was for members only and attendees were instructed to bring their membership cards as proof of ID.
Surely a subversion of democracy - why shouldn't anyone be allowed to turn up and vote at Momentum meetings without ID?
Regarding the potential Speaker election, we need to look at what MPs are likely to be looking for. In my view it is someone who can be a safe pair of hands, uncontroversial and without a massive ego. It's also worth remembering that over two-thirds of MPs are men and that a majority originally supported Remain.
Based on that I would rule out Mogg, Harman, Field and Hoey
To my mind, the obvious choices are Hoyle and Laing.
If people want white faces, then forget Brexit - the LibDems are the place they need to be.
Alternatively you could just preach about the merits of diversity and then decide to live in the least diverse area of London where you are most likely to see almost entirely white faces - Richmond and Twickenham.
Regarding the potential Speaker election, we need to look at what MPs are likely to be looking for. In my view it is someone who can be a safe pair of hands, uncontroversial and without a massive ego. It's also worth remembering that over two-thirds of MPs are men and that a majority originally supported Remain.
Based on that I would rule out Mogg, Harman, Field and Hoey
To my mind, the obvious choices are Hoyle and Laing.
If the job was based on merit Hoyle would be a cert.
If people want white faces, then forget Brexit - the LibDems are the place they need to be.
Alternatively you could just preach about the merits of diversity and then decide to live in the least diverse area of London where you are most likely to see almost entirely white faces - Richmond and Twickenham.
I don't think there's a single seat with a substantial non-White population, where the Lib Dems are in contention.
Apparently Bolton Momentum had a meeting yesterday to discuss how they were going to protest against the Tories 'disgraceful' anti democratic plans to require people to provide ID when voting in elections.
The event was for members only and attendees were instructed to bring their membership cards as proof of ID.
Surely a subversion of democracy - why shouldn't anyone be allowed to turn up and vote at Momentum meetings without ID?
If people want white faces, then forget Brexit - the LibDems are the place they need to be.
Alternatively you could just preach about the merits of diversity and then decide to live in the least diverse area of London where you are most likely to see almost entirely white faces - Richmond and Twickenham.
I don't think there's a single seat with a substantial non-White population, where the Lib Dems are in contention.
Bradford East? If David Ward makes his peace. or vice versa.
Many moons ago, BR used to carry trainloads of new cars from factories. A criminal gang used to get on the trains during the journey and go from car to car, removing the radios. Until one of them was found electrocuted on one of the wagons, having got a little too close to the wires ...
(this may be an urban myth, but I think it was in the 1980s).
If people want white faces, then forget Brexit - the LibDems are the place they need to be.
Alternatively you could just preach about the merits of diversity and then decide to live in the least diverse area of London where you are most likely to see almost entirely white faces - Richmond and Twickenham.
I don't think there's a single seat with a substantial non-White population, where the Lib Dems are in contention.
Bradford East? If David Ward makes his peace. or vice versa.
Not even Bradford East. Ward got 8% as an independent, the official Lib Dem got 2%.
Many moons ago, BR used to carry trainloads of new cars from factories. A criminal gang used to get on the trains during the journey and go from car to car, removing the radios. Until one of them was found electrocuted on one of the wagons, having got a little too close to the wires ...
(this may be an urban myth, but I think it was in the 1980s).
Seems to be a protest against the Turkish governments intervention in Syria - oddly something we have had surprisingly little coverage of. Still not quite sure how stopping trains in Manchester is going to make Erdogan change his policies.
Many moons ago, BR used to carry trainloads of new cars from factories. A criminal gang used to get on the trains during the journey and go from car to car, removing the radios. Until one of them was found electrocuted on one of the wagons, having got a little too close to the wires ...
(this may be an urban myth, but I think it was in the 1980s).
Seems to be a protest against the Turkish governments intervention in Syria - oddly something we have had surprisingly little coverage of. Still not quite sure how stopping trains in Manchester is going to make Erdogan change his policies.
Would outside the Turkish Embassy not be a better place for that protest? Much less chance of a Darwin Award too.
Many moons ago, BR used to carry trainloads of new cars from factories. A criminal gang used to get on the trains during the journey and go from car to car, removing the radios. Until one of them was found electrocuted on one of the wagons, having got a little too close to the wires ...
(this may be an urban myth, but I think it was in the 1980s).
Seems to be a protest against the Turkish governments intervention in Syria - oddly something we have had surprisingly little coverage of. Still not quite sure how stopping trains in Manchester is going to make Erdogan change his policies.
His Tory pals certainly gave him the free pass, one of their OK dictators.
On topic, while I don't doubt odds of 100/1 for it taking place in the UK makes sense, does it really make sense for it to be 6/1 to be in the USA? Based on absolutely nothing I'd have thought neither party would want the other on the soil and face 'he came to me' style taunting.
Funny, you seem to heartily approve when EU political figures make far pettier comments on Twitter. Even ones where people espouse very un-EU like qualities of vindictiveness.
The protest in Manchester is doubly effective. Not only does it have people wibbling about it on political websites, but people are also wibbling about it on railway websites. Some of them may even be the same people.
The protest in Manchester is doubly effective. Not only does it have people wibbling about it on political websites, but people are also wibbling about it on railway websites. Some of them may even be the same people.
Are you telling us that some posters on here might also be interested in railways? If so, you could not be more wrong. Oh no.
Hang on, the 15.51's about to pass, and I think it's got 66008 on the front ...
The protest in Manchester is doubly effective. Not only does it have people wibbling about it on political websites, but people are also wibbling about it on railway websites. Some of them may even be the same people.
I’m not too sure they’re garnering too much sympathy for their cause though.
The protest in Manchester is doubly effective. Not only does it have people wibbling about it on political websites, but people are also wibbling about it on railway websites. Some of them may even be the same people.
A small step away from calling all Leave supporters racists, and no step at all away from saying older voters' opinions are less important than younger voters'.
A small step away from calling all Leave supporters racists, and no step at all away from saying older voters' opinions are less important than younger voters'.
A small step away from calling all Leave supporters racists, and no step at all away from saying older voters' opinions are less important than younger voters'.
A small step away from calling all Leave supporters racists, and no step at all away from saying older voters' opinions are less important than younger voters'.
That would be the same LD leader whose party has precisely 0 BME MPs compared to Labour's 32 BME MPs and the Tories 19 BME MPs?
If Cable wants to see a party dominated by the white middle class, he needs look no further than the audience at his Spring Conference!
Mr. F, you're neither elderly nor a Millennial. You are therefore a fascist unicorn. Your opinion doesn't exist, and, if it did, it wouldn't be valid.
Mr. L, he has no point whatsoever. All votes are counted equal, and rightly so. The fact that Cable's elderly is irrelevant, it's his idiocy which is the critical factor. Some fools get off on hating themselves:
In this case, I think it's simply Cable's fetish for the EU overriding all else. Sod democracy. Sod the electorate. Sod Britain. The EU is what counts in Cable's mind. We can't let things like democracy or the voters stand in the way of the Grand Project.
So do all commercial banks. It's how banking has operated for 300 years or so. Banks which create loans in effect create money out of thin air. The magnitude of it dwarfs the size of QE or government borrowing.
Mr. F, you're neither elderly nor a Millennial. You are therefore a fascist unicorn. Your opinion doesn't exist, and, if it did, it wouldn't be valid.
Mr. L, he has no point whatsoever. All votes are counted equal, and rightly so. The fact that Cable's elderly is irrelevant, it's his idiocy which is the critical factor. Some fools get off on hating themselves:
In this case, I think it's simply Cable's fetish for the EU overriding all else. Sod democracy. Sod the electorate. Sod Britain. The EU is what counts in Cable's mind. We can't let things like democracy or the voters stand in the way of the Grand Project.
Oh I agree. I was just being facetious. To suggest he is past his sell by date is only unfair because he never was value.
A small step away from calling all Leave supporters racists, and no step at all away from saying older voters' opinions are less important than younger voters'.
A small step away from calling all Leave supporters racists, and no step at all away from saying older voters' opinions are less important than younger voters'.
Fraud investigators have been called in after 15 members of the same family received public aid worth up to £1m and at least three new homes by claiming they lived in a single flat destroyed by the Grenfell Tower fire.
One of Britain’s most notorious “crash-for-cash” fraudsters, Masi Naqshbandi, is among the relatives rehoused in new properties, including flats in a luxury development in Kensington, west London, furnished by John Lewis.
The Naqshbandi family insist their main residence before the fire on June 14 last year was a three-bedroom flat on the third floor of Grenfell Tower. However, only four names are believed to appear on the original tenancy agreement.
Mr. F, you're neither elderly nor a Millennial. You are therefore a fascist unicorn. Your opinion doesn't exist, and, if it did, it wouldn't be valid.
Mr. L, he has no point whatsoever. All votes are counted equal, and rightly so. The fact that Cable's elderly is irrelevant, it's his idiocy which is the critical factor. Some fools get off on hating themselves:
In this case, I think it's simply Cable's fetish for the EU overriding all else. Sod democracy. Sod the electorate. Sod Britain. The EU is what counts in Cable's mind. We can't let things like democracy or the voters stand in the way of the Grand Project.
BTW, Happy You Day to all those mothers people out there...
A small step away from calling all Leave supporters racists, and no step at all away from saying older voters' opinions are less important than younger voters'.
Just think, this time in a fortnight the first race will be done. It's somewhat irksome that I tend to either make a loss at the first race, or do well at the first race but have a bad season...
Mr. F, you're neither elderly nor a Millennial. You are therefore a fascist unicorn. Your opinion doesn't exist, and, if it did, it wouldn't be valid.
Mr. L, he has no point whatsoever. All votes are counted equal, and rightly so. The fact that Cable's elderly is irrelevant, it's his idiocy which is the critical factor. Some fools get off on hating themselves:
In this case, I think it's simply Cable's fetish for the EU overriding all else. Sod democracy. Sod the electorate. Sod Britain. The EU is what counts in Cable's mind. We can't let things like democracy or the voters stand in the way of the Grand Project.
BTW, Happy You Day to all those mothers people out there...
One in three of the UK's top 100 restaurant groups are not making a profit, according to new research into the struggling casual dining sector.
Just a thought, perhaps there are too many of them....
I have a theory (bear with me).
The continued growth of Internet shopping has resulted in many traditional retail outlets leaving the High Street. This has freed up a lot of space, which has been filled by private equity backed firms all with the unique idea of a "A Class Burger Joint".
Fortunately, capitalism is a wonderful thing, and there will be a culling.
A small step away from calling all Leave supporters racists, and no step at all away from saying older voters' opinions are less important than younger voters'.
That would be the same LD leader whose party has precisely 0 BME MPs compared to Labour's 32 BME MPs and the Tories 19 BME MPs?
If Cable wants to see a party dominated by the white middle class, he needs look no further than the audience at his Spring Conference!
To be fair, when you have a very small sample set (LibDem MPs), there is bound to be a huge amount of volatility.
One in three of the UK's top 100 restaurant groups are not making a profit, according to new research into the struggling casual dining sector.
Just a thought, perhaps there are too many of them....
I have a theory (bear with me).
The continued growth of Internet shopping has resulted in many traditional retail outlets leaving the High Street. This has freed up a lot of space, which has been filled by private equity backed firms all with the unique idea of a "A Class Burger Joint".
Fortunately, capitalism is a wonderful thing, and there will be a culling.
For someone who imagines himself an intellectual titan, Michael Gove runs.a remarkably petty Twitter feed. There are plenty more tweets where that one came from.
One in three of the UK's top 100 restaurant groups are not making a profit, according to new research into the struggling casual dining sector.
Just a thought, perhaps there are too many of them....
I have a theory (bear with me).
The continued growth of Internet shopping has resulted in many traditional retail outlets leaving the High Street. This has freed up a lot of space, which has been filled by private equity backed firms all with the unique idea of a "A Class Burger Joint".
Fortunately, capitalism is a wonderful thing, and there will be a culling.
"A Class Burger Joint"
Get stoned and obese in comfort ?!?
Why pay £7 for one burger when you can feed the entire family in McDonalds for the same price!
A small step away from calling all Leave supporters racists, and no step at all away from saying older voters' opinions are less important than younger voters'.
That would be the same LD leader whose party has precisely 0 BME MPs compared to Labour's 32 BME MPs and the Tories 19 BME MPs?
If Cable wants to see a party dominated by the white middle class, he needs look no further than the audience at his Spring Conference!
To be fair, when you have a very small sample set (LibDem MPs), there is bound to be a huge amount of volatility.
Maybe but the LDs are a strongly white upper middle class party (though to be fair the new LD MP for Oxford West and Abingdon, Layla Moran, is half Palestinan Christian)
One in three of the UK's top 100 restaurant groups are not making a profit, according to new research into the struggling casual dining sector.
Just a thought, perhaps there are too many of them....
I have a theory (bear with me).
The continued growth of Internet shopping has resulted in many traditional retail outlets leaving the High Street. This has freed up a lot of space, which has been filled by private equity backed firms all with the unique idea of a "A Class Burger Joint".
Fortunately, capitalism is a wonderful thing, and there will be a culling.
"A Class Burger Joint"
Get stoned and obese in comfort ?!?
Why pay £7 for one burger when you can feed the entire family in McDonalds for the same price!
A Mackie's has no food content though so the money is wasted.
I see McDonnell has now banned Labour MPs doing what him and Corbyn have done dozens of times: participating in Russia's state propaganda. I'm glad that political pressure has forced them to finally do the right thing, but interesting that they were happy to do it after the Litvinenko murder and the invasion of Ukraine and war crimes there.
I see McDonnell has now banned Labour MPs doing what him and Corbyn have done dozens of times: participating in Russia's state propaganda. I'm glad that political pressure has forced them to finally do the right thing, but interesting that they were happy to do it after the Litvinenko murder and the invasion of Ukraine and war crimes there.
Jezza used to advise people to watch them as they were more objective than the MSM on various’s a view I guess.
A small step away from calling all Leave supporters racists, and no step at all away from saying older voters' opinions are less important than younger voters'.
How old is Cable? Does he have a bit of a point?
The Lib Dems stood in 2010 on a manifesto of a referendum on EU membership. Had they lost that one, would they have still opposed implementing the result?
Perhaps jezza has more in common with trump than one would imagine.
Better not get caught with any pooh bear related material...
'If the retiring Speaker is present, he remains in the Chair until the House has come to a decision upon his successor, at which point he leaves the Chair and the Mace is placed under the Table; but if he has already ceased to be a member of the House...the election is conducted in the same manner as at the beginning of a session, with the Member of longest service in the Chair".
That would seem to read that Bercow would preside over his successor, unless he has already resigned from the Commons?
With a bit of luck, he will stay there.
Tricky Dicky might have been better advised to stay in China too...
If people want white faces, then forget Brexit - the LibDems are the place they need to be.
How very foresighted of the writers back in the early 90s given the present day situation on both sides of the Atlantic.
I will get my hat and coat very short dress and tricorder
Apparently Bolton Momentum had a meeting yesterday to discuss how they were going to protest against the Tories 'disgraceful' anti democratic plans to require people to provide ID when voting in elections.
The event was for members only and attendees were instructed to bring their membership cards as proof of ID.
Surely a subversion of democracy - why shouldn't anyone be allowed to turn up and vote at Momentum meetings without ID?
Based on that I would rule out Mogg, Harman, Field and Hoey
To my mind, the obvious choices are Hoyle and Laing.
Many moons ago, BR used to carry trainloads of new cars from factories. A criminal gang used to get on the trains during the journey and go from car to car, removing the radios. Until one of them was found electrocuted on one of the wagons, having got a little too close to the wires ...
(this may be an urban myth, but I think it was in the 1980s).
Edit: or even worse, trying to steal an overhead cable:
"Momentum chief Jon Lansman drops Labour general secretary bid"
I will stop comparing him to Jeremy Corbyn.
Surpirsed he didn't break out a whip, start hitting himself with it, crying: "I am too white. I am too white".
Not tempted by this market. Meeting may not even go ahead.
Just a thought, perhaps there are too many of them....
Hang on, the 15.51's about to pass, and I think it's got 66008 on the front ...’s-£70bn-boost-pledge-for-scotland/ar-BBK6cjA?li=AAmiR2Z&ocid=spartandhp
A small step away from calling all Leave supporters racists, and no step at all away from saying older voters' opinions are less important than younger voters'.
If Cable wants to see a party dominated by the white middle class, he needs look no further than the audience at his Spring Conference!
Mr. L, he has no point whatsoever. All votes are counted equal, and rightly so. The fact that Cable's elderly is irrelevant, it's his idiocy which is the critical factor. Some fools get off on hating themselves:
In this case, I think it's simply Cable's fetish for the EU overriding all else. Sod democracy. Sod the electorate. Sod Britain. The EU is what counts in Cable's mind. We can't let things like democracy or the voters stand in the way of the Grand Project.
One of Britain’s most notorious “crash-for-cash” fraudsters, Masi Naqshbandi, is among the relatives rehoused in new properties, including flats in a luxury development in Kensington, west London, furnished by John Lewis.
The Naqshbandi family insist their main residence before the fire on June 14 last year was a three-bedroom flat on the third floor of Grenfell Tower. However, only four names are believed to appear on the original tenancy agreement.
motherspeople out there...
Just think, this time in a fortnight the first race will be done. It's somewhat irksome that I tend to either make a loss at the first race, or do well at the first race but have a bad season...
The continued growth of Internet shopping has resulted in many traditional retail outlets leaving the High Street. This has freed up a lot of space, which has been filled by private equity backed firms all with the unique idea of a "A Class Burger Joint".
Fortunately, capitalism is a wonderful thing, and there will be a culling.
Get stoned and obese in comfort ?!?
We won’t be wanting them in the sandpit, thanks very much!
(I live 5 miles from his course here).