RT @RyanCPS: Glenda Jackson really misjudging the mood here.
Actually I think Mrs T would be looking down enjoying Glenda Jacksons speech, as I don't think she was the type of person who liked being told what she wanted to hear. Mrs T was quite outspoken herself on many occasions and did not run with the grain.
My grandpa was in a couple of Thatcher's Cabinets - believe me she really didn't like people disagreeing with her! (He was one of the only people who had the courage to repeatedly disagree with her, partly because he was a cantankerous old sold and partly because he didn't care if she sacked him because he was past the point of ambition)
Sorry, forgot about this: "Der 'Bundeszentralanmt fur Steuern"
I think that's the Federal Centre (not sure if 'anmt' adds anything) for, er, probably driving. I had to check Steuern on wiktionary (I haven't used German for ages, sadly) and it means steering.
Sorry, forgot about this: "Der 'Bundeszentralanmt fur Steuern"
I think that's the Federal Centre (not sure if 'anmt' adds anything) for, er, probably driving. I had to check Steuern on wiktionary (I haven't used German for ages, sadly) and it means steering.
Taxes it looks like
Google Translate returns "the Federal Central Tax Office for control"
Interesting points scoring within the Labour party over Thatcher - Sheerman, Stuart and Miliband tacking to show that Labour has learnt lessons from failures from 1979-97 able to win support from floating voters, whilst Winnick and Jackson remind same voters of the causes of Labour's failures over 18 years.
The most interesting comments I've heard were from Sheerman when he called for a new radicalism. I think he's got a point especially in the way he has couched it. However, one thing is for sure it ain't Cameron, it ain't Clegg and it certainly won't be Miliband........
Anyone here au fait with German translations, have a letter from Der 'Bundeszentralanmt fur Steuern'' ! PM me if you can help Is NickP a German speaker ?
Pulpstar ( I'm a german speaker ) it's the German Central Federal Tax Office which has contacted you.
Normally this isn't good news :-( as they like asking for money
Typical! A Tory asked for Thatcher's Ceremonial funeral:
The request to the Queen to approve such a funeral came from the government and Thatcher's family several years ago, believed to be around the time the Operation True Blue committee was set up under Tony Blair's premiership in 2006.
Apparently because Parliament has been recalled an opportunity has arisen for Labour to call the South Shields by-election for 2nd May after all. Whether they'll take it is another matter of course.
There is no real need as South Tyneside don't have any elections this year.
Dr Spyn - On the miners read this from a resident of N Carolina
In the US - where my parents have lived for the past 20years - my father was talking to some Geordie lads who were in North Carolina for the summer on a building contract. They whined and whined about Thatcher closing down the mines, decimating jobs (they were all young). My father pointed out that without Thatcher, they wouldn't be enjoying a nice beer in the Carolina sunshine, but instead doomed to working in grimy conditions, probably ending up with cancer or some other long term illness. They agreed and said cheers to Thatcher!
Mr. G, judging Basil II by the early part of his reign would be folly. He can only be assessed properly when his time is done, not unlike a roast parsnip.
Morris do you really expect him to transform from a turnip to a parsnip.
Tory MP Conor Burns recalls a campaign visit Lady Thatcher made with him in 2001. Talking to the boss of a gym chain, he recalls the former PM saying that this kind of exercise was worthless since going "up and down stairs was quite good enough".
Dr Spyn - On the miners read this from a resident of N Carolina
In the US - where my parents have lived for the past 20years - my father was talking to some Geordie lads who were in North Carolina for the summer on a building contract. They whined and whined about Thatcher closing down the mines, decimating jobs (they were all young). My father pointed out that without Thatcher, they wouldn't be enjoying a nice beer in the Carolina sunshine, but instead doomed to working in grimy conditions, probably ending up with cancer or some other long term illness. They agreed and said cheers to Thatcher!
RE Glenda: Hampstead really suffered under the Thatcher Terror! Honestly, what a nit that woman is.
Must be due to the opening of MacDonalds on the High Street. Glenda doing her level best to remind floating voters that Labour did little to win them over in the 1970s and 80s.
Did she refer to them as the "moaning minnies" ? I think it was directed at the peopel from the North East.
Another smear by Labour and the unions at the time. Thatcher was actually berating a doom-mongering media for running the region down and stymieing investment.
It is unbelievable and Green also up for racism due to his comments that he always calls his fellow director a p*** and it is a term of endearment , but it is only fun and could be construed badly outside or if players were saying it. Whyte also lost the Ticketus case and has to pay them £18M. Good end to the season for Rangers, NOT.
Presumably these results are seriously distorted by the relatively small proportion of home ownership in Germany but it still puts the bail outs into a different light. Why on earth should German taxpayers be forking out to save the rich Cypriots? I mean its not like the Cypriots are bankers or anything...
It would be possible to say without exaggeration that the footballers were the stupidest men in Britain if we had not frequent occasion to meet the owners.
Channel 4 News is actually, and calmly, discussing the possibility that Global Warming is not happening, that climate change is possibly a load of bollocks, and that all the carbon-trading-windmill-building-wankofest is simply a waste of money.
That's Channel 4 News. i.e. the Guardian-on-TV with better looking reporters.
Truly, the worm hath turned.
On the subject of climate change, Sean, here's one that might interest you.
Cyclist killed in accident was global warming expert. The scary thing about all this is that the cyclist (Dr Katherine Giles) took on the job following the accidental death of her predecessor.
Channel 4 News is actually, and calmly, discussing the possibility that Global Warming is not happening, that climate change is possibly a load of bollocks, and that all the carbon-trading-windmill-building-wankofest is simply a waste of money.
That's Channel 4 News. i.e. the Guardian-on-TV with better looking reporters.
RE Glenda: Hampstead really suffered under the Thatcher Terror! Honestly, what a nit that woman is.
Must be due to the opening of MacDonalds on the High Street. Glenda doing her level best to remind floating voters that Labour did little to win them over in the 1970s and 80s.
Actually Hampstead did have a deep level shaft! Honest! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Its tube station is the deepest beneath street level, 221ft.
Well now that gut wrenching sycophancy is over I'd just like to say that though I get no pleasure from her death because the time she she could cause damage has long passed there has never been a British politician who I detested more.
She's the single reason I would never vote Tory however much the party tries to humanize itself and I suspect this holds true for well over half of the country. Her values were not only not mine but I'd like to think they weren't those of most civilized people.
Now that the eulogizing is over I look forward to some serious reflection on the ongoing damage that she did. The most divisive leader of any of our lifetimes as Scottish Independence may well be about to prove.
As for today it was PB at it's worse. It was like North Korea. Who has not shown sufficient respect to our esteemed ex leader...........
Well now that gut wrenching sycophancy is over I'd just like to say that though I get no pleasure from her death because the time she she could cause damage has long passed there has never been a British politician who I detested more.
As for today it was PB at it's worse. It was like North Korea. Who has not shown sufficient respect to our esteemed ex leader...........
Pass the sickbag.......
Just wait for the left's living saint to snuff it and for a new star to appear in the firmament. I may as well start collecting sick bags from every plane I fly from now on.
Well now that gut wrenching sycophancy is over I'd just like to say that though I get no pleasure from her death because the time she she could cause damage has long passed there has never been a British politician who I detested more.
She's the single reason I would never Tory-and I suspect this holds true for well over half of the country-however much the party tries to humanize itself. Her values were not only not mine but I'd like to think they weren't those of most civilized people either.
Now that the eulogizing is over I look forward to some serious reflection on the ongoing damage that she did. The most divisive leader of any of our lifetimes as Scottish Independence may well be about to prove.
As for today it was PB at it's worse. It was like North Korea. Who has not shown sufficient respect to our esteemed ex leader...........
Pass the sickbag.......
That is all very well, and I have no problem with your view.
However, can you explain how your values are incompatible? Which values, a bit of detail to make your position more graphic and understandable rather than a woolly generalisation?
I can't pretend that I agree with you on this, but some of the actions of Labour's union allies in the late '70s were damaging and dehumanising. MPs like Glenda Jackson are a reminder of the weaknesses or failings highlighted by Barry Sheerman which contributed to Labour's years in the wilderness.
This is quite a good one. This is apparently a montage of the senior political figures in Spain who have been involved in corruption scandals recently. Apparently none of them have yet resigned.
Her values were not only not mine but I'd like to think they weren't those of most civilized people.
Yes, Roger, I'm sure you'd be absolutely delighted if we still had exchange controls stopping you your taking money to France, union thugs ran the country preventing the use of modern digital equipment, industry was completely paralysed by strikes (often unrelated to the business), Britain had the second lowest standard of living of the then EC countries, taxpayers were subsidising the laziest companies in the world to make appalling products no-one wanted to buy, mortgages were rationed by the state, it was illegal to connect an extension lead to a phone, taxes were 98% on some income, you had to join a politically-active trades union to work in many industries, prices were set by bureaucrats, incomes were limited by bureaucrats, inflation was in double figures, and two-bit dictators were occupying parts of British territory.
I'm not quite sure which of your so-called 'values' were offended by her dealing with all of these problems, most of which previous governments had flunked - but I can recognise irrational prejudice when I see it.
This is quite a good one. This is apparently a montage of the senior political figures in Spain who have been involved in corruption scandals recently. Apparently none of them have yet resigned.
"In fact there was general incredulity that in the UK someone could resign for a traffic offence ..."
I am sure there was, as there should have been because no minister did resign over a traffic offence. A minister of the Crown resigned his office, but not his seat, whilst awaiting trial for trying to corrupt the justice system of his country and then resigned his seat when he admitted he had been lying all along and had actually tried to pervert the course of justice.
Perhaps if someone explained the facts to the Spaniards they would not be incredulous.
This has been PB's worst day ever. All the idol worshipping by the Tories for a person who was stabbed in the back - by the same Tories. Says a lot about them and her.
This has been PB's worst day ever. All the idol worshipping by the Tories for a person who was stabbed in the back - by the same Tories. Says a lot about them and her.
Didn't realise there were so many Tory ex-cabinet minsters browsing PB.
We all accept (even Roger when he's not being an arse) that Thatcher was a great politician.
How many other great postwar politicians have their been?
In western Europe very very few. Perhaps none. De Gaulle was wartime. Adenauer maybe? Hmmm. Across all Europe I'd say Gorbachev, Walesa and Pope John Paul.
Across the world I'd say
De Klerk and Mandela Lula of Brazil Castro (much as I loathe him) Pinochet (saved Chile from Marxism) Deng Xiao Ping Gandhi Alex Salmond OK that last one was a joke Reagan JFK if only because of his theatrically-brilliant martyrdom, like Jesus
Glenda amazed me into delurking: (I paraphrase) heinous economic damage done to my constituency. Hampstead and Highgate. Been there lately? Swathes of post industrial deprivation if you can see past the focaccia and Rioja. Of course all would've been great if Callaghan and Foot had been PMs in the 80s eh? Grim up north Lobdon innit Glenda?
I am sure Lefties will come up with a pocketful of "statesmen" or great politicians. Some you may even have heard of. Some may not even have bombed ice cream parlours.
Channel 4 News is actually, and calmly, discussing the possibility that Global Warming is not happening, that climate change is possibly a load of bollocks, and that all the carbon-trading-windmill-building-wankofest is simply a waste of money.
That's Channel 4 News. i.e. the Guardian-on-TV with better looking reporters.
Truly, the worm hath turned.
It was an unusually well constructed analysis for a mainstream news production, with both sides well presented. Bjorn Lomborg was the voice of reason, not denying global warming, just pointing out that the proposed methods of tackling it are similtaneously expensive and ineffective. I have some of his books, and his argument, that money is better invested in newer cheaper non-fossil fuel energy sources and adaptions to living, is a very compelling one.
We all accept (even Roger when he's not being an arse) that Thatcher was a great politician.
How many other great postwar politicians have their been?
In western Europe very very few. Perhaps none. De Gaulle was wartime. Adenauer maybe? Hmmm. Across all Europe I'd say Gorbachev, Walesa and Pope John Paul.
Across the world I'd say
De Klerk and Mandela Lula of Brazil Castro (much as I loathe him) Pinochet (saved Chile from Marxism) Deng Xiao Ping Gandhi Alex Salmond OK that last one was a joke Reagan JFK if only because of his theatrically-brilliant martyrdom, like Jesus
We all accept (even Roger when he's not being an arse) that Thatcher was a great politician.
How many other great postwar politicians have their been?
In western Europe very very few. Perhaps none. De Gaulle was wartime. Adenauer maybe? Hmmm. Across all Europe I'd say Gorbachev, Walesa and Pope John Paul.
Across the world I'd say
De Klerk and Mandela Lula of Brazil Castro (much as I loathe him) Pinochet (saved Chile from Marxism) Deng Xiao Ping Gandhi Alex Salmond OK that last one was a joke Reagan JFK if only because of his theatrically-brilliant martyrdom, like Jesus
We all accept (even Roger when he's not being an arse) that Thatcher was a great politician.
How many other great postwar politicians have their been?
In western Europe very very few. Perhaps none. De Gaulle was wartime. Adenauer maybe? Hmmm. Across all Europe I'd say Gorbachev, Walesa and Pope John Paul.
Across the world I'd say
De Klerk and Mandela Lula of Brazil Castro (much as I loathe him) Pinochet (saved Chile from Marxism) Deng Xiao Ping Gandhi Alex Salmond OK that last one was a joke Reagan JFK if only because of his theatrically-brilliant martyrdom, like Jesus
We all accept (even Roger when he's not being an arse) that Thatcher was a great politician.
How many other great postwar politicians have their been?
In western Europe very very few. Perhaps none. De Gaulle was wartime. Adenauer maybe? Hmmm. Across all Europe I'd say Gorbachev, Walesa and Pope John Paul.
Across the world I'd say
De Klerk and Mandela Lula of Brazil Castro (much as I loathe him) Pinochet (saved Chile from Marxism) Deng Xiao Ping Gandhi Alex Salmond OK that last one was a joke Reagan JFK if only because of his theatrically-brilliant martyrdom, like Jesus
Now we know there's definitely something called society; it's paying for all this.
Personally, I think it is Neil Kinnock who is the father of the modern labour party.
He didn;t have the calibre to beat a very strong opponent, but Blair inherited a vastly changed party to the one Kinnock did.
this is getting weird...
But Tony was another Tory !
He stood as Labour last time I checked :P
'Frank Field showing the left how it should be done'
Ed was excellent,Gerald Kaufman also showing the left how it should be done.
Let's see when the vote for war was put to the House what percentage of Labour MPs voted against compared to the Tories ?
"We were elected as New Labour. We will govern as New Labour".
He didn't make any mention of the Tories!
"the Federal Central Tax Office for control"
Normally this isn't good news :-( as they like asking for money
Does anyone have any documentary evidence? ;-)
The request to the Queen to approve such a funeral came from the government and Thatcher's family several years ago, believed to be around the time the Operation True Blue committee was set up under Tony Blair's premiership in 2006.
In the US - where my parents have lived for the past 20years - my father was talking to some Geordie lads who were in North Carolina for the summer on a building contract. They whined and whined about Thatcher closing down the mines, decimating jobs (they were all young). My father pointed out that without Thatcher, they wouldn't be enjoying a nice beer in the Carolina sunshine, but instead doomed to working in grimy conditions, probably ending up with cancer or some other long term illness. They agreed and said cheers to Thatcher!
Presumably these results are seriously distorted by the relatively small proportion of home ownership in Germany but it still puts the bail outs into a different light. Why on earth should German taxpayers be forking out to save the rich Cypriots? I mean its not like the Cypriots are bankers or anything...
To rephrase F E Smith:
It would be possible to say without exaggeration that the footballers were the stupidest men in Britain if we had not frequent occasion to meet the owners.
Cyclist killed in accident was global warming expert. The scary thing about all this is that the cyclist (Dr Katherine Giles) took on the job following the accidental death of her predecessor.
Its tube station is the deepest beneath street level, 221ft.
She's the single reason I would never vote Tory however much the party tries to humanize itself and I suspect this holds true for well over half of the country. Her values were not only not mine but I'd like to think they weren't those of most civilized people.
Now that the eulogizing is over I look forward to some serious reflection on the ongoing damage that she did. The most divisive leader of any of our lifetimes as Scottish Independence may well be about to prove.
As for today it was PB at it's worse. It was like North Korea. Who has not shown sufficient respect to our esteemed ex leader...........
Pass the sickbag.......
However, can you explain how your values are incompatible? Which values, a bit of detail to make your position more graphic and understandable rather than a woolly generalisation?
I can't pretend that I agree with you on this, but some of the actions of Labour's union allies in the late '70s were damaging and dehumanising. MPs like Glenda Jackson are a reminder of the weaknesses or failings highlighted by Barry Sheerman which contributed to Labour's years in the wilderness.
I don't speak Spanish but I understand that the tagline states that recently a British ex-Minister resigned for lying about a traffic offence: http://ragingbullshitdotcom.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/image.jpg
Sent your anti-Thatcher tweet yet? Remember, if you don't get it in by 11pm tonight it won't count and you'll be ejected from the industry
I'm not quite sure which of your so-called 'values' were offended by her dealing with all of these problems, most of which previous governments had flunked - but I can recognise irrational prejudice when I see it.
' Her values were not only not mine but I'd like to think they weren't those of most civilized people.'
According to recent polling lots of uncivilized people.
I am sure there was, as there should have been because no minister did resign over a traffic offence. A minister of the Crown resigned his office, but not his seat, whilst awaiting trial for trying to corrupt the justice system of his country and then resigned his seat when he admitted he had been lying all along and had actually tried to pervert the course of justice.
Perhaps if someone explained the facts to the Spaniards they would not be incredulous.
Architect of German Re-unification and the Euro.
Don't worry, all this Thatcher eulogising, like Northern Rock, will be forgotten by next weekend.
As I suspected. No sensible conversation is possible