Presumably the 4 Lib dems who voted for Brown as our best post war Prime Minister belong to the wing of the party which favours legalising drugs.
It is surely a measure of the man that he, as a former Prime Minister himself and still allegedly a member of Parliament, did not make it to the House today. I am not for a minute suggesting that he would have added anything to the occasion but as usual his conduct in inviting Mrs T to No. 10 is shown up for the rank hypocrisy it was.
Presumably the 4 Lib dems who voted for Brown as our best post war Prime Minister belong to the wing of the party which favours legalising drugs.
It is surely a measure of the man that he, as a former Prime Minister himself and still allegedly a member of Parliament, did not make it to the House today. I am not for a minute suggesting that he would have added anything to the occasion but as usual his conduct in inviting Mrs T to No. 10 is shown up for the rank hypocrisy it was.
Didn't someone earlier say that Brown is attending a funeral today?
RT @JonathanArnott: UKIP membership has this afternoon passed 25,000. Tremendous news that the Party continues to grow at an astonishing rate.
That is good news indeed ! Our democracy is going from strength to strength. The Tories had a monopoly of right wing views. Now we will have pluralism, which is good.
Presumably the 4 Lib dems who voted for Brown as our best post war Prime Minister belong to the wing of the party which favours legalising drugs.
It is surely a measure of the man that he, as a former Prime Minister himself and still allegedly a member of Parliament, did not make it to the House today. I am not for a minute suggesting that he would have added anything to the occasion but as usual his conduct in inviting Mrs T to No. 10 is shown up for the rank hypocrisy it was.
Didn't someone earlier say that Brown is attending a funeral today?
He's in Cannes at MIP TV (where channels buy and sell TV products, do deals and so on) to urge for more media attention in girls' education.
He sent Sarah to Westminstrer to watch from the gallery.
Presumably the 4 Lib dems who voted for Brown as our best post war Prime Minister belong to the wing of the party which favours legalising drugs.
It is surely a measure of the man that he, as a former Prime Minister himself and still allegedly a member of Parliament, did not make it to the House today. I am not for a minute suggesting that he would have added anything to the occasion but as usual his conduct in inviting Mrs T to No. 10 is shown up for the rank hypocrisy it was.
Didn't someone earlier say that Brown is attending a funeral today?
RT @benatipsosmori: In office, Mrs T had the highest score for being capable of any PM(62%) but was never liked. 1990 net satisfaction lowest ever for a PM
Presumably the 4 Lib dems who voted for Brown as our best post war Prime Minister belong to the wing of the party which favours legalising drugs.
It is surely a measure of the man that he, as a former Prime Minister himself and still allegedly a member of Parliament, did not make it to the House today. I am not for a minute suggesting that he would have added anything to the occasion but as usual his conduct in inviting Mrs T to No. 10 is shown up for the rank hypocrisy it was.
Didn't someone earlier say that Brown is attending a funeral today?
"Mr Brown was unable to attend Parliament because he was giving a speech in Cannes as part of his role as the United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education, the spokesman said."
At least that's a better reason than we've seen from the 'look-at-me' petulant Labour MPs busy 'washing their hair'.....or with dynastic politics is that 'heir'?
In the Classical Music charts it is the Agnus Dei from Mozart's Requièm Mass in D minor (K. 626).
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona eis requiem. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona eis requiem. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona eis requiem sempiternam.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, grant them eternal rest. Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Grant them eternal rest. Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, grant them eternal rest forever.
Presumably the 4 Lib dems who voted for Brown as our best post war Prime Minister belong to the wing of the party which favours legalising drugs.
It is surely a measure of the man that he, as a former Prime Minister himself and still allegedly a member of Parliament, did not make it to the House today. I am not for a minute suggesting that he would have added anything to the occasion but as usual his conduct in inviting Mrs T to No. 10 is shown up for the rank hypocrisy it was.
Didn't someone earlier say that Brown is attending a funeral today?
"Mr Brown was unable to attend Parliament because he was giving a speech in Cannes as part of his role as the United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education, the spokesman said."
At least that's a better reason than we've seen from the 'look-at-me' petulant Labour MPs busy 'washing their hair'.....or with dynastic politics is that 'heir'?
She can be judged by the quality of her enemies. If you get slagged off by Gerry Adams, Ken Livingstone, Derek Hatton, George Galloway, Argentine veterans of the Falklands war, and other assorted bacilli, you can be sure you've done something right.
Wonder how many of those Labourites MPs not bothering turning up today will turn up when St Nelson snuffs it. Wonder how many commentators will turn it back at them?
You're complaining about how the BBC will cover something that hasnt happened yet?
I am certainly not expecting a fair and balanced coverage. I'd go further and suggest a foreign politician will receive the wall to wall coverage not accorded to anyone else.
Or, perhaps, you think the Left's secular saint is immortal. Maybe the "prayers of the world" will give him immortality.
RT @benatipsosmori: In office, Mrs T had the highest score for being capable of any PM(62%) but was never liked. 1990 net satisfaction lowest ever for a PM
Hardly anyone is mentioning the Poll Tax. The Tories are falling in a heap to gush praise.
Please remind us. Who stabbed Thatcher at the back ? Was it members of the Labour Party or was is members of the Conservative Party ?
RT @benatipsosmori: In office, Mrs T had the highest score for being capable of any PM(62%) but was never liked. 1990 net satisfaction lowest ever for a PM
Hardly anyone is mentioning the Poll Tax. The Tories are falling in a heap to gush praise.
Please remind us. Who stabbed Thatcher at the back ? Was it members of the Labour Party or was is members of the Conservative Party ?
How many of those members in 1990 are still in Parliament now?
John Whittingdale gives both Clegg and Winnick well deserved slaps - the first for his 'no such thing as society' mis-representation, the latter for ignoring her opposition to apartheid.
RT @benatipsosmori: In office, Mrs T had the highest score for being capable of any PM(62%) but was never liked. 1990 net satisfaction lowest ever for a PM
Hardly anyone is mentioning the Poll Tax. The Tories are falling in a heap to gush praise.
Please remind us. Who stabbed Thatcher at the back ? Was it members of the Labour Party or was is members of the Conservative Party ?
How many of those members in 1990 are still in Parliament now?
Did you hear any of those Tories, member or not, say Sorry ?
RT @RyanCPS: Glenda Jackson really misjudging the mood here.
Actually I think Mrs T would be looking down enjoying Glenda Jacksons speech, as I don't think she was the type of person who liked being told what she wanted to hear. Mrs T was quite outspoken herself on many occasions and did not run with the grain.
Anyone here au fait with German translations, have a letter from Der 'Bundeszentralanmt fur Steuern'' ! PM me if you can help Is NickP a German speaker ?
Thacher won three elections and we are spending £10 million on her funeral. Good though, I like public spending.
What happened when the man who won four elections died ? How much was spent on his funeral ?
Two minority governments with elections 6 months apart, 1 government with a wafer-thin majority and just one with a working majority. Country went from bad to worse in the process, became the sick man of Europe, and had to be bailed out by the IMF.
Can't really compare that to three outright victories, two of which were landslides, and the transformation of a nation to a genuine political and economic power.
From the american website NSFW (although its edited and published by a Brit) an obituary which highlights Maggie Thatcher's only real crime (its saved to the very end) and boy is it damning.
Frank Field showing the left how it should be done.
Didnt Ed Miliband do that earlier? I doubt anyone really cares about the tone MPs strike in their contributions today.
Miliband was excellent - but because he is leader, necessarily, a teeny bit bland.
The Labour back bench speeches have ranged from the thoughtful and amusing (Kaufmann, Field) through the careful but critical (Abbot) to good old fashioned class war rant (Winnick, Jackson).
Similarly, the nationalist parties have differed in their responses - the SDLP, measured critique, to the SNP's victim's whine.....
Frank Field showing the left how it should be done.
Didnt Ed Miliband do that earlier? I doubt anyone really cares about the tone MPs strike in their contributions today.
Miliband had a much more difficult task. He had to produce soundbites for the evening's news bulletins; to position his party in the great battle; and, to be as seen as statesmanlike but neither trite nor sycophantic by friend and foe alike.
Ed succeeded.
Frank Field had much greater licence. He was never going to be broadcast to the nation outside of the parliamentary channel's coverage. He was therefore free to criticise Thatcher's legacy. Wisely he did so without appearing mean minded, bilious or ranting.
Actually, Dan Hodges has reacted with some style in a tweet (there are so many things wrong with that sentence I don't know where to begin, but there you are):
What were the major achievements of Churchill's 1951-55 ministry? Late colonial atrocities are the only things that come to mind.
They undid quite a lot of the more extreme Attlee madnesses, denationalised most of the steel industry and I think road haulage, ended rationing, but most importantly achieved their ambitious target of building 300,000 homes a year.
I'm sure someone has commented but I'm too busy to read the threads, but Paddy Ashdown made a superb speech in the Lords.
I thought both DC and EM were very good too. Our political elite do set-piece oratory and statecraft well. I felt quite proud listening to it; we are all Brits on this tiny little island after all.
(I'm becoming a soppy fecker, obviously)
oh, and ps - John Pienaar really likes Ed M. I think he fancies him not just as next PM but as a good one too. And Pienaar has been around a long time... Beeb or no Beeb.
Jill Knight Peggy Fenner Sally Oppenheim Janet Fookes Elaine Kellett-Bowman Lynda Chalker Sheila Faith (one termer) Angela Rumbold Anna McCurley (one term) Edwina Currie Elizabeth Peacock Marion Roe Ann Winterton Virginia Bottomley
from 1987 Teresa Gorman Emma Nicholson Maureen Hicks Gillian Shepherd Ann Widdecombe
the class of 87 arrived too late for Thatcher. Edwina had the eggs problem. Perhaps it is surprising Lynda Chalker never got too far. She lost her seat in 1992 though (but she was at oversee development under Major's early years. So not a particularly hot seat)-
That was the beauty of telly in those days. Three eclectic channels where you could get anything leaping out at you.
One minute you'd be dozing off in front of Tomorrow's World, next minute you are watching an unabridged version of Russell's Women in Love with your grandma...
That was the beauty of telly in those days. Three eclectic channels where you could get anything leaping out at you.
One minute you'd be dozing off in front of Tomorrow's World, next minute you are watching an unabridged version of Russell's Women in Love with your grandma...
It was seat of the pants stuff...
Watching them rolling in the hay with grandma adjusting her specs was when you shifted around on the sofa !
RT @benatipsosmori: In office, Mrs T had the highest score for being capable of any PM(62%) but was never liked. 1990 net satisfaction lowest ever for a PM
Hardly anyone is mentioning the Poll Tax. The Tories are falling in a heap to gush praise.
Please remind us. Who stabbed Thatcher at the back ? Was it members of the Labour Party or was is members of the Conservative Party ?
How many of those members in 1990 are still in Parliament now?
Did you hear any of those Tories, member or not, say Sorry ?
Anyone here au fait with German translations, have a letter from Der 'Bundeszentralanmt fur Steuern'' ! PM me if you can help Is NickP a German speaker ?
You could try pasting the text into Google Translate. I only did GCSE level by the way
RT @benatipsosmori: In office, Mrs T had the highest score for being capable of any PM(62%) but was never liked. 1990 net satisfaction lowest ever for a PM
Hardly anyone is mentioning the Poll Tax. The Tories are falling in a heap to gush praise.
Please remind us. Who stabbed Thatcher at the back ? Was it members of the Labour Party or was is members of the Conservative Party ?
How many of those members in 1990 are still in Parliament now?
Did you hear any of those Tories, member or not, say Sorry ?
How many are even still alive?
Quite a few - including one in the cabinet today (Rt Hon member for Rushcliffe). Others that come to mind, apart from Major, are Heseltine, Hurd, Patten, Lamont, King & Howard but no doubt there are more.
Andy Slaughter MP tweets: Tory MPs barracking and heckling Glenda Jackson and David Winnick for mild criticisms of Thatcher. Childish and undemocratic.
Sorry, forgot about this: "Der 'Bundeszentralanmt fur Steuern"
I think that's the Federal Centre (not sure if 'anmt' adds anything) for, er, probably driving. I had to check Steuern on wiktionary (I haven't used German for ages, sadly) and it means steering.
Sheerman - Labour in the 1970s was shambolic, didn't know how to deal with Mrs Thatcher's Gladstonian Liberalism ... Mrs Thatcher transformed the Labour Party.
RT @benatipsosmori: In office, Mrs T had the highest score for being capable of any PM(62%) but was never liked. 1990 net satisfaction lowest ever for a PM
Hardly anyone is mentioning the Poll Tax. The Tories are falling in a heap to gush praise.
Please remind us. Who stabbed Thatcher at the back ? Was it members of the Labour Party or was is members of the Conservative Party ?
How many of those members in 1990 are still in Parliament now?
Did you hear any of those Tories, member or not, say Sorry ?
How many are even still alive?
They stabbed her in the back only 22 yeras ago. Most of them are still alive. She herself just died !
At least, there will be £10 milion public spending. At least, something good has happened !
Apparently because Parliament has been recalled an opportunity has arisen for Labour to call the South Shields by-election for 2nd May after all. Whether they'll take it is another matter of course.
RT @benatipsosmori: In office, Mrs T had the highest score for being capable of any PM(62%) but was never liked. 1990 net satisfaction lowest ever for a PM
Hardly anyone is mentioning the Poll Tax. The Tories are falling in a heap to gush praise.
Please remind us. Who stabbed Thatcher at the back ? Was it members of the Labour Party or was is members of the Conservative Party ?
How many of those members in 1990 are still in Parliament now?
Did you hear any of those Tories, member or not, say Sorry ?
How many are even still alive?
They stabbed her in the back only 22 yeras ago. Most of them are still alive. She herself just died !
At least, there will be £10 milion public spending. At least, something good has happened !
The £10 million of public money spent on her funeral is Maggie's last laugh. It is her pall tax.
It is surely a measure of the man that he, as a former Prime Minister himself and still allegedly a member of Parliament, did not make it to the House today. I am not for a minute suggesting that he would have added anything to the occasion but as usual his conduct in inviting Mrs T to No. 10 is shown up for the rank hypocrisy it was.
See 2.35pm on the Guardian live blog.
Tories also support FPTP.
He sent Sarah to Westminstrer to watch from the gallery.
He may be calling on Roger in Villeneuve-sur-mer this afternoon.
At least that's a better reason than we've seen from the 'look-at-me' petulant Labour MPs busy 'washing their hair'.....or with dynastic politics is that 'heir'?
"Ed Miliband's tribute to Margaret Thatcher was perfectly judged: moving, eloquent, generous without fawning"
Agnus Dei, qui tollis
peccata mundi,
dona eis requiem.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis
peccata mundi,
dona eis requiem.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis
peccata mundi,
dona eis requiem sempiternam.
Lamb of God, who takes away
the sins of the world,
grant them eternal rest.
Lamb of God, who takes away
the sins of the world,
Grant them eternal rest.
Lamb of God, who takes away
the sins of the world,
grant them eternal rest forever.
You've got to admire their business acumen.
Hmm. Be a bit more credible if he'd said that immediately post race and hadn't apologised for ignoring team orders.
"and other assorted bacilli"
On the fair and balanced BBC. None.
Carlotta was quite right in describing it as a pent up rant.
A rare glimpse back to genuine Old Labour of the sixties and seventies.
Or, perhaps, you think the Left's secular saint is immortal. Maybe the "prayers of the world" will give him immortality.
Please remind us. Who stabbed Thatcher at the back ? Was it members of the Labour Party or was is members of the Conservative Party ?
Clegg's effort:
What happened when the man who won four elections died ? How much was spent on his funeral ?
"A SOUTH Shields-born woman is favourite to be the Conservative candidate to fight the town’s forthcoming Parliamentary by-election.
Karen Allen, 34, a director with London-based Howden Insurance Brokers, was approached by the party locally to represent it for the second time."
Middle-aged Britain has become the Sealed Knot. We're reenacting the civil war of the 1980s with blank bullets and fake gun-smoke
"@DPJHodges The member for Hampstead and Kilburn does not appear to have read your article."
Can't really compare that to three outright victories, two of which were landslides, and the transformation of a nation to a genuine political and economic power.
Other than that, good point.
As an aside this is also how to share articles behind a paywall. That link opens the paywall up for that article for 48 hours.
The Labour back bench speeches have ranged from the thoughtful and amusing (Kaufmann, Field) through the careful but critical (Abbot) to good old fashioned class war rant (Winnick, Jackson).
Similarly, the nationalist parties have differed in their responses - the SDLP, measured critique, to the SNP's victim's whine.....
SeanT and I discussed that Dan H was damaged from seeing his mother's "Gangsta Sporran" on TV.
Ed succeeded.
Frank Field had much greater licence. He was never going to be broadcast to the nation outside of the parliamentary channel's coverage. He was therefore free to criticise Thatcher's legacy. Wisely he did so without appearing mean minded, bilious or ranting.
Frank succeeded too.
"@theresecoffey @paulwaugh Can't be annoyed. Need her to baby sit."
I thought both DC and EM were very good too. Our political elite do set-piece oratory and statecraft well. I felt quite proud listening to it; we are all Brits on this tiny little island after all.
(I'm becoming a soppy fecker, obviously)
oh, and ps - John Pienaar really likes Ed M. I think he fancies him not just as next PM but as a good one too. And Pienaar has been around a long time... Beeb or no Beeb.
Jill Knight
Peggy Fenner
Sally Oppenheim
Janet Fookes
Elaine Kellett-Bowman
Lynda Chalker
Sheila Faith (one termer)
Angela Rumbold
Anna McCurley (one term)
Edwina Currie
Elizabeth Peacock
Marion Roe
Ann Winterton
Virginia Bottomley
from 1987
Teresa Gorman
Emma Nicholson
Maureen Hicks
Gillian Shepherd
Ann Widdecombe
the class of 87 arrived too late for Thatcher. Edwina had the eggs problem.
Perhaps it is surprising Lynda Chalker never got too far. She lost her seat in 1992 though (but she was at oversee development under Major's early years. So not a particularly hot seat)-
Kellett-Bowman, Winterton, Jill Knight...well,....
where is Plaid?
Dear old Shirley Williams was insisting that there were many talented female MPs she could have brought into the Cabinet.
That was the beauty of telly in those days. Three eclectic channels where you could get anything leaping out at you.
One minute you'd be dozing off in front of Tomorrow's World, next minute you are watching an unabridged version of Russell's Women in Love with your grandma...
It was seat of the pants stuff...
But frankly, how many talented women do you see in that list leaving aside those who arrived in 1987? At best 2-3
How come he turned out to be a Tory !
Bob Crow apparently told BBC she can root in hell
"How come he turned out to be a Tory !"
Well, wouldn't you? Poor man.
"Der 'Bundeszentralanmt fur Steuern"
I think that's the Federal Centre (not sure if 'anmt' adds anything) for, er, probably driving. I had to check Steuern on wiktionary (I haven't used German for ages, sadly) and it means steering.
At least, there will be £10 milion public spending. At least, something good has happened !