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Is that enough?
And that is without her previous business career.
ERG Heath Conservative 25,716 47.39%
LL Reeves Labour 21,127 38.93%
PL McArthur Liberal 6,161 11.35%
J Paul Anti-Common Market League 1,263 2.33%
Bexley 1966
ERG Heath Conservative 26,377 48.11%
RL Butler Labour 24,044 43.86%
RF Lloyd Liberal 4,405 8.03%
This last week I have worked 89 hours.
If that were paid at 150% of salary, I would be able to retire in about three years.
Oh, wait...
I'll get my coat.
Theresa May Just Negotiated Away the United Kingdom
However I do agree a Rudd v Davis, an aligner v a diverger, is the most likely choice Tory MPs will put before the Tory membership when May finally steps down before the next general election.
The Spectator really has declined in quality massively since Brexit. This piece is on par with UnHerd’s articles on millennials and communism. Too many of these commentators really don’t get young people.
And I bet he didn't even bring a fridge magnet back from his trip....
Just a theory.....
The FTA that ends free movement that Canada offers is the only option that respects the vote and gets a trade deal with the EU too.
I'll give you a clue, the Leaver in Stoke will be pissed as hell when the government cancels his tax credits because the Treasury doesn't have the funds to pay them.
Soon it'll be some other Leaver that HYUFD is certain about.
Although if IIRC you implied that young people would be too busy playing PlayStation to turn out to vote, so maybe it’s not me who needs to think about how in touch they are with young people’s views.
Does it cover financial services ?
London where the City is based voted Remain but lost. We are going to have to accept that London's huge lead over the rest of the country and particularly the country beyond the Home Counties, in terms of wages and house prices etc is going to narrow post Brexit, that is democracy tough. I expect Paris will narrow the gap with London as the main European financial sector over the next few years but I still expect London to stay ahead.
It is also tax cuts for low and middle income workers we need, not more tax credits.
Ban sale of mini mobile phones, justice secretary says
The solution is mobile signal blocking. You can then have people shove as many mini-mobiles up their arse and it will do them no good at all.
The records are homologated by the World Sailing Speed Record Council (WSSRC).[1]
According to the WSSRC, for around the world sailing records, there is a rule saying that the length must be at least 21,600 nmi calculated along the shortest possible track from the starting port and back that does not cross land and does not go below 63°S. The great-circle distance formulas are to be used, assuming that the great circle length is 21,600 nmi. It is allowed to have one single waypoint to lengthen the calculated track. The equator must be crossed.[2] In reality, this means that the boat should pass a waypoint at or not far from the antipode of the starting port of the journey (the exact position depends on how short the shortest possible track is). For example, the Vendée Globe starts at 46°N 2°W, has a waypoint at 57°S 180°E, and barely makes the distance requirement. The participants don't have to go to the antipode at 46°S 178°E since the rounding of Africa gives extra distance.
It's amazing to think how the times have improved - the eastbound record in 1997 was 71 days, the latest earlier this year was just 40. The westbound record is 122 days!
The point I keep making is that when we see a news story about something complicated that we have knowledge about and immediately call bullshit on it, what does that say about the other 99% of news where we are supposed to rely on them to inform us?
I think a lot of people vaguely feel they'd rather be like Canada (big, independent-minded) than Norway (small, prospering but clearly not very independent). I doub t if most people have seriously weighed up EFTA vs NAFTA. But there are too many unknowns for most people to give a meaningful answer to a snap poll - how much trade disruption do we accept, with what consequences? What constraints on movement? What degree of regulatory identity? etc.
Meanwhile all the teenagers will know how to use VPNs and proxy servers in no time at all.
Mr. Sandpit, well, quite.
Reminds me of when Sniff Petrol (think Top Gear meets F1) had an orange background and some filters blocked it because the amount of orange pressed the 'must be lots of bare flesh here' button.
Please tell me the double entendres were not deliberate.
It is designed to stop every unaccredited Tom, Dick, and Harry trying to pass themselves of as official or approved.
For example you cannot have 'Chemist' in your business name without approval from The General Pharmaceutical Council.
Your comparison with 'Chemist' is fatuous.
I don't know if "Institute" in on the list. If it is, it would be interesting to know what the requirements are to be one.
It's also possible they've fallen foul of the "trading under then name of" rules, which limit your ability to be John Smith Ltd, trading under the name of IBM.
Whatever the purported positives, however, I cannot see a minority government selling such an idea to the public. I doubt humanity waited until we had paintbrushes - hand daubed images sufficient with plenty of imagination.
Personally I think the proper way to enjoy porn is via the medium of scrimshaw, but it's hard to find these days
28 Words/Terms on Annex B
25 Words/Terms on Annex C
You can tell I set up a lot of new companies can't you
(Just don't tell Hunchman)
The right wing Tories who have wet dreams about scrapping regulations which protect workers should be made to do some of the shit jobs others have little choice in carrying out. Many people in society have no choice in the job they carry out and they don't have trust funds and rich mummies and daddy's to make life more tolerable. Life can be very harsh for some with little ability, medical constraints or just bad luck in life.