politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » With the Alabama polls showing the Farage-backed Moore 3.8% ahead the betting makes him an 81% chance
What Alabama's Senior Senator thinks of the man Farage is campaigning for in Tuesday crucial election https://t.co/GiUQ9ZuUwP
Read the full story here
youre their audience, they send you bait and you click madly
switch off social media and restore your sanity
Trouble is---this election matters.
the US has been electing various shades of nutjobs into ofiice for years and nothing has happened
this is simply a cause celebre one issue election
in 3 months when the circus has moved on you wont even remember it
If you have no interest in US politics yourself, fair enough, but don't expect others to share your indifference.
I'll take it you voted Remain
first round coalition talks start on Wednesday, SPD taking hard line
Well at least isn’t Brexit, Mrs May seems to have got through the first weekend after her stage 1 deal relatively unscathed.
It’s cold to be a cold 26 degrees in the sandpit today
Politics in the Gulf is a little fragile now, with Qatar and Iran arming the rebels in Yemen against the rest of the regional powers. Arming both sides of a war is great for business if you can get away with it, but if not done with extreme care it can get very messy very quickly!
Very informative comment on the various types of Typhoon on the last thread by the way
Time for an Xmas present of a new government.
It's like their thing with guns. If slaughtering 5 year olds in their classroom doesn't make them think again, nothing will.
Anyway, at last we know one thing:
Gozer the Gozerian: Sub-creatures. Gozer the Gozerian, Gozer the Destructor, Volgus Zildrohar, the Traveler has come. Choose and perish.
Ray Stantz: What do you mean, choose? We don't understand.
Gozer the Gozerian: Choose. Choose the form of the Destructor.
Peter Venkman: Oh, I get it! I get it. Oh! Very cute. [to the others] "Whatever we think of." If we think of J. Edgar Hoover, J. Edgar Hoover will appear and destroy us, okay? So empty your heads. Empty your heads. Don't think of anything. We've only got one shot at this.
Gozer the Gozerian: The choice is made.
Peter Venkman: Whoa! Hold on! Whoa!
Gozer the Gozerian: The Traveler has come.
Peter Venkman: Nobody "choosed" anything! [turns to Egon] Did you choose anything?
Egon Spengler: No.
Peter Venkman: [to Winston] Did you?
Winston Zeddemore: My mind is totally blank.
Peter Venkman: I didn't choose anything! [All three slowly turn to confront Ray]
Ray Stantz: I couldn't help it. It just popped in there.
Ray chose Donald Trump
More likely an attempt to purchase political/diplomatic support.
As with Trump, the GOP establishment thinks "Yeuch!", but the core vote thinks that's a good thing.
Interestingly, there has been no recovery in Trump's national rating despite the tax bill passing and no obvious scandals in recent weeks by his standards. The anti-Trump core vote is solid too, it's just that most of themdon't live in Alabama.
for a chunk of the population the EU, Blair and Clegg made their lives worse than your trio, hence recent voting patterns
The Alabama election is quite an interesting one. Although perhaps not top of the agenda, it also comes after Trump's tax triumph and that may help the reds.
look at the growing inequality between the SE and the rest of the country
Uni fees, well ......
As a result the bill is having to go to conference and be voted on again.
lovely Brexit and lovely Trump for lovely working-class people
though we'll never vote for anything that actually helps them, just things we like that we think they like too
I just saw a bit on the news about it passing, and nothing else.
.... That'll teach me to rely on the news for news!
[As an aside, I was baffled that the BBC the other night gave more time to Bradley Wiggins erroneously thinking there was a false start in a rowing event than to Ronnie O'Sullivan winning the UK title for the sixth time].
This will be the first opportunity traders will have had to lay the future price of BTC, so we can take a guess at what might be about to happen...
If moderate Republicans write in Strange or a former marine colonel who is running as a centrist alternative to Jones and Moore and if there is high black and female turnout Jones could yet seek it.
The Democrats will be hoping Jones is their Scott Brown, Brown being the moderate Republican who beat Martha Coakley for Ted Kennedy's old Massachusetts seat in 2010, albeit only holding the seat for 2 years until Elizabeth Warren won it back for the Democrats in 2012
Some clever person dug out all the dates. If they might do so again that would be great
Morning all! A beautiful day in the capital...
That Times headline tells you everything you need to know about TM
Despite recent successes, Goldilocks is down to 37.1% on Nate Silver's chart. This would be dangerously low for a normal President, but what's normal these day in the US....or here even?
It’s basically virtual currency, created by a network of computers churning through difficult maths problems - rather than by a government, central bank or other regulated authority.
Seems bananas to me.
I've got a nice 16/1 bet on Burnley in Betfair handicap premiership market. City have no handicap - Burnley have 43 points added meaning that I win even if City, as his highly likely, wins the EPL provided their gap over Burnley is less than 43 points
To say the price is extremely volatile would be something of an understatement.
Yes, it’s a 21st Century tulip bulb.
I know this is all a partisan bun fight to many on here, but it really isn't to people from these countries. I have had relations disappeared in Iran. No doubt they were tortured before being thrown in a pit somewhere but my family will likely never know.
' In October 2017, the retail trade decreased by 2.1% compared with October 2016, all store types showed decline as food retailing was down 1.7% and non-food retailing was down 2.4%.
Estimates of the value of retail sales fell month-on-month also: -1.0% compared with September 2017. '
This is what is genuinely scary about McDonnell, Milne etc. They would not shrink from utterly debauching our system of government to stay in power. They will make the Tories look like bunny rabbits.
State aid packages are a bit of a difficult area, because they don't only have EU hurdles to jump. EU law allows for some subsidy where the industry is deemed 'strategically important'. WTO rules are a little more flexible. So for example, for security reasons there is some leeway on Steel, Aerospace etc - items that might be deemed important for defence.
I think this comment and your actions over the Lisbon Treaty show how your commitment to democracy is less than total. It's not uncommon on the left.
"What's the requirement of my job?" Davis asked LBC's Nick Ferrari.
"I don't have to be very clever. I don't have to know that much. I just do have to be calm."
I imagine it's more costly per £1 of value than fiat currency, but still...