politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » The timing of this leak makes me think it is all about ousting Damian Green, and ultimately Mrs May
Exc: Damian Green “offered to pay salary of DUP staff member from Tory party funds” after confidence and supply deal struck https://t.co/d2CaaG4ybl
Read the full story here
So the story is a double whammy. It's not only an anti Damien Green piece but it's a pro Sue Gray piece establishing her independence of mind in general and re Damien Green in particular. And all just before she gives judgement on Damien Green.
The timing seems significant.
Oh pulease! Does it ever get chilly up there on the moral high ground? I suppose you can wrap up well in pomposity to keep warm....
But yes, what’s really interesting is who is doing the leaking and why....
From a British perspective, every few weeks the EU are finding a different new reason not to move to the trade talks. This is exactly as I predicted their playbook would be. They’ve no interest in a continuous trade deal, as we need to be seen to be punished. Their plan is to run the clock down and present us with an eleventh-hour one-sided fait accompli to avoid a chaotic crash out. Which is why we need to decide by next month whether we should stop wasting our time playing their game and spend the fifteen months we have left getting ourselves ready for an orderly exit to WTO terms.
We are happy to have no border or an electronic one. What Ireland and the EU decide to do on their side is entirely up to them.
Until it's clear that a border isn't in our interest. We don't want trucks being stopped. Or delays added. So it's just the EU being silly insisting there will be a hard border on their border like we demanded. No need for a border or checks, we'll just waive them through like we do now why can't they do the same? Control our own land border with the EU? Not at all, let anyone walk into the UK, that's how we take back control and solve the apparent problem of anyone walking into the UK.
Aware of how absurd your position is?
I confess I'm stumped on both counts.
Secondly, there’s already a common travel area between the UK and RoI, which predates our EU membership and no-one at all is proposing to change. British and Irish citizens will be bale to visit each other’s countries and work in each countries after Brexit, in exactly the same way as they can now.
What we are changing, is that we will abolish what the EU call “Freedom of movement”. This has a very specific meaning which has nothing at all to do with borders and passports, refers solely to the issuance of national insurance numbers and entitlement to state benefits and services to any EU citizen as if they were British. People who should know better are conflating “Freedom of movement” so much with border controls and passport checks that, rather like the conflation of debt and deficit a few years ago, one gets the impression that it’s being done deliberately in support of their position.
Personally I’d rather not see Nigel Farage holding the balance of power in the next Parliament.
The way the talks are structured Irish influence peaks at this stage and diminishes afterward. Of course they should make their move at their moment of maximum advantage. Good on them.
But in reality the fantasy is what people like you insist they voted for. "Should Britain remain part of the European Union or leave the European Union". That's all. Not migration or the NHS or the EEA or the CU. The EU and only the EU. The EU is a legally specific entity so were it not for people conflating it with all these other things it would be extremely simple.
Which is why the solution to Brexit is simple - Brexit. We leave the EU. What people voted for thus satisfying democracy. We don't leave the EEA or CU so that our economy continues to function. We end Freedom of Movement by imposing already available EU rules that mandate migrants to have a job or be removed.
We could do these things. But that cretin May and her band of dipshits have declared honouring the referendum to not be honouring the referendum.
"Dad's family" has a very specific definition - it's descendants in the male line from Sir Richard XX It doesn't refer to "all ancestors".
My mother's family were Whigs and then Liberal Unionists (although one did resign from the Cabinet to set up the Ulster Unionists) so I don't see that as a bad thing.
As for the Irish issue, its not trade that is most important to us, it is security. The various agreements that ended the troubles were based on there not being a border. Reinstate the border and, some say, the troubles will return. It isn't worth waiting for another Londonderry bombing to find out whether that is true.
40 years later we have BoJo Davis Fox and the Moggmeister successfully turning the Conservative Party into Anarchists. Forget your rules man, we don't obey your rules we do what we want. The Man is a Pig and needs to be smashed. Our way or the highway, we want to be at the top table but fuck your rules pig we do what we want. We want to take back control man, of our borders. A hard border? No man, not for us, just for you. Trade? WTO all the way. Problems? Just waive them through that's taking back control. WTO won't let us waive some through and not others? Fuck your rules man, we're the man now. Anarchy!!!!
Unlike the experiment with Monetarism, the experiment with Anarchy isn't backed by the man. The Tories patrons are well aware of the hideous damage this will bring and are against. All the business and lobby groups that were their friends are against. And as the jobs disappear the working man will be against as well. Bye bye Tories - will you doggedly insist a vote for Labour would destroy the economy even as you bring it to ruin discovering that The Man (EU, WTO) actually does have rules?
How profoundly undemocratic to insist that people voting for one specific thing also voted for a whole pile of other things and that their non vote is binding and final
Ireland has a weak minority govt, a 38 year old narciissist as taoiseach and he's banging the kick the brits drum in an effort to stay in government
stirring things up in the \\north is plain idiotic
But the last time a single party got over 50% of the vote was 1931 (and ironically they were in a coalition anyway at the time).
For some reason, Leavers don't seem to get past the first of these three.
Every house will have a Free Owl and a Star Trek replicator. Want and sickness have been abolished by the Will of the People. Why not have Jeremy Corbyn as PM now that practicality has been abolished by popular vote ?
We kicked it all off, though. What a tangled web.
Monday blues chaps ?
but he did it all by himself
In fact I would go further. This is a lot more legitimate than using £1bn of public money to bribe the DUP into supporting the government. That was shameful, this is self interest.
2. Most leavers have accepted that FoM is part of the SM I believe? It's ususally the anti-Brexit camp that is pushing the SM case
3. I don't think anyone has argued that Ireland isn't entitled to push for this. Criticism has focused on the fact they are playing politics with peace and that their tactics seem odd
Land of Hope and Glory PB Brexiters telling us that sovereignty consists of letting someone else control our borders.
I mean what is sovereignty if not control over your own borders?
When Corbynism appears to be the sane alternative, we are indeed down the rabbit hole.
Some very prissy purists about (or maybe they just don’t like May)
keep up with your own bullshit
At one time I thought this could be used as a backdoor way of discussing the nature of that relationship going forward but we now have the truly absurd position that they are threatening not to discuss that relationship until we agree the border arrangements with an EU member state.
What we are saying is that we want a free trade deal with the EU with minimal disruption at the borders of the Customs Union. It is the EU who is trying to say that we can't have a FTA without freedom of movement because these things are supposedly indivisible (not sure how Canada feels about that).
If we get what we want the Irish border should be a minor inconvenience. If the EU hold to their position (which of course they are entitled to do, however, irrational) then it will be much more of a problem for both sides of the border. These issues are resolvable but only if there is rapid negotiation on the practicalities and details now. The idea that Ireland may seek to prevent those discussions is just bonkers.
He's not Bloefeld. Nor is Russia anything like as powerful as the USSR in Stalin's time, when it had agents everywhere and had penetrated most Western agencies.
Yes, he might run troll-farms on Facebook and Twitter. Yes, he might have a few hackers. Yes, he might have even conceivably funnelled tens of thousands via Aaron Banks via an intermediary, somehow.
But, he did not control Gove, Boris, Cummings, Baker or Stuart. Nor did he devise the strategy, attend the debates, produce or deliver the leaflets, or hold public meetings, or brainwash people via a raygun.
It's as ludicrous as suggesting that he actively had Craig Oliver under his spell, to deliberately run such a crap and ineffective Remain campaign.
isnt that how you lost the referendum ?
I really don't think that you would like the look of a post Brexit-walkaway House of Commons, following the election that would occur in short order and where one issue would dominate the campaign.
Kenny's government was working on a practical solution. The new team has stopped that work. That is frustrating because it's clear that the solution proposed by the UK (which is viable) needs a lot of detail to be worked through in a collaborative manner
Instead, Ireland have chosen to throw their toys out of the pram. Now you can make an argument this is when their leverage is greatest but in demanding a separation between NI and Great Britain I think they are asking for something the UK government simply cannot deliver politically.
In my mind it is very similar to the EU's original demand for perpetual oversight by the ECJ of the rights of EU citizens living in the UK: presumably a negotiating ploy but in stopping work on the alternative I think they are overplaying their hand
The rhetoric is that the EU is full square behind EIRE but I very much doubt they will let Varakar threaten trade talks for the rest of the EU26, or a UK crash out, and will be pressured to accept a fudged form of words, pending clarification over future trading arrangements.
Which is the only way it can be done since it hasn't even been discussed yet.
majority of NI population want no customs border in Ireland
majority of NI ppopulation support border controls between Ireland and GB
Can we get back to business now?
It's a classic prisoner's dilemma.
F1: post-race ramble here:
A few interesting things I noticed from my increased statistical collection this year (mostly around DNF rates and the like). If/when I do a post-season review I'll probably festoon it with graphs.
We had an ongoing dialogue with Ireland between grown-ups, trying to resolve what all the grown-ups know to be a very knotty issue. Then Ireland goes and gets Kevin the Teenager....
And if we didn't want borders - proper ones where people can be stopped and turned back - why did we vote for Brexit? Proper borders, properly controlled by ourselves as a sovereign and independent state, is surely the essence of Brexit. So surely we have to restore a hard border at our borders, which obviously means in Ireland, as in Gibraltar and other points of contact with the rest of the world.
What's the problem?
I think the leader and party board have some latitude though.
They can do what they consider in the best interests in the party.
If he’s picking a fight..... and worse, tearing up what was already done is it ‘just’ to dish the opposition? Or wave a flag to be rallied round?
You can buy a ticket today to go to any of the USA, Canada or Australia without a visa. Good luck getting a job or permanent property without one though.
Indeed in 2010 the Tories and UUP stood on a joint ticket in Northern Ireland.